The thesis I am presenting aims to demonstrate my ability to lead groups of researchers and, implicitly, my ability to supervise PhD theses. Of course, the most difficult thing is to have the ability to present, in a synthetic way, without being superficial, the evolution of the career, under its multiple aspects: professional, academic and scientific. As an extended approach to past achievements could generate an impression of self-sufficiency, efforts have been made so that the thesis both easy to read and, simultaneously edifying for the specialist's eye. The thesis will contain a presentation of the most important professional, academic and scientific achievements after obtaining the title of of . The fundamental directions of career development will also be presented, focusing on academic and professional development and scientific research.

The habilitation thesis consists of two parts. In the first part I will present the motivation that determines me to defend this habilitation thesis, following which I will present the academic, professional evolution and scientific research, in a retroactive approach. In the second part of the thesis I will present the elements that I have in mind for the future, both from an academic and professional perspective. Increased attention has been paid to the fundamental research directions, both as an action of the undersigned and as general topics to be developed within the doctoral school, in the peer relationship with other doctoral supervisors and doctoral students I will guide.

The first chapter represents my evolution before obtaining the , namely the graduated studies and the motivation that led me to the wonderful world of legal sciences. The approach is a personal one, showcasing btoh high school and university studies and my career prior to 2011.

In the second chapter we illustrated the academic and managerial evolution. I pointed out that, since 2003, I have been a university professor, going through all the professional levels and all the teaching positions provided by law. I was an assistant professor, then I received the title of lecturer through a competition, and since 2011 I have the title of associate professor. During 2011-2021, I held the position of associate professor at the Faculty of Law, Titu Maiorescu University and since 2012 and until now I hold the position of associate professor at the Faculty of Administration and Business, within the University of Bucharest. I have shown that in the period 2012-2020 I held the position of dean of the Faculty of Law within the Titu Maiorescu University. I have shown in my thesis that, during the aforementioned period, I organized 3 new M.A. programs, I developed an annual international conference in the field of law and increased the national and international visibility of the study programs. The chapter presents eloquent information about coordinating activities with students, including organizing internships and supervising undergraduate theses and M.A. dissertations.

The third chapter presents my professional evolution. I presented my activity in the public domain, especially the one dedicated to education. I indicated that I was, successively, Director of the control department of the Ministry of Education (2007- 2009), Director General of the Directorate-General for Legal Affairs and Control (2009- 2010), advisor to the Minister of Education (2012, 2015), Deputy Secretary General (2013-2015), State Secretary (2015-2016, 2017). I showed that I was a member of the General Council of ARACIS (2015), ARACIS expert in the field of legal sciences (since 2011), member of the Standing Committee of ARACIS Experts in Legal Sciences (since 2019), member of Panel IV social sciences CNATDCU from 2020. I have shown that I have had the quality of lawyer since 2011 and that I exercise this quality within my private law firm.

In this chapter we have shown the involvement in international activities, European affairs, the legal field and coordination of projects financed from non- reimbursable funds. I presented the specific activity of international law/European law, by participating as a delegate/head of delegation in various international events. I presented, in detail, the two most important strategic projects in which I had the quality of manager, highlighting the research component of each one. I have shown the importance for the prevention of corruption in education and for the uniformization and standardization of procedures at national level. We showed the involvement in the elaboration of the educational component of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016- 2020.

The fourth chapter presents the scientific evolution in the years after completing the doctorate. I pointed out that I was a post PhD of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University within the project financed from non-reimbursable external funds "Modernization of national legislation in the context of uniformity of law at European level and socio-political implications on the administrative system".

I showed that I am a member of the Romanian Association of European Law and Affairs, a member of the Romanian Society of European Law and a member of the Board of Directors of the European Public Law Organization.

We showed the scientific contribution from the 5 university courses and monographs, detailing the structural and substantive elements. I have shown that I have over 30 scientific articles and papers at international conferences, published in conference volumes. I presented the fact that I participated in four international conferences, organized by international organizations/European international professional associations, being a guest of the organizers, and the papers were retained for publication in the journals of the organizations, respectively in volumes published by prestigious international publishers: Bosch Editor, G. Giappichelli Editore. We have shown that all these scientific events took place in English, abroad.

In the second part of the habilitation thesis we approached the specific elements of academic, professional and scientific career development. The first chapter is dedicated to the development of the in the post-pandemic period. We have shown that the Union as a whole, but also the states, analyzed individually, will not be the same after the direct effects of the pandemic will have subsided. Based on previous research, we have shown the level and consistency of the debates on the economic future of the Union, but also on how recovery and resilience must be understood, in a new era of digitalization and green economy. We have shown the difficulty of finding the right balance for the adoption of the multiannual financial plan. We briefly presented international trends and the need for accelerated European integration.

In the second chapter, dedicated to professional development, we approached both the academic dimension and the non-academic professional dimension. We have shown that the teaching activity cannot be approached outside the relationships with students, which is why the continuous improvement of teaching methods and techniques must be current. After obtaining the habilitation, I fully intend to develop my academic career by occupying a teaching position, and to place the development of abilities and skills of students at the center of my future concerns. In a where nationalism seems to be brought back into question, in a Romania where the legal order of the Union is not well known, it is necessary for students to be the ones who, in their future professional activity, will correctly apply European legislation in national institutions. The permanent updating of courses is a constant concern, and the professional guidance of undergraduate and MA students is a necessity.

In the third chapter we approached the specific elements of scientific research. In this chapter there is a double approach: on the one hand the continuation of one's own scientific research, on the other hand the development of fundamental research fields, in which the activity in the doctoral school to be realized. I have indicated that I will continue my research work and intend to publish my work on the elements of substantive European Union law (starting with the internal market, the policies in the field of competition and continuing with the Union's sectoral policies). I intend to publish a textbook on European medical law, so necessary in the given context in which national medical legislation seems completely overwhelmed by reality. I intend to publish a paper on the Union's public policies, emphasizing migrants' rights and the new European architecture in asylum policies.

As fundamental themes for the development of research for the doctoral school and for future doctoral students, we presented 10 major areas of action:

• The legal order of the European Union and the sovereignty of states; • Developments of the European Union in the post-Brexit period; • External challenges for the European Union. Is China a potential economic enemy?; • The space of freedom, security and justice. The citizen–the center of institutional concerns; • Policies in the medical field, a necessary approach at European level? • The external action of the Union and the interest in Asia; • European Union trade agreements; • The European Union, between the membership of NATO of the member states and the common security policy. • Towards a European ? • Recovery and resilience in the period 2021-2028.

At the end of the habilitation thesis we presented short conclusions, which aim at the need to strengthen the research teams. Substantial research projects need to be approached in an integrated way, and the time for providential people has passed. There is a need for inter-institutional cooperation, there is a need to participate in international activities and events, both to increase the prestige of the national university system and to increase the development of good practices and to increase participation in inter- institutional projects, with universities throughout the entire European Union and, why not, in the USA.