
Empirical Linguistic Study of Sentence Embeddings

Katarzyna Krasnowska-Kieras´ Alina Wróblewska Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences ul. Jana Kazimierza 5, 01-248 Warsaw, Poland [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract then trained with the resulting embeddings as in- puts and probing labels as targets. The performance The purpose of the research is to answer the whether linguistic information is of the resulting classifier is considered a proxy for retained in vector representations of sentences. how well the probing is retained in the sen- We introduce a method of analysing the con- tence embeddings. tent of sentence embeddings based on univer- We propose an extension and generalisation of sal probing tasks, along with the classification the methodology of the probing tasks-based experi- datasets for two contrasting . We per- ments. First, the current experiments are conducted form a series of probing and downstream ex- on two typologically and genetically different lan- periments with different types of sentence em- guages: English, which is an isolating Germanic beddings, followed by a thorough analysis of the experimental results. Aside from depen- and Polish, which is a fusional Slavic dency parser-based embeddings, linguistic in- one. Our motivation for conducting experiments formation is retained best in the recently pro- on two contrasting languages is as follows. English posed LASER sentence embeddings. is undoubtedly the most prominent language with multiple resources and tools. However, English lan- 1 Introduction guage processing is only a part of NLP in general. Modelling natural language with neural networks Methods designed for English are not guaranteed has been an extensively researched area for sev- to be universal. In order to verify whether an NLP eral years now. On the one hand, deep learning algorithm is powerful, it is not enough to evaluate enormously reduced the cost of feature engineer- it solely on English. Evaluation on additional lan- ing. On the other hand, we are largely unaware of guages can shed light on an investigated method. features that are used in estimating a neural model We select Polish as our contrasting language for and, therefore, kinds of information that a trained pragmatic reasons, i.e. there is a Polish dataset – neural model relies most heavily on. Since neu- CDSCorpus (Wróblewska and Krasnowska-Kieras´, ral network-based models work very well in many 2017) – which is comparable to the SICK relat- NLP tasks and often provide state-of-the-art re- edness/entailment corpus (Bentivogli et al., 2014). sults, it is extremely interesting and desirable to Both datasets are used in downstream evaluation. understand which properties of , or Second, the designed probing tests are universal sentences are retained in their embeddings. An ap- for both tested languages. For syntactic processing proach to investigate whether linguistic properties of both languages, we use the Universal Dependen- of English sentences are encoded in their embed- cies schema (UD, Nivre et al., 2016).1 Since we dings is proposed by Shi et al.(2016), Adi et al. use automatically parsed UD trees for generating (2017), and Conneau et al.(2018). It consists in probing datasets, analogous tests can be generated designing a series of classification problems focus- for any language with a UD on which ing on linguistic properties of sentences, so called a parser can be trained. probing tasks (Conneau et al., 2018). In a probing 1The Universal Dependencies initiative aims at developing task, sentences are labelled according to a particu- a cross-linguistically consistent morphosyntactic annotation lar linguistic property. Given a model that generates schema and at building a large multilingual collection of tree- banks annotated according to this schema. It is worth nothing an embedding vector for any sentence, the model that the UD schema has become the de facto standard for is applied to the probing sentences. A classifier is syntactic annotation in the recent years.

5729 Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational , pages 5729–5739 Florence, Italy, July 28 - August 2, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics The contributions of this work are twofold. a sentence embedding model. If a linguistic prop- (1) We introduce a method of analysing the content erty is encoded in the sentence embeddings and of sentence embeddings based on universal probing the classifier learns how this property is encoded, it tasks, along with the classification datasets for two will correctly classify the test sentence embeddings. contrasting languages. (2) We carry out a series of The efficiency of the classifiers for each probing empirical experiments based on publicly released task is measured with accuracy. The probing tasks probing datasets2 created within the described work are described in Section3. and the obtainable downstream task datasets with different types of sentence embeddings, followed 2.2 Downstream Task-based Method by a thorough analysis of the experimental results. Two downstream tasks are proposed in our experi- We test sentence embeddings obtained with max- ments: Relatedness and Entailment. The seman- pooling and mean-pooling operations over tic relatedness3 task is to measure the degree of embeddings or contextualised word embeddings, any kind of lexical or functional association be- sentence embeddings estimated on small corpora, tween two terms, phrases or sentences. The effi- and sentence embeddings estimated on large mono- ciency of the classifier for semantic relatedness is lingual or multilingual corpora. measured with Pearson’s r and Spearman’s ρ co- efficients. The textual entailment task is to assess 2 Experimental Methodology whether the of one sentence is entailed by The purpose of the research is to answer the ques- the meaning of another sentence. There are three tion whether linguistic information is retained in entailment classes: entailment, contradiction, and vector representations of sentences. Assessment of neutral. The efficiency of the classifier for entail- the linguistic content in sentence embeddings is not ment, in turn, is measured with accuracy. a trivial task and we verify whether it is possible with a probing task-based method (see Section 2.1). 3 Probing Tasks Probing sentence embeddings for individual lin- The point of reference for designing our probing guistic properties do not examine the overall perfor- tasks is the work by Conneau et al.(2018). The au- mance of embeddings in composing the meaning thors propose several probing tasks and divide them of the represented sentence. We therefore provide into those pertaining to surface, syntactic and se- two downstream tasks for a general evaluation (see mantic phenomena. However, we decide to discard Section 2.2). the ‘syntactic versus semantic’ distinction and con- sider all tasks either surface (see Section 3.1) or 2.1 Probing Task-based Method compositional (see Section 3.2). A probing task can be defined as “a classification This decision is motivated by the fact that both problem that focuses on simple linguistic proper- syntactic and semantic principles are undoubtedly ties of sentences” (Conneau et al., 2018). A probing compositional by their nature. The admitting dataset contains the pairs of sentences and their cat- well-formed expressions on the basis of the lexicon egories. For example, the dataset for the Passive works in tandem with the . According to probing task (the binary classification) consists of Jacobson’s notion of Direct Compositionality (Ja- two types of the pairs: ha passive voice sentence, cobson, 2014, 43), “each syntactic rule which pre- 1i and ha non-passive (active) voice sentence, 0i. dicts the existence of some well-formed expression The sentence–category pairs are automatically ex- (as output) is paired with a semantic rule which tracted from a corpus of dependency parsed sen- gives the meaning of the output expression in terms tences. The extraction procedure is based on a set of of the meaning(s) of the input expressions”. rules compatible with the Universal Dependencies annotation schema. The proposed rules of creat- 3.1 Tests on Surface Properties ing the probing task datasets are thus universal for The tests investigate whether surface properties of languages with the UD style dependency . sentences (i.e. sentence length and lexical content) A classifier is trained and tested on vector repre- sentations of the probing sentences generated with 3Semantic relatedness is not equivalent to semantic simi- larity. Semantic similarity is only a special case of semantic 2http://git.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/Scwad/ relatedness, e.g. CAR and AUTO are similar terms and CAR SCWAD-probing-data and GARAGE are related terms.

5730 punct obl root case nsubj amod aux amod

ROOT She has starred with many leading actors .

Figure 1: An example UD tree of the sentence She has starred with many leading actors. are retained in their embeddings. We follow the def- TreeDepth (dependency tree depth) This task inition of surface probing tasks and the procedure consists in classifying sentences based on the depth of preparing training data as described by Conneau of the corresponding dependency trees. The task et al.(2018). is defined similarly to Conneau et al.(2018), but dependency trees are used instead of constituent SentLen (sentence length) This task consists in trees. Similarly to the original TreeDepth task, the classifying sentences by their length. There are 6 data is decorrelated with respect to sentence length. sentence length classes with the following token Example: The dependency tree in Figure1 has intervals: 0: (3, 5), 1: (6, 8), 2: (9, 11), 3: (12, 14), a depth of 3, because the path from the root node 4: (15, 17), 5: (18, 20), 6: (21, 23). to any token node contains 3 tokens at most. Example: The sentence from Figure1 has the cate- gory 1, since it contains 8 tokens. TopDeps (top dependency schema) The idea of this task is based on TopConst task6 (Conneau WC (word content) This task consists in a 750- et al., 2018), but adapted to dependency trees. way classification of sentences containing exactly The task consists in predicting a multiset of the de- one of pre-selected 750 target words (i.e. the cat- pendency types labelling the relations between egories correspond to the 750 words). The words the top-most node (the ROOT’s only dependent) are selected based on their frequency ranking in and all its children, barring punct relations. The po- the corpus from which the probing datasets were sition of a in an English sentence largely extracted: top 2000 words are discarded and the determines its grammatical function. In Polish, in next 750 words are used as task categories.4 turn, word order is relatively free and therefore 3.2 Compositional Tests not a strong determinant of grammatical functions. We thus extract multisets of dependency types, not The tests on compositional principles are signifi- taking into account the text order of their respec- cantly modified (e.g. TreeDepth, TopDeps, Tense) tive phrases. The extracted multisets roughly corre- with respect to Conneau et al.(2018) or designed spond to -argument structures. There are anew (i.e. Passive and SentType), because the ba- 20 classes for each language: 19 most common top sis for preparing probing datasets is constituted by OTHER 5 dependency schemata and the { }. dependency trees. Example: The TopDeps class of the sentence in 4Conneau et al.(2018) use 1000 target words selected Figure1 is { aux nsubj obl}. in a similar manner, but since our datasets are smaller, we proportionally decreased this number in order to maintain the Passive (passive voice) This is a binary classifica- same number of training/validation/testing instances per target tion task where the goal is to predict whether a sen- word. 5We reject the bigram shift task (BShift) as it is applicable tence embedding represents a passive voice sen- only for isolating languages and practically useless for fu- tence (the class 1) or an active sentence (the class sional languages with relatively free word order. This task con- sists in detecting sentences with two random, adjacent words books to look for identity.’, lit. ‘The author in her all books switched. According to Conneau et al.(2018), such shift gener- tells the characters to look for identity.’) confirmed this intu- ally leads to an erroneous utterance (acceptable sentences can ition, as most of BShift-modified sentences were accepted by be generated accidentally). However, given a language with Polish speakers. less strict word order, the intuition is that the BShift procedure 6In the original TopConst task, the classifier learns to detect could produce too many correct sentences. A very prelim- one of 19 most common top constructions or , e.g. inary case study involving several shift strategies and one the top construction sequence of the tree for [Then][very dark sentence (Autorka we wszystkich ksi ˛azkach˙ kaze˙ bohaterom gray letters on a black screen][appeared][.] consists of four szuka´ctozsamo˙ sci.´ ‘The author tells the characters in her all constituent labels: .

5731 0). In case of complex sentences only the voice SentType (sentence type) This is a new probing of the matrix (main) is detected.7 In order task consisting in classifying sentences by their to identify passive voice sentences, we adhere to types. There are three classes: inter for interrogatve the following procedure: the predicate of a passive sentences (e.g. Do you like him?), imper for imper- voice sentence governs an auxiliary and the re- ative sentences (e.g. Get out of here!), and other lation is labelled aux:pass. Furthermore, the predi- for declarative sentences (e.g. He likes her.) and cate (part-of-speech VERB or ADJ) has the fea- exclamatory sentences (e.g. What a liar!). tures Voice=Pass and VerbForm=Part. The de- pendency nsubj:pass (passive nominal ) can 4 Experiments be helpful, but as the subject may be dropped in 4.1 SentEval Toolkit Polish, it is not sufficient. Example: The active voice sentence in Figure1 is We use the SentEval toolkit (Conneau and Kiela, classified as 0. 2018) in our experiments. The toolkit provides utility for testing any vector representation of sen- Tense (grammatical tense) This is a binary clas- tences in probing and downstream scenarios. Given sification of sentences by the grammatical tense a function f mapping a list of sentences to a list of their main predicates. The sentence predi- of vectors (serving as an interface to the tested cates can be marked for the present (the pres sentence embedding model), a task and a dataset class) or past (the past class) grammatical tense. (with sentences or pairs of sentences as input data), The present tense predicates have the following SentEval performs evaluation in the of properties: the UD POS tag VERB and the fea- the task. More specifically, it generates vectors for ture Tense=Pres. The past tense predicates have the dataset sentences using f, trains a classifier with the following properties: the UD POS tag VERB vectors as inputs and task-specific labels as outputs, and the feature Tense=Past. and evaluates it. Applying an identical evaluation Example: The sentence in Figure1 is classified as procedure with the same dataset to different sen- past. tence embedding models provides the meaningful comparison of the models. SubjNum (grammatical number of subjects) In For the purpose of our tests, the probing datasets this binary classification task, sentences are clas- provided with the toolkit are replaced with our sified by the grammatical number of nominal sub- own, the CDS downstream task dataset is added jects (marked with the UD label nsubj) of main and the SICK dataset is retained. Other SentEval predicates. There are two classes: sing (the UD downstream tasks are not used, having no Polish POS tag NOUN and the feature Number=Sing) counterparts. In all experiments we use SentEval’s 8 and plur (the UD POS tag NOUN and the feature Multilayer Perceptron classifier. Number=Plur). 4.2 Probing Datasets Example: The sentence in Figure1 is categorised as sing. For English and Polish, 9 probing datasets are ex- tracted from Paralela9 (P˛ezik, 2016), the largest ObjNum (grammatical number of objects) This Polish-English parallel corpus with nearly 4M sen- binary classification task is analogous to the one tence pairs. An important objective is to make above, but this time sentences are classified by the probing datasets in both languages maximally the grammatical number of direct objects of main similar. The choice of a parallel corpus as their predicates. The classes are again sing to repre- source allows to draw probing sentences from col- sent the singular nominal objects (the obj label, lections of texts that have analogous distributions of the NOUN tag, and the feature Number=Sing), genre, style, sentence complexity etc. Note that we and plur for the plural/mass ones (the obj label, do not extract parallel sentence pairs (sharing com- the NOUN tag, and the feature Number=Plur). mon target classes) for individual probing datasets (sentences are often not translated literally), but we 7The sentence Although the announcement was probably construct English and Polish datasets separately. made to show progress in identifying and breaking up terror cells, I don’t find the news that the Baathists continue to 8With parameters as follows: kfold=10, batch_size=128, penetrate the Iraqi government very hopeful. is classified as 0, nhid=50, optim=adam, tenacity=5, epoch_size=4. even if it contains the passive voice subordinate clause. 9http://paralela.clarin-pl.eu

5732 The sentences are tokenised with UDPipe10 ments. The SICK corpus14 (Bentivogli et al., 2014) (Straka and Straková, 2017) and POS-tagged and consists of 10k pairs of English sentences. Each dependency parsed with COMBO11 (Rybak and sentence pair is human-annotated for relatedness Wróblewska, 2018). The UDPipe and COMBO in meaning and entailment. The relatedness score models are trained on the UD English-EWT tree- indicates the extent to which meanings of two sen- bank12 (Silveira et al., 2014) with 16k trees (254k tences are related and is calculated as the average tokens) and on the Polish PDB-UD treebank13 of ten human ratings collected for this sentence pair (Wróblewska, 2018) with 22k trees (351k to- on the 5-point Likert scale. The entailment relation kens). The set of UD-based rules is applied to between two sentences, in turn, is labelled with dependency-parsed sentences to extract the final entailment, contradiction, or neutral, selected by probing datasets for both languages. the majority of human annotators. Following Conneau et al.(2018), for the probing CDSCorpus15 (Wróblewska and Krasnowska- tasks constructed by determining selected proper- Kieras´, 2017) is a comparable corpus of 10k pairs ties of a certain dependency tree node (e.g. main of Polish sentences human-annotated for related- predicate’s tense, direct object’s number, etc.), ness and entailment. The degree of semantic re- the division into training, validation and test sets latedness between two sentences is calculated as ensures that all data instances, where the rele- the average of six human ratings on the 0-5-point vant token of the sentence (target token) bears the scale. As an entailment relation between two sen- same word form, are not distributed into different tences doesn’t have to be symmetric, sentence pairs sets. For example, all SubjNum instances, where are annotated with bi-directional entailment labels, the subject phrase is headed by the token cats (and i.e. pairs of entailment, contradiction, and neutral. the plur class is determined based on the features of this token), are assigned into the same set. 4.4 Sentence Embeddings For each probing dataset, only relevant sentences Three types of sentence embeddings are tested are included (sentences with no subject are irrele- in our experiments: (1) sentence embeddings ob- vant for SubjNum, utterances with no main predi- tained with max-pooling and mean-pooling over cate in present/past tense are irrelevant for Tense pre-trained word embeddings or contextualised etc.). Moreover, the target tokens are filtered based word embeddings, (2) sentence embeddings esti- on their frequency (most and least frequent are dis- mated on small comparable corpora, and (3) pre- carded) and the number of occurrences of any target trained sentence embeddings estimated on large token is limited (to prevent the more frequent ones monolingual or multilingual corpora. from dominating the datasets). Finally, the datasets are balanced with relation to the target class. Max/Mean-pool Sentence Embeddings Words With the above restrictions implemented, we are can be represented as continuous vectors in a low- able to extract datasets consisting of 90k exam- dimensional space, i.e. word embeddings. Word ples each (75k for training, 7.5k for validation and embeddings are assumed to capture linguistic (e.g. testing). The dataset sizes are smaller than 120k morphological, syntactic, semantic) properties of examples proposed by Conneau et al.(2018), but words. Recently, they are often learnt as part remain in the same order of magnitude. The lower of a neural network trained on an unsupervised number of examples per dataset is due to the fact or semi-supervised objective task using massive that we strive to build comparable datasets for both amounts of data (e.g. Mikolov et al., 2013; Grave investigated languages based on the parallel corpus. et al., 2018).16 In our experiments, we test FASTTEXT embed- 4.3 Downstream Datasets dings17 (Grave et al., 2018) and contextualised Two datasets for evaluation of compositional dis- word embeddings provided with the multi-layer tributional semantic models are used in our experi- 14http://clic.cimec.unitn.it/composes/materials/SICK. zip 10 https://github.com/ufal/udpipe/releases/tag/v1.2.0 15http://git.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/Scwad/SCWAD-CDSCorpus 11https://github.com/360er0/COMBO 16Embeddings can also be estimated by dimensionality re- 12https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_ duction on a co-occurrence counts matrix (e.g. Pennington English-EWT et al., 2014). 13http://git.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/alina/PDBUD 17Pre-trained models from https://fasttext.cc.

5733 bidirectional transformer encoder BERT18 (Devlin on 3M sentences with the SENT2VEC library22 et al., 2018) for English and Polish.19 Apart from (Pagliardini et al., 2018). The SENT2VEC models the FASTTEXT and BERT models, we use parts of are estimated with a neural architecture which re- the dependency models of COMBO to gener- sembles the CBOW model architecture by Mikolov ate sentence embeddings. COMBO has a BiLSTM- et al.(2013). The tested models ( SENT2VECNS) are based module that produces contextualised word estimated on unigrams and bigrams with the loss embeddings based on concatenations of word level function coupled with negative sampling, to im- embeddings and character level embeddings. As prove training efficiency. the contextualised word embeddings are originally used to predict dependency trees, they should be lin- Pre-trained Sentence Embeddings We test En- guistic information-rich. Since there is some over- glish sentence embeddings provided by the pre- lap between the PDB-UD treebank (used to train trained SENT2VEC and USE models, and multilin- COMBO parsing model for Polish) and CDSCorpus gual sentence embeddings generated by the LASER (source of downstream datasets for Polish), a sepa- model. 23 rate COMBO model20 is trained on PDB-UD data The SENT2VECORIG model trained on the Toronto 24 without the overlapping sentences. The model is Book corpus (70M sentences) outputs 700- used to obtain the embeddings for both probing and dimensional sentence embeddings. The Univer- 25 downstream evaluations.21 sal Sentence Encoder model (USE, Cer et al., 2018) was estimated in a multi-task learning sce- For all three models listed above, sentence em- 26 beddings are obtained by mean or max pooling over nario on a variety of data sources with a Trans- former encoder. It takes a variable length English individual word embeddings. For FASTTEXT and text (e.g. sentence, phrase, or short paragraph) COMBO, the UDPipe tokenisation of the probing sentences is used and a sequence of embedding as input and produces a 512-dimensional vector. The Language-Agnostic SEntence Representations vectors is obtained by model lookup and reading 27 the outputs of the parser’s BiLSTM module respec- model (LASER, Artetxe and Schwenk, 2018) was trained on 223M parallel sentences (93 languages) tively. In the case of BERT (which uses its own to- kenisation mechanism), whole sentences are passed from various sources. The encoder is implemented to the module and outputs of its penultimate layer as a 5-layer BiLSTM network that represents a sen- are treated as token embeddings. tence as a 1,024-dimensional vector (max-pooling over the last hidden states of the BiLSTM). Small Corpora-based Sentence Embeddings English and Polish sentence embeddings are es- 5 Results timated on Paralela corpus. The sentences that Results reported by SentEval are summarised in are included in any probing dataset are to be ex- Table1. The best result for each task in each lan- cluded from any data used for training sentence em- guage is highlighted in grey. For almost all prob- beddings. Furthermore, Paralela corpus contains ing tasks, the most accurate embedding is one of not only 1-to-1 sentence alignments, but also 1-to- the two COMBO-based representations. This is not many or even many-to-many. As we aim at esti- surprising as the contextualised vector representa- mating sentence embedding models, only proper tions produced by COMBO are learnt in the con- sentences are selected from the corpus. English text of dependency parsing. Moreover, the target and Polish sentence embedding models are trained classes in the probing tasks are derived from trees produced by a parser that uses virtually the same 18Pre-trained language model from https://storage. googleapis.com/bert_models/2018_11_23/multi_cased_ neural model, which can be considered a kind of L-12_H-768_A-12.zip. 22 19We also tested BPEmb embeddings (Heinzerling and https://github.com/epfml/sent2vec 23 Strube, 2018) from https://nlp.h-its.org/bpemb. Sentence https://drive.google.com/file/d/ embeddings estimated on these word embeddings were of 0B6VhzidiLvjSdENLSEhrdWprQ0k a comparable or worse quality, so we do not give the results. 24http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~mbweb/ 25 20http://mozart.ipipan.waw.pl/~alina/Polish_ https://tfhub.dev/google/ dependency_parsing_models/190520_COMBO_PDBUD_noCDS_ universal-sentence-encoder-large/3 nosem.pkl 26Estimated on Wikipedia, web news, web question-answer 21This overlap is in fact only relevant for downstream pages, discussion forums, and the Stanford Natural Language tasks evaluation. Therefore, for creating the probing datasets, Inference corpus (SNLI, Bowman et al., 2015). a model based on full PDB-UD treebank is used. 27https://github.com/facebookresearch/LASER

5734 NS ORIG MAX MEAN MAX MEAN VEC VEC 2 2 MAX MEAN COMBO SENT LASER USE FASTTEXT FASTTEXT BERT BERT COMBO SENT measure language E a 52.55 72.27 72.66 82.13 85.03 87.38 71.56 64.76 85.98 60.00 SentLen P a 52.63 67.44 70.79 82.19 84.46 86.31 65.15 — 86.73 — E a 24.44 46.73 35.24 45.53 9.39 11.05 59.96 79.23 59.79 43.11 WC P a 19.83 45.84 38.56 43.60 23.04 26.23 63.85 — 49.03 — E a 29.91 33.00 33.97 38.20 49.08 51.87 33.92 31.03 39.48 31.09 TreeDepth P a 26.99 30.12 34.43 37.81 44.96 47.35 32.84 — 40.04 — E a 60.49 71.11 78.20 79.33 93.99 93.87 75.77 65.31 83.33 63.88 TopDeps P a 65.45 70.67 71.68 75.28 88.16 88.53 73.44 — 78.84 — E a 84.13 89.47 89.77 92.40 98.48 98.41 88.73 89.04 92.85 86.61 Passive P a 85.19 91.92 92.16 94.77 98.41 98.71 92.44 — 95.37 — E a 75.04 84.47 89.32 90.89 96.65 96.64 83.19 85.25 92.19 85.64 Tense P a 81.56 88.89 93.73 96.09 97.35 97.47 87.36 — 96.87 — E a 73.87 81.43 88.43 90.75 93.19 93.37 82.27 80.88 94.21 81.65 SubjNum P a 76.73 87.01 89.89 91.51 94.20 95.03 87.84 — 93.79 — E a 71.75 79.24 85.16 86.89 93.23 94.71 77.23 80.12 89.33 79.61 ObjNum P a 69.41 76.05 80.24 82.64 90.27 90.31 74.77 — 82.53 — E a 96.23 96.20 97.39 97.76 96.85 96.04 97.17 93.76 97.84 85.25 SentType P a 90.61 96.09 98.36 98.57 98.53 98.56 98.09 — 98.39 — p 75.71 76.02 74.23 76.54 58.94 59.38 73.43 79.81 84.54 86.86 E s 69.35 69.20 68.61 69.54 58.35 58.59 67.97 70.64 79.03 80.80 Relatedness p 76.10 78.06 78.46 83.08 77.40 77.44 76.53 — 88.09 — P s 77.01 79.31 78.91 83.65 77.81 77.98 76.72 — 89.30 — E a 76.72 76.86 77.71 77.11 72.82 72.58 78.59 78.26 83.26 81.77 Entailment P a 86.10 87.40 86.70 83.90 84.70 86.10 83.80 — 87.80 —

Table 1: Probing and downstream task results. Languages: P=Polish, E=English, measures: a=accuracy, p=Pearson’s r, s=Spearman’s ρ. All measures are expressed in %. information leak. trained on massive multilingual data). The plots are With COMBO models excluded from the ranking very similar in shape, the only striking due to their obvious handicap, the best-performing being the discrepancy in WC results, with LASER sentence embeddings (shown in boldface) for 17 and SENT2VECNS faring similarly (and better than task-language pairs in 22 are yielded by LASER. BERTMEAN) for English and SENT2VECNS yielding The exceptions are ObjNum and SentType for visibly best results for Polish.

Polish (where the advantage of BERTMEAN is so We also measure the correlations between re- small it might be insignificant), Relatedness for sults for Polish and English in two ways. First, for English (suggesting that a comparable USE model each embedding model we compare the results it could beat LASER in the Polish version of the task yielded in all Polish tasks and all English tasks. as well) and WC (where SENT2VEC performs vis- Second, for each task type we compare the results ibly better than all other, even if it is trained on obtained using all models in the Polish and English a relatively small corpus). variant of the task.28 The corresponding correlation An interesting observation is that among coefficients are plotted in Figure3. the pooled embeddings, the MEAN variants quite All the per-model correlations are high, which consistently outperform their MAX counterparts. strongly suggests that given embeddings encode Figure2 visualises the results yielded by se- a given property similarly well (or poorly) relative lected models in the particular tasks. The mod- to other properties regardless of the language. In the case of per-task correlations, there are three els shown are BERTMEAN (the best pooled model),

SENT2VECNS (trained on Paralela corpus) and 28 SENT2VECORIG and USE models are excluded from both LASER (best-performing apart from COMBO, pre- calculations as they were only tested for English.


100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

WC WC Tense Tense Passive Passive SentLen TopDeps ObjNum SentLen TopDeps ObjNum TreeDepth SubjNum SentType TreeDepth SubjNum SentType RelatednessEntailment RelatednessEntailment

Figure 2: Results in probing and downstream tasks for 3 selected embedding models (left: English, right: Polish). The measure is accuracy (except for Relatedness, where Spearman’s ρ is shown). All measures are expressed in %.

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 ρ r 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0


Figure 3: Correlation (measured by Spearman’s ρ and Pearson’s r) between results for Polish and English (left: per model, right: per task). tasks with visibly lower correlations: SentType Investigating NMT systems, Shi et al.(2016) found and the two downstream tasks. Therefore, for these out that LSTM-based encoders can learn source- tasks, the relative performance of individual mod- language syntax storing different syntactic proper- els differs more between languages. For the down- ties (e.g. voice, tense, top level constituents, part- stream tasks this might be partially due to the fact of-speech tags) in different layers of NMT models. that their respective datasets were created entirely Adi et al.(2017) designed probing tasks for sur- independently and are expected to differ more. As face properties of sentences (i.e. sentence length, far as SentType is concerned, the accuracies ob- word content, and word order). Two types of sen- tained for this task are generally very high and most tence embeddings were tested: averaging of CBOW of them fit within a small range. word embeddings and sentence representation out- put by a LSTM encoder. Conneau et al.(2018) car- 6 Related Work ried out a series of the large-scale experiments on Our study follows a research trend in exploring understanding English sentence embeddings with sentence embeddings by means of probing meth- human-validated upper bounds for all probing tasks. ods, initiated by Shi et al.(2016) and Adi et al. They designed 10 probing tasks capturing simple (2017), and continued by Conneau et al.(2018). linguistic properties of sentences, tested various

5736 sentence encoding architectures (i.e. BiLSTM and the COMBO-based embeddings designed to con- gated convolutional network), and various training vey morphosyntax encode linguistic information objectives (e.g. neural machine , autoen- in the most accurate way. Aside from COMBO em- coding, SkipThought). Following the mentioned beddings, linguistic information is retained most approaches, we examine how much linguistic infor- exactly in the recently proposed LASER sentence mation is retained in sentence embeddings using 9 embeddings, provided by an encoder designed with similar probing tasks. However, Universal Depen- a relatively simple BiLSTM architecture, but es- dency trees instead of constituent trees are the core timated on tremendous multilingual data. Further of our probing tasks. Furthermore, our experiments research is required to find out in what lies the suc- are carried out on two contrasting languages, to ver- cess of LASER embeddings: in the embedding size, ify the validity of the evaluation method proposed in the magnitude of training data, or maybe in for English in another language experimental sce- the multitude of used languages. nario. Ettinger et al.(2018) considered a very impor- tant aspect of sentence meaning – composition. Acknowledgments They proposed a method of assessing composi- The research presented in this paper was supported tional meaning content in sentence embeddings by SONATA 8 grant no 2014/15/D/HS2/03486 on the examples of semantic role and negation from the National Science Centre Poland. phenomena. This study has drawn our attention to the compositional dimension of our probing tasks. Related works by Linzen et al.(2016) and References Warstadt and Bowman(2019) proposed evaluation Yossi Adi, Einat Kermany, Yonatan Belinkov, Ofer of sentence encoders (e.g. LSTM, transformers) in Lavi, and Yoav Goldberg. 2017. Fine-grained anal- terms of their ability to learn grammatical infor- ysis of sentence embeddings using auxiliary predic- mation, e.g. to assess sentences as grammatically tion tasks. In Proceedings of International Confer- ence on Learning Representations (ICLR 2017) correct or not (i.e. acceptability judgments). . Finally, several studies were devoted to explor- Mikel Artetxe and Holger Schwenk. 2018. Mas- ing morphosyntactic properties of sentence embed- sively Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Zero- dings in neural machine translation systems (e.g. Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer and Beyond. CoRR, abs/1812.10464. Shi et al., 2016; Belinkov et al., 2017). Yonatan Belinkov, Nadir Durrani, Fahim Dalvi, Hassan 7 Conclusion Sajjad, and James Glass. 2017. What do Neural Ma- chine Translation Models Learn about Morphology? We presented a methodology of empirical re- In Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the As- sociation for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: search on retention of linguistic information in Long Papers), pages 861–872. Association for Com- sentence embeddings using probing and down- putational Linguistics. stream tasks. In the probing-based scenario, a set of language-independent tests was designed and Luisa Bentivogli, Raffaella Bernardi, Marco Marelli, Stefano Menini, Marco Baroni, and Roberto Zam- probing datasets were generated for two contrast- parelli. 2014. SICK through the SemEval Glasses. ing languages – English and Polish. The procedure Lesson learned from the evaluation of composi- of generating probing datasets is based on the Uni- tional distributional semantic models on full sen- versal Dependency schema. It is thereby universal tences through semantic relatedness and textual en- tailment. Journal of Language Resources and Eval- for all languages with a UD treebank on which uation, 50:95–124. a natural language pre-processing system can be trained. In the downstream-based scenario, the pub- Samuel R. Bowman, Gabor Angeli, Christopher Potts, licly available datasets for semantic relatedness and and Christopher D. Manning. 2015. A large an- notated corpus for learning natural language infer- entailment were used. ence. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on We performed a series of probing and down- Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, stream experiments with three types of sentence pages 632–642. Association for Computational Lin- embeddings in the SentEval environment, fol- guistics. lowed by a thorough analysis of the linguistic con- Daniel Cer, Yinfei Yang, Sheng-yi Kong, Nan Hua, tent of sentence embeddings. We found out that Nicole Limtiaco, Rhomni St. John, Noah Constant,

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