PETOSKEY: PHOTOS of HISTORICAL SITES NTRODUCING Petoskey . (Gem City of the North) to persons un­ acquainted with the Region presents no little prob­ lem. Nature defies the printed word as well as _the painted picture and· in this enchanting fairyland even nature has . be~n superlative . . If, in the attempted des­ criptions set· forth herein, the interest of the reader may be so piqued·that personal investi­ gation follows, . the . mission of this booklet will have been performed, notwithstanding. inadequate portrayal. Little Traverse Bay-above which Petos-· key rises on the crest of a series of natural terraces-is to America, what the Bay of Naples is . to Europe. . At the sunset hour of any bright day, the shores of this. charming body of water are lined with people who find in the incomparable sunset scenes, indescrib­ able beauty. At times the great golden ball," as it touches the horizon seems to rest upon a . \ pillar of molten metals; Again the countless radiations spread upon the rippling waters .suggest the fan tail of a gigantic golden peacock. In the days when · vast fortunes of the present day were unknown, a visiting business man viewing the scene, expressed- his maxi­ mum· of appreciation in bestowing on these everchanging nature pictures the· phrase"Mil­ "Petoskey Stones" or natural agates, ordinary Jion Dollar Sunsets". in original appearance, but revealing under the touch of the lapidary highly valued quali­ The illustration on this page is reproduced ties. · Many rare specimens of these agates from a photograph taken just outside the are shown in the quaint shops of the ".Bazar" · Petoskey city limits. This type of virgin · section of Petoskey in common · with many· wood is found in a multitude of rest spots unique novelties both domestic and foreign. within easy walking distance of Petoskey Walk or motor up the gradual incline to the Hotels. Note where the ·bark from the· silver top of any of Petoskey's hills and you may birches has been removed ·for basket, casket revel in landscape and marine views that .and canoe work by Indian artisans. challenge any in Europe. A short walk from this scene takes one to Regardless of the length of a visit here a the Lake shoreline where naturalists constantly changing program is readily made and curiosity seekers find in abundance from an inexhaustible. list of attractions. The Internationally Celebrated Cushman House. This beautiful hostelry has probably catered to the comfort of more cele•brities than any other resort hotel in · Michigan. This impressive home-like · colonial building faces a wonderful park, wooded with luxuriant drooping birch trees. The ,Cushman House is operated on the American, i·, plan all year around.

Two hundred miles north of Grand Rapids, Petoskey, the capital or "Hub" of the Littl,e and forty miles south of the Straits of Macki­ Traverse Bay region, is the terminal of the Pere nac, is Petoskey, Michigan. Northern Indian Marquette Railway which, with the Pennsyl­ I tribes-quick to discover the natural advantages vania System, offers through Pullman travelling of the region-raised their tepees on the site of accomodation to and from metropolitan centers. the present city long before the period of La of the East, West and South through the resort Salle and Father Marquette. Brooks, rivulets, season. streams and lakes laden with fish; ozone of rar­ The palatial steamships of the Michigan Tran­ est purity; mineral waters· of great medicinal sit Company ply between Chicago and Petoskey quality; _wooded lands alive with game-these, throughout the navigable period and the D. & C. and the restful beauty of the region, luring the line of ships bring tourists from eastern and Indians to settlement, are still, even in the pas­ southern points to Mackinaw, a short drive from · sage of years potent in health and recreational Petoskey. · elements. These magnetic natural qualities, M 11 and M 13 are modern automobile high­ have for more than half a century drawn health ways traversing the popular and and recreation seekers from all points of this inland lake resorts, converging at Petoskey, continent. thence unified to the World renowned Straits of for the- day in favorite pastimes at innumerable-- out-lying points. · · Interest for fishermen-· whether in "whip­ ping" trout streams, casting for bass, trolling for pike or pickerel, or boat fishing for family recreation-cannot fag in the unexcelled va-riety -_ and quality of sport provided by the streams and lakes of this region. As this is written, the tele­ gram reproduced on this page was received and published in the newspapers of Grand Rapids.

PETOSKEY MAN LANDS BIG WALL EYED · PIKE Petoskey, Mich.-The . largest wall-eyed pike captured in the United States in 2 years was land-· ed by Al Ely, while fishing on Walloon Lake, Thursday. The fish measured 32 inches in length and weighed 15 pounds 6 ounces. It will be entered in the National Field & Stream fishing contest for 1923. The largest pike entered in the national contest last year The Michigan Transit Company's weighed 14 pounds, 8 ounces. steamship Manitou arriving at Petos­ key dock. None of the- fishing pictures shown in this Mackinac. Superior transportation facilities booklet were pose-d for the purpose. The scenes have ·. established Petoskey as the distributing are common place and are reproduced here point for visitors to this unequalled pleasure every day of the fishing season iri a multitude· of localities. · land. . Hotel accommodations here have kept . the pace with transportation and the person of mo­ derate means is just as sure of pleasant quarters as is the wealthy tourist who demands metro­ politan appointments. The cultivation of out-door sport -features has not be.en overlooked here. Golfing · leads in recreations. The Petoskey-Bay View Golf Course and Country Club is but two miles north of here on M 11. Harbor Point, Oden, Weque­ tonsing, Charlevoix and Walloon Lake all have extra fine courses-any of which may be reached in half an hour's 'drive from this City. Golf players, fishermen, autoists and sight­ seers with headquarters in Petoskey may revel Rustic · Rest House in Pennsylvania Park. The Perry Hotel. Conducted on the American plan. · Situated directly on the shore. of Little Traverse Bay and .. opposite the Pennsylvania Railway station, this spacious hotel is operated with every consideration for its guests throughout the year. · ·

• : I Charlevoix-designated "The Beautiful", and ple each season. Modern hotels cater to the fully deserving tlie tribute bestowed, is reached cottage owner and tourist. One may walk for by a few minutes drive from Petoskey on a con­ miles in clean groves of silver birch and maple/ crete boulevard; and by rail or boat, and no or rest in the cool shadows under spreading visitor to should fail to see trees. and thoroughly enjoy the unique and refreshing The "Pine Lake" drive out of Charlevoix ha.s'; features of this justly famous resort. a fixed place on the outing schedule of every­ The ·"Beaver" Island group-visible from the visitor who kno·ws the points of inter~sK '- 'Cele­ Charlevoix shore line and reached by sailing brated poets have written sonnets· 'to '"Charle:­ and s~eam vessels from that port, are of a dis­ voix The Beautiful" but no pen has yet done frill tinct primitive type, the inhabitants being al­ justice to the picture. most wholly dependent upon the fishing and The Pine Lake Drive circles around a charm­ timber industries for maintenance. ing inlanq body of water on the shores of which Nine miles south of Petoskey, nestling on the lie the quaint communities of Boyne City and shores of the beautiful Walloon Lake,is the well East Jordan, inviting the tourist to partake of a known Walloon Lake resort. The bathing beach generous hospitality. The camera even in its is one of the finest in the Northern Michigan re­ highest development cannot correctly depict the sort districts, and hundreds of people enjoy ten­ gorgeous and eIJtrancing beauty of the . Little nis, · motor boating, fishing, canoeing, rowing, Traverse Bay region, therefore the photographs dancing and bathing at this popular spot. · The reproduced here but suggest the delights which Walloon Lake Country Club, with its fine golf regale the casual visitor and which are the an­ course, brings many of the city's wealthiest peo- . m~al expectanpy of many thousands of persons •.,; , __. lf_~ ,; ,. ~ ~- .. -

· Petoskey's Mineral Well Park. One of the City Parks on the bay shore, the d1ily shrine of thousands of persons who partake of the natural artesian mineral water which flows there constantly. The medicinal properties of this water are attested b_y many of the nation's promin,mt men. who, denied permanent residence, make the ing craft ply constantly between these iolands yearly pilgrimage from distant points. and the mainland for the conyenience of touri~ts Out of Petoskey on the Mackinaw trail, a and wherever one goes modern hotels with high twenty minute drive by automobile, lies Round class cuisine cater to the visitor's -comfort. Lake, a family resort where fishing, bathing and Harbor Springs and Harbor Point, typical of boating are to be fully enjoyed. Just beyond is highest quality resorts, are reached from Petos­ Oden, a resort graced by many summer homes, key by steamer across Little Traverse Bay, or on the shores of Crooked Lake. This body of by auto or rail in half an hour's time. Harbor water several miles in length, and the fisher­ Springs is a spritely village with modern shop­ man's mecca, is the base of the "Inland Route". ping places, hotels and rooming houses, whilst Through this route which traverses Crooked Harbor Point exemplifies the more exclusive Lake, Crooked River, Pickerel Lake, Burt Lake, type of waterin·g place, where costly homes at­ Inqian River and Mullet Lake to Topinabee and test their owner's satisfaction. Concrete boule- Ch~boygan, steam . crafts carry • passengers · vards link these popular resorts with -Petoske·y. through a varied and intensely interesting scenic. Cross Village, an Indian settlement of most trip. . picturesque location, overlooking Lake Michigan All of t~is centered in an area abounding _in from a high plateau, is reached either by maca­ world celebra!ed features Mackinac Island, his­ dam road, or by one of the few real Indian trails toric spot since . pre-revolution days; kn_own · still preserving the wood and water beauties of • whereever the English language is spoken·, still · nature undisturbed. Rest spots on . this famous preserves intact the · fort and barracks of drive afford ample opportunity for refreshment. Eighteenth century wars, and Arch Rock stands Indians-Hurons, Ottawas and Pottowattamies, majestically as one of the wonders of the world. known as the Ottawa Tribes, predominate in the Reached in a short trip by land and water, thiR population of this particular locality ·and their famous island gem with its innumerable attrac­ products of beadwork and basketry are of the tions will alone repay the visitor for a lengthy finest type of Indian artistry. Primeval arrow­ journey. Les Cheneaux !sands (The SnowR) ad:. heads and stone hatchets still found in this re­ jacent to Mackinac Island are excellent ex­ _gion speak of days when white men were un­ amples of primitive nature. Steamships and sail- known to the aborigine. Out of Petoskey in the .-- morning, Harbor Springs, Harbor Point, Good­ ducted with the very best o:f Service . hart and Indian Village, through . the Indian The Petoskey Public . School system is such trail, can be visited comfortably before return­ that graduates are received without question by ing for evening dinner. leading universities.· An unlimited supply of An -invisible line only divides Petoskey from perfectly pure water is· distributed by most picturesque Bay View, nationally celebrated approved methods, while splendid electric and Summer resort play-ground. and educational in­ gas facilities make for living comfort and the . stitution. To this charming spot many thou­ hest lighted city in Michigan. Nature furnishes . sands of people representing every state in the Petoskey with a marvelous drainage system Union come annually. Probably no resort on the which insures the highest poirit of sanitation. great lakes combines more enticing features for The parks of Petoskey are enchanting bowers family ·outing and educ_ation. Tennis Courts, thoroughly shaded by wonderful foliage and bedecked· with native flowers. Fine theatres Base Ball Grounds,"Golf Links, and Quoit courts provide Petoskey visitors with the best in cine­ of fine quality are open to visitors while a great ma and stage productions. Winter sports in natatorium offers safe indoor bathing to supple­ Petoskey are invigorating and health breeding. ment the natural lake beaches. The John M. Although the thermometer drops below zero, Hall Auditorium with seating capacity of sever­ the rarified air is deeply enjoyable. Note the al thousand persons, presents every season a accompanying pictures of native sons who revel series of varied programs of religious, educa­ in the annual snow-shoeing, skiing, skating, tional and entertainment features. tobogganing and sleighing sports. Petoskey is a city with Commission Manager Not under the shining sun is there a purer air form of government, and in all essentials is as or more strengthening climate than nature_has modern as metropolitan cities. This speaks for bestowed upon the Little Traverse Bay region, facilities of quick communication for business and, notwithstanding the fact · that this region men as well as for the comfort of family visitors. has been for many years heralded to the world A first class . postoffice, Western Union tele­ as a health and Summer paradise, property for graph, and Bell telephone systems are here con- residences on Lake Michigan or on any one of

This delightful park in which the Pere Marquette R~ilway has its station. is a veritable wooded · garden on the shore of Little Traverse Bay. In the Summer and Fall seasons suffere_i:-s •from Hay Fever and Asthma find instant relief in the constant water breezes. . ' ' Petoskey's Trap Sho~t Grounds .

.. . Trap shooting on what is undoubtedly the best natural shooting ground in the United States. An unobstructed '' "sky line makes for the precision and clarity of vision highly prized by marksmen . • ,. ~ J

many adjacent smaller lakes, may be had at low in which the vin~ clad cottage of modest cost ae:reage price. neighbors with mansions of more wealthy citi­ : · The breeze from Little Traverse Bay has zens. The democracy of this city in political, · translated sneezes and tears into laughter and religious and social circles makes for the happi­ smiles for myriad sufferers. Where all medica­ ness and comfort of new residents and visitors. tion has failed, Petoskey air has banished the Unlike most important resort cities, the splendid dread perennial diseases, Hay Fever and hotels here are always open and serve as enter­ Asthma. Every day of the heated term brings tainment and educational civic centers. to this haven of relief multitudes of persons The Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Colum­ whose only certain relief lies in "the wave bus, Elks and other fraternities, all have splen­ washed air of this natural sanitarium. · The cur­ didly equipped quarters. This is particularly rent year will find here guests who have not true of the B. P. 0. E. order, which owns one of missed a season in over a quarter century. the finest lodge buildings in Michigan in the Nowhere in the United States is there a cele­ heart of Petoskey. . brated Summer resort and watering place which Rotary and Kiwanis are both represented combines industrial advantages with health and here by vigilant bodies. These two segments of recreational features so fittingly as Petoskey. international circles vie with each other in fur­ Great tanneries, paper mills, foundries, wood­ thering the interests of and providing comforts working factories, and the most highly modern­ for visitors. ized cement plant in the world are among the A blessed boon to sufferers in need of surgical local manufactories that stabilize the city as an . ~r medical attention are Petoskey's two cele­ "all year round" place to live. brated hospitals. Lockwood Hospital, located Essentially a city of home owners is Petoskey, at the very highest altitude in .this city of eleva- .. .. 1;· · ,. . . .

' - ~ -· ------·-·----···-·- ··-··"----· .


Petoskey Hospital on the left. Lockwood Hospital on the right. tions, removed from contact with industry and tion. To the visitor in the city this organization commerce, is at the same time within five min­ is a veritable encyclopedia and gracious host utes of the business section of the city. Under and correspondents are assured of prompt arid - ., the supervision of eminent physicians and sur­ courteous response. · ·· geons, this community institution has sent back, The Chamber of Commerce · will gladly_re­ complete in health, innumerable seemingly in­ spond to inquiries and will make your personal curable invalids. wish their pleasure in getting for you without The Petoskey Hospital, situated directly on cost, information of any kind. If you want the shore line of Little Traverse Bay, is a thor­ hotel-rooming house-apartment or furnished oughly modernized example of sanitation where room accommodations for a day or for a season · medical and surgical science finds highest ex­ this organization will represent you without fee~ pression. The great popularity of the famous This applies not to the city alone, but to outlying­ scientists in charge brings from all directions points as well. vast numbers of people for treatment. When hotel and boarding place accommoda­ Add to the natural curative qualities of Pe­ tions are overtaxed, representative citizens of toskey's clarified air and mineral waters the pro­ Petoskey open their homes to care for the city's. tective qualities of these two thoroughly guests. The warmth of hospitality in this North equipped and efficiently managed hospitals, and country is in keeping with the virility of its visiting invalids are certain of both climatic and people. Petoskey is known throughout the scientific conditions in unusual combination. nation as the most metropolitan city of its size The Chamber of Commerce of Petoskey ex­ on this continent. On either side of beautifully ists for the sole purpose of advancing the inter­ wooded parks in the city's · center, are retail ests of the Northern Michigan resort region, and shops of all kinds which, with merchalldise, in this. functiqn : jg -best performed by ·• exhibiting both class and variety, vie with any stores in the hearty interest in furnishing regional informa- United States. · · ·· · · ' Emmet County, of which Petoskey is the seat . ... . of government, is distinguished at home and abroad as one of the very few districts wherein cattle are_ absolutely . free from tuberculosis. This is a vital consideration for both children · and adults visiting P~toskey or this territory for rest and recuperation.

The natural fruits and vegetables of the Pe­ toskey territory are in quality superior to any grown in Michigan, a state celebrated for agri­ cultural products.

The "Chief Petoskey" potato is world re­ n_owned, seed from this solid pure white food gem being more highly prized than any other known variety. ·

r · ' .I

l!,.. prominent Petoskey divine finds the end of a · perfect day. ·

Utilities in gas, electricity, water and sanita- . tion; exceptional boulevards, ·and magnificent homes make for an Alladin city set in a garden of Nature's rugged design.

Petoskey, the trading center of Northern Michigan, entertains no less than a quarter million of visitors each season, and the elasticity of accommodations necessary to these condi­ tions makes Petoskey a metropolis, with public buildings and business establishments equal, if The Petoskey ex-Fire Chief got this one before not superior, to cities ten times its size. breakfast. ! .

. . . Yachting on the Bay. A family party prepares for the morrow.

SIDE TRIPS AND POINTS OF INTEREST. plant on Charlevoix roa_d is considered the most Inside the limits of the City of Petoskey there modern and efficient ·cement manufactory in the are many points of interest. world. Recently built it incorporates the most · scientific principles in producing from the native Mineral Well Park, Magnus State Park, City raw product a particularly white and desirable Park and Zoo and Arlington Park, together cement. Visitors are invited to inspect the with the beautiful Pennsylvania and Pere Mar­ premises and process~s. quette railway parks, are each· distinctive and interesting. The Michigan Maple Block Company contra­ dicts in its national scope the laws of industry, For persons interested in · manufacturing in that wood tables and blocks made by. them many items of interest can be seen in visits to . are shipped many times by express across the Petoskey's industries. . continent to users living in wood working cen~ The P etoskey Portland Cement Company's ters. The prime reason for this lies in patented

. it ( ;.,.i,

. '· j·•·.


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Cozy Co~way Inn on the shor~ of Crooked Lake. ·A fine cuisine and boating,· blthf ,! '·, ing and fishing par excellence, · i :, ·,,, r , ·. Just an ordinary catch by an ordinary angler. _Duplicated every day in many different this region.

wood welding devices used in construction. shipped to various points for manufacture into Butchers in Maine and tailors in Florida, glove high-grade paper. makers in the East and die stampers in the · The Northern . Lime Company, with great West, must pay tribute to the surpassing qualit_y mines of lime rock at command, is one of the of this industry's product. successful industries in· Petoskey's manufactur­ The Blackmer· Rotary Pump Company with· ing colony. offices in every large ci'ty in the United States is also represented in the large centers of The Antrim Lime Company is still another in­ Europe. Their product-signified in the com­ dustry using in its product the exceptional qual­ pany name, is in use the world over. ity lime rock so abundant in this region. The Michigan Tanning & Extract Company The Natural Fruit Juice Company makes

1 with main offices in Petoskey and factory in from native wild and domestic berries and fruits Kegomic, a suburb of Petoskey, is also repre­ pure juices used and particularly prized by the sented by branches in Escanaba, Boyne City, medicinal profession for their highly medicinal Manistee, Fremont and Munising. Sole leather, properties. upper leather and tanning extracts form the The Hankey Milling Company, with mills in principal products of this industry. Boyne Falls and Petoskey, utilize the cereals of The Northern Michigan Pulp Company make Emmet County production in the manufacture a very superior grade of paper pulp which is of their high-grade flours. ...

Scenes from Petoskey's splendid State Park donated -by Joseph A. Magnus whose summer home at o ·den is one of the finest in, the North country. ·

MAGNUS STATE PARK. Having a water frontage of over four hundred feet, the -Magnus State Park bathing beach at­ If fragrant cedars, wave · washed shores, tracts hundreds of people each day. springs of sparkling water and unsurpassed Special police patrol the park both night and scenery appeal to the tourist's imagination, he day and a caretaker is always on the grounds, will be more than delighted with the new ready to ansiwer any inquiry as to points of in­ Magnus State Park. terest in and near Petoskey,_ camp rules and regulations, etc. The park is well equipped Mr. Joseph A. Magnus, of Cincinnati, who with fine camp stoves, firewood, tables and has one of the most beautiful summer homes in benches, running water, lights, comfort stations Northern Michigan, seeing the urgent need of a and community house, and everything possible camping site in this section, purchased a tract is done for the comfort and pleasure of the of land lying directly on the shores of Little camper. Traverse Bay, on trunk line M 11, and deeded it to the state for a tourist camp. The Magnus Park is just five minutes' drive from the heart of Petoskey, and merchants deliver orders to the park each day. Fresh The entire park is covered with an exceed­ vegetables, dairy products, poultry, and fruits ingly luxuriant growth of hardwoods and coni­ may _be purchased from nearby truck farms at fers. The tourist may camp on a bluff fifty feet moderate prices. above the waters of Little Traver3e Bay, or down at the water's edge. From any part of Each season many people suffering from Hay the park the famous Petoskey sunset is plainly Fever come here and camp in Magn us State . visible; as are Harbor Point, Beaver Islands, and Park all summer, finding immediate relief ·from the neighboring resorts. this affliction. ROUTE MAP and MILES MILEAGE CHART

~...... --. ( 4 1

sburli Aloha-44 Carp Lake-30 Lovells-60 FROM PETOSKEY Advance-31 Cheboygan-41 Mullet Lake-37 Alba-53 Central Lake-42 Muskegon-225 .,.. Alverno-,--,-66 Detroit-285 Manistee-134 Alba-38 Boyne Falls-16 Deer Lake-19 Mancelona-45 Alpena-106 Bliss Farm-2 5 Epsilon-7 Millersblirg-5 6 Atlanta-69 Boyne City-18 Ellsworth-29 Old Trail Tavern-24 Afton-36 Bay Shore-7 Eastport-36 Ocqueoc-56 Alanson-11 Bryants-24 Elk Rapids-52 Oden-8 Afton-31 Brutus-14 Elmira-25 Onaway-45 Alpena-97 Bellaire-50 East J ordan-29 Pellston-18 Allis-49 Boyne City,-16 Flint-225 Posen--89 Clarion-7 · Hillman~80 Rogers City-71 Conway-6 Harbor Springs-10 Stutsmanville-16 Cross Village-31 Hortons Bay-12 Springvale-16 Cadillac-105 Ironton-24 Saginaw-191 Grand Raplds-232 Indian River-23 Silver Lake-23 Gaylord-36 Johannesburg-52 Sagers-16 Charlevoix-17 Kalkaska-61 Traverse City-71 1/verno Carpenter's Corner-6 Levering-24 Topinabee-29 Ludington-164 Tower-42 Legrand-35 Vanderbilt-29 Walloon ·Lake-9 · Wildwood-12 W olverine-23

• Vienna

Bea, eave.:r la7re ake 1-: e a!l)Turtle @If Lake - r ~Lewisttm , ·-~--- COPYl?IGNT BY NORTHERN Al/TO CO ....

Birdseye View of Mackinac Island from the Old Fort.

Crooked Lake. Many high-powered motor boats and sailing boats are owned _by the wealthy cottage owners on Crooked Lake, and great in-

The crest of his ambition.

SIDE TRIPS OUT OF PETOSKEY. Drive to Round Lake, twenty minutes by auto from City Hall. · Wonderful bathing, boating, fishing and picnic grounds. Follow M 11. Conway, one mile north of Round Lake, boasts of the hospitable Conway Inn, splendid hotel operated on the American plan, offering fine accommodations. Conway is the starting point for the Inland Route trip, a delightful day's outing on steam launch through Crooked Lake, Burt, Mullet and· other lakes and channels to Topinabee. This trip takes about ten hours, allowing time for luncheon. . Just beyond Conway is the beautiful Summer The Petoskey Chief of Police lays aside his resort of Oden, lying directly on the shores of badge to " whip" the Sturgeon River. On IP.dian River-a bit of the old and a glimpse of the new.

terest is shown in the yearly regatta held there parties, fishing crowds, etc. each season. Continuing north from Ponshewaing, passing Ponshewaing, just north of Oden on Crooked through the villages of Alanson, Brutus, Pells­ Lake, is very popular as bathing beach, fishing ton and Levering, one reaches Mackinaw City, ·ground and excellent place to spend resort sea­ about two hours' drive from Petoskey on M 11. son. The Ponshewaing hotel caters to family From this point steamer may be taken to the

Harbor Springs, showing Harbor Point in background. Forest Beach. Inn near Harbor- Springs. On Old Trail 'to Cross Village.

historic Mackinac Island; or to St. Ignace or ties owning cottages on Burt Lake is Judge 'The Snows. Kenesaw Mountain Landis. From Burt Lake Branch off from M 11 at Alanson and go to one may motor around Mullet Lake directly to the Buckeye House on Bu~ Lake, the far famed Cheboygan, and the summer resorts interlying, resort hotel, and the base from which fisher­ passing through the village of Indian River and men start their excursions. Among the celebri- other interesting points.

Echo Beach Inn-Walloon Lake. Judge Landis' Cottage, Burt Lake. Quinlan Cottage. Petoskey. Joseph A. Magnus' Home at Oden.

"Hayo Went Ha" Y. M : C. 'A.--damp; 'Torch'. Lake. Overlooking Douglas Lake which is noted far and wide for the great size of its fish.

Bryant Inn on Douglas Lake.

Leave Petoskey in the early morning, take Distance about sixty miles. M 13 around Little Traverse Bay on fine . con­ · The Michigan State Fish Hatchery is located crete boulevard, visiting Menonaqua Beach, at Oden, on M 11, and -draws many interested famous for its miles of white sand beach, Ra­ tourists. mona Park, Roaring Brook, W equetonsing, Har­ The Petoskey Silver Fox Farm is one of the bor Springs, Harbor Point-one of the most best in the country: This trip can be made in beautiful and exclusive watering places in the conjunction with · a visit to the Michigan State North-thence to Forest Beach on the shore Fish Hatchery-·-round trip, twenty miles. road, commanding wonderful view of Lake A delightful day's outing may be enjoyed by Michigan, through Middle Village, the oldest taking M 11-Charlevoix the Beautiful-thence settlement in Northern Michigan _to Cross Vil­ around Pine Lake, stopping at the famed Loeb lage, stopping at Old Trail Tavern for lunch. Farm, East Jordan and Boyne City-round trip, ,£-_}\1:iddle Village and Cross Village are most sixty-five miles. unique, both being old Indian settlements. This A trip around the beautiful Little Traverse trip is readily made by auto and paved state Bay on the steamer A_merica wil) appeal to road may be used for return trip , if desired. , those who love the water. Stops are made at .< 1... ·:. ~- •--. H ---;--•-----•••----~•-7 ------' ,--~------.... I . . !

. Menonaqua Inn Buckeye House Menonaqua Beach on Burt Lake.

Bay View House at Bay View. _



_,__ __ ,. ------.. _. __ ... ------. -----· ------~-- . ·-·- ___ The Roselawn Hotel on the_shore at Bay View. Sturgeon River - The best rainbow trout stream in the middle west.

Pinehurst Inn on Indian River. The best. of :fishing and calm water always.

.. .,-·.:..;;_ -~-;~., ,

Bay View, Roaring Brook, Wequetonsing, Har­ bor Point and Harbor Springs.

Walloon Lake, nine miles south of Petoskey, on M 13, has one of the best bathing beaches in this Northern country, and golfing, boating and fishing are also enjoyeq there.

To the east of Petoskey are many large dairy and truck farms. The Park House, another of Petoskey's all­ year-around hotels--both American and European plan. Lighthouse in Winter-Snow shoeing-Skiing-Skating-Sledding makes Petoskey an ideal spot as a winter and a health building resort.

The Host and Hostess of the Roselawn Hotel On the Quoit Court at Bay View." demonstrate to their guests. COVER LITHOGRAPHED BY DICKINSON BROS. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Petoskey-Bay View-Goll Links and fine new Country Club house where visitors to the city are made warmly welcome. Thia la but one of many splendid &olf courses to which the city's aueats have ready access.