On the Origin of the Small Moraines of Upper Hat Creek Valley

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On the Origin of the Small Moraines of Upper Hat Creek Valley ON THE ORIGIN OF THE SMALL MORAINES OF UPPER HAT CREEK VALLEY by JANICE MARGARET AYLSWORTH B.A., University of Western Ontario, 1971 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of Geography We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA April, 1975 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by his representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shal1 not be allowed without my written permission. Depa rtment The University of British Columbia Vancouver 8, Canada Date ABSTRACT Numerous small linear moraines occur in Upper Hat Creek valley, British Columbia. The ridges lie transverse to the axis of the valley. They are, upon average, 1000 feet (305 m.) long, 8 feet (2.4 m.) high, and spaced 130 feet (40 m.) apart. Their profile is asymmetrical, with a steeper proximal slope. The align• ment of a-axes of pebbles in the till is transverse to the moraine crest, regardless of the orientation of the crest with respect to the direction of regional ice movement. The dip of the pebbles is in the direction of the surface slope, however, it is less than the slope on the proximal side and greater than the slope on the distal side. The Hat Creek moraines form an extensive system of push moraines, deposited during the retreat of the last ice sheet. During the winter, a slight readvance of the glacier pushed the ablation moraine of the previous summer into a ridge along the ice front. The ridge was not overridden by the ice. Therefore, the asymmetry of a simple push moraine was maintained. During the subsequent ablation season the moraine was isolated from the retreating ice margin. The next winter's readvance rarely extended1 as far as the previous ridge, thereby preserving the moraines. iii PREFACE The Geological Survey of Canada has sponsored the mapping of the surficial geology of British Columbia for over sixty years. In the summer of 1972 I was assigned to a fieldparty mapping the terrain and surficial deposits of the Ashcroft map-area (92 l/NW; 1:126,720 scale). This area includes a small segment of the Coast Mountains and part of the rugged western edge of the Interior Plateau. One of the major basins of the map-area is Upper Hat Creek valley, a broad upland valley on the eastern side of the Clear Range. It is centred on approximately 50° 40' 15" north latitude and 121° 36* 00" west longitude. (See Fig. 1) While engaged in the mapping project I was able to spend over two and one half months studying the glacial landforms and deposits of Upper Hat Creek valley as the basis of this master's thesis. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT , ii PREFACE iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS viii INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter 1. THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF HAT CREEK VALLEY 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 The Physical Setting 3 1.3 Pleistocene History 7 1.3.1 Regional Pleistocene chronology 7 1.3.2 Pleistocene history of the study area 10 1.3.2.a Glaciation 10 1.3.2.D Deglaciation 14 1.4 Surficial Geology of Upper Hat Creek Valley 16 1.4.1 Introduction 16 1.4.2 The buried deposits 18 1.4.3 The till deposits 19 1.4.4 The postglacial deposits 26 1.5 Summary 27 2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON SMALL MORAINES 29 2.1 Introduction 29 2.2 The Review of the Literature 31 2.2.1 Moraines formed during advancing ice conditions. 31 2.2.2 Moraines formed during retreating ice conditions 33 2.2.3 Moraines formed during stagnant ice conditions . 40 2.2.4 Summary 43 2.3 Other Locations of Small Moraines in British Columbia . 44 3. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL TOPOGRAPHY AND SMALL MORAINES IN UPPER HAT CREEK VALLEY 46 3.1 Introduction ^6 3.2 Upper Hat Creek Valley 46 V 3.3 The Small Moraine Areas 47 3.3.1 Area A: between Cashmere and Hat Creeks 47 3.3.2 Area B: between McCormick and McDonald Creeks. 51 3.3.3 Area C: south of McDonald Creek 51 3.3.4 Area D: between Parke and Phil Creeks 53 3.3.5 Area E: south of Phil Creek 54 3.3.6 Scattered areas to the south 54 3.3.7 Crevasse fillings south of White Rock Creek ... 55 3.3.8 Summary 55 4. EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE HAT CREEK MORAINES 59 4.1 Introduction 59 4.2 Study Design 59 4.3 The External Morphology of the Moraines 65 4.3.1 Description 65 4.3.2 Relationships between the variables 67 4.4 Comparison with Other Moraines 73 5. INTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HAT CREEK MORAINES 75 5.1 Introduction 75 5.2 Study Design 75 5.3 The Internal Characteristics of the Moraines 80 5.3.1 Textural analysis 80 5.3.2 Pebble analysis 82 5.3*3 Till fabric analysis 82 5.4 Comparison with Other Moraines 84 6. ORIGIN OF THE HAT CREEK MORAINES 87 6.1 Introduction 87 6.2 Summary of the Physical Characteristics 87 6.3 Discussion of Alternative Hypotheses of Origin 88 6.4 Conclusions 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY 94 vi LIST OF TABLES Table page I. Lithologies of Till Pebbles (percentage) 13 II. Small Moraines Described in the Literature 30 III. Field Techniques 60 IV. Air Photograph Techniques ^1 V. Height and Slope Measurements by Area °2 VI. Other External Measurements by Area 63 VII. Correlations of Factors with Variables 68 VIII. Pebble Analysis 81 IX. Till Fabric Analysis 83 X. Comparison of Similar Characteristics of Hat Creek Moraines and Other Small Moraines 89 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Location Map of Study Area and Physiographic Subdivisions . 2 2. Geological Map of Upper Hat Creek Valley and Environs ... 3 3. Late Glacial Chronology of Southern British Columbia .... 8 4. Glacial Lineations and Generalized Contours 11 5. Surficial Geology of Upper Hat Creek Valley 17 6. Photographs of Topography 21 7. Closeup of Moraines in Area D 22 8. View Along Moraine Crests 23 9. Location Map of the Small Moraines : Area A 48 10. Location Map of the Small Moraines : Area B 50 11. Location Map of the Small Moraines : Areas C, D, E 52 12. Diagram Demonstrating the Influence of Southerly Slope on the Height of Moraines in Area A (slope) 66 13. Correlations of Variables Between and Among Factors 69 14. Relationship Between Position of Ice Front and Length of Moraines; Example: Area C ?2 15. Textural Analysis ~8 16. Cumulative Curves: Granule and Sand Sizes 79 viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank my advisor, Dr. June Ryder, for her valuable comments, guidance, and support during the researching and writing of this thesis. I also acknowledge the contribution to this thesis of those who aided me in the field: my field assistant, Marilynn Rodes; and friends, Jim Aylsworth, Rob Blair, Don Howes, and Jim Johnstone. Finally, I wish to thank the Geological Survey of Canada for supporting this research in the field. 1 INTRODUCTION The landscape of the Interior Plateau of British Columbia bears the indisputable mark of the glaciers. Within this region many of the landforms have been created or modified as a result of the last advance and retreat of ice sheets over the land. However, much of the Pleistocene history of the area and the exact origin of many of the landforms is still unresolved. Q Upper Hat Creek valley was selected as the research area with this latter problem in mind. Outstanding amongst the glacial landforms of the area are numerous small linear moraines which trend transverse to the axis of the valley. These features bear superficial resemblance to many known varieties of small moraines. This thesis considers the origin of the moraines of Upper Hat Creek valley. Using field techniques and air photograph interpretation, this thesis discusses the relationship between the moraines and local topography, and examines external and internal characteristics of the ridges. These results are compared with the morphology of moraines reviewed in the literature. Some alternative modes of origin for the Hat Creek moraines are presented. 2 FIG. 1: Location Map of Study Area and Physiographic Subdivisions 3 1. THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT OF HAT CREEK VALLEY 1.1 Introduction Chapter I examines the physical environment of the study area. The physical setting (including physiography, geology, and geologic history) of the area, regional Pleistocene history, and surficial geology of Upper Hat Creek valley are discussed. The small moraines, that are the subject of this thesis, are introduced. 1.2 The Physical Setting Upper Hat Creek valley lies in the ruggedly dissected western zone of the Interior Plateau system, in the transition zone between the subunits--Fraser and Thompson Plateaus (Holland, 1964) (Fig. 1). Vest and northwest of the valley rise the broad rounded summits of the Clear and Marble Ranges of the Fraser Plateau. These peaks reach elevations greater than 7000 feet (2135 m.) (eg. Cairn Peak, 7650 feet (2332 m.)). East of the valley are the flat topped hills of the dissected edge of the Thompson Plateau, reaching approximately 5500 feet (1575 m.) elevation.
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