PRSRT STD **********************************ECRWSS US Postage PAID St. James NY POSTAL CUSTOMER Permit No. 10 MAY 2018 Volume 31 Number 7 Keeping you up to date on SALES, HAPPENINGS Our Town & PEOPLE • • • • • • In Our Town - St. James S T J A M E S PUBLISHED MONTHLY Once upon a Summer day, Birds chirped in a musical way, Grass drenched in the morning dew, The sky covered in a vast color of blue. Once upon a summer day, Once upon a summer day, Flowers bloomed in full array, Thunder rumbled and prolonged its stay, Bright rays of sunlight spilled But after the rain tumbled down, Upon my garden on the hill. This summer day wore a glorious rainbow crown. – Joseph T. Renaldi – 2– 2018 MUSIC FOOD ART SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2018, 3:00PM - 7:00PM GALLERY NORTH GARDEN Tickets $100 Gallery North is pleased to announce the 2018 Garden Party Gala! Join us for food, music, a live art auction and our annual honoree appreciation featuring: FRED ROBERTA DOUG BADALAMENTI DAY DAHLGARD DAHLGARD 90 N COUNTRY RD. SETAUKET NY 11733 GALLERYNORTH.ORG l 631.751.2676 Established in 1965, Gallery North is a VW\NWZXZWÅ\ OITTMZa XZWUW\QVO \PM ÅVM[\ contemporary regional art and craft. It is located in the beautiful and historic area of Setauket, Long Island. Visit for more information on tickets, sponsorship and journal ads. Questions? Email
[email protected] OUR TOWN • MAY 2018 – 3– IN THIS ISSUE MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT Our Town The Atelier at Flowerfield ............................4 S • T • J • A • M • E • S AROUND TOWN Memorial Day Parade on May 28 ..............6 Strawberry Festival & Yard Sale ..................6 STAFF Liquorium Wine & Liquor Celebrates 3rd Anniversary ......................8 Ruth Garthe .