N e w s l e t t e r Week beginning Sunday 3 May 2020

Easter 4

This Sunday, 3 May is the fourth after Easter. Anthea Darlington will be leading a service of Morning Praise for Eastertide at 10am, and Anne Rockley will be preaching. Please join us as it is livestreamed on the parish Facebook group page (Group for St Pauls Kersal Moor and St Andrews Carr Clough): you can take an active part if you join us via Zoom.

Lectionary readings for Easter 4: (NT) Acts 2:42-end Life among the Believers (Gospel) John 10:1-10 Jesus the Good Shepherd

Theme for today’s reflection by Anne Rockley: A strange land Psalm 137:4

I wish I had a pound for every time I’ve heard the words ‘strange’ and ‘unprecedented!’ Even now, 6 weeks in, it’s hard to take in all that is happening in the world, our country, our hospitals and our lives. It’s made me think of the verse from Psalm 137, captured in the pop song by Boney M, ‘How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?’ The Psalm refers to the time when the people of Israel were taken into captivity and forced into exile by the Babylonians. In this appallingly traumatic situation, they were being taunted by their captors to entertain by singing the Lord’s song. But how could they? They had lost their homes, their freedom and their place of worship. Some were bereaved. They truly were in a strange and unprecedented situation. At first, the question, ‘How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?’ seems to be an expression of sheer impossibility. ‘We can’t possibly sing the Lord’s song here!’ ‘We don’t want to be in this strange land!’ ‘We’ll never sing again!’ ‘Nothing is normal!’ All of these are completely valid reactions. But as I’ve mulled over this verse, another meaning starts to come through. In the confusion and alienation, there are so many fears and voices clamouring for our attention, it’s hard to hear. The Lord’s song needs to be heard in a strange land, like ours. What is the Lord’s song? It is a song which reflects the Lord’s character- His wonder, truth, purity, power, kindness, forgiveness, love and grace. It is a song which is loving and life-giving. It brings good news and comfort to the soul. In these unprecedented times, let us learn to listen for the Lord’s song. It may be hard to decipher, and it may not sound as we expect. Then let us sing His song in a strange land.

This week in the Church Calendar. On 4 May we commemorate the English saints and martyrs of the Reformation, both Catholic and Protestant, who died for their faith at a time of religious upheaval and persecution on both sides. One of these, St (1585-1641) has a close association with the Archdeaconry of , having lived and worked at Astley for many years. He was born at Barlow Moor Hall and though raised as a Protestant he returned to the Catholic faith as an adult and was ordained priest in France. He lived at Morley Hall in Astley where he ministered to the many local Catholics for 24 years at great personal risk. He never concealed his faith and was arrested several times, for the last time after celebrating Easter Sunday Mass for 100 people. He was taken to Lancaster Castle, tried for treason, found guilty and executed. His cousin Francis Downes rescued his skull and preserved it at his home, Wardley Hall, where it can still be seen. Wardley Hall is now the residence of the . Ambrose Barlow was canonised in 1970 by Pope Paul Vl. St Ambrose Barlow High School in Swinton is named in his honour.

Wardley Hall St Ambrose Barlow Skull on the staircase at Wardley

A prayer for Christian unity prayed every day by the Archbishop of Canterbury: Lord Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one, we pray to you for the unity of Christians, according to your will, according to your means. May your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division, to see our sin and to hope beyond all hope. Amen.

Prayers Please pray for those who are still suffering with coronavirus, for those who have recovered and for those who care for them; we pray for Lisa on the loss of her mum Nancy, and Tracy Beattie on the loss of her dad Jim; we continue to pray for those who have lost loved ones recently, including John Cain, Doreen Minshull, Alana Briggs and the family of Joan Parr; and for Annie Thomas currently in hospital. We pray especially for those who are finding it difficult to cope with the lockdown, that they may know God’s peace and Jesus’ promise.

Messy Church! It’s Messy Church time this Saturday, 2 May. If you are on email you’ll receive some craft suggestions. At 3 o'clock on Saturday, Rev Hilary will be on the "Messy Church at St Andrews, Prestwich, Manchester" Facebook page to read a story about Carol the Caterpillar, sing a song and say some prayers. Please join us then!

Notices We continue to pray in our homes at 10am (Morning Prayer) and at 2pm (Prayer during the day). Revd Hilary will live-stream Night Prayers on Facebook at 8.30pm Mon-Fri. Lectionary readings for Easter 4: Mon: Ezekiel 34.17-23 1 Peter 5.1-5; Tue: Ezekiel 34.23-31 Hebrews 13.20-21; Wed: Jeremiah 23.1-8 Matthew 20.17-28; Thur: Genesis 12.1-3 Acts 6.8-15; Fri: Exodus 3.1-12 Acts 7.1-16; Sat: Jeremiah 26.20-24 John 8.48-59

.------CONTACT INFORMATION All other needs: Clergy Team: Revd Mike Dyson (Associate Minister) Janet Wood, BEM PCC Secretary, 792 1098 [email protected] 0161792 4694 07763575203 Email: [email protected] David Martin Churchwarden St Paul’s Revd Dr Owen Edwards (Assistant Curate) 0161 766 2736 [email protected] 0161 773 8801 07512760823 Judith Walsh Churchwarden St Andrew’s [email protected] O161 773 4773 [email protected] Anthea Darlington Data Officer 0161 792 1780 Revd Dr Lee Longden (Rector) [email protected] Emergency prayer chain: ring Maureen 792 4873 or email Revd Hilary Shedlock (Assistant Curate) 07817 651408 [email protected] [email protected] All notices currently to Anthea Darlington (see above)

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N e w s l e t t e r Week beginning Sunday 3 May 2020

Easter 4