ADM Brad Pense ...... [email protected] Fleet Channels is the official electronic bi-monthly publication of Region Three. VICE-REGIONAL COORDINATORS This newsletter is written solely for the entertainment of the Regional staff, the VRC (North): COMM Robyn Winans ...... [email protected] members of Regional Three and as- VRC (South/Senior): ADM Michelle Fanelli ...... [email protected] sorted friends. This publication is not in- VRC (West): VADM Sam Black ...... [email protected] tended to infringe on the copyrights or trademarks of Star TrekTM, as held by REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Paramount Pictures Corporation. Fleet Channels is copyrighted as an original Chief of Staff: VADM Raymond Ford ...... [email protected] production. Permission is hereby granted Deputy Chief of Staff: COMM Jeff Webb ...... [email protected] to anyone who wishes to reproduce the Operations: RADM Stephanie Izard ...... [email protected] original material herein, provided that the Communications: VADM Mark A. Vinson ...... [email protected] source of the material is included. All Shuttle Operations: RADM Dave Walker ...... [email protected] other copyrighted material, trademarks, Computer Operations: MGN Aaron Murphy ...... [email protected] and/or service marks cited herein are reg- Senior Enlisted Advisor: CMCPO Randi Spears . [email protected] istered to their respective owners. REGIONAL SUPPORT STAFF Certain uncredited material may be writ- ten by the editor. The opinions presented Awards Coordinator: RADM Billie Clifton ...... [email protected] in this newsletter are not necessarily Counselor: COMM Kat Sweeney-Richards ...... [email protected] those of Region Three or STARFLEET: Financial Officer: RADM Heather Ford ...... [email protected] The International Star Trek Fan Associa- Judge Adv. General: FCPT Emilio Martinez ...... [email protected] tion. Quartermaster: CMDR Reed Bates ...... [email protected] Special Forces Officer: BDR Jeff Schnoor ...... [email protected] Address corrections, Letters to the Edi- Special Projects Officer: RADM Heather Ford .... [email protected] tor, articles and/or artwork are strongly Youth Services Director: COMM Robert Ybarra .. [email protected] encouraged and should be sent to Fleet Channels, P.O. Box 1756, Coppell, TX. REGIONAL DEPARTMENT CHIEFS 75019. Unsolicited submissions will not be returned unless accompanied by a Operations: FCPT Alex Trevino ...... [email protected] S.A.S.E. Deadline for submissions is Engineering: VADM Bill A. "Mac" Schwab ...... [email protected] the first of each month prior to the next Communications: FCPT Evan Richards ...... [email protected] issue. Security: BGN Bryon Flynt ...... [email protected] Science: FCPT Bill Downs ...... [email protected] Submissions are respectfully requested Medical: LT Terrie Thomas ...... [email protected] in the form of an ASCII Text file or Works for Windows v4.0 that can be sent via REGIONAL E-MAIL ADDRESSES the INTERNET to [email protected]. If you can- Monthly Status Reports ...... [email protected] not upload a file then send it to me at the Shakedown Status Reports ...... [email protected] above address on a returnable 3.5" floppy Promotions Requests ...... [email protected] disk compatible with IBM or carfully typed Fleet Channels ...... [email protected] on white paper with at least one and one- half spaces between the lines in a san- REGIONAL MAILING LISTS serif font (i.e.: Arial). If you cannot type then carefully hand print -- incursive will There are currently two mailing lists: [email protected], the general information not be accepted under any circum- list for Region Three and [email protected], for all prospective and current ves- stances! Reports and/or submissions sels taking part in STARFLEET's Shakedown Operations. To subscribe, send e- need to be 500 words or less. mail to [email protected] with "subscribe " in the body of the mes- sage (where is the list to be joined). More information can be found at the Published items become the property of Region Three Web Page (http://www.region3.org). Fleet Channels and Region Three.

2 FLEET CHANNELS RC & SVRC REPORTS SOUTHERN TThroughhrough tthehe EyesEyes SPACEDOCK Senior Vice-Regional Coordinator Vice-Regional Coordinator, South by: ADM Michelle Fanelli ofof aa RedneckRedneck [email protected] by: ADM Brad Pense, Regional Coordinator Howdy, Howdy, Regional [email protected] As I write this, I am Howdy, Clint Hill, USS Ark Angel; Chapter of the not sure what to Year: USS Trinity River; Officer of the say about Summit Let me start by saying that we now have Year: Mark West, USS Regulator; Mem- and the after our 11th successful Summit behind us. ber of the Year: Sam Black, USS Lone weekend With that, it is time to provide you with Star postings. Many Summit ’07 follow-up information. But spoke with their first, I want to thank everyone who at- Our next major event this year is the re- emotion and pain. I hope one day the tended or had a part in making Summit turn of the Pool and Darts event in Killeen hard feelings will be less returning to our ’07 as successful as it at the Harker Heights more family connections. In the past we was. Moose Lodge on Satur- experience disagreements, say our day July the 21st. The peace and then go back to having fun. It During Opening Cer- Moose Lodge is located would be a shame, if we let things change emonies at Summit ’07, at 125 West Veterans that. I had the honor of rec- Memorial Blvd in Harker ognizing members from Heights, TX. Next is the I want everyone to remember what is across Region Three as Biennial Region Three important: the fun and the activities we they received Region trip to the Space Center do as a region. Those are still happen- Three Individual in Houston, TX. that is ing. The financial is being handled and Awards, ’06-’07 Annual set to take place in Sep- we will be better for it. We have other Awards and various tember. And we wrap things on our plate; the new Trek movie Promotions to the rank up the year with the very is coming out, hey a hook to get new of Captain and above. successful annual Re- members. We have new groups adding gion Three Game Day to our family. We will deal with what I want to congratulate to be held in Round comes our way as we always have. the following members/ Rock, TX. during No- groups from Region vember. Events being I want to thank Robyn and the Trinity River Three who received rec- held during the week- crew plus everyone who had anything to ognition at Summit this end will include open do with summit. Yes, I did have a great gaming, the third Bri- time. The panels were fun, loved the din- year. RC Brad Pense gets hauled in gade Fall Muster and ner and I even got a table decoration. I by the Fashion Police at much more. chatted with folks I haven’t seen in years. Promotions to Captain/ Summit 2007 Colonel: Lloyd Bates That is what the weekend was truly about. and Scott McKinlay; to Fleet Captain/ Until more information is announced on Brigadier: Cami Houser and Jeff Schnoor other Region Three events you can keep Of course our groups are gearing up for (Brigadier); to Commodore/Brigadier a watchful eye on the Region Three web the summer. The Firebird is taking a ton General: Karon McLain and Robert Gra- site http://www.region3.org for more up- of Academy courses. The KED-TV auc- ham; to Rear Admiral/Major General: dates. tion had support of the Joan of Arc mem- Billie Clifton; and to Vice Admiral: bership. The Renaissance and what will Raymond Ford. In service to the Fleet, be the Corsair group at teaming up for August’s Babel Con. The Ark Angel is Annual Awards: Newsletter of the Year: preparing for their first fan film and will USS Aurora Vulcanus’ Aurora’s Glory be doing a casting call. I can picture it (Volume 15, Issue 3); Junior Member of now - a star is born. the Year: Remmington Shugart, USS ADM Brad Pense, continued next page Regulator; Enlisted Member of the Year: Commander, Third Fleet FLEET CHANNELS 3 VRC REPORTS Northern Go West VRCS -- continued from page 3 Next regional event is July’s Pool and LIGHTS Young Man! Darts. The steaks are back along with the fun we always have at this event. We Vice-Regional Coordinator, North Vice-Regional Coordinator, West also have Space Center Houston and by: COMM Robyn Winans by: VADM Sam Black Game Day coming up, so try to join in on [email protected] [email protected] the fun when you can.

Well Summit was This was a mostly And may the good news be yours. here and now it’s fun and very inter- gone. The USS esting summit. Trinity River hopes There were defi- that everyone had a nitely memorable Admiral Michelle Fanelli good time while moments, and Vice - Regional Coordinator, South they were here. some of those mo- We’d like to think ments are the VRCW -- continued everyone for that keeps on giv- such as Elizabeth Moon and Laurell K making the trek to ing. I was totally Hamilton. If you’d like to join us drop me Dallas for the 2007 Summit. I would shocked to be chosen as the Member of an Email and we’ll work out a plan! like to again express my thanks to the the Year. It is an honor of which I never Crew of the USS Trinity River for the hard thought I would ever be the recipient. I’m Keep those feet on the ground and keep work they did in preparation for summit just a humble servant of the members, reaching for those Stars. and all the behind the scenes activities on all levels. I have never been here to at summit. Thank you to the Crew of further any agenda other than that of put- the IKV Melota for helping and making it ting the members above all else. I guess a true Federation event. Thank you to that’s the advice I would give for all you Robyn everyone who helped out with summit out there with ambitions of any kind. from around the region from our panel moderators to Sound crew to the 3rd There are a few things coming up for the VRCN -- continued BDE and those at the registration table members to keep on their radar screens. voice be heard. I would hope that each and everyone in between. Also thank Coming up in July is the return of Pool and every one of you out there would take you to those of you that stepped in at the and Darts back to standing on its own, the time to become educated voters. last minute when a few challenges arose; and its return to Killeen, as well. We also Study the platforms and issues. Quiz the Mary Webb, Sam Black, TJ Gordon and have the trip to Space Center Houston candidates. Send in that ballot when it Kris Winegar. coming up later this year all the way down comes to your mailbox. south in H-town. The IC in Denver is just As we relax from Summit hear in the around the corner in August. It’s rarely I’d also like to take a brief opportunity to North, there are still ballgames to be had too late to jump on the bandwagon and bid an early welcome to a soon-to-be for the Rangers and the Fort Worth Cats. head to the Mile High city to enjoy the newly formed chapter out here in the We’re still celebrating Star Wars 30th weekend with Tim Russ and all the rest west. Last I heard the paperwork is on Anniversary with an exhibit at the Fort of the merry band of ‘Fleeters. Addition- its way around the cycle for the USS El Worth Science Museum. Dallas Comic ally, I’m proud to say that our chapter will Destino up in the Panhandle to enter the Con 9 will shortly be upon us (June 30 be welcoming home, albeit temporarily, Shakedown program. Great news for and July 1) and one very special media one of our newer members on leave from growth here in the west! guest is none other then Robert Beltran, service in Afghanistan in July. Chakotay from ST:Voyager One last thing before signing off, if any- One of the most important things that we one would like a copy of the slideshow I Several of us will even be making treks as members have as a duty is to remem- put together for this year’s summit, feel around the region for Science Fiction ber to stand up and vote in the upcoming free to contact me. It’s fully rendered and Literary conventions such as ApolloCon CS elections. There are many issues there are no known technical glitches yet (www.apollocon.org), Conestogoa ( facing STARFLEET and who we, as the to be found. http://www.sftulsa.org/conestoga/) and membership, choose to lead us into the Armadillocon (www.armadillocon.org) next decade is very important. In the last Until next time, where we’ll meet old friends, new friends, few CS elections, only about one-third of and talk with authors from around the US the membership took the time to let their continued continued Black, out. VADM Sam Black, VRC West 4 FLEET CHANNELS STAFF REPORTS Fifely Yours... Ops Central REED'S SHOP On Deputy Chief-of-Staff Report Regional Operations Report the PROMENADE by: COMM Jeffrey Webb by: RADM Stephanie Izard [email protected] Regional Quartermaster Report [email protected] by: CMDR Reed L. Bates

Greetings: Hello Region Three! Hello fellow Region I’m the Deputy Chief 3-ers. Summit up Once again we have in DFW was pretty of Staff. At Summit had a very … last year, we in- uneventful with the interesting … Summit. quartermaster’s of- cluded a moment I don’t know who on during the awards fice, at least as far the Trinity River came as sales went. I did ceremonies that ex- up with those bags plained to the Re- sell over $150 in from the National merchandise and gion what each Space Society, but those were a GREAT person’s job on the REC was. This year, had one new offering that sold pretty well summit perk. Most everyone was thrilled (please read on for more info about that). we deleted that part because it was with them. mostly being talked over in the excitement Nevertheless, with everyone in unplanned of watching all our regional friends recieve meetings all day, I really did not see as I was thrilled that I actually got to go to a much action as I was hoping to see. I their recognition. I’m going to take a couple of the panels. I usually don’t have moment to explain precisely what my job hope things will pick up at Pool & Darts, the time, but this year everything just fell NASA, Game Day, and on and on. is according to the manual, and then let into place. It was nice to just sit and enjoy you know what I feel is unwritten but just the panels for once. I also had a great Polo Shirts as important about the job I do. time just watching the Klingons and their jail. They were quite a group; we might On the polo shirt front, I am down to only The Region Three Handbook says: need to invite them back for next year. 1.) The Deputy Chief of Staff (DCoS) will having three black polos left (1 small, 2 serve as an assistant to the Chief of Staff medium). That’s it. I will be ordering more The Charity Auction did very well this very soon. I would like to know if you (CoS) and year. I would like to thank everyone that 2.) Will be responsible for coordinating wish to own a Region Three black polo contributed items for the auction. We with a pocket and what size. If you tell the activities of the Regional Support had some incredibly nice things this year Staff. The DCoS me soon, I can order your exact size and and did very well for the North Texas I can bring them to Pool & Darts or the 3.) Will receive monthly reports, as Foodbank. needed from the RAC, RCC, RJA, RQM, NASA Trip, etc. In addition, all Staffers RSFO, and RSPO then compile these who need a maroon-colored staff shirt Our next away mission here in the please email with your size and the quan- reports and provide the CoS with a syn- Region will be Pool & Darts in Killeen on opsis, as needed. tity required. I will also endeavor to order July 21st. It should be fun for all and a the staff shirts and bring them to the vari- 4.) The DCoS is also responsible for as- steak dinner to boot. sisting the Chief of Staff in the direction ous regional events upcoming or I can place them in the mail if there is an ur- of committees, task forces, boards and Hope to see you all there. departments assigned by the Regional gent need or you are not going to be at Coordinator. any of the regional events.

Okay, so I assist Vice Admiral Ford, and The New Web Site I hear from the Support Staff. I hear from our Awards Coordinator usually ‘round In my Fleet Channels article a while back, RADM Stephanie Izard, I stated that I would have a web site up Summit time, preparing for our yearly Regional Operations Officer awards. Youth Services I hear from oc- and running by Summit. Well, I had it casionally. JAG? Not unless there’s a working but it is not up to speed totally problem going on. Quartermaster? Well, yet. By the time this edition goes to print CDR Bates has that pretty well squared (pdf) and distributed, you should be able away most of the time. BDR Schnoor to see the new R3 Quartermaster web stays in contact with Brigade matters, and site at home.grandecom.net/~razcer (no www in front). I will work with CompOps continued next page continued on page 7 FLEET CHANNELS 5 STAFF REPORTS DCoS -- continued from page 5 make a request of each and every per- why we’re here, right? This is a hobby! I have dinner with Special Projects Of- son reading this, up the chain and down. We’re supposed to be enjoying it. Event ficer RADM Heather Ford at least twice I want you to do your best, your absolute Promotion is part of that. *I*, personally, per month. We, the support staff, are in top effort to clear your calendar for 21 July as a member of your REC and as your some ways the Maytag Repairmen of the 2007. Come to Killeen and join us at Pool friend, want to see each and every one Region. Many of the jobs on the Support and Darts. When you get there, leave of you at Pool and Darts. There will be Staff are only active a few times a year, your politics at the door and have some board games and card games in addi- around major events. fun. Let’s compete with darts and cue tion to the P&D, and you can be certain a sticks, a little friendly rivalry that at the good time will be had if you let it. So let The most important part of my job, in my end of the day will be forgotten over it! Let’s get back to the basics of having opinion, stems from being a member of steaks and drinks. Let’s get back to the fun as a Region. the Regional Executive Committee. As business of enjoying our hobby. We’re a part of the REC, I feel it is my duty to act Region, a team, a family. Mary and I are trying to adopt a child. I as an advocate for the Region as a whole. want there to be a strong, vital Region There’s a lot of stuff going on right now, I have four Godchildren. Their parents Three around when that child is old some controversy, some scandal, and I are shipmates. If not for STARFLEET, I enough to enjoy it. I want there to be think it’s my duty to look to the morale would never have met FCAPT Cami chapters and events for that child to take and welfare of the Region as a whole as Houser, MGN Aaron Murphy or his wife part in, if he or she chooses, and God much as I possibly can. Kris, and I would not have the opportu- willing to help organize and run. The nity to play with and love these four beau- friends, the fun and the family are the Right now, what we need in Region Three tiful kids. I’ll bet if I were to ask around legacy we’re trying to create and protect. is not another polarizing scandal. We’ve the Region, there would be quite a few Every family has arguments and issues, been at the eye of the IC2005 hurricane, folks who have met friends, spouses, and and I’m making it my priority to try and and when IC2006 came into focus it all sorts of important people through help pull this one through our rough patch brought us back in with the ghosts of 2005 STARFLEET. Thanks to connections I in my own small way. being dragged into the discussions. made in the Fleet, I’ve met actors and When ADM Pat Spillers was replaced as crewmembers, gotten autographs, even My virtual office door is always open. CFO, eyes were once again on Region posted the Colors and traded salutes with Please feel free to e-mail me at any time Three. The latest Communiqué even has Admiral Forrest. with questions, concerns, and anything articles about both the IC debacle and else you’d like to send my way. I want to the CFO replacement. Now, we have the My job description doesn’t say anything see this Region continue to prosper, and issue with the Comptroller’s Office to deal about morale, event promotion, or reten- that means growth, recruiting, retention with -- and this one will be far -- reaching tion. I’m concerned about these things and most of all having fun together. You as it’s not just the Region that’s affected, because I strongly feel that Job Number know what they say, we’ll hang together it’s STARFLEET. Who is to blame for One for any member of the Regional Ex- or we’ll hang separately. It’s a slippery these heinous crimes against our orga- ecutive Committee no matter what their slope STARFLEET is facing with all this nization? position or rank should be the continued turmoil and finger-pointing. With this well-being of Region Three. This means being an election year, it’s probably go- My answer? It’s not important at this time. morale. I received a phone call from a ing to get worse before it gets better. Let’s “Punishment” if necessary will come from CO telling me that a long-standing mem- have some fun- some real fun at Killeen, the peers of these individuals once things ber, XO, and fellow Marine has decided NASA, Game Day, or anywhere else -- come to light. Right now, we need to fix not to renew his membership because to remind us all of why we joined the PROBLEMS, not the BLAME. Am I everything he hears from Region and STARFLEET in the first place. angry that someone felt so strongly about FLEET is scandal after scandal with no something that they called the mundane end in sight. That shows me that morale In Service, authorities to deal with problems internal is low in some parts of Region Three, and to Region Three, and that the fallout it’s up to your leadership to fix it. We need threatens the very financial stability of to retain all our members, as each and STARFLEET? You bet your sweet bippie. every one of you are a vital and impor- But right now, at this time, we don’t need tant part of what we do. The Region is a Witch Hunt, folks. What we need is to built of Chapters, and Chapters are built Jeffrey A. Webb get back to the business of having fun. of members- every single member, from Commodore, SFI That’s what STARFLEET is all about, Crewman on up, is vital and important to Deputy Chief of Staff, Region Three right? Region Three. Retention of those mem- Commanding Officer, USS Ark Angel bers is part of the mandate of the Re- As a member of the EC, I’m going to gional Executive Committee. Fun - that’s 6 FLEET CHANNELS STAFF & VESSEL REPORTS QM -- continued from page 5 should be able to visit my web site to view An away team was sent to the Minneapo- to see if we can upload this to the region’s a sneak peak at the calendar. If you have lis Creation Con and gave the weekend site and I can access to make changes any questions or if you would like to or- rave reviews. Lucky. as needed or see if there can be a “redi- der a calendar, please email me at rect” where you can go to it like, [email protected]. If ordering a calendar, Members attended the Houston Prix, two qm.region3.org or something. please include your address if you wish it days of fun midway activities and racing. to be mailed to you and I will email you Please note, all prices for Region Three back with the cost of the postage. The command team of Michelle and The merchandise include applicable sales tax. Catt, plus BJ made the Dallas Trek for I know there was some stink at Summit Contact Me the Region Three Summit. They report about this subject, but the Region has a having a great time and did make a stop Sales Tax Permit and has paid state taxes Please send me a line to let me know at the Half-Price books mothership. They on the merchandise that has been sold. what you think and stay tuned to your lo- also touched base with Joyce Fink while The Region will endeavor to make sure cal bat channel. in the area. And Catt almost left Shell that we comply with the laws and rules of behind, proving that rule – The Catt waits this state and the United States. I am at your service, for no one. They thank all who made the weekend fun. I also talked with a few people at Summit Reed L. Bates, CMDR who might have special R3 items for sale R3 Quartermaster Until Next Time, occasionally through the web site. The [email protected] MCPT Jared K. Fielder details have yet to be worked out, but if we do, we’ll have some one of kind items for you to own. With the web site going, I plan to have monthly sales, polls for new items, and have an ordering system with either PayPal or maybe just a simple form to fill out and mail (email) to me.

Get Your Calendars Before They Sell Out! USS Aurora Vulcanus, NCC-1888 Fleetwide Correspondence Vessel USS Joan of Arc, NCC-73289 Sector 6 -- Corpus Christi, TX. The latest and greatest, newest item is CO -- ADM Michelle Fanelli CO -- FCPTRobin Van Cleave the new Region Three Calendar. It is [email protected] [email protected] made to the size of the Region Three XO -- CAPT Catt Fanelli XO -- LCDR Tahnya Abbott Calendar Covers and is in black and Commissioning Date: July 4, 1983 Commissioning Date: January 6, 1994 white. Included in the new calendar are Motto: "Creatively Sailing in Motto: "Legends Endure" event happening for the Region as well Exploration of the Imagination" as some Star Trek birthdays, along with The chapter published the second AG of Greetings to all from the crew of the USS some pictures of some of our Region the year and for once before the summit Joan of Arc: Three friends from Retreat -07 and Game packing. We have added more columns Day ’06. The prices for the calendars and tying into character’s departments and a The newly installed program of “Trekking calendar covers are: new con section. Steve Burchett will be around the Coastal Bend” seems to be a our new layout editor and plans are be- success. April’s event was a part recruit- 1.) $3 for R3 Calendar “Refill” (just the ing discussed to change the format. ing part fun event out in Padre Isles. calendar to be inserted into the R3 Cal- Steve has also started a project to save endar Cover); some of our older issues. The chapter First the crew, plus one, gathered for a 2.) $4 for the R3 Calendar Cover; and is excited about the idea. birthday/poker night party at the Van 3.) $6 for both the R3 Calendar “Refill” Cleave’s house. Here we celebrated April and the R3 Calendar Cover. Due to computer problems, command is birthdays with her own personal sized favoring using tin cans to communicate. “tribble cake”. This is an individual cake The dates for this edition run from June As an older ship, we do have our tech covered with many long strings of frost- 2007 through January 2008. Since the problems. Smoke signals were ruled out. ing giving it a fuzzy look. This also helped Region’s events are set at Retreat in raise operating funds for the chapter. January, I will wait until then to do a new The 321 our Marine Unit published their Poker night is where the crew members calendar, which should run at least Feb- newsletter The Grips of Death with a fun play poker plus snacks for about an hour, ruary 2008 through January 2009. You usage of color continued on pages 9-10 FLEET CHANNELS 7 VESSEL REPORTS

Space Station Maverick, SFR301 USS Lone Star, NCC-73628 USS Regulator, NCC-73337 Sector 8 -- Lubbock, TX. Sector 8 -- Lubbock, TX. Sector 1 -- Fort Worth, TX. CO -- FCPT Margi O'Neill CO -- FCPT Lisa Pruitt CO -- BDR Mark West [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] XO -- CAPT Doug Hogan XO -- LCDR Darrell Carey XO -- MCPT Kyle Schugart Commissioning Date: July 2, 2005 Commissioning Date: March 2, 1996 Commissioning Date: October 1, 1992 Motto: "Honor, Courage, Committment" Recommissioning Date: July 20, 2002 Motto: “Defending the Final Frontier” Motto: "Coming Together . . . Our chapter is a unique group of individu- This has been an interesting month. Reaching Out to Others . . ." als, with many interests. We all love dif- ferent aspects of Trek, but also have very While getting ready for Summit (our Ca- As usual the USS Lone Star has been full lives with work, hobbies, and family dets are participating for the first time) very busy during April, May, and the first activities. Besides Trek, some things we nothing else seems to have gotten done. part of June. all have in common are we never take And with all this rain, it’s a wonder we ourselves too seriously and we all love to haven’t started building an ark. I don’t April began quite busily with the chapter read. know about the rest of you but it seems hosting an Easter party for the children to dry up long enough to mow the lawn staying at Women’s Protective Services As part of our community service, our and then here we go again. But we did (the South Plains battered women’s shel- chapter wanted to reward a local high need the rain badly!! ter). We had games and Easter baskets. school senior who has plans on attend- Prizes were given to the top performers. ing some form of higher education, We are still planning for Quark’s Casino The blizzard that rolled in did hinder the whether it’s a junior college, a college, a the first part of October so be sure and planned egg hunt, but didn’t deter the technical school, or a graduate school mark those calendars. Our members are Easter Bunny from making an appear- and reach out to those in the community canvassing the area and getting some ance, much to everyone’s enjoyment. that aren’t members of Starfleet. It’s a interesting items for the auction. We’ve This was followed with members deliver- chance to assist a worthy kiddo, and it’s been offered a different location for this ing filled Easter baskets to the residents another way to get the word out about year’s event but haven’t completely de- for one of the organizations who run Star Trek. We have fundraising activi- cided on it yet. But there will still be plenty group homes in our area. We followed ties throughout the year and our expen- of room and lots of food. I’ll let you know this with our crew meeting, hosted once ditures are very small since we all pitch by the next issue what the menu will be again on Skype. We were glad to have in when it comes time to eat out or do from our resident chef. attendees from across the state tuning community service activities (We don’t dip in to our meeting. When the meeting into station funds very much at all, but Try and stay dry and we’ll see you around wound down, we tossed in a DVD and instead, pay for things out of our own the . enjoyed Harry Potter 3 on the view pockets. We pay our own way to Re- screen. gional activities, have potlucks, share Liz Goulet, FCPT movies, go Dutch at dinners, etc.). My Communications Officer The next week, the CO & JAG hosted a son has gotten Fleet scholarships for USS Regulator chili cook-off. Two entries made it to the Texas Tech and I thought we’d pass along table and it was too close to call which the “good thing” to individuals that aren’t was better. We had scratch cornbread Alan Goulet in SFI (and also not compete with SFI provided as part of the last few visits by a accepts scholarships). pair of our members preparing for a move Mark West's to the northern edge of the country. Oc- Officer of the We do the award as an essay contest. tober Sky was chosen as the movie for Year Award This year’s prompt was: “Please explain the evening and the Game Cube in the during how principles of Star Trek can relate to other room got a good workout as well. opening modern life and a positive future.” That Our area Klingon visitors joined us again ceremonies at Summit 2007 continued on page 10 continued on page 11 8 FLEET CHANNELS VESSEL REPORTS JofA -- continued from page 7 then using their accrued chips bid on things other members have donated to the ‘house’. This is where most of the fun is since there are usually several ‘hot’ USS Trinity River, NCC-6425 items. Many things changed hands and Sector 1 -- Dallas, TX. all went home happy with new treasures. CO -- COMM Robyn Winans Steve Gordon, the Captain of the USS [email protected] Victory, joined us as special guest. Steve XO -- FCPT Elizabeth Weber made out like a bandit with all the ‘new’ Commissioning Date: stuff he won to take home to S.A.! February 12, 2004 Motto: "One and Indivisible" As I previously said the April Trekking event was closer to home. We went out It’s been a busy summer for the crew of to play mini golf in Padre Isles, a small the USS Trinity River. Months of work and community located on the island itself just planning paid off with a fun and success- past Flour Bluff. Eight of the crew made ful Region Three Summit in Dallas in it to this event wearing our uniforms. At Members of the "Lady J" June. first some people just looked at us but at a recent charity event finally a few brave souls asked “Is there On behalf of Summit Chair and USS Trin- celebrate. A beach bonfire was planned a Star Trek Convention in town?” This ity River CO Robyn Winans, we’d like to but the weather nixed that idea as we led to an explanation of why we were thank all of the TR crew and the many didn’t want to fight washed up sea weed there, where and how often we meet. By members from other ships, far too many all over the camp site. We did have a the time the evening was over, we had to name here, who made Summit pos- smallish bonfire in Robin’s backyard. given our cards to four different groups sible. Special thanks to the Rhyanna crew There we roasted turkey, chicken, home- of interested people. The group had a for their usual excellent job handling reg- made venison sausage for the main fun evening with three of the golfers mak- istration. course. This was followed by many side ing a hole-in-one. dishes finished off with birthday cake & In addition, we’d like to thank all of the roasted marshmallows for dessert. Pre- May is usually a busy month since this is people outside of Region Three who also sents were presented and all went home when we have one of the largest com- helped make this event a success. We full and happy. munity service events of the year. Our can’t forget the Klingon crew of the IKV local public television hosts a tele-auc- Melota, Tim Miller of the Dallas Future Three valiant crew members journeyed tion and this will be the 13th year the club Society, Pastor Rawd from Hillcrest up to Region three Summit this year, to has manned the phone bank, displayed Church, and of course the staff of the be joined by a fourth member Saturday bid items, provided runner duties, and Radisson. Plus we give special thanks to afternoon & evening. The weekend assisted with multiple Fire Sales. This the National Space Society for donating promised to be full of fun, meeting old year we were asked to please come to those cool totebags. friends, making new ones & learning new fill the late night shifts on both Friday & skills. There were many interesting pan- Saturday nights. These shifts were from It hasn’t all been work this summer. We’ve els offered this year. Among the three of 8: 30 p. until close shortly after midnight. managed to work in game days, movie us (Kris Dobie, Tahnya Abbott and Mar- Revenue from this auction helps the sta- nights, and a few other fun and fellow- garet Branstetter), we managed to attend tion cover expenses as well as purchase ship activities as well. Just after Summit a good many of the panels. new shows. My favorite part is when we celebrated the fourth anniversary of new volunteers arrive to see the club our launch with our annual Crew Picnic. Friday evening has always been devoted dressed in persona and then take a step Weather forced us inside but we still to arrival, registration, & CHOCOLATE, back when Robert walks out of the stu- grilled, feasted, and celebrated as a crew. massive amounts. This year was no dif- dio in FULL KLINGON!!! After the last ferent — In the hosting club’s rooms sev- item is sold there is a door prize drawing Thanks also for giving the crew some- eral yummy treats were laid out. I also but only those who stayed all night are thing to celebrate as we shared the had an entry in this traditional feast. I eligible for. This time on Sat. night there news that we’re the Region Three Chap- created ‘Counselor Troi’s 5 star choco- were TWO club members who won ter of the Year with our members who late chip cookies’. It was a variation on prizes: Klingon Robert & myself. were unable to attend Summit. That’s the usual Chocolate oatmeal cookie with quite an honor to live up to but we’ll try a small twist: I used 5 types of chocolate May’s Trekking event was held here in to make them. We ate chocolate, visited continued on page 11 Corpus Christi as we had 4 birthdays to continued on next page FLEET CHANNELS 9 VESSEL REPORTS JofA -- continued from previous Lone Star -- continued from page 8 cleaning up the kitchen, the crew page for a fun-filled evening. caravanned across town to the local Fox with friends and ate more chocolate all and Hound for pool and darts and lots of evening. YUMMY!!! The 21st brought highs and lows. At Fox fun and fellowship. & Hound, we gathered and enjoyed each Saturday began with Opening Ceremo- other’s company and practiced our pool The last Saturday of the month the crew nies, Roll call of the Region 3 ships & and darts skills. Additionally, we also had gathered at the JAG’s home for Mexican other ceremonial type things. Finally it a new member join us for the first time food pot luck. One of our crew makes was time for the awards. The winner of with lots of enthusiasm. On the flip side, enchiladas to die for. The evening fea- the Chocolate contest was announced while on the way home, we received word tured games and watching a couple of before the R3 promotions and awards be- that Tulia had been hit by a devastating videos. gan I was TRULY surprised to hear my tornado. We have a contingent of our name called there. Finally all the awards crew there with their families. We were The following night the crew gathered at were given out & it was lunch time. Ev- very relieved to hear from all of them that our drive-in movie theater to watch the ery one left to find food since breakfast they, very luckily, were spared. Many of latest Pirates movie. Besides being less had been early in the morning. Panels of their friends and acquaintances weren’t expensive than a walk-in movie theater, one type or another filled the afternoon, quite so lucky with their homes, busi- you can converse with friends and not and as I stated earlier, between the three nesses, and possessions. Tulia contin- disturb other movie goers. of us we covered a good many. ues to go through the cleanup and re- building process and we continue to stand The first Saturday in June was time for One member provided rescue service for ready to lend a hand, even from afar. the regular crew meeting. Once again it our resident Klingon from his ‘mundane took place at the CO’s home. Pot Luck family’ to his Fleet family. She drove To bring the month to a close, we held a theme for the evening was casseroles. across Dallas to 6 Flags get him. He send-off party for our pair moving up We had every thing from chicken showed up in FULL persona speaking in north. Lots of home-cooked favorites Fettuccine Alfredo to green Chile casse- KLINGON when questioned!! Robert were available for all to enjoy. The JAG, role. The highlight of the evening was Shaver is always a hit wherever he goes. who was supposed to spend a little time everyone playing the Star Trek interac- Dinner was interesting because of the at the beginning before heading off to tive video game and the DVD Star Wars looks we got when we went to the Chi- chaperone his school’s prom, arrived late Trivial Pursuit game. It was like a live nese Buffet just down the street. We and just stayed after returning from spon- Mystery Science Theater 3000. A great dined with the USS Victory as it was the soring a trip with his students to the state evening was had by all who attended. It only time we could get together due to computer programming contest who was great having the area Klingons join different schedules at the event. brought home a 10th place victory out of us for the evening. 70 teams in attendance. The group broke The auction was next followed by the up after around 1am and a good time was The next weekend found part of the crew Casino night but we passed up the Ca- definitely had by all. traveling to Dallas for the 2007 Region sino night since it had been a long day Three Summit. It was great to get to see for all.. The month of May began with the regu- our crew members that live in Irving. We lar crew meeting. Afterward, we fired up always enjoy seeing old friends and mak- More Business meetings (CCO), then the grill and tossed on a variety of good- ing new ones. Highlight of the weekend Closing Ceremonies finished Sunday. ies provided by various crew members. was having our JAG officer Sam Black The most enjoyable part of Sunday was Games topped off a fun-filled evening. named Region Three Member of the the slide show. People cheered when Year. Way to go Sam!!! Three of the they recognized themselves or a crew The next weekend featured sausage pot USS Gunslinger members joined our trek member. After hugs & kisses were given luck. Never knew there were so many from Lubbock to Dallas. It was great around we hit the road. Almost 9 hours different kinds of sausage and dishes having them as traveling companions. All later we pulled into Margaret’s drive way. made with sausage. We even had some arrived home safe and sound. Both of us hauled ourselves plus suit- great side dishes to round out the spread. cases, upstairs found beds then crashed The evening included watching “Déjà Vu” For those of you that haven’t heard, the until late Monday morning. This is an and playing games. USS Lone Star not only has a face to face abridged version of our trip. Stay tuned meeting, but it is also setup using Skype for the update on the Texas Treasure Boat The next week found the Lone Star crew so our out of town members and friends trip... preparing and serving dinner at the local can also attend. If anyone would like to Ronald McDonald House. The menu in- attend any Lone Star meeting via Skype FCapt Kris Dobie, RVA cluded baked ham, green bean casse- (or in person), contact Sam to get set up USS Joan of Arc role, coleslaw and potato salad. After 10 FLEET CHANNELS VESSEL REPORTS information. The door and “subspace this issue for more information. ries that you enjoyed. If you can, share communications” to the Lone Star are them with others of younger generations. always open. If any other chapter would like to spon- We may have to be the ambassadors of sor their own scholarship I’ll be glad to Trek for awhile, until the next series Commodore Lisa Pruitt, CO send you a copy of our packet. It’s easy, comes out. If we share what originally USS Lone Star fun, and, as Quark would say, “It’s worth excited us about the show, we might be it!” able to “pass the tricorder” on to another Maverick -- continued from page 8 generation - the Next Generation. How old were you when you discovered Star Trek? I was 7 and watched it on a Doug Hogan, XO brand new color TV in 1967 but I really S.S. Maverick started getting into it with reruns in the 1970s. I’ve been a teacher for 15 years Trinity -- continued from page 9 now and still find ways to expose Trek to our best to continue to serve with distinc- new generations - and try to convince tion. them that Star Trek beats Star Wars anyday! Next up for the ship is Dallas Comic Con 9 in Richardson, Texas, where we’ll have We recently had our last school day. It’s a recruiting table and serve as volunteers traditional for teachers to have it as a fun, to help the event run more smoothly. This Janice Rainwater accepts the SS calm day to pass out any papers, clean show, to be held June 30-July 1, will fea- Maverick scholarship from Captain out lockers, and show a movie. As part ture Robert Beltran from Star Trek: Voy- Doug Hogan (XO, S.S. Maverick) at of their cultural heritage, I expose my el- ager as well as Kristy Swanson, Monterey High School in Lubbock. ementary students to Star Trek through- Futurama star Billy West, and Mary out the year. They hear lots of phrases; way it is open-ended and they can be as Oyaya from the Star Wars prequel trilogy. from “warp speed,” to “shields,” to “Is that creative or organized as they want. We You can get all the details on the DCC at logical?” They know that it isn’t anything then look over the submissions and de- www.dallascomiccon.com. cide on the best one. This year we re- weird, its part of my personality, and it’s part of their history as Americans. I don’t viewed all entries during a cookout and it Yours in service to the Fleet, was easy to pass around and read while overdo it, but they know it’s an interest of mine. we ate and discussed. We followed up LCDR Ed Dravecky, with emails and phone calls and decided Communications Officer This year on the last day of class, I treated on a winning entry. USS Trinity River my students to two episodes from TOS. Last year I offered that we’d make the I picked out two I thought they would en- presentation in uniform or incognito, de- joy (“Miri” and “Arena”). I set up the shows pending on what the winner wanted. One first, showed the episodes and then we of the high school counselors replied, discussed the main points and charac- Fleet Channels “That would be a blast!” While that school ters. The kids watched the shows with didn’t win, there’s always next year! This incredible attention and I realized that they Deadlines year’s winning entry was submitted by hadn’t seen them before. Can you imag- Janice Rainwater, of Monterey High ine growing up without Captain Kirk, The following is a list of the upcom- School, here in Lubbock. She plans on Spock, or Dr. McCoy as heroes or even ing deadlines for Fleet Channels: attending Colorado State University and knowing the wonderful drama and adven- major in Electrical Engineering. When ture of this piece of television history? July/Aug. -- Aug. 11, 2007 presented with the scholarship certificate One student came up to me and said, “I Sept./Oct. Issue -- Oct. 13, 2007 and check, she was gracious and very get what the colors [of the uniforms] stand Nov./Dec. Issue -- Dec. 8, 2007 thankful. I asked her if what she wrote in for: the yellow is for captains, the blue is her paper was true and she replied, “Yes. for scientists, and the red is for the po- ALL e-mail submissions should be My mom helped refresh me about some lice.” Not bad for a 9 year old’s view of a sent to: [email protected]. of the things about the original show and television series that was filmed 30 years everything is true.” You’ll notice in her before he was born and 4 subsequent Note: Reminders of approaching entry that she and her brother were series ago. deadlines will be posted on the R3 named after some famous people and list. her holidays are probably similar to many As we grow older, keep in mind the char- in Fleet. See her award winning entry in acters and episodes of the various se- FLEET CHANNELS 11 pix from Summit 2007 pix from Summit 2007 FLEET AND REGIONAL NEWS FLEET FACTS two teams will then play a tie breaker game of 801. Let's Play! 5. All darts will be thrown from behind the throw lines in Resumption of Region Three’s Annual Pool and Dart’s place already. Parrises Squares Tournament in Harker Heights, TX. 6. Scoring is as fol- by: VADM Mark A. Vinson lows: outer ring is Double value, On Saturday, ([email protected]) NO later than July big sections are July 21st we 1st so the Lodge has an idea on how single value, inner ring is triple value and will see the many of us will be eating that evening. bulls are outer ring single inner circles resumption of double. Region Pool and Darts Tournament 7. To close a number you must hit that Three’s An- number with either three (3) different darts nual Pool and Rules or with a double and single or just a triple. Dart’s Sector vs. Sector Parrises Squares 8. Remember ... the SCORE KEEPER Tournament in Harker Heights TX.! In Following are the rules that will be used in each game is NOT a target! years past this has been one of the best for the Region Three Darts and Pool Tour- loved and most looked forward to events. nament; these rules are from the pub- Pool After a few years off we are once again lished ADO rules. going to invade en masse the Kileen/ 1. Each Sector will have one four (4) per- 1. Pool tournament will be played with a Harker Heights Moose Lodge (125 West son dart team and one four (4) person two (2) person team for the 8 ball game Veterans Memorial Blvd., Harker Heights, pool team. and a two (2) person team for the 9 ball TX. 76548) and enjoy the cash bar and 2. If enough cadets show up ... each Sec- game. steak dinners. Oh, and we will throw tor can have a dart and pool team also. 2. If a third game is needed, it will be de- darts and shoot pool. Come one, come 3. Each tournament (Darts and Pool) will cided on by a flip of the coin. all and let make some more memories! be played as Single Final Rule Here is the Schedule: Elimination events Come out and ENJOY 11 A.M. Lunch: PLACE TBA Darts 12 P.M. Sign-up / Practice Recommend Hotel (just a few blocks 1 P.M. Darts Tournament 1. A match will from the Lodge): 3 P.M. Pool Tournament consist of a 7 P.M. Steak Dinner * game of cricket Heights Inn: 410 West Veterans Memo- 8 P.M. Finals (if needed) and a game of rial Blvd., Harker Heights, TX 76548, 501. Phone: (254) 690-8700 * The 3rd Saturday of each month is the 2. Dart teams Moose Lodge’s Steak dinner night and it will be two (2) Rates: 1 Bed $45 (tax included), 2 Beds is open to everyone attending our Pool people to throw $52 (tax included) and Darts Tournament. The meal in- in the 501 cludes a steak grilled the way you like it, game and two (2) people to throw in the Call NOW for your reservations ... they a baked potato, a salad and a dessert. cricket game. will fill up fast. Cost is $8.00 per dinner. 3. A tie breaking game will consist of a team 801 game in which all four team Those of you interested in taking advan- members throw. tage of this GREAT meal need to e-mail 4. Example: Sector 1 wins the cricket VADM Mark Vinson game; sector 3 wins the 501 game. The

14 FLEET CHANNELS FLEET AND REGIONAL NEWS Summit 2007: Alvina Bryant, Austin Clarke, Del Davis, White Joshua Earl, Justin Earl, Daniel Evans, Robin Grace, Michelle Goulet, Ashley DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Heedly, Cameron Houser, Raeleigh by: Mark A. Vinson Kessen, Jack Norman, Pat Power, Jeff Clint Hill, Kira Norman, Jeff Schnoor Schnoor, Robert Suttles, Beau Thacker, Neil Traplon, John Tuttle, Mary Tuttle, SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT Region Three held its Eleventh Annual Tony Walker, Jacque Williams, Mary Faye Summit, "The Captain's Table," June 8th Webb, Cody Wyatt, Norma Ybarra Angelita DeLuna, Michelle Goulet, Angela -10th at the Radisson Hotel and Suites in Hardy, Ashley Heedly, Robert Houser, Dallas, Texas. PURPLE HEART Charles Pense, Veronica Pense, Sara Pense, Rachelle Phifer, Remminton The USS Trinity River was the host chap- Joshua Earl, Justin Earl, TJ Gordon, Dixie Schugart, Randi Spears, Cameron ter for the weekend's activities. In addi- Hill, Clint Hill Thacker, Cody Thacker, Alexis Williams tion to the Usual Regional Suspects that were in attendence, members of IRON STAR VOLUNTEER AWARD SATARFLEET's Executive Committe and Candidates from two different slates for Chris Bailey, Angelita De Luna, Byron Angelita DeLuna, David Fanelli, Nicole the upcoming Commander, STARFLEET Flynt, Joy Flynt, Blackhawk Fornelli, Rob- Green, Kenneth Norris, Cathey Osborne, election were present. ert L Houser, Jr., Jeff Molzow, Kira Conell Osborne, Jeff Schnoor, Beau Norman, Chanda Norman, Kenneth Thacker The following is a list of the award win- Norris, Remmington Schugart, Chris ners and promotions handed out at the Short, Dan Stockelman, Lee Vitasek, ANNUAL AWARD Summit to members of Region Three and Alexis Williams, Norma Ybarra the Third Brigade. WINNERS SILVER PILLAR Congratulations to all winners. NEWSLETTER OF THE YEAR Jan Agee, David Bailey, Matt Brinkley, USS Aurora Vulcanus’ Aurora’s Glory CHOCOLATE CONTEST WINNERS Raymond Ford, Alan Goulet, John September 2006 issue (Volume 15, Halliday, Jessica Hench, Matt Hill, Issue 3) The evening’s Grand Prize went to Kris Cathleen Fanelli, Karen Kessen, Norbert Dobie from the USS Joan of Arc for her Kessen, Kristi Long, Dan Long, John JUNIOR MEMBER OF THE YEAR “Counselor Troi 5 Star Chocolate Montgomery, Cindy Norris, Dan Remmington Shugart – USS Regulator Cookies”! Stockelman, Don Shanks, Christina Short, Sarah Takahashi, Beau Thacker, ENLISTED MEMBER OF THE YEAR The Judge’s Prize went to Dan Dorothy Tuttle, Don Williams, Kris Clint Hill – USS Ark Angel Stokelman of the USS Trinity River for Winegar, Joe Wisdom his “Devil’s Food Cake Falls”. CHAPTER OF THE YEAR GOLD PILLAR USS Trinity River The People’s Choice Award went to Elizabeth Weber for her “Devil’s Alice Carey, Darrell Carey, Brent OFFICER OF THE YEAR Advocate”. Chapman, Ed Dravecky, Steve Gordon, Mark West – USS Regulator Dixie Hill, John Johnston, Chanda ANNUAL GOLD PRESSED Norman, Lisa Pruitt, Kyle Shugart, MEMBER OF THE YEAR LATINUM TOURNAMENT Nathan Taylor, Mariena Taylor, Joe White Sam Black – USS Lone Star

Joshua Holman of the SS Freedeom III LEGION OF MERIT SFMC ANNUAL AWARD WINNERS R3 COMMENDATION Heather Ford, Liz Goulet, Kyle Shugart, Elizabeth Weber, Mark West USS Ark Angel, USS Aurora Vulcanus, CROSS OF VALOR USS Bexar, USS Firebird, SS Freedom CRYSTAL STAR 1LT Mor’taH veStai-tSepeS (Kenneth III, USS Gunslinger, USS Joan of Arc, SS Norris)-308th MSG Maverick, USS Panther City, USS Lloyd Bates, Reed Bates, Billie Clifton, Rhyanna, USS Spirit Wolf, USS Tejas, TJ Gordon, Sharon Lambert, Scott USS Victory McKinlay, Beau Thacker, Kristie Halford- continued on page 16 FLEET CHANNELS 15 FLEET AND REGIONAL NEWS G Company excels at, that it’s not just to SATURDAY AT recreate a battle, but to remember what S.S. Maverick’s it was like 65 years ago during a war that might have had a different outcome were Pool Team Racks up CAMP MABRY some circumstances changed. by: Jess Naumann Wins! To this effect, they recreated a battle of by Doug Hogan the Sigfried Line which is on the German War. It’s a small word, but one with a big border during WW2. A German machine impact. It’s a path to victory and a path gun nest was the target of the infantry. to defeat. In a battle, no one knows with An M4 Sherman tank, all 35 tons of it, absolute certainty as to the outcome, not was used in the demonstration of this the generals on down to the soldiers who battle, and one round was fired. Even carry out their orders. Regardless of who though blank rounds were used, the loud wins and who loses, one can hope that explosion from this heavy vehicle is enor- learning from history continues to be a mous, but the real thing would have been virtue rather than a burden in order to far louder. A “Half-track” vehicle was also avoid repeating it. Such is the case at used. The entire battle lasted about 7 Camp Mabry and its G Company. minutes, but I daresay in This Memo- reality’s his- rial Day tory, it might Maverick Pool Team from left to weekend, G have been right: Tommy Thomas, Doug Martin, Company, longer than Eric Sharp, Gene Adams, which is the that. In the Doug Hogan and Dawne Franks Living His- movies, we tory Detach- see some What our friendly team knew all along is ment of the battles that now in the record books – our members Texas Mili- last for a few are trophy winners! Through weekly tary Forces minutes in a practice sessions, strategy, and determi- and the scene, but nation, the Robbin’s Nest 8-ball league Texas Na- some battles team tied for first place this season. We tional Guard will last for then went on to sweep the playoffs with at Camp days in real down-to-the-last-shot wins in some key Mabry in life with ab- matches. Team Captain, and excellent Members of the Ark Angel at Camp Mabry Austin, held solutely no strategist, Gene Adams led our intrepid photo by Jess Naumann an event idea as to members to their trophies and toasted called the out- them with Saurian brandy (or was it “Close Assault: 1944” which featured come. Andorian cognac?). weapons and tactical demonstrations as well as a brief but informative history By seeing this demonstration, one can ap- Since we won the playoffs, we were then throughout the years of World War I and preciate in a small way what our soldiers invited to play in the Lubbock - Las Ve- World War II. of all branches must have gone through gas tournament; with the top two teams during World War II and any other battle earning all expense paid trips to compete Visitors who attend are treated to a vari- as service to our nation. Seeing this rec- in the National Tournament in Las Vegas. ety of demonstrations that included reation on this Memorial Day weekend Visions of Star Trek: the Experience American, German, and Japanese weap- was one way of honoring those service- danced in my head as I tuned up my pool ons, as well as a bit of show-and-tell of men and women who fought for our cue. “Don’t count your tribbles before their uniforms. In one case, a young vol- country’s freedom. As someone once their born,” I told myself because the best unteer was shown first hand the amount said, “Freedom isn’t Free.” It never has 28 teams in the city were going to be at of equipment that a soldier might be typi- been, and it never will be. Fast Eddy’s for the weekend event. The cally required to carry into battle. One Lubbock tournament was double elimi- thing is always stressed throughout the nation where strategy and stamina played demonstrations: that war is not a good a large part in who won and who went thing, that it’s a nasty business. But it home. We started the competition at may be necessary at times. This is what continued on page 16 16 FLEET CHANNELS FLEET AND REGIONAL NEWS Texas residents during Pat’s tenure are Task Force A Financial subject to Texas sales tax. STARFLEET’s Matter Facing 1998 and 2005 International Confer- To deal with these many questions we ences, both of which occurred in Texas, have established a task force of knowl- STARFLEET also came up. edgeable STARFLEET members who are by: General Mark H. Anbinder willing to do the leg work and research to Vice Commander, STARFLEET Though I was traveling on Saturday af- help STARFLEET come into compliance ternoon en route to California for work, with these regulations. The task force Greg and Liz reached me and briefed me will be run by Steve Halber, and will in- Good evening, STARFLEET! I’m writing on the situation. We have since informed clude Brad Pense, Tammy Wilcox, on behalf of Commander, STARFLEET Les and the rest of the EC, and the Ad- Chrissy Killian, Emmett Plant, and Liz FADM Les Rickard and Chief Financial miralty Board, and have had a few valu- Woolf. Officer COMM Liz Woolf and the rest of able discussions on the subject. the EC, to inform the membership of an My thanks to these folks for agreeing to issue that has What’s Next? share their time and expertise with arisen. STARFLEET as we figure this out. While Our first order of business shall be to we don’t plan to expand the task force, Last weekend, at the STARFLEET Re- open a dialogue with the state to clarify please let Liz or me know privately if you gion 3 Summit in Dallas, a woman asked our responsibilities and any liabilities. The have specific expertise or knowledge to meet with Liz and R3 RC Brad Pense, Texas Comptroller’s office is offering pertaining to the relevant sales tax laws who were joined by the other members amnesty through August 15, 2007 for in your state. of the EC who were on hand, and identi- remedy of past-due taxes. Thus, if we fied herself as an Enforcement Officer for can have any amount due paid by that What Should YOU Do? the Texas State Comptroller’s office. She date, we should be able to pay no penal- informed us that they had received an ties or interest on our late filings. We plan We have asked the STARFLEET and anonymous tip into their Austin headquar- to work with a Texas-based CPA or tax SFMC Quartermasters to stop selling ters about the event and that attorney to assist us with this task. merchandise until the sales tax require- STARFLEET and Region 3 might not be ments facing them can be clarified. Liz in compliance with tax law. In addition, we’ll have to determine the and I would caution all regions and chap- sales tax equirements for all states in ters to be very careful in selling merchan- The Sales Tax Issue which we do business. For example, in dise or collecting funds for any reason New Jersey memberships are not tax- until we have some more answers. Our A meeting was held with the enforcement able, nor are items of clothing. Because suggestion is that you cease all sales and officer, the aforementioned EC members, Liz is an officer of the corporation and other activities involving taking in funds CS Chief of Staff Greg Trotter, Region 3 resides in New Jersey, however, we may until the situation can be clarified. (Note Regional Coordinator Brad Pense, and be considered to be “doing business” that sales via separate organizations such at times, Pat Spillers, former CFO, former within the state, and it is likely that non- as CafePress can continue; they are sell- Quartermaster, and the chair of the 2005 clothing Quartermaster purchases are ing the merchandise, not you, and they’re STARFLEET International Conference taxable to New Jersey residents, regard- responsible for collecting sales tax as (which was held in Texas). less of how they are ordered. These de- needed.) terminations will have to be made in ev- She brought to our attention that Texas ery state in which STARFLEET operates STARFLEET will continue to process state law requires collecting and remit- especially those housing operations cen- memberships. We believe we have a ting sales tax for merchandise, Summit ters (such as Membership Processing or pretty good grasp of how this affects us. registrations, banquet fees, and charity the Quartermaster) or those in which cor- auction sales. In addition, she informed porate officers reside. Staying Focused us that in Texas, memberships are tax- able if processed in Texas for Texas resi- The events of this weekend also bring into It’s very important that STARFLEET act dents who submit memberships by mail. question the tax status of our International and speak with one voice in this matter. (Internet-purchased memberships, and Conferences. We will be working with Please DO NOT contact authorities in memberships for those in other states, IC’07 organizers to communicate with the your state on STARFLEET’s behalf, and aren’t taxable.) State of Colorado, and most likely, please DO NOT contact the Texas STARFLEET will obtain a “special event” Comptroller’s office to request more info. Also, STARFLEET Quartermaster sales sales tax ID in Colorado for the IC. Please DO NOT begin your own inquiry were handled in Texas by Pat Spillers for some time, so all Quartermaster sales to continued next page FLEET CHANNELS 17 FLEET AND REGIONAL NEWS Witch Hunts A Further Note from FADM Les Summit Recap -- continued from Rickard, Commander, STARFLEET page 13 by: General Mark H. Anbinder, VCS Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon, friends. I’m saddened Let me be clear on one thing regarding and stunned to have learned that a any perceived or actual “witch hunts” into member of STARFLEET has called the who, what, why and etc on the report to Comptroller’s Office of the State of the Texas State Comptrollers Office. Texas, and told them that we have formed a task force to find out who There will be none sanctioned by Fleet initiated the original sales tax complaint anywhere, at any level at any time. that I outlined to you a week and a half ago. These dire insinuations of a witch We are moving forward with fixing a hunt could not be further from the truth. problem we have. Regardless of the method, intentions or otherwise we will As everyone here knows, STARFLEET’s not retaliate in any way. We will fix the SWORD OF VALOR Chief Financial Officer has formed a task problem and move forward...a better MCAPT Chanda Norman - 325th MSG force of volunteers willing to give of their Fleet. time to help STARFLEET come to a clear SHIELD OF VALOR understanding of its obligations to Texas I hope that is plain and clear enough for BDR Jeff Schnoor - 347th MSG and to other states in which we do everyone. business, so that we may be more fully STAR OF VALOR compliant with sales tax laws in the Financial Matter -- continued from LCPL Sarah Takahashi - 342nd MSG future. This task force has absolutely no page 15 mission to determine who initially raised into these matters. this issue, and there is no other task force PROMOTIONS with that mission. We expect to be able to provide informa- Promotions to Captain/Colonel: Lloyd tion that will help individual STARFLEET Bates and Scott McKinlay; to Fleet Cap- We have no interest in finding out who chapters and other subgroups of the or- tain/Brigadier: Cami Houser and Jeff originally reported STARFLEET’s ganization to determine what their re- Schnoor (Brigadier); to Commodore/ unwitting lack of compliance to the State sponsibilities are with regard to sales tax. Brigadier General: Karon McLain and of Texas, and I don’t even want to worry If we’re not able to provide information Robert Graham; to Rear Admiral/Major about who placed the more recent call relevant to you, we’ll encourage you to General: Billie Clifton; and to Vice Admi- with baseless allegations of contact your local authorities solely for ral: Raymond Ford. STARFLEET’s non-existent plans for your own local needs. retaliation. This isn’t something we have the time or energy to worry about, and While some of the reactions I’ve heard Maverick Pool -- continued from that’s not how STARFLEET operates, this week have tended towards shock or page 14 anyway. dismay at the realization that someone, about 10 o’clock Saturday morning and presumably within STARFLEET, reported our members won match after match, STARFLEET is not interested in finding this issue to the State of Texas rather than sending some very qualified teams to the or punishing the person or persons who attempting to bring it up within the chain losers’ bracket. Our day (or rather night) have contacted the State of Texas to of command. I must urge all of you to finally ended at about 1 o’clock the next report the true information that we were remember that, while that might have morning. On the second day, our run not meeting our obligations with regard been a preferable approach, it’s still ended after about three hours. Maybe it to sales tax in Texas, or the untrue and something that simply needs to be ad- was the weak coffee, maybe it was the hurtful disinformation that there is a Fleet- dressed. The important thing is to deter- excellent competition, but no matter, by sanctioned witch hunt. mine the right thing to do to fulfill our le- the end of the match we realized we had gal obligations to Texas and the other gone farther than ever before. Our group If the person or persons responsible are states we operate in, protect finished the event in 8th place. And do reading this message, I would urge you STARFLEET, and ensure there is a club you know what? Eighth out of the doz- to find something better to do with your to go on. Yes, this could sharply affect ens and dozens of teams in the city is a time than lying to a state agency to raise our finances, but we will survive this and pretty good place to start our climb. Look a false specter of conspiracy. continue. out for next year – is that Elvis I hear? “Viva, Las Vegas…..” ************** 18 FLEET CHANNELS NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF TREK DATELINE: STARFLEET Comics Boldly Returning To Star Trek flat Original Five Year Mission sold on eBay by: Michelle TrekToday.com Wednesday, May 16, 2007 June 6, 2007 - 11:27 PM

Tony Comic writer David Tischman is Alleyne, working on completing the original the Star Enterprise’s five-year mission, Trek fan though he said he wonders whether who Star Trek: Year Four, which will be turned published in July, might be his own his flat personal Kobayashi Maru. into a replica of “The Kobayashi Maru is a test a Star Trek ship has sold it. Starfleet cadets take, a no-win situ- ation. It’s a test of character,” Alleyne, 54, spent two years and £30,000 Tischman explained to Comic Book turning his one-bed studio flat in Hinckley, Resources. “I’m working hard - and Leicestershire, into a detailed copy of the the writing’s been harder than I starship Voyager’s flight deck. expected - but I think the stories are better because of the extra He put his flat up for sale on internet work.” auction site eBay a month ago with a guide price of £130,000 - £50,000. It sold Tischman recently completed the for five times that amount -- £425,000 -- miniseries Star Trek: The Next when five fellow Trekkies began a Generation: The Space Between bidding war. for IDW Publishing, which has posted images from the sixth and The winning bid was made by a last comic book in the set. But he millionaire Birmingham businessman. remains focused on Kirk, Spock and McCoy. “Kirk is the ultimate Mr. Alleyne started work on the flat two adventurer. He’s Tom Sawyer and years ago after his marriage broke down. Buck Rogers and Allen Quartermain all films go, “Star Trek II is my favorite...I still wrapped up in one...Spock is the adoles- believe Montalban should have been The flat has molded wall panels, blue cent geek in all of us. Too smart for his nominated for Best Supporting Actor” lighting and a “transporter room”. own good...[McCoy] lets his emotions Unfortunately, he will not have an oppor- guide his conscience. It’s a good lesson tunity to write any Khan stories for the Last February Mr. Alleyne filed for “more people should listen to it.” miniseries. bankruptcy after running up debts of £166,000. Though he considers “A Piece of the Ac- Tischman believes that comics “allow tion” and “The Cloud Minders” to be must- these fan-favorite franchises to live on, He spent more than £30,000 converting see episodes, “Balance of Terror” is to explore the worlds created in TV and the flat as well as £100,000 on marketing Tischman’s favourite. “I actually have a movies and to add to the existing uni- his firm, 24th Century Interior Designs. huge fondness for the lesser-used char- verses.” He is also writing a comic for acters,” he said. “Nurse Chapel and Com- Vertigo and for Moonstone he will adapt But, despite going bankrupt, he refit the manders Kyle and Riley.” As far as the Johnny Dollar, based on a 1950s radio drama. flat using income support payments. FLEET CHANNELS 19 TREK NEWS in the 2007 Star Trek Terminator Will reimagined Hallmark Ornaments Be Back, flick if he wanted to, the by: Doug Hogan & Mark A. Vinson Without Arnold project was nonetheless by Gina Serpe “not even on Thu May 10, 5:44 AM ET Hallmark his radar.” Gold Crown Still, the Los Angeles (E! Online) - The Terminator stores has franchise’s is making good on its coming-back word. announced new minders aren’t worried about The Governator, not so much. its extending the brand beyond Arnie. Christmas The Halcyon Company has announced 2007 Star “With T3, we included many incidental plans to revive the cyborg-battling movie Trek details and plot points that, along with the series with at least three more films, after ornaments. ain narrative, set the stage for an entirely the production company purchased all This year new set of inter-related stories covering rights to the dormant franchise for an they are the future adventures of John Connor undisclosed, though likely eight-figure, again featuring three different selections. and the Terminators,” producer Moritz sum. The first is the Next Generation's Future Borman said. “This new Terminator Enterprise with three nacelles and lignts. trilogy will build upon the already huge But while Halcyon founders Victor It's MSRP is $32.00. The second worldwide Terminator fan base, which Kubicek and Derek Anderson are looking selection is from Star Trek II: The Wrath was both revitalized and expanded with to begin preproduction on Terminator 4 of Khan. In this one Kirk and Spock are the global success of T3.” on the bridge looking at the viewscreen as soon as possible, they will do so without a leading man. Or man-machine. that is filled with the Reliant. The In fact, T3, along with T2 and, well, plain ornament also includes Sulu at his old T, have grossed just over $1 billion Plot details for the fourth film have been console and features sounds and lights. worldwide since Terminator was first kept under tight wraps, though are said It's MSRP is 28.00. The final is the lovely released in 1984. Uhura at her bridge console in TOS outfit. to pick up with John Connor, heir to the rebellion, in his thirties, leading the It's MSRP is $16.00. “The Terminator franchise represents by remainder of the human race in its ever- far the most popular and successful worsening battle against the machines. The Uhura ornament will be available for franchise not owned by a major studio,” As the film will mark the beginning of a sale on ornament premiere weekend, Kubicek said. “We see this global new trilogy, rather than a continuation of July the 14th -15th. franchise as a cornerstone of Halcyon’s the previous three installments, its future business plans.” Check them out online at unlikely that the Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, will even take www.hallmark.com. Goto Keepsake In addition to the big-screen cyborg saga, part in the film reinvention, other than Ornaments and choose the links to the the company snapped up all future perhaps a cameo. “Movie and TV” section and choose "Out merchandising and licensing rights to the of this World". Click past all the Star franchise, future revenue generated by Of course, there are other reasons why Wars and you will be able to see the T3: Rise of the Machines and a portion the Ah-nuld won’t be featured on the big pictures. of the rights to an almost guaranteed TV screen. He has a bit of a schedule conflict series based on the films. It is advisable to go your favorite Hallmark due to matters of a more gubernatorial nature. Gold Crown store and get on their waiting Warned Bros. has already filmed a pilot list. It’s worth it! for The Sarah Connor Chronicles, an T4 has already been fast-tracked for hour-long show based around the production, with Halcyon looking to get Terminator character and mythology the installment in theaters by summer surrounding the movies. According to 2009. As it is, Schwarzenegger will be Variety, Fox has already expressed leading the state of California through interest in the project, and could opt to 2011. pick up the series at next week’s up fronts, when the fall prime-time While a spokeswoman for the governor schedules are unveiled. asserts that “no law says he couldn’t” star 20 FLEET CHANNELS TREK NEWS caches are created the same. Many of STAR TREK’S SCOTTY’S GEOCACHING the “park and grab” caches, such as the one I just mentioned, are nothing but a ASHES LOST & FOUND by: Heather Ford 35mm film canister or an tin with Reuters paper in it for logging your visit. Others, such as one called “Bedrock” in Round Hi. My name is Ronin’s Gal (aka Heather Rock’s Old Settler’s park, are larger, Ford), and I’m a Geocacher. much more elaborately hidden caches, and capable of holding trade items a small OK, I’ve admitted it, and that’s half the notebook for logging your visit, and a pen. battle to overcoming the addiction. Or This was the first physical cache Grace not! I blame Doug Hogan. He sent to and I found. She traded out a stretchy the list a while back a link to a really cool green alien toy that we brought along for geocoin showing the Enterprise on it. I a ring left by a previous visitor. Some had already heard of geocaching before, caches have themes - “Have a Ball, Y’all”, having seen an article on the “Fit for Fri- also in Old Settler’s Park (we haven’t day” segment that News 8 Austin does. found this one yet - it’s on a creek bank But looking at all the geocoins on that site in a forested area of the park), is for trad- After a three-week search, they found the made me remember how fun this game ing out bouncy balls. One in Bryan has a rocket that had carried ashes of “Star really sounded! So I had to check it out. theme of Saturday morning cartoon char- Trek” actor James Doohan briefly into Then I informed Raymond that he was acters, and was launched with, among space. buying me a GPS unit other things, comic for our anniversary. (I books inside. Often, The remains of Doohan, whose “Star think I got him a com- caches like these will Trek” character Scotty inspired the tele- puter game. Doesn’t often become the tem- vision catch phrase “Beam me up, seem very equitable, porary homes of the Scotty,” were blasted off to the edge of does it?) geocoins mentioned space from New Mexico on April 29, two above, or travel bugs - years after his death at the age of 85. First off, this is a game. also called hitchikers - The game started May items which have The payload also included ashes of as- 3, 2000, with the hiding trackable dog tags at- tronaut Gordon Cooper, who first went of a black bucket con- tached to them and into space in 1963, and another 200 taining some video- which have a mission all people. tapes, etc., in the woods their own. A great ex- near Beaver Creek, Or- ample of this is one that But the UP Aerospace Spaceloft XL egon. It is, specifically, a high-tech scav- a first-grade class in San Francisco rocket carrying the capsules with the enger hunt using a GPS unit to lead you placed in a local cache, with a mission to ashes back to Earth got lost in rugged to the latitude and longitude of the cache be moved along to the Iditerod race in terrain and the search for it was ham- you are hoping to find. The game is a Alaska. The kids were in the 4th grade pered by bad weather. world-wide adventure, so you can keep by the time their bug found it’s way there, playing on your summer vacation, winter but they got lucky and the previous year’s “Now we can all say ‘mission accom- ski trip, family reunion, etc. I even played winner carried it along with him during the plished,”’ Rick Homans, executive direc- on my way up to Summit. Raymond pa- race. He then sent it back to them with a tor of New Mexico’s Spaceport Authority, tiently waited in the car with Grace (aka nice letter about how it came to be in his said on Friday. Ronin’s Ayame, who only plays when the possession. My Brownies will be placing mood strikes her), while I lifted lamp skirts a cache this fall, and launching a travel Organizers said the rocket and the indi- in the parking lot of the Hilton Garden Inn bug from it. Hmmm.... this could be a po- vidual capsules containing the ashes in Temple. The cache was called “Paris’ tential “Council’s Own” badge in the mak- were in good condition and would be Home Away From Home,” and I left a ing..... uh, never mind. mounted on plaques and returned to the geocoin there that I had picked up in families. Round Rock 2 weeks before. If I ever There are also “virtual” caches - usually get to Japan to meet some of Raymond’s involving historical markers. A great way Canadian-born Doohan played the family, I’m gonna hunt down the cache to learn a little local history. Grace and I starship Enterprise’s chief engineer Mont- near Fukuoka airport. have checked out 3 so far, and downtown gomery Scott in the original 1966-1969 Austin is just loaded with these. Some- “Star Trek” television series. Are there always prizes? No. Not all continued on page ?? FLEET CHANNELS 21 TREK NEWS

GeoCaching -- continued from found it. Lake Charles - 258 caches previous page Laredo - 34 caches (all in Texas) times the regular caches will teach you Don’t have a GPS unit? Check out your Lubbock - 205 caches something, too. Anybody know from local Craig’s List. I’ve seen them for as Lufkin - 722 caches where TAMU recruited it’s first profes- low as $40, with software (for loading/ Midland - 175 caches sors? Look up the information on the tracking waypoints from your computer New Orleans - 552 (includes some in MS) cache “TMI Castle” (located in Austin), to the unit). Worried about using up a lot San Angelo - 428 caches and find out. of gasoline? The caches are all around San Antonio - 1,484 caches you (like the one near my favorite Texarkana - 279 (includes TX, AR, & LA) So, sound interesting? There are a few Freebirds in Austin’s Hancock Center). Waco - 1,421 caches rules, the first and foremost being GET Don’t have a lot of spare time? I’ve been Wichita Falls - 185 caches (including OK PERMISSION BEFORE PLACING A doing this since March, and only have 17 caches) CACHE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!! We finds so far. Some folks have thousands. don’t want anyone shot or arrested. Fol- But then, some folks pay for pager notifi- These stats came from lowing closely is rule number two, do NOT cations and go running off at 1 AM to try www.geocaching.com, where you can place a cache in a and be “First to search any country in the world for location or in a man- Find.” I’m not that caches, read recent news articles about ner in which the competitive. And you geocaching, and find geocaching events cache could be mis- don’t have to be, ei- happening in your area. You can also find construed as a ther. I still haven’t local geocaching groups via Yahoo! bomb! (Corollary: found that one at the Groups and other websites of that ilk. Ammo, knives, McDonald’s (not for drugs, etc., are not lack of trying, but for So, who’s gonna keep me company at appropriate trade lack of height, I sus- Pool & Darts (c. N 31 05' 25" W 097 39' items - geocaching is pect), and I only live 55")? I have GPS, will travel, and can fit a child-friendly 0.7 miles from it. 3 other adults (with or without their own sport). You all prob- Last excuse - what if GPS) in my car..... and I promise not to ably remember the there aren’t any in take you to the caches just placed at the recent problem Car- my town? Non- Killeen landfill last week. toon Network had sense. A quick with their Aqua glance at some cities Team: Hunger Force ad placements up around R3 reveal[search limit is for all AT PRESS TIME north. There is even a town in New Jer- caches within a 50 mile radius] : Schwab's Celebrate sey that has an ordinance against geocaching because of the confusion a Abilene - 401 caches Anniversary & Son'sWedding poorly-placed cache can cause. That Alexandria - 255 caches by: David Hubbard said, the McDonald’s in Hutto has a cache Amarillo - 247 caches in its drive-thru, in plain site of the sur- Austin - 1,827 caches (a bunch of these veillance cameras, and all with the per- are in the Killeen/Harker Heights area - I just wanted to spread mission (and to the great amusement) of including 1 within a mile of the Moose the word that former the management. They are becoming ac- Lodge) RC, VADM Bill Mac customed to grown men, often in groups Baton Rouge - 287 caches (includes Schwab and his bride of two or three, skulking around their some in MS) Ellen, will be celebrat- drive-thru at 3 AM. Which is because of Bossier City/Shreveport- 512 caches (LA ing thier thirty-second another rule - try to avoid the muggles. & TX) wedding anniversary in Yes, that’s right. You, reading this right Bryan-College Station - 246 caches August and a double now, with the known exceptions of Doug Corpus Christi - 259 caches joyful event the wedding of thier young- Hogan and Ed Dravecky, are muggles, Dallas - 5,394 (one of which is at the AMC est son (and my nephew) Zachery J. and we aren’t really supposed to do this theatres that were right near the Summit Schwab! stuff in front of you, out of fear that you hotel, btw) will come up afterwards and mess with El Paso - 331 caches (includes many in Those of you who care to send cards here the cache (or get paranoid and call the NM and 2 caches in Juarez) is thier mailing address: cops on us!). Muggles often do find these Fort Worth - 5,086 (many, but not any- accidentally, though, so if you ever do run where near all, overlap with the Dallas Bill A. & Ellen Schwab across one, feel free to sign the log, and caches) 3114 Persimmon Ct. then please place it back exactly as you Houston - 2,417 caches Rowlett, TX. 75088 22 FLEET CHANNELS NASA NEWS / UPCOMING EVENTS Headquarters, Washington. “It is a cal- tor for the rovers’CALENDAR science instruments, NASA Rover culated risk worth taking, particularly be- Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. “We still Ready for Descent cause this mission has far exceeded its have some excellent science targets out original goals.” on the plains that we would like to visit Into Crater after Victoria. But if Opportunity becomes from NASA.gov The robotic geologist will enter Victoria trapped there, it will be worth the knowl- June 28, 2007 Crater through an alcove named Duck edge gained.” Bay. The eroding crater has a scalloped rim of cliff-like promontories, or capes, July alternating with more gently sloped al- coves, or bays. Wednesday the 4th: Independence Day Saturday the 21st: Annual Pool and A meteor impact millions of years ago Darts Tournament at the Kileen-Harker excavated Victoria, which lies approxi- Heights Moose Lodge mately 4 miles south of where Opportu- nity landed in January 2004. The impact- created bowl is half a mile across and September about five times as wide as Endurance Crater, where Opportunity spent more Monday the 3rd: Labor Day than six months exploring in 2004. Saturday the 15th: Biennial NASA/ Space Center Houston trip Sunday the 23rd: Autumnal equinox WASHINGTON - NASA’s Mars rover The rover began the journey to Victoria Opportunity is scheduled to begin a de- from Endurance 30 months ago. It scent down a rock-paved slope into the reached the rim at Duck Bay nine months October Red Planet’s massive Victoria Crater. ago. Opportunity then drove approxi- This latest trek carries real risk for the mately a quarter of the way clockwise Monday the 8th: Columbus Day (ob- long-lived robotic explorer, but NASA and around the rim, examining rock layers served) the Mars Rover science team expect it visible in the promontories and possible Wednesday the 31st: Halloween to provide valuable science. entry routes in the alcoves. Now, the rover has returned to the most favorable entry November Opportunity already has been exploring point. layered rocks in cliffs around Victoria Cra- Thursday the 1st: All Saints Day ter. The team has planned the descent ”Duck Bay looks like the best candidate for entry,” said John Callas, rover project Sunday the 4th: Daylight Saving Time carefully to enable an eventual exit, but ends Opportunity could become trapped inside manager, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labo- ratory, Pasadena, Calif. “It has slopes of Friday Night thru Sunday the 9th-11th: the crater or lose some capabilities. The Gameday rover has operated more than 12 times 15 to 20 degrees and exposed bedrock for safe driving.” Sunday the 11th: Veterans Day longer than its originally intended 90 days. Monday the 12th: Veterans Day (ob- If all of its six wheels continue working, served) The scientific allure is the chance to ex- Thursday the 22nd: Thanksgiving Day amine and investigate the compositions engineers expect Opportunity to be able and textures of exposed materials in the to climb back out of the crater. However, crater’s depths for clues about ancient, Opportunity’s twin rover Spirit lost the use December wet environments. As the rover travels of one wheel more than a year ago, di- farther down the slope, it will be able to minishing its climbing ability. Wednesday the 5th thru Wednesday examine increasingly older rocks in the the 12th: Chanukah (Jewish) exposed walls of the crater. ”These rovers are well past their design Thursday the 20th: Eid-al-Adha (Is- lifetimes, and another wheel could fail on lamic) ”While we take seriously the uncertainty either rover at any time,” Callas said. “If Saturday the 22nd: Winter solstice about whether Opportunity will climb back Opportunity were to lose the use of a Sunday the 23rd: Festivus out, the potential value of investigations wheel inside Victoria Crater, it would Tuesday the 25th: Christmas Day that appear possible inside the crater con- make it very difficult, perhaps impossible, (Christian) vinced me to authorize the team to move to climb back out.” Wednesday the 26th thru Tuesday the forward into Victoria Crater,” said Alan Jan 1st: Kwanzaa Stern, NASA associate administrator, ”We don’t want this to be a one-way trip,” Monday Night the 31st: New Year's Eve Science Mission Directorate, NASA said Steve Squyres, principal investiga- FLEET CHANNELS 23 Place FLEET CHANNELS Stamp P.O. BOX 1756 Here COPPELL, TX. 75019


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deadline for the july / august issue is august 11, 2007