p o h S - e S A ILN a i v y p o C y l n o w ie v e r P - 5: Thermodynamique Partie et unités— Grandeurs Thermodynamics Part 5: Quantities andunits— STANDARD INTERNATIONAL 2007 : 5 - 80000 ISO ISO 80000-5:2007(E) 80000-5 Reference numbe Corrected version First edition © 2007-05-01 2011-06-01 ISO 2007 ISO r ISO 80000-5:2007(E) ii Published in Switzerland in Published ISO's memberbody in countrythe requester. theof electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, withou All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this © ISO 2007 unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. Secretariattheat Central addressthegiven please inform isfound, to relating it thata problem event unlikely to care hasbeentaken Everyprinting. for were optimized parameters Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can b e found in t he General Info Adobeis a trademark Adobeof Systems Incorporated. relative to the file; the PDF-cr in area. this accepts no liability downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not not infringing be edit Adobe's ed licensing policy. unless The ISO the Central typefaces Se which This PDF containfile may embeddedIn accordancethistypefaces. file be printedwith may Adobe's licensing or policy, viewed b Web www.iso.org E-mail
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