oAuth End Points Cheat Sheet by Giriraj Namachivayam (kayalshri) via cheatography.com/5239/cs/956/

FaceBook Paypal Box oAuth version : 2 oAuth version : 2 oAuth version : 2 https:/​ /ww​ w.fa​ ce​ boo​ k.co​ m/​ dia​ log​ /oauth https:/​ /ww​ w.pa​ yp​ al.com​ /we​ bap​ ps/​ aut​ h/p​ rot​ oco​ l/o​ p https:/​ /ww​ w.bo​ x.com​ /ap​ i/o​ aut​ h2/​ aut​ horize ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ https:/​ /gr​ aph​ .fa​ ceb​ ook​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ cce​ ss_​ token enidconnect/v1/authorize https:/​ /ww​ w.bo​ x.com​ /ap​ i/o​ aut​ h2/​ token https:/​ /ww​ w.pa​ yp​ al.com​ /we​ bap​ ps/​ aut​ h/p​ rot​ oco​ l/o​ p https:/​ /gr​ aph​ .co​ nne​ ct.fac​ ebo​ ok.com​ /me/ https:/​ /ap​ i.bo​ x.com​ /2.0/u​ ser​ s/m​ e?o​ aut​ h_t​ oken= en​ idc​ onn​ ect​ /v1​ /to​ ken​ ser​ vice http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ fac​ ebo​ o header=​ "Aut​ hor​ iza​ tion: Bearer " https:/​ /ww​ w.pa​ yp​ al.com​ /we​ bap​ ps/​ aut​ h/p​ rot​ oco​ l/o​ p k.php en​ idc​ onn​ ect​ /v1​ /us​ eri​ nfo​ ? Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ fac​ ebo​ ok-​ sc​ hem​ a=o​ pen​ id&​ ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken= http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ box​ .php con​ nec​ t-b​ y-u​ sin​ g-o​ aut​ h-i​ n-php/ Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ box​ -co​ nne​ ct-​ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ pay​ pal​ .p usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php/ Microsoft (hotmail, MSN, Live) hp http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ wor​ dpr​ ess​ -co​ nne​ ct-​ Bit.ly oAuth version : 2 usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php-2/ https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .li​ ve.com​ /oa​ uth​ 20_​ aut​ hor​ ize​ .srf https:/​ /bi​ tly​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .li​ ve.com​ /oa​ uth​ 20_​ tok​ en.srf Github https:/​ /ap​ i-s​ sl.bit​ ly.com​ /oa​ uth​ /ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken https:/​ /ap​ is.liv​ e.ne​ t/​ v5.0/m​ e?a​ cce​ ss_​ token= oAuth version : 2 https:/​ /ap​ i-s​ sl.bit​ ly.com​ /v3​ /us​ er/​ info? http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ msn​ .php https:/​ /gi​ thu​ b.co​ m/​ log​ in/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ hot​ mai​ l-c​ onn​ ect​ -by​ - https:/​ /gi​ thu​ b.co​ m/​ log​ in/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _token http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ bit​ ly.php us​ ing​ -oa​ uth/ Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ bit​ ly-​ https:/​ /ap​ i.gi​ th​ ub.com​ /us​ er?​ acc​ ess​ _to​ ken= con​ nec​ t-u​ sin​ g-o​ aut​ h-i​ n-php/ scope="​ r​ ead​ " Yahoo Demo : FitBit oauth_v​ ersion 1.0a http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ git​ hub​ .p ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ oauth_v​ ersion 1.0a https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_t hp ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ oken Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ git​ hub​ - http://api.fitbit.com/oauth/request_token https:/​ /ap​ i.lo​ gi​ n.ya​ ho​ o.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ v2/​ req​ ues​ t_auth co​ nne​ ct-​ by-​ usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php/ http://​ api​ .fi​ tbi​ t.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize https:/​ /ap​ i.lo​ gi​ n.ya​ ho​ o.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ v2/​ get​ _token http://​ api​ .fi​ tbi​ t.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _token Geni http://​ soc​ ial​ .ya​ hoo​ api​ s.co​ m/​ v1/​ me/​ gui​ d?f​ orm​ at=​ js http://​ api​ .fi​ tbi​ t.co​ m/​ 1/u​ ser​ /-/​ pro​ fil​ e.json on oAuth version : 2 Demo : http://​ soc​ ial​ .ya​ hoo​ api​ s.co​ m/​ v1/​ use​ r/D​ K6I​ FMI​ BNO​ https:/​ /ww​ w.ge​ ni​ .co​ m/p​ lat​ for​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ fit​ bit​ .php BF4​ 6LG​ T6Z​ MSH​ NVQ​ Y/c​ ont​ act​ s?f​ orm​ at=​ json https:/​ /ww​ w.ge​ ni​ .co​ m/p​ lat​ for​ m/o​ aut​ h/r​ equ​ est​ _toke Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ fit​ bit​ -co​ nne​ ct-​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Demo : n using-oauth-in-php/ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ yah​ oo.p https:/​ /ww​ w.ge​ ni​ .co​ m/a​ pi/​ pro​ fil​ e?a​ cce​ ss_​ token= hp Flickr Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ yah​ oo-​ Demo : ​ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ gen​ i.php oauth_version 1.0a pro​ fil​ e-c​ onn​ ect​ -by​ -us​ ing​ -oa​ uth​ -php/ Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ gen​ i-c​ onn​ ect​ - http://​ www​ .fl​ ick​ r.co​ m/​ ser​ vic​ es/​ oau​ th/​ req​ ues​ t_t​ oke by​ -us​ ing​ -oa​ uth​ -in​ -php/ n

http://​ www​ .fl​ ick​ r.co​ m/​ ser​ vic​ es/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize

http://​ www​ .fl​ ick​ r.co​ m/​ ser​ vic​ es/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _toke n

By Giriraj Namachivayam Published 17th April, 2013. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com (kayalshri) Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! cheatography.com/kayalshri/ Page 1 of 5. http://crosswordcheats.com ngiriraj.com oAuth End Points Cheat Sheet by Giriraj Namachivayam (kayalshri) via cheatography.com/5239/cs/956/

Scoop.it RightSi​ gna​ ture Tumblr oauth_v​ ersion 1.0a oAuth version 1.0a oauth_v​ ersion 1.0a https:/​ /ww​ w.sc​ oo​ p.it​ /o​ aut​ h/r​ equest Request Token URL : http://​ www​ .tu​ mbl​ r.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ req​ ues​ t_t​ oken ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ https:/​ /ww​ w.sc​ oo​ p.it​ /o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize https://rightsignature.com/oauth/request_token http://​ www​ .tu​ mbl​ r.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize Dialog URL : https:/​ /ww​ w.sc​ oo​ p.it​ /o​ aut​ h/a​ ccess http://​ www​ .tu​ mbl​ r.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _token https:/​ /ri​ ght​ sig​ nat​ ure​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize http://​ www​ .sc​ oop​ .it​ /ap​ i/1​ /pr​ ofile https:/​ /ap​ i.tu​ mb​ lr.com​ /v2​ /us​ er/​ info Access Token URL : Demo : https:/​ /ri​ ght​ sig​ nat​ ure​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ cce​ ss_​ token Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ sco​ opi​ t. http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ tum​ blr​ .p php hp Google Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ sco​ op-​ it-​ Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ tum​ blr​ - con​ nec​ t-b​ y-u​ sin​ g-o​ aut​ h-i​ n-php/ oAuth version : 2 co​ nne​ ct-​ usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php/

https:/​ /ac​ cou​ nts​ .go​ ogl​ e.co​ m/​ o/o​ aut​ h2/​ auth Amaxon Instagram https:/​ /ac​ cou​ nts​ .go​ ogl​ e.co​ m/​ o/o​ aut​ h2/​ token oAuth version 2.0 https:/​ /ww​ w.go​ og​ lea​ pis​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h2/​ v1/​ use​ rin​ fo?​ oauth_v​ ersion 2.0 Dialog URL : https:/​ /ww​ w.am​ az​ on.com​ /ap​ /oa​ ? acc​ ess​ _to​ ken= https:/​ /ap​ i.in​ st​ agr​ am.com​ /oa​ uth​ /au​ tho​ rize cl​ ien​ t_i​ d={​ CLI​ ENT​ _ID​ }&red​ ire​ ct_​ uri​ = header=​ "Aut​ hor​ iza​ tion: Bearer " https:/​ /ap​ i.in​ st​ agr​ am.com​ /oa​ uth​ /ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken {R​ EDI​ REC​ T_U​ RI}​ &s​ cop​ e={​ SCO​ PE}​ &r​ esp​ ons​ e_​ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ goo​ gle​ .p type​ =co​ de&​ st​ ate​ ={S​ TATE} hp Foursquare Access Token : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ goo​ gle​ -co​ nne​ ct-​ by-​ https:/​ /ap​ i.am​ az​ on.com​ /au​ th/​ o2/​ token oAuth version : 2 usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php/ https:/​ /fo​ urs​ qua​ re.com​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ uth​ orize

Buffer https:/​ /fo​ urs​ qua​ re.com​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ cce​ ss_​ token https:/​ /ap​ i.fo​ ur​ squ​ are​ .co​ m/v​ 2/u​ ser​ s/s​ elf​ ? oAuth version 2.0 oauth_v​ ersion 1.0a oa​ uth​ _to​ ken= Dialog URL : https:/​ /ap​ i.tw​ it​ ter​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/r​ equ​ est​ _token https:/​ /bu​ ffe​ rap​ p.co​ m/​ oau​ th2​ /au​ tho​ riz​ e?c​ lie​ nt_​ id=​ Demo : https:/​ /ap​ i.tw​ it​ ter​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ ent​ icate {CL​ IEN​ T_I​ D}&​ re​ dir​ ect​ _ur​ i={​ RED​ IRE​ CT_​ URI​ }&r http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ fou​ rsq​ u es​ pon​ se_​ typ​ e=c​ ode​ &s​ tat​ e={​ STA​ TE}​ &s​ cop​ e={​ SC https:/​ /ap​ i.tw​ it​ ter​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ cce​ ss_​ token ar​ e.php OPE} https:/​ /ap​ i.tw​ it​ ter​ .co​ m/1​ /ac​ cou​ nt/​ ver​ ify​ _cr​ ede​ nti​ als​ Tutorial : Access Token URL : .json http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ fou​ rsq​ uar​ e-c​ onn​ ect​ -by​ - us​ ing​ -oa​ uth​ -in​ -php/ https:/​ /ap​ i.bu​ ff​ era​ pp.com​ /1/​ oau​ th2​ /to​ ken​ .json https:/​ /ap​ i.tw​ it​ ter​ .co​ m/1​ /st​ atu​ ses​ /fo​ llo​ wer​ s/k​ aya​ ls​ hri.json Rdio DailyMo​ tion Demo : oAuth version 1.0a http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ twi​ tte​ r.p oAuth version : 2

Request Token URL : hp https:/​ /ap​ i.da​ il​ ymo​ tio​ n.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize http://​ api​ .rd​ io.com​ /oa​ uth​ /re​ que​ st_​ token https:/​ /ap​ i.da​ il​ ymo​ tio​ n.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ token

Dialog URL : https:/​ /ap​ i.da​ il​ ymo​ tio​ n.co​ m/​ me?​ acc​ ess​ _to​ ken= https:/​ /ww​ w.rd​ io​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize Demo : Access Token URL : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ dai​ lym​ o http://​ api​ .rd​ io.com​ /oa​ uth​ /ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken ti​ on.php

By Giriraj Namachivayam Published 17th April, 2013. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com (kayalshri) Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! cheatography.com/kayalshri/ Page 2 of 5. http://crosswordcheats.com ngiriraj.com oAuth End Points Cheat Sheet by Giriraj Namachivayam (kayalshri) via cheatography.com/5239/cs/956/

FormStack MixCloud Vimeo oAuth version : 2 oAuth version : 2 oAuth version 2.0 https:/​ /ww​ w.fo​ rm​ sta​ ck.com​ /ap​ i/v​ 2/o​ aut​ h2/​ aut​ horiz https:/​ /ww​ w.mi​ xc​ lou​ d.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize Dialog URL : ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ e https:/​ /ww​ w.mi​ xc​ lou​ d.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _token https://api.vimeo.com/oauth/authorize? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ https:/​ /ww​ w.fo​ rm​ sta​ ck.com​ /ap​ i/v​ 2/o​ aut​ h2/​ token client_id={CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri= Demo : {R​ EDI​ REC​ T_U​ RI}​ &r​ esp​ ons​ e_t​ ype​ =co​ de&​ st​ ate​ = Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ mix​ clo​ u {S​ TAT​ E}&​ sc​ ope​ ={S​ COPE} http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ for​ mst​ a d.php Access Token URL : ck​ .php https:/​ /ap​ i.vi​ me​ o.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _token SalesForce Authori​ zat​ ion: XING oAuth version : 2 https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .sa​ les​ for​ ce.com​ /se​ rvi​ ces​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ uth​ o oAuth version 1.0a rize https:/​ /co​ nne​ ct.str​ ipe​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize Request Token : Token requests: https:/​ /co​ nne​ ct.str​ ipe​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/t​ oken https:/​ /ap​ i.xi​ ng​ .co​ m/v​ 1/r​ equ​ est​ _token https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .sa​ les​ for​ ce.com​ /se​ rvi​ ces​ /oa​ uth​ 2/t​ oken scope="​ r​ ead​ _wr​ ite​ " Dialog URL : https:/​ /ap​ i.xi​ ng​ .co​ m/v​ 1/a​ uth​ orize Revoking OAuth tokens: Demo : https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .sa​ les​ for​ ce.com​ /se​ rvi​ ces​ /oa​ uth​ 2/r​ evok Access Token : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ str​ ipe​ .ph e https:/​ /ap​ i.xi​ ng​ .co​ m/v​ 1/a​ cce​ ss_​ token p

Disqus LinkedIn WePay Authorize: oAuth version : 2 oAuth version : 2 https:/​ /di​ squ​ s.co​ m/​ api​ /oa​ uth​ /2.0/a​ uth​ orize/ https:/​ /ww​ w.li​ nk​ edi​ n.co​ m/​ uas​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ uth​ ori​ zat​ ion https:/​ /ww​ w.we​ pa​ y.co​ m/​ v2/​ oau​ th2​ /au​ tho​ rize Access Token : ? https:/​ /we​ pay​ api​ .co​ m/v​ 2/o​ aut​ h2/​ token https:/​ /di​ squ​ s.co​ m/​ api​ /oa​ uth​ /2.0/a​ cce​ ss_​ token/ https:/​ /ww​ w.li​ nk​ edi​ n.co​ m/​ uas​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ cce​ ssT​ oke scope="​ v​ iew​ _us​ er"​ oAuth Docs : https:/​ /di​ squ​ s.co​ m/​ api​ /do​ cs/​ auth/ n https:/​ /ap​ i.li​ nk​ edi​ n.co​ m/​ v1/​ peo​ ple​ /~?​ Demo : User Profile: for​ mat​ =js​ on&​ oa​ uth​ 2_a​ cce​ ss_​ token= http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ wep​ ay.p https:/​ /di​ squ​ s.co​ m/​ api​ /3.0/u​ ser​ s/d​ eta​ ils​ .json hp Demo : Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ dis​ qus​ .p http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ lin​ ked​ in. StockTwits hp php Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ lin​ ked​ in-​ oAuth version : 2 37Signals con​ nec​ t-b​ y-u​ sin​ g-o​ aut​ h-i​ n-php/ https:/​ /ap​ i.st​ oc​ ktw​ its​ .co​ m/a​ pi/​ 2/o​ aut​ h/a​ uth​ orize Dialog URL : https:/​ /ap​ i.st​ oc​ ktw​ its​ .co​ m/a​ pi/​ 2/o​ aut​ h/t​ oken BitBucket https:/​ /la​ unc​ hpa​ d.37​ si​ gna​ ls.com​ /au​ tho​ riz​ ati​ on/​ new​ https:/​ /ap​ i.st​ oc​ ktw​ its​ .co​ m/a​ pi/​ 2/a​ cco​ unt​ /ve​ rif​ y.js​ on​ ?ty​ pe=​ web​ _se​ rve​ r&cli​ ent​ _id​ = oauth_v​ ersion 1.0a ?ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken= {C​ LIE​ NT_​ ID}​ &r​ edi​ rec​ t_u​ ri=​ https:/​ /bi​ tbu​ cke​ t.or​ g/​ !ap​ i/1​ .0/​ oau​ th/​ req​ ues​ t_t​ oken scope="​ r​ ead​ " {RE​ DIR​ ECT​ _UR​ I}&​ st​ ate​ ={S​ TAT​ E}&​ sc​ ope​ = https:/​ /bi​ tbu​ cke​ t.or​ g/​ !ap​ i/1​ .0/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ hen​ ticate {S​ COPE} Demo : https:/​ /bi​ tbu​ cke​ t.or​ g/​ !ap​ i/1​ .0/​ oau​ th/​ acc​ ess​ _token Access_​ tok​ en_url : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ sto​ ckt​ wi​ https:/​ /la​ unc​ hpa​ d.37​ si​ gna​ ls.com​ /au​ tho​ riz​ ati​ on/​ tok​ e https:/​ /ap​ i.bi​ tb​ uck​ et.org​ /1.0/u​ ser/ ts.php n?​ typ​ e=w​ eb_​ server Tutorial : Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ sto​ ckt​ wit​ s-c​ onn​ ect​ -by​ - http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ bit​ buc​ ke​ us​ ing​ -oa​ uth​ -in​ -php/ t.php Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ bit​ buc​ ket​ - co​ nne​ ct-​ usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php-2/

By Giriraj Namachivayam Published 17th April, 2013. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com (kayalshri) Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! cheatography.com/kayalshri/ Page 3 of 5. http://crosswordcheats.com ngiriraj.com oAuth End Points Cheat Sheet by Giriraj Namachivayam (kayalshri) via cheatography.com/5239/cs/956/

WordPress Yandex Reddit https:/​ /pu​ bli​ c-a​ pi.wor​ dpr​ ess​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h2/​ aut​ horize oAuth version : 2 oAuth version : 2 https:/​ /pu​ bli​ c-a​ pi.wor​ dpr​ ess​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h2/​ token https:/​ /oa​ uth​ .ya​ nde​ x.co​ m/​ aut​ hor​ ize​ ? https:/​ /ss​ l.re​ dd​ it.com​ /ap​ i/v​ 1/a​ uth​ orize ​ ​ ​ https:/​ /pu​ bli​ c-a​ pi.wor​ dpr​ ess​ .co​ m/r​ est​ /v1​ /me​ /?p​ ret​ t display=popup https:/​ /ss​ l.re​ dd​ it.com​ /ap​ i/v​ 1/a​ cce​ ss_​ token y=1 https:/​ /oa​ uth​ .ya​ nde​ x.co​ m/​ token https:/​ /oa​ uth​ .re​ ddi​ t.co​ m/​ api​ /v1​ /me​ .js​ on?​ header=​ "Aut​ hor​ iza​ tion: Bearer "; http://​ api​ -fo​ tki​ .ya​ nde​ x.ru​ /a​ pi/​ me/​ ? acc​ ess​ _to​ ken= oa​ uth​ _to​ ken= http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ wor​ dpr​ e header=​ "Aut​ hor​ iza​ tion: Basic" ss​ .php Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ wor​ dpr​ ess​ -co​ nne​ ct-​ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ yan​ dex​ . SoundCloud usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php-2/ php oAuth version : 2

https:/​ /so​ und​ clo​ ud.com​ /co​ nnect DropBox MailChimp https:/​ /ap​ i.so​ un​ dcl​ oud​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h2/​ token oauth_v​ ersion 1.0 oAuth version : 2 https:/​ /ap​ i.so​ un​ dcl​ oud​ .co​ m/m​ e.js​ on​ ? https:/​ /ap​ i.dr​ op​ box​ .co​ m/1​ /oa​ uth​ /re​ que​ st_​ token https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .ma​ ilc​ him​ p.co​ m/​ oau​ th2​ /au​ tho​ rize oa​ uth​ _to​ ken= https:/​ /ww​ w.dr​ op​ box​ .co​ m/1​ /oa​ uth​ /au​ tho​ rize https:/​ /lo​ gin​ .ma​ ilc​ him​ p.co​ m/​ oau​ th2​ /token scope="​ n​ on-​ exp​ iri​ ng"​ https:/​ /ap​ i.dr​ op​ box​ .co​ m/1​ /oa​ uth​ /ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken Demo : Demo : https:/​ /ap​ i.dr​ op​ box​ .co​ m/1​ /ac​ cou​ nt/​ info http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ mai​ lch​ i http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ sou​ ndc​ l mp​ .php scope = 'dropbox' ou​ d.php Tutorial : Demo : MeetUp http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ sou​ ndc​ lou​ d-c​ onn​ ect​ - http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ dro​ pbo​ x. by​ -us​ ing​ -oa​ uth​ -in​ -php/ php oAuth version : 2 Tutorial : https:/​ /se​ cur​ e.me​ et​ up.com​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ uth​ orize ​ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ dro​ pbo​ x-c​ onn​ ect​ - StackExchange https:/​ /se​ cur​ e.me​ et​ up.com​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ ccess us​ ing​ -oa​ uth​ -in​ -php/ Dialog URL : https:/​ /st​ ack​ exc​ han​ ge.com​ /oauth https:/​ /ap​ i.me​ et​ up.com​ /2/​ mem​ ber​ /se​ lf?​ acc​ ess​ _to​ ken= Access Token URL : Yammer https:/​ /st​ ack​ exc​ han​ ge.com​ /oa​ uth​ /ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken scope="​ b​ asi​ c" oAuth version : 2 User Profile URL : Demo : https:/​ /ww​ w.ya​ mm​ er.com​ /di​ alo​ g/o​ auth https:/​ /ap​ i.st​ ac​ kex​ cha​ nge​ .co​ m/2​ .1/​ me?​ http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ mee​ tup​ . sit​ e=s​ tac​ kov​ erf​ low​ &o​ rde​ r=d​ esc​ &s​ ort​ =re​ put​ ati​ on​ https:/​ /ww​ w.ya​ mm​ er.com​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ cce​ ss_​ tok​ en.js php &fi​ lte​ r=d​ efa​ ult​ &a​ cce​ ss_​ tok​ en=​ $at​ oken on Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ mee​ tup​ - https:/​ /ww​ w.ya​ mm​ er.com​ /ap​ i/v​ 1/u​ ser​ s/c​ urr​ ent​ .js​ o co​ nne​ ct-​ by-​ usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php/ Discogs n?​ acc​ ess​ _to​ ken= Flattr oAuth version 1.0a Demo : Request Token URL : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ yam​ mer​ oAuth version : 2 .php http://​ api​ .di​ sco​ gs.com​ /oa​ uth​ /re​ que​ st_​ token https:/​ /fl​ att​ r.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ aut​ horize Tutorial : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /wo​ rk/​ yam​ mer​ - Dialog URL : https:/​ /fl​ att​ r.co​ m/​ oau​ th/​ token co​ nne​ ct-​ usi​ ng-​ oau​ th-​ in-​ php/ http://​ www​ .di​ sco​ gs.com​ /oa​ uth​ /au​ tho​ rize https:/​ /ap​ i.fl​ at​ tr.com​ /re​ st/​ v2/​ use​ r?a​ cce​ ss_​ token= Access Token URL : scope="​ f​ lattr thing" http://​ api​ .di​ sco​ gs.com​ /oa​ uth​ /ac​ ces​ s_t​ oken

Demo : http://​ ngi​ rir​ aj.com​ /so​ cia​ lMe​ dia​ /oa​ uth​ log​ in/​ fla​ ttr​ .ph p

By Giriraj Namachivayam Published 17th April, 2013. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com (kayalshri) Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! cheatography.com/kayalshri/ Page 4 of 5. http://crosswordcheats.com ngiriraj.com oAuth End Points Cheat Sheet by Giriraj Namachivayam (kayalshri) via cheatography.com/5239/cs/956/

DropBox2 oAuth version 2.0

Dialog URL : https:/​ /ww​ w.dr​ op​ box​ .co​ m/1​ /oa​ uth​ 2/a​ uth​ ori​ ze?​ res​ pon​ se_​ typ​ e=c​ ode​ &c​ lie​ nt_​ id=​ {CL​ IEN​ T_I​ D}&​ re​ dir​ ect​ _ur​ i={​ RED​ IRE​ CT_​ URI​ }&sco​ pe=​ {SC​ OPE​ }&sta​ te=​ {ST​ ATE}

Token URL : https:/​ /ww​ w.dr​ op​ box​ .co​ m/1​ /oa​ uth​ 2/t​ oken

XERO oAuth version 1.0a

Request Token URL : https:/​ /ap​ i.xe​ ro​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/R​ equ​ est​ Token

Dialog URL : https:/​ /ap​ i.xe​ ro​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/A​ uth​ orize

Access Token : https:/​ /ap​ i.xe​ ro​ .co​ m/o​ aut​ h/A​ cce​ ssT​ oken

By Giriraj Namachivayam Published 17th April, 2013. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com (kayalshri) Last updated 3rd June, 2014. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords! cheatography.com/kayalshri/ Page 5 of 5. http://crosswordcheats.com ngiriraj.com