Cxcl9l and Cxcr3.2 Regulate Recruitment of Osteoclast Progenitors to Bone Matrix in a Medaka Osteoporosis Model
Cxcl9l and Cxcr3.2 regulate recruitment of osteoclast progenitors to bone matrix in a medaka osteoporosis model Quang Tien Phana,b,1, Wen Hui Tana,b,1, Ranran Liua,b, Sudha Sundarama,b, Anita Buettnera,b, Susanne Kneitzc, Benedict Cheonga,b, Himanshu Vyasa,b, Sinnakaruppan Mathavand,e, Manfred Schartlc,f, and Christoph Winklera,b,2 aDepartment of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543, Singapore; bCentre for Bioimaging Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543, Singapore; cDepartment of Developmental Biochemistry, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, 97080 Würzburg, Germany; dGenome Institute of Singapore, Singapore 138672, Singapore; eLee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore; and fThe Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666 Edited by Clifford J. Tabin, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, and approved July 4, 2020 (received for review April 1, 2020) Bone homeostasis requires continuous remodeling of bone matrix demonstrating RANKL’s important role as a coupling factor to maintain structural integrity. This involves extensive communi- (6–8). However, more coupling factors remain to be identified as cation between bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing os- osteoclasts also form in a RANKL-independent manner (9). teoclasts to orchestrate balanced progenitor cell recruitment and Zebrafish and medaka have become popular models for hu- activation. Only a few mediators controlling progenitor activation man skeletal disorders (10). Both species are amenable to ad- are known to date and have been targeted for intervention of vanced forward and reversed genetics and genome modification bone disorders such as osteoporosis. To identify druggable path- and uniquely suited for live bioimaging, which makes them ideal ways, we generated a medaka (Oryzias latipes) osteoporosis for bone research.
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