The Linacre Quarterly

Volume 34 | Number 3 Article 8

August 1967 The aC tholic Position on Thomas G. Dailey

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Recommended Citation Dailey, Thomas G. (1967) "The aC tholic Position on Abortion," The Linacre Quarterly: Vol. 34 : No. 3 , Article 8. Available at: 6:969) and Clement of Alexandria influence on theological pronounce­ (GCS 12:215) vigorously condemned ments. Innocent III in a particular .The Catholic· Position On Abortion all . in his decision, (Sicut et Litterarum, 1211), · Apology (9.8) and Cyprian in his said that aborting a non-animated REVEREND THOMAS G. DAILEY Epis ties ( 52:2) likewise declare all foetus was not homicide. The Decre­ In March, those who hoped for It must be pointed out immec, · Ltely abortions murder. tals of Gregory IX (1241) affirmed that Church teaching prone ces liberalizing New York state's 84- Despite universal agreement with­ the same position. However, Sixtus judgment on no man's person2 ::on­ year old saw their bill in th~ Church that abortion was V in the Bull Effraenatum (1588) science. In this. study of Cr ·1olic die in committee. Everyone knows, murder, the exact moment at which condemned all abortions at any stage teaching, no statement is me tt to however, that they · have not given a foetus was infused with a ra tiona} of fetal development as homicide. But accuse present day abortion ady· -:ates up; they will try again next year. In was disputed. The overwhelm­ Gregory XIV in ( 1591 ) revoked the of malice. But Church teachin'· aoks the meantime, it seems that an ing majority of theologians followed penalties of Effraenatum and re­ rather to the defense of the df. · nse­ astonishing irony lies at the root of the 40-80 day development theory of asserted the distinction between the the abortion controversy: a society so less, in this case the unborn, to ·1ield anima ted and non -anima ted foetus·. that life from any attacker even , i.e. that the male embryo attuned to the preciousness of human was not infused with a human soul Pius IX, however, in a Motu Proprio life that it protects the barbarity of though he be in good faith. in 1869 restored the rigor of Ef­ The hoi that until the fortieth day of development; capital punishment, condemns na­ the female was not animated 'til the fraenatum: all abortions were palm bombing of civilians and de­ life within the womb is inviol · ·le at condemned as murder. every stage of its developmer: She eightieth. The Aristotelian conjec­ cries inhuman jails, ought to be tur~ was to prevail unchallenged Critics are quick to cite the above enlightened enough to see the in­ sums up a long and consistent radi­ tion in these words of the P ·t oral unttl modern times. Despite this variations as weakness in the admissibility of destroying life in th~ presumed delay in ensoulment, how­ Church's conviction about abortion. womb. The Catholic Church believes Constitution on the Church ~ . the Modern World: "God, the I rd of ever, ~er~ullian taught in his Apology Two things must be asserted how­ that physicians are committed to the 9 8 life, has conferred on men t1 sur­ < · ) · It makes no difference ever: first, that the Church could not preservation of life in the same way whether _one snatches a soul already passing ministry of safeguardL ~ life, · be expected to teach her doctrines that governments are obligated to ~m or u~terferes with its coming to with a better biology than was offered protect innocent life. The physician a ministry which must be fulB ' ed in a manner that is worthy of man. birth. It IS a human being and one her in those times. Consequently her by the Hippocratic oath swears never who is to be a man . . . " And Basil teaching could only reflect what to induce an abortion and the gov­ Therefore from the moment )f its conception life must be guard - with wrote: "A woman who deliberately Aristotle and Galen taught regarding ernment by its very nature is obliged destroys a foetus is answerable for animation; second, that Gregory XIV to safeguard the life of the innocent. the greatest care while aborth , and th~ t_aking of life. And any hair­ revoked only the penalties of Effrae­ It is partly because we assume the infanticide are unspeakable cr mes." (#51) The Church carries ud the sphttmg distinction as to its being natum, not the teachings. innocence of civilians in war that we !o~ed (i.e., animated) or unformed debate its morality. It is partly be­ mission of Christ iri proclaim! ' g the The condemnation of all abortion ~Inadmissible with us." (Letters 188, dignity and inviolability of 1 uman as murder by Pius IX is again af­ cause we fear executing the innocent .G. 32:672) · Thus, the Fathers life and she must oppose r ; evil firmed by Pius XI in Casti Connubii that we question capital punishment. taught that all life must be inviolate "whatever is opposed to life itself, (1930) and subsequently in numer­ We have such a horror of possible and using the terms the law reserved such as any type of murder, ge:r cide, ous documents of Pius XII. His allo­ error in deciding a person's guilt that for the killing of adults, they charged a man standing with a s~oking re­ abortion, euthanasia or wilftl self­ cution on 26 Nov. 1951 is reminiscent !h~t not only the destruction of ex­ volver over a fresh corpse is con­ destruction." (CMW, #27) of Tertullian and Basil in prescind­ ~ting life, but the interruption of the sidered innocent until proven guilty The Church's opposition to abor­ ing from the moment of ensoulment: tion goes back to the first century. . e-development process was homi­ in a court of law. And yet pro­ Cide. They were led to attach sanctity "Whatever foundation there may be ponents of abortion would have the The (5.2) (A.D. 65-80) for the distinction between these condemned abortion. The early not only to life but to the whole state legally presume a foetus guilty embryonic development. various phases of development of life (as of capital crime) and subject the second century Letter of Barnabas . . . all these cases involve a grave unborn to the sentence of death to (19.5) declared: "You shall not kill The 40-80 day Aristotelian ensoul­ and unlawful attack upon the be carried out by competent the foetus by an abortion.'; Later in Dlent theory continued to assert great inviolability of human life." physicians. the same century Athenagoras (P.G. AUGUST, 1967 219 218 LINACRE QuARTERLY We have no divine revelation on control and divorce legislati , on Health Care of the Religious the time of animation,. nor any of­ what possible ground can w< 1raw in the· Buffalo Diocese ficial pronouncement of the Church. the line at abortion? But scientists and theologians are in The problem with this 1· " of DANIEL J. McCuE, M.D. the vast majority convinced that it thought is that it neglects to otice "The Church in America today cated physicians who stressed these happens at the very instant the ovum that the foetus is also a party ) the needs as riever before, a great army needs, and pioneered this type of is fertilized. In any case it must be debate (though it cannot spt " ~ for of Religious women who · are spirit­ work. pointed out with Basil and Pius XII itself). Neither birth contr1 nor ually, intellectually and profession­ Several years ago a Pilot Program that embrvonic development is one divorce present comparable :tua­ ally superior. One of the best was planned and instituted by the of proxim;te continuity. No humart tions, for no existent life is a ·~· take. measures of their productivity is their Catholic Physicians' Guild -in Buf­ foetus can ever be confused with that But the foetus has the person [ right physical health. The aim of the falo, New York. The Outpatient of any other species. The human to live. Health Program for ·Religious is to Departments of the Catholic hos­ foetus cannot develop into a cow, provide the means to attain physical pitals were utilized to examine a large The Church is keenly av. ·e of rabbit, or pig; it can only become a strength to rna tch their dedication group of nuns from the Buffalo area. the pain and disease and dea tl often man. and stamina for their apostolate. These examinations were done on a resultant from illegal abortion Her Physical, mental and spiritual health Saturday afternoon when the Out­ Nor do those, who might still doubt heart goes out in tender comr ·ssion are a Trinity vital for personality de­ patient Department Clinics were not whether the foetus in its early de­ to these victim mothers. But _. ath­ velopment. To help secure health in use for the public. velopment is human, have the righ_t olics must not get backed · to a for these Ladies of the Church is our For a two-week period prior to the to move against the life of that corner on the emotional issu e ~ They primary interest-a labor of love." actual examinations, in order to avoid Thus was this goal so aptly stated in foetus. In response to proposed must not find themselves in th awk­ overloading the Laboratory and X­ the Manual, Health to Match her changes in Maryland's abortion ward situation of being h f rtless ray Departments of these hospitals~ Dedication by James T. Nix,· M.D. legalists who prefer a metap, ysical the following screening tests were laws, Cardinal Shehan recently de­ and Con J. Fecher, Ph.D. clared that it was the hallmark of principle to a "merciful" res\ ution done: CBC, Routine Urine, two­ Many physicians treating the hour post digestive Blood Sugar, and our civilization that when there was of an agonizing predicament. ather Religious have · become aware that Chest X-ray. Pap smears were done a doubt as to the presence of human must Catholics stand staunch .y for frequently when first seen, serious on the day of the physical examina­ life, the benefit of doubt should be the child as true champions 0 • per­ illness has become well advanced. tion. Each nun was provided with a given to its presence rather than its sonal rights, protectors of h "lpless Many nuns have not had any type Cornell-like type of Questionnaire absence. One might add this illus­ human beings whose very exh tence of medical care for years. When prior to the examination. Complete tration: Doctors do not send patients . is jeopardized by those who r re re­ symptoms and signs of disease per­ past history, current symptoms, etc., to autopsy rooms if there is the slight­ luctant to admit that the unbc:-n are sist, they are seen for the first time. were recorded. These forms ac­ est doubt they might still be alive. human. It is disheartening to find advanced companied the nun on the day of the disease, especially of a malignant examination. Can the Church in the light oi type, knowing that there is little hope Physicians representing the various FATHER DAILEY, a native of N w Yo.rk, for cure or improvement. pluralism withdraw from the lists? spent a year in parish work in Puer:_o R1co specialties participated in our pro­ Must we concede to the defenders of after ordination in 1953. Returnmg to In recent years the health care of gram. The nuns would move from abortion the right to perform them Buffalo, he served in two more . arishes. Religious, or the lack of it, has one diagnostic station to the next in according to the dictates of their own After higher studies in Rome, he e:1 rn~d a prompted physicians to advocate and an orderly fashion, and a check list Doctorate in Sacred Theology and smce develop programs for routine annual was completed. Registered nurses conscience? If we now make room 1961 has been teaching Moral Theology at comprehensive physical examinations for the conscience of others on birth St. John Vianney Seminary, E. Aurora, N.Y. and volunteers from the various hos­ of the various religious orders. Dr. pital Guilds greatly facilitated. our James Nix, who is quoted above, was · work. More than 600 nuns were one of these outstanding and dedi- examined in the above fashion.

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