636 bus time schedule & line map

636 - University Via View In Website Mode

The 636 bus line (Nambour - University Via Buderim) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Nambour Station: 6:20 AM - 6:20 PM (2) Usc Bus Station: 7:06 AM - 6:06 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 636 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 636 bus arriving.

Direction: Nambour Station 636 bus Time Schedule 21 stops Nambour Station Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:20 AM - 6:20 PM Usc Station, Platform 2 Tuesday 6:20 AM - 6:20 PM Stringybark Rd Near Jorl Ct 144 Stringybark Road, Buderim Wednesday 6:20 AM - 6:20 PM

Stringybark Rd Near Ebony Ct Thursday 6:20 AM - 6:20 PM Friday 6:20 AM - 6:20 PM Burnett St at Buderim Marketplace 72 Burnett Street, Buderim Saturday Not Operational

Burnett St Near Townsend Rd 123 Burnett Street, Buderim

Townsend Rd at Sage Street 636 bus Info 15 Townsend Road, Buderim Direction: Nambour Station Stops: 21 Besley St Near Townsend Rd Trip Duration: 38 min Besley Street, Buderim Line Summary: Usc Station, Platform 2, Stringybark Rd Near Jorl Ct, Stringybark Rd Near Ebony Ct, William St Near Mons Rd Burnett St at Buderim Marketplace, Burnett St Near 41 William Street, Buderim Townsend Rd, Townsend Rd at Sage Street, Besley St Near Townsend Rd, William St Near Mons Rd, Mons Mons Rd Near Twin Ridges Rd Rd Near Twin Ridges Rd, Mons Rd Near Owen Creek Rd, Nambour Connection Rd at , Mons Rd Near Owen Creek Rd Nambour Connection Rd at Woombye Gardens, Pine 325 Mons Road, Forest Glen Grove Rd Near Junee Ct, Dinmore St Near Wakeeld St, Wakeeld St Near Blackall St, Lamington Tce Near Nambour Connection Rd at Big Pineapple Magnolia St, Reilly Rd at Palm St, Aspland St at Little Bade Street, Howard St at Smith Street, Howard St at Nambour Connection Rd at Woombye Gardens Sydney Street, Nambour Station Shires Road, Woombye

Pine Grove Rd Near Junee Ct 2 Sales Court, Woombye

Dinmore St Near Wakeeld St 25 Wakeeld Street, Woombye

Wakeeld St Near Blackall St 4 Wakeeld Street, Woombye Lamington Tce Near Magnolia St 24-30 Lamington Terrace, Nambour

Reilly Rd at Palm St 32 Reilly Road, Nambour

Aspland St at Little Bade Street 47 Bade Street, Nambour

Howard St at Smith Street 112 Howard Street, Nambour

Howard St at Sydney Street 1-3 Sydney Street, Nambour

Nambour Station 88 Civic Way, Nambour Direction: Usc Bus Station 636 bus Time Schedule 23 stops Usc Bus Station Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:06 AM - 6:06 PM Nambour Station 88 Civic Way, Nambour Tuesday 7:06 AM - 6:06 PM

Lowe St at Nambour Central Wednesday 7:06 AM - 6:06 PM 50 Lowe Street, Nambour Thursday 7:06 AM - 6:06 PM Howard St at Smith Street Friday 7:06 AM - 6:06 PM 115 Howard Street, Nambour Saturday Not Operational Aspland St at Bade Street 47 Bade Street, Nambour

Reilly Rd at Palm St Reilly Road, Nambour 636 bus Info Direction: Usc Bus Station Nambour Connection Rd at Diddillibah Road Stops: 23 Trip Duration: 38 min Wakeeld St Near Blackall St Line Summary: Nambour Station, Lowe St at 3 Wakeeld Street, Woombye Nambour Central, Howard St at Smith Street, Aspland St at Bade Street, Reilly Rd at Palm St, Dinmore St Near Wakeeld St Nambour Connection Rd at Diddillibah Road, 23 Wakeeld Street, Woombye Wakeeld St Near Blackall St, Dinmore St Near Wakeeld St, Pine Grove Rd at Woombye State Pine Grove Rd at Woombye State School School, Nambour Connection Rd at Woombye 95 Plantation Rise Drive, Woombye Gardens, Nambour Connection Rd at Big Pineapple, Mons Rd at Forest Glen, Mons Rd Near Mons School Nambour Connection Rd at Woombye Gardens Rd, Mons Rd Near Wilguy Cr, Besley St Near Townsend Rd, Townsend Rd at Sage Street, Burnett Nambour Connection Rd at Big Pineapple St Near Townsend Rd, Burnett St at Buderim Marketplace, Ballinger Rd Near Ballinger Ct, Mons Rd at Forest Glen Stringybark Rd Near Gleneagle Ct, Stringybark Rd Near Greenwood Cl, Stringybark Rd Near Goshawk Mons Rd Near Mons School Rd Bvd, Usc Station, Platform 1 30 Courcheval Terrace, Mons

Mons Rd Near Wilguy Cr 33 Wilguy Crescent, Buderim

Besley St Near Townsend Rd 13 Besley Street, Buderim

Townsend Rd at Sage Street 24 Townsend Road, Buderim

Burnett St Near Townsend Rd 127 Burnett Street, Buderim

Burnett St at Buderim Marketplace 90 Burnett Street, Buderim

Ballinger Rd Near Ballinger Ct 7 Ballinger Road, Buderim

Stringybark Rd Near Gleneagle Ct Stringybark Rd Near Greenwood Cl

Stringybark Rd Near Goshawk Bvd 7 Boobook Court, Buderim

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