Report on mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

REPORT Report on Mapping of MSM Groups,

OrganisationsNo. 3, November, and 2008 Networks©2008 in APCOM. South All rights reserved Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


The Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) is a regional coalition of MSM and HIV commu- nity-based organisations and networks, the government sector, donors, technical experts and the UN system. The main purpose is advocating for political support and increases in investment and coverage of HIV services for males who have sex with males and transgenders in Asia and the Pacific. APCOM promotes the principles of good practice and lessons learnt by bringing together representatives from diverse groups in an effort to share experience, knowledge and expertise. The APCOM website includes additional resource materials includ- ing this report, policy briefs, commentaries, reports, news stories and APCOM membership registration.

For more information, please visit, the APCOM website

APCOM sub-regional configurations/areas

Sub regions Countries China China Developed Asia Australia, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Macau SAR, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan Greater Mekong Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam India Pacific Region Cook Islands, Easter Islands, Fedrerated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tongo, Tuvalu, Vanuata South Asia (excluding India) Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka* South East Asia (excluding Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines Greaters Mekong sub region)

* Mongolia is included in this sub region at their requet.

2 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


This study, undertaken by India Naz Foundation International, and commissioned by APCOM, was conducted with financial support from UNAIDS, as part of their ongoing support to APCOM.

APCOM is grateful to both UNAIDS and INFI for their support and contribution.

South Asia

3 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom APCOM Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health CBO Community Baed Organisation HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus INFI India Naz Foundation International INFOSEM Indian Network For Sexual Minorities INGO International Non-Government organisation LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender MSM Males who have sex with males NACO National AIDS Control Organisation NFI Naz Foundation International NGO Non-Government Organisation SACS State AIDS Control Society STI Sexually transmitted infections UNAIDS United Nations Joint Programme on AIDS USAID United States Aid and International Development UT Union Territory

4 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


About APCOM 2 APCOM sub-regional configurations 2 Acknowledgements 3 South Asia map 3 Acronyms 4 Defining the term MSM 6 Caveat 6 Mapping MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia 7 Introduction 7 Study Process 7 Study Findings 8 1. Geographical location 8 2. Organisational structure of groups, organisations and networks mapped 9 3. Nature of HIV/AIDS services 9 4. Population served 10 5. Training and funding needs 10 Conclusions 11 Key recommendations 11 Questionnaire 13 Data set 17


Table 1 : State wise break up of data for India 8 Table 2 : Country wise break up of data 9 Tbale 3: Most common training needs in India 10

5 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

Defining the term MSM in a South Asian context

“Men who have sex with men” (MSM) is an inclusive public health term used to define the sexual behaviours of males having sex with other males, regardless of gender identity, motivation for engaging in sex or identifi- cation with any or no particular ‘community’. The words ‘man’ and ‘sex’ are interpreted differently in diverse cultures and societies as well as by the individuals involved. As a result, the terms MSM covers a large variety of settings and contexts in which male to male sex takes place.


Ths report does not claim to be the final authority on the extent of MSM groups, networks and organisations in the South Asia region. Many small groups will most likely have been mised because they are not registered, or they have not been mentioned by other groups and organisations that have been identified. However, the information provided here does give an indication of the development of these groups, networks and organisa- tions. In 1990, only India has any sort of organising around male-male sexualities, and then it is estimated that there were less than 10 such organisations.

It needs to also be recognised that such organisations, groups and networks are organic, often rising and falling, and renewing themselves under different names, and that such listings are not static but evolutionary.

6 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

Mapping MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia Introduction

According to a policy brief titled “The Value of Investing in MSM Programs in the Asia and the Pacific re- gion”, developed by the USAID Health Policy Initiative and APCOM (March 2008), there is strong evidence establishing male-to-male sex as one of the driving forces of HIV transmission in the region. HIV prevalence among MSM and transgender populations ranges from 3 to 17% in Asia-Pacific countries1 (5 to 15 times higher than overall HIV prevalence). In India, for instance, the latest estimates by National AIDS Control Organisa- tion (NACO) show that prevalence among MSM and transgender populations was 5.7% in 2006 as against the overall adult of 0.36%2.

Technical and funding support based on such evidence for large scale strategic interventions that address male- to-male and transgender sexualities and related HIV vulnerabilities is only now beginning to materlize in the region. One of the first steps needed in scaling up this response is to map the populations concerned and their representative groups, organisations and networks. This study carried out by India Naz Foundation Interna- tional aimed at such a mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in the South Asian countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka Mongolia has been included in the sub region at their request.3

The study focused on male who have sex with male populations, given that not enough known about their spe- cific vulnerabilities to HIV and the response that is already under the way to address the vulnerabilities. More specifically, the study looked at;

a. Creation of a database of groups, organisations and networks addressing HIV prevention, care, support and treatment issues of MSM population in South Asia. b. Assess the geographical spread and coverage of these groups, organisations and networks. c. Assess their current HIV response; and d. Assess their readiness for scaling up the response

The study covered both community-based organisations (CBOs) and other voluntary (and private sector) agen- cies to gain a comprehensive overview.4

Study process

The study was conducted by the knowledge unit of India Naz Foundation International, based in Lucknow, India.

As a first step, an excel database format was developed to lay out all information issues that needed investiga- tion. Information for India was divided by the states and rest by country. Please see the Annexures for the data breakdown.

This was followed by a desk review (both internet based and otherwise) of research reports, programme re- ports, annual reports, policy documents, organisational brochures and other profile documents, and existing databases of government and non-government agencies involved in work on gender, sexuality, human rights, HIV and AIDS and other associated issues to identify MSM groups. networks and organisations. A significant

1 The epidemiology of HIV and STI among men who have sex with men and transgender in Asia, Frits van Griensven, August 2007, presentation to the 8th Interna- tional Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific. 2 Revised National prevalence data published by the National AIDS Control organisation, India and UNAIDS, 2006, 3 A simmler mapping report for transgender groups, organisations and networks in South Asia was conducted by SAATHI, , for APCOM in July 2008. Available on 4 Government and bilateral / multilateral agencies were not considered for the mapping as their primary role is that of providing funding and technical support and not direct or indirect implementation. 7 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

proportion of the desk review utilised resources available in NFI’s Resource Centre in its regional programme office also based in Lucknow. All the collected information through the desk review was verified for accuracy and updating through e-mails and telephone calls.

In many instances, the desk review revealed only contact information or incomplete data. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the missing information. The questionnaire was distributed through e-mail and post, and where needed, completed through telephone interviews.

The questionnaire was also posted on e-forums used by MSM and HIV and AIDS organisations, their support forums and other agencies working with them in South Asia. This allowed the capture of information as yet unavailable in print or on websites. Respondents to the questionnaire were asked to provide contact informa- tion of other groups, organisations and networks they knew about. This allowed for a snowball method of information collection. India NFI’s partners and INFOSEM’s partners within India and other Naz Foundation International’s country partners and their extensive linkages with civil society and other agencies working with MSM in South Asia were instrumental in collecting additional hard-to-access data.

All e-mail postings were made through In the final stage the data in the MSM Excel formats was edited and supplemented with a legend for easy reference to abbreviations used.

Study findings

1. Geographical location A Total of 152 entries for groups, organisations and networks were mapped in India, and another 27 for the other countries (20 in Bangladesh, 152 in India, 1 in Mongolia, 14 in Nepal, 8 in Pakistan and 3 in Sri Lanka). No information was found for Afghanistan, Bhutan, Maldives and Punjab province in Pakistan accounted for most of the entries. In India only 21 of the 35 states and Union Territories had groups, organisations and networks engaged with MSM issues.

Table 1: State wise break up of data for India

Sr. No. State/UT No. of entries Sr. No. State/UT No. of entries 01 Andhra Pradesh 23 13 Nagaland 01 02 Assam 01 14 Orissa 12 03 Bihar 05 15 Punjab 01 04 Delhi 05 16 Pondicherry 01 05 Goa 01 17 Rajasthan 08 06 Gujarat 02 18 Tamil Nadu 25 07 Haryana 01 19 Uttar Pradesh 12 08 Jharkhand 01 20 Uttaranchal 01 09 Karnataka 13 21 19 10 Maharashtra 12 22 11 Madhya Pradesh 03 12 Manipur 05

No information was found for 14 of the states and Union Territories: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Chattisgarh, Dadar and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Himanchal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Lakshdweep Islands, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim and Tripura. However a few groups and organisations in Delhi, Karnataka and Maharashtra also worked in some of the neighbouring states and Union Territories that do not figure in Table 1.5

5In fact in all the countries covered, several groups and organisations had operations in multi districts / states / divisions / provisions – a further indicator of an geo- graphical spread of technical capacities for HIV response in relation to transgender populations. 8 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

In terms of the regional spread within India, more than 64% of the entries were from the eastern and southern states and Union Territories (24% and 40% respectively). Another 21% were from the northern and central re- gions, only 9% from the western region and 5% from the north-eastern states. Both overall and within regions, only a handful of states dominated. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu accounted for nearly all the entries in the southern region, while West Bengal and Orrissa accounted for the most entries in the eastern region. Similarly, Maharashtra and Manipur dominated in their respective regions (the west and the north-east).

Table 2: Country wise break up of data

Sr. No. Name of the Country Number of organisation 1. Afghanistan 0 2. Bangladesh 20 3. Bhutan 0 4. India 152 5. Maldives 0 6. Mongolia 1 7. Nepal 14 8. Pakistan 8 9. Sri Lanka 3

Looking at the data from India, there is a need to explore the reasons behind the relative numerical strength of entries in states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. It is possible that the politically strong MSM movements and successful advocacy with government and other stakeholders in these states have played a role behind this strength. On the other hand, in Andhra Pradesh, Or- risa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, recent increases in attention by the state governments (State AIDS Control Societies-SACS) towards HIV interventions for MSM and transgender people account for the higher number of entries.

2. Organisational structure of groups, organisations and networks mapped Of the 152 Indian entries, 53 were NGOs, International NGOs, and private sector initiative and 99 were MSM CBOs . Most of these CBOs were located in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Andhra Pradesh and Orissa mostly had NGOs working on HIV targeted interventions funded by respective SACS. In contrast, in the other countries put together, only 37% of the entries were those for CBOs.

India, and on a smaller scale, Sri Lanka, had the benefits of coalitions of agencies working with MSM, includ- ing kothis, hijras and other sexual minorities. For instance, NFI’s South Asia partners network and INFOSEM (Indian Network for Sexual Minorities), along with India NFI. If managed well, these networks can be ex- tremely effective vehicles for joint policy and advocacy work with governments and other key stakeholders. To a significant extent this has already been the experience in India, where these coalitions played a key role in development of the National AIDS Control Programme – Phase III policy and operational guidelines for targeted interventions for MSM and transgender populations.

3. Nature of HIV/AIDS services In India, most groups and organisations mapped provided a basic HIV prevention package of awareness gen- eration, condom promotion, STI treatment (mainly referrals) and HIV related counseling and testing (mainly referrals). The more experienced NGOs and CBOs also provided psych-social counseling, drop-in-centre ser- vices and access to water based lubricants, and were engaged in multi-stake holder advocacy for creating an enabling policy, legal and larger social environment. Many of these also had their own STI treatment clinics. Well researched BCC resources, along with HIV care, support and treatment referrals were less common.

The biggest gap appears to be addressing the non STI/HIV/AIDS needs of males who have sex with males, which play a crucial role in the development of an enabling environment, such as poverty reduction schemes,

9 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

educational development, community building and other health concerns.

The more experienced agencies in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka have strong LGBT human rights campaigns, while in Bangladesh there has been signficant work in subsitising in media and sexual health meet.

A provision of a basic package of STI/HIV/AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment services (including referrals linkages) seemed to be on par in all the countries covered, with significiant variation in quality stands. India had most of the NGOs and CBOs involved in provision of HIV/AIDS trainings and other technical assistance towards capacity building.

4. Population served Of the Indian entries, 65% worked exclusively with MSM (including male sex workers), while the remaindrer had a broader remit through composite programming, which included work with other at-risk populations, such as female sex workers, injecting drug users, truck drivers and migrant workers. In Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, national MSM organisations focused on MSM and sexual health programming, others often had a broader remit. Whether the efficacy of an NGO or an MSM CBO approach is more effective in building sus- tained risk reduction strategies has, as yet, not been evaluated, although there is some evidence to indicate that peer led multi-leveled approaches appear to be the most effective.6

5. Training and funding needs The most common training needs identified by Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka agencies were resource mobilising, programme design and planning, and management. This was true of both CBOs and NGOs. The training needs most commonly expressed in India also included resource mobilising. The table below summarizes the most common needs for India.

Table 3: Most common training needs in India

Sr. Training needs No. of NGOs No. of CBOs Total No. 01 Counselling 2 6 8 02 Documentation 9 20 29 03 Fund Raising 30 19 49 04 HIV care, support, treatment 6 9 15 05 Communication 10 20 30 06 Advocacy 4 14 18 Total 61 88 149

In terms of access to funding support, 47 of the Indian agencies (31%) mentioned receiving funding support for projects that catered to males who have sex with males populations (either exclusively or along with other target populations). But only 19% of these 47 agencies were CBOs.

Bangladesh and Nepal were relatively better off in terms off funding availability than Pakistan or Sri Lanka. Government funding was far more prominent in India than in other countries, where bilateral and multilateral agencies were major providers of funds.

6 See Preventing HIV infections among males who have sex with males in Asia Pacific region, Dr. Carol Jenkins, 2006 ; sponsibilities/background%20papers?/Preventing%20HIV%20amongst%20MSM-%20Carol%20Jenkins.pdf 7 See Redefinng AIDS in Asia: Crafting an Effective Response; Report of the Commission on AIDS in Asia, 2008, tOfTheCommission OnAIDSInAsia.pdf 10 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


The population of South Asia is approximately 1.6 billion people (more than China’s 1.3 billion), and yet only 179 groups, networks and organizations providing HIV services for MSM were identified across the 9 coun- tries. And of these, only 116 were MSM community-based organizations. This is grossly inadequate in terms of coverage, in a time of a growing HIV crisis among MSM,7 and where the demand is for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services appropriate to the issues, needs and concerns of the broad diversity of MSM risks and vulnerabilities.

This in equity between need and service provision highlights the level of stigma and discrimination by a broad range of stakeholders, not only at institutional levels of government and donors, but also at state and local lev- els. It also highlights the urgent need to provide support for community development and mobilising of MSM to be able to respond more effectively to the HIV crisis. In fact, the lack of MSM coverage is itself a crisis. This means expanding the level of appropriate technical assistance and support, along with mentoring and capacity development for local groups and networks to mobilise around the issue of sexual health needs and concerns for their constituents.

Are we still in the dark days of “silence = death”?

Key recommendations

1. There is an urgent need to significantly and rapidly increase the number of agencies working with MSM and HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in South Asia, with an emphasis on underserved countries and regions within countries. This also means implemting the principles of good practice as developed at the Risks and Responsibilites: Male Sexual Health and HIV in the Asia and the Pacific International Consultation Meeting, held in New Delhi, India, September 2006, which identified that a key way forward for building sustainable risk reduction strategies was to mobilise networks of MSM to form their own service provision organisations and support them.

2. Community ownership and MSM leadership of the HIV response are important yardsticks of sustainabil- ity. On this score, civil society in the countriesof the region have a significant way to go in order to achieve universal access. Within India, the relatively successful experience of community mobilisation and leadership in states like Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal needs to be replicated on a large scale in other states. It should be noted that all the states mentioned have the advantages of a relatively supportive social environment and a head start of nearly two decades in community mobilisation. This ex- perience cannot be repeated in other regions through mere facilitation of “CBO formation”. What would be needed is considerable investment in leadership through systematic training, mentoring, on-going support and fundng.

3. Strengthening of the HIV and AIDS services package needs to include activities that have an “indirect” but significant impact on increasing the ability of MSM to protect themselves from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, along with access to quality health services, through reducing their vulnerabilites and risks. These can include (but not limited to) psycho-social support to enhance self-esteem, income genera- tion programmes and self help cooperative formations, vocational training and other educational activities, access to legal aid, and social security support. These services would make the response to HIV among and for males who have sex with males based on the recognition of their rights to dignity, health and life as equal citizens. This was universally recognised as a central requirement in all the countries covered in this report.

4. The vast majority of agencies identified in this report strongly believed that on-going technical assistance and support was urgently needed and sustained to provide capacity and skills building on community develop- ment, programme development, service delivery and resource development, along with advocacy skills, and

8 See Principles of Good Practice - Towards Universal Access to HIV Pevention, Treatment, Care and Support for Men Who Have Sex With Men And Transgender People; 11 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

that the current level of such assistance needs to be rapidly scaled up

5. There are several agencies in the region that provide a measure of technical assistance and support for MSM mobilising and community development towards self-help HIV service provision that are MSM led, such as Bandhu Social Welfare Society in Bangladesh, India NFI and INFOSEM in India, Blue Diamond Society in Nepal, Companions on a Journey, Sri Lanka, while regionally, there is Naz Foundation International.

However the provision of technical support and assistance tends to be based on an inadequate analysis of need, an ad-hoc approach, and at times, a competitive environment all of which reduces the effectiveness of such support. A coordinated approach to develop a detailed analysis of capacity building needs of both MSM and non-MSM agencies providing services, along with the need to urgently scale-up coverage and rep- licate good practice models would be more appropriate.

The urgent need for leadership skills, and the milestones/good practices achieved by the agencies mapped in this report should be taken into account in this analysis. This analysis should be followed up with a coordi- nated effort at resource mobilising to provide long term and target oriented training, mentoring and support to the agencies concerned as well as new ones that need to emerge.

6. It would also be useful to be able to have information on donor support, not only in terms of financial ex- tent, but as to who is funding what. A mapping of donor support could be an excellent advocacy tool.

12 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

Annexure 1

Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia – 2008



Dear ….

Greetings from India Naz Foundation International.

The Asia Pacific Colation on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) has appointed India NFI to undertake a map- ping of the men who have sex with men groups, organisations and networks addressing issues of HIV/AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment in South Asia. The countries to be covered for the study are Afghani- stan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This study is expected to contribute to increased networking and coordination among MSM initiatives in South Asia and scale up their response to the HIV epidemic.

We would be grateful if you can spare some of your valuable time and fill the enclosed questionnaire on the profile of your agency and its HIV related activities.

An early response by September 20th 2008 at would be appreciated. You can also send us the filled up questionnaire by post at India NFI, 8 Gulzar Colony, New Berry Lane, Lucknow-226001, India. If you receive this letter by post, a self-addressed stamped envelope would be enclosed which you can use for sending us the questionnaire.

Please feel free to contact us if there is any clarification you need.

Yours sincerely

Javed Abbas Resource Coordinator India Naz Foundation International 8 Gulzar Colony New berry Lane-226001 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh- India E-mail: Phone: +91 0522 2205781/82 Fax: +91 0522 2205783

13 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


Ref. No…………

1. Name of the agency: ______

2. Complete of the contact person with phone number, fax, e-mail, website: ______

3. Name of the contact person with phone number, fax, e-mail, website: ______

4. Nature of the agency (Please tick):

a) Community based organisation /support group/self-help group

b) Network/coalition of agencies

c) Other NGO (Please specify)______

d) Other (Please specify)______

Please mention registration status: ______

5. Does the leadership of the agency include TG individuals? If yes, I what capacity? ______

6. HIV/AIDS services of the agency:

a) Prevention: ______

b) Care, support and treatment: ______

c) Others: ______

7. Populations served (Please mention both TG populations and sub-populations, and other populations served): 14 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia


8. Geographical areas covered: ______

9. How many members /staff /volunteers does your agency have? Please mention the knowledge and skills possessed by your members / staff: ______

10. What are your agency’s HIV/AIDS training needs? ______

11. Has your agency ever received funding support for projects catering to MSM & TG populations? If yes, please mentions for what kind of projects, and the names of the funding bodies (optional): ______

12. Would you like to share any milestones or best practices in relation to your agency’s work on MSM and TG health and development issues? ______

15 APCOM Report No. 3, November 2008 Mapping of MSM groups, organisations and networks in South Asia

16 APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY BANGLADESH Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membershi Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person details agency activities / areas covered served leadership p / staff and skills needs support best services strength possessed received practices ATMA Nosimul House No. 672, NGO ADV, COU, Bangladesh Kothis, other NK Full time / ADV, COU Fund NK NK Shani, K. M. Road, PRV overall, but focus TG people, part time raising, Executive Mosimpur, (awareness on Sirajganj IDUs, FSWs, STF - 10 programme Director Sirajgong. Tel: generation), district, Rajshahi youth, planning 88 171 305 848 detoxification division homeless and and people manageme rehabilitation of nt drug users, SHG Bandhu Shale 99 Kakrail, CBO ADV, BCC Dhaka, Kothis, other Yes Full time / ADV, Fund USAID / Cultural Social Ahmed, Dhaka 1000. development, Chittagong, TG people, part time communicatio raising, FHI, DFID, activism; Welfare Executive Tel: 88 2 933 community Comilla, MSM STF - 232 n skills, COU, programme Royal involvement Society Director 9898. Fax: 88 2 mobilization, Mymensingh, research planning Netherlands of larger 933 0148. E- COU, HIV TST Rajbari, Sylhet and Embassy, community in mail: referrals, CRE- districts manageme World Bank HIV bandhu@bdma SPT-TRT nt programmes Website: referrals, PRV www.bandhu.or (awareness g generation, condom promotion), STI referrals, SHG, cultural activism

Bandhu Ashis K. 37/A, Purana CBO ADV, COU, Palton Lane Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU, Fund NK Cultural Social Acharjee Palton Lane, PRV TG people, research, raising, activism; Welfare Dhaka-1000, (awareness MSM, youth HIV/AIDS in- programme involvement Society- Ph.: 01714 generation, depth planning of larger Field Office 101016, condom knowledge and community in 017120 019408 promotion), manageme HIV detoxification nt programmes and rehabilitation of drug users, vocational training Bandhu Md. Iqbal 98, Bishil, CBO ADV, COU, Mirpur Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU, Fund NK Cultural Social Hossain Plot#2, 1st floor PRV TG people, research, raising, activism; Welfare Block # B, (awareness MSM, youth HIV/AIDS in- infrastructu involvement Society- Kolowala Para, generation), depth re and of larger Field Office Mirpur, Dhaka- detoxification knowledge programme community in 1216, Ph.: and developme HIV 01711-242813 rehabilitation of nt, financial programmes drug users manageme nt

Bandhu Md. Nasir M.P.C. CBO ADV, COU, Swamibagh Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU, Fund NK Cultural Social Ahmad Bhaban, 91/1, PRV TG people, research, raising, activism; Welfare Swamibagh, (awareness IDUs, FSWs, HIV/AIDS in- infrastructu involvement Society- Dhaka-1100, generation), youth, depth re and of larger Field Office Ph.: 01714 detoxification homeless knowledge programme community in 077655, Mob.: and people developme HIV 01718 546599, rehabilitation of nt, financial programmes email: drug users manageme bsws.dksfo@g nt

Bandhu Md. Abu CDA Avenue, CBO ADV, COU, Chittagong Kothis, other NK NK COU, training Programm NK Cultural Social Sayed Muradpur PRV TG people, of trainers e planning activism; Welfare (G.F.) of 5 (awareness MSM and involvement Society- stored building generation), manageme of larger Field Office (Besides of N. detoxification nt community in Md. Furniture and HIV Showroom- rehabilitation of programmes Exclusive)Asia drug users n Highway, CTG-4203, Ph.: 01819 327408, 01719 734001, email: masayed_band [email protected] m Bandhu Giash Uddin Asia Abedin CBO ADV, COU, Kothis, other NK NK COU, training Programm NK Cultural Social Residence PRV TG people, of trainers e planning activism; Welfare (Front of Love (awareness MSM and involvement Society- Lane Mosjid generation, manageme of larger Field Sub Road), 9 condom nt community in Coordinatio Abedin Colony promotion), HIV n Office Love Lane, detoxification programmes Chittagong- and 4000, Ph.: rehabilitation of 01714 101013, drug users, Mob.: 01716 vocational 737714, email: training giashbandhu@

Bandhu Ms. Nasu Rokeya Villa, CBO ADV, COU, Chittagong Kothis, other NK NK COU, training Programm NK Cultural Social Hijra C/o Kazi Abdul PRV TG people, of trainers e planning activism; Welfare Quddus (awareness MSM, youth and involvement Society- Paharick R/A, generation), manageme of larger Field Office Khulshi, detoxification nt community in (Hijra) Chittagong, and HIV Mob.: 011 99 rehabilitation of programmes 417487 drug users

Bandhu Faruque Maa Monjil, CBO ADV, COU, Sylhet Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU Programm NK Cultural Social Ahmed House# 1/B, PRV TG people, e planning activism; Welfare Road # 33/A, (awareness MSM, youth and involvement Society- Block # C, generation), manageme of larger Field Office Shahajalal detoxification nt community in Uposhahor, and HIV Sylhet-3100, rehabilitation of programmes Ph.: 0821 drug users 724070, 01712 906946, Mob.: bandhu_sylhet Bandhu AKM 65 Ananda CBO ADV, COU, Mymensingh Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU Fund NK Cultural Social Mahbubul Mohon PRV TG people, raising, activism; Welfare Avenue, (awareness MSM, youth infrastructu involvement Society- Barabazar, generation, re and of larger Field Office Mymensingh- condom programme community in 2200, Ph.: 091 promotion), developme HIV 62703, 091 detoxification nt, financial programmes 64124, Mob.: and manageme 01717318170, rehabilitation of nt email: drug users, bandhums@btt vocational training

Bandhu Md. Didarul Shoikot CBO ADV, COU, Comilla TG people, NK NK COU, training Fund NK Cultural Social Alam Bhaban, Judge PRV MSM, FSWs, of trainers raising, activism; Welfare Court Road, (awareness IDUs, migrant infrastructu involvement Society- Islampur, generation, workers re and of larger Field Office Kaptan Bazar, condom programme community in Comilla-3500, promotion), developme HIV Ph.:081 66656, detoxification nt, financial programmes Mob.: 01914 and manageme 378165, email: rehabilitation of nt bandhucomilla drug users,, vocational didrul1@yahoo training .com

Bandhu Savaronjon House # 726, CBO ADV, COU, Rajbari Kothis, other NK NK COU, training Fund NK Cultural Social Sikder Block # E, Rard PRV TG people, of trainers raising, activism; Welfare # 03, Palpotty, (awareness MSM infrastructu involvement Society- Binodpur, generation, re and of larger Field Office Rajbari-7700, condom programme community in Ph.: 0641 promotion), developme HIV 66207, Mob.: detoxification nt, financial programmes 01714 077080, and manageme 0192 123315, rehabilitation of nt email: drug users, bandhu99@btt vocational training Bandhu Md. Abul Jahan Monjil CBO ADV, COU, Khulna Kothis, other NK NK COU, training Programm NK Cultural Social Hossain (1st Floor), 40 PRV TG people, of trainers e planning activism; Welfare Cemetry Road, (awareness MSM and involvement Society- Khulna, Mob.: generation, manageme of larger Field Office 01716 820993, condom nt community in email: promotion), HIV abul_chinnomul detoxification programmes and rehabilitation of drug users, vocational training

Bandhu Asit Aarshi, 45 CBO ADV, COU, Jessore Kothis, other NK NK COU, training Fund NK Cultural Social Sangama CNB, Carbala PRV TG people, of trainers raising, activism; Welfare Road, Jessore, (awareness MSM infrastructu involvement Society- Ph.: 01725 generation), re and of larger Field Office 607601, email: detoxification programme community in cc.organisation and developme HIV rehabilitation of nt, financial programmes drug users manageme nt

Bandhu Ms. Laila House # 17 CBO ADV, COU, Shyampur Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU, Programm NK Cultural Social Hijra Road # 3, PRV TG people, research, e planning activism; Welfare Shyampur, (awareness MSM HIV/AIDS in- and involvement Society- Dhaka-1204, generation, depth manageme of larger Head Office Ph.: 02- condom knowledge nt community in 7417581, promotion), HIV 027421217, detoxification programmes Mob.: 01715- and 422139 rehabilitation of drug users, vocational training Bandhu Bakul Haji Taltola Dhakkin CBO ADV, COU, Savar Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU, Programm NK Cultural Social Hijra Para, Islampur, PRV TG people, research, e planning activism; Welfare Dhamrai, (awareness MSM HIV/AIDS in- and involvement Society- Sarvar, Dhaka, generation, depth manageme of larger Field Office Ph.: 01716 condom knowledge nt community in 413643 promotion), HIV detoxification programmes and rehabilitation of drug users, vocational training

Bogra Anti Aktaruzzama Chandanbysha NGO ADV, COU, Bogra town and TG people, NK Full time / COU, training Programm GTZ, Cultural Drug n Sarkar, Road, PRV adjoining areas, MSM, FSWs, part time of trainers e planning members' activism; Society Executive Sabgram, P.O. (awareness Rajshahi division IDUs, migrant STF - 82 and subscription involvement Director Box 64, Bogra generation, workers manageme s of larger 5800. Tel: 88 condom nt community in 51 73 079, 64 promotion), HIV 342. Fax: 88 51 detoxification programmes 73 059. E-mail: and [email protected]. rehabilitation of bd drug users, vocational training

Care Steve Pragati RPR NGO ADV, COU, 31 districts of Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU, NK Governmen Cultural Bangladesh Wallace, Center (9th- HIV TST and Bangladesh TG people, research, t of activism; Country 13th Floors), CRE-SPT-TRT, MSM, FSWs, HIV/AIDS in- Bangladesh involvement Director 20-21 Kawran PRV youth, depth , DFID, of larger Bazaar, Dhaka (awareness homeless knowledge USAID, community in 1215. Tel: 88 2 generation, people, IDUs, World Bank HIV 911 2315, 811 condom migrant programmes 4207. Fax: 88 2 distribution), workers 811 4183. E- STI treatment, mail: detoxification outreach@care and rehabilitation of , drug users, carebang@ban SHG, research Website: www.carebd.or g Light House Harun, Jahurul Nagar, NGO ADV, COU, Bogra district, Kothis, other NK NK ADV, COU Programm Governmen Cultural Executive Bogra 5800. HIV TST and Rajshahi division TG people, e and t of activism; Director Tel: 88 51 66 CRE-SPT-TRT MSM, FSWs, financial Bangladesh involvement 246. E-Mail: referrals, PRV IDUs, youth, manageme , DFID, of larger harun.lh@bttb. (awareness migrant nt AUSAID, community in generation, workers, UN HIV condom homeless agencies, programmes promotion), STI people, prison GTZ, FHI, referrals, inmates, CARE detoxification sweepers Internationa and l rehabilitation of drug users

Nongor Osman Khan Jarer Mansion, NGO ADV, COU, Cox’s Bazaar TG people, NK Full time / NK Fund None Cultural Rashed, Chowdhury PRV district, MSM, FSWs, part time raising, activism; Executive Para, B. D. R. (awareness Chittagong IDUs, youth, STF - 15 infrastructu involvement Director Camp, generation), division homeless re and of larger Jhilongia, Cox's detoxification people programme community in Bazaar. Tel: 88 and developme HIV 189 323 577. E- rehabilitation of nt, financial programmes mail: drug users manageme nongorcoxs@y nt APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA A&N Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name HIV/AIDS Geographical Members Knowledge Funding Milestone Contact Contact Nature of Populations TG Training activities / areas hip / staff and skills support s / best person details agency served leadership needs services covered strength possessed received practices ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS No data ANDHRA PRADESH Andhra G. C. Jaya Subhas Road, Network ADV, Andhra MSM and Yes NK Training and Medical NK NK Pradesh Kumar, Opposite Old of CBOs community Pradesh TG people in Counselling, assistanc Male President Gandhi REG as mobilization, overall general Nutritional e to Minorities Hospital, Society coalition Scheduling, termenal Association Above Popular building PLHA Home illness, (AMMA) Medical Hall, based care and nursing Secunderabad support trainings, 500 003. Tel: 91 40 3240 0038, 91 98496 01631. E-mail: ama_msm@y Aikyatha P. Suresh House No: CBO, ADV, Nellore MSM No NK Communication Monitorin NK NK Welfare Babu 16/2021, REG as community skills, STI/HIV g and Society Vedam Vari, Trust mobilisation, basics Evaluatio Agraharam, coalition n, Second Line, building, fund Commun nellore – raising for ication, 524002 CBOs, ART Outreach Off Ph: 0861- Centre, STI , In-depth 6450977 clinics, knowledg Mob: Counselling e on 09848767509 services STI/HIV/ aikyatha_nello AIDS, [email protected] PLHA m Care & Support

Asha Prem Flat No. 301, Network ADV, Andhra MSM and Yes 400 Training and Medical Not ASHA was Society + Kumar Surabhi of CBOs community Pradesh TG people in members - Counselling, assistanc Received the part of Sapphire REG as mobilisation, overall general 4 Part Nutritional e to National Apartments, Society coalition time Scheduling, termenal Strategy RTC building, fund PLHA Home illness, document crossroad, raising for based care and nursing ation for Hyderabad, CBOs, ART support trainings, NACO, AP, Phone: (0) Centre, STI Strong 9849514869, clinics, Networkin Email: Counselling g within 23 ashasociety@ services districts Aasha L. Nanda 3rd CBO, ADV, NK NK NK NK Training and Monitorin NK NK Kiranam Kishore APSP,D.No: 2- REG as Community Counselling, g and Welfare 171, Anjaneya Trust mobilisation, Nutritional Evaluatio Society Nagar, DIC, HIV Scheduling, n, Ramanayyape referrals, PLHA Home Commun ta, PRV based care and ication, kakinada- (awareness support Outreach 533005 generation, , In-depth 09948037940 condom knowledg aashakiranam promotion) e on _kakinada@y STI/HIV/ AIDS, PLHA Care & Support

Chaitanya Md. H.No: 8-2-183, CBO, ADV, NK NK NK Communication Medical NK NK Welfare Gousebaba Shutter REG as Community skills, STI/HIV assistanc Society No: 17154, Trust mobilisation, basics e to Near Govt. DIC, HIV termenal Hospital, referrals, illness, Gollguda, PRV nursing nalgonda-508 (awareness trainings, 001(ap) generation, 09440224237 condom mdgouse_nalg promotion) onda@yahoo. com Developme Nune Office NGO, PRV Nellore district TG people Only as Full time Communication Exposure Andhra SHG for nt of Vengaiah, Address: REG as (awareness (46 rural and and their peer STF - 10, skills, STI/HIV visits to Pradesh TG Underprivile Chairman Manavatha Society generation), urban male sexual educators part time basics other State people; ged through Nilayam, TRT clinic mandals) partners, STF- 30 agencies AIDS assisting Integrated Thalpagiri other MSM working Control TG people Economical Colony, and with TG Society, to access Services Nellore 524 vulnerable people Hyderaba governme (DUTIES) 004. Mailing populations d; Bill & nt district Address: 17-1- Melinda level 633, Chakali Gates welfare Street, Nellore Foundatio schemes 524 001. Tel: n, New 91 33 861 651 Delhi 7299. Fax: 91 33 861 234 6793. E-mail: duties_nlr@ya

Godavari K. Durga D.No: 86-2- CBO, ADV, NK NK No NK Training and Monitorin NK NK Matha Mohan 17/7,Pragathi REG as community Counselling, g and Welfare Marg, Trust mobilization, Nutritional Evaluatio Society Near A.K.C COU - Scheduling, n, Collage, psycho- PLHA Home Commun Rajamundry social, DIC, based care and ication, 09395544541 HIV TST support Outreach godavarimatha referrals, , In-depth _rajahmundry PRV knowledg (awareness e on generation, STI/HIV/ condom AIDS, promotion) PLHA Care & Support Green Dr. G. D.No. 9-38-1, NGO, ADV, CRE- Visakhapatna TG people, Only as Full time / HIV Docume None Formation Vision Prabhakar, Behind REG as SPT-TRT m district MSM, FSWs, peer part time Basics,CBO ntation, of SUGs Medical Kalabharathi, Society (community PLHIV educators STF - 49 Development,P monitorin for TG Director Pittapuram based), PRV (including lanning and g and people, Colony, (awareness children implmentation evaluatio HIV Maddilapalem, generation), infected or of CBOs n sensitizati Visakhapatna life skills affected by on m. Tel: 91 education for HIV) programm 98495 99505, students, es through 891 255 9429, STI/HIV/AIDS street 645 3505. E- resource plays mail: centre, TRN involving greenvision@ TG people

Kranthi A.Vara D.No: 1-3- CBO, ADV, NK NK NK NK Training and Monitorin NK NK Rekha Prasad 13,Nallavanta REG as Community Counselling, g and Welfare Babu na, Society mobilisation, Nutritional Evaluatio Association Near Marriyam DIC, HIV Scheduling, n, School, referrals, PLHA Home Commun Bypass Road, PRV based care and ication, amalapuram- (awareness support Outreach 533201 generation, , In-depth kranthirekha_a condom knowledg malapuram@y promotion) e on STI/HIV/ AIDS, PLHA Care & Support Lepra Dr. P. V. P. No. 44B, NGO, ADV, COU, AP overall and TG people Only as NK Communication Monitorin NK NK Society Ranganath Flat Nos. 201 REG as PRV other states of and MSM in peer skills, STI/HIV g and (India) Rao, Chief & 203, Sai Society India general educators basics Evaluatio Executive Vedasahakar n, Officer Complex, Commun Vasavi Colony ication, Vikrampuri, Outreach Secunderabad , In-depth 500 026. Tel: knowledg 91 40 2789 e on 3695, 2789 STI/HIV/ 3696, 5596 AIDS, 8811. E-mail: PLHA info@lepraindi Care & Support Website: www.lepraindi

Mithrudu William 5-8-595/B/16, NGO, ADV, Hyderabad TG people Yes NK Training and Docume Andhra NK Christy Nasar REG as community district and MSM in Counselling, ntation, Pradesh Chambers, Trust mobilization, general Nutritional monitorin State Mubarak COU - Scheduling, g and AIDS Bazar lane, psycho- PLHA Home evaluatio Control Abids Road, social, DIC, based care and n Society, Hyderabad HIV TST support Hyderaba 500 001. Tel: referrals, d 91 40 2320 PRV 2306, 91 (awareness 93932 62300. generation, E-mail: condom mithrudu@yah promotion) Manas P.Santosh 7-1-554/1, CBO ADV, Hyderabad MSM and yes No paid HIV In No Communit Society Kumar Subash Road, Registere community district TG people in staff yet Basics,CBO Proposal Supoort y initiated Opp.Old d as mobilization, general Development,P writing Yet CBO Gandhi society COU - lanning and and Hospital, psycho- implmentation drafting Secunderabad- social, DIC, of CBOs reports 500003 Tel: HIV TST 09849077274 referrals, Email:manass PRV ociety@ymail. (awareness com generation, condom promotion) Navjeevan B. Murali D.No : 54-1- CBO, ADV, CRE- NK NK NK NK ADV, BCC Monitorin NK NK Welfare Krishna 58, Railpeta REG as SPT-TRT development, g and Society First Line, Society (community community Evaluatio Opp. Qtr. No. based), PRV mobilization, n, 103N, Dist. (awareness knowledge Commun Prakasam, generation), management, ication, ONGOLE life skills networking, Outreach Off Ph: 08592 education for research, TRN, , In-depth 645425 students, PRV and CRE- knowledg Mob: 092471- STI/HIV/AIDS SPT-TRT e on 24425 resource STI/HIV/ navjeevan_on centre, TRN AIDS, [email protected] PLHA om Care & Support

People's K. 10-14, Maruthi NGO, ADV, CRE- Chittoor district TG people Only as Full time / HIV basics, TB ADV, Yes, for NK Action for Balakrishn Nagar, REG as SPT-TRT and and MSM in peer part time basics logistics outreach Social a Moorthy, Tirupathi 517 Society HIV TST general, educators STF - 270, manage among TG Service General 502. Tel: 91 referrals, FSWs, IDUs, VOL - 50 ment, people (PASS) Secretary 877 224 0262. home based street strategic and Fax: 91 877 CRE-SPT, children, manage making 224 2843. E- PRV PLHIV ment health mail: (awareness (including services passbala@sa generation, children referrals condom living with Website: promotion), HIV) www.passindi STI treatment Pragathi Madhu J. 13-182, NGO ADV, COU – 3 mandals in Double Only as Full time / HIV basics, Commun Andhra Encouragi Surender, Madhu Sudan HIV, HIV TST Warangal Deckers, programme part time COU, ication, Pradesh ng savings Director; S. Nagar, referrals, district Kothis, staff STF - 27 documentation, outreach, State practices Yoganand Malkajgiri, CRE-SPT- (Narsampet, Nirvana and research in-depth AIDS among TG Rao, Secunderabad TRT referrals, Nekkonda, Akua Hijras, knowledg Control people Project 500 047. Tel: DIC, PRV Keesamudram other sexual e on Society, Manager 91 99492 (awareness ) minorities, STI/HIV/ Hyderaba 44610, 99859 generation, FSWs AIDS d; Bill & 21011. E-mail: condom Melinda madhu_pragat promotion), Gates [email protected] STI Foundatio m, treatment, n, New pragathi_avah IGP, TRN Delhi [email protected] m

Rural B. P.O. Angallu, NGO, CRE-SPT- Madanapalle, TG people Yes, as Full time / Training and Entrepre Andhra Reduction Reconstructi Jayanna, Madanapalle, REG as TRT referrals, Angallu, and MSM in governing part time Counselling, neurship Pradesh of violence on Society President; Chittoor 517 Society HIV TST Vayalpad and general, board STF - 60 Nutritional develop State and B. 325. Tel: 91 referrals, Kalikiri FSWs members Scheduling, ment AIDS harassme Prabhakar, 8571 223 033, PRV mandals of PLHA Home Control nt faced Coordinato 280 609, 91 (awareness Chittoor district based care and Society, by TG r 98858 70972. generation, support Hyderaba people E-mail: condom d; Bill & jayanna_rrs@ promotion), Melinda, STI Gates rrsmpl@gmail. treatment, Foundatio com strengthening n, New CBOs Delhi Saathi Yatin J. D.No.14-5-7, CBO, COU - Vijayawada - TG people Only as Full time / ToT skills Human None NK (MSM) PSH Patel Tennetivari REG as psycho- urban and and MSM in peer part time (participatory rights Project Street, Gandhi Society social, PRV, rural areas in general educators STF - 42, training skills) issues Nagar, STI treatment Krishna VOL - 14 Vijayawada District 520 003.Tel: 91 866 652 9886, 91 98481 10004. E-mail: saathimsm@y, saathivij@redif Sahara Pushpa 29-44-49 NGO, PRV Visakhapatna TG people in NK NK Training and ADV, NK NK Welfare Raju Chakali Street, REG as (awareness m district general Counselling, logistics Trust Daba Trust generation), Nutritional manage Gardens, community Scheduling, ment, Visakhapatna mobilization PLHA Home strategic m 530 020. based care and manage Tel: 98493 support ment 40073. E-mail: rajuram27@ya, sahara_trust@

Saheli B. Rathan c/o G.S. CBO, ADV, NK NK NK NK HIV Docume NK NK Samanvaya Kumar Basheshwar, REG as Community Basics,CBO ntation, Sangam Door No. 6-6- Trust mobilisation, Development,P monitorin 33, Gunj HIV TST and lanning and g and Maidan, Referrals, , implmentation evaluatio sangareddy PRV of CBOs n (Medak Dist.)- 502001, ph.: 08455 645646, mob.: 09866864964, saheli_sangar eddy@yahoo.

Silomlepros K. 9-86, NGO, ADV, HIV Chittoor district TG people Only as Full time / HIV basics, TB ADV, Yes, for NK y and Kumarasw Lingeswara REG as TST and CRE-- and MSM in peer part time and leprosy logistics outreach Réhabilitatio amy, Nagar, Tirupati Society SPT-TRT Vedurukuppa general, educators STF - 128, basics manage among TG n Welfare General 517 501. Tel: referrals, m, Penumur, FSWs, IDUs, VOL - 24 ment, people Society Secretary 91 877 223 home based S. R. Puram, street strategic and 9658, 91 CRE-SPT, Karvetinagara children, manage making 99596 70219. PRV m, PLHIV ment health Email: Palasamudra (including services slrwstpt@redif m, G. D. children referrals, Nellore living with slrwstpt@yaho mandalams HIV) Solidarity Dr. Sai 1-4- NGO, Capacity AP overall Individuals No Full time ADV, BCC Continue None so NK and Action Subhasree 880/2/36/1, REG as building on and STF - 9, development, d far for Against The Raghavan, 2nd Floor, Trust (in HIV and agencies VOL - 1 community leadershi projects HIV President Street No. 10, Chennai) associated working with (Hyderaba mobilization, p and focussing Infection in and New Bakaram, issues MSM, TG d Office) knowledge program on MSM India Founding Gandhi Nagar, through people, management, me and TG (SAATHII), Trustee of Hyderabad information PLHIV and networking, manage people in Hyderabad SAATHII 500 080. Tel: dissemination other research, TRN, ment AP Office 91 40 2767 , research, vulnerable PRV and CRE- skills, 4757. E-mail: networking, populations SPT-TRT broad saathii@yaho advocacy, based training and fund Website: other raising www.saathii.or technical and g financial assistance for all sectors involved in HIV response Sneham S. Sameer Door No: CBO, ADV, NK NK NK NK HIV Commun NK NK Welfare 12/83, Opp. REG as community Basics,CBO ication, Society Munna Trust mobilization, Development,P outreach, Travels, CRE-SPT- lanning and in-depth Koneti Kalva, TRT referrals, implmentation knowledg Dist. Kadapa, PRV of CBOs e on proddatur - STI/HIV/ 516360 AIDS 08564 324388 Mob:0998914 1336 sneham_Prod dutur@yahoo. com Suraksha G. Krishna, 11-3- NTW ADV, Hyderabad Double Yes Full time ADV, CBO CRE- None Baseline Society Secretary 362/10/1/B, (coalition community district and Deckers, STF - 4, development, SPT- surveys Opposite of district mobilization, also in 21 Kothis, Shiva VOL - 74, inter-personal TRT, and Methodist level CRE-SPT- other districts Shaktis consultant communication, fund participato Church Lane, CBOs), TRT referrals, of AP s - 42 magnet theatre, raising ry site Srinivasa REG as PRV, outreach, assessme Nagar, Society technical participatory nts in Warasiguda, support to site relation to Secunderabad upcoming assessment MSM and 500 061. Tel: CBOs TG people 91 93467 in AP, 64898, 91 40 monitoring 6554 2740. E- and mail: evaluation kris_naidu@re of TIPs, surakshasocie [email protected] m. Website: www.suraksha ARUNACHAL PRADESH No data ASSAM AROCHEST Zahir Ali Vill. Palara, CBO ADV, COU, Dist. Kamrup MSM NK NK ADV, BCC Commun NK NK A Rural P.o. DIC, PRV development, ication, Malty Media Khsudradimu, (awareness community outreach, Dist. Kamrup, generation, mobilization, in-depth P.s. Kamalpur- condom knowledge knowledg 781380, promotion) management, e on Assam networking, STI/HIV/ research, TRN, AIDS PRV and CRE- SPT-TRT APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Bihar, Chandigarh, Chattisgarh, D&N Haveli, Daman & Div

Agency name Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work

Contact Contact details Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographi Populations TG Membershi Knowledge and Training Funding Milestones person agency activities / cal areas served leadership p / staff skills needs support / best services covered strength possessed received practices BIHAR All India Saurav Kumar, Vindhyavasini NGO, REG as Community Buxar Hijras, MSM Yes Members - ADV, CBO CRE-SPT- None NK Welfare & Chairperson Market, AG Society mobilization, HIV district 17, VOL - development, TRT, fund Research Colony, Main TST and CRE- 15 inter-personal raising Society Road, Patna 800 SPT-TRT communication, 025. Tel: 91 93041 referrals, PRV magnet theatre, 89918 (awareness outreach, generation, participatory site health camps), assessment STI referrals

Alpa Madhu Dr. Siviki Lane, NGO, REG as ADV, BCC Muzaffarpur MSM and TG NK NK HIV in-depth Communica Bihar State NK Sankhyaka Chaturbhujasthan, Society development, and its people in knowledge, tion, AIDS Seva Kendra Muzaffarpur 842 COU, DIC, PRV neighbourh general gender and outreach, in-Control 001. Tel: 91 99314 (awareness ood sexuality depth Society, 70900 generation, knowledge, knowledge Patna (for a condom capacity building on TIP) promotion) of civil society STI/HIV/AI organizations DS

BIHAN Frank Krishner 403, Nutan's Vidya NGO, REG as Community Patna NK NK NK ADV, BCC Continued NK NK Opp. Loyala Society mobiliSation, development, leadership School, PRV (awareness community and Kurji, generation, mobilization, programme Patna - 800 010 health camps), knowledge manageme + 91 612 227 1598 HIV & STI management, nt skills, [email protected] referrals networking, broad [email protected] research, TRN, based fund PRV and CRE- raising SPT-TRT Mahila Bal Virendra Pratap At. Kohar, P.O. NGO, REG as PRV, HIV TST Bhojpur MSM and TG NK NK ADV, CBO Communica Bihar State NK Yuva Kendra Singh, Anandapur Camp, Society referrals, STI district people in development, tion, AIDS Secretary P.S. Bihta, Pin 801 referrals general inter-personal outreach, in-Control 101. Tel: 91 93347 communication, depth Society, 28218, 91 6115 magnet theatre, knowledge Patna (for a 286 604. E-mail: outreach, on TIP) mbyk_korhar@yah participatory site STI/HIV/AI assessment DS

Samaj Prabhawati, C/o Sri Arbind NGO, REG as ADV, BCC Ara Town, FSW, IDUs, NK Full time / HIV in-depth CRE-SPT- Bihar State NK Rachna Secretary; Kumar Singh, East Society development Bihiya, MSM, Hijras part time knowledge, TRT, fund AIDS Rajan Kumar of Irrigation (street plays), Koilwar, STF - 11 gender and raising Control Pandey, Department Dak community Kulharia, sexuality Society, Programme Bungalow, Purwari mobilization, Charpokhar knowledge, Patna (for a Manager Railway Gumti, PRV (awareness i, Pearo, capacity building TIP) Bypass Road, NH generation Jagdishpur, of civil society 30, Ara, Bhojpur through health Sandesh, organizations 802 301. E-mail: camps, condom Sahar, rajankumar_sawar promotion), STI Pawana [email protected] treatment clinic and Narayanpur in Bhojpur district


Agency name Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work HIV/AIDS Membershi Knowledge Funding Milestones / Contact Nature of Geographical Populations TG Training Contact person activities / p / staff and skills support best details agency areas covered served leadership needs services strength possessed received practices DELHI Development, Charan Singh, 303, LIG Flats, NGO, REG PRV Delhi MSM and TG NK NK HIV in-depth Continued NK NK Advocacy and Project Coordinator Opposite as Trust (awareness people in knowledge, leadership Research Trust Kendriya generation, general gender and and (DART) Vidyalaya, condom sexuality programme Hastsal, Uttam promotion), knowledge, manageme Nagar, New HIV TST and capacity nt skills, Delhi 110 059. STI referrals building of broad Tel: 91 98910 civil society based fund 00595, 98113 organizations raising 34420, 91 11 6523 7574. Fax: 91 11 2808 2410. E- mail: dartngo@yahoo, dart_amit@yah

India HIV/AIDS Sonal Mehta Kushal House, International Works through AP, Delhi, MSM and TG NK NK NK NK Bill & NK Alliance Third Floor, 39 NGO Link NGOs on Manipur, Punjab, people, other Melinda Nehru Place, home and Tamil Nadu vulnerable Gates New Delhi 110 community- populations Foundation, 019. Tel: 91 11 based CRE- New Delhi; 4163 3081. SPT, PRV, DFID, Email: sexual and UNAIDS info@alliancein reproductive health. Also Website: research, TRN www.aidsallianc Integrated Ashok Row Kavi, C/o Naz NTW to be Policy ADV, India overall MSM and TG in Yes, as NK ADV, Fund DFID One of the Network For P. Asha Bharathi Foundation REG as CBO general, other governing community raising Challenge first and all Sexual (India) Trust, Society formation, sexual body mobilization Fund for inclusive Minorities A86, East of (coalition of development minorities members and capacity national (INFOSEM) Kailash, New around 25 and networking, building and collectives of Delhi 110 065. MSM, TG networking, research, research sexual Website: and other research, TRN TRN projects minorities in www.infosem.or sexual and other involving India; g minority technical member advocacy CBOs across assistance agencies with NACO India and (received on inclusion technical by of MSM and assistance Humsafar TG HIV and NGOs) Trust on other health behalf of and INFOSEM); development partial concerns in support NACP - provided by Phase III SAATHII, Kolkata Office for eastern India members of INFOSEM

Mitr Trust Roopesh Chettri, 11/4A, 1st CBO, REG COU, PRV Delhi Hijras, Kothis, NK Full time HIV in-depth Continued From the NK Programme Floor, as Trust (awareness Panthis, MSWs STF - 4 knowledge, leadership Trustees Manager Premnagar, generation, gender and and Janakpuri, Near condom sexuality programme Tilaknagar promotion), knowledge, manageme Flyover, New HIV TST and capacity nt skills, Delhi 110 018. STI referrals, building of broad Tel: 91 11 6510 IGP civil society based fund 7911, 91 98916 organizations raising 47575. E-mail: mitr_ngo@yaho Naz Foundation Anjali Gopalan; A86, East of NGO, REG ADV, BCC Delhi and MSM, Hijras, Yes, as Full time / ADV, HIV None Yes, for Reached (India) Trust Rahul Singh Kailash, New as Trust development, National Capital Kothis, other Field part time basics and in- PRV and 1,000 TG Delhi 110 065. COU - psycho- Territory sexual Officers STF - 64 depth CRE-SPT people in Telefax: 91 11 social and HIV, minorities knowledge, activities Delhi through 2691 0499, HIV TST organizational a rights 4132 5042. E- referrals, CRE- and based mail: SPT-TRT (OI programme approach; naz@nazindia. TRT, home management conducted org. Website: based CRE- study on www.nazindia.o SPT, referrals health and rg to hospitals), treatment DICs, PRV seeking (awareness behaviours of generation, TG people in condom and Delhi lubes promotion), STI treatment clinic, TRN APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name HIV/AIDS Membershi Knowledge Funding Milestones / Contact Nature of Geographical Populations TG Training Contact details activities / p / staff and skills support best person agency areas covered served leadership needs services strength possessed received practices GOA Humsafar Vishant 1st Floor, CBO, REG as PRV (condom Goa overall MSM and TG Yes NK HIV in-depth Continued NK NK Trust Goa Chodankar Umashankar Trust and lubes people in knowledge leadership and Building, Near promotion), HIV general programme M.P.T. Ground, TST and STI management Patrong, Vasco- referrals skills, broad Da-Gama 403 based fund 802. E-mail: raising humsafar.goa@g GUJARAT Chuwal Gram Chandubhai H-301, NGO, REG as ADV, BCC Ahmedabad city TG people Yes, as part Full time / Accounting, Exposure visit DFID India Strong peer Vikas Trust Ganeshdas Shantiniketan Trust development, and MSM in of the part time communicatio to other NGOs for STI education Patel Apartment, COU, HIV TST general planning, STF - 97, n, COU, HIV working on HIV prevalence model Opposite H.B. and CRE-SPT- management VOL - 166 basics, RCH, issues with TG surveys Kapadiya School, TRT referrals, and advocacy gender and people (2004, Gurukul Road, home-based teams, as sexuality, 2006) Memnagar, CRE-SPT, PRV leading organizational Ahmedabad 380 (condom members of management 052. Tel: 91 promotion), STI SHGs 98253 09553. E- treatment mail: clinics, social chuwalgram@yah security support (financial support, access to voter ID and ration cards), IGP, SHG, TRN Lakshya Trust Sylvester 2nd Floor, Aarti CBO, REG as ADV, COU - Baroda, Surat, Hijras, other Yes, as STF Full time / Communicatio Crisis Gujarat UNAIDS Merchant, Complex, Near Trust psycho-social Rajkot and other TG people, members part time n, COU, management State AIDS India Programme Heravanti and HIV, DIC, districts of MSM STF - 60, outreach, Control awarded the Manager Chamber, CRE-SPT-TRT Gujarat VOL - 50 networking Society, organization Karelibaug, referrals, HIV Ahmedaba as the best Baroda. Tel: 91 TST referrals, d (for TIPs) CBO for 265 246 1340, 91 PRV MSM and 98253 11997. E- (awareness TG people in mail: generation, India in 2006 lakshya121@redif condom and, lubes lakshyabaroda@g promotion), STI referrals, SHG, TRN HARYANA Pahal Satinder G1, 104, Indira CBO, REG as ADV, COU, Faridabad town MSM, Hijras Yes Governing HIV basics ADV, gender NK NK Foundation Singh, Enclave, Sector Society CRE-SPT-TRT and body and sexuality Managing 21D, Faridabad. referrals, HIV neighbourhood members - knowledge Committee Tel: 91 92160 TST referrals, 8, other Member 95307. E-mail: PRV members - pahal_foundation (awareness 45 generation, condom promotion), STI referrals HIMACHAL PRADESH No data JAMMU & KASHMIR No data JHARKHAND Tata Steel: Dr. H. K. Tata Steel Rural Private COU - HIV and Jamshedpur MSM and TG NK NK HIV in-depth Outreach, None NK Nodal Centre Gardin, Development Corporate psycho-social, town and people in knowledge community – AIDS Convenor, Society, E – Road, Body HIV TST, CRE- neighbourhood general mobilization Core Group Northern Town, SPT-TRT, PRV in Singhbhum AIDS, Tata Jamshedpur 831 (awareness (E) district Steel 001. Tel: 91 657 generation, 243 1919. E-mail: condom dr.gardin@tataste promotion), STI treatment APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshyadeep, Islands Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name HIV/AIDS Membership Knowledge Funding Milestones / Contact Nature of Geographical Populations TG Training Contact details activities / / staff and skills support best person agency areas covered served leadership needs services strength possessed received practices KARNATAKA Aasare Kumar Kelle Court Complex CBO, Reg ADV, COU, CRE- Hampan Katte MSM and TG NK NK Accounting, ADV, gender NK NK Shettigar 1st Floor P.M. Road, as Trust SPT-TRT people in communication, and sexuality Next to Post Office, referrals, HIV TST general COU, HIV knowledge Hampan Katte, referrals, PRV basics, RCH, Mangalore – 575 (awareness gender and 003 generation, sexuality, 09845502216 condom organizational 0824 2201147 promotion), STI management aasare.mangalore@ referrals

Belaku Doddaswa No. 11/130, CBO, Reg COU - HIV and Chamrajnagar TG people and NK NK ADV, Continued NK NK my Kamakshi Prasana, as Trust psycho-social, HIV MSM in community development 1st Cross, Devanga TST, CRE-SPT- general mobilization of ADV skills, Beedhi, TRT, PRV access to Chamrajnagar- (awareness TRT services 576363 generation, 098456 27827 condom [email protected] promotion), STI treatment

Chethana Anneshapp amareshwara nilaya CBO, Reg ADV on health and Davangrere MSM and TG NK NK Accounting, Exposure NK NK a behind ranganatha as Trust development people in communication, visit to other harware, akka concerns of sex general COU, HIV NGOs mahadevi road. workers, provision basics, RCH, working on p.j.extension of social security gender and HIV issues davangere 577 004 support sexuality, with TG off:phone: organizational people 9900110375 management 09900211190 099458 93470 chethana.davangere Gelaya Dev Anand CBO, Reg ADV, PRV Mysore MSM and TG NK NK Communication, Continued NK NK Trust G.K. 296/1, 1st Cross as Trust (awareness people in COU, outreach, development Lakshmi Vilasa generation, general networking of ADV skills, Road, condom access to Dev Raja Mohalla, promotion) TRT services Near Jgan Mohana Palace – 570 Mysore, Karnataka + 91 821 318 8745 08215 264310 gelayaa2000@yaho

Karnataka Geetha, 9, ABABIL, Patel Trade Union ADV on health and Bangalore (Rural Hijra, Kothi and Yes, as REG ADV skills Continued None SRS support Sex General Cheluvappa Street, of FSW, development and Urban), other TG sex governing members - development for TG Workers Secretary J. C. Nagar (M. R. MSW and concerns of sex Dharwad and workers, body 200, non- of ADV skills, people; legal Union Palya), Bangalore TSW, REG workers, provision Ramanagara MSWs, FSWs members REG access to aid for name 560 006. Tel: 91 80 under of social security districts members - TRT services changes; 2343 8840. E-mail: process support 500, Full time access to sexworkersunion@g STF - 1, VOL - ration cards, 15 voter ID cards and driving licenses; guidance for opening bank accounts and investing in insurance policies

Nazar Deepak.G. C/o Rama Shetty CBO, Reg COU - HIV and Hassan MSM and TG NK NK Accounting, Exposure NK NK 1st Floor, Shri Laxmi as Trust psycho-social, HIV people in communication, visit to other Nilaya Gowramma TST, CRE-SPT- general COU, HIV NGOs Compound, N.R. TRT, PRV basics, RCH, working on Extension, Hassan- (awareness gender and HIV issues 573201 generation, sexuality, with TG 098448 56702 condom organizational people 098441 18890 promotion), STI management hassan.nazar@gmai treatment Sadhana K.G.Manju memorial.bharth CBO, Reg ADV on health and Bellary MSM and TG NK NK ADV, Exposure NK NK natha scouts & guides as Trust development people in community visit to other Gowda building , 1st floor, concerns of sex general mobilization NGOs d.s.hanum bdaa ground bellary workers, provision working on antha rao 583 101 of social security HIV issues 098862 38067 support with TG 099861 13904 people sadhana.bellary@g

Samara Sowmya, 9, ABABIL, Patel CBO, REG ADV, PRV Bangalore Urban Double Yes, as Full time / NK BCC Sangama, NK Executive Cheluvappa Street, as Society (awareness and Rural, Deckers, governing part time STF development, Bangalore Director J. C. Nagar (M. R. generation, Mysore, Hijras, Kothis, body - 30 communicatio (for PRV Palya), Bangalore condom Dharwad and other sexual members n activities) 560 006. Tel: 91 80 promotion) Kolar districts minorities 2343 8840. E-mail: [email protected] om

Sangama Reginald 9, ABABIL, Patel NGO, REG ADV, BCC Bangalore Urban Double Yes, as DIC Full time / ADV, BCC Karnataka Providing Watts, Cheluvappa Street, as Society development, and Mysore Deckers, Supervisors, part time STF community development, Health crisis Executive J. C. Nagar (M. R. community districts in Kothis, other Field - 80 mobilization communicatio Promotion management Director Palya), Bangalore mobilization, COU -Karnataka, TG people, Supervisors n Trust (Bill & support to 560 006. Tel: 91 80 psycho-social, Hyderabad in other sexual and Melinda TG 2343 8840. E-mail: crisis AP, Chennai in minorities Community Gates communities; advocacysangama@ management, HIV Tamil Nadu, Mobilisers Foundation) active, TST and CRE- Kerala and , HIVOS, member of sangama@sangama SPT-TRT Gujarat states Funding for Bangalore .org referrals, PRV Global HIV/AIDS (awareness Human Forum generation, Rights condom and lubes promotion), STI referrals

Sneh Jyothi Mushtaq C Block, 4th Floor, CBO, Reg ADV, PRV Hubli district Double NK NK Communication, Exposure NK NK Ahmed Bhagya Plaza, as Trust (awareness Deckers, COU, outreach, visit to other Despande Nagar, generation, Kothis, other networking NGOs NCM, Hubli-580029 condom TG people, working on 093431 08507 promotion), DIC, other sexual HIV issues 09343762150 HIV & STI minorities with TG [email protected] referrals, people m Community Mobilisation Sneha Lancy C/o Ramesh Amin CBO, Reg ADV, PRV Udupi district MSM and TG NK NK ADV skills Continued NK NK Sangam Fernands Shree Devi House as Trust (awareness people in development Near Kalasanka, generation, general of ADV skills, Kunigibette (post), condom access to Udupi Taluku, Dist. promotion), DIC, TRT services Udupi – 576 102 HIV & STI 098862 52660 referrals, 09242344513 Community snehasangam.udupi Mobilisation

Spoorthi Ismail c/o n.s.ganihar CBO, Reg ADV, PRV Bijapur district Double NK NK Accounting, ADV, gender NK NK Bidarkoti near madula maruthi as Trust (awareness Deckers, communication, and sexuality temple. m.g.road generation, Kothis, other COU, HIV knowledge bijapur 586 101 condom TG people, basics, RCH, 094497 23678 promotion), DIC, other sexual gender and spoorthi.bijapur@gm HIV & STI minorities sexuality, referrals, organizational Community management Mobilisation Amardeep Shafiulla no 90. 2nd main CBO, Reg ADV, PRV Tumkur district Double NK NK ADV, Exposure NK NK road as Trust (awareness Deckers, community visit to other vinayaka nagar. generation, Kothis, other mobilization NGOs tumkur 572 101 condom TG people, working on off:phnone: 0816 promotion), DIC, other sexual HIV issues 2254986 HIV & STI minorities with TG mobile: 098451 referrals, people 52667 Community amardeep.tumkur@ Mobilisation KERALA No data LAKSHADWEEP ISLANDS No data APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Maharashtra

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membership / Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person details agency activities / areas covered served leadership staff strength and skills needs support best services possessed received practices MAHARASHTRA Astitva Laxmi 303, Poonam CBO, REG ADV, HIV TST Thane district Hijras, MSM Yes, as Members - HIV basics, COU Avert Society, NK Narayan Apartments, as Trust and CRE-SPT- board 2134, Full time outreach Mumbai (for a Tripathi, Opposite TRT referrals, members STF - 8, VOL - TIP) Atharv Nair Vartak Mane PRV (awareness and project 27 Gas Agency, generation, management Sahakar condom and STF Nagar, lubes promotion), Shashtri STI referrals Nagar, Thane (W) 400 606. Tel: 91 98190 18274. E-mail: astitvasm@gm

Humsaya Mangesh Chotubhai CBO, Reg Outreach, Field Mumbai MSM and Hijra NK NK ADV, Outreach, Mumbai NK Patel Chawl as Trust Counselling,In community Psychosexual District AIDS Gandhi Nagar, house STI Clinic, mobilization Counselling, Control Khajorrwadi Counselling, DIC, Home based Society, Patel Estate Advocacy Care and USAID Avert Road, Near Support Society Pariwaar Masala, Jogeshwari (W) Mumbai - 400 102 + 91 (0)22 267 85455 hum_saaya@h Mooknayak Shaligram Shamrao CBO, REG ADV, BCC Sangli district Jogtas, Hijras, No Full time STF - Communicati HIV basics, Avert Society, NK Swayamsev Kamble, Nagar Gajanan under development, MSM 47, part time on, COU, communicatio Mumbai (for a i Sanstha President; Colony, 100 process community STF - 2, VOL - outreach, n strategies TIP) Santosh Feet Road, mobilization, HIV 5 networking Kamble, Sangli 416 TST and CRE- Project 416. Tel: 91 SPT-TRT Coordinator 233 253 1062, referrals, PRV 91 94226 (awareness 16552. E-mail: generation, mooknayak_sa condom [email protected]. promotion), STI in treatment

Network of Vijay Nair Mumbai. Tel: NTW ADV, networking India overall MSM and TG NK NK Accounting, ADV, gender NK NK Indian 91 99201 living with HIV communicatio and sexuality People with 47766. E-mail: n, COU, HIV knowledge Alternate nipasha_plus@ basics, RCH, Sexualities gender and Living with sexuality, HIV/AIDS organizational (NIPASHA management Plus)

Population NK 2nd Floor, C International BCC India overall MSM, MSWs, NK NK HIV in-depth ADV, gender USAID India Saadhan Services Wing, Modern NGO development, FSWs, Hijras, knowledge, and sexuality mobile Internationa Mills COU, HIV TST, port workers, BCC knowledge voluntary HIV l / Mumbai Compound, CRE-SPT-TRT, other development, COU and Sane Guruji PRV (condom vulnerable research TST centres Marg, promotion), STI populations Mahalaxmi, treatment, RCH, (particularly Mumbai 400 research, TRN women and 011. Tel: 91 22 children) 2306 3187. E- mail: [email protected] Sakhi Gauri 375/15 CBO, REG ADV, community Malad area of Hijras, other TG Yes, as Full time / part HIV basics, Case study DFID Networking Charchowg Sawant, Nisargdutta as Trust mobilization, crisis Mumbai city people, MSM, chairperson time STF - 12 project documentatio Challenge with LTMG hi Trust Chairperson; Cooperative management, migrant and other management, n, COU Fund Government Ernest Housing COU, HIV TST workers office STF accounting (through Hospital, Noronha, Society, Sector and CRE-SPT- skills, INFOSEM / Mumbai for Secretary No. 3, TRT referrals, outreach skills Humsafar SRS Charkop, PRV (awareness Trust, services; Kandivali (W), generation, Mumbai); SUG for TG Mumbai. Tel: condom and Mumbai people and 91 22 6414 lubes promotion), District AIDS Hijras living 3460, 91 STI referrals, SRS Control with HIV 98332 43117 referrals, Society (TIP internship for with TG college students people in Malwani); Interaide (for TB sputum collection project)

Samabhava Jashmir 4th Floor, CBO, REG ADV, BCC Maharashtra Hijras, MSM, No Board Accounting, ADV, gender Maharashtra NK na Society Thakur Sadhavi as Society development, HIV overall MSWs, other members - 9, communicatio and sexuality State AIDS Savitribai TST referrals, sexual Full time / part n, COU, HIV knowledge Control Phule PRV (awareness minorities time STF - 24, basics, RCH, Society, Municipal High generation, VOL - 28 gender and Mumbai (for a School, condom sexuality, TIP), HIVOS, Meherpada promotion), STI organizational Bangalore Compound, N. referrals, management M. Joshi Marg, research, IGP, Byculla (W), TRN Mumbai 400 027. Tel: 91 22 2308 0592 , 2308 0593. E- mail: samabhav@sa mabhavanasoc, samabhav@vs Website: www.samabha vanasociety.or g Samapathik Bindumadhav # 1004, CBO, REG NA NA Gay, MSM, TG NK NK ADV, Outreach, NK NK Trust Khire Budhwar Peth, as Society community community Psychosexual T-9, Third mobilization Counselling, Floor, Home based Rameshwar Care and Market, Near Support Vijay Maruti Chowk, Pune- 411 002, Maharashtra, INDIA, Tel.: (020) 24465362, samapathik@h, samapathik_pu [email protected] n

Sarathi Anand 140, YMCA CBO, REG ADV, COU, DIC, Nagpur city and MSM and TG Yes, as Full time STF - COU, cultural Administration None NK Trust Chandrani Premises, as Trust CRE-SPT-TRT its people in registered 4, part time activism, skills, Mahatma referrals to neighbourhood general, members of STF - 1 outreach, communicatio Gandhi Road, government truckers the henna n skills, CRE- Civil Lines, hospitals and organisation application, SPT-TRT, Nagpur 400 PLHIV networks, craftwork documentatio 001. Tel: 91 home based CRE- n 93256 32795. SPT, PRV E-mail: (awareness sarathitrust_20 generation, [email protected] condom and n lubes promotion), STI referrals The Ashok Row Old BMC CBO, REG ADV, community Mumbai and Hijras, other TG Yes, as NK Gender and NK DFID India's Humsafar Kavi, Building, 1st & as Trust mobilization, CBO Thane and people, MSM, senior STF sexuality Challenge earliest CBO Trust Chairperson; 2nd Floor, formation, their MSW, TSW knowledge, Fund, for MSM and Vivek Raj Nehru Road, coalition building, neighbourhoods (including HIV in-depth European TG people to Anand, CEO Vakola, COU - HIV and PLHIV among knowledge, Union, be registered Santacruz, psycho-social, these ADV, HIVOS, as a Trust, Mumbai 400 DIC, HIV TST, populations) community NACO- and the first 055. Tel: 91 22 CRE-SPT-TRT mobilization Mumbai to receive 2667 3800. referrals, home- and SUG District AIDS funding from Fax: 91 22 based CRE-SPT, formation, Control NACO for 2665 0547. E- PRV (awareness research, Society, running a TIP mail: generation, fund raising, USAID-FHI- for MSM / humsafar@vsn condom and training of IMPACT and TG people. Website: lubes promotion), trainers USAID- Considered www.humsafar. STI treatment and AVERT one of the org referrals, Society best research, gender examples of and sustainable community owned health and development initiatives

Udaan Vijay Nair, 6/8, Jai CBO, REG ADV, COU, PRV Mumbai city MSM and TG in Yes, as Full time / part HIV basics, Case study NK NK Trust President; Santoshima as Trust (awareness general, PLHIV board time STF - 60 project documentatio Jaya Nayar, Building, Gauri generation, members management, n, COU Project Shankar Ward condom and STF accounting Manager No. 2, Pant promotion), TRN skills, Nagar, outreach skills Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai 400 075. Tel: 91 93214 40666. E-mail: udaantrust@vs Website: www.udaantrus Udaan Rakshak 1003 Budwar CBO Reg as DIC, PRV Pune NK NK NK COU, Documentatio NK NK Trust - Peth, Dr Trust (awareness communicatio n Pune Kalekar's generation, n, outreach Nursing Home condom (Behind City promotion), Care Post) & Support for Pune 411 002, Positive MSMs Maharashtra +91 202 447 5846 udaantrust@ya APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Geographi Membership Knowledge and Funding Milestones / Contact Nature of HIV/AIDS activities Populations TG Contact details cal areas / staff skills Training needs support best person agency / services served leadership covered strength possessed received practices MADHYA PRADESH Shringar Venu Pillai, B-80, Machana CBO, REG ADV, COU, HIV MP overall MSM, Hijras, Yes, as Board Accounts, COU, Advanced None CBO Foundation Secretary Colony Shivagi as Society TST and CRE-SPT- other sexual governing members - 5, communication, computer formation of Nagar, Bhopal TRT referrals, PRV minorities body other cultural activism, operations, BCC MSM and 462 016. Tel: 91 (awareness members members - 6 documentation development, Hijras in 98260 35973, generation, condom public speaking Bhopal 99811 77332. E- and lubes mail: promotion), STI sringarmsm@gma referrals, assistance, in finding venupillai9@gmail employment .com

Gandhi R. C. Shyamla Hills, NGO, REG PRV (awareness MP overall Hijras, MSM, No Members - NK Continued None NK Bhawan Trust Bhargava, Bhopal 462 002. as Trust generation, condom IDUs, 11, Full time / research training Secretary Tel: 91 755 266 promotion), migrant part time STF - 1453, 266 0674 research workers, 45 FSWs Rajiv Smriti Venu Pillai, Purani Dawa NGO, REG ADV, COU - HIV Bhopal TG people Only as peer Board COU, Documentation Madhya Organizing Gas Pirit Programme Adalat, MLA as Society and psycho-social, district and MSM in educators members - 9, communication, Pradesh support for Punarvas Manager; Quarters, Bhopal. HIV TST and CRE- general, Full time / part outreach State AIDS safe social Kendra Anoop Tel: 91 99263 SPT-TRT referrals, other sexual time STF - 9, Control spaces and Srivastava, 34034. E-mail: PRV (awareness minorities VOL - 12 Society, events for Counsellor [email protected] generation, condom Bhopal (for TG people om and lubes a TIP) and MSM promotion), STI referrals, legal aid, TRN MANIPUR Awaken G. Shyam C/o SASO, CBO, REG ADV, COU, DIC, Imphal (E) MSM and TG Yes, as Management HIV basics, Leadership, Bill & Social Artisan Sharma, Imphal. Tel: 91 as Society HIV TST and CRE- and (W) people in governing committee outreach communication, Melinda marketing of Shelter General 385 241 1408, 91 SPT-TRT referrals, districts general body members - 7, organizational Gates lube sachets Association Secretary 98561 59768. home based CRE- members general development Foundation, in Manipur (AASHA) Fax: 91 385 241 SPT, PRV members - 30 New Delhi 1409. E-mail: (awareness (through aashaimphal@gm generation, condom SASO); and lubes SAATHII for promotion), IGP community building work

Lifeline Vikram Moirangkhom NGO, REG ADV and human Manipur MSM and TG NK Members - ADV, HIV in- NK NK NK Foundation Nepram, Sougaijam Leirak, as Society rights education, overall people in 11, full time / depth General Imphal. Tel: 91 COU - psycho- general, part time STF -knowledge, harm Secretary 98622 70422. social and HIV, HIV IDUs, 25, VOL - 20 reduction issues, Email: TST referrals, CRE- women, human rights lifeline24@rediffm SPT-TRT referrals, truckers, issues, home based CRE- youth, PLHIV vikram.marpen@g SPT, PRV (awareness generation, condom promotion, harm reduction - substitution therapy, safer injecting practices), STI treatment, TRN

Maruploi Sundar South Babupara, CBO ADV, COU, PRV Imphal city MSM and TG Yes NK HIV basics, NK NFI, NK Foundation Singh Opposite (awareness and people in outreach Lucknow Telephone generation, condom neighbourh general Bhavan, Shushu and lubes ood Home Building, promotion), HIV Imphal 795 001. E- TST and CRE-SPT- mail: TRT referrals maruploi@yahoo. com Social A. Arjun Uripok Sinam NGO, REG ADV, BCC Manipur MSM and TG No Members - ADV, HIV in- Child COU, Manipur Pioneered Awareness Singh, Leikai, Opposite as Society development, COU - and people, 33, full time depth documentation, State AIDS work around Service General Common School, psycho-social and Nagaland MSWs, drug STF - 120, knowledge, harm prevention of Control issues of Organisation Secretary Imphal 795 001. HIV, HIV TST and overall users VOL - 50 reduction issues, parent to child Society, injecting (SASO) Tel: 91 385 241 CRE-SPT-TRT (including home based transmission Imphal; Bill drug users 1408. Fax: 91 385 referrals, home IDUs), CRE-SPT issues & Melinda and HIV in 241 1409. E-mail: based CRE-SPT, FSWs, Gates Manipur; [email protected] PRV (awareness women in Foundation, also one of om, generation, condom general, New Delhi the first sasoimph@rediff promotion, harm children, NGOs in reduction - PLHIV North-East substitution therapy, India to work safer injecting on issues of practices), STI MSM and treatment, TG people detoxification camps

Sissy Shyamchan User Office, CBO Community Imphal city TG people in Yes NK HIV basics, Case study None NK Approach for d Sharma Keisamphong, mobilization, PRV and general project documentation, Volunteer Near R.K.C.S. Art (awareness neighbourh management, COU Esteem Gallery, Imphal. generation) ood accounting skills, (SAVE) Tel: 91 98561 outreach skills 74817. E-mail: save_manipur07, sanamacha_999

MEGHALAYA No data MIZORAM No data NAGALAND Guardian Inataly Fellowship NGO, REG Community Dimapur MSM and TG No Full time / part HIV basics, Leadership, Bill & NK Angel Choppy, Collony, P.O. No. as society mobilization, PRV district people in time STF - 26 outreach communication, Melinda Chief 428, Dimapur 797 (awareness general organizational Gates Functionary 112 generation) development Foundation, New Delhi (through Emmanuel Hospital Association ) APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Orissa

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name HIV/AIDS Membershi Knowledge Milestones / Contact Nature of Geographical Populations TG Training Funding support Contact details activities / p / staff and skills best person agency areas covered served leadership needs received services strength possessed practices ORISSA Arun Institute NK P.O. Lipinda, Block NGO, REG PRV, HIV Sambalpur Town TG and MSM in NK NK HIV basics, Leadership, Orissa State NK of Rural Jujumara, TST and STI and Rairakhol in general, FSWs, outreach communication AIDS Control Affairs (AIRA) Sambalpur. Tel: 91 referrals Sambalpur truckers , organizational Society, 6762 289 809, 91 district development Bhubaneswar (for 94373 87037. E- a TIP) mail: [email protected] .in Association NK Dampur, Berboi, NGO, REG PRV, HIV Puri district TG and MSM in NK NK ADV, Outreach, Orissa State NK for Voluntary Delang, Puri 752 TST and STI general, FSWs, community Psychosexual AIDS Control Action (AVA) 016. Tel: 91 6758 referrals IDUs mobilization Counselling, Society, 242 201, 242 490. Home based Bhubaneswar (for E- Care and a TIP) mail:avaorg.puriori Support [email protected] m Brundaban NK Agannathpara, NGO, REG PRV, HIV Kesinga town TG and MSM in NK NK HIV basics, Leadership, Orissa State NK Sanskrutika Kesinga 766 012. TST and STI and general, FSWs, outreach communication AIDS Control Anusthan Tel: 91 6670 222 referrals Bhawanipatna IDUs, truckers , organizational Society, 113, 222 301. Fax: block of development Bhubaneswar (for 91 6670 223 191. Kalahandi district a TIP) E-mail: [email protected] om

Centre for Srikant Gandhinagar, NGO, REG PRV, HIV Nawarangpur TG and MSM in NK NK HIV basics CRE-SPT-TRT Orissa State NK Good Living Kasturba Marg, TST and STI town and general, FSWs, for women AIDS Control Nawarangpur 764 referrals peripheral areas migrant workers living with HIV, Society, 059. Tel: 91 674 in Nawarangpur COU Bhubaneswar (for 309 2985, 91 district a TIP) 94371 74952. E- mail: cgl_ngpur@rediffm Fellowship S. M. Tarini Bhawan, NGO, REG ADV, BCC Bhadrak, Hijras, Yes, in Members - Gender Grant writing, Orissa State Started one Farooque, Women’s College as Society development, Chandbali, Maichiyas, CBOs 9, Full time issues, BCC fund raising, AIDS Control of the first Secretary Road, At. Santhia, COU - psycho Basudevpuri and MSM, FSWs, supported by / part time development, sexuality Society, TIPs for and Chief Bhadrak 756 100. social, Dhamnagar migrant workers, the STF - 62, documentatio issues Bhubaneswar (for MSM and Executive Tel: 91 94372 community blocks in truckers, youth organization VOL - 75 n, research, a TIP), SAATHII TG people in 66492. E-mail: mobilization Bhadrak district programme for MSM and TG Orissa; sm_farooque@hot and CBO development community initiated and formation, and building work, leads the coalition management, DFID Challenge Orissa North formation, financial Fund for research Zone DIC (including management, (through Network of resource monitoring INFOSEM / MSM / TG centre on and Humsafar Trust, Targeted MSM and TG evaluation Mumbai) Intervention issues), HIV Programmes TST and CRE- ; facilitated SPT-TRT one of the referrals, first CBOs of PRV MSM, Hijras (awareness and generation, Maichiyas in condom and Orissa lubes (Saraswati promotion), and Santi Se STI

Gania Usha P.O. NGO, REG ADV, BCC Nayagarh district TG and MSM in No Full time HIV basics CRE-SPT-TRT NK NK Unnayan Pattanayak Belapadapatna, as Society development, (8 blocks) general, FSWs, STF - 45, for women Committee Dist. Nayagarh. COU, HIV migrant workers, part time living with HIV, Tel: 91 6757 226 TST and CRE- youth STF - 29, COU 022, 91 94370 SPT-TRT VOL - 30 16933. Fax: 91 referrals, 6757 226 022. E- PRV mail: (awareness gucorissa@yahoo. campaigns, com condom promotion), STI treatment clinic, SHG, Anganwadi centres Institute of Brahmanan Plot No. 473, NGO PRV, HIV Lahorchati Hijras, MSM, NK NK COU, cultural Administration Orissa State NK Rural da Kalinga Market, TST and STI Check Gate to FSWs, IDUs, activism, skills, AIDS Control Development Nayapalli, referrals Bargarh town in truckers outreach, communication Society, and Bhubaneswar 751 Bargarh district henna skills, CRE- Bhubaneswar (for Management 012. Tel: 91 674 application, SPT-TRT, a TIP) Studies 254 6413, 91 craftwork documentation 93371 16728. E- mail: [email protected] om Manna Prasant Bhubaneswar. Tel: Informal ADV, PRV Bhubaneswar Hijras, ex-IDUs Yes NK ADV, Outreach, None NK Foundation Mohapatra 91 93384 41746 Group (awareness city and community Psychosexual generation) neighbourhood mobilization Counselling, Home based Care and Support People's Samsung, Chakratirtha Road, NGO PRV, HIV Pentakota slum Hijras, MSM, No NK HIV basics, COU (for Orissa State NK Enviornment Secretary Near Block Office, TST and STI in Puri town FSWs, migrant COU, outreach AIDS Control & Need Puri 752 002. Tel: referrals workers, IDUs condom workers), Society, Based 91 6752 222 653, promotion, documentation, Bhubaneswar (for Community 91 99371 58789. TRN of data analysis a TIP) Development Fax: 91 6752 227 trainers (PENCODE) 913. E-mail: [email protected] om, rupam77@rediffma

Rajendra NK Near Old Fire NGO PRV, HIV Bolangir Hijras, MSM, No NK COU, cultural Administration Orissa State NK Yuvak Station, Railway TST and STI municipality area FSWs, migrant activism, skills, AIDS Control Sangha Road, Bolangir 767 referrals and Losingha workers outreach, communication Society, 001. Tel: 91 6652 block of henna skills, CRE- Bhubaneswar (for 234 547. E-mail: Bolangir district application, SPT-TRT, a TIP) [email protected] craftwork documentation om, president.rys@redif Rural Jayanta Kalimandir Road, NGO, REG ADV, DIC, Mayurbhanj Hijras, MSM, Yes, as Full time / HIV basics, COU, outreach Orissa State Participation Research & Kumar Pal, Baripada, as Society HIV TST and district of Orissa. FSWs, truckers programme part time gender and AIDS Control in local fairs Development President Mayurbhanj 757 CRE-SPT- Also Jharkhand, staff STF - 25 sexuality Society, and Council 001. Tel: 91 6792 TRT referrals, West Bengal knowledge Bhubaneswar (for generating 258 637, 91 94376 PRV a TIP) awareness 12590. E-mail: (awareness about Hijra rrdcbpd@rediffmail generation, and MSM .com, condom issues rrdcngo_bpd@redif promotion)

Sakha-a male Satya Mr.satya sundar CBO Reg ADV, Care all over Orissa MSM NK NK ADV, Outreach, NK NK sexual health Sunder mishra as NGO and Support community Psychosexual agency Misra SAKHA,orissa to MSM mobilization Counselling, mob-09438632408 PLHA, Home based E-mail- Research, Care and [email protected] Counselling, Support m network sakha.orissa@gma building, awareness, Provide Trainings etc.

Solidarity and Mitali Plot No. 35/6, NGO, REG Capacity Bhadrak, Khurda Individuals and No Full time / ADV, BCC Continued Elton John AIDS Provided Action Mohanty, Madhu Sudan as Trust (in building on and other agencies part time development, leadership and Foundation, technical Against The Training Nagar,Bhubanesw Chennai) HIV and districts of working with STF - 7 community programme London assistance to HIV Infection and ar 751 001. associated Orissa MSM, TG (Bhubanes mobilization, management NGOs in in India Advocacy Tel: 91 674 239 issues people, PLHIV war Office knowledge skills, broad Orissa to (SAATHII), Coordinator 1245. E-mail: through and other and office management, based fund start TIPs Bhubaneswar [email protected] information vulnerable of partner networking, raising and CBOs Office m. Website: dissemination populations agency research, for MSM and , research, Fellowship TRN, PRV TG people networking, in Bhadrak) and CRE- (including advocacy, SPT-TRT Maichiyas training and and Hijras) other technical and financial assistance for all sectors involved in HIV response APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Punjab, Pondicherry

Agency name Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work

Contact Contact Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membershi Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person details agency activities / areas covered served leadership p / staff and skills needs support best services strength possessed received practices PUNJAB Kashish Satinder C/o Sardar CBO, REG ADV, COU, CRE- Bhatinda district MSM, Hijras NK Governing HIV basics Continued NK NK Foundation Singh, Bootasingh, as Society SPT-TRT body leadership Chairperson Village and referrals, HIV TST members - and P.O. referrals, PRV 8, other programme Lehrathurkot, (awareness members - management Dist. Bhatinda. generation, 100 skills, broad Tel: 91 92160 condom based fund 95307. E-mail: promotion), STI raising kashish_founda referrals [email protected] m PONDICHERRY Sahodaran K. Ganesh No. 61, Ground CBO, REG ADV (including Pondicherry and Aravanis, Yes, as Full time / HIV basics, COU (for None Successful Community Floor, as Society media Karraikal sub- Double advisory part time - COU, condom outreach protest rally Oriented Ellaiamman Koil interaction), BCC divisions of the Deckers, board STF 10 promotion, workers), against TRT Health Street, development, Union Territory Kothis, members TRN of trainers documentatio denial to TG Development Pondicherry COU - psycho- Panthis n, data people living Society 605 001. Tel: social, HIV TST analysis with HIV in 91 413 222 and CRE-SPT- government 4696, 91 98944 TRT referrals to hospitals 55200. E-mail: networks of sahodaranpondi PLHIV, PRV (awareness generation, condom and lubes promotion), STI referrals, health camps, IGP, SHG, TRN APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY INDIA Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact details Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membership / Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person agency activities / areas covered served leadership staff strength and skills needs support best services possessed received practices RAJASTHAN Astitva Dr. Bhupendra 43, Residency NGO, REG ADV, COU - HIV Udaipur city and Hijras, MSM, No Full time / part HIV basics CRE-SPT- None NK Sansthan Kaushik, Road, Udaipur 313 as Society and psycho- its periphery FSWs, migrant time STF - 35 TRT in Anjum Syed 001. Tel: 91 92144 social, HIV TST workers, clinical 66743, 93525 and CRE-SPT- tourists settings, 04687. E-mail: TRT referrals, data [email protected] PRV (awareness analysis, generation, [email protected] condom om promotion), STI treatment, TRN

Centre for Tejram Jat 22, Suraj Nagar NGO, REG ADV, BCC Rajasthan overall Hijras, other No Full time STF - Communicatio None NK NK Health (East), Civil Lines, as Society development, sexual 5, VOL - 25 n, COU, Equity Jaipur 302 006. Tel: TRN minorities documentation 91 141 222 0421. E- mail: prayas22@dataone. in Gram Vikas ManoharLal Adarsh Colony, NGO, REG COU, CRE-SPT- Jodhpur and Hijras, MSM, No Full Time STF -Community BCC NK NK Seva Choudhary Silari Road, Pipar as Society TRT referrals, Jaisalmer districts MSWs, FSWs, 85, part time mobilization developme Sansthan City, Jodhpur 342 PRV (awareness PLHIV STF - 67, VOL (including CBO nt 601. Tel: 91 94144 generation, (including - 250 formation) 99337. E-Mail: condom children living gvsspiparcity@rediff promotion), STI with HIV) management, SHG

Indian Dr. G. D. Agarwal Farm, NGO, REG Community Jaipur city and MSM and TG Only as peer NK Community Fund Rajasthan One of the Institute of Mathur Mansarovar, Jaipur as Society mobilization, PRV, neighbourhood people in educators mobilization raising State AIDS first NGOs in Developme 302 020 HIV TST referrals general, other (including CBO Control the state to nt and vulnerable formation) Society, mobilize and Communica populations Jaipur for a network with tion composite MSM and TG TIP in the populations past Indian C. B. S. K. K. Villa, Shiv NGO, REG ADV, COU - HIV Ajmer district Hijras and Only as peer Board Communicatio Documenta NK One of the Institute of Khanjan, Nagar, Bihari Ganj, as Society and psycho- other TG educators members - 13, n, COU, tion, Hijra Human Founder / Nasirabag Road, social, HIV TST people founder documentation proposal volunteers Health Secretary Ajmer. Tel: 91 and CRE-SPT- members - 21, writing received 98293 39717. E- TRT referrals, full time / part political mail: PRV (awareness time STF - 30 membership iihh_ajmer@yahoo. generation, in the Mahila, condom and lubes Congress [email protected] promotion), TRN party in Ajmer .in

Manav Pradip Poonia Usmanabad NGO, REG ADV, BCC Churu and Hijras and No Full time / part Communicatio Organizatio Rajasthan NK Pragati Colony, Behind New as Society development, Bikaner districts other TG time STF - 28, n, COU, nal State AIDS Sansthan Bus Stand, Churu COU - psycho- people, MSM, VOL - 35 documentation manageme Control 331 001. Tel: 91 social, CRE-SPT- MSWs, IDUs, , outreach nt Society, 94146 65855. E- TRT referrals, HIV FSWs Jaipur (for a mail: TST referrals, TIP) mpsrajgarh1@yaho PRV (awareness generation, condom promotion), STI treatment referrals, TRN

Nai Bhor Pradeep Jaipur. Tel: 91 CBO, REG Community Jaipur district MSM and TG Yes NK HIV basics, Linkages None NK 98292 91377 as Society mobilization people in COU, condom with other general promotion, government TRN of trainers and non- government bodies Humjoli Brijesh Kumar B4, Jawahar Nagar, CBO, REG Community Bharatpur district MSM and TG Yes NK Communicatio Organizatio Oxfam NK Yogi, Project ‘Jaat House’, as Society mobilization, people in n, COU, nal Great Manager Bharatpur. Tel: 91 COU, DIC, PRV, general (lower documentation manageme Britain 99830 96149, E- HIV TST referrals and middle , outreach nt mail: income groups) [email protected] SIKKIM

No data TAMIL NADU AIDS Dr. T.T.T.I. Post, Adyar, Quasi- Works through Tamil Nadu Double No NK STI/HIV/AIDS Linkages USAID Conducted Prevention Chandramoha Chennai 600 113. government partner NGOs and overall Deckers, in-depth with other India first and Control n B. I. A. S., Tel: 91 44 2254 body government Kothis, knowledge, government successful Project - Project 1048, 2254 1965. bodies on TIPs Aravanis, capacity and non- HIV related Voluntary Director Fax: 91 44 2254 and CRE-SPT- FSWs, IDUs, building of government behaviour Health 2018. E-mail: TRT programmes. truckers, government bodies surveillance Services [email protected] Also research, migrant and civil survey in (APAC- TRN workers, slum society Tamil Nadu in VHS) dwellers, agencies 1996; industrial organisation workers, youth is among the leaders in the response to the HIV epidemic in Tamil Nadu

Challenge Muthu Kumar 8/11, Jeevananthan NTW ADV, COU - Thanjavur, Double Yes, as board Board STI/HIV/AIDS Communic None Registration Street, Lakshmi (coalition of psycho-social, Tirunelveli, Deckers, members members - 9, in-depth ation, as a state Puram, MSM and DICs, HIV TST Krishnagiri, Kothis and Full time STF - knowledge, documentat level body Tiruvanmiyur. Tel: TG and CRE-SPT- Salem, Panthis 5 capacity ion, functioning in 91 98943 86934. E- sangamas - TRT referrals, Nagapattinam, building of proposal partnership mail: akin to PRV (awareness Nagercoil, government writing with 15 Kothi CBOs), generation, Nammakal, and civil and MSM @gmail. com, REG as condom and lubes Erode and society CBOs in the challenge_tn@yaho Society promotion), TRN Virudhunagar agencies state; serving districts 7,000 Kothis across the state; strong rapport with district level government bodies Dindigul Rev. Fr. V. P. B. No. 77, John NGO ADV for access to 7 talukas and 14 Hijras, drug NK Full time / part Organizational Contract NK NK Multipurpos Joseph Xavier, Paul Complex, housing, health blocks in Dindigul users (non- time STF - 70 management manageme e Social Executive Nehruji Nagar, care, education, district injecting), nt, fund Service Director Dindigul 624 001. employment and FSWs, raising, Society Tel: 91 451 243 legal aid, COU - homeless infrastructur 2235. Fax: 91 451 HIV and HIV TST, people, prison e 243 6940. E-mail: DIC, PRV inmates, developme dmsssdgm@yahoo. (awareness refugees, youth nt generation), OI under 25 years and STI treatment, rehabilitation, IGP, TRN

Gokulam Mr. S. Bala No. 75, F/3 CBO Reg Works through Madurai Double NK NK HIV basics, COU (for NK NK Social Selvam Singaraiyar colony, as Trust partner NGOs and Deckers, COU, condom outreach Welfare North Cross Street, government Kothis and promotion, workers), Organizatio Bibikulam, bodies on TIPs Panthis TRN of trainers documentat n Madurai - 625 002, and CRE-SPT- ion, data Tamil Nadu TRT programmes. analysis Ph: (0452) 4502363 Also research, Mob: 09944455290 TRN

Kith & Kins Mr. Paul No. 70, Ambabhai NGO Works through Mayiladuthurai NK NK NK NK COU (for NK NK Social Jeevanandam Street, 1st Floor, partner NGOs and outreach Welfare Mayiladuthurai – government workers), Organizatio 609 001, Tamil bodies on TIPs documentat n Nadu and CRE-SPT- ion, data 09994755422 TRT programmes. analysis [email protected]. Also research, in TRN Lotus P. Kannan, Room No. 2, V. M. CBO, REG ADV on gender Thanjavur Kothis, other Yes, as Members - 108 NK Abstract Naz NK Sangam Adimistrative S. Mansion, Door as Society and sexuality, sexual managing writing and Foundation Officer No. 9, Pattam Lane CRE-SPT-TRT minorities committee proposal Internationa (Behind Seematti referrals, HIV TST members writing l, Lucknow: Silks), referralss, SUG (including For a pilot Kumbakonam, for MSM and TG logical project Thanjavur 612 001. living with HIV, framework Tel: 91 94433 PRV (condom analysis), 37258, 98943 promotion), DIC, documentat 86934. E-mail: STI referrals ion, fund lotus_sangam@yah raising, Website: making poster otus_cbo presentatio ns

Lotus Mr. S. Siva No. 94, Kamatchi CBO Reg Community Kumbakonam Kothis, other NK NK ADV, Outreach, NK NK Integrated Kumar Josiyer Street, M.K. as Trust mobilization, sexual community Psychosex AIDS Gandhimathi COU, DIC, PRV, minorities mobilization ual Awareness Complex, 1st Floor, HIV TST referrals Counselling Society Kumbakonam – 612 , Home 001, Tamil Nadu based Care 09865672142 and [email protected] Support om

Love India Mr. A. No. 69, CBO Reg Community Tuticorin Double NK NK Accounts, Advanced NK NK Social Nallaventhan Toovipuram, 10th as Trust mobilization Deckers, COU, computer Welfare Street, Tuticorin- Kothis and communication operations, Organizatio 628 003, Tamil Panthis , cultural BCC n Nadu activism, developme 09944455282 documentation nt, public loveindia_tuticorin@ speaking Naam Mr. G. Raja No. 3A/5, Railway CBO Reg NK NK NK NK NK Accounts, Linkages NK NK Social Mayeppan Station Road (Near as Trust COU, with other Welfare Balaji Nursing communication government Organizatio Home/Ganesh , cultural and non- n Theatre), Dindigul – activism, government 624 003, Tamil documentation bodies Nadu 9994755122 [email protected]. in

Nesam Mr. P. No.1, Ram Nagar, CBO Reg NK NK NK NK NK Organizational Contract NK NK Social Arunagiri Nethajipuram, N.K. as Trust management manageme Welfare Palayam (post), nt, fund Organizatio Coimbatore – 641 raising, n [email protected]. infrastructur in e developme nt

Males Mr. E.M. No. 184, 1-I, Vaigai CBO Reg NK NK NK NK NK ADV, cultural Outreach, NK NK Social Ashok Veedhi, as Trust activism, HIV Psychosex Movement Veerappanchathra basics, ual Society m, Erode – 638 outreach Counselling (msms) 004, , Home Tamil Nadu based Care 0424-2222111, and 09842536217 Support msmsociety_erode

Sahodaran Sunil Menon C No. 27 Railway CBO, REG ADV, cultural Chennai city and MSM and TG Yes NK ADV, cultural Outreach, NK NK Colony, 3rd Street as Society activism, neighbourhood people in activism, HIV Psychosex Extension, community general basics, ual Aminjikarai, mobilization, COU outreach Counselling Chennai 600 029. - psycho-social, , Home Tel: 91 44 2374 DIC, HIV TST and based Care 0486, 5527 7810. E- CRE-SPT-TRT and mail: referrals, PRV Support [email protected] (awareness, generation, sunilmenonc@yaho condom and lubes promotion), STI treatment, TRN Sahodaran K. Ganesh 61 Ground Floor CBO Reg NK NK NK NK ADV, cultural Outreach, NK NK Pondi Ellaiamman Koli as Trust activism, HIV Psychosex Street basics, ual Pondicherry – 1 outreach Counselling +91 (0) 413 222 , Home 2469 based Care +91 (0) 413 222 and 1696 Support Saral Aids Mr. D. Stalin No. 174/D3, Nellai CBO Reg NK NK NK NK NK Organizational Contract NK NK Thaduppu Jose Lodge Building, as Trust management manageme Sangam S.N. High Road nt, fund Junction, Tirunelveli- raising, 627 001, Tamil infrastructur Nadu e 09843291244 developme saral_sangam@yah nt

Snegyitham Mr. K. Dinesh A-53, Park View CBO Reg MSM group - NK MSM NK NK ADV, cultural Outreach, NK NK Kumar Road, Anna Nagar, as Trust HIV/AIDS, H.R. activism, HIV Psychosex Tennur, basics, ual Tiruchirapalli- outreach Counselling 620017, Tel.: (0431) , Home 2794719, 4021709, based Care snegyitham@yahoo and .com, Support snegyitham@rediff

Snegyitham M. Jaya Kumar A-53, Park View CBO Reg MSM group - NA MSM NK NK ADV, Outreach, NK NK Road, Anna Nagar, as Trust HIV/AIDS, H.R. community Psychosex Tennur, mobilization ual Tiruchirapalli- Counselling 620017, Tel.: (0431) , Home 2794719, 4021709, based Care snegyitham@yahoo and .com, Support snegyitham@rediff Snehithan Rajesh Pakth No.61 Ground Floor CBO Reg NK NK NK NK NK COU, outreach CRE-SPT- NK NK Elaiamman Koil as Society TRT issues Street Pondicherry - 605 001 India +91 413 222 469 [email protected] .in

Social Priya Babu No.11/15 Natarajan CBO, Reg ADV, COU - Tamil Nadu TG people in Yes, as board Board Communicatio Computer None Published Integration Street, Sekhar as Trust psycho-social, overall general members members - 7, n, operations book "TG Developme Nagar, PRV (awareness VOL - 3 documentation (including Sociography"; nt for Jefferkhanpet, generation, , outreach Internet produced Aravanis Chennai 600 083. condom use), documentary Foundation Tel: 91 92832 promotion), TRN editing, film on the life (SIDAF) 40764. E-mail: photograph stories of priyababu_sudar@y y and Aravanis; videograph research on y, research TG people in Madurai district; TG digital archives

Social B. Sekar, 12/5 Natarajan CBO, Reg ADV, COU, HIV Chennai city and MSM and TG NK NK HIV basics, ADV, One of the Welfare Project Street, Balakrishna as Trust TST and CRE- neighbourhood people in outreach community earliest CBOs Assocation Director Nagar, SPT-TRT general mobilization of MSM and for Men Jafferkhanpet, referrals, PRV TG people in (SWAM) Chennai 600 083. (awareness Tamil Nadu Tel: 044 2371 2324. generation, and India E-mail: condom and lubes sekar_swam@rediff promotion), STI referrals Solidarity Dr. L. 78 Pushpa Nagar CBO, Reg Capacity building Tamil Nadu Individuals and Yes, as Full time / part ADV, BCC Continued Several Fund raising and Action Ramakrishnan, Main Road, as Trust on HIV and overall, also AP, agencies programme time STF - 19 development, leadership Indian and support to Against The Country Nungambakkam, associated issues Karnataka, working with STF (Chennai community and internationa Aravani CBOs HIV Director – Chennai 600 034. through Kerala, MSM, TG Office) mobilization, programme l in Tamil Nadu Infection in Programs & Tel: 91 44 2817 information Maharashtra and people, PLHIV knowledge manageme government for projects on India Research and 3948. Fax: 91 44 dissemination, Pondicherry and other management, nt skills, and non- human rights (SAATHII), Chennai Office 2817 3947. E-mail: research, vulnerable networking, broad government and shelter; Chennai Director [email protected] networking, populations research, TRN, based fund funding operations Office . Website: advocacy, training PRV and CRE- raising bodies research on and other SPT-TRT increasing technical and accessibility financial of STI assistance for all services in sectors involved in government HIV response institutions for Aravanis in Chennai; research and strategy development on MSM and Hijras in Rajasthan; consultations on inclusion of MSM and Hijra concerns in NACP-III

South India K. Dhanam No. 7, CB Ciprrasu, CBO, Reg ADV, COU - Tamil Nadu Double Yes, as the Members - COU, outreach CRE-SPT- None Managed to Positive 7th Street, as Trust psycho-social, overall Deckers, Director and 1,500, full time TRT issues bring about Transgende Annanagar (Sunabu HIV TST and CRE- Hijras, MSM in Founder / part time STF significant r Kalvai), SPT-TRT general - 6 change in the Foundation Korrukkupet, referrals, PRV health Chennai 600 027. (awareness seeking Tel: 91 99412 generation, behaviours of 54807. E-mail: condom TG people dhanam33@hotmail promotion), STI .com treatment Suder B. Vasanthi No. 6, Vadapathi, CBO, REG ADV, HIV TST Tamil Nadu Aravanis and Yes, as Full time / part NK Organizatio HIVOS, Foundation Mamandu, as Society referrals, PRV overall other TG governing time STF - 14 nal Bangalore Muduranthagam (awareness people body developme Taluka, generation), CRE- members and nt Kancheepuram 600 SPT-TRT referrals programme 111. Tel: 91 98946 manager level 82060. E-mail: STF sudarfoundation@r ediffmail. com

Thamilnadu P. Asha No.13/6 New CBO, REG ADV (policy level Chennai city and Aravanis and Yes, as key Members - 42, ADV, COU, Organizatio Chennai ADV with Aravanigal Bharathi, Colony, Second as Society and general public neighbourhood other TG leader of the full time / part communication nal AIDS police; Association President Street, Saidapet, level), community people organization, time STF - 11 , outreach and developme Prevention Aravanis (THAA) Chennai 600 015. mobilization, COU other board ToT skills nt and Control Welfare Tel: 91 94444 - psycho-social, members and Society Board 08615. E-mail: legal aid, HIV TST senior STF supported by aashathaa@yahoo. referrals, CRE- the state SPT-TRT, PRV government; (awareness TIP covering generation, 3,000 condom individuals; promotion), short SHG and stay home, SHG short stay home for Aravanis

Trans Rose No. 21, Pajanai CBO, ADV activities at Chennai city and TG people and Yes VOL - 5 NK COU, legal None Media Venkatesan Kovil Street, T. advocacy various levels neighbourhood MSM in procedures Nagar, Chennai 600 group general involved in 017. E-mail: conducting [email protected] evidence m based advocacy Transgende R. Jeeva, No.14, Prakasam CBO, REG ADV, COU - Chennai, Aravanis and Yes, as board Full time / part Communicatio COU, None Awareness r Rights Founder and Street, Anbalagan as Trust psycho-social, Tiruvallur and other TG members time STF - 7 n, COU, proposal programme in Association Managing Nagar, T.V.K. HIV TST and CRE-Kancheepuram people documentation writing, schools on Trustee Nagar, Chennai 600 SPT-TRT districts , outreach fund TG issues; 011. Tel: 91 98845 referrals, PRV raising, educational 87007. E-Mail: (awareness public support to TG jeevashabi@rediffm generation, speaking people; family, condom and lubes COU; [email protected] promotion), SHG, assistance to m IGP, TRN TG people in opening bank accounts


Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name HIV/AIDS Membershi Knowledge Funding Milestones / Nature of Geographical Populations TG Training Contact person Contact details activities / p / staff and skills support best agency areas covered served leadership needs services strength possessed received practices UTTAR PRADESH Arpit Gramin Shiv Lal Singh, Village Kirawn, NGO, REG ADV, PRV UP overall Hijras, MSM, NK NK ADV, COU, Organizationa NK Vikas Director P.O. as Society (awareness FSWs, IDUs, communicatio l development Sansthan Kotaramakarandp generation), migrant n, outreach ur, Kanpur Nagar. RCH services, workers, PLHIV and ToT skills Tel: 91 5115 271 SUG 569 formation, TRN

Asha Mr Sher Ali C-29/12A, CBO, REG DIC, HIV ADV, BCC Organizationa Maldahiya as Trust awareness development, l development Varanasi-2 and community 0542-6451810 prevention, mobilization, 9936891440 Advocacy, knowledge asha_sher007@y HIV & STI management, referrals networking, research, TRN, PRV and CRE-SPT- TRT Bharosa Imraan Khan, 21/6/5 Peerpur CBO, REG ADV, COU - UP overall Kothis, other Yes NK ADV, BCC Continued Donations Presentation Trust Director House, 8 Tilak as Trust psycho-social, MSM development, leadership by Bharosa of paper on Marg, Lucknow DIC, HIV TST community and trustees "community 226 001. Tel: 91 referrals, PRV mobilization, programme and well building and 522 220 8689. E- (awareness knowledge management wishers: empowerme mail: generation, management, skills, broad HIV nt among bharosatrust@ya condom and networking, based fund prevention Kothis in lubes research, raising programme Lucknow as Website: promotion), TRN, PRV s among a means to www.bharosatrust STI syndromic and CRE-SPT- feminized reduce risk .com management, TRT males of STI/HIV research, TRN (Kothis) and infection" at their sexual the 13th partners World AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa, 2000

Basera Mr Mahesh C/O Arun Gupta , CBO, REG ADV, DIC, Ghaziabad Kothis, other STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Chandra 224, Gali No. 4 , as Trust HIV TST MSM in-depth on, Vashishtha Shyam Park referrals, PRV knowledge, documentatio Main Sahibabad, (awareness capacity n, proposal Ghaziabad generation, building of writing 09899835610 condom and government baserasociety_20 lubes and civil [email protected] promotion), society m TRN agencies

Humkhayal Mr Zafrul Hassan CBO, REG ADV, DIC, Jaunpur Kothis, other STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati C/O Sri Ramroop as Trust HIV TST MSM in-depth on, Seth referrals, PRV knowledge, documentatio Dev Dharam (awareness capacity n, proposal Kanta, Bypass generation, building of writing Road, Sipah condom and government Jaunpur – lubes and civil 222001 promotion), society 9235404522/23 TRN agencies zafrul.humkhayal Hasrat Mr Nihal Ahmad 12/289, CBO, REG ADV, COU - Kanpur Kothis, other STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Khan Gwaaltoli, as Trust psycho-social, MSM in-depth on, Chunniganj , DIC, HIV TST knowledge, documentatio Kanpur – 208001 referrals, PRV capacity n, proposal 9889625433, (awareness building of writing 9335365032 generation, government 9935505783 condom and and civil shibu.hasrat@ya lubes society promotion), agencies STI syndromic management, research, TRN

Mitra Mr Ashu C/220 Civil Lines CBO, REG ADV, COU - Barabanki Kothis, other STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Srivastava , Opp. Khushbu as Trust psycho-social, MSM in-depth on, Lodge DIC, HIV TST knowledge, documentatio Near, Kamla referrals, PRV capacity n, proposal Nehru Park (awareness building of writing Barabanki generation, government 225001 condom and and civil 9235414953 lubes society 05248-325189 promotion), agencies chat_bhandar@si STI syndromic management, research, TRN Naya Savera Naushad C/oMr Abdul CBO, REG ADV, COU - Agra Kothis, other STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Jabbar as Trust psycho-social, MSM in-depth on, 19/12, Ghariya, DIC, HIV TST knowledge, documentatio Taj Nagri, Phase- referrals, PRV capacity n, proposal 1 (awareness building of writing Agra – 282003 generation, government 09319060733, condom and and civil 09837781552, lubes society 05623200651 promotion), agencies nayasavera1@ya STI syndromic management, research, TRN

Nayi Kiran Shailesh Yadav At- Phephna, CBO, REG ADV, COU - Ballia Kothis, other STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Opp- RKBK, as Trust psycho-social, MSM in-depth on, Ballia Lucknow DIC, HIV TST knowledge, documentatio Road , Ballia referrals, PRV capacity n, proposal 9838467388, (awareness building of writing 9415354976 generation, government 9336597612 condom and and civil nai_kiran@yahoo lubes society promotion), agencies STI syndromic management, research, TRN Naz Arif Jafar, NFI Regional International ADV, BCC India overall Hijras, other Yes NK Community NK NK International Foundation Executive Liaison Office: 9 NGO development, TG people, mobilisation, advocacy International Director; Gulzar Colony, (support community MSM in fund raising, and policy Shivananda New Berry Lane, organisation), mobilisation, general research, advocacy in Khan, Chief Lucknow 226 REG as a networking, Resource India, Executive 001. Tel: 91 522 Charity gender, development networking, 220 5781, 220 sexuality and resources 5781. Fax: 91 HIV/AIDS generation 522 220 5783. E- resource on issues mail: [email protected], centre, concerning [email protected]. research, TRN MSM and Website: and other TG technical populations assistance to (including MSM and TG organizing of CBOs across conference India on MSM, TG and HIV issues in Asia and the Pacific with UNAIDS, bilateral and civil society

Parivartan Manoj Gupta 72-Nayi basti, CBO, REG DIC, HIV STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Near Agrawal as Trust awareness in-depth on, Dharamshala, and knowledge, documentatio Circular Road , prevention, capacity n, proposal Hardoi-241001 Advocacy, building of writing 9336516300 HIV & STI government 941556211 referrals and civil manoj_parivartan society agencies Vishwas Mr Santosh 53 A/2 Lowther CBO, REG DIC, HIV STI/HIV/AIDS Communicati Yadav Road, George as Trust awareness in-depth on, Town and knowledge, documentatio Allahabad prevention, capacity n, proposal 211001 Advocacy, building of writing 0532-3250028/40 HIV & STI government 9956248076 referrals and civil alam_vishwas@y society agencies Vishwas_trust@y

UTTARANCHAL Success Anil Kumar Sati, 39/1 Bakrawala, NGO, REG ADV, PRV Dehradun district MSM, Hijras, No NK HIV basics Organizationa NK Academic Secretary Neshvilla Road, as Trust (awareness FSWs, migrant l development Club Dehardun, 248 generation), workers, youth 001. Tel: 0135 cultural 265 0744. E-mail: activism sucub2001@yah INDIA West Bengal

Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name

HIV/AIDS Membershi Knowledge Funding Milestones Contact Nature of Geographical Populations TG Training Contact details activities / p / staff and skills support / best person agency areas covered served leadership needs services strength possessed received practices

WEST BENGAL Amitie Anis Ray 15, Chunaripara, CBO, REG ADV, COU - Hoogly, Horah, LGBT, MSW NK NK NK NK NK NK Chaudhuri Baghgazar, P.O. as Society psycho-social, Bardhaman and , HIV TST referral, adjacent districts Dist. Hoogly - PRV (awareness of West Bengal 712136, Tel.: (0) generation), STI 9331038554, referrals amitie_chandannag [email protected], amitie_chandannag [email protected]

Astitva Debasish C/o Bablu Bajikar, CBO, REG ADV, COU - South 24 Hijras, Kothis Yes, as Members - Documentat ADV, IGP, None NK Dakshin Mitra, Ukilpara, as Society psycho-social, Parganas district managing 50 ion, gender and Secretary Kolkata 700 144. HIV TST referral, committee outreach sexuality Tel: 91 98361 PRV (awareness members 85589, 98308 generation), STI 37440 referrals

Bongaon Niloy Basu Reada Para CBO, REG ADV, COU - NK NK NK NK ADV, CRE-SPT- NK NK P.o. Bongaon Dist. as Society psycho-social, community TRT, No.24 Parganas HIV TST referral, mobilization human Bongaon - 743 235 PRV (awareness (including rights, IGP West Bengal, India generation), STI CBO anjnil23@rediffmail. referrals formation), com gender and sexuality, HIV basics, networking, outreach, training Rajarshi 75 Jawpur Road, CBO, REG ADV, COU - WB in general and Hijras, Kothis, Yes, as Members - ADV, CRE-SPT- SAATHII for Members' Swikriti Chakrabart Dum Dum, Kolkata as Society psycho-social, the districts of TG managing around 80, community TRT, MSM and participation Society y, 700 074. Tel: 91 CRE-SPT-TRT Kolkata, North 24 adolescents in committee part time mobilization human TG in national, Secretary; 94330 09190, referrals, HIV TST Parganas, Nadia, schools and members STF - 1 (including rights, IGP community internationa Santanu 98317 43608. E- referrals, PRV Murshidabad and colleges, other CBO building l HIV, Giri, mail: (awareness Malda in particular sexual formation), work; DFID gender, Treasurer swikriti_03@yahoo. generation, minorities gender and Challenge sexuality, condom and sexuality, Fund for conference swikriti2003@hotma lubes promotion), HIV basics, infrastructur s; support STI referrals, TRN networking, e support forum for outreach, (through "significant training INFOSEM / others" of Humsafar sexual Trust, minorities Mumbai)

Durbar Bharati 44, Balaram Dey CBO, REG ADV, BCC 16 districts in WB, FSW, TSW Only as Full time / ADV, CRE- Database None for NK Mahila Dey, Chair Street, Kolkata 700 as Society development, also Chattisgarh, and their peer part time SPT-TRT, manageme TG Samanway Person 006. Tel: 91 33 CRE-SPT-TRT, Delhi, Bihar, clients educators STF - 1050 running nt, focussed a 2543 7451, 2543 PRV (awareness Jharkhand, (for all TIPs for qualitative projects Committee 7560. Fax: 91 33 generation, Maharashtra, populations marginalize data 2543 7777. E-mail: condom Orissa, Tripura served) d analysis [email protected] promotion), STI communitie m. Website: treatment clinics, s and anti- TB programme, trafficking TRN, prevention programme of trafficking s

Gokhale Ranjit Sinha 7/1, Gokhale Road, CBO, REG CRE-SPT-TRT Kolkata, South 24 TG people in Yes, as Full time / Community Organizatio RCSHA, NK Road Calcutta 700 020. as Society referrals, HIV TST Parganas general governing part time mobilization nal New Delhi Bandhan Tel: 91 98300 referrals (Baruipur, body STF - 9, , crisis developme for research 27185, 98312 Sonarpur), Malda members Members - manageme nt, National on TG 65288. E-mail: and Murshidabad 25, VOL - nt, HIV AIDS issues and ranjitbandhan@redif districts 10 basics, Control exposure project Programme visits to proposal - Phase III other TG writing orientation support groups Kolkata Santosh 2/H/9 Ghore Bibi CBO, REG HIV TST referrals, Primarily WB, Duplis, Hijras, Yes, as VOL - 35 ADV, CRE- ADV, None System for Rista Kumar Giri Lane, Kolkata 700 as Society PRV (awareness partly in Bihar, Khojuas, board SPT-TRT, awareness confidential 054. Tel: 91 33 generation, Jharkhand, MP Kothis, members running generation HIV TRT 2320 4262, 91 condom and UP Laundas, TIPs for campaigns, referrals for 93392 19696. E- promotion), CRE- Hijras, Panthis, marginalize COU, Nirvana mail: SPT-TRT other sexual d events Hijras kolkatarista@yahoo referrals to other minorities communitie manageme, NGOs and PLHIV s and anti- nt rosesangiri@yahoo. NTWs, STI trafficking co.on referrals programme s

Koshish Sanjay 62/1B Hazra Road, CBO, REG ADV, COU - Kolkata, also Hijras, Yes Members - ADV, CRE- In-depth None COU - Ram, Kolkata 700 019. as Society psycho-social, Gorakhpur in UP transsexuals, 65, VOL - SPT-TRT, knowledge psycho- Sahnawaz Tel: 91 98300 PRV (awareness transvestites, 35 running on social for Azim 23153, 98317 generation, other sexual TIPs for HIV/AIDS parents and 71764. E-mail: condom and minorities marginalize peers of TG koshishsanjay@redi lubes promotion), d people, TRN communitie koshishsanjay@yah s and anti- trafficking programme s

Madhya Arunava Vill. Goaljan, P.O. CBO, REG PRV (awareness Murshidabad Hijras, Kothis, Yes, as Members - Community CRE-SPT- None NK Banglar Nath, Kazi Radharghat, P.S. as Society generation, district other sexual managing 20 mobilization TRT, IGP Sangram Ali Aftab Berhampore. Tel: condom minorities committee , STI and 91 99327 60967, promotion) members HIV basics 92326 94700. E- mail: sangram_06@hotm Manas Rajashri 3 A.R.K. Chatterjee CBO, REG PRV (awareness NK NK NK NK Community Continued NK NK Bangla Chokravorty Road as Society generation, mobilization leadership Kolkata - 700 012 condom , STI and and West Bengal promotion) HIV basics programme India manageme 09831 031674 nt skills, manasbengal2003 broad based fund raising MANAS Anindya GB-11, Rajdanga NTW Running an All districts of WB, Akua Hijras, Yes, as Full time / Community ADV and West Started first Bangla Hajra, Main Road, EKTP, (coalition of STI/HIV/AIDS TIP except South Nirvana Hijras, board part time mobilization leadership Bengal statewide Secretary; Kolkata 700 107. 7 CBOs, 6 for MSM and TG Dinajpur Kothis, members STF - 176, , STI and skills, State AIDS TIP for Anis Ray Tel: 91 33 3259 more to be people (PRV as Laundas, and senior VOL - 45 HIV basics human Prevention MSM and Chaudhuri, 7814. Fax: 91 33 included), main objective, MSWs, TSWs, STF rights, CRE- & Control TG people Treasurer 2441 5877. E-mail: REG as with limited CRE- gay, bisexual SPT-TRT, Society, with 10 and manasbangla@redif Society SPT-TRT identified and STI medical Kolkata; DICs, first Director, services) other MSM. information, District coalition- manasbengal2003 Also: Migrant nutrition for AIDS based TIP labourers, PLHIV, Control in India, truckers, IGP, Committee, mobilising uniformed documentat Darjeeling Hijra forces, youth ion for TIPs communitie populations s through (males) and at Hijra khols (their residence)

Miitjyu Pranai miitjyu_2003@yaho CBO PRV, HIV TST Darjeeling district MSM and TG NK NK Community ADV and NK NK Sekhar referrals people mobilization leadership , STI and skills, HIV basics human rights, CRE- SPT-TRT, STI medical information, nutrition for PLHIV, IGP, documentat ion

New Deep 468A, Block K, New NGO, REG ADV, BCC WB overall MSM and TG NK NK Community Continued NK Using Praajak Purkayasth Alipore, Kolkata 700 as Society development, people among mobilization leadership different Developme a, Project 053. Tel: 91 33 COU - sexual youth , STI and and visual and nt Society Manager 2400 0455. Fax: 91 health, HIV TST populations, HIV basics programme performing 33 2400 0592. E- referrals, PRV particularly manageme art forms to mail: (awareness those living in nt skills, provide [email protected] generation), rehabilitation broad healing and n research, TRN centres and based fund education difficult raising environments like railway platforms Northern Souvik C/o Hori Roy, M. B. CBO, as ADV, community Silliguri sub- Hijras, Meitis, Yes, as Members - Outreach COU, None NK Black Rose Ghosal, Mukherjee Nursing Society mobilization, CRE- division and other sexual managing 165 documentat Secretary Home, Hill Cart SPT-TRT adjoining areas in minorities, committee ion Road, Rajani referrals, HIV TST Jalpaiguri district street children members Bagan, Khudiram referrals, PRV Palli, Silliguri 734 (awareness 401. Tel: 91 94330 generation, 09116. E-mail: condom northenblack_rose promotion), SHG in, [email protected] n

People Like Agniva 254, Bonomali CBO, REG ADV, COU - Districts of Hijras, Kothis, Yes Full time Peer COU, CRE-SPT- UNDP "Prothoma": Us (PLUS) Lahiri, Banerjee Road, as Society psycho-social, Kolkata, Laundas, STF - 7, HIV basics, TRT, India: Kolkata's Executive Kolkata 700 082. CRE-SPT-TRT (railway station), transsexuals, peer VOL - cultural documentat Shelter first shelter Director; Tel: 91 33 2402 referrals, HIV TST North 24 transvestites, 16 activism ion, data home and home for Subharthi 9305. Fax: 91 33 referrals, PRV Parganas MSWs and analysis, crisis TG people Mukherjee, 2477 3302. E-mail: (awareness () in TSWs, new media intervention President pluskolkata@gmail. generation), STI WB; Bihar and UP adolescents training centre for com, referrals, (12 districts - and youth Launda [email protected] prevention of Launda projects) among these dancers trafficking, TG and other shelter home and sexual crisis intervention minorities centre, TRN Prantik Niloy Basu, C/o Niloy Basu, CBO, REG ADV, COU - Bongaon and Hijras, Kothis, Yes, as Members - Peer COU, CRE-SPT- Praajak, Publication Bongaon Ajay Peada Para, P. O. as Society psycho-social, neighbourhood in MSM in senior 110 HIV basics, TRT, Kolkata: of books on Majumdar Bongaon, Pin 743 CRE-SPT-TRT North 24 general members cultural gender and Kothi Hijra and 235. Tel: 91 3251 referrals, HIV TST Parganas district activism sexuality, adolescents MSW 257 029, 91 93322 referrals, PRV, STI ' capacity issues, 54855. E-mail: research, SHG, syndromic building running an [email protected] TRN manageme programme, SHG for / nt, IGP, Naz MSM and ajnil123@rediffmail. media Foundation TG people com advocacy, Internationa public l, Lucknow: speaking Sexual health needs assesment of MSM and TG populations

Pratyay Anindya P251/B, Purna Das CBO, REG ADV, COU - WB overall Hijra, Kothis, Yes, as NK ADV, BCC Continued NK NK Gender Hajra, Chief Road, 1st Floor, as Trust psycho-social, other TG managing developme leadership Trust Functionary Kolkata 700 029. HIV TST referrals, people and committee nt, and Tel: 91 33 2429 PRV (awareness sexual members community programme 2969, 91 98310 generation), minorities mobilization manageme 31674. E-mail: resource centre , knowledge nt skills, pratyaygendertrust on gender and manageme broad in sexuality nt, based fund networking, raising research, TRN, PRV and CRE- SPT-TRT Solidarity Pawan 229, Kalitala Main NGO, REG Capacity building WB overall, other Individuals and Yes, as Full time ADV, BCC Continued Elton John Facilitated and Action Dhall, Road, Purbachal as Trust (in on HIV and eastern states of agencies senior STF - 10, developme leadership AIDS formation of Against The Country (North), Kolkata 700 Chennai) associated issues Bihar, Jharkhand, working with programme part time nt, and Foundation, MANAS HIV Director – 078 through Manipur, MSM, TG STF STF - 4, community programme London and Bangla and Infection in Programme Tel: 91 33 2484 information Meghalaya, people, PLHIV VOL and mobilization manageme several its initial India s & 4835, 2484 5002. E- dissemination, Nagaland, Orissa and other consultants -, knowledge nt skills, other Indian research (SAATHII), Developme mail: research, vulnerable 15 (Kolkata manageme broad and and fund Kolkata nt and [email protected] networking, populations Office) nt, based fund internationa raising Office Kolkata . Website: advocacy, training networking, raising l activities; Office and other research, government facilitated Director technical and TRN, PRV and non- formation of financial and CRE- government INFOSEM assistance for all SPT-TRT funding network; sectors involved bodies facilitated in HIV response NGOs in Orissa to start TIPs and CBOs for MSM and TG people; research and strategy developme nt on MSM and Hij

Swapnil Suman Burdwan. Tel: 91 CBO NK Burdwan district MSM and TG NK NK ADV, BCC Continued None NK Rudra, 99322 41373. E- people developme leadership Secretary mail: nt, and swapnil_burdwan@ community programme mobilization manageme , knowledge nt skills, manageme broad nt, based fund networking, raising research, TRN, PRV and CRE- SPT-TRT APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY MONGOLI A Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membership / Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person details agency activities / areas covered served leadership staff strength and skills needs support best services possessed received practices Youth for Mr. Bat Tele.: 976 11 NGO Participating the Mongolia Gay NK Management ADV, COU Advocacy, National NK Health Ulzii 351492, Fax: Advertisement Community Board-5, Head Communicati AIDS 976 11 of Condom, of the Center- on, Fund Foundation 351492, Become Peer 1, Executive raising, of Mongolia, E-mail : Educators with Director-1, Documentati HIV zaluus_eruul advanced Project on, PLHA Response mend@yaho trainings, Team Manager-2, Care and Program of, interviews Accountant-1, Support the Website: conduced by Information Mongolian Peer Educators, Media and Red Cross Participating Advertisement Society/Austr and Organising staff, Peer alian the report Educators, Out Government meeting of Peer reach workers Aus AID, Educators, and volunteers Global Fund, Participating of 25 people Together activities held in Center the Gay (NGO), community Journalists Association of Mongolia APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY NEPAL Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact details Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membership / Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person agency activities / areas served leadership staff strength and skills needs support best services covered possessed received practices Blue Sunil Babu Shiva Bhakti Marg CBO, REG ADV and human 16 districts in Metis and other Yes, as board Full time / part ADV, Qualitative DFID (through Pioneering Diamond Pant, No. 344, as Society rights Nepal (mainly TG people, members and time STF - 500 community data analysis, UNDP), FHI, support Society Director Khursanitar, campaigns, southern and MSM senior staff (among them mobilization, social audit Elton John AIDS agency for Lazimpat 2, community central 390 staff are CRE-SPT- programme Foundation, sexual Kathmandu. Tel: mobilization, regions) MSM or TG) TRT, SIDA, HIVOS, minorities in 97 71 444 3350. COU, DIC, HIV networking Royal Nepal, at Fax: 97 71 443 TST and CRE- Netherlands forefront of 8600. E-mail: SPT-TRT Embassy legal reform [email protected]. referrals, PRV campaigns in Website: (awareness the country in generation, relation to condom issues promotion), STI concerning referrals, TRN sexual minorities Blue Dev Pulcwhok-06, CBO, REG Drop In Center, Rajbiraj and MSM/TGSW NK Full time: Basic Capacity DFID/UNDP, Supported of Diamond Narayan Panitani Road, as Society Field Activities, surrounding Project Officer, Orientation Building and Nepal Citizenship for Society Chaudhary Rajbiraj, Saptary, Volunteer area of Health Training, Self Skill Third Gender (East Teari) (Devanand) Nepal Counseling, Saptary Assistance, Care and development (Their own Clinical Activities District DIC Supervisor, Treatment Training for Gender (STI Checkup), Field Training, MSM/MSW identity), Sensitization Supervisor, Nutrition and Third Success to Orientation/Awar Outreach Medication Gender, provided eness Raising Educator, Training, Harmon services for Campaign Office Cleaner, Sensitization Therapy, MSM/MSW related to Human Night Guard, Session, Vocation and other Rights Program Membership Local Stake Training for community Strength: Holders income member such MSM:2500 Meeting, generation, as : (Approximately) Ineraction Management Education, from 1st Program with Training such counseling, Nov.,07 to 31st DACC/DPHO, as- Office condom, lube, June.08, MSW: Street Drama, Management, Increased 652 Public Behaviour awareness (Approximately) Hearing, Change profram, from 1st Beauty Communicatio Many Nov.,07 to 3 Contest, n, Proposal MSM/MSW Festival Writing have skill Celebration, Training knowledge for Cultura co

Community Jaya Aryal, 14/122, NGO ADV, BCC Mohattari, Metis, MSM, NK NK ADV, COU, Fund raising USAID, Care NK Developme Executive Bhatbhateni, development, Dhanusa, FSWs, IDUs, BCC Nepal nt Project Director Kathmandu. Tel: COU, HIV TST Sarlahi, migrant workers, development 97 71 442 1800. and CRE-SPT- Siraha, youth, hotel and Fax: 97 71 442 TRT, PRV Saptari lodge workers 1800. Email: (awareness districts of [email protected] generation, eastern region condom of Nepal distribution), STI treatment, detoxification and rehabilitation of drug users Blue Sabina Neel Sadan, Near CBO, REG Drop In Center, Biratnagar Metis and other NK NK ADV, Qualitative NK Pioneering Diamond Sanjel Lord Buddha as Society Field Activities, TG people, community data analysis, support Society Academy, Volunteer MSM mobilization, social audit agency for Biratnagar, Ph.: Counseling, CRE-SPT- programme sexual 9803590395, Clinical Activities TRT, minorities in email: (STI Checkup), networking Nepal, at sabinasanjel@yah Sensitization forefront of Orientation/Awar legal reform eness Raising campaigns in Campaign the country in related to Human relation to Rights Program issues concerning sexual minorities

Blue Kumar Panitanki, Ward CBO, REG Drop In Center, Birgunj Metis and other NK NK ADV, Proposal NK Supported of Diamond Prasad No. 10, Naya as Society Field Activities, TG people, community writing Citizenship for Society Timilsina Basti, Birgunj, Volunteer MSM mobilization, training, Third Gender Parsa, Nepal, Ph.: Counseling, CRE-SPT- program (Their own 9841496229, Clinical Activities TRT, management Gender email: (STI Checkup), networking training, identity), kumar.timilsina@g Sensitization conflict control Success to Orientation/Awar training, self provided eness Raising sentence services for Campaign program skill MSM/MSW related to Human and other Rights Program community Blue Raju Lama Shangrila Hotel, CBO, REG Outreach and Dhangadi Metis and other NK NK ADV, Proposal NK Supported of Diamond 2nd Floor, LN as Society peer TG people, community writing Citizenship for Society Chowk, mobilizations for MSM mobilization, training, Third Gender Nagarpalika Road, preventions of CRE-SPT- program (Their own Dhangadi HIV/AIDS, TRT, management Gender Advocacy and networking training, identity), Human Rights, conflict control Success to Free of cost STI training, self provided check-up and sentence services for VCT service, program skill MSM/MSW DIC service for and other MSM and MSWs community and TG and as well as TSW community

Cruiseaids Sanjib Subarna Shamshe CBO, REG Outreach and Kathmandu, MSM and MSW NK Full time: 1 TOT, BOT Proposal B.D.S., UNDP Board Nepal Gurang Marga, Balauwater-as Society peer Patan, regional project Training VCT, writing and DFID member are 2 mobilizations for Bhaktapur coordinator, 1 Capacity build training, also from preventions of field officer, 1 up training, program community HIV/AIDS, DIC manager, 1 Advocacy and management and 98% staff Advocacy and finance officer, leadership training, were also Human Rights, 3 medical team training, mid conflict control from Free of cost STI (Lab Doctor), level training, self community check-up and 11 ORE, 1 management sentence that why we VCT service, night guard, 1 training, sex program skill can get DIC service for cleaner, Part gender and achieved our MSM and MSWs time: 20 peer sexuality target in HIV and TG and as Master prevention well as TSW training, program as community Sensitization well as in also program with human right other skate and positive holder change in our partners and society about society homosexual members like and lowers, transgender Human Rig issue Mono Padam K. Si. Na. Pa.-8, CBO, REG Networking, Middle Tarai MSMs, MSWs, NK Full time: 20, ADV, Skills develop UNDP/DFID Supported of Supporting Niraula Bank Colony, as Society Outreach/Peer reason of TGs, Third Part time: 20, community for Proposal Citizenship for Maple Bhairahawa, Education, Nepal (Mainly Genders, Gay, Voluntry: 2 mobilization, writing, Third Gender Group Rupandehi, Nepal, DIC/STI/VCT/Hot Rupandehi, Lesbians, CRE-SPT- Training (Their own Ph.: 0977 71 line Services, Kapilbastu, Bisexuals, TRT, related Gender 524862 Advocacy and Nawalparasi, Intersexual (all networking capasity build identity), Psychosexual etc.) type of sexual up for staff. Success to Counselling minorities) provided services for MSM/MSW and other community

Naulo Krihna Milantole - 10/128, CBO, REG Community Primarily Estimated NK Staff Strength: Knowledge on Project DFID through Awareness Bihani- Prasad Kaski District, as Society Sensitization and Kaski district 15,000 LGBTI Full time: 20, Sexual health, Proposal and UNDP/PMU, Raising, Pokhara Adhikari Pokhara, Nepal, Awareness, (Pokhara) and Part time: 21, issues of report writing LTA Programme Information Ph.: +977-61- Local Advovcacy recently Voluntry: 0, LGBTI, Needs training, Sharing, 622230/523933, E- on HIV & AIDS Western Membership of HIV and Project design, Outreach and mail: and issues of Region of Strength: 100 AIDS monitoring and Peer naulobihani@gmai sexual Nepal (from intervention evaluation education, minorities, Peer Nov. 2007) programme training, Monthly Basic education and for Sexual health Orientation, outreach, VCT MSM/MSWs and human Regular local and STI Clinic and their rights advocacy on services, clients, To (Advocacy) inclusion of Information some extent training, sexual and collection, project Organizational gender dissemination handeling, (CBO) minorities and counseliing management management issues, to MSM/MSWs and training institutional through Drop In coordination development Center, Care with local stakeholders, Advocacy and Networking on LGBTIs issues with Human Sanjay Itahari-4, Triveni CBO, REG An HIV/AIDS Eastern LGBTI NK Membership Strong Training of DFID/UNDP 3 members of Welfare Sharma Chowk, Itahari, as Society and Human region of strength : 200 Networking, proposal this Society (near nursing Rights Nepal (16 Program writing, organisation campus), sunsari, districts) management/ Capacity were Nepal Implementatio building participated in n skills, training, the CA Availability of Training on election held Technical Monitoring, on April 2008, staffs, evaluation and Able to send infrastructure supervision of the first gay and Human projects, representative Resources Training of in the Psychosocial constitutent counselling, Assembly of Training on Nepal, Able to sexuality and form the first gender, registered Human Rights committee of Training, lesbian in Outreach and eastern peer education region of Training, Nepal, Nat Parichaya Umesh Sanepa, Dokatol, CBO, REG Drop In Center, Lalitpur and MSM/TGSW NK Full time: Basic Capacity DFID/UNDP, Supported to Samaj Shrestha Lalitpur, Nepal as Society Volunteer surrounding Project Officer, Orientation Building Nepal make Third Counseling area of Admin/Finance Training, Training for Gender Testing, Sexual Kathmandu Officer, DIC Information Third Gender Citizenship Transmitted Supervisor, Sharing Sex worker, with their own Infection, LAB VCT Session, Life Skills identity, Service, Counselor, LAB Awareness Training, Success to Sensitization/Aw Assistant, Field Raising Vocational provide areness Raising Supervisor, Campaign, Training for services for Campaign Outreach Sensitization income community related to Human Educator's, Session, generation, friends, Rights Office Cleaner Local Stake Informal Success to and Night Holders Education demonstrate Guard Meeting, the street Interaction drama, Self Program with capacity build DACC/DPHO, up to identify Media our own Campaign sexuality, Success to bring member of District Healt Sahayatri Kumar Panitanki-15, CBO, REG Community and Parsa District MSMs/MSWs NK Full time: 13, More than 25 Training for DFID/UNDP/BD Sex positive Samaj Prasad Birgunj, Parsa, as Society Awareness, and and Part time: 15, staff trained staff who S approach, Timilsina Nepal Advocacy/IEC, surrounding Transgender Membership different conduct HIV empowerment Peer Education (LGBTI Sexual Strength: 7 capacity Testing, Case system to and Outreach Health) development management, community education, training issue Harm envolvement Information and of MSMs and reduction & system, Team Counselling, MSWs Behavioural sprit among Capacity HIV/AIDS/STI Counselling all staff, development of , Safer sex Trainings, Envolvement community, DIC, practice, 3 Overview of of community, VCT and STI staff had VCT HIV Trainiings, Review, service training from Specialized Reflection reputed Trainings, and planning training Training of meeting institute, (1) Trainers regularly of staff had STI Program, HIV works, management Testing and Confidentiality Training, (2) Policy, HIV of HIV/AIDS staff had mid Treatment, and STI case level manager Board Member works, tr Trainings Networking

Sunaulo Pradep Ramanda Chowk, CBO, REG Drop In Center, Janakpur Metis and other NK NK ADV, Proposal NK Bihani Kumar Janakpur, Ph.: 041 as Society Volunteer TG people, community writing 527290, email: Counseling MSM mobilization, training, [email protected] Testing, Sexual CRE-SPT- program m Transmitted TRT, management Infection, LAB networking training, Service, conflict control Sensitization/Aw training, self areness Raising sentence Campaign program skill related to Human Rights Western Sudeep Bhrikuti Nagar-13, CBO, REG Drop In Center, Nepalganj Metis and other NK NK ADV, Proposal NK Supported of Star Kumar House No.4, as Society Volunteer TG people, community writing Citizenship for Bhatta Banke Bheri, Counseling MSM mobilization, training, Third Gender Nepalganj, Ph.: Testing, Sexual CRE-SPT- program (Their own 081 521489, Transmitted TRT, management Gender email: Infection, LAB networking training, identity), western.starnepal Service, conflict control Success to [email protected] Sensitization/Aw training, self provided areness Raising sentence services for Campaign program skill MSM/MSW related to Human and other Rights community APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY PAKISTAN Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact details Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membership Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person agency activities / areas covered served leadership / staff and skills needs support best services strength possessed received practices Aseer Dr. Khalida H # 410 / A-1 NGO, RRG ADV, HIV TST Multan district, Zenanas and NK Full time / ADV, HIV Reducing FHI, USAID Foundation Bajwa, Township, Lahore. as Society and CRE-SPT- Punjab province their male part time STF basics stigma Executive Tel: 92 42 511 TRT referrals, sexual partners - 35, VOL - against TG Director 9583, 92 30045 PRV (Giriyas) 350 people 02913. E-mail: drbajwa@aseerfou, info@aseerfoundat Website: www.aseerfoundati

AIDS Dr. Haji 21-S/6, NGO ADV, COU, Lahore, Kasur, Zenanas, MSM, NK Full time STF ADV, COU, Fund NK Prevention Muhammad Gurumangat, HIV TST and Okara districts, FSWs, IDUs, - 20 networking raising, Association Hanif, Gulberg III, CRE-SPT- Punjab province youth infrastructur of Pakistan General Lahore. Tel: 92 42 TRT referrals, e Secretary 587 7216, 753 PRV developme 2542. E-mail: (awareness nt [email protected] generation, om, condom drhajihanif@yahoo distribution), .com STI referrals, detoxification and rehabilitation of drug users

DARE Syed Qamar- F-23, Wahdat NGO PRV Quetta district, TG people, NK Full time STF-NK NK UNDP Society for ud-Din Colony, Quetta. (awareness Balochistan transvestites, 4, VOL - 27 Health Care Tel: 92 81 838 generation) province youth (including 222, 92 33378 adolescents) 03577. Fax: 92 81 838 222. E-mail: dares_intl@yahoo. com, [email protected]. Dost Welfare Dr. Parveen H8, Sector B-2, NGO, REG ADV, COU, All districts of TG people, NK Full time / Communicatio Fund Canadian Foundation Azam Khan, Phase 5, HIV TST and North-West MSM, FSWs, part time STF n skills, raising, High President and Hayatabad, CRE-SPT- Frontier Province, IDUs, prison - 60 networking, programme Commissio Chief Peshawar. Tel: 92 TRT, PRV Quetta district of inmates (male reaearch manageme n, Catholic Executive 91 814 181, 812 (awareness Balochistan district and female), nt Relief 218. Fax: 92 91 generation, children and Services, 814 181. E-mail: condom adolescents DAYTOP [email protected]. promotion), Internationa pk, STI referrals, l, DFID, [email protected]. detoxification European Website: and Union, www.dost.sdnpk.or rehabilitation GTZ, g of drug users, Kaleidosco research pe, Netherlands and Norway government s, ORA Internationa l, Penal Reform Internationa l, UNODC, UNICEF, United Nations High Commissio n for Refugee Health Dr. Nek Center of NGO ADV, COU, Bannu district, TG people, NK Full time / HIV basics Fund European Orientation of Nawaz, Academics, HIV TST and North-West MSM, FSWs, part time STF raising Union, Social Help Chairman Outside Miryan CRE-SPT- Frontier province IDUs, gypsies, - 21 UNAIDS Gate, Bannu, TRT referrals, homeless Fatah Khel. Tel: 92 PRV people, migrant 928 611 184. Fax: (awareness workers, youth 92 928 613 555. E- generation, mail: condom [email protected] promotion), STI referrals, detoxification and rehabilitation of drug users

Marie Brother J. M. 253 Catholic NGO PRV, HIV Karachi city, Sindh TG people, NK Full time STF HIV/AIDS in- NK AUSAID, Adelaide Norman, Colony #1, Near TST, CRE- province MSM, FSWs, - 30 depth DFID, Rehabilitatio Director Khurasan, SPT-TRT IDUs, homeless knowledge Friends of n Program Numaish, Karachi people, migrant Brother 74800. Tel: 92 21 workers, youth Norman, 721 6787, 263 USA and La 6734. E-mail: Salla [email protected] Brothers om, [email protected] om

Pakistan Dr. Saleem C-15, Block-12, NGO HIV TST and Sindh province TG people, NK Full time / HIV/AIDS in- Fund UN Society Azam, Federal ‘B’ Area, CRE-SPT- (urban areas) MSM, FSWs, part time STF depth raising agencies, President; Dr. Karachi 75950. TRT IDUs, homeless - 120 knowledge CIDA Maria Kazmi Tel: 92 21 634 people, migrant 4644, 680 4708. workers, youth Fax: 92 21 634 3810. E-mail: [email protected], drmariakazmi@ya Vision Tahir Khilji 140-B Model NGO, RRG ADV, BCC Lahore city, Punjab Zenanas, MSM NK NK ADV, COU, NK NK Mapping and Town, Lahore. Tel as Society development province networking, situational 92 42 585 3740. E- (audio-visual BCC assessment mail: material), development of MSM and info@visionpakista COU, HIV TG people in, TST and CRE- Lahore; [email protected] SPT-TRT developing .pk, referrals, PRV outreach and [email protected] (awareness counselling m. Website: generation, protocols in www.visionpakista condom Urdu for promotion), MSM and STI referrals, Zenanas; research, production of COU and films on TG outreach people protocol "Listen to the development Voice" and "Madhu the Mystic" APCOM SOUTH ASIA MSM MAPPING STUDY SRI LANKA Agency Contact information Profile of agency Readiness for HIV/AIDS work name Contact Contact details Nature of HIV/AIDS Geographical Populations TG Membership / Knowledge Training Funding Milestones / person agency activities / areas covered served leadership staff strength and skills needs support best services possessed received practices Alliance Swarna 33/D, Ceylinco NGO, REG ADV, COU, HIV Sri Lanka overall TG people, NK Full time STF - ADV, COU Fund UN Lanka Kodagoda, Nivasa, as Society TST and CRE- FSWs, migrant 10 raising, agencies, Executive Santhanampitiya SPT-TRT workers, youth programme World Bank Director Road, referrals, PRV planning Embuldeniya, (awareness and Nugegoda, generation, manageme Colombo. Tel: 94 condom nt 11 567 9582, 283 distribution), STI 3908. Fax: 94 11 referrals 283 3908. E-mail: [email protected]. net, swarna.kodagoda Website: www.alliancelanka. org

Companions Sagara 21B, CBO, REG ADV, human Anuradhapura, TG people, No Full time STF - ADV Peer NK Pioneering on a Journey Palihawadane Subhaddrarama as Society rights campaigns, Colombo, MSWs, MSM, 8, VOL - 36 educator support Avenue, COU, HIV TST Kandy, other sexual training, agency for Nugegoda. Tel: 94 and CRE-SPT- Kurunagala and minorities outreach, sexual 11 485 1535. Fax: TRT referrals, other districts baseline minorities in 94 11 276 8036. E- PRV, STI surveys Sri Lanka mail: [email protected] referrals, TRN

Equal NK 20/1A Kassapa NGO ADV, PRV NK TG people and NK NK ADV NK NK Ground Road, Colombo 05. (awareness other sexual Tel: 94 11 567 generation) minorities 9766, 250 3977. Fax: 94 11 250 7746. E-mail: equalground@gma Website: www.equal-