AMSTATNEWS the Membership Magazine of the American Statistical Association •

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AMSTATNEWS the Membership Magazine of the American Statistical Association • December 2017 • Issue #486 AMSTATNEWS The Membership Magazine of the American Statistical Association • SHARED WISDOM at the Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference ALSO: Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Data Science and Analytics JSM 2018: Contribute to the Program Prepare your students for a data-driven world. Learn more MSS_18_PrintAd.innd 1 5/16/2017 11:12:36 PM AMSTATNEWS DECEMBER 2017 • ISSUE #486 Executive Director Ron Wasserstein: [email protected] Associate Executive Director and Director of Operations features Stephen Porzio: [email protected] 3 President’s Corner Director of Science Policy Steve Pierson: [email protected] 5 Student Applications Wanted for ASA/AAAS Mass Media Fellowship Director of Strategic Initiatives and Outreach Donna LaLonde: [email protected] 5 Applications Sought for ASA Science Policy Fellowships Director of Education 6 2017 NESSIS Features Retrodictive Modeling, Rebecca Nichols: [email protected] Shot Taxonomy, Randomness Managing Editor 7 Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Data Science Megan Murphy: [email protected] and Analytics Production Coordinators/Graphic Designers Sara Davidson: [email protected] Megan Ruyle: [email protected] Publications Coordinator Val Nirala: [email protected] Advertising Manager Claudine Donovan: [email protected] Contributing Staff Members Amanda Conageski • Lara Harmon • Rebecca Nichols Amstat News welcomes news items and letters from readers on matters of interest to the association and the profession. Address correspondence to Managing Editor, Amstat News, American Statistical Association, 732 North Washington Street, Alexandria VA 22314-1943 USA, or email amstat@ Items must be received by the first day of the preceding month to ensure appearance in the next issue (for example, June 1 for the July issue). Material can be sent as a Microsoft Word document, PDF, or within an email. Articles will be edited for space. Accompanying artwork will be accepted What Does Doug Splitstone Like to Do When He in graphics file formats only (.jpg, etc.), minimum 300 dpi. No material in WordPerfect will be accepted. Is Not Being a Statistician? Page 16 Amstat News (ISSN 0163-9617) is published monthly by the American Statistical Association, 732 North Washington Street, Alexandria VA 22314- 1943 USA. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Amstat News, 732 North Washington Street, Alexandria VA 22314-1943 USA. Send Canadian address changes to APC, PO Box 503, RPO West Beaver Creek, Rich Hill, ON L4B 4R6. Annual subscriptions are $50 per year for nonmembers. Amstat News is the member publication of the ASA. For annual membership rates, see or contact ASA Member Services at (888) 231-3473. columns American Statistical Association 732 North Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314–1943 USA 16 PASTIMES OF STATISTICIANS (703) 684–1221 What Does Doug Splitstone Like to Do When He Is ASA GENERAL: [email protected] Not Being a Statistician? ADDRESS CHANGES: [email protected] AMSTAT EDITORIAL: [email protected] This column focuses on what statisticians do when they are not being stat- ADVERTISING: [email protected] isticians. If you would like to share your pastime with readers, please email WEBSITE: Megan Murphy, Amstat News managing editor, at [email protected]. Printed in USA © 2017 American Statistical Association 17 STATtr@k How to Write an Effective Cover Letter and Résumé STATtr@k is a column in Amstat News and a website geared toward people ® who are in a statistics program, recently graduated from a statistics program, or recently entered the job world. To read more articles like this one, visit the The American Statistical Association is the world’s largest website at If you have suggestions for future arti- community of statisticians. The ASA supports excellence in cles, or would like to submit an article, please email Megan Murphy, Amstat the development, application, and dissemination of statistical News managing editor, at [email protected]. science through meetings, publications, membership services, education, accreditation, and advocacy. Our members serve in industry, government, and academia in more than 90 countries, advancing research and promoting sound statistical practice to inform public policy and improve human welfare. We Want Your Feedback! departments 19 education 2018 Internships Educational Ambassadors from Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam Sought 28 meetings JSM 2018: Contribute to the Program Tell Us! How Are We Doing? What I Learned at the Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference We believe it’s important to check in Asian Initiative Workshop Concludes with from time to time to see how we’re Sage Advice doing, where we’re excelling, and what areas need improvement. We invite you to provide feedback about your experience using the ASA website, www. Participation is voluntary and anonymous, and the survey should take you no longer than two minutes. Please visit to participate. Tag Yourself! omenom in Statisticsen andin Data Science—Page 30 conference Statistics and Data Science October 19-21, 2017 Share WISDOM: Women In Statistics, Data science, and -OMics Throughout the Women in Statistics and Data member news Science Conference (WSDS), we asked attend- 34 Awards and Deadlines ees to describe in a word or two—or 12—what 37 People News WSDS means to them. Visit the ASA’s Facebook page at to view all the 38 Section • Chapter • Committee News photos. Take a look, and please tag yourself! 40 Professional Opportunities Join Us! Follow us on Twitter Join us in Charleston for the International Conference on Health Policy Statistics: Join the ASA Community Registration open now! Read more in the Amstat News December issue online at http:// Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram president's corner Goofs, Gratitude, Headway, and HEROES s a native New Yorker, I sometimes think of Barry D. Nussbaum Ed Koch, the former three-term mayor who would stand at street corners and ask in his Aclassic Bronx accent, “How’m I doin’?” I wonder if any of today’s politicians would be so bold as to ask that. But here, in my last President’s Corner, I want to answer how we are doing. I suggested three initiatives. The communica- tions initiative centered on my oft-repeated mantra, “It’s not what we said, it’s not what they heard, it’s what they say they heard.” We teamed up with the Stats + Stories group at Miami University. Started in 2013, this is a collaboration between statisticians and journalists producing podcasts that give the sta- tistics behind the stories and the stories behind the statistics. With the new ASA assistance, a quality solution for having guests participate remotely via Skype now exists. Further, the programming has been augmented with five-minute episodes called Stats + [short] Stories. This partnership will con- tinue affording ASA members the opportunity to David Morganstein engages the fastest-growing seg- both be guests and suggest topics of interest. ment of the statistics community: the Asian statistician. Our youth initiative has the goal of presenting interesting subjects using statistics to middle-school for statistics and data science. We anticipate the “open youngsters. The aim is to let these youngsters have house” will be announced in early spring 2018. fun while learning about statistics. This is the ASA’s As you can see, thanks to ASA Director of counterpart to the Museum of Mathematics, but Strategic Initiatives and Outreach Donna LaLonde’s will be a virtual space called the House of Statistics. lead, both the communications initiative and the Game-based learning, videos, and educational car- youth initiative are making great progress. toons developed by our collaborators at Laber Labs The third initiative involves engaging the fast- will be available in the House of Statistics. There est-growing segment of the statistics community: will be opportunities for learners of all ages to the Asian statistician. We launched a task force of engage in data challenges. members of the International Chinese Statistical In addition to housing valuable educational Association, International Indian Statistical resources and assisting career exploration, the Association, and Korean International Statistical House of Statistics will be a resource for ASA mem- Society. This task force, under the excellent leader- bers engaging in outreach. ship of David Morganstein, examined some of the The House of Statistics will also host virtual ses- specific needs of this group. Among the concrete sions with ASA members as they share their passion results was a career session at JSM devoted solely december 2017 amstat news 3 to young Asian statisticians. While we worried about The professional staff of the ASA were a joy to the attendance on early Sunday morning of JSM, it work with. They do a heck of a lot more than just was a true joy that we had to contact the hotel staff to “minding the store.” They run meetings, coordinate get extra chairs for the standing-room only attendees. chapters, handle finances, distribute communica- I am most concerned that these initiatives not tions and publications, maintain an active policy be called Barry’s initiatives, but rather regarded as voice, support continuing education, develop inno- important ASA programs. So, let’s continue with vative programs, and maintain an online presence. these efforts. They do all this collaboratively, with professional- ism and enthusiasm. My sincere thanks go to Ron Goofs Wasserstein and his entire staff. Somehow, they I have enjoyed writing my musings each month always were there for me and never complained in this column. Naturally, I have wondered who when I bothered them, which I am sure occurred at reads it.
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