Automatic Membership Renewal Now Available
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Automatic Membership Renewal Now Available Sign Up for Automatic Membership Renewal • Save time — Lessen your to-do list • Go green — Eliminate paper invoices and their impact on the environment • Uninterrupted membership — Never miss an issue of The Journal of Neuroscience or any of your valuable member benefits • Bonus Day — Ensure access to your choice of prime housing for the annual meeting before the opening of advance member registration • Support the field — Know your dues enhance professional development initiatives, public outreach, advocacy, and more Sign up through “My SfN” at Neuronline is SfN's Explore and discuss content featuring the most relevant topics in members-only neuroscience, created and curated by SfN programs and partners. home for learning Videos | Webinars | Articles | Podcasts Interviews | Discussion | Live Chats and discussion. Discuss the latest field news. Network year-round with nearly 40,000 members worldwide. Seek advice from colleagues at all careers stages and paths. Don’t wait to advance your career. Advocacy | Outreach | Mentoring Visit Neuronline today. Networking | Scientific Research Work/Life Balance | Funding Interviewing | Diversity | Job Options THE HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE LIVES AND DISCOVERIES OF EMINENT SENIOR NEUROSCIENTISTS CAPTURED IN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS AND VIDEOS The History of Neuroscience in Autobiographical Video Autobiography Series (Available in DVD Format) Edited by Larry R. Squire PBS personality Richard Thomas inter- Outstanding neuroscientists tell the stories of views eminent senior neuroscientists who their scientific work in this fascinating series of reflect upon their lives, their dreams, and autobiographical essays. Within their writings, their work, and share their insights on they discuss major events that shaped their dis- what’s ahead in the field of neuroscience. coveries and their influences, as well as people who inspired them and helped shape their careers as neuroscientists. SfN’S HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY VIDEO AND BOOK COLLECTIONS ARE FREELY AVAILABLE AT SFN.ORG/HISTORY THE HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE LIVES AND DISCOVERIES OF EMINENT SENIOR NEUROSCIENTISTS CAPTURED IN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS AND VIDEOS The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography Series Edited by Larry R. Squire Outstanding neuroscientists tell the stories of their scientific work in this fascinating series of autobiographical essays. Within their writings, they discuss major events that shaped their discoveries and their influences, as well as people who inspired them and helped shape their careers as neuroscientists. The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 1 The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 4 Denise Albe-Fessard, Julius Axelrod, Peter O. Bishop, Per Andersen, Mary Bunge, Jan Bures, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Theodore H. Bullock, Irving T. Diamond, Robert Galambos, John Dowling, Oleh Hornykiewicz, Andrew Huxley, Jac Sue Viktor Hamburger, Sir Alan L. Hodgkin, David H. Hubel, Kehoe, Ed Kravitz, James McGaugh, Randolf Menzel, Mircea Herbert H. Jasper, Sir Bernard Katz, Seymour S. Kety, Benjamin Steriade, Richard Thompson, W. Maxwell Cowan (completed Libet, Louis Sokoloff, James M. Sprague, Curt von Euler, John by Brent Stanfield). Z. Young. OUT OF PRINT The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 5 The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 2 Samuel H. Barondes, Joseph E. Bogen (completed by Lloyd M. Beidler, Arvid Carlsson, Donald R. Griffin, Meriel Bogen Stern), Alan Cowey, David R. Curtis, Roger Guillemin, Ray Guillery, Masao Ito, Martin G. Larrabee, Ennio De Renzi, John S. Edwards, Mitchell Glickstein, Carlton Jerome Lettvin, Paul D. MacLean, Brenda Milner, Karl H. C. Hunt, Lynn T. Landmesser, Rodolfo R. Llinás, Alan Peters, Pribram, Eugene Roberts, Gunther Stent. Martin Raff, Wilfrid Rall, Mark R. Rosenzweig, Arnold B. Scheibel, Gerald Westheimer. The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 3 Morri H. Aprison, Brian B. Boycott, Vernon B. Brooks, Pierre The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Vol. 6 Buser, Hsiang-Tung Chang, Augusto Claudio Guillermo Cuello, Bernard W. Agranoff, Emilio Bizzi, Marian Cleeves Diamond, Robert W. Doty, Bernice Grafstein, Ainsley Iggo, Jennifer S. Charles G. Gross, Richard Held, Leslie L. Iversen, Masakazu Lund, Patrick L. McGeer and Edith Graef McGreer, Edward R. Konishi, Lawrence Kruger, Susan E. Leeman, Vernon B. Perl, Donald B. Tower, Patrick D. Wall, Wally Welker. Mountcastle, Shigetada Nakanishi, Solomon H. Snyder, Nobuo Suga, and Hans Thoenen. Vol. 6 available for purchase at Autobiographical Video (Available in DVD Format) PBS personality Richard Thomas interviews eminent senior neuroscientists who reflect upon their lives, their dreams, and their work, and share their insights on what’s ahead in the field of neuroscience. Julius Axelrod/Theodore H. Bullock Seymour Benzer/Horace Barlow Sydney Brenner/Gerald Fischbach Viktor Hamburger/ Masakazu Konishi/Mortimer Mishkin Michael Posner/William Dement Rita Levi-Montalcini Herbert Jasper/Brenda Milner Nicole Le Douarin/Arvid Carlsson Seymour S. Kety/Louis Sokoloff David Hubel/Torsten Wiesel Edward Kravitz/Peter Marler Robert Galambos/Vernon Mountcastle Max Cowan/Francis Crick Eric Kandel/Paul Greengard Gunther Stent/Gerald Edelman SfN’S HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY VIDEO AND BOOK COLLECTIONS ARE FREELY AVAILABLE AT SFN.ORG/HISTORY Submit Your Research Committed to Excellence, Rigor, and Breadth eNeuro has joined JNeurosci in the PubMed Central database. 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Automatic Membership Renewal Now Available Sign Up for Automatic Membership Renewal • Save time — Lessen your to-do list • Go green — Eliminate paper invoices and their impact on the environment • Uninterrupted membership — Never miss an issue of The Journal of Neuroscience or any of your valuable member benefits • Bonus Day — Ensure access to your choice of prime housing for the annual meeting before the opening of advance member registration • Support the field — Know your dues enhance professional development initiatives, public outreach, advocacy, and more Sign up through “My SfN” at Share the wonders of the brain and mind with A PUBLIC INFORMATION INITIATIVE OF: Seeking resources to communicate with the public about neuroscience? Educating others through Brain Awareness activities? can help you communicate how the brain works. Explore for easy-to-use, accessible resources including: s Information about hundreds of diseases and disorders s Concepts about brain function s Educational tools s Multimedia tools and a social media community s Interviews and discussions with leading researchers; and more Visit SfN’S ONLINE CAREER CENTER Career Center Saturday, Nov. 12–Tuesday, Nov. 15, 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m. The premier resource for Neuroscience Jobs, Access tools for posting jobs, searching resumes, scheduling interviews, connecting with employers, and message services. THE HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE LIVES AND DISCOVERIES OF EMINENT SENIOR NEUROSCIENTISTS CAPTURED IN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS AND VIDEOS The History of Neuroscience in Autobiographical Video Autobiography Series (Available in DVD Format) Edited by Larry R. Squire PBS personality Richard Thomas inter- Outstanding neuroscientists tell the stories of views eminent senior neuroscientists who their scientific work in this fascinating series of reflect upon their lives, their dreams, and autobiographical essays. Within their writings, their work, and share their insights on they discuss major events that shaped their dis- what’s ahead in the field of neuroscience. coveries and their influences, as well as people who inspired them and helped shape their careers as neuroscientists. SfN’S HISTORY OF NEUROSCIENCE IN AUTOBIOGRAPHY VIDEO AND BOOK COLLECTIONS ARE FREELY AVAILABLE AT SFN.ORG/HISTORY SUPPORT NEUROSCIENCE WITH A GIFT TO THE FRIENDS OF SfN FUND As the field’s leading professional organization, SfN promotes the importance of neuroscience and strengthens the field worldwide. Donations to the Friends of SfN Fund support ongoing and new global efforts that: • Create opportunities to share research with scientists around the world • Provide resources and professional development for every career stage • Promote public awareness and engagement with neuroscience • Advocate for funding and policies that support health and science Visit or contact [email protected] / 202-962-4057 to learn more about supporting SfN. Society for Neuroscience is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service and donations are tax-deductible. .