Varicose Stripping Varicose are distended, visible superficial veins on the legs. This is caused by faulty valves in the veins. Varicose vein stripping is done to remove any part of the superficial veins that may have the faulty valves. The operation either strips a long part of vein or removes smaller parts of the vein. It is an outpatient procedure. The following instructions are to help you with care after the operation.

Incisional Care ● There are multiple layers of dressings over your incision. There are steri-strips (strips of white tape) over your incision. They are covered with white gauze dressings and then, covered by an pinkish ace wrap. ● Two days after the operation take off the ace wraps and gauze dressings. Do not remove the steri strips. ● Take sponge baths for the first 2 days. You may shower after all the wraps and dressings are off. Do not soak the incision under water, like bathing or swimming, for 7-10 days. ● If your operation involved a tying off the saphenous vein in the groin area, then you will have a sep- arate incision there with its own dressing. This dressing is usually a clear waterproof plastic dress- ing, with a piece of Telfa (white pad) over steri-strips. Two days after take off the plastic outer dressing and the Telfa and leave the steri-strips in place. ● You may have bruising and it may be minimal or extensive depending on the extent of your opera- tion. You may notice a small amount of blood oozing around the steri-strips when you first remove the dressing. This is normal and will stop by itself.

Activity ● You should limit your activity for the first several days. ➤ Day 1: You may walk around the house. Keep your legs up when you are not walking. This will decrease swelling and discomfort. Do not stay on complete bedrest because it may increase the chance for blood clots. ➤ Day 2-5: Gradually increase your walking and activity. Keep your legs up when you are sitting.

* Call your surgeon if you notice that any changes in your incision that may point to : redness, swelling or severe leg pain, persistent oozing, foul odor, temperature greater than 100, chills or sweats.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call your surgeon at the UCSF Vascular Center at 415-353-2357. SDSUR0285 • Rev. 01/04