Holsteiner Stallions 2018 CONTENT
HOLSTEINER2018 STALLIONS holsteiner CHARACTER. CHARISMA. CLASS. INTRODUCTION DEAR BREEDERS, The vast majority of Holsteiner breeders aim to produce horses A pilot scheme meant to assist the breeders in their deci- with an aptitude for jumping. In particular a breeding stallion’s sion-making process which stallion to breed to their mares will worth lies not alone in his conformation, his movement, and be established in 2018. A group of experts will be available his jumping ability, but also in his intelligence, willingness to to the breeders all over Schleswig-Holstein. Please contact perform, balanced temper, learning aptitude, and soundness one of these experts when your mare has given birth, and you - essential qualities for successful sport horses and breeding want the foal to be inspected to help you decide on the most stock. The eye symbolizes these essential qualities in a horse. suitable stallion for the mare to be bred to next. Our expert is going to visit your stable and provide you with impartial Also this year, the cover of this brochure conveys a certain advice geared to bring about the best possible produce. The imagery. A breeding stallion’s worth lies not alone in his con- service is only available across the Schleswig-Holstein core formation, his movement, and his jumping ability, but also breeding area as we are trying to gain experience first. For in his intelligence, willingness to perform, balanced temper, more information please see page 50/51. learning aptitude, and soundness, essential qualities for a sport horse symbolized by the eye which is considered an Another new approach involves the modification of stud fees unfailing mirror of a horse’s personality.
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