June 28, 2021 Holly Kaloz Ohio Environmental Protection Agency DAPC Lazarus Government Center P.O. Box 1049 Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049 Submitted via email to:
[email protected] Re: Conservation Organizations Comments on Ohio’s Proposed Regional Haze State Implementation Plan for the Second Implementation Period Dear Ms. Kaloz: The National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, Coalition to Protect America’s National Parks, and Ohio Environmental Council (“Conservation Organizations”) submit the following and attached comments regarding the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s (“OEPA”) Regional Haze State Implementation Plan for the Second Implementation Period.1 The Conservation Organizations appreciate the short extension granted to the public comment period. National Parks Conservation Association (“NPCA”) is a national organization whose mission is to protect and enhance America's National Parks for present and future generations. NPCA performs its work through advocacy and education. NPCA has over 1.4 million members and supporters nationwide with its main office in Washington, D.C. and 24 regional and field 1 The attachment comments include, “A Review of the Ohio Regional Haze State Implementation Plan,” which was prepared for NPCA and Sierra Club by Joe Kordzi (June 2021) (Enclosure 1, “Kordzi Report”). Mr. Kordzi is an independent air quality consultant and engineer with extensive experience in the regional haze program. 1 offices. NPCA is active nation-wide in advocating for strong air quality requirements to protect our parks, including submission of petitions and comments relating to visibility issues, regional haze State Implementation Plans, global warming and mercury impacts on parks, and emissions from individual power plants and other sources of pollution affecting National Parks and communities.