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China Thailand Laos MYANMAR IDP Sites in Shan State As of 31 July 2021 BHUTAN INDIA CHINA BANGLADESH MYANMAR Nay Pyi Taw LAOS KACHIN THAILAND CHINA List of IDP Sites In nothern Shan No. State Township IDP Site IDPs 1 Hseni Nam Sa Larp 267 2 Hsipaw Man Kaung/Naung Ti Kyar Village 120 3 Bang Yang Hka (Mung Ji Pa) 162 4 Galeng (Palaung) & Kone Khem 525 5 Galeng Zup Awng ward 5 RC 134 6 Hu Hku & Ho Hko 131 SAGAING Man Yin 7 Kutkai downtown (KBC Church) 245 Man Pying Loi Jon 8 Kutkai downtown (KBC Church-2) 155 Man Nar Pu Wan Chin Mu Lin Huong Aik 9 Mai Yu Lay New (Ta'ang) 398 Yi Hku La Shat Lum In 22 Nam Har 10 Kutkai Man Loi 84 Ngar Oe Shwe Kyaung Kone 11 Mine Yu Lay village ( Old) 264 Muse Nam Kut Char Lu Keng Aik Hpan 12 Mung Hawm 170 Nawng Mo Nam Kat Ho Pawt Man Hin 13 Nam Hpak Ka Mare 250 35 ☇ Konkyan 14 Nam Hpak Ka Ta'ang ( Aung Tha Pyay) 164 Chaung Wa 33 Wein Hpai Man Jat Shwe Ku Keng Kun Taw Pang Gum Nam Ngu Muse Man Mei ☇ Man Ton 15 New Pang Ku 688 Long Gam 36 Man Sum 16 Northern Pan Law 223 Thar Pyauk ☇ 34 Namhkan Lu Swe ☇ 26 Kyu Pat 12 KonkyanTar Shan Loi Mun 17 Shan Zup Aung Camp 1,084 25 Man Set Au Myar Ton Bar 18 His Aw (Chyu Fan) 830 Yae Le Man Pwe Len Lai Shauk Lu Chan Laukkaing 27 Hsi Hsar 19 Shwe Sin (Ward 3) 170 24 Tee Ma Hsin Keng Pang Mawng Hsa Ka 20 Mandung - Jinghpaw 147 Pwe Za Meik Nar Hpai Nyo Chan Yin Kyint Htin (Yan Kyin Htin) Manton Man Pu 19 Khaw Taw 21 Mandung - RC 157 Aw Kar Shwe Htu 13 Nar Lel 18 22 Muse Hpai Kawng 803 Ho Maw 14 Pang Sa Lorp Man Tet Baing Bin Nam Hum Namhkan Ho Et Man KyuLaukkaing 23 Mong Wee Shan 307 Tun Yone Kyar Ti Len Man Sat Man Nar Tun Kaw 6 Man Aw Mone Hka 10 KutkaiNam Hu 24 Nam Hkam - Nay Win Ni (Palawng) 402 Mabein Ton Kwar 23 War Sa Keng Hon Gyet Pin Kyein (Ywar Thit) Nawng Ae 25 Namhkan Nam Hkam (KBC Jaw Wang) 338 Si Ping Kaw Yi Man LongLaukkaing Man Kaw Ho Pang Hopong 9 16 Nar Ngu Pang Paw Long Htan (Tart Lon Htan) 26 Nam Hkam (KBC Jaw Wang) II 32 Ma Waw 11 Hko Tar Say Kaw Wein Mun 27 Nam Hkam Catholic Church ( St. Thomas I) 216 Man Long Maw Han Loi Kan Ban Nwet Su Yway Shar Ti Len 28 Hseng Ja 77 Waing Long Mabein Man Hsun Nar Aw Pang Hkar Kutkai Loi Tawng Pang Ku 8 Man Gyat 29 Kyu Sot 272 La War San Pya Kon Mu Kyu Hsar 15 7 Hopang 30 Namtu Lisu Church Namtu 122 Hu Nar Ta Ku Man Tar KunlongHe Taw Law Lu Pang Long Man Ton Ho Nam 31 Nam Tu Baptist 143 Ba He Nam Ma Ho Li Tar Ko Mar Lawt Moe Lo 3 Nar Tee Hu Ton (Ka) 5 32 Pan Ta Pyae 17 Pang Kone 4 Ho Myin Nam Aun Nar Yoke Ho Nar Maw Nay Man Hawng 17 Manton Nam Yay Total IDPs in northern Shan 9,097 Pway Tu Man Mae Au Man Hseni Man Nar Pang Nar 1 Kunlong Ong Ton Man Hpwee Ho Tar Pang Pu Nam Lan Shawng Kon Lone Data source: The Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster as of 31 July 2021 Myit Son Tun Hsay Pang Hkam Tat Tu Au Sat Nar Mun Ton Hkam Pang Tan Mong Nin 20 Nar Lan Yar Mar 21 Loi Mauk NamHseni Aun Hseng Hkawng Hsin Li Kawng Tat Nam Aum Ho Ton Tin Tan Nar Taung Nam Mu HuManton Law Lan Dway Haw Hman Oh Mongmit Kyauk Taung Man Kaw Nar Na Se U 29 Man Tee Man Han Wea Baung Tun Tee Nam Maw Hoe Hat MongmitThea Ni Man U Loi Mi Loi Chaing Nam Ye Maw Roe 31 Hopang Na Bu Nam Taik Nam Hu Mong Hit Man Pat Hu Man 30 Man Mun Maw Loe Aung Myay Pa Dan Pang Wat Nar Pong Kon Nei Lel Gyi Pang Kaw In Kachin State (only accessible form northern Shan) Ho Pat Kawng Yon Loi Hkam Lat Ku Awt Hsi Ye Nam Hput 28 Loi Tauk Ho Peik Yawng Nun Pangwaun Loi Wein Hsat Ngan Ho Nar LashioMan Tit Kawng Ku Nam Len Ho Kat Nar Kun Nawng Sang Kawng Lin Shwe Nyaung Pin Hat Kar See Gyi Mut Leit Namhsan Wein Htang Long Tat Loi Hei Wein An MongmaoYawng Teit No. State Township IDP Site IDPs Ton Hkay Son Hin Lashio Ho Hway Mway Lat Kun Nin Par Hpant Kaw Tat Aum Aut 33 Man Wing Baptist Church 666 Nar Mat Loke Hkaik Mongmao Nar Hkun Pang Son Kayah Namtu Hway Lut Tar Kway Man Sun 34 Man Wing Baptist Church Cultural Compound 677 Namhsan Wan Kan PangwaunYawng Nwan Kachin Mansi La Pai Nar Ton Loi Lan Yawng Yu 35 Man Wing Catholic Church 3,132 Li Lu Ho Hsar Pang Long Nar Ya Maw Pawt Si Na Tar Se Nam Aum Nar Mon 36 Man Wing Catholic Church II 821 Man Hsar SHAN Hman Nar Man Pong Nam Lin Yawng Mut La Nun Pang Hai Yae Oe Ton Sum Total IDPs in Kachin only accessible from northern Shan 5,296 Taung Ni Mone Pyin Shi Ku Man Sei Kone Mon Maw Oke Yawng Teit Sar Poet Pang Hu Nawng Mun Wan Su Nam Nut Mi Net Ywar Ma 32 Man Nar Man Kan Data source: The Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster as of 31 July 2021 Pying In Aik Pong Ywar Ma Man Mai Hsee Na Man Li Nam Pu (NORTH)Nar Mun Kawng Lai Man Ping Maik Huong Nar Lai Nar Mun Ho Lan Nam Hsin Kone Nyu Man Htan Kone Mon Nar Nu Hsee Na Am Leit Hpu Hkay Pang Wun Man Mai Lan Na Ong Mu 2 Mat Khaw Hi Hin Nam Man Kawng Nun Nar Lu Loi Pong Thar Pai Long Hkan Hu Mye Man Mar Wein Ngin Pang Hpyet No Min Pang Waw (Lower) Hsipaw Tat Wa Narphan Par Kaw Nam Hawng Kyi Ran Kyaukme Pang Lan Mu Lay Ting Chay Pang Hai Han Shaung Ho Hwun Man Hkar Loi Su He Pu Zay Nar Kan Kon Man Tu Nwan Way Bu Hpar Hkay Nar Hu Nar Lar Yawng Maw Nar Hkar Pang Lawt Nar Aum Mant Nar Nar Yoke Bu Hkar Man Nin Man Pat Yon Mut In southern and eastern Shan (along the Myanmar and Thailand Tun Sauk Nar Mun Pang Kaw Narphan Tangyan Man Nar Tat Kyaukme Man Mai Nam Hkone Man Lay Hpat Hi Ho Ti Kyauk Gyi Mae Hin Nam Put Loi An Ho Tar Ngaik Yan border) Nar Mun Hway Ti Toke Lawng Pang Lawt Man Mai Nar Ong Mongyai Ba La Par Lin (Upper) Loi Ngu Nam Lin Pangsang Ywar Thit Nam Ma Pang Hat Pang Ma Loke Nar Aw Man Pang Tangyan Nam Ton Pang Lan Nam Htu Et Gyi Par Kan No. State Township IDP Site IDPs Pin Tee Pin Tein Sa Lu Nyan Hpaik Yae U Nawng Pu Nar Ngu Nar Hko Man Huong Set Yon Kone Hat Nam Aum Mongyai Nar Pang Zee Hpyu Yae Nawnghkio Hsipaw Dar Gyi 37 Southern Kong Moong 246 Ho Pong Langkho Nawnghkio Taw Hai Par Lan Ban Ye 38 Shan Loi Tai Laeng 2309 Kone Mon Par Kan Ho Nam Zay Tan Ho Nam Ping Mon Man Paw Nar Yar Hut Pang Kum Hsawng Pu 39 Monghsat Loi Kaw Wan 2634 Than Bo Taw Lai Nan Aw Eastern Kone Son Taw Mawt Taung Chay Par Kan 40 Loi Sam Sip 356 Pang Taw Nar Aum Nar Hpwei Ho Hko Nawng Mo Zar Li Waw Kat Tar Get Shan Mongton Myin Hpyu Wan Pang Saw Aw 41 Loi Lam 238 Man Hpyet Nam Put Pang Hpein U Yin Nawng Hsant Loke Yone Pin Ping Nawng Soet Ma Hkaw Nam Si Sein Taung Ta Lone Nam Hu Nar Awt Pangsang (Pang Hkam) Total IDPs in southern and eastern Shan in areas controlled by armed groups or contested areas 5,783 Hke Mee Ho Hke Nar Lin Nam Pang Nar Long Gat Maw Ping Inn Pang Hai Ywar Thit Nar Mum Ton Hpat Kaw La Me Poke Mong Lar Nam Maw Nawng Loi Data source: The Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) as of March 2017 Thar Si Man Shoe Pang Hlyin Nam Pu Nar Lay Man Li Ho Ton Gei Lawng Ngar Pin Hke Chin Wan Kyu Nar Sho Pang Chay Mat Lan Ma Hei Ho Nam Pang Kay Nam Ta Ton Hai Lar Hu Si Pang Long Nam Hu Pang Hin Law Mai Nam Ho Man Kawng Pang Hkar Nam Pa Pang Hsat Ho Hko Kone Meik Kun Kyawng Wan Mu Le Po Hsin Soke Nam Hu Nar Kun Ton Nu Nar Aw Aw Ma Nye Sin Wan Kun MatmanAye Kyant Pong Kyawng Nar Kat Nam Kat Nam An Ho Maw Nam Aut Par Tet Pang Mon Mongyang Kyethi Nam Hu Ho Li Kyu LoiMonghsuPyin U Law Hpay Kyauk Hson Hsar Taw Mu Lu Paw Day Par Hkar Pang Paw Han Tayt Nar Han Ho Nar Kone Peik Pang Po Kawng Kay Ho Ta Wan Kan Hai Hwan Pong Paw Pang Wut Wun Hko Mongyang Pong Inn Hpat Chin Mat Hu Ta Kin Matman Nar Pwe Hsut Woe Yang Kawng Wan Sho Kone Lai Nar Lay Wan San Bar Mai Pei Ne Kone Nu Wun Taw Loi Kan Loi Sang Hko Hin Wan Lat Nga Hawng Nam Taw Wan Kon Pang Mum Wan Sang Nawng Hpu Yaw Hkaw Wan An MongkhetHpar Hsawng MANDALAY Pang Ngu Pang Hkan Mat Lan WanMonghsu Mai Taung Hteik Hko Hin Par Mawng Mat Lan Ho Tat Hko Woe Pang Nga Yawng Au Wan Maik Kan Wan Yoet Mai MongkaingHo Nar Kyethi Wan Kin Loi Sang Wan Li Wan Sa Lawng Mongkhet Mongla Mwe Nar Kawng Nawng Long Par Ka Wan Pin Nang Ku Hko Hsant Pang Lawt Ho Pong Nam Pi Sun Mum Tet Hlyet Par Kaw Nam Mu Nam Net Ma Ngauk In Wan Mu Mauk San Mongkaing Wan Lai Wan Sho Hpar Hlan Kone Son Wan Tee Ho Ton Lawksawk Yang Mun 24 Maing Wan Kant Yang Hai Wan Hkar Nar Lin Wan Kan Wan Awt Long Yang Ywar Ma Long Lein Nam Sho Wan Lan Ong Kwe Loi Kon Par Yin Hkam Hson Nam Lin Nam Naw Wan Mon Kawng Kan Wan Aun Se Loi Ngin Pang Hoke Mongla Nam Hkaik Ho Len Mei Za Li Par Kwayt Hway Chei Myit Son Wan Kan Mong Lin Ywar Ma Wan Nar Wan Lar Yae Hpyu Yae Wun Gyi Ho Nar Loi Hseng Wan Kan (2) Par Mu Wan Kan Hkan Taw Nam Par Wan Mum Ho Nar Ho Nam Laik Tat Sa Lit Wan Kyan Win Bo Nam Lin Hkam Yone Pin Pang Yae U Lan Long Par Kan Loi Long Taung Hpi Myet Ye Nam Hu Ho Mun Mongping Ho Nar Lai Long Wan Pauk Ho Nar Kyon Sar Maw Ko Myay Taung Nar Pin Pang Sang Ta Pin Pyaw Hseng Mun Kunhing MongyawngWan Pawt LaihkaTa Koe Ho Kyei Nar Kan Hpar Ta KengtungNam Lar Lay Za Le Nar San Ma Kat Nar Lan Yon Taung Me Et Laihka Mat Kauk Nawng Tet Nam Ti Nam Mein Ho Yin Mong U Htone Po Wan Ku Lawksawk Lu Waun Hpar Ta Ywangan Loi Koe SHAN Win Bo Wan Tat Kyoet Pin Kyauk Taw Hway Aw Wan Kan Aun Hpan Lan Nam Tet Hway Hpa Kun Keng Wan Nar Pang Hai Kar Lai Ka Zet Nar AunHopong Nar Kon Nam Ngun Yae Hpyu Par Kaw Kengtung Mongyawng Taw Ya Kunhing Wan In Ywangan Nar Tit Nar Man Ma Sho Kyei Wan Lut Hlut Hke Kone Pet Pin Long Nar Bo San Pya Paw Saw Wun So Loi Lan (SOUTH) Wan Kawng MongpingWan Hai Par Hu Mong Kun Mong Tin (Upper) San Pu Loi Say In Taw Myay Me Hat Li Wan Hkoe In Pyar Nam Lin Nam Ni Wan Keng Mya Zay Di Namt Mawng Ho Le Tar Lut Ein Pu Nar Chee Hpar Le Mar Hee Tet Har Lo Nam Hpu Hpa Pe Par Kan Kyu Lin Wan Pong Ya Ne Wan Nam Wo Ho Pawt Lu Nam An Ban Kun Nam Pang Wan Hpa Ho Nar Nar Loi Par Taw Ah Maw Day Hti Hpu Kyauk Taw Li MawLoilen Nam Aun Win Kyin Me Lu Kya Da Pu Ku Wun Leit Nam Han Te Lu Lay Shan Hpu Ye Nar
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    INDIAN- AFFAIRS. LAWS AN-D TREATIES. V,:-1. II. (TREATIES.) COMPILED AND EDITED .,BY CHARLES J. KAPPLER, LL. M., CLERK TO THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1904. 462 TREATY WITH THE POTAWATOMI, 1836. advanced by the United States, ten thousand dollars shall be retained by the Treasury, and shall be paid to the said Indians in annuities of one thousand dollars a year for ten years; and the residue of the fund shall be vested by the Secretary of the Treasury in the purchase of some State stock, the interest of which shall be annually paid to. the said Indians like other annuities: Pr<J!vided, That if at any time hereafter the said Indians shall desire to have the said stock sold, and the pro­ ceeds paid over to them, the same may be done, if the President and Senate consent thereto. Advancetobemade ARTICLE 3. The United States will advance to said Indians on the by United. sta~· ratification of this treaty, to be deducted from the avails of the lands, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, and also goods to the value of four thousand dollars to be purchased in New York and deliv­ ered in bulk, at their expense, to the proper chiefs at Detroit, or at Such point on Lake St. Clair as the chiefs may request: together with the expenses of the treaty, thejourneys of the Indians to and from Washington and their subsistence and other expenses at the seat of Government. M~!I~ w:~. ~ fthe ARTICLE 4.
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