19Th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Alterations-Men-Ladies
tJ .. " fP " ,, r' 'I. '' '' '/ t''· ., Our Cover: Columbus's Landing, October 12, 1492 On June I 0, 1800, Philadelphia ceased to be the seat of government, a role it had occupied since Congress moved there from New York in 1790, and on November I 7, 1800 Congress opened its first session in its new Capitol in the special federal district on the Potomac The sculptural Columbus of our national memorial gazes over the heads of today's audience directly on that Capitol. Our cover fittingly celebrates this year's bicentennial of the US Capitol by reproducing one of the most prominent Columbus-related works of art in that building rich in a11istic tributes to Columbus, John Vanderlyn's "Landing of Columbus at the Island ofGuanahani, West Indies, October 12, 1492." This magnificent painting, 12 feet high and 18 feet wide, is in the Rotunda. just inside the famous Columbus Doors of the main entrance. On pages 4 and 5 of this booklet we reproduce a more complete description of the cover painting, taken from the book Columbus in the Capitol, Commemorative Quincentenary Edition, Government Printing Office, I 992, which also describes and illustrates many other works of art related to Columbus that can be found in the Capitol and the Library of Congress . To the left in the picture (see our back cover) can be seen the captains of the Nina and the Pinta, the brothers Martin Alonzo and Vincente Yanez Pinzon, each holding the banner of Ferdinand and Isabella (Ysabela), now often CHRISTOPHER._,COL"tJMBUS called the Expeditionary Banner.
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