Summer Assignments – AP Biology Mrs. Gleaves
[email protected] 1. AP Biology Readiness Test AP Biology is an introductory college‐level biology course. Students interested in taking AP Biology should have: o high level of motivation, initiative and self‐discipline o high school level knowledge of biology and chemistry o good note taking skills o good test preparation skills o good time management skills o inquisitive and reflective mindset PURPOSE The purpose of the readiness test is to assess your understanding of the fundamental aspects of biology and chemistry, as well as provide you with insight to the rigor of the course, and provide feedback to help you determine what steps/adaptations you may need to take in order to be successful in the course and the AP Biology Exam in May 2019. o It is recommended that students interested in taking the AP Biology course purchase a comprehensive AP Biology study guide, which can be used along with the AP Edition Biology textbook. An AP Biology Readiness Test will be given in the first week of school covering chapters 1, 2 and 3. All information in the first three (3) chapters, including the vocabulary terms on the attached sheet are subject to testing except for the following items: Figures 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.17, 2.18, 3.5, 3.8, 3.11 The test will be multiple choice – 50 to 60 questions. STUDENTS WILL TAKE NOTES ON ALL THREE (3) CHAPTERS AND VOCABULARY, AND TURN THEM IN ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.