HERTS COUI~TY COUNCIL. --+-- Local Government Act, 1888, 51 & 52 Vic
[ KELJ~Y'8 8 HERTFORDSHIRE. HERTS COUI~TY COUNCIL. --+-- Local Government Act, 1888, 51 & 52 Vic. c. 41. Under the above Act, He.rts, after the 1St April, 1889, The coroners for the county are elected by the Oounty for the p~oses (}f the Act, became an administrative Council, and the clerk of the peace appointed by such county (sec. 46), governed by a County Oouncil, con- joint committee, and may be removed by tliem (800. sisting of chairman, alderme,n and councillors, ele,cted in 83-2). ~h al I manner prescribed by the Act (sec. 2). The clerk0 f " e peace for the coont·y IS SO C erk 0 f the The chairman, bv. virtue of his office, is a justice . County Cooncil (ilec. 83-1. ) ()f the peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46). The police for the county are under the control of a The administrative business of the county (which standing joint committee of the Quarter Sessions, and would, if this Act had not been passed, have been trans the County Council, appointed as therein mentioned acted by the justices) is transacted by the County Council. (sec. 9). Meet Quarterly at Hertford & St. Albans alternately at 12 nOOn Mondays. Chairman-Sir John Evans KC.B., D.L., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead. Vice-Chairman-The Right Hon. Thomas Frederick Halsey M.P., Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead. Aldermen. Retire in 1904. Halsey Right Hon. Thomas Frederick P.C., M.P., J.P. Salisbury Marquess of K.G., P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S.
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