BS2 Janmarw*, 1980 Island Reporter

SftVWGSAf«|Ct.>CAraVAAMDTHE|$l Here is1 a rare opportunity for the family looking island for an unusual island home, or for the Investor who wants a condominium With greater than average rental appeal. Because Priscilla Murphy specializes in out-of-the-ordinary Sanibel Light on the blink, island properties, we are able to offer a choice orthree-spectacular condominium but nobody even noticed Drecious apartments. Each of these apartments has ^^ ^ features settingi it apar|t from the usual mass production . By Mark TwombbL -Light M wall M 400 nflier marine nayiga-H tional aidralongthe west coast of condominium, and one of them is sure The 98-fopt beacon that has-guided was scheduled to make repairs to the light to^be just right for you. sailors to safe harbor for 96 years apparent- again Thursday. ly shines brighter in the minds than in the "We've had problems with the converter eyes of Sanibel residents. The Sanibel and back up power system. They're just Light lias been dark for about a week, but about .shot," explained B.M.C. Charles hardly anyone "has noticed. Packham of the St. Petersburg Coast The VS. Coast Guard, which owns and Guard group. "The safety switches Jhave maintains the light, made repairs to the been blowing, and tripping switches right -light Tuesday* but the' -failed Jto and left This is the seventh time the light Ready to Move Right In operate that night. The light had not work- has been down since Christmas." Upgraded blue carpeting, wood parquet ed for three to four days prior-to that, ac- The Sanibel Light is powered by a cording to Chief Timothy Vaught of the 200-amp battery which is fed by an electric, , beautiful furnishings, and lovely U.S. Coast Guard's Port Myers Beach sta- trickle charger. Electricity from the bat water views characterize the interior of this tion, but only one person had called to tery passes through a converter before huge two bedroom, two bath (plus den) report the problem. reaching one of a half-dozen 12-volt bulbs. apartinent on the ground floor at A repair crew from the Coast Guard's Only one bulb burns at a time. If a bulb Lighthouse Point Condominium. The aids to navigation station in St. fails, the power automatically switches to roomsare truly spaciousi With arrtpJe Petersburg, which maintains the Sanibel the next bulb in-the series. closets and storage space -^ a great • -". Packham said the light often fails during apartment for the permanent resident or summer electrical storms.- The six bulbs investor looking for renters. Lighthouse have a total lifespan of 18 months, but a repair crew checks the light every three Point has its own tennis courts, pool and months unless a problem is reported, frontage on the gently sipping beach of r Packham said. Sao Carlos Bay. Priced,' beautifully ~ "I don't remember the light ever going furnished, at $150,000. h i County, cities out when it was acetylene powered," said Charles LeBuff, who lived beneath the light in the lighthouse keepers quarters for 20 years before moving last year. Before Top of the line at Pointe Santo ha e over -it-J?aa converted to electricity in 1963. the Pointe Santo de Sanibel may be Sanlbel's ~.-43anibe)>Ligbt was-fueled by acetylene-gas <=. most architecturally unique and beautiful storeq |n_8ix tanks on a platform .between complex. It features a series of Spanish the base'of the structure and' the light motif buildings, heavily-interspersed with dual tax load itself. The gas was pipecT up to the light landscaping in an open horseshoe shape By Don Wbitehead through copper tubing. facing the Qulf beach. In the center, is a From the time it was built in 1884 until it large lagoon with its own Island (connected "Dual taxation" are fighting words in was converted to acetylene power, the Lee County. light was powered by kerosene-. Lighthouse by wooden walkways) containing the There are charges and counter-charges, attendants regularly had to lug heavy bar- heated pool and clubhouse. This lawsuits and threats of new lawsuits. The rels of kerosene up the spiral staircase in- The glow of the nioon provides the only iUuminationin this time exposure photograph of apartment is a direct Gulf-front, ground the Sanibel Light, taken early Thursday morning. The light has not operated most of floor, three bedroom, two bath unit, on the • continued on 12-A this week. - . / corner of the building. As a result it has a spectacular gulf view from all rooms. This an analysis is truly one of the very finest apartments available on the islands — a real geml mayor of Cape Coral has even-suggested Completely furnished at $239,500. that the city should secede from Lee and scores for'theelementary^school form its own county. . Sanibel finds itself in the thick of this School age children who live on Sanibel The school is blessed with a high percen- served as vice-principal for a year before verbal warfare; and no end to the and Captiva are -generally regarded as the tage of gifted children, few with learning transferring to Sanibel Elementary last Bay-Side Seclusion at Mariner hostilities are in sight. •'••• ]~.:. brightest group of students in the county, disabilities find none who are physically August, there were over 200 full and part- Pointe No one really enjoys paying taxes, but ford variety of reasons. But parents worry, handicapped The •', students consistently time students with "learning disabilities" a Three bedrooms, two baths on the ground many residents of Lee's three cities-Cape ^schools are living up to their children's score high in standardized tests and recent^; catch-all phrase for bright children, with floor with a delightful view of the pool and Coral, Fort Myers, and Sanibel - claim potential. Island Reporter staff writer ly came out tops in the county in the psychological or physiological .problems beautiful San Carlos Bay. Owned by a they are paying taxes for services they ifancy DeWavero wW. take a look at the Florida State Assessment Test which is us- that- hinder their ability to learn. On don't get, or don't need, or don't .want. seven schools-that serve the islands. The ed to determine a youngster's verbal and Sanibel there are less than a half-dozen professional decorator, this unfurnished mathematical proficiency. A school ad- The problem is. not unique to this area; it series begins, this week with Sanibel : apartment includes many "extras" such as has popped up all over Florida. In fact, Lee Elementary School . , '•.: "." ' • ministrator's dream, no? '~7~" - '••.•. "Aid from the county is based on projec- a mirrored wall and expensive County probably has made a greater .effort Yes, says'Principal: Barbara Ward, but tion and need," Ward said, "and the county wallcoverings throughout. Built of concrete to alleviate dual taxation than most coun- •••-•-., By Nancy DelFayero then again ... ''It's funny how money is has dollars allocatedfor remedial aids." block and beautifully trimmed in stained ties in the state. Even Sanibel's Coun- allocated," she said. "The bigger the pro- She "explained the" formula the county wood and stucco, Mariner Pointe offers cilman Zee Butler, a long-time and vigorous .Sanibel Elementary School's biggest pro- blems you have, the more money you get." uses. A child with no handicaps, no .LD*s. magnificent water-front views, boat . • adversary of the- county on the issue, has blem appears to be its lack of problems. At Tice Elementary School, where Waj«J ^nd a B average (aiijexample thus describ- congratulated the county for making some ing the average Sanibel Elementary stu- dockage, fishing pier, two pools; two serious efforts to cope with dual taxation.' dent) is worth one point. Kindergarten tennis courts and barbeque grills. The problem is complex. So complex that through third grade students with no Realistically priced at $135,000 many citizens have only a vague idea of special needs are worth; 1284 .points. A unfurnished. what all the heated debate is about. . physically handicapped child. Ward said, At the same time, the problem is very may be worth 15 points. A school's point simple. People living in the cities -. with total, based.on the individual needs of its their own police patrols, parks and recrea- students, is then multiplied by a base tional facilities, environmental protection 'services, and; other things provided by the • continued on 4-A cities - simply don't want to pay the county taxes for delivering those same services to people living in the unincorporated area.

• :-t And they don't want to pay the county for v'r duplicating seryices provided by the dties. ; According ;to/ the i«78 census -figures, ? nearly aeyen out :©fueye*y 40 residents of BRANCH OFFICE • Causeway Road • Sanibel Island • 472-4121 REALTY, INCORPORATED ;LeeCountylived;'pttW^:thetlirTOrditie8,; Sanibel Elementary School second CAPTIVA OFFICE • Andy Rosse Lane • Captiva Island, FL 33924 • 472-5154 that is in the iuuncbrjk^ graders absorb a language arts county. This means that almost 125,000 lesson. The "Good Behavior'' sign RENTAL OFFICE • Causeway Road • Sanibel Island • 472-4113 MAIN OFFICE • P.O. Box 57 • Periwinkle Way county residents pitf irf> total ot 185,000 I ..It': on the desk refers to the school's Sanibel Island, FL 33957 • 813/472-1511 depend on the county, rather .than a city, to. program designed to reinforce ap- deliver the services that they want or need. propriate classroom behavior. This is product of the rapid growth in the THE REPORTER NANCY DBFAVERO mREALTOR* II. v. % continued on 10-A January 11,1S80 Island Reporter

Island Reporter January 11,1980 AS Stations want emergency allocations By Sosie Holly ' - Governor's Energy Office. Neron indicated he probably would recommend approval of Sanlbel's requests this Planners skepiiccditfsiiar^ cyclists Island service station owners, the Chamber of Com- IN ]By Don Whltehead demarkation on the roadway to separate merce and tbe City of Sanibel have taken steps to assure . Lex Hester, director of the Governor's: Energy Office, thai the islandwiH not run dry of gasoline anytime soon. said his office evaluates the requests "in terms of severity .the bicycle and automotive traffic^ He said Poor of the five aervke stations and at least one marina, la it better and safer to ride a bicycle oh that "a paint stripe U adequate." '•'. and whether something is unique about the problem," a path set aside exclusively for that pur- backed by the chantberand rity.liave requested emergen- Hester said because of Sanibel's location and limited , Given the nature of roads on most of cy. aUoeations fnun ^Governor's Energy Office. (See pose or to share the roadway with Sanibei and Captiva, however; Mainard:: number of on-island service stations, the island, would automobile traffic? ; > ':•_• related story, page B-5J receive special considerations. ' . . ,L> 1 -* ended up saying that "the present bike suit appealed Allen Mainard, an experienced- cyclist path network and those planned do offer Island Exxon, Sanibel Tone-op and Service Center, The energy office takes emergency allocations from the and member of the League of American the best short term solution, provided they ;- - Lee County Commissioners : decided Three Star and Sanibel Standard all have been forced to state's Emergency Set Aside Program, which requires all: Wheelmen, told a skeptical planning com- are a wnfaitwiim of 8-feet wide and follow as shorten their boors to make their allocations for January oil companies to reserve five percent of their monthly fuel mission on Monday that in general it's bet- straight a line as possible." : ; Wednesday to continue their appeal of a s : : last unta the end of the month. Exxon, Sanibel Tune-up supply for emergency use. "Our philosophy is toreturn , ter to share. •••;•• •..•-• v.; •• "-'"-'-^:: v;.;^---v;-v'' and Three Star have been dosing daily in the early to mid- : : After his presentation to the commission September, 1979 circuit court ruling stating that fuel to the general market place eacfc month," Hester The commissioners were reviewing with on Monday, Mainard followed up with a. that the comity violated a franchise agree- afternoon," and Sanibel Standard has- been pumping, gas said. "We've not yet bad reports pf substantial shortages, from fcOO-llrOOajn . and 4K»«:00 pjn. Only Three Star is Mainard a report that he had prepared memorandum to the commissioners recom- ment with, the Island Water Association anywhere in the state." . -,. ." ; , ^ . staying open on Sundays. Kurt's 66 at Kind Pass refused relating to cycling on the islands. mending resurfacing and marking of the (IWA) by allowing the Sunset-Captiva sub- Some of the island's stations did receive emergency Mainard conceded that narrow, island Periwinkle Way path; cleaning the path to comment. .:''••'' -_".•'••/'•• ^'-r':. ''_•:• •'• • ^ V.,.;.- -. •:•--_ ••.-. allocations last month. along 8anibel-Captiva Boad of encroaching division to build its own water treatment Fuel supplies to the stations for January have been cut a roads, with shoulders in disrepair, made and supply system. IWA officials have said sharing of the route difficult, but he in- vegetation; completing the Donax path; minimum of 13 percent from last year's supplies. "Obvious- and,; providing better' signs for all the that it the county Itfdere Sunset-Captiva to ly, things qn-Sanael-«re^ot,static- My January, 198» sisted that in principle the statistics prov- connect to the IWA system, the association business is a good deal better than January. 1979," Three edthat shared roadways were more useful Star owner Jim Bobson pointed out. Allocations do not to the cyclist and safer than the usual bike would be willing to forego its demand for ; ; ; take island growth into account, however. paths. ' , ' • •••;' •" " '..:-]:: '••'.. ; ' : •••,'••••. ^\;: Although he agreed that they were not $300,000 in damages. A Lakeland court is Some of the commissioners said they proper concerns of the planning commis- scheduled to hear the: appeal February 28. The Chamber of Commerce is supporting the stations' request for emergency allocations. The fuel supply the found this "hard to believe,"- and most sion, trainings cyclists and stricter enforcer Meanwhile, a jury trial is set for February 5 island currently is receiving is "certainly not adequate to seemed to favor the bike path alternative. ment of laws governing bicycles were iden- to decide whether IWA should be paid handle growth, tourists, residents and marine trafie,** In his report, Mainard said that "shared tified by Mainard as two important areas damages. •' • •••• "•• •-.'..'"•.-• .'• ~ •••-• "••'••:•'."-". Chamber Director Walter Klie said. "The basis of the roadways with automobUe traffic a?e for improving cycling safety. He told the allocations seem unfair." -.••••• preferred where there can be a distinct commissioners Monday that the evidence The chamber is attempting to find out on what basis the allocations have been made and to see if those allocations BicyclisU may be »ofet sharing the roadway with i. Plant giveaway ean.bechanged forSanibel,Klie said. automobiles than riding on bike paths, according to Sanibel (Sty Manager Bernie Murphy has written a let- veteran cyclist Allen Mainard. Native punts can be obtained free of ter to Lee County Energy Officer Bill Neron requesting charge Saturday, January 12 along assistance to relieve the limited fuel supplies on SanibeL showed that a "majority of bike/car colli- that for "safety reasons," she would opt for Sanlbel-Captiva Road just south of He pointed out thaU4wokings for island accommodations sions are caused by the cyclist." priority to extension of the path up are up 20-25 percent this year over last and are expected to "I hate to admit this," said Mainard, "but Sanibel-Captiva Road from the Elementary Bowman's Beach Road. The plants will be stay that way through lAareh. - ~ it's true, and the answer lies in educating School, where it now ends, to Blind Pass. . removed to makei way JOT a road into the Requests for emergency allocations must go uirough the rider of the bicycle." It was noted that giving priority to bike Gulf Ridge subdivision. A similar giveaway Neron who makes recommendations and sends them to th 2 Mainard has taken the initiative in form- paths on the west end of Sanibel would lead was held last week at the same site. ing the SanibetCaptiva Cycling Society, to complaints from residents on the east Members of the city's Vegetation Gommit- which will have the teaching of cycling and end, and vice versa. - tee -will be on hand to offer directions and ^proper bicycle maintenance among its ma-. Mainard told the commissioners that the advice. You'll I^ "jor goals. : :'"'-• •••:•• •••• 'rr\y<'-:' - existing bike path on Periwinkle Way was tainers. " : Island weather Mainard also suggested "more and bet- "practically unridable." The important ter" signs on the islands. From the au- thing, Mainard said, is "better surfaces, ~ This report is based on records kept at the dience, Paul Howe urged removal of the and whether they are separate paths or Sambel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce on "Bicycle Route" signs now on certain lanes on the. basic roadway is not ail that Causeway Road. Sanibel roads. He argued that such signs important." were misleading and, in the event of an ac- Arthur Hunter spoke up from the au- Youngster rewarded cident, could lead to the city-being held! dlenr^:to suggest tha^b considenition. bet High Low Bain ; • GreggHerme8,13,ofSanibel earned $20 liable. ' , •." / • .' •"''"" -/••-*;•• given to "simple, compacted sand paths' for Thursday, January 3 70 50 0 • both ' cyclists and pedestrians," but and a letter of appreciation last week from Friday, January 4 70 58 .19** The commissioners discussed some Mainard was skeptical that this would: Mrs. Lucetta Clifford after Hermes found Saturday, January 5 70 60 0 priorities for continued development of work with the narrow tires now used on and turned in a wallet belonging to the Sunday, January 6 62 45 0 bike.paths on Sanibel, with Commissioner most bicycles. ,'; ..'..•.•. . Sanibel visitor. Hermes found the wallet at Island service stations have shortened, their hours to Don Manchester suggesting top priority to "Then why not go back to the wide tires Monday, January 7 70 48 0 assure the island vnSL have gas through the month. the Chamber of Commerce on his way toTuesday, January 8 74 56 0 Asphalt Island Rabbit Road where some land and money that people-used when I wa» young," school last Thursday, and gave it to his Wednesday, January 9 78 64 0 has been donated to the city by J.O. Evans countered -Hunter, to which Mainard teacher, Phyllis Hatcher. Mrs. Hatcher turn- JThe- Palm Ridge-Periwinkle intersection went into for the purpose of putting in a bike path. replied "why not go back to the Model T?" ed it over toSanibe l police, who later hand- surgery this week. An island is being constructed to" Commissioner Judy Workman commented That issue was left unresolved. ed it back to Mrs. Clifford, a guest at Hur- separate traffic coming from Periwinkle onto Palm Ridge, ricane House. The wallet contained $130 in andfrom Palm Ridge onto Periwinkle. cash and credit cards. The grateful Mrs. island •EAK OF BAOErS STOtE Clifford thanked Hermes with the reward ISLAND SANH&ISIAND 472-1701 and letter. . EdHorb) Offices flrtS) 472-15S3 Bajtnon Offices (313) O72-1507 CINEMA 472-2IV2 RCHE5T :JVkafcT« Shave with someone 4-H seeks leaders of sanibel you love a warm and Fine Jewelry & Better Gifts The newly-formed Sanibel 4-H group is 1977 Published every Friday by Suncoast wonderful romantic still looking for additional members and Publications o> 2075 Periwinkle Way. leaders. Boys and girls aged eight to 18 are Sanibel bland. Florida 33957. Second com* eligible to join. The club really needs an doss postage paid a> Sanibel Island. Casual Dinnerware Florida. Publication No. USPS 813-580. for your more relaxed adult or two willing to commit an hour and Subscriptions On Sonibel and Captiva THlB a half every two weeks to benefit young Wand*. J7-50 per year: Continental lifestyle United Stales. $10.00 per year; Foreign people on Sanibel interested in 4-H ac- and Canada. $12.50 per year. tivities. The next meeting wiD be held on tllUCUtftUMH Tahltlan Garden Jewelry & Watch Repairs John & Pat Zambuto Thursday, January 24 at 7:00 pan. at the CAMMCCI Hours 10:00-5:00 Watch Batteries (813)472-2876 Sanibel Elementary School- For more in- formation call the Lee County 4-H Depart- ANALANAMI ment at 334-1292. 30% OFF ; C ••• TODAY SATURDAY SUfOAY This week 2r00 ISLAND 7:30 7:30 Rosti Utensil Sets Agendas 6-7A dated 1833 Church Calendar 21-B 9HSa Saw IJBlHSWI PER ROSENKAVALIER Ef BI r parents of her theR8eys makes a passing grade. "We've got lots of somewhat of a convert to the public schopl "Chadren who follow the rules get a special ^"'^ arid continuing through the seventh^ the to read he re^ activity-^ The token system, she added, books but their condition is deplorable. We ' .system..,.-,,-..'.', _ ;...;V J;^.,.',-~.'V ir-.-.•':-.'^- • county requires education in research, com- believe in holding kids back but we do like "The conunu1aitydrawspe

For those who appreciate quality and comfort...


Featured for January Contemporary on Graphics Sanibel I Island Harbour Cottages' represents the culmination of a considerable Group Showing amount of design and planning, and incorporates the experience gained over the years working and living on Sanibel and Captiva Islands. - Walter Crump: Intaglio Prints Jan Ehrenworth: Colkxgraphs Harbour Cottages arebeautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath residences with so much tropical comfort you may think you've slipped off to Tahiti for a Ruth Rodman: Colkxgraphs while. Actually, your home at Harbour Cottages is only a short walk from the Gulf beach, and you can dock your boat in your own back- Linda Sherman*.. Serigraphs yard. In addition, you may enjoy tennis courts and a swimming pool within this lovely village setting. Yours; until February 1, Judy Targan t Embossed Intaglios 1980. for $149^900. .:-..'. r For more information about Harbour Cottages, call us at VIP. Our Grace White: Colbgraphs number is 472-5187. ?r

Tarpon Bay Road, Sanibel REALTOR -_•,"•'•.••. r :••.:.. •_. ;,•._;•. -;;•; ••;:._ ••^•- ._•/ •....._. Daily except Sunday 1O-5 P.O.Box 168. ISMPtrMnkl* Way, SanltM< Wand, Florida33957

255SS^^ AS 11.1980 Island Reporter Island Reporter January 11.1980 A7 Macintosh AGENDAS % from. 6-A Specifically Amending the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Sections 3.2.2: Development Intensity map; 3.2.3: Permitted Uses Map; 3.4.2: CITY Of 11:15JUK. Discussion of the work of the Comprehensive Land Use ments and Specific Amendments Involving Accessory Uses and Addi- : Permitted Uses of Gulf Beach; 3.4.3: Permitted Uses of Gulf Beach 1 Plan Clarification Committee. .• - ; • ' ' \ tions and Extensions; Providing that Comprehensive Land Use Plan Ridge; 3.4.5: Permitted Uses of Upland-Wetlands; 3.4.7: Permitted MAC HBOK HAIL Applications for the City Shall be Without Fee; All of the Above Per- Uses of Mid-Island Ridge; to Bring the Permitted Development and , r 14.1910 CTTY OF SANIBEL taining to the Comprehensive land Use Plan; Repealing Ordinance COUNOLMEETING Residential Densities into Closer Cortformance with that in the Ex- Mali* reservation* her* lor BIRD' TOURS conducted by MocKENZlIHAU . isting Neighborhood In the Area of Seagrape and Buttonwood Lane, CriHing Bancroft. Knowledgeable Ornithologist and Author ' 9*00 AJML Election of Planning Commission Chairman and Vice Request for Plat Approval of "Gulf Ridge Subdivision" as Required Between East Gulf Drive and Ferry Road, Sanibei, Lee County, Chairman. • , of Snowy, the Story of an Egret. The White Cardinal and 2245 PALM RIDGE ROAD Under Chapter 177.041, Florida Statutes* Florida, as Submitted by the City of Sanibei. Vanishing Wings. • . Approval of the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, Jfc*> PJML Recess for lunch. ' liBQFM. Continuation of Public Hearing and Second Reading of

; 1979. ••• •• .-•-- .- ••• •-. •• • '• • •• •••- •• • •:.. , JANUARY 15,1W0 ; I^PPJA. Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance an Ordinance Specifically Amending'the Comprehensive Land Use; _. tiI0 AM. Report from the Director of Planning. W» AJM. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Butler) Specifically Amending- the Comprehensive Land use Plan, Sections Plan, Section 3.2.4: Ecological Zones Map, in Confoirnance with the . fsif-AJM. Reports from Planning Commission Member*. '• - Approval of Minutes of Meeting Held January 2; 1980 ; r ; • \~ *- 3.2.2: Development Intensity AAqp, and 3.3.1: Residential Densities, Key, to Reclassify lowland-Wetlands to Upland-Wetlands on tot 17* Bestsellers ' 9&t AJM. Report from the Planning Commission Chairman.' Planning Commission Report ; . - -v to Permit Construction of a House on a Lot Not Meeting the Minimum Unrecorded;Southwlhds Government Lot 2; Section 36, Townsh,lp 46. ;- 9s$S AJM. Consideration of a request for a Development Permit to aty Attorney's Report ; •• •'• :'• "•.;•;; Lot Size, In tr» Blind Pass Zone at the endof Coconut Drive, Described South, Range 22.East, Sanibei, Lee County, Florida, as Submitted by construct three duplexes on a parcel of land located in Section 30, City Manager's Report ' ..'"•'• •''••;; • " . .'-•.'-••••••• '•-:•;'•'''"-''' '•' as Lot 8 of Wilcox Subdivision, an Unrecorded Subdivision In Govern- : : Gennaro capoano. c. •.•••-.-. ; ..;.,v. ;•• ••)•..:. •••.-.••-:x \ • , -... ^^v.,-' Township 46 South, Range 23 East (Middle Gulf Drive between Moon- a. Pre-Applicatlon for LEAA Grant funding ' '"''[•••'•r'"'-"•'-:. ment lot 10, Section 2, and Government Lot«, Section 11, Township shadow Duplexes and Sandpebble Condominium), Sanibei; Lee b. Report and recommendations for caretoklng at "Algiers" Property 46 South, Range 21 fast, Together with an Undivided l/9th Interest In Appointments jlo aty Committees, County; Florida, as submitted by Richard Kennedy mi Robert MdhzT c. Report on Vegetative Debris on Beaches ; ' -: a Parcel of Land Lying in Government Lot 10, Section 2, and Govern- Appointment to Planhir xpired term of Ray JAn RIRD. by Kurt Vo (Dtiacorte/Sey- No. 79-1009 D.P. • .-.-:• ^ .'.. ' •; .-. -;••.,;•;..•-• d. Report on Taxi Application by Oceanic Resort • •• ment lot 5, Section 11, Township 46 South, Range il East, Sanibei, • : I limn Lawrence, WM, World War II to Fenton '•._"'. ..:"."'• • ..''••••'•.•••' '"•.'' • '•'-•.':':,. .'•; • Watergate? one man's! -; 1«sW AJ«. Consideration of a request for a Specific Amendment to e. Recommendation for Trantfer of Funds ' ' . Lee County, Florida, as Submitted by Joan O. tivlngston. ~ ' Discussion and Review of Present Dog Control Ordinance (#75-68) the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, SecMon 3.3.2: ResiderrtWf Yard 2 TMPUEi by Ken FoDett. y nctWBcn fntriH^Biicc ^jffn*y fn flic Requirement; to permit a boat davit within five feet of the side pro- 3.1 dnd4J2V ' ' •' " "-•;••• •.•-..-.".-• perty line on tot O^BIock C, Sanibei Isles I (1725 Jewel Box Drive), Ci- Mayor and Councilman',! Reportt ty of SanibeirLee County;'Florida, as submitted by Anthony and LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS 3 SMILEY* PEOPLE, by John toCan* . (Knopf. ~10i90 AJM. Public Hearing and Second Reading of on Ordinance- $10.98.) TJ>e great British spy has* thai confron- CWia loppblo. NO.79-196S.A. ^ . ; ; : Amending Ordinance 79-02, Section 3 (B) (4), 6 (B) and Adding a New IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR LEE cuit ' Court for. Lee- County, must be in writing and must in- to file any objections they may. tation with Wi Russian counterpart. .-'• -. IMS AJtt. Cbnsideration of a request for a Specific Amendment to Sub-Section (E) to Section 3; Providing for Treatment of Ties in the COUNTY,/FLORIDA - PROBATE Florida, Probate Division,, the', dicate the basis for the claim, * have that challenge the validi-. the Comprehensive land Use Plan, Sections 3.9.5 (2): Bay Beach Im- DIVISION - ESTABLISHMENT, by Howard Fast. Allocation Process; Providing for Termination and Extensions of address of which, is Lee County • ~the;*name..and.'iQddress.-of tthe. ty of the decedent's will, the * nMUtlm, $11.95.) The Lavettes of "The permeable Coverage; 3.9.6 (2) Development in the Altered Land Allocations; Providing for Waiver of Council Review of Applications. Courthouse,- Fort Myers/ Florida: creditor or", his .agent or at- qualifications of the personal o nts" and "Second Generation" survive Tone; 3.4.9: Bay Beach; 3.3.2 (3): Residential Yard Requirements, to Consider approving a Resolution of the Council of the City of Sanibei: IN. RE: ESTATE OF JOHANNA 33901, The personal represen- . tomey, and.the amount claim-; representative,.or the venue or - enable •construction of a swimming pool ten feet from'the edge of YARNEU. PFEIFFER and pnisperm post-World War II America. Endorsing the Establishment of a Sanibei Dual Taxation Committee to tatives of the estate are Delbert. : ed.. If the claim is not yet due,. jurlsdlction'xrf the court, o seawall on the bay beach lot 7, Unit 4, Sanibei Estates (584 Participate with the Cities of Fort Myers and Cape Coral in a Tri-City E. Yarnell and Richard...ML . the date when it will become 5 THE LAST ENCHANTMENT, by Mary Stewart. Lighthouse Way), City of Sanibei, Lee County; Florida, at submitted Dual Taxation Committee Pro|ect to Resolve the Taxation Inequities File Number 79-703 CPJRS '. Yarnell whose addresses are due shallbe stated. If the claim AIL CLAIMS, DEMANDS; AND (Morrow. $1140.) Further adventures of King Ar- by William RJ Rekshan. No. 79-197 S.A. : • thur and his circle. Between Lee County and the Municipalities of Lee County. •' ... 1200" Sherwin • Avenue, is contingent or unliquidated, OBJECTIONS NOT SO FILED Division .. >"". '.,.!.", £ THE EXECUTIONER'S SONG, by Norman Mall- 10s30 AJM. Consideration of a request for a. Development Permit to Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Amending the Chicago, . Illinois 60626 and the nq.ture of. the uncertainty WIU BE FOREVER BARRED - er. (Little, Brown, $1&95.) This Is the true story install a. snack bar under.the existing restaurant and.clubhouse Sanibei Building Code as Adopted by Ordinance 75-25, as Amended, 4632 West 106th Street, Oak shall be stated. If the claim Is Deceased .'..-•• ... . .'' of Gary Gilmore's life and death, but because the. building at Sundial of Sanibei, Gulf Drive, Sanibei, Lee County, Section 109.2, to Require Satisfaction of all Conditions to Develop-: Lawn, Illinois 60453 respective- secured, the security shall be Date-of.thefirst publication of author, the publisher and the bookstores are call- Florida, as submitted by Fred Hemingway of W.R. Frizzell Architects, ment Permits Prior to the Issuance of Certificates of Occupancy; ly. The name and oddress'of • described. .The. claimant-.(hall this Notice lof Administration: ins It fiction. It Is listed as such. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Inc., for Sundial of Sanibei. No. 79-1026 D.P. , Amending Section 109.3 Pertaining to Temporary Occupancy to Allow the personal representative's deliver sufficient copies of the January Hi 1980. Oelbert E. 7 MEMORIES OF ANOTHER DAY, by Harold 1(h40 AJM. Consideration of a request for Planning Commission a Forty-Five (45) Day Issuance Under Certain Conditions and Pro- ; TO ALL PERSONS HAVING attorney are set forth below. claim to the clerk to enable the Yarhejl and Richard M. Yarnell Robbtm. (Simon * Schuster, $10.95.) Saga of the approval of the operation of a rental car business at'Sundial of . viding for Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Development Permit CLAIMS OR DEMANDS clerk to mail one. copy to each As Personal Representatives of, Sanibei (Middle Gulf Drive), as an accessory retail use under the pro- ' Conditions.-. '.'. .'.•.• ':. ' • AGAINST THE ABOVE ESTATE All persons having claims or personal representative. the Estate of Johanna Yarnell ft THE TOP OF THE HILL, by Irwta Shaw. (Dela- visions of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Section 3.4.3: (I) (d). Public Hearing and First Reading of an Ordinance Providing for Ap- AND ALL OTHER PERSONS IN- demands against the .estate are Pfeiffer, Deceased ~ cone, IBJ5.) A Jaded New Yorker courts danger Permitted Uses, Gulf Beach Ridge. Submitted by Budget Rent A Car of plication Fees for Development Permits for.Residential Development, TERESTEDjiN THE ESTATE: required, WITHIN THREE MON- All persons interested in the inNewEngland. Fort Myers. . ''. ' ' •• - • ••-• ..••-.-.-- -.. • .-• Commercial Development, Subdivision or Division of land. Ac- THS FROM THE DATE OF THE estate to whom a copy of this ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL 9k THE DEAD ZONE, by Stephen King. (Viking. 11M) AJML Consideration of a request for approval of a revised site cessory Structures or Uses and Additions and Extensions to Existing YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS Notice, of Administration has REPRESENTATIVE: John W. $11.98.) Johnny SmUh can see the future and no . plan for the Harbour Cottoge project, previously known as Ten- Structures, Revisions to Approved Plans, Referral Back to Applicant the administration of th© estate NOTICE, to file with the clerk of been mailed, are required, Schumacher, Jr.,/8-Periwinkle . nisplace Cottages and approved under Development Permit No. for Additional Information, Specific Amendments, General Amend- of Johanna Yarnell. Pfeiffer,. the above court a. written state-, WITHIN THREE MONTHS FROM Place, iSanibel, Florida 33957: SOPHIE'S CHOICE, by William Styran. (Ran- 78-601. This project is located south of TennUploce Condominiums deceased. File Number 79-703 ment of any claim or demand THE DATE OF tHE FIRST . Telephone: 472-31514.' , -' dom House, $1U6^ The nature of evil explored along the canal. Request submitted by Mariner Properties, Inc. 1 CP J.RS, is pending in 1he Cir- . they-may have. Each claim. PUBLICATION Of'THIS tiOTICE. 1/11-1/M'- Uiiwgh the story of two doomed lovers. • continued on next page THE GREEN RIPPER, by John D MacOonald - (Upptocott, $BJB.) Travb McGee finds love, bases low. . 12 THE THIRD WORLD WAR: AofHtUM, by Gen;, era] Sir John Hackett and Other Tqp^ankmg NATO Generals and Advisors. (Macmlllan, $1240.) A history of the global war to come. for the finest & largest selection of >, PORTRAITS, by Cynthia Freeman. (Arbor 13 House. $11.90.) The Sansonltskys of "A World FuUotStrangera''reachthel93uTsandi3D>8. SPORTSWEAR-CLOTHING - SWIiWWEAR THERE'S NO SUCH PLACE AS PAR AWAY, by 14 Richard Bach. (Delacorte/EIeanor Frlede, $8.98.) Homilies about love and friendship toth e spirit of "Jonathan UvingstonSeaguU." 15 WARANDREMEMBRANCE,byHermanWouk. *** (little. Brown, $15.) The Benry family of "The WtadsofWar"duringWorldWarlI. O notn o AUNT ERMA'S COPE BOOK, by Erma Bom- - beck. (McGraw-HiU. $8J».>^o* to get from Monday to Friday.. .in 12 days. "Famoiii ^ ;9 THE BRETHREN, by Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong. (Simon & Schuster. $13,991) Inside the Supreme Court. (TURN RIGHT OFF CAUSEWAY) 3 WHITE HOUSE YEARS, by Henry Kissinger. (Little, Brown, «22£0.) President Nixon^torSgn affalrsadvlserteilsmsownstory. 1968-73. ^ SHOES, by Steve Martin. (Putnam's, SBS&.) Zany satire by the television comedian. JAMES HERRIOrS YORKSHIRE, by James Herriot. (St. Martin's Press, $15.) An illustrated Bayshore Village -©-. tour of the veterinarian's home land. • THE AMERICANS, by Alistair Cooke. (Knopf, $10.95.) What Alistair Cooke told bis British radio An Incomparable Riverfront Value v' • . Ustenersabouttis,196B>7». ' --•;•'._:• THE RIGHT STUFF, by Tom WoUe. (Farrar. Convenience Location " ' Straus * Giroux, $12.99.) Project Mercury, America's first manned space program, recalled To live directly on the winding Ca- Two and three bedroom riverfront in nigh style. 1 loosahatchee. to be just minutes ••'*,' condominium residences on North CONNECTIONS, by James Burke. (Little. from downtown offices, shopping Key Drive, just west oT Highway 41. 8 Brown, $17.50.) How we reached this technologi- cal age: basis of the PBS series. ,_,,, and medical centers. To be strolling Phase I sold out... on the riverfront walk while others SERPENTINE, by Thomas Thompson. (Double- Pha^e II now selling day, S12J8.) A quintessential con man leaves a are still bumper to^ bumper. At trail of murder and robbery hi the Far East. North Shore Place, all these at pre-constructlon prices. OLIVA STREET - — • THE COMPLETE SCARSDALE MEDICAL benefits enhance the value and your Preview Center 10 DIET, by Herman Taxnower, M.D., and Samm Sinclair Baker. (Rawson, Wade. $7.98.) A plan to pride of ownership. A direct value open daily."997-1177 loMupto30poundslnl4days. of time for your personal enjoy- A development of WITH NO APOLOGIES, _ M.GoWwater. ment. Time with your family. Mot to 11 (Marrow, $12.93.) of a conservative mention the incomparable value THE MARINER GROUP U.S. Senator. found in any residence offered by of Affiliated Companies 12 ANATOMY OF AN Trf-fyffj, by Norman Cous- The Mariner Group, Inc. n. ins. (Norton, $945.) A patient's account of his successful fight against a serious disease. J HOW TO PROSPER DURING THE COMING Quality 13 BAD YEARS,by Howard J. . (Times Books. $&95.) Apersonal Investment guide. Quality in construction and Mari- the sed horse shop ner's straight-forward development Bayshore Homes Inc. 1 14 THE MEDUSA AND THE SNAIL, by Lewis philosophy—providing the best Bayshore Village features large, .vegetated lots has more swim suits Thomas. (Viking, $8^5.) Essays by a biology watcher. • product for the money, along with 1,000 feet from the GULF OF; MEXICO and the than anyone else BEACHVIEW GOLF COITBSE. 0ixt Io1« offer you 15 RESTORING THE AMERICAN DREAM, by maximum future value—assure Sanitel Island, ^Jprjda- 3395 Robert J. Ringer. (Harper* Row, $12.90.) A po- residents of North Shore Place a plenty of privacy and se^uaontyet^irfe centrally ' sound, quality-conscious environ- located just oflDonax Streetv'Over 40Tpercent sold ment. out our first season, so don't hesitateto visit our HOURS model, 1 - 4 on weekdays, or call us for details. Lot Sanibel's oldest and largest shop WMfcdoys 9-9 Saturday 9-5:30 Sunday 11-5 Discover value today at North prices begin at $22,000. Robert "A. Horak, President open 7 days a week at the

Shore Place. Value that will last Rcpicsenlcd exclusively by Vacation t. Investment Properties. Inc. Bus. (813) 472-3030 quiet lighthouse end of Sanibei Sdnfbol Island, Florida well into the future. Realtors. Res. (813) 472-2583 472-1447 A8 .1980 IsUnd Reporter Island Reporter January 11.1980 A9 Publicradio Cablevision to expand service, add channels in 1980 By Jan Holly or commercial broadcasting as well. According to Robinson, the satellite sta- accommodate any potential production Sanibel resident John Anspacher is ation would operate in a. "piggy-back" needs," he said. "Our studio is large enough By Sosie Holly • the island from the Sanibel Lighthouse to who choose to carry HBO will pay about two reasons, according to Wakula. Most •ii Many of us moving into Southwest member of the committee. : • :... - . fashion. "The radio signal from the Univer- to handle interviews, public affairs forums, Blind Pass condominiums. Cablevision has twice as much as they pay for CATV now, often they desire extra programming, Florida from other parts of the country "For the past 12 months, this committee sity of South Florida's public radio station or musical performances by sizeable perfor- At the beginning of the: 1970's, com- 240300 feet of cable run on the island. This Cablevision rates are $7.23 per month for especially the PBS stations. Or, they want have been surprised and disappointed to has explored all of the available alter- WUSF would be beamed directly to Fort ming ensembles. In addition, we have two municationa experts predicted that by the year, Cablevision plans to carry that ser- onexwtlet and $1.04 for each additional improved reception. . Certain parts of learn that one important service, which natives, collecting information and sear- - Myers for transmission to our listening au- mutually exclusive and well-equipped con- end of the decade, nearly every home in the vice to the Blind Pass bridge and to fill in outlet. The installation fee is $1955 for the; Sanibel eannot get Channel 11 from Fort many communities comparable in size to ching for the most appropriate course of ac- dience," says Robinson. "Under this ar- trol rooms which can simultaneously ac- country would have cable television. That most of the other yet,unconnected areas, first outlet and $955 for each additional Myers without cable. The placement of prediction proved to be somewhat including the Dunes, Beachview, Bayshore .one. V : .:. ''V::.V- ..v- T .;..;'.,./ y••.;.- •; •;•;/••••: Fort Myers provide, is missing here. Fort tion, given the existing resources,'' Robin- rangement,, the community would derive commodate on-air transmissions and-studio : ; buildings along the beaches bloeks off the Myers does not have public radio, and pro- son said. "We had hoped to establish a sta- maximum benefit and at a minimal cost." productions. Should the satellite system be premature^ though cable, or community Village, Gulf Pines, Tahiti Shores and Cablevision currently offers its 'signal, Wakula explained. • -. '•'-. r:.;.''--.V," v bably will not for at least three or four tion in Fort Myers licensed directly to the • The one major disadvantage of a satellite established, ECC will be prepared to make antenna television (CATV), has made great Chateau sur Mer subdivisions, and the subscribers 12 channels, including the more years." college or to a community group, but radio station, in Robinson't estimation, is any needed program contributions." strides. • ',..••••.• ..-..' •• , '•• •:'....'•.:.. •.;••.!- west end of Middle Gulf Drive, Wakula three local network affiliates, three distant Cable generally offers better reception, : neither of these possibilities proved to be the lack of local control over programming. Sanibel and Captiva still have a way'to -said. -"-.-•.-•..•• • '.-. : .-. .J'.'S-,-~ • -..v.'v-iV-V'y..- •-•• network stations from Tampa and though the local company recently has had Some Fort Myers community leaders feasible. ^ . "We will: be listening to WUSF -r not At present, Dr. Robinson and the public go before nearly every island home has Each new mile of cable costs $6^10,000 to Sarasota, two PBS stations from Tampa, an some trouble receiving Unobf its distant have taken steps in recent months to fill "Although substantial funding is WECC. Programming policies will remain radio committee. are- awaiting a decision cable tv. While most Sanibel residents now install, he said. In addition, each mile of independent station from St. Petersburg, channels. Channel 40, the ABC affiliate that . Dr. David Robinson, president of the province of WUSF.-Certainly our ideas have the option for cable and did not in the cable requires two or three amplifiers at a one local weather channel and two Reuters from: Sarasota, moved its transmitter 20 available from state and federal sources, a from USF. If USF agrees to establish a : Edison Community College, is firmly com- public radio station must also have abroad will be'considered, but final policy deci- satellite system for publie radio here, area early seventies, Captiva will have to wait cost of $12-15,000 each. Newsservice channels- •:•• •..-.;; , ::. miles north, virtually cutting off its signal mitted to establishing a public radio ser- base of local support. To qualify for funding sions will be made in Tampa." residents will at least have access to the until 1981before cable even is available By the end of 1980,95 percent of Sanibel Customers also may hook the cable into to SanibeL Cablevision installed a new vice in this area, and he believes that "an from the Corporation for Public Broad- many programs of the National 'Public . there,-. ...'•;'.'•..,• ~ •'••••••?•••"•• '•-•'••:.. • .•;-.• ' .-••••,'.• ... should, have cable available.- Cablevision an FM radio receiver for the, same rate and antenna at its tower this week todea r up institution like ECC must take on the task casting we would need to raise, initially, a According to Joe Zaganczyk, ECC broad- Radio network, with which ;^WUSF is af- -: Cablevision of Sanibel, a division of hopes to start on Captiva in 1981. tune in nine radio stations. . that problem. ; of providing this, and other needed com- capital expenditure amounting to approx- casting instructor and public radio commit- filiated, and to the many.other special syn- Palmer Broadcasting Company of Naples, The company,', which also serves Pine Prospects for the addition of a local munity services if at all possible." imately $160,000 and an additional $100,000 tee member, some programming could con- dicated series that are distributed to public received a franchise for CATV on Sanibel Island, plans to expand service there as origination channel are slim for: the near Local viewers also occasionally have Robinson set about fulfilling that task annually in operating! funds. Simply put,, ceivably originate locally within the radio stations all across the. country... . in the mid-seventies. In the; past three well, to include Pineland and BokeeUa. future, according to Wakula. Sanibel had trouble tuning in toChannel s because of a first by establishing a public radio commit- this is more than the college'can afford." framework of a satellite system. "Pror Robinson cautions "thai even rafter an years, the number of cable customers on Also in store for 1980 is the addition of its own. nightly news-show from.January, problem known as co-channeling. Co- tee, the purpose of which was to find the Rather than give up the idea completely, grams on WUSF which are of interest only agreement has been reached, Fort Myers the island has more than doubled and will Home Box Office (HBO) and Channel 17, ah 1977 to August; 1977. It was dropped due channeling occurs when a distant signal on means to bring public radio to Fort Myers. the committee elected to enlist the aid of to Tampa listeners, could be pre-empted listeners can expect to wait three to four continue to increase rapidly as Cablevision independent sports network from Atlanta. to funding and equipment maintenance pro- the same channel comes in on top of the ex- Selected to serve on the committee were more years before the satellite service can expands its area of service, according to The addition of these two channels to the blems.-"It takes a lot of money to produce a the University of South Florida. They ap- and replaced with our own local produc- u isting channel. If atmospheric conditions! individuals who-are not only committed to proached UUJV President John Lott tions," Zaganczyk said. • ; be implemented. "But, if the proposal is Supervisor Marty Wakula. Cablevision system will require a newshow locally," Wakula said. It would take are right, Channel 3 from Savannah, public radio but who have considerable pro- Brown with a proposal to establish a "The radio studio which has been built in , denied,*'Robinson said, "we will be back at The company currently has 1,812$25,000 antenna, Wakula said. a minimum of $35,000 just for equipment Georgia, comes in.over cable Channel 8 fessional experience in the fields of public satellite'radio station. , • ECC's new humanities building could easily square one." residential .and 1,448 commercial HBO offers first-run movies and sports and studio." from St. Petersburg, effectively wiping out subscribers. CATV is available on most of events to its subscribers. Cable customers Local customers subscribe to CATV for the picture; Wakula explained. vV. IN BEAUTIFUL ^ PERIWINKLE PLACE

w • • •'•:'"•• •. ••vV' '. • "• : . Joline Shores ?TT6m Cornelia YOUR NU IMAGE COMMUNITY COURSES : ANNOUNCES 472-2515 Jeadi# ir formerly with Nu image NEW MANAGER WINTER SESSION THE ISLAND'S ONLY TIMS. »pm • fl Noon Cost $24 are now associated with 1. BRIDGE 1 ALL-MENS STORE linfructor - Bob Osman - Tho play of the hand with review of bidding. For further 1^

SLACKS new Comm. Assoc. Hall. v '':'• '.; • '' ••.•••''••'••'".• ' . ' ' ':' •' " • • ' '.' •• • .••• ••'•,• " .. "..••.".••'• • : • •

Jay Mar Sansa belt * 359 Periwinkle Way" J The'Ybur Nu Image Beauty Salon, teatur-.; 2. ORIGINS OF MAN . v-::"^::' '"'•:':.:• • '•;• ••.:•.;•.> . - /• • . -,:;i v :';. J^^J^^'^*11^^*12 Thompson Golf - easy care (across"frphi the sea horse) Ing products by REDKEN. Is pleased to : announce the appointment of Connie Instructor"--Or. Charles Wilson - Course will summarize the present thinking about the evolutionary path of modern man. Will cover major SHIRTS Pavel as the new manager of the salon. fossil discoveries past and recent. Dora Jones 472-1443 for information. Comm. Assoc. - old room. ' '"•'•':/:'-: :^.''-.-•':• ./•"• Until the dpeninooftheir Connie farlrigs. her. six years of ex- Darhbri dress ond-sporf >- perience on Sanibel to her new position. 3. BASKETRY • ...:..:.:,: .;. •...,;.;-;;-;":;: • VV •"••:>;-'-^-- ••;.•;•.. .;••;,;.;. Frl. lOam-liMpm Cows* $15. Matarteb neWshop In celebration the Your Nu Image Beauty Cross Creek (all gotten) ^ [ r- v Salon Is offering, with your next shampoo $15 -:,••.:., ^,o.., ••.;,:, •:,-.. ,. ' s** . • .. - "•'.1 • •_ •• ' i ::ar\drS^fcO FREE haircut. Bring this an-

"•<-• . •."•''"•""'*•••*• - - ' Instructors - Mike Klein, Polly Matsumoto, Charlie Evans. Three shapes of Appalachian AAountairi baskets of reed will be ••'•:.--- •.-••AAr.v-CidHfbirnia^"' ;,;'-• , •:? • ;r nouncement w|th you for completion of j-> ' - / this offering through February 9th. . Potato and Hen basket. Reed included in cost. Information - Evelyn Xlein 472-3292. Cornm; Assoc. -old bldg. .-•- • •::^ •';"• •: ;'.?•• '" The Your Nu Image Beauty Salon 4. REALM OF ANTIQUES • Thu™. io - n-JOam. &»t $•.« Is Ipcated at 1715 Periwinkle n • •••••..•••.• "-••.•- " "; • Feb. 7 • Mor. 10 • weefci • l Instructor - James Hartle, Certified Appraiser. Course covers identification, value; and collecting for Investmenn Information call Kathryn Way, across from 4he Fiank next : ; f ^ . to Dottl's Boutique. Wycoff 472-2006. New Comm. Assoc. bldg. - :• ,-^v - ;'-..'/v ••'•'.'. ' .-- . • T - ..; :^^ -^f : ^ ^^^ ••• ^^m miw ^^M^^B «BM M^ ^^m mm mmm w ^H» ^Km ^M mmm ^M» m^m ^^m ^^m ^^m ^^m ^^i fWIN • DOUBLE % KItfCi •SPECIAL SIZES AVAILABLE 5. BIRa IDENTIFICATION

6 f MADE HERE IN OUR OWN FACTORY TUISDAY & Instructor - Mark Westall.- information call Helen Raucher 472-5478, Comm. A$soc. New Hall '&; r, "'•••tf ! TO INSURE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WE INSIST ON 6UAUTY BEDDING 6. QUILTING CLASSES :• •-;Z\F-^~"Mi;x^*4p^ M$M '•'' Jan.17.F*.21 6wMks HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRESTONE FOAM MATTRESS Instructor - Vera Swanson - All classes meet at 4291 Gulf Pines Orive. Infbrmcrtionpn' supplies ,to; briffgiall Shirley Evans 472-3365: " •:'-':- '•'O-A •;-". High Performance - Premium Quality a.INTRODUCTION ' .""•'• ' ' ": '• V::..:'"'. '' V.',-',- :^';::v-.••'•/•''• • J We use only the best Learn basic techniques of patchwork, applique and quilting. ; .- v ..;:::' Thura. 10 - 12:30 pm. Cost $25 ALL BEDDING MADE FOR FLORIDA CLIMATE - ,b. SAMPLER QUILT Jan. 17 - Mar. 6 • W«M*» Must know basics. Learn to make a quilt using different applique and patchwork blocks. Pattern book included in cost. -

T» res tone c. WORKSHOP Tues. 10-12(30 pm. Cost $20 For experienced quliters who have quilts underway or need help pfanning and executing a new one. . Jan. 19 • Mar. 4 8 weeks BUY DIRECT "THE FACTORY IS OURS... TO REGISTER: Please fill out the form bebw and mail It with a separate check for each course THE SAVINGS IS YOURS!!!" to Community Courses, c/b Caroline Beebe, 374O Pectin Court, Sanibel Fla. 38957. All fees must be paid In advance with your registration. Fee will be refunded if a class does not fill. BEDROOM SHOWCASE-OVER 30 BEDROOMS • 'V TO CHOOSE FROM NEW SHIPMENT OF Name. BLOOMING PLANTS Address Venus Fry Traps ...... $2.00 City State ^ Large Hanging Baskets ^ "•**v of Strawberries...... ; '•'}..; • . ^ $7.00 Home phone .Business, phone Geraniums ...... $3:00 Fjiiljjsc "*' • ""'..::" / •.. '.. •* •',•'-"tfiO1 YW Class Time «-^aiio^ . • , . « ...... •.••.;»...',, « , . i ".•',.• ^jUv. Zebras ...... ;;;;^... .^$fyQ0 Class Time Crossandas .; i:.,> ... ^.$5.6p Class Time FACTORY AND SHOWROOM VISA Hanging Baskets . ;^: 2443 N. AIRPORT ROAD of Begonias ...... ;...;... ,:.v. .$7.5(1 Do you need transportation? Yes , i tn -.»I • I \ MOV I Kl !•- . N \ I '.'• Shadehouse said Shop hours 10-5 . 2240 Periwinkle Way 472-4555 ; • ** AAkkkkA AA k A10 Island Reporter Island Reporter January 11,1980 All

plan. What about police patrol? We have mant. "Criminals know no boundaries," general and the courts often end up as the our own police department - a good one- says;Wanicka. He argues that residents of final arbiters. . .,. • • ' • K argues services provided area-wide giving us all the police patrol* we heed. the dties travel to other areas of the coun- The 1968 Florida Constitution says that What about a neighborhood park, say in not enough, say cities ty and need and deserve protection. He property within the dties will not be taxed from 1~A more remote rural areas, the county enters tions on a county policy statement on Lehigh Acres? We don't use it, and we concedes that: his department couldn't pro- for county services rendered "exdoshrely" its own plea, arguing that it is the area- dual taxation and a statement on the don't want to pay for its upkeep. yfrom 10-A fine, says Sanibel's Councilman Zee Butler^ vide the kind of service provided by the ci- for the benefit of the property or residents unincorporated areas of the county, and wide government "with the legal and fiscal same sabject by County Commissdon ' Last October the City of, Sanibel, by and she applauds the: county for such pro-, ty police, but contends; the two services of unincorporated areas. . - . such rapid growth carries with it a heavy authority to provide services on a county- Chairman Dick Steele. resolution, contended that dualiaxation ex- using the vehicle provided, gress in alleviating the problem. But it supplement each other. In that argument In 1979, the state legislature passed demand tar services of all sorts. That' costs wide basis." Both county doeumentewere handed isted in the fields of neighborhood parks, A piece of legislation adopted in 1974. simply doesn't go far enough, say the


•«.•*• LADIES' & MENS* APPAREL •*>. IMIIGIPEE If you own your own lot on Sanibel and; would tennis p.. like to see it grow and Accessories GIFT FRUIT prosper into a rental in- vestment call or write us LUly PulHzer about planting a •-Tft- BOXES and BASKETS Bonne Bell TREEHOUSE. No.13 PERIWINKLE PLACE Now-Shipping Naval ft T«mpl« Orangos Cosmetics SANIBEL ISLAND Tangolos and S««dloss Grapefruit 472-2993 Unconditionally Guaranteed Licensed & Bonded Fruit Shipper. IN THE "COURTYARD" Call us for an appointment SCULPTURED STERLING JEWELRY out of State Call Toll Free 1(800)874-9063 IMPORTS • APPAREL • GALLERY DIANA STEVENS • GILLIAN SUAREZ CAR RENTALS 2415 PERIWINKLE WAY • 472-9220 FRANK D. JOYCE, Vice President Se//s S™ Shells OPEN MON.-SAT. 10 TO S "An Ocean Bi"Boutique" A 22 DAY TOUR OF G&.T INVESTMENTS OF SANIBEL, INC J CHECK OUR • v'" IRELAND • SCOTLAND * ENGLAND P.O. Box 326, Sanlbsl. R. 33957 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS (813) 472-1571 .'([;•; Tahitlan Garden '- ' Apothecary Center INCLUDING MOST MEALS NO MILEAGE RATES 1983 Periwinkle Way Store Hours 2460 Palm Ridge Rd; (Sunbird or similar cor) ;,.•; i, 'Sanibel AO-5 Daily Sanibel Weekly departures May • Sept. From $2298 plus air 472-3991 Closed Sunday 472-1994 Family Casuals if •'•V. featuring

2418 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel Island 5 Pulitzer Toll Free U.S. and Canada 1-800-237-2804 From Florida Call Collect 813-381-2758 Evenings and Weekends Mon. - Pri. 9-5 Sat. 10-1 Bodin • HSE PKXUP AND OBSVBCf TO AIRPORT AND AREA MOTHS by appointment 472-1856 472-3117 •All CARS AIR-CONDITIONED LOWEST Pierre Cardin • AIL CARS RENTS) FUU OF OAS W* fmtura: GM, Fonb. Dodg* and van LOCAL RATES too. Rain jKMvdacauiilabt* tub|«et. le also changa without noltc*. Beachwear A wonderful book Terries holiday. for anyone who and Accessories loves nature .^i must for those 936-5400 126 Crystal Drive 1 FINE MEATS PRODUCE, & GROCERIES MV who love Sanibel. . in Heart of The Island Behind McDonald's on U.S. 4 1 S MON. thur SAT. 9:00-9:00/ MUNSON &PALM 1616 Periwinkle Way Ft. Myers. Pa. 33907 SUNDAY 10-6 ' CAPTIVA ISLAND 472-1958 Mon.-Sat. 10-5


The undesigned does hereby THINGS ON SANIBEt- certify that we are conducting, CONSULT OURJPROFES^IONALDESIGK STAFF a restaurant business at 6460 Captiva Rd., Sanibel, Florida, under' the fictitious name of. Holland T. Salley, ASID* Duddie-Mc TV and that said Robert W.Cbxey, ASID* firm Is composed of the follow- • John D. Kempfer, ASID* By George Campbell, Sanibel's outstanding naturalist, with over 40 illustrations injj'-fiersons whose names and Andrew J:Krecicld,Sr., ASID* by artist Molly Eckler Brown. places• of residences. are • as follows:, Jill Tolley arid Ntaryr John C. Bellows, Jr., Designer "THE NATURE OF THINGS ON SANIBEL is a handy inventory of this wildlife Loticero, 475 Rabbit/Rd/;;. * Members of American Society of ' and there are useful checklists of our reptiles and mammals. And the whole is SanlbeiVrFloridb. Ownership.of Olidclie A/Vc T'sfs as follows: Jill • "/ / Interior Designers ' '['•".'"•/•. ' enhanced by captivating drawings by the local wildlife artist Molly Eckler B." - TJJ 5P% Wtary-loCiceto : • • '•' v;:" -Griffing Bancroft in the Island Reporter •""..•• - v>^•;VMfr •W••Naplc»:'Show^^oo^l.^wllicb displays a large collection of the finest quality furniture, It i^oiir-HjiM ' ?'^?-.-'y^-? I;";-^v'^C'v^-'i'i'^r-' \;'~i^i" lamps, bedding, and accessories to tastefully PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW! complete interiors for you* Florida life style. loft - >^^ ~- hard 1 *•-";-./. -.

juU$1 for millingand handling. . - ' Florid* resident* add 4 percent sales tax. Sworn tej ( Macintosh Book Jill: Av Tolley ;S : TELEPHONE 813^61-7464 : NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 7 ..:';-.;.'/./•'.: icCfwo before rne thi« J7th .. t'^\^M0i xi?:0- NAPLES^^F] 1QZ1 Periwinkle Way v>:/, • •-•• •' - *•• /KX>.i9r9^:r ^jfeS^^g^^:^^^;^^ Usalamson~ •v-L- , A12 January 111930 Island Reporter

Island Reporter January 11,1980 A13 Effectiveness of lighthouse questioned

shore to navigate the coastline, Paekham goes off for US seconds, flashes on again for commission •;V. +from 1'A said. half-a-seeond, then stays off for 7.5 seconds. By Renee side the tube to the light. _-. One problem plaguing the Sanibel Light The cycle is then repeated. Preschool sets ... "Welcome±o"," is Roberts'reply His roots are based in generations of Lee When it was boilt the light wm» an impor- is the Australian pines that grow around it A sun sensor automatically activates the when asked of the challenge McCutcheon Countiana and he says he has "made the The first black in the history of Lee will pose. The battle between tbe two easy transformation of that area into a tant navigational aid to tailors, bat today and block the view of the light from some light at dusk and extinguishes H at dawn. County to try fora county commission seat angles. "When the light was buflt the pines Democrats will, come sooner than the working metropolis his avocation: His fundraiser says that he will not make race an issue in November general election; a primary bet- father "was one of fburblaiek truck farmers -IfereaHj worthies*."aaid LeBufl. who weren't there." Chief Vaught said. Paekham urged residents to report .the campaign.: : '• owns a sailboat aad has nsed.theHght to ween .members of the same party will be; on Sanibel" and bpdght for Pat from his The trees mask the light from boaters malfunctions to the Coast Guard. "Let the Children's Center of the Islands will Pat/ McCutcbeon, head of the Dunbar navigate. Ttia too dim and there are too travelling south in Pine Island Sound along Fort Myers Beach station know if the light held September 9,1980. ' : • •'- labors property inDunbar. McCatcheon sponsor a fund raising sale from JfcOO ajn. to Coalition and resident of Dunbar, yester- r Although he concedes that "the Dunbar many lights on the horison now. I cant pick the Intraeoastal Waterway, but Paekham is out," he said. "If we get the word well 1:00 pjn. Saturday, January 19 in the has over the years built homes "from the it 19. No one really depends on it for. points out that the light is intended to take care of it. Well have it fixes within 48 day announced hia intention to run for the situation wiQ not relate to the people oh gound up" on 12of these lots and now rents Sanibel Community BuOding. district three commission seat. District navf serve boaters in the gulf. "You can see it hours." the Beach at all," he says he will serve all of them Out. •' •-" •';•• .•.'".:"''"•/'••' • ''•" •"'••'' •""*'-"'.'; •''• Proceeds from the sale, one of three an- three encompasses ; Porti Mye>s; Beach; the people in the district by meeting with McCutcheon is a VtaJlpribjr' firade^-and' C9def Vaoght agrees. "I don't consider it coming straight into the island from the The Coast Guard owns * 5 acres on the nual events, will benefit the. Center's effective.*' be said. "I don't use it. I don't gulf, which is its ma jar function." Bonita Springs, andaTnarrow tract north to . them to find out their specific problems: designed cut arid sewn clothes for 12 years' eastern tip of Sanibel, including the relocation fund. The Center, now housed in Dunbar's Anderson Avenue. ^ • • pay attention to it. It's not high enough and Two years ago the aids to navigation lighthouse and keepers' quarters. Most of "They have to tell me what thejrwant and in the 1930*8 arid 40*s for Sidney Davis shbp^ the old Bailey's General Store off Bailey "I wai insert the racial issue nowhere in not bright enough. It should be visible 8-10 group put in a request to Coast Guard of- the property is leased to the JJJ. "Ding" 1 then Fll address those issues." ' '•' ::•'•-''• ">'••':on First Street. His passion hats been model mfles. It's listed aa a 13-mile light, bat rve Road, hopes to be established in new my phitform, ' McCutcheon says, "I want Although he has. never held an elected : trains, most of which he sends by mail to all ficials in Miami to trim the Australian Darling National Wildlife Refuge. The quarters on land off Casa Ybel Road by the never seen it 18 miles away. Sometimes I'm pines around the light, but there has been Coast Guard has announced its intention of people to look at the human side - at who political position, McCutcheon says he has parts of the country. He has a wife, Ruthi' next academic year. • . i : lucky if I can see it 3 miles away." no action, Paekham said. It's not unusual • selling or turning over the land to any in- the candidate really is - and that isaot. col- been^very active in local politics for thelast and one son, Pat Jr. ' •••' ~ v'';.', ••--)'./•- ;^.'. The sale will feature furniture, dishes, or. . Look at me as another candidate, one •M **Ifs a -very important light," Paekham for someone to report that the light is not terested governmental agency, but the 30 years. He is a member^of the Democratic Although h& is confident his approach to counters. "Major ships follow it as they go working when the only problem is that Coast Guard will retain ownership of the pots and pans, clothing, toys and other wha will turn the government back: to the Executive• Party in Lee County'..and recent- politics "will g^t the job done,"; McCut- Hems. Donations of small items may be ; down the coast" The Coast Guard lists the their view is blocked by the pines, lighthouse and will continue to operate it, 'people.'V.-.-' ^':-. ;^:'...; ••.""•,;'•-. ^- .-/.;.. ly attended the Democratic State Conven- cheon is studying part-time for a degree in brought to the center the week of January Sanibel Light as a seaeoast Hght for off- Paekham said. ~ • Paekham said. Of incumbent district, three Commis- tion in St. Petersburg as a delegate. ; : / political science at Edison Community Col-' 14. For assistance for large items call shore purposes, one of several such lights The Sanibel Light is classified as a group' sioner Roland Roberts, McCutcheon says, McCutcheon is' known as the active lege. Even* though he is fast approaching that dot the Southwest Florida coast. Ships 472-3093 during the day and 472-8907 after "I can say nothing about him but that he is leader of the Dunbar Coalition, a six-year- 60, he says it's never too late to take in "a 10 light by the Coast Guard. That means it The lighthouse was placed on the Na-&00p.m. use the seaeoast lights and a series of "big is a white fight that flashes in 10 second tional Register of Historic places several a fine gentleman." Next week Roberts old organization that works to upgrade the ^/Vg Pat McCutcheon, the firat black to run plans to officially announce his candidacy for a county commission seat, says he •$>? bend" lights located about five miles off- cycles. The light comes on for half-a-seeond. years ago. Dunbar community. "We formed it to hear the philosophical side of the question, for reelection to the seat lie has occupied renovate, rehabilitate • and. uplift Dunbar but you know; I can't' really see how that' uritf not make race an issue in his cam- for the past three years.; , physically and spiritually." stacks up to experience." paign. SET UP YOUR RECORDS FOR THE NEW YEAR seasonal clearance with The Finest Dome Bookeeping Records Eaton's At-A-Glance 1 Ownership Reso Appointment Books Ledger and Columnar Sheets Success Calendar & Refills on Sanibel Island and your other bo

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L-OlES HABERDASHERY FURNISHED MODELS OPEN 9 AM ~ 8 PM EVERY DAY Office Sup Captiva cypress square sanibel island Heart of the bla SANIBEL 472-2995 X Our Shopping Aduenture

A is Greater Than Ever SERVING THE INSURANCE NEEDS OF SOUTHWEST FLORIDA FOR OVER 30 YEARS Announcing the opening of • REPRESENTATIVES FOR Ybel Beach M • Aetna • Independent Fire • Auto-Owners • Insurance Company of Florida cquet Club Zamboanga Part II • Cambridg* Mutual • IMI • Chubb/Padfk • Maryland Casualty MM (ab» in TaJiWan Oarden, 2 doors eaft of Zamboanp) • Cndnnati • Ohio-Casualty • Continental • Reliance • Cmm & Fenter . • Royal Globe Dbtct Import Prices on • Fireman's Fund • St. Paul Fire & Marine • General Accident • Travelers o Seauttfal Burl IDkber furniture! n • West American • INA • USFtG (fVxocfe duur-$7930) Uw» Cross-Blw* SitMd Olmmslon III Individual and family A Smtth fabric IDal Dtcor hotpttalizaHon policy available thru our office. (do-fe-fpurrlf or rtadg -to-hans) N BnaOM Cnamk Hw! Baskets! Baskets! Baskets! G Stoptyp Today! BENSON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 472-1571 FRANK D. JOYCE GAS A YBEL BOAD Af WEST GULF £klW "V • SUITE 204 - LANDLUBBER A SHOPPING CENTER SANIBEL A Shopping Adventure at Tahitian Garden 472-4035 33957 AGENT on Sanibel Island 2009 Periwinkle Way 10-5 Mon.-Sat P.O. BOX 353, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 A14 January 11,1980 Island Reporter Island Reporter January 11.1980 A15 rust By Mark Twombly became more involved'in political issues af- owl nests in the peaks of their rooftops. By Susie Holly of the SCCF?" he asks. V - Dann came to know marine fecting: the environment; new programs Though he has ideas on what the future Knowledgeable members could author dnematographer Al Giddings and scientist The Sanibel-Captiva'Conservation Foun- such as a native plant nursery were begun; should hold, Webb is anxious to find out "how to" guides, such as a guide to identify In a few months the country will view a Sylvia Earle. The three of them saw a need dation can look back on the second half of and all the while the organization pursued what SCCF members think. "We want peo- ferns -found on Sanibel and Captiva. To two-boor network prime time special on for an organization which would "have in- the decade just ended as years of hectic its original goal of acquiring land on the ple, with suggestions, criticisms and pro- concerned with the need for members of the undersea world, which its producers fluence on international ocean policy by the growth. The 13-year old organization mov- island for preservation.,Now it's time to posals to write them down and send them the foundation to get more excitement and hope will promote a public understanding production of baseline marine research and ed from a tiny, rented office into Conserva- step back and make plans for the coming to the SCCF - anonymously if you want. pride out of being members," Webb says. of the importance of protecting the world's by changing public attitudes'* through the. tion Center, its ambitious new permanent decade.".-'. ,•.••;.•; • .-.'•..•/•'.'.•.-. ; ;-•'••' My hope is that some person or group will Webb also has formed several new eonv oceans. For Christopher Dann, who is part- influence of television, Dann said. headquarters complete with exhibit areas, "In 1980 we need to review our programs come up with ideas that the and staff mittees toJbetterJseflect the activities and ly responsible for the production of this Ocean Trust came into being in 1978 with Christopher Dann spoke to a laboratory, darkroom, gift shop and of- haven't thought of. We tend to look at function of thfeflrandation; Be also sees a SCCF members this week and decide where to go in the future," says documentary film the well-being of the seas three immediate goals: 1) Convert a fices on a207-acretract honeycombed with William Webb, the new chairman of the things inwardly, with a narrow focus. We needtoexaminestaff requirements at Con- is a number one priority. military ship into a research lab and about his organization. nature trails; SCCF officers and members need a member who looks at the whole servation Center. "Dick Workman has in Ocean Trust. Dann is the son 15-person SCCF Board of Directors. V V Dann is a founder and the president of floating studio for marine research and the "I feel there is an absolute need for the operation and says something- good, bad many people's eyes become the SCCF," Ocean Trust Foundation, a non-profit. San production of television documentaries on ; of island resident Ann : : v ; Webb says. "Hehas-had to become a jack at Winterbotham. board to take a hard look at where we have or indifferent," •'./"• 7-••:/;;' ; •-- ^ " ,- \ -'V Frandsco-based group dedicated to marine marine natural history; 2) produce and self been, where we are now, and what the op- all trades and master of them alL It's not research and education. Dann's concern for •'•'. Webb plans to conduct two.long-range a natural history special for network televi- portunities are for where we are going. If planning sessions with SCCF board reasonable: to continue to lay all of these the; environment and love for the sea come sion; and 3) develop scientific and financial tier: A Chronicle of Undersea Discovery," a Trustees include Ralph Davidson, vice- we continue to do what we are doing we members this month to consider new ideas, heavy responsibilities on him. It's part of in part from his connection to Sanibel - his resources of Ocean Trust. book written by Dr. Earle, with president of Time, .Inc.; Lawrence ^may look back in a few years and say, including those from members. **We.fre not the long range planning: should we expand mother is an island resident and Planning "None are done as easily as they'.are photographs by Giddings. Feldman, chairman of the board of Western 'Gosh, why didn't We take that looking for new, general areas in which to the staff , and if so, what kind of expertise Commissioner Ann Winterbotham. said," Dann remarked. As for its third and perhaps most dif- Merchandise Mart; Jacqueline Kennedy opportunity.'". ; : - r get involved," he says, "but how to balance should we look for;";.. Dann visited the island this week, and The conversion of. the ship,'a former ficult goal of collecting scientific and finan- Onassis, editor at Doubleday; Robert r The foundation's activities need to be our programs and finances." . v: ^ ; : • Webb hits lived on Sanibel for five years presented a program on Ocean Trust Mon- United States Coast Guard cutter now cial resources, Dann said Ocean Trust gain- Jenkins, senior vice-president of Ogilyy evaluated and adjusted to better reflect The SCCF is conducting a fund drive this and serves on the city's Vegetation Com- day night for the Sanibel-Captiva Conser- known as Research Vessel Eagle, is dose to ed a substantial breakthrough last month and Mather,. John Larson of McKinsey the times, Webb believes. For example, year to raise $100,000. according to Webb. mittee. After receiving an undergraduate vation Foundation (SCCF). "SCCF had completion, Dann said. It will contain two when National Geographic awarded the Company, Inc.; G. Jon Roush, rancher and land acquisition, once a major function of .Income from members'dues; the gift shop, degree in forestry, a master's in wildlife 1'fe<' ' much to do with my own career in conser- research labs, two photo and one sound lab,, organization a $50,000 grant. conservationist; and William Shively, ex- the organization, has become less critical admissions to Conservation Center and management and a doctorate in ecology, ••••by' vation," Dann told a sizeable audience of a diving bell and decompression and recom- Gathering funds has been somewhat dif- ecutive president of S.C. Johnson arid Son, sales at the native; plant nursery are not Webb spent nearly 40 years on the faculty -• it. - : since the Sanibel land use plan eased the SCCF members. His mother's involvement pression chambers for diving to 600-plus ficult, Dann said, because Ocean Trust will Inc. : -". '• " .-'.•''* f'A.;- •• threat of overdevelopment. Conservation enough to keep the foundation on a secure of the State University of New York Col- and skill in organising SCCF apparently feet. The 221-foot ship will house 36 resear- not accept federal government support. Ocean Trust's list of scientific and education, a second major function of the . financial footing, he says. "New programs lege, of Environmental Science and rubbed off on Dann. who has risen to the chers, film technicians and crew members, "We perceive government as part of the technical advisors also is impressive, in- SCCF and Conservation Center, could be have to be looked • at with the question, Forestry at Syracuse. He served eight .*'•'* forefront of the world conservation move- and will cost $5,500 per day to operate. problem, not part of the solution in ocean cluding some of the top names in the handled in part by the JJ'J. "Ding" Darling where is the money going to come from?" years as dean of the graduate school there. ment. The second of Ocean Trust's immediate policy. Our effectiveness in influencing in- marine science field. ' : National Wildlife Refuge staff when the During his one-year term as chairman Last year he was elected a fellow of the **H there was a fraternity of environmen- goals has been achieved. Ocean Films, Ltd., ternational policy would be compromised if After IV* years. Ocean Trust is ready to refuge moves into new headquarters plann- Webb hopes to involve more members in Society of American Foresters, one of the ..-••• 4 tal organization administrators, (Dann) cer- in conjunction with Ocean Trust has sold a our research were supported by the federal really get its program underway, Dann ed near the entrance to the refuge wildlife SCCF programs and activities. "There are nation's oldest and most exclusive profes- tainly would be heralded as one of the two-hour special, "The Descent: A sional societies. He also served on a government." said. Coincidentally, this year the young •drive.' ' . '.: . ••-.;'-;" *'::'., '•• '-•••''• '.-- ;'-••/. an awful lot of members who pay their dues leaders of that group," SCCF Director Dick Chronicle of Undersea Man'," to ABC. Film- The catch-22 is that most oceanographic organization will launch its ship and air its The third major focus of the SCCF, etf an8 then wonder what the foundation is do- Presidential commission that advised the Workman said. . ed by Giddings, the show received a $1.7 research has been supported by the federal premiere television special, has been vironmental affairs, such as working for ing for them. I think the board and staff Secretary of Agriculture oh new scientific Prior to his association with Ocean million, budget, one of the largest ever government, and therefore, private fun- designated by President Carter,-as the adoption of rules to manage thePine Island .' needs to look at ways to offer the oppor- and technical aspects of Forestry Service Trust, Dann was executive director of the granted for a television documentary, ac- ding groups have not seen the need to lend Year of the Coast. Dr. William Webb hopes to get more Sound Aquatic Preserve, Ls important, tunity for members to become involved." • .rules. \.:.' •.:••• •'-•••.:..',;- ..-';.' • • . World Wildlife Fund from 1973-78, and ::..-' -Ti-f com- ssion spent two-and-a-half cording to Dann. "The Descent" will air in their^ support, Dann explained. "If this year is going to really develop as SCCF members involved in the organisa- Webb says,-but does not involve many of For example, Webb believes people director of development for the Nature May....: • •- ••••/••; <:•-•;• • •• ••• • Nonetheless, Ocean Trust has been able to something with any meaning, it is a nice the SCCF's 2,500 members. . . would be eager to participate in a project years, studying Forestry Service rules, and, tion during his one-year tenure as chair- r Conservancy before that. To go along with the program, National attract some substantial contributors. : delivered its recommendations last time to begin launching our venture," Dann man. ••'•.•: '•'"..• --•'.'.•:...-.": ''""?• '-.-• " ",' '•-. •.-..•'•'.. .'. "The question is, what balance should we to increase the islands' barn owl populate . Through his work in those organizations, Geographic will publish "The Deep Fron- Members of the Ocean, Trust Board of said. put in the various activities and functions by building and monitoring suitable barn September, according to Webb.

TERRYCLOTH SHIRTS SHORTS Why sleep in a motel PANTS SWIM SUITS when you can play MEN'S CASUAL ^ WEAR 'by LAGUNA at our resorts?

In Periwinkle Place Shopping Center 472-1171 Closed Sundays A sensible way to save on future vacations... X2 Interval Ownership! You wanted a shell lamp . . - Hilo Steiner 2 & 3 bedroom cari ship you one for . waterfront •-•i-.,^.j':' $30.

1 condominium resorts -..--" *••• •- r . Your shells. They go inside the melon glass for lifetime vacation *' ball; easy to remove ownership by the week. the top, arrange your The Interval Ownership.Company shells the way you love them, change them frequently. 19" ffr:.- lamp comes complete with natural burlap Free Gift for Visiting Couples shade; fully wired. This one-of-a-kind "Island Gull" sculpture Nice. Order Melon is the handmade craft of Island artisan *25, send check or Larry Hoff. Constructed of Belgian brass anssa money order, we ship and driftwood, you'll treasure this gift CONDOMINIUMS prepaid UPSr Drop in as a reminder of your.'favorite*- . •<*.:•.« at the Black Pearl in island escape,,Sanibel! v The Intelligent Alternative at $63,400 Sanibel and see pur lamps.' .Or. send'for catalog. 2.00, from: Located within two miles of the Sanibel Causeway, three We're easy to reach. 'Exactly what we needed, Interval Ownership shopping centers and three full service marinas, Carissa Look for the • Swimming Pools combines the charm and natural beauty of island living with Carissa entrance at The Chapter ciub in Naples" •Docks on Bay ^ OPEN DAILY 9am - 5pm the convenience and economy of mainland living. sign on McGregor A 2 BED/2 Bath Condominium completehr furnished to the last • Fish/Ski boats Carissa's park-like setting includes an over-size pool . Boulevard one detail for the mum yon: wi«h to UM it. Yo • Sail Boats •Pool Side Bat SAN CARLO— S BAY— •= .S^CSSS 'i — —.-^.,...... =~ h ta ^l!W»:A|» i •«• i ••^KSSSS. ••••' ' -— -- --=-^ with pool house and large deck, a shaded area for relaxation, block east of ot mon • •!...••- 507 Broad St. • Adah Lounge ~»..Xj ::^y: ::;:::;ag—c=:-. —• — n'.T-.!•';'• ySSS^y.• • -jg ^^ f.— .1 ••• • ' i —•••-'•«:;•.;:• [. •-• •• • y an exercise room and two tennis courts..All facilities are •Bicycle ! ' ' • • • : Shell Point Village. Shrewsbury. N.J. 0770i available to owners without land or recreation leases. • . Our sales office phone (201) 741-5862. TIED TO A PARTICULAR TIME OR AREA. Stop ,«yto»e«» •Umo Service «t on office «nd take • tocr of"o*r foih^ied model, then TAKE • Recxeatton Center • ••-«• i i^Sg!'—y**l'."'^SSaJM Jt# ^^ . .^ is open seven days Or if you're around this ' '"Sfe"] ,"" ONE OF OUR WEEKLY CRUISES £ • Jacurd •"•• • - '•-'•;••'' ••I The Carissa apartments are loaded with features: Spacious from 10 o'clock. way.stop in. Garden State : 'South-East Exposure screened deck opening from living room and master bedroom * Parkway. Exit 109: ONNAPLESBAY.; V ' M. owiioomfaM Naples Large pass through from kitchen to dining area • Self-cleaning Priced from $3400 deBending on = ParkandBay. oven and range with hood • Microwave oven * G. E. ice maker •' refrigerator • Pot-scrubber dishwasher • Disposal • Pantry the teasonyoD enjoy Naples. SANIBEL rSLAND/ * Interval OwncrahJp closet in kitchen • Washer and dryer • Master bath with Occupancy this season. : Condominium A — The vocation you come RECEPTION CENTER algirEV dressing room • Walk-In closet in master suite • Linen closet * 3S» PERIWINKLE WAY • aTH^a ' —' PUNTAVBEL PLAZA ^"^0^^ Hall utility closet • Ceiling fans in master bedroom and on Protect home to. For life. GULF Of MEXICO deck • Southern exposure • 3 telephone Jacks • , . ~ - Wiring for cable tv Mtar This offer made for the purpose of promoting sales Reception Center 1041 9th Street South 16952 Davis Rd. S.W. Ft. Myers, Fl. 33908 Animals- of Interval Ownership weeks at this resort.. 359 Periwinkle Way Owners select carpeting, vinyl or carpet for kitchen, kitchen Maples, Florida 33940 Sanibel Tsland, Florida' 33957 Interval Ready, Inc.. Registered Real EstateBrokcrs cabinets, vanity bases and cultured marble tops. 813/482-6233 • 813/482-5616 Phone: (813) 261-5559 (813)472-4162 ORIUESIOUH-V! 1 Island Reporter January 11,1980 A17 A16 January 11,1980 Island ReDorter New Community Courses on tap

:' •;" By Nancy DelFavero protect antinques and their value as an in- vestment. Newton Associates, Inc., Realtors : j, Take a wide variety of subject matter The course instructor, James- Hartle, is a for less than. y®u i{taught by accomplished instructors and registered appraiser and a member of the • turn it into classes offered dose to pome tor Antique Appraisers of America. He has of Sanibel la nominalfee and you've got the key to the 'been a private collector for 15 years and is Amdki •think. . r^.^*^ popularity of. Community Courses'. Florida's only graduate auctioneer of fine iv The second half of the winter session arts in antiques and estates. He lias been : line-up of courses includes some brand new nationally recognized in ethical appraisers The NEWEST phase under construction ^offerings, 90 even if you've already signed and auctioneering societies, "" . r-;np for otie Community Course*' yon may "The Realm of Antique?" will meet for Luxury condominiums...spacious, gracious and realistically JjBndyet another opportunity for learning a six Thursdays beginning February 7 from priced. All have screen-enclosed balconies with views of the "new hobby, acquiring useful knowledge or 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. There is no maximum or many features which will complete your Island ^expanding your intellectual horizons. minimum enrollment. The fee -for the dream. :ff If evolution is of interest, Sanibel resi- course is $9. For more information call Mrs. >dent Dr. Charles «T. Wilson wUl be lecturing Arthur Wycoff at 472-2006. Brand new and ready this Spring V: on "The Origins of Man," a course that will 'Tor people who have never had a hobby

" t• -.'summarize the present thinking of Man's like this, it will be a lot of fun," says Com- Priced from $149,900 /evolutionary process from his primate munity Course instructor Charlie Evans •origins. about the new "Basketry" course.- Evans Newton Associates, Inc., Realtors Wilson holds a PhD from Columbia and will join fellow craftsmen Mike Klein and '.has lectured at the graduate level. He has Polly Matsumoto in instruction on the Exclusive Sales Agents for Sundial served as past chairman of the Sanibel- basics of basket making. Captiva, Conservation Foundation, has The course will cover construction of 1246 Middle Gulf Drive 'supervised archeological excavations on melon, potato and hen baskets, three types Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 Sanibel and was co-director of the "Ar- native to the Appalachian mountains. "It's ; cheology of Southwest Florida," an something anybody can learn," said Evans, . Stop by, or call academic conference and exhibit held on and once the basics are mastered, the In Florida, 813-472-4151 the island last'year. variations on design are limitless, he said. Basketry is a 15-hour course that will Out of State, 1-800-237-4184 The course will cover evolution as la meet three consecutive Fridays, beginning 1 response to environment and genetic in- February 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m,, heritance and variation; WUson said. He with a half-hour lunch break. The fee fpr> ; -;• will review the inajbr: steps in the long the course is $i5< plus a $15 charge for; Cll resales ; r. • ••.. :•• .•• V-'••• '•. • _, transition from:simple organisms to com- materials. There will be a maximum of 20 plex mammalian forms. There will be a students for the class. The instructors ask' ; question and answer period at the end of that students bring an ice pick, garden clip- Ask about the resale luxury condominiums, some • ••;'•. . each hour-long class segment. ; pers, a bucket or bowl 10 to 12 inches in ~just completed CAST Sp>ing. Your homesite in the beachfront community at : "Origins b|, Maii"; will meet for six con- diameter, heavy yarn and lunch. For more Gulf Ridge can cost you less than $45,000. It . v secutive Wednesdays starting on January .information on the basketry course call 23 from I0;00 a.m,:^o 12HH) p.m. Minimum Evelyn Klein at 472^3292^ Jx,; > ^ • DECORATOR'S DELIGHT - $159,900 •'••V comes complete with access to Sanibel's most - class size is 25 ^nd maximum class size is All of the classes will meet at the Sanibel beautiful Gulf beach, over 95 acres of lush, tropical "- 50. For more information call Dora Jones at :;Gommunity>House.p-1 :• ^^-.'V- '\-,'y^;! Spacious two bedrooms, 2 bath with woodlands, community tennis courts and swimming ; 472-1443. The fee for the class is $12. In last week's article on Community convertible den; Carpeted and some - If you appreciate antiques and would like Courses, Mark Westell'was identified as Community Course instructor Charlie Evans adds a woven : wall w pool and insured, seclusion among neighbors who to learn what they are worth or how to the instructor of the Bird I.D. courses. body to the rib cageofabasket Along with Evans, island feel just the way you do about living on Sanibel. • recognize the genuine article then "The There are in fact several instructors for residents Polly Matsumoto and Hike: Klein will be % - A JU^ ABOUT Gulf front. Attrartive course b« *'Ba«A» present to assist you in and see. "' i'. . • picking your plants and to 4 Secluded Homesites tell you how to transport The go anywhere- — Call for further information — in a Gulf Front Community II".! CABLEVISION do anything shoes' Beverly Cooper^ Ed Garvey Tom Primm Eve: 481-1692 Eve: 482-2847 Eve: 482-1964 is more than just PLEASE . more information on Gulf Ridge better reception. Mens - Womens - Chlldfeits Newton Associates, Inc. NAME. STREET. 2150 West First Street CITY STATE 7IP Fort Myersi fL 33901 Jra PHONE:. (813)332-2121 ^ KNUpS|N REALTY, INC. 472-4787 MCTHING CENTER m em WMUIM 1619 PeriWinkle Way Your fullseryice real estate company (Landlubber Shopping Center) y- -472-3737 or 472-3716 \1 y-.V^^-WKJ^ir* ^^

A18 January 11,1980 Island Reporter i Island Reporter January 11,1980 A19 FREE HOME PERMITS AND undifil convention facilities near completion Four building permits for construction valued at $119,160 were issued by the City of Sanibel during the By Bradley Fray DELIVERY week ending January 9. Permits were issued to: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. Cyr for a house and pool at 655 When the American College of ON SANffiEL & GAPTIVA .For Real Estate developers- Anchor Drive by the owner for $69,300; Chest Physicians,. executives - of ' . ' ahd those who'd like to be... Dr. and Mrs. Leon Skolnick. for a house at 1747 Jewel Johnson Wax and those of General Box Lane by Robert Horak for $31,160; Mills meet in separate conferences OUT-OF-TOWN Join this rapidly growing new segment of the hospi- Keith Trowbridge for a pool and patio on Bayview Lane tality industry Resort interval ownership (selling vaca- by Triton Pools for $15,700; - at Sundial this season, participants tion, .ownership by the week) means increased yield will have one diversion they NEWSPAPERS potential for resort, hotel., motel and condominium Goldenron Corporation for a boardwalk at 1649 Gulf developers Or land holders in prime vacaiion locations Drive by Finger Construction for $3,000. couldn't get anywhere else on the Captran has perfected systems for converting your prop- gulf coast. Boston Globe erty — or help you find one to enter this exciting vacation Eleven deed closings for sales valued at $1,769,000 were Chicago Tribune concept We've built, converted and sold in key resort recorded in the Lee County Courthouse during the same if the speaker is boring they can markets NoW, we can share these proven systems with period. They include: watch the waves lap the Sanibel , New York Times you and help every step of the way. A house on Captiva to Pelican Point Farms from Michael Discover the opportunities in interval resort franchises shore. New York Post Write or call today (813) 472-3169 Reddy for $163,000; New York News A tract in Sanibel Estates subdivision to Yachtsman They may not sound unique, but Cove Associates from Henry Sherman for $150,000; according to Sundial managing Toronto Globe & Mail A house in Sunset-Captiva subdivision to Gordon director Pierre Lenders, it is. "No Wall Street Journal Rosenberg from Sunset-Captiva Ltd. for $121,000; Washington Post A South Seas Plantation Beach Home condominium to - Barrons Weekly Wanda Jablonski from Florida Capital Corporation for n $337,000; economy use 1619 Periwinkle Way. #104 A Pointe Santo de Sanibel condominium to Walter Sambel Island. Florida 339S7 Badger from Harry Powell Jr. for $150,000; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION A SanibeT Seaview condominium to Richard McGowan the consumer CALL 472-4760 AFTER 5 PM from Sanibel Seaview Inc. for $150,000; A Sanibel Seaview condominium to Richard Hawthorne from Sanibel Seaview Inc. for $150,000; vcne else along the entire coast of A Surfside 12 condominium to Robert Naar from Surf- Florida has complete meeting side 12 Ltd, for$150,000; A facilities that look directly out on A long corridor through the middle of Sundial's second floor Island Club separates A Dosina condominium to Frank Cassavell from Dosina the Gulf of Mexico." ..&<*• ' Construction Corp. for $140,000; .various sized meeting rooms. Those oh the south side offer an unobstructed view A Dosina condominium to Edward Cassavell from Although some long-time of the gulf. Dosina Construction Corp. for $140,000; islanders consider the huge Sun- meeting rooms, the second floor, several new buildings in the con-. You don't have tobring A South Seas Plantation Beach Home condominium to~ dial complex too Miami Beach-ish, has six administrative office areas dominium complex that ultimately Florida Capital Corp. from Jacks Foods Systems, Inc. for the Middle Gulf Drive resort's that occupy 1,000 square feet of will total more than 400 units. All $118,000.. ~ . Island Club is catering to "serious space. units are privately owned, but executive gatherings," Lenders "The Sanibel-Captiva meeting most are included in Sundial's hotel all that cash with you... said. "We/wn't ever have the big rooms on the first floor, which have operation. . conventions as such, the Knights of been in use for some time, add Island Club currently is booking Columbus or Shriners. We couldn't " 2,300 square feet to our facilities," groups for 1981 that average 150 How to play the conch shell will be the accommodate them in terms of Lenders said. Those rooms also are participants each, Lenders said, topic for discussion at the January 15 space, and we prefer to cater to used for banquet facilities as no although many of the smaller ex- .Tuesdays at the Center program. Sanibel- smaller, more serious types of- meals will be served in the second ecutive meetings bring 30 to 50 Captiva Conservation Director Dick gatherings." : floor facilities. • * participants. For the winter season Workman will present the program, in- Lenders expects that interior Construction on the Island Club, Sundial will accommodate groups cluding a recital and a discussion of how to which in addition to meeting rooms for an average $150 per person per make a conch shell instrumental and how to finishing touches on the 15,000 square foot second floor convention includes a restaurant and lounge,' ;• day, including rooms, food, drink play it. Sundial offices and the^ hotel's„';. and. convention facilities. That rate The program will begin at 2.-00 p.m. at facility, will be completed before ; ? »i the Conservation Center. "Tickets are M-the month ends. Two small groups; registration desk, was started fin^^rops^^ \ab^^^5 -in the off- available beginning at 1:00 p.m. Admission already are meeting in the largest May, 1978. The first floor of the season: ^Bxtra amenities, such ^ as is $1 for adults, 50 cents for children and gulf-side room this week, but 45,000 square-foot building opened special bouquets and a Polynesian free to members of the foundation. draperies, mirrored panels and fur- for business last March after Sun- luau, average about $25 per person; nishings for some of the smaller of dial received a Farmers Home Ad- Lenders said. Attention Safe Boaters I ' the six meeting,rooms are in the ministration guaranteed construc- •i The only other resort oh the , process of being installed. tion loan of $1 million to complete islands which caters to large We ca rry USCGmaps and cha rts "We will have everything any financing of the" project. The loan gatherings is South Seas Planta- sort of executive session could was. allowed i under • a "rural tion resort on Captiva, which now of the area coastal waters want from video television equip- businessloan" section of the FmHa is in the planning stages for expan- because of the number; of jobs it for your safe boating. ment, sound systems, projection ding their convention facilities, ac- equipment - anything,"' Lenders: would provide^. cording to Mariner President Al said. The facilities will enable Lenders says 110 people are Teh Broek. "We doing some Macintosh Bookshop several smaller groups to m^et employed in the Island Club and preliminary sketches for some ad- Sanibel. 472-1447 simultaneously without disturbing about"200/more work for Sundial's ditional conference room space, but Weekday* 9-9, Saturday 9-5:30, Sunday u-5 one another, or groups of up to 250 hotel and rental operation covering it will be another month before ,w% can take over all of Sundial's more than 200 units. That number decide exactly what we're going to m meeting- rooms. In addition to is growing with the completion of do," he said. ~ SHE'S NOT GETTING OLDER- Send it on ahead! SHE'S GETTING lanners digest, debate commercial study report Traveling is enough hassel without islands you might want to leave some of FLOWERS!! having to worry about losing cash or your vacation valuables in our vault By Don Whitehead Scotty's Village, while placing additional naire to determine buying habits — where letter that they were "skeptical about the traveler's cheeks along the way. storage when" it's time to head north Call or stop today restrictions on certain- other "lawful ex- islanders-are going to shop, what they are use of a questionnaire," adding that it's Holding a copy of a 40-page report on isting use" property. There also appeared buying, and why. Duane's report had also "best to utilize public meetings for input..." Why not wire your money to your again. to be a consensus that additional restric- suggested the possibility ofca "market If the questionnaire route were to be taken, checking or savings account at Bank of Sanibel's commercial needs prepared by At Bank of the Islands.we specialize in Associate City Planner Bob Duane, Com- tions should be placed on commercial analysis," but at the meeting he said that however, WMRT suggested several, the Islands. It's as easy as picking up the all kinds of services to help you spend missioner Ray Fenton commented that "we development in resort areas. this would be required only if the city directed to .different groups such as local phone; and by the time you get to the your vacation time vacationing. We also have enough information here to support The hottest debate at the workshop wanted to get into "more sophisticated business establishments, shopping center islands we'll have your money warmed up offer every banking service that your about anything we want to do." grew out of a seemingly innocent sugges- regulation" of commercial development. owners,'and major realtors. and ready to spend. hometown bank offers, but in an island at- The planning commissioners held a Chairman Winterbotham said she didn't There appeared to be general agreement And if you're a regular visitor to the Located behind Landlubber Restaurant 1619 Periwinkle Way *1O3 workshop on Duane's meaty report on Mon- believe "the main thrust should be a among the commissioners that the stan- mosphere as relaxed as the beach. Open 8:30-5100Mon-Saf. 472-319s ->' dards established in the. commercial ele- k>>- day, land it soon became apparent that When the Planning Commission met market analysis." Fenton observed that in while the seven commissioners could find in a workshop session on Monday, Ar- his view this was really the responsibility ment of the land-use plan were .inadequate Ohe Uree Jtfouse Sift SAop some common ground there were also basic thur Wyeoff and Fred Valtin, two new of the private sector. Another new commis- and had resulted in problems, particularly differences among them.','>.'% " additions ttf the commission, were pre- sioner, Fred Valtin, said that her had "real along Periwinkle Way. sent for the first time in official problems" with a market study, although -The narrow shopping strips, which At the end of the imde-Jsanging and often : philosophic-discussidxi, commission cha^i^ capacities. .' -.' : :•".- ^f,-\.-^-~:,.he added that he could see its value to so- Valtin labelled "perpendicular centers," .Gap/ioa man Ann Winterbotham asked Commis- - Following a tradition started by meone planning to establish a business on prompted the most concern., "'. ' "... • sioners Judy Wo^km4n^iuid--Iton Man- former commissioner Twink UnderhHK- the island. Manchester labeled market chester ^si»io^v^15n^^&^ the «wo were greeted in verse by ^analysis "a most tapretise science." Manchester said that these "hundred- n.': misflioner Joe Searing: ..•.**%>;l " The most vigorous support for a survey, foot wide shopping centers" lead to serious Ohe DICosi ing the observations and conclusions of the ', or market vanalysis, came from Judy session. Wmterbotham expressed the hope •JThe lossof Betty an4 of Tffolt drainage and circulation problems. He add- Seau/j/u/ SAop that recommendatipns could go to city - Had led us to disaster's brink ed that whfle the problem*[alreadye*ist on - =: ;*| Jla&k «^ people niight be afjajd of Periwinkle, they would also be coming soon BaivRof The lsLciisids •bnihe Sfsfancfs Until the council saved the day, ..-V-:- :-.v/-;- •>.;-.;;•.• ,-=v- .- * ^' S^>V *.— ,-, ,-.,..-.. - •*«* The commissioners seemed to be _in By sen wh&a'survey would show," commented in the Palm Ridge area where there axe MAIN OFFICE: 1699 PERIWINKLE WAY 47^4141 : agreement with Duane's jfecpmmendatxons Workman. "I strongly feel: that we need several small lots. He suggested that the ci- " Open Mdn.-Fri. 9-2 and Fri. 4-8 .n ~ - •<-'- , for changes in laiid-useV^Jan^provisions Altho tes sometimes like perditiol jnore information, i seriovla inventory of ty might impose restrictions on "road cuts" tt't •• : open 10-3 n : : in order to encourage consolidation of the Drive in open Mon. - Thurs. 8:30-4; Friv8:30-6 ' ; relating to commercial ^ropert?'classified We welcome them to this commission." -cbn)merciaj.needs* - c>;>- ';-^^- :• • • • .:•<•*=; '-'• v seven c/ays •: In comnwntog on Duane's report, the ci- properties to avoid multiplication of s^all BRANCH .QFjnC^^SLANJ^^^ ,V under "lawfully existing uses " ^Phis could shopping centers with a minimum of green resull t in reinstatini g permitteittdd commerciammercial tion^by onrotthe »^^«S ty's original planning consultants -' the Open 9-4Mon. -^urs/9^^F^WUv < ^! ;i --"s ;-••• •...•. • firm of Wallace, McHarg, !Xerou fna Member FDIC - Member Federal Reserve System \- iff^ii^-^^contmued on'. Sou/A S+ai Plantation. •-' Island Reporter January 1U1980 Jtamary 71,1980 Island Reporter Planners debate conMneraalpate of gi^>wth merits toDNRforhelp also commented that the city might choose several "needs of the residents" that were fect of such a strategy "would be to leave The governor couldn't help them so now the law and the project, to look for conflicts have said they would rather not see the last fall, and say proposed development, frvm 19-A to go the "rate of growth" route. not being filled by existing, business on portions of Periwinkle Way vacant, achiev- a group of about 1,000 Floridians, mostly between the two. : • island developed, but it has a low priority which will require Army Corps of Valtin was skeptical, saying he wanted Sanibel, and Wycoff observed that "an ex- ing a number of community objectives." * Pine Islanders, have turned to the Depart- - - The uninhabited island, a 10-minute boat- in terms of purchase 'due to the price and Engineers and Department Of Environmen- Fenton edtoed some of Manchester's to "play the deviTs advocate" on this issue. cess of tourist-related business could be a . The Planning Commission will return to ment of Natural Resources (DNR) for help ride to Sanibel's nudsection along a channel its disturbed status. \ tal Resource permits, will take several in fighting a condominium development. that runs adjacent .to power lines, is EJ. Associates paid $1.1 million for Gait years and about $50 million to complete. views. "We should not concern ourselves "There seems to be a predisposition to go •hazareL"/:, > -'.•..,•'/.• ..;...'''•., ;...:.:.:; .• •. " a consideration of the Duane report at its with whether an investor loses a buck. into regulation and reduction of commer- regular meeting on Monday, January 14, They objecttb a planned 380^unit com- somewhat saucer-shaped with a mangrove That would be contrary to the entire cial. I'm not sure yet that this is the proper, Duane attempted to draw-out a reaction when /Workman, Manchester and Duane plex "on Gait Island, just south of Pine center and Indian mounds that have been philosophy of this country," Fenton said. legal way to proceed." He said that given from the commissioners on his proposal for are slated to present a summary, of this Island, that was approved by the Lee Coun-. at least partially disturbed. Some argue "What we are really concerned with is traf- the '- existing economic situation, the transfer of . development rights along Monday's discussions and Duane is suppos- ty Commission last September. The 3-2 that, the .mounds, have been all .but : destroyed. Opponents argue that the 19 fic and aesthetics." "market forces" would limit commercial Periwinkle Way "to more, suitable loca- . ed to have the draft of a plan amendment decision favored multi-family zoning for the. Fenton suggested that they concentrate growth, and that a "rate of growth" - concerning commercial property identified 37-acre island despite opposition- from acres of wetlands on the:island would be The Sanibel-Captiva League of Women meeting of the League to be held at Leisure tions," bat he met with little success. la his ruined by dredge and fill operations to on better design and development stan- restraint might simply inspire more report, Duane had argued that the net ef- under "lawful existing uses." many Pine Island residents. The county Voters unit is participating in a ' county- Village, Seven Lakes auditorium. An infor- dards. "If you want to control commercial growth rather than lesa. , ; •'-•:.• zoning board earlier had voted to deny the build up 23 upland acres to house the con- wide registration of new voters on January mal coffee period will begin at &30 a.m. and property in this country,". Fenton con- ., The commissioners at one time found request from .'the ' developers E.J. dominium units. . '. 18 at the Bank of the Islands and on the program wOl begin at 10^30 a.m. tinued, "the easiest way to do it is to con- .themselves involved in a debate over Associates, a Marathon, Florida firm. Developers counter that wetlands would, January 25 at Bafley's Store. Each session The meeting will be chaired by Pauline trol parking." semantics in the effort to distinguish be> Opponents, including representatives of not be disturbed and that the complex will run from lOKW ajn.\- 6HX) pjn. : Carman and the panelists will include co- Referring to the small, strip shopping ween ' tourist-related business and Organized Floridk Jlishermeii (OFF),' then would sit on the outer, upland rim of the . A training and .deputizing session for chairman, Leonard Adams; Jayne Lyons, areas, Fenton said that what disturbed him / residentially-oriented services. . . - Courses offered on Sanibd petitionedfOovl Bob Graham to investigate island. OFF members, both locally and those interested in working as a registrar director, of Sodal Services in the Migrant. the commissioners! action. But last week statewide, who.signed.the petition believe on either of these two dates is scheduled Help Program; Patricia Barrett, who is af- was the aesthetics. "It just looks bad." Some commissioners thought it was dif- Classes on Sanibel in photography, art, taught by Al Schmeltz. The art classes will ; To slow down the pace of commercial they learned that, 'the Governor's office, development will disturb surrounding com- for January 14, at 10KK) ajtn; at the Office of filiated with the Migrant Compensatory ficult, if not impossible, to distinguish bet- and conversational Spanish are being of- meet Monday 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Also at Supervisor of Elections at the Lee County Education programs In the Lee County development, Manchester said considera- legally, cannot; investigate the decision.; • mercial fishing grounds, endangering : ween the two, and that in any case it should fered through Lee County Adult and Com- Sanibel Elementary, Gerardo Orta will Courthouse.; ;^ •' ----v- ''-:'''-• :.'.• "- . schools; and Justo Hernandez of the Lee tion could be given to applying the existing not be the business of government to dic- State Representative Frank Mann of aquatic life and their livelihood. : munity Education. An intermediate and ad- teach a conversational Spanish class on Fort Myers tljen.^rote; to DNR Director • •;•' Call Mrs. CarleheBowen, at 472-4956, for County Housing Authority Migrant Hous- residential "rate of growth" formula to tate which type of business should exist on- vanced photograph class taught by Mark Tuesdays from 6:00 ^ 9:00 p.m. Classes will more information. It is not necessary to be ing program. A Florida farm operator has commercial property. Using a formula com- the island. Others suggested that this was Elton Gissendanner asking for a report on Pine Island and one is used as a sort of Harmel will be held at The Photographer's meet nine more weeks until March 13. the Florida aquatic preserve act as it "causeway" link. A road encircling the a League member to work as a registrar. also been invited. The meeting is open to parable to that now applied to residential the city's business, that it was important to Gallery on Tuesdays from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. There is a fee of $6 which may be paid at ;.-A . panel discussion on "Agricultural the public and visitors are urged to attend. unite would result in allowing about four achieve a "balance" so that all needs of the relates to the proposed development. Gait island also was formed several years ago by the door. lies in the Pine Island -aquatic preserve. dredging around the perimeter. &«?!'• - - WorkersinFlorid*-Their Problems and For transportation call Charlotte Hamlet and one-half acres of commercial develop- residents would be met. J Sanibel Elementary School will be the For more information call Ed Baker at Gissendanner harassed his staff to review • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials Programs? is scheduled for the January 15 at472-2927. ,• K.:. ;[ .,.-••.. = . -;. •'. ,. . ment annually,, said Manchester. Fenton Workman said that she felt there to be siteof an art class in painting and drawing Cypress Lake High School, 481-2233. -1980- Kiwanis Photo Calendar , AVAILABLE NOW! - ORDER BLANK* 13 SCENIC PHOTOS Of.THE ISLANDS SUITABLE FOR FRAMING - BEGINS WITH JAN. 1, '80 LARGE DATE SQUARES SIZEi 11" x XT' (OVERALL) PRICE: $2.50 & .50 FOR POSTAGE & HANDLING •'.-56 LAST\ CALL!! SANIBEL-CAPTIVA KIWANIS CLUB: PO BOX 1, SANIBEL, FLA 33957


QUANTITY ORDERED:. .at $3.00 each: ENCLOSED Til ) BEST 1980 NEW HOME BUY ON SANIBEL NOWINPROGRESS! , and economical Drexel ^^ vacations are special --• tvje likfe tci travel, stay at top resorts, dine at fine restaurants, and enjoy a variety ef activities. . We've i>e^ia yisitingdthe islands for several years and have thought seridtisly aijput buying a vacation home here. We looked around, anid discovered the interval ownership program at South Seas '•X' I Plantation offers our kindjof vacations - very economically and fa} allows^ist6 vacation more frequently. In fact, it made sense for us to purchase four vacation weeks —two •M '; for our vacations at South Seas Plantation, one for our children to Save 10-20% on selected furniture come and visit, and another week for use with the exchange program. The~exchange week we'll use to go to Hilton Head, in our Drexel Heritage Gallery... Europ'e, Hawaii or wherever.' Super Values for the New Year! Let's face facts. Renting accommodations at lirst class resorts is expensive. The vacation ..- This lovely 1200 BJL home is now under construction. Located on villas at Plantation Beach Club.are luxurious, a Gumbo Limbo lot overlooking preserve land, your future the one-time purchase price is very privacy is guaranteed. I Vacation At Tailwagger reasonable; and we always have something to The expansive lower level serves as a garage, hobby and storage showior the money we've spent. . area. The $79,900 price includes floor coverings, self-cleaning Robb&/lucky COMPLETE GROOMING range and dishwasher. Sign a contract during January and fine fumttufc in Port fllijer/ since KHS ^ Membership at South Seas Plantation and our receive a bonus energy-saving GE refrigerator. beachfront vacation villas -- that's the kind of BETrfbAVIS IP yearsvexperience vacation we value. Charter Members Call or visit or office American Boarding Kennel Assoc. Mon. to Fri. - 9 to 4 -. Indoor/Outdoor Runs Weekends -1 to 4 Mosi • has- sponsored" several films and musical Fred;Fox. •c: .-V-^>-ir-•••';..'-v^'v'^:::;.-^>=;;• is urged to attend: V'^" •'';...'/../;. "."••" Commissioner Gunter responded to the to eliminate premium - charges based • on 32 percent of the drivers in all accidents, 32 in the Southwest Florida Conchological shellcraft was done yesterday. ' The BIG Arts niembership also elected programs and has planned many more. BIG industry -challenge: "Those companies} gender, marital status and scholastic percent of the drivers in fatal accidents and Society Show last January with their, The Fort Myers show is sponsored by officers for its board of advisors this week.' Arts is a private, non-profit'membership which brought this suit nave sent a clear records of motorists.-He said then that the 33 per cent of drivers in injury accidents/: pecten entry. • •'• :•:";,:• the Southwest Florida Conchologists Socie- - Peter Smith will serve-'- as chairman, message to Florida motorists. 'When it order would affect about 15 percent of the Male drivers under 25 were, as a group. The public is invited to the meeting. group.: ::\0-.-I::- •"••'• :•:,::.:•';Sr ;">:•:::. ,;.- an exciting adventure in Don't Gamble Mexican Imports, on Burglary G/ffi from worldwide specimen shells 35 Countries Antiques, Toys Penny Candy, Salmagundi, PELICAN REMNANTS 50% Off 481*1991 Chttoood Or. ON THE ISLAND! In Heart of The Island Next to Tarpon with shell designs 1614 Periwinkle Way 472-1971 Bay Marina 5 different designs HOURS 6AM -10 P M. DAILY ALL CABS A/C 472-4449 j.»» —^ SAN1BEL ISLAND MEETS ALL FLIGHTS - RESERVATIONS ONLY ,v 472-1/02 ISLAND SHOPPING CENTER SANTIVA The Success MART

FOR CONVENIENT Center Island INC. East Office^ SHOPPING Office REALTOR 472-1566 472-1549 - SRUS "PROPERLY SPEAKING" in the Just East of Bonk WHEN YOU ARE SERIOUSLY "PROPERTY SEEKING" Huxtors Markot Plaza 1633 Porltoinitle Way 1207 PorlwInkU Way Open 7 Days HOMES A Week HOAAESiTES BLIND PASS CONDO .....', "SENSr'^drvglsb rndk© you $$$$ ... Completely furrYisheid 2/Bi.jltj'ijd 2/B. 7 AM to 9PM $$$$ MAKES "SENSE" WHEN YOU VIEW ANY SANIBEL ISLES SUB. WATERFRONT HOME: Beautiful wallpaper in kitchen, together OF THESE GREAT LOT BUYS: Sunken fdrhily room, carpeted and with complete Tappan appliances. draped. 3/B and 2/B ... Screened patio. Typical "FLORIDIAN" decor: Well FURNISH- Groceries-Meats DINKIN'S BAYOU, Located on deep water canal. Two car ED...PLUS Tennis Court, Club House and TWO CHOICE LOTS ... PRICED AT ONLY attached garage with.excess storage ... Pool...THIS WILL NOT LAST LONG...Tourists Cold Beer & Wine $13,500.00. PRICED AT $120,000.00. - are buying. PRICED AT 175,00(100^; Magazines-Post Cards BELLE MEADE SUBDIVISION SANIBEL ESTATES: TWO ADJACENT LOTS, BOTH for only MICHIGAN BUILT HOME. A+ In lavish decor Hats-Health £ Beauty Aids $24,000.00. ANOTHER NEW SRI EXQ^. 1 ^ iniv;: ^-cornpl^ly^: fjtvnist^ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ^2/Bi •Screervecf^ pool^wlth Fiihin^ackie DEL SEGA SUBDIVISION carpeted deck. Once you "Enter" you will BLUE HERON MOTEL A lot, p0rfSct -size?- Iforfybor future^Qitie. "OFFER." The ultimate at $220.p00.00. is YOUR BEST BUY THIS WEEK ... One floor, as it Call us today for ah irvdividuaf/ intbresfied four units plus owner's unit. Carpeted, til- showing. PRICED AT $47,500.00. On the beach^ of SanibeHslarict rises an exquisite collection of coridominiumresiclences ed; color T.V.'s in each unit and each unit J 1 CONDOMINIUMS overlooks a 32' x 15' screened pool. . ; -: ;> Threshold prices in the high two hundreds •• ...^ \. "..v ;' SHELL HARBOR SUBDIVISION: $$^«$AN^ y^^fet Furnished model open daily — *or appointments call 472-3165 Exclusive area and a beautiful lot. THIS IS SANIBEL ARMS WEST: bay and beach ..; ^230>OiOfrbtf; - NORTH ONE YOU MUST SEE,3* PRICED AT Completely .;, furnished 2/B and 2/B. $50,000.00; ,..^r; ....• Beautiful wallpaper in kitchen, together with complete tappah appliances. WIT'S END MOTEL v GULF-FRONT ON SANIBEL CAPTIVA ROAD: Typical "FLORIDIAN''decor: WelJ FURMISH- ANOTHER SRI EXC. two (1) bedroom qpts THERE ARE FEW LEFT ahct We; have this and one (1) bedroom apartment unusual buy as another SRI Exclusive ... PobfetHIS WILLNOf LAST LONG...'T

A24 January 11,1980 Island Reporter Island Reporter January 11,1980 A25 ORU EDITORIAL '.-•"•' :'.. _ .\.; ""Have something you want to say? Put it-'on paper (please try tohold your letter to 300 words or less), and send it to V! "Public Forum," Island Reporter, P.O. Drawer R, Sanibel, Florida 33957. All letters should include name, address and telephone number^fthe writer. Withholo^g the name of the author of a letter or use of a ^n" name is r not permitted, except for rare instances in which a letter conceivably could lead to reprisals. The editor can offer no. guarantee that all letters submitted wfll be published. \ Well, excuuuuuse us! A Every so often the minor irritations that inevitably the story received good play. As for the disgruntled crop up in the course of publishing a newspaper build to speaker, the error stemmedfrominwrrect information the point where they must be scratched, or else a linger- /provided to;us^.;H>/>v. ^ll-^-M^ri;-• '-^(/^:''C';--\^; : h^- ~ ing pain is likely to develop. There are a couple of lessons to be learned from the Recently we have been taken to task for alleged errors, complaints. First, the publication of information in the To Island Reporter: As the self- has,/ spent nearly^pp .* • l' isusu^yjiushed and e^y sailed with' Irati (an inddeht which in light of current omissions and less than satisfactory treatment of stories. Island Reporter is likely to get the attention of the reader proclaimed honcho of the "meeting journalism-industry-goverhment "watch-'-: the sop of being named to chair dormant, * events the press curiously left unreported.) The complaints came from a variety of sources and con- no matter where it appears in ther paper. Some portions of regulars" might pointificate, the article on dogging^' of public officials at alt levels. 1 Other comment-worthy contributions to cerned a variety of stories. the paper are more closely read than others, of course, curmudgeons in Island Reporter's Special . After the past two years; of monitoring the . tees* and his. goal seemingly is to turn the commonweal by this particular meeting None of the stories at issue were major. In fact, all; but, overall our readers -scrutinize the paper: pretty Fifth Anniversary Issue - wasSanibe) style of curmudgeonry, I would > attendee included her miles of beaehcpmb- "informative." Using more of his adulatory x have to say that the irascibiUty of ^th^ise, ^Another feature ^..^ao, smooth-face^ ing;to remote areas to,,search out and were announcements of upcoming meetings and events. thoroughly. Second, it is impossible for us to check every expressions, one might say the probing of cavillers with hirsute heads is surely iniich dtizen "inputter".appears to be the ability harass (salt-loaded shotgun, no less) those One group whose event was noted in our new weekly piece of information we receive for accuracy. We have to the "peanut gallery" was indeed "ex- ' preferable to the carping of the clean- tb flabbergast the community; with whose lifeHBtyle happened to differ from calendar of events complained that we failed to accom- rely on the people who bring in press releases to supply hilarating," even perahps "penetrating." ' . shaven. "' • ', :'-' :--\'::••'• i'\ •;:':'1' '^y':?' egregious outbursts of dvic comstockery. hers and her opposition, of all things, to the m pany the listing with a story. Another group apparently us with the correct information. If the facts are not right •"- One cannot -conceive of-a Harold Ickek'- ''Consider.-tor Vinstatice;: 'the'-rebeni- construction of another church on wasn't satisfied with just a story - the following week everyone suffers, and we get blamed! Third, we do make The reporter failed, however, to draw, an concurring 'that, our: city coondl'-sA awkward moment' of that "meeting PeriwinkleWay. :; . they expected publication of a photograph. And at one mistakes, both in fact and judgment. We're not perfect. important distinction in her portrait of the "legislative consultant" in any way fits they regular'1 {unwhiskeredatLthe time) .who public meeting the' speaker claimed the Island Reporter dty council - planning commission "not-so- mold of this nation's array of curmudgeons. much to the mystification of-many (par- Let us hope the bearded patriarchs of erred in announcing the topic of his presentation. Our gripe is a minor one, really. We try to do our best silent minority," i.e. the bearded versus tictilarly the astonished petitioner .whose , the "peanut gallery" will prevail. As the those lacking even the fainest of dun- .: A "legislative consultant" sans beard is. permit, appeal she attacked with even more Book of Proverbs (XV, 31) tells us: "The to cover the news and publicize activities and events. We 1 We plead not guilty to all counts; The first group saw a drearies. •; '. ..' -V ••;•'. '.:.'••'. . •'••.,;'-.....rj- noted;, typically for, toadying ii> his..than usual stridency) managed to identify hoary head iii acrown of glory. * /s/ NoelJ. capacity crowd show up for its meeting - a meeting an- only ask the people who are responsible for promoting The observer (well-bearded, of course) municipal mullahs and their myrmidons; he _the then-Mayor of Sanibel with the Shah of " Saiiibel; ' ' '•'••' ' • " nounced only in our calendar and not in an accompanying those activities to give us the correct information, and '''': r>\1 ; -f "TV '" n> ' } story. The second group complained a story publicizing then let us decide how best to present it. their event "was lost" in the bowels of Bisection. In fact, There now, that feels better. Keep beach open to well-- Coverage To Island Reporter: I lovet to "walk otttEe ., Ndtwahstanding-our happy tinges, on |he Why inmates want to escape from jail beach - especially these- moonlit nights % beach together, he says that if there is no get? ^ppp when he (my boss, Del Goldsmith of Ocean's other way to control inconsiderate dog law. (what a dog-gone terrible name) — Reach) an* I (I am ;a big black poodle;, my .owners who let their dogs run freely on the although disregarded by the inconsiderate It used to be something of a compliment. a man. Now that may not be news in this waste the taxpayers' dollars. Why not the judges? name is Yankee Doodle. If you don't like beach and on piher people's property, he and^!jd.Qt strongly^^,enfpr^^.- hw^ii^e. the to say that someone is "aperson of action," era of relatively unrestricted sex-change this poem,; say "Yankee go Jiome.") can bay will reluctantly join in any effort to remove To Island Reporter: The Cystic Fibrosis but these days you better hold off on acting operations. Is that any less ridiculous than the Na- streets a bit cleaner. Some ovraers who ob- tional Sdence Foundation spending $46,000 atthe moon together. He removes from the all dogs from the beach. Then I would real- ject to the law .ha^ve gotten rid^ jot their . Bike-A-Thon committee would like to thank until you've conducted at least one or two But this operation you paid for, thanks to beacji any "load!'J drop (I wish I could help ly lead, a dog's life. I dp hope our top dogs the Island Reporter, and the editor in par- in depth studies. Anything worth doing to- a U.S. District: Judge. The judge ordered to study the effect of scantily-clad women dogs. Good riddance! (I .mean the owners - hutr after all, there should be a division of (dty-wise) will be able to get the desired not'the dogs.) I don't think they (the ex- ticular, tor their exceptional coverage of day is worth putting Off until tomorrow so the Iowa Medicaid program to pay the on the behavior of Chicago male drivers in the 1979 Bike-A-Thon. We are happy to an experiment called, "Environmental labor:, you mop it.). ,r >; •. . , ~ resultsby:astricterrequirement to'kesepius owners) were real dog-lovers in the first you can study it adequately. Nowhere is $3,000 plus medical bill of Vern, now Verna on the leash and to rempye our droppings. report that this year's Bike-A-Thon par- the in depth study method used more than Pinneke, and he slapped $500 in damages Determinants of Human Agression"? place., '.'.•'.•."•.V'l'V. ":' y *'•'•..'..'-/r'". • ; Tin on %he beach 9Q, percent of the time. Although'he is not a member of the tidpants raised $6,012.13, or almost a thou- in the federal bureaucracy, even though it : onto the tbtal.\. .''•..-.. 7•• '"•'.•; :^\S;.;." ," Or does it make any less sense than the :>1 If Tm briefly off the leash, he never lets me Florida bar, he says H drbpjp^nga :axe a Respectfuny submitted to^ sand dollars more than last year, thanks in may be hard to explain the value of some of Iowa didn't want to pay it. They said the Law Enforcement Assistance Administra- : part to.the publidty and support provided tion spending $274)00 to determine why in- wander.morje^than.-^ iew>te^^.(amd^^idp«*s - ^''*^^'^h^ ^f^hiei^"^v0rv ^ those studies, as Florida Chngressman^ operation was unnecessary and merely beach, it should be possible to require leash by your newspaper. We will look forward S}dpBafaU8 points out in kis'tateit report' cosmetic surgery and ^refused to use foot is muchflhorter than the-traditional 12 inches!) Otherwise saidi when lie. takes; me control and droppings removal under the dog will ihave "its ' diyl*' /s/ Yallftee Dbo- to working with you again next year, lal from Washington. Medicaid funds to pay for the sex change. Yet, we- you and I- were taxed so the v Madeline Fitch, Chairman, Bike-A-Thon fona walk, he walks the dog^not Ihim. I igeneralrPplic^r!power..--;jeYen without a dle (and Del Goldsmith), fianibei.' ' . So the patient sued, and, in a federal federal government can finance such ! committee, Sanibel V know which end of the leash is up. > > . special law. _P!...... ^ By Congressman Skip Bafalis court, won. drivel/ - C;VAW - And why not? Every other federal agen- We also gave the National Endowment •'>':>.:.:i .\ffxi' In Iowa, there's a woman who used tob e cy and department is looking for ways to for the Humanities $2,500 to study why users of the Arlington County. Virginia, tennis courts are rode^ cheat, and lie during their games. " !put 45 days on dual tax i And the^Federal Aviation Administra- To Island Repprten Lee County Commis- mechanism to quell .the mounting • behalf of •; -,,_- . „_,__T „. tion spent $57,800 to study the measure- from many a city' that its county was special district, unincorporated," areai der- * Traffic suffocating our quality of life ment of airline stewardess trainees. • ; sioners started off 1980 by dropping the se- cond shoe on its munidpalities' petitions to "muscling in" on the former's territory fey vice area, or program area, shall be. used to But practically no federal agency is ex- : billing its taxpayers for county services "fund any service or project provided by the By Don Whitehead an almost inevitable fuel shortage growing fullest support of all members of the com- empt-from the ability to spend your money eliminate dual taxation of dty taxpayers. out of the broader energy crisis. I think this munity. That action finally dears the decks now which provided them with no real and county where'no real and Substantial ' To Island Reporter: The Sanibel Public and mine foolishly. substantial benefits. (My column in your If there is any single thing on which is as much a pipe dream as is the idea of * More and better surfaces for bicycling for Sanibel and its two allies to appeal to benefit accrues; to--the property: or Library wishes to thank the following peo- The Department of Agriculture did it by paper at the time predicted many years of residents' within a municipality or island residents could reach a speedy con- banning alL vehicles from the island. That should be provided on an urgent basis. The spending $46,000 to learn how long it takes the courts - if they elect, nojt,-::to. avail ple who responded so generously to our ap- : contention in the cdurts oyer that, "com-, municipalities." (The "substantial benefit" peal for Christmas books: Mildred sensus it probably would be to identify traf- gasoline will be in short supply is predic- cost of bike paths '(however surfaced or to cook breakfast. themselves of the 45-dayoption the law table, but it's equally predictable that one wherever located) is not likely to go down. allows them to respond to the commission's promise" solution.),••;. :' -••• . - - wording also had appeared in the 1978Chamberlin, Ruth and Arthur Clerk, Joan More and more people are turning to The National Institute of Mental Health Truly, the resultant welter of such litiga- Florida Supreine Court's landmark case.) Denyes, Bob and Ann Diederick, Helene '.'. way or another people will keep coming to paid for a $97,000 study on behavior and out-of-hand rejection of their petitions.. -, the islands, most of them utilizing bicycles, • and other [alternative modes of Obviously,-commission Chairman tion became so confusing to both parties ' Chapter 79-87 additionally directed .the Edmunds, Eliwe Filler; Mrs. David Har- transportation. Anything that contributes social relationships in a Peruvian brothel.^ that five years later the legislature was Florida Advisory Council on Intergovern- rispn, Elizabeth Klie, Margaret and Bill personally-owned or rented automobiles. And the Air Force is spending tax dollars Steele's public.statement renders the.use The problem of suffocating traffic is with to getting that in 10 off the road at of the option about as useful and fruitful as forced onto a new tack. The last (1979) ses- mental Relations (ACffi) to study and Kriieger,"Ojiti arid tioet MacCarry, Helen to underwrite one-third of the tuition of sion enacted Champter 79-87rto clarify the report its findings to the governor and fic as one of our greatest immediate pro- us, and it will be with us until we do any. given time is worth the investment. : shovelling smoke. His ultimatum was: "Lee Maas,,M£kl Montgomery, Mrs. Vincent r airmen being sent to bartenders' school. respective postures of- the (two types of. Muti, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Newcombe, Mrs. blems. ,;..\ -••.•'-.]•'••••:. :•'••. ',.-..-' -..; . •• ,.',,.v.v-...something, positive to alleviate it. * • * ^j^.J^j'i"d^^ ' County: is the area-wise government with And we learn such interesting things the legal, and fiscal authority to provide local general-purpose governments.; It did taxation issue. It rwould seem prudent for 'Frederick Renz, Pat Robertson, Mr. and a real risk that the automobile In approaching the situation* the first sufficiency for the visitor should be en-from these studies. When HEW funded the ' thing we should do, it seems to me, is to set couraged by the dty to the extent feasible. services on a county-wide basis." Thatcon- this by adding a brand new subsection 7 to : the three dtieB to exercisethe "45-day op- Mrs; James Scholefield, Patsy Simmons, will eventually suffocate the quality of life study on why children fall off tricycle*, we : : that people sought when they moved to a a realistic objective. If we could, for exam- ' When convenience stores, restaurants, and tention was unsupported by the customary the above-mentioned chapter 125.01i That tion" as a profitable mark-time until the .-' jGe\rirge-*''Teiaiey>-'3ir.'-;'aild ' Mrs. Edward learned that three wheels aren't as good as provision reads: "No county, revenues, ex- March, pre-legislative session report from barrier island. •• - ....'..•• ple, find ways to get one car out of every gift shops are near at hand, the resort or appropriate citation of the laws upon which : Underhill and Mr. and Mrs! Gerald Wier- four. And when the government surveyed it is based. To me it seems that the single cept those derived specifically from or. on ACHt.'7s/.'Paul. A: Howe^ SanibeL : J man. /s/ The Sanibel Public Library The problem, it should be emphasized, is ten off the road at any given time - that motel visitor is less likely to make frequent birth records and learned girls 15-17 are traffic - not the adequacy or inadequacy of would be progress in the right direction. trips up and down congested Periwinkle controlling Florida statute (Chapter 125.01) P.- ••;.r-r-.-ir-:j5;i-!..:.;!.-ic \:si•:.;:• :'•'•>'•• ^: '!">. " -•• There will still be a problem, but at least it having more and more babies, we were told that spells out the county's, powers and our road network. The community appears Way. it was because of "increased sexual activi- to be aware of the fact that bigger and bet- will be a more manageable one. * Public facilities, particularly : duties puts Steele's ultimatum in the same 7 While there is no single magic solution, ty." ;•.-•. •;•-. -^ -•:.;,/:- w;- arbitrary; category: as . that of Iran's ter roads wont alleviate the traffic but restrooms, should be provided as soon as I suppose we should be glad they didn't simply bring more of it. An Island Reporter there are numerous things that can and practicable at major public beach areas. : Ayatollah Khomeini - unaccepiable and mosWn should be done. try to blame it on the stork. •'"/••-•'•• •:•''•v* : anachronistic. •: >. • . . ; survey conducted last October indicated This will encourage visitors to spend more . But, I am not glad. In fact, I am angry, so that only about four out of 10 island * The community, under leadership of time on the beaches and less on the road in Apparently, Chairman Steele prefers to To Island Reporter: There's one born For South Seas Plantation this is better areas south ofpass; average annual reces- residents favored a major road building search of such facilities. ., - angry Td like to see the federal gdvern- every minute, some believe more. We have flibn rates iave exceeded 39 feet per year the city, should move ahead at full speed in ment pay for just one more study-a study ignore the; highly p^uctiye efforts of the program. developing a simple, energy-efficient, 1974 Florida Legislature. That - rare a problem to resolve "to do or not to do." So can't get and also would be at their entire and total shoreline recession; has been to learn just how much longer the. already let us carefully weigh both sides of this expense. South Seas has stated in public greater than 700 feet; The last 10 years ero- If the constantly increasing volume of public transit system, that carries with it a I realize that some of these suggestions statesmanlike group enacted several; key : overburdened American taxpayer is going beachyproblem. •-• ' • that if they were not allowed to use sand sion has slowed because of the tremendous traffic on the island is indeed a serious pro- minimum of noise and air pollution. This are obvious and are being studied and that to put up with this. .''•"-'" V- - >. measures affecting and clarifying the roles blem, what realistically can be done about would be good for business, for the environ- some will-be controversial. Nonetheless, I of the counties vis-a-vis the municipalities #1. South Seas Plantation facilities must bars ih front of pass they would abort build-up of sand in and in front of pass. Fd like to know just how much longer the l r it? ment, and for'all of us. I'm not unaware of think we are going to have to. focus in on and special taxing districts within.their have an open pass - their: image dictates nourishment project. ' - •'••"•"•••- i••"'••• P -•••*• Removing this sand would be like pulling taxpayers of this country are going tocon - this amenity. Redfish Pass is filling with 1 the plug and causing tenfold erosion and Some people hope or fear (depending on the fact that some dty officials are now giv- the problem of traffic, not from the stand- respective; territorial jurisdictions. That #2First let's not,be ''one. ' Our firm ing attention to this concept. It certainly tinue to pay their taxes willingly, while package included the Formation of Local' sand and will dose. Answer for them is to answer is do nothing.Nature will dose pass destruction of island. the point of view) that automobile traffic point of convenience or safety but rather knowing that all too much of what gets sent jump on the bandwagon and lead us to a will diminish significantly as the result of deserves, the highest priority and the because of urgent necessity* Government; Act (Chapter 74-192) ttiat and all those beautiful sand bars she will Also when South Seas stated in public to Washingtonr ends up being wasted. sanctioned, the incorporation of Sanibel. hurried beach nourishment program before bring in and spread along our shores for a they would quit beach nourishment if they Perhaps, if wekniewthat;, Jlhepressttre Significantly, that • act- designates it happens. Campaigning all the way they smile. had to use sand from a location further would be enough to force some of the big municipalities as "general purpose govern- are doing it for us, although we must prac- south and not from in front of pass they spenders in this dty to change their ways. ments/' In essencerthat is the same-sort of tically pay the whole bill. ' It will happen by leaving those sand bars gave reason as being too expensive. We might even see some real action on the "critter" that the county claims to be. Result of nourishment - all sand bars be. Dredging sand bars so dose is "murder" Baloney. The real reason all this extra sand • balance-the-budget amendment which is Nowhiere in the Florida'system of laws is removed in front of pass; immediate effect for sea life and the island. on the beach would insure dosing of pass in getting lip service and no more from the there an attempt, tp; repeal Mother - more water rushes through pass, making Following the hurricane of 1926,- the a few months. Scares them to death. House Judiciary Committee. ""Nature's law that, says Jthat no two bodies it wider and deeper, causing stronger shore cause of the opening of Redfish Pass, the After all, if the budget was baUnced and can. occupy the,-same^space- at the same currents and accelerated beach, erosion.; h%df ^i Jld r >Le^ JUS not be an accomplice to murder." taxes brought baife into line, there New beach wouldn't last very long, maybe experienced dramatic and awesome rates but * we' could help" Mother "Nature close wouldn't be any money for frivilous studies latu of erosion and shoreline recession. In some Redfish Pass. Is! Mike Hanchar, Captiva and government-sponsored sex-change :Th^^f^e4yi?I^;ksis J;?_ *}?? a year. established a somewhat Island Reporter January 11,1980 ASH A26 January 11,1980 Island Reporter Yes! * Slwhtvprks ip dispel tfamythojtfo LIVE THEATRE JACKETS SUPERB BUFFET! theatre REQUIRED DOGTORSM together for two years* presenting f. dot" By Susie Holly programs all over the country, in- (andrelated health professionalsand Pharmacists) . cluding Carnegie Hall and the The majestic animal which Smithsonian Institution. Brown Leon Levin Herman Geist CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION entered the Sanibel Community joined them one year ago. ,: CATEGORY 1 CREDITS House at last week's Audubon The travelling threesome has no Tanner Serbin A LAUGH RIOT! The program consists of a large variety of Society meeting, and walked home base other than their van. GayBoyer Dorothy 2 video cassettes from Case Western Reserve University -Here's what the critics say: through, each row of the audience They travel every day, stopping School ofMedicinethroughtheMEDICINE TODAY "Boffo cortiady, at H* ridiculous best! A must for laugh allowing 300 'sets- of hands to pet only to give a program -usually to Vested Gentress Bleyle Video Cassette Library. lovart. Evan dovout passiinistt hava baan known to snicker to thamsthres ovar this OM. Saaing Is baliaving." him, did not look like the slinking, schools or organizations like And Many Other Lines- Call: .-.. • '••"-•.•' .'••.'• : •V."." John Chapman, N. Y. News snarling, fiery-eyed symbol of evil Audubon. They plan to spend all of The Wegryn Medical Center :- "An incredibly mixad up and hilarious comadv . • . A banal- which, as the fairy tales tell us, January in Florida, presenting 23 4301 Sanlbel-Capti^a Road. ? ful of pure, unadulterated laughter - wonderfully cWllizad, and 1717 Periwinkle Way The Rafters Mall rationally insane!" ''• John 0'Comtor,~N.-Yi-Post- likes to eat grandmothers and tor- programs in four weeks. 4724131 Mon. - Fri. 1 to 4 Sanibel College Pkwy. Ft. Myers "A real laugh classic . . . The most riotously funny comedy ture innocent little pigs. ' Brown and Harris said they also to hit Broadway in a month of years .. . A howlingly successful v bundle of humor. Go see it." Walter Ken. N. Y.Titnes Quite the contrary,..'Slick the give a lot of "mini-lectures in gas Timber wolf was a lovable 140 TIOTTS AVAILAI1LF AT THE ATE R BO* OF F-ICE -5(17 1)031 ui statipns and parking lots to curious lJAf'lE!", MARCO 1OLUENCATE Any Uank • Gull F .' S P. I. pounds of soft, thick fur who seem- people who spot Slick peering out 13ONITA . FT MYTHS HI'ACH SANIHtl 472-3128 B».icli Fit>l M.IIIOM.II • Gull Fnclatol 5 always^-are FRESH FISH HO*IJNE ' Nnrfh First fijnk • First ol Ft M yiirs ^ " with him. He clearly stole ~"thT" popular, - as- eyiden&^ ^-'^he- CHECKLIST show. largest crowd o'f the season at last a RED SNAPPER D BLACK GROUPER. For that reason, Slick is perfect week's Audubon Society meeting. • BOSTON SCROD D SWORfcFISH at what he does. He was not on "Most people have never seen a • SEATROOT D BLUEF1SH Sanibel last week purely for fun. live wolf before. It is like coming to He was here to work - to dispel the* see something out of your imagina- D FLOUNDER D MACKERAL myth of the wicked wolf and Slick the Tiniberwotf left themltiowlipg rUteraUy^ af tost week's D SOLE DGHANNELBASS THE tion, or out of a legend," Brown replace it with a truer description Audubon Society program. He teas rather amused by the whole thing. said. ' ••' •' ::/ •'. ,\ '.:•' GIVE US A GALL ON OUR FRESH FISH HOTLINE TO of an intelligent, familial and en- The fascination people have for FIND OUT WHICH FRESH FISH IS AVAILABLE OPEN GATE dangered animal which deserves Brown pointed out*-, lie loves Animals, has been travelling for 12 Slick sometimes induces them to TONIGHT at RESORT FASHIONS better than aerial gunfire attacks. children ... and I seems to have a „ •years with wolves. Slick is his behave in unusual ways, Brown Only 200 wolves are left in the :special affinity; for the handicap- eighth best" one. and Harris said. For example, 975 RABBIT RD. United State, and those are in Min- ped, Brown said. He is always in a the;^lyes^Harrisi has handl- nothing could have been more get Slick HOURS carry a bounty on their heads, and they, quickly iadded. He has to be now a blond color, but will turn to howl back. Wolves enjoy howk- Mon. v Sat. 10 - 5 in Canada and Alaska where ferial kept^on a ;iea^h:''Q)feV'C0ttfitoed;'-at;-.aU-^ cpm^lete^^wMte\^Hk^his rmptheri - ing in unison, much like- people en- • 1025 Periwinkle Way wolf \ hunts gun down hundreds times. Andj he does what he wants. within two years. At 140 pounds, joy singing together, and Slick Sanibel Island each year;- The,; hatred for wolves: Harris and Brown deplore at- he is almost fully grown. Wolves often will howl along with a crowd, : Nextto by livestock farmers knows no tempts to make wolyesintP pets, or grow larger the farther north their Brown told the howling audience. Macintosh Bookshop p dL ; to hybridise wolves with dogs to natural territory is, Brown explain- Despite the presence of a full 472-2108 v § Slick is on the road nearly every come up witha"i|uper-dog;' anin- ed. With Alaskan and Canadian moon, however, Slick was not in day:-of theyear trying %o convince creasingiy popular^ pr^^we> :"It is parents, Slick is prie of the largest the mood to howl with the Sanibel tertijle to do that. ..^efrjug iipt" £4 wplyes.?:::' \ f'.' %: -^M^.^ .•'.• icrowd. But he definitely was amus- "The ESI Difference people of his value. He travels with ; : Brown-mflrhJohn Harr^hfe^^ner,- rgopdvpets" Bi*own said^ SUck arid" Harris ^hSve worked in a specially; designed van which Arid Harris, who has had many includes a tsw-by-eijght-fdpt com- yeatrs' of experience ywith wolves REALTOR?? • partmeni for SUck.;- H: raised in captivity, said he knows ~¥ayHoxMy Itofthy of th* Islands Inc. of only a handful of people who are Register«tHWoTEirot«£roker 472-1 546 "He loves to travel; It's; all he 2353 P*riwlnkU Way knows," Harrisr said; "'He> likes able to establish a good relation- After Houra: 472-3S97 what he does. He likes applause. ship with a wolf.. Op«n Sundays 10-4 He has an ego." Harris, founder of the North CONDOMINIUMS Slick is an extremely outgoing, American Association for the well extroverted wolf, Harris and Preservation of Predatory BUND PASS By Grace Whitehead "Oh, definitely, Bob ... But now Best 2 bedroom, 2 bath available in complex. Adjacent to Sanibel's finest shelling beach. Fully furnished, ready to move here's an instant replay of that deal wait for you in. $79,500, Owner will take terms. I suppose everyone has their ... Notice how North is favoring "red letter" days that they look for- that finger with the hangnail... but SPANISH CAY ward to every.year./For me, thenow, back to live action ... It's all After traveling such a long way Lovely one bedroom, one bath unit at quiet and delightful Spanish Cay. Never rented and very expensively furnished. one I relish most tomes, up on yours, Bob..." fl. to get to your vacation rental Price: $53,900, unfurnished. Furniture negotiable. January 20 and it's called Super "North is about, ready to bid ... home on Sanibel, you deserve Bowh dayi Not, maybe for theshe opens her mouth ... Oh, wait a to be met in person. No VILLA SANIBEL reason you'd think, but in my case minute, she just shut her mouth ... 2/2 with lof> ror den or 3rd bedroom. Tastefully furnished. it's simply because that marks the You might expect that indecision matter what time you arrive. Gulf-view. $145,000 Furnished. Assumablo mortgage. end of the football season. " out of a rookie, but North is a That's why we are th6 only If I could understate the fact, I veteran from Old Bridge U«.. Here, vacation rental service that HOMES hate football. > : -J, \ ; on instant replay, you can see that has somebody on duty until SANIBEL ISLES The only thing I can think of that mouth opening and closing ... Wait 9 PM every night, year-round. Looking for a home on a wide canal with a large dock where I hate worse than football, it's the a minute, here comes the bid ..." you can tie up a 32-foot motor or sailboat? Let us show you this television sportscasters who give Quite audibly, in my judgment, Plus a hot line for you to call us lovely 3/2 home in Sanibel Isles. There are no bridges and just that ^play-by-play description of North says "one spade." I heard three minutes from the bay. Room for a pool. from our front door after 9 PM $120,000. Partially furnished. Owners need to sell. what's going on. That drives me up her say it. No doubt millions of so we can still come over and the wall. -;;.-::'-•'•:':"•'• •. ••'.-.:' -': television viewers heard her say it. DUNES Can you imagine-what those But what does old Bob do? He tells take care of you in person. Spacious two-level home. Ground level includes, two car guys would doif they were describ- us she said itT ; i parking, large room and bath for a Cabana or 4th bedroom. T Large screened pool and patio. First floor-living area, has fully ing, say, a televised bridge game?v.: "North just bid one spade ... equipped kitchen. Lovely living and dining area opening onto "North wins the toss and will What do you think that means, a screened deck, overlooking the 7th fairway and the lake. deal... East, West, and South will Tom?" . Nicely landscaped with built in sprinklers. This home.was com- pleted early in 1979. Beautifully furnished from Robb and receive ... Now North is beginning • North presumably knows what it Stuckey. $170,000 furnished. to deal... I heard a rumor in the liv- means. Any dumb bridge players ing room that North has a severe in the television audience probably SANIBEL LAKE ESTATES hangnail on her left hand... How do knows what it means. But now, Beautiful large three bedroom, two bath home. Split plan, you think that could affect her deal- Tom is going to tell us. I 1 Call 472-4195 "The Professionals" barrel tile roof, 2 car garage with automatic door opener. Cathedral ceiling in living room dining area. Extra large lot on ing, Tom?" >.:;- .r-\,:r:.].,\ "Bob, I suspect that means that or stop by our office and quiet Cul do Sac. Room for pool. Fenced • back yard. "Well, Bob, these bridge players North has looked at her hand and discover "The ESI Difference." EXECUTIVE SERVICES Assumable mortgage. $83,900. learn to endure pain ... I really believes she has enough power to INCORPORATED BUSINESS & INVESTMENTS don't think it'll affect the outcome bid one spade. But looking over her 455 Periwinkle Way : of the game, but her deal could be a shoulder, and having looked at all Sanibel Island, FL 33957 We have investment properties of oil types on Sanibel and in the other hands, I think she would the Southwest Florida area. Want to buy a restaurant, shopp- Uttle slow »." Telephone: (813) 472-4195 ing center, land on water? Give us a call. Sandman , "There... the deal's been made ... have been smarter to pass ..." it. * "*. Chris HoeU a Barstow School student from Kansas City,; North picks up her cards... So does "Thank you, Tom ... Now, while VILLA CAPRI Missouri did some life-size sand sculpuri on Sanibel s beaches East, West, and South ... They all we are waiting for East to bid, let's • SAIMIBEL'S LARGEST SELECTION OF VACATION RENTALS • last week and this menacing-looking 'gator is one of the results. seem to be up for this game, don't review what has happened so far in Excellent opportunity to purchase motel on Sanibel • REAL ESTATE SALES -TRAVEL AGENCY SERVICE • After hours: 542-7862 On other creations, Chris had a helping hand from hts brother you think; Tom?" this championship game..." • EXCLUSIVE CONDOMINIUM SALES AGENTS • John, ' : CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AND REJMTAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • A28 Section B, January 11,1980

w^M2&z^jL^A ^f^^^t^2O»isaSi &£&&& 1

2*« ootno

I r ^Grande' Pass* thi port has been supplying phosphate to ships from • around the world since the 1800's. The raUroad, which has brought the mineral from mines in central Florida since the early 1900V brought well-to-do families from northern states to populate the island in the winter seasons until passenger service^ was discon- tinued in 1969. The last ship, flying a Liberian flag, was piloted out of the- pass in ® continued on next page

M „

By Renee Twombly water is considerably cheaper than a "fair amount of claim" to the port facilities . near Tampa. The moving them on the roads.". Rodda facihty. railroad asked 'for and received an The Lee County Commission last has ruled out passenger service at v 'Td go so far as to say that we extension in submitting plans for week put Seaboard Coastline the port. could get into- a condemnation case upgrading the. Rockport facility Three bedrooms, three baths and a Railroad (SCL) on notice that the Plans for two to five berths if necessary to preserve that land and has asked for a second exten- fantastic kitchen by Poggenpohl of county has a serious interest in ac- at one or two docks to serve ocean- that is critical to us," Commis- sion. That request will be decided quiring the Port Boca Grande dock going vessels, as well as the need sioner Rodda said. on today. Germany complete the living floor. facilities. for a method to transfer the goods "Let the railroad know we are The latest request was made by The master bedroom suite features Despite a lack of answers to.such to shallow barges that will travel serious - this is not casual," Com- the SCL because they are twin dressing rooms and an elegant questions as how much SCL land is down the intracoastal waterway to missioner Taylor advised^ negotiating to sell the Rockport tentatively up for sale and at what all points in the county, was briefly The commissioners' sudden in- facility to the Port of Tampa. screened sundeck. cost, the commissioners directed discussed by the board. Several terest in the port ~ now'idle - However, the rails to Port Boca the county planning department to commissioners stated their re- marks a sharp contrast to a com- Grande have not been used since begin a study detailing the port's quirement that a county port must paratively leisurely study of the October 1979 because SCL Shown by appointment only potential advantages to the county be "socially, economically, and en- facility the planning department declared an embargo on the line, Priced at $395,000 and asked the county legal staff to vironmentally feasible to Boca had undertaken in the last several citing unsafe track conditions. enter purchase negotiations im- Grande residents and Lee County months. "We thought we had at Although SCL cannot sell the mediately. citizens." •least two years before the raihroad property until abandonment has "If we let this port go, well, there One question the commissioners would pull up their tracks and offer been approved by the ICC, the just won't be any ot^ier deep.sea say they want answered is th^ir the land for sale," senior planner company can accept bids. Rumors pCHrt left for our use/': Commis- legislative right to use the only Mike Roeder said. of several offers to SCL for pur- FLORIDA THOMAS H. BROWN, REALTOR :sioner iDoug Taylor said after natural deep sea port in the county. SCL has petitioned the In- chase of the port facility, coupled presenting the acquisition proposal Certain deed restrictions imposed terstate Commerce Commission with the knowledge that Baynard to/theboard. ! .by former .-•'• port property owner (ICC) for permission to abandon its Sharp, present owner of the 2410 Palm Ridge Road, P.O. Box 142 "That land has got to be used as Joseph; Spadero may prevent use Boca Grande to Arcadia service. Gasparilla Inn, .has first right of a port if we are going to have a of the land bther: than as a port. Under a February; 1979 ICC rul- refusal according to Spadero's Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 sound economy in Lee County," Assistant County ^Attorney Tom ing, the SCL can discontinue Use of deed, is what prompted Commis- REALTOR Commissioner Harry Rodda said. Brondstetter /indicated at the .the tracks once they submit plans Phone (813) 472-4138 REALTOR meeting that the county may have for the expansion of their Rockport • continued on 3-B m "Moving goods and services on { B2 January II. Island Reporter deep water port in the fastest tober, citing substandard track island Reporter January 11,1980 B3 growing region of the country; the conditions. The railroad says that another term as Boca Grande har- Although some have said the pro- state Department of Transporta- it purposefully did riot make bormaster by Gov. Bob Graham,: perty is worth $2V* - $3 million. tion; Lee County Port Advisory repairs "in light of plans t^ file for retired as a pilot captain last Pride said the railroad won't have Committee; Swift Agricultural abandonment," according to7 SGL January after a 46-year career. Son the property appraised until time mfroml-B back to the early 1900*3, is a roman- .Chemicals; Boca Grande pilots; public relations spokesman Owen Robert has been a pilot for 17 years to dispose of it. tic story of the port, the railroad Beker Phosphate Corporation and Pride. SCL also reduced operations and continues to pilot oil tankers Bayard Sharp, owner of the September. Virtually closed in Oc- and the elite sharing a rich man's the West Coast Inland Navigation on the line, he said, evidenced by a into the adjacent Belcher Oil Gasparilla Inn since the 1950's who tober by its owner, Seaboard Coast island. But the more recent com- District, which had loaned SCL declining annual operating loss of facilities, which provides oil for the has bought up much of the land Line Railroad (SCL), the.decrepit plex history could fill enough aUnost a ntfllipn dollars to. build a $641,000 for the year ending March Port Myers power plant. But south of the Inn, has the right of port now sits silent, waiting for volumes to line a bookshelf . new trestle leading to Gasparilla in 31, 1975; $376,000 in 1976; and business has been cut in half , and if first refusal on the port property. word on its future. Three railroad Ill September, 1977 SCL filed an $171,000 in 1977. the senior Johnson had not retired, That option was part of a restric- men watch, over it, waiting to hear application with the ICC to aban- .... Initial hearings lasted three days If the extension is jiot granted, there likely wouldn't have been tion written into the deed by if and/or when they, like 20 others, don the track and port facility, and produced pages and pages of Pride said there is an appeal pro- enough work ta support three former owner Joseph Spadero, an will have to move on and begin citing the deteriorating condition testimony from both sides. Further cess that could be employed. "Our pilots. Robert's 17-year-old son, Italian who bought the property again in some other railroad town. pf both and decreasing ship traffic. hearings Were held in Washington, operations people say we absolute- who had planned to continue the from the federal government in The fate of the port itself, has (The 68-year-old: automatic D.C;^ inj;; Octpber 1978; Last ly cannot operate until con- family business, now has been forc- 1926 after being snubbed . by ed to rethink his future. sparked the: interest of developers transloader, which moves FebruarjRlCC Administrative Law siderable work is done. If we did former management at the and most: recently, of Lee County. phosphate and other goods' from Judge SEKchard Beddow ruledL: in we would be in violation of the ', The financial loss, says Robert Gasparilla Inn. He built his own government. . • ;; rail car to ship, was the first of its favor of: abandonment, subject to/ Federal Railroad Administration Johnson, is only one consideration. now defunct Boca Grande Hotel A decision expected today, from., kind in the United States.) SGL several conditions, primarily • that standards for track conditions," "We face the loss of something and sold the to the the Interstate Commerce. Commis- said the $20 million it would have SCL submit a detailed timetable Pride said. "It would take several really unique ... ships coming from railroad, then the Seaboard Airline 20 plus countries added a diversity, Railroad, in the early 1930's. Before I sion (ICC) .will giye the railroad to invest to repair and update the and cost study for Spending at least weeks to get the tracks in condi- Forty-seven miles of track ending here, at Port Boca Grande, have gone unused since \ ! men and their families a temporary . operation could be better spent at $5.5 million to expand the Roekport tion, plus possible ' work on October when Seaboard CoastUne suspended service. The railroad said unsafe track a uniqueness to the community Spadero bought the' property, the : : that will be lost... people just don't raUroad had leased it from, the answer. If the ruling is:in SCL's their Roekport facility south of port capabilities. Again opponents bridges." Pride added that the ex- condition*t prompted t*^.«p*u>n.-V^Y ^'h-'-^-H^'.^ r^:--.: • I' '-'^ • •":' -'-y :.-:"•'':.;';.". favor, the men will.stay on for at Tampa, a port closer to phosphate appealed, but in July the ICC con- tension decision has "no bearing on realize."| :--;'/.•••:'•".: •; '•':.":"•• "' •'••.• government since the first tracks least several more months;. If. un- mines, and capable pf handling two- firmed the earlier Beddow deci- our filing for abandonment. That hold on a while longer so my hus- wife. McClpud, with the r,ailroad The rait was just were laid in 1905. band wouldn't have to worry. He for 31 years in passenger service, about the only one not associated favorable; N the port and tracks, thirds more, • phosphate and more sion, giving SCL £0 days to allow to still holds." ^ : The deed has other restrictions could retire in seven or eight more moved- to the lodge, four years ago. with! tourism " on: the island, imposed by the late Spadero, 1 through the island may again be ac-, ship traffic. ..-.•.. . . .:;•'•,.'_.,';" '•-.>..„ ,-,;.;: discontinue service to Boca Grande Meanwhile Bowe, J.D. Douglas v ; tive, at least temporarily. -;••:•.•••••• As.evidence of the declining pro- and after improvements were cbm- and Jim Hurley remain at the port, years." ' . :- •"• -'. •. '•;.'' '.' :'V' : Constructed in 1966, the lodge was Johnson added,, and: the employees restrictions that, if still applicable, One of the -port caretakers is ductivity pf Port. Boca Grandes, pleted at Rockpprt, SCL could keeping watch over the ,41-acre Roosevelt Scott, 39, also a used weekly to'^ritertain raUroad provided the island with its only cduld lessen the interests of Gene Bowe* SCL personnel and SCL cited reduced phosphate ship- remove the track'and' dispose of facility^ They haye witnessed 20 phosphate handler, already has left represeritatiVes^ and .their 'middle class" group of residents, developers and real estate com cargo supervisor and a salaried ping starting in 1974. That year their property. . : other employees, some who live in Boca Grande to work at Roekport; {customers until 1977 when the ICC And what will become of the port panies which reportedly have made His family of six remains behind, investigated the use of all railroad 1 who has been with Morocco, known as the OPEC of . In September SCL filed a special, railroad housing. bri the port^ facility and acreage? Johnson asks, offers on the land. the railroad and on the .island since the phosphate industry, quadruple-petitfqri-mtb.7lG^ grounds, packtheir belongings to" still living at the port on recreational facilities. Built of •^•1iti;:;^as:;;;"grtat;.;;pbtential/.for: According to Spadero's condi- World War % "The days do get ed. its prices and U.S. counterparts month extension on the Rockpprt start again in Tampa, Roekport and Gasparilla. Scott, whose father was California redwood, the two^story^ historical renovation." (The docks tions of sale of the property, which long without any activity," Bowe followed suit. The price increase*. plan, citing negotiations to sell that Mulberry., And they wonder when" a railroader, was raised on thelodge can accommodate • 16 people, no«r^re~i>emg-^hsi^^ % acknowledge. "Before 1974 we us- aipng with a general recession facility to the Tampa Port Authqri-.; their turn will cpine. . island and came back there to raise and; includes an adjacent boat historical site designation by the residential zoningr the land cannot : his own family 11 years ago. house and pleasure boats. Several ed to; be a 24-hour-a-day operation. resulted in a decline of shipping ty, Whether1ornot that extension : Douglas, 55, has been working at Archives Division of the Florida be used for a hotel or restaurant Hurley, an SCL electrician and islanders are rumored to be Now ...•: weUj not it's. like babysit^ from.Boca Grande by. several thpu- will, be granted will be announced the, port as a phosphate handier. Department of State.) for the "patronage of the general island resident for six years, lives seriously interested in acquiring : ting a morgue." :-: '•••• -.. ;-.. -A sand tons per year. SCL cut.train today, according to ,; an iths£; :.;:H -^e^7ainp|i'':P the turn of the SCL has had six offers, and serious Islanders say the restrictions will be split up ~ we've never b^en" overagain all iny life." - v . •->•;'• century, abandonment of the port are facing .pjcobabJLe. u extinction,. pact on, the island, and surrounding SCL imposed an embargo on the apart before," Mrs. Douglas said' interest from Lee County, on por- probably were made so nothing Both Hurley and Bowe ^e very could mean the end: of a tradition tions or all of the 6& acres.-..rVQ-t Pott Boca Grande's history, dating areas, as well as closing the only. Arcadia to. Boca Grande line in"O£ ' i week. "I just wish they could 4 Mk miich a part of the island communi- thatr has^ spanned t^ee^ g^fera^^ 'iluwng^-^trllgn'^'s^f-w'ayV- on hotel; which^ was" raied in 1972^ ty, serving as special,Lee County tions. I&h Johnson becaml^^tfte; Gasparilla. ^f " Whether those conditions still app- deputies, ambulaiice drivers and area's first pilot captain in: 1888; :% .."The property is riot officially on ly, says Pride, "is a matter for legal volunteer firemen. His sons Carey and Kihgsmore the market and legally cannot be minds." It might, say the Also living on railroad grounds, Johnson followed in his footsteps, until we get permanent abandon- railroaders, give Lee County "an on a separate 2.4 acre tract that as did their sons Robert and ment approval," SCL's Pride said; edge dyer other interested parties houses the SCL Lodge, are Kingsmore Jr., the current pilots. "We can't accept or refuse offers', who have visions of condominiums caretakers Jim MeCloud and his Carey, recently named for we can only entertain them.": on that land,"

mfrom l'B Plans tq^ establish a deep water new port would boast 29 berths on the 32-foot Boca Grande Pass to 36 port In" Lee County are not un-1200 acres ,at a price of feet and to widen it-only part of sioner Taylor to call the action. familiar to long-time residents of $150,000,000, split evenly between the superport concept. Federal ap- QUALITY The board's decision to follow up the area. The Lee County Port Ad- the federal government and Lee proval means little, Roeder added, on a possible purchase parallels the visory Committee, an informal County taxpayers. Storage because a governmental commit- county's long-standing desire to committee formed in 1963 and 10 -facilities in the plan would be ex- ment to spend funds on the dredg- maintain the railway and port years later made an ad hoc commit- tensive: 17 oil tanks, plus elevators ing has not been made arid even if PROCESSING facilities on Boca Grande. In public tee by the county commission, pro- for lumber, newsprint, concrete, it had, the dredging would not be hearings held on the abandonment posed two^ major port building supplies, and paper. Three completed for 10 years. In contrast,. issue in May, 1978, the county cited developments for^the county. In crew ships berths were also allot- Lee County is now thinking of ac- the severe economic impact aban- 1974 they presented a plan to the ted. The University of Miami ar- quiring and using the Port Boca donment of the railroad would have commissioners to establish a chitectural graduate students Grande facility in about two year's,: KING OF HEARTS on the island's economy and the mainland port near Cape Coral. designed the project as an exercise Roeder said. ; ; 1967 - color, Frerich with English subtitles surrounding area. The county plan- The design called for a 9.8 mile and the three dimensional scale The Florida Cabinet annually Directed by Phlllippe be Broca : ning department had estimated an waterway from Gasparilla Island to model they produced gathered considers the deeper dredging re- ,iStarring AldW Bates & GeneviSye Bujbld annual loss of $350,000 in income the mainland, 3.4 miles of which dust in the lobby of the Lee County quest put forth by Shields, and an- : for Boca Grande, according to would have to be newly dredged, Courthouse for over a year. nually denies it, Roeder said. : Klngpf Hearts Is a delightfully.subtle satire-a penefr^ing com- Boeder. The railroad is important according to Bill Shields, chairman "Various full-blow port proposals of the committee since its incep- edy.encasecllna beautiful-moyle.f he^^q^estjQnDe Brocq p/obe^s to the county because it serves the The model is gone now and so are totally unacceptable to thfr tion. . •-• •••.••.. -•-. ••'••• •-.;, '..; .•• ; ••; '. :. Is whether where wqMs cqneerned the madi men are Ihe, ones in-, only deep water port from Tampa are the advisory committee's county," Commissioner Rodda said.; to Miami, opponents of the aban- The county commission went hopes, according to Roeder arid " We are not out to create a serioua side the insqn&a$yi«jrn or out, .and,he.probes is Gongeintly,. wittily, Bring us your KODAK Slide, Movie- j with and heart. .,,..; ..-.'. . .. • donment said. along with the idea until public op- .Rjpdda. "It was unrealistic to begin impart on the island. Two to five andPrifitFjjirCfdr promptr quality The county appealed the ICGrul- position to the dredging mounted, •*vitfirr Koeder said. "There was rib berths established within the con- ^ 13 Ar.7:3pp!ivi. processing by Kodak.; ing and has opposed the SCL em- according to Roeder, who did an in- study to accompany the plan and firies of the property will probably We also offer KODAK Color Reprint, bargo and ICC's extension of the depth study of the Port of Boca. the county has never acted on the not be environmentany h>nriful." :Prfnts-from-Slides, Copyprint, and Roekport plan submittal. "The ICC Grande last fall. On September 5, committee's suggestion." * :'•/ Bringing in limited containerized ; Scinibel Community ruling puts the county in an 1975 the county commission voted "I think it is obvious that cargo - such as automobiles ^ and Enlargement services. awkward position," Assistant 3-2 not-to proceed with the idea. although the commission" hasn't sending it down the waterway in ADMISSION $2;0C> ADVANCE County Attorney Beverly Myers Shortly thereafter, the Florida taken a vote on the idea, they don't barges is a lot cleaner than the old .; V $2.5drATTHE DOOR COLOR said Wednesday. "If the site plan is Cabinet' also rejeced the plan want it," Commissioner Rodda phosphate loading, Rodda added^ >: PROCESSING approved, rail service will be because "there was no need for & ;. ,. ::^ "We »e work^g;; •• :- Children under 12- $1;§(J ;- ^ •» Kodak discontinued to Boca Grande. But if such a facility on the mainland," ac- Shields disagrees that the plan is cloud left by tthe; ysupejrporti^; it is not, then SCL's embargo has to cording to Roeder. "The Cabinet dead. He says the initial idea was Roeder said. "Our tentative idea of sponsored i^^" be justified - to meet the test. Not evep passed a resolution to that ef- submitted to President Nixon, both using..the port is toi limit the facility meeting the test is the only chance fect, saying that if a port is needed, houses of Congress, the Cprp;bf: to the area it already encompasses BARRIER ISLAND GRCJtlP FDR THE the county has to get railroad ser- then look at the natural one on Engineers and the Florida Cabinet. and to install a maximum of two i i 3oca Grande," he said. V ;:;. piers, if even that/* J 3' " > ''•'• i! ARTS and BANK OF THE| vice back." Accordingly, Myers All agreed with the concept, except : - .;/•-:;' .v. .••.• ...: • - .•..•,,••••• • •-."••.v ;. said she will soon ask the board, if The Port Advisory Committee the cabinet which will consider it in Shields supports the: county's Tickets available at Schoolhduse Gallery, 1571 Periwinkle Way at Intersection they want to petition ICC fortook the cabinet's suggestion and April, according to Shields; low-keyed effort- but interject his I Macintosh Books, Art Fac, Photographer's with Dixie Beach Boulevard results of. an investigation into proposed expanding the present But Roeder contends that the idea that the superport plan "will Phone 472-1086 • ' Gallery and Treehouse Gifts on Cqptiya. SCL's justification in declaring the Boca Grande facility into what concept the federal government take care of the next 150 years arid jr' : : ; d; ;> embargo. •;••'.•'•• V ;.'.-•••' :-:...\ •". K• •"-;•.• - Roeder calls a "superport." The tentatively accepted was to deepen may be called for in the future." B4 January 11.1980 Island Reporter IslandBeporter; January 11,1990 B5 orbodiefs^ business lost." The same could hap- : an allocation system and has noreceives a monthly allocation from pen this month, White, saidv < r problem getting.•? sufficient its Chevron distributor, but so far tides / charters / guides Diesel fuel does not presentvtlje le. Tarpon Bay Marina said it that supply has been adequate. sports same problem as regular, he added.

••••".' ' • . ••'".• •"••••.. • • \" " ' ' •' • • •• ••""•• -(••"•..• Diesel is hot on an allocation

system.— • - .. . .'•••'• ••"'••.;;'"" ••;•'-''.'••.•'•'•. For information about how your ctvart|jr boat can be listed here \'::-Like Sanibel Marina, Punta Rassa Marina alsoi is experiencing .'•'V':; ;•• '.... .: call 472-f "' " " ""— gas shortages. Since Thanksgiving :.:'• By Susie Holly ; the marina has limited sales to ten gallons and does not see any let-up Boaters are; well; aware these fspon. Both; Punta Rasjsa 'and1 days that filling iip the gas tank in; Sanibel Marina sell PWinfis^6 gisi their floating transportation is just Other Sanibel;: aiid jQaptiya '>..'."•••%- • as difficult as finding enough gas marinas are not haying severe pro- ..*•• "WIT PAMTS" CHARTERS for their, automobiles. Gasoline siip- blems now, birt anticipate -that Captain R. Bartholomew plies to local marinas are not keep- shortages couldoccur in the future. 34' Cruiser, all facilities, J Distinctive seagoing nature ..!,! ing uj> .with boaters' Increasing South Seas Marina is on an alloca- ; demands, causing some marina tion system arid foresees some pro- shelling, fishing trips to vfi adventures since 1970i •.; operators to request additional blems, though supplies 'are ade- allocations. ; . quatei'n'ow.'" „ Capt. Dick Frieman sales & service 472-1315 "'•••"*'...... -• Sanibel Marina has appealed to *Tween Waters* said it is not on R. Bartholomew Box 136 the Governor's Energy Office for 1205 Periwinkle WTay Captlva, Fla. 33924 - 472-5277 Charter Charter Fishing an emergency allocation for Wind power may yet ttirn out to be the mo$t reliable .>•%-••».-•; j. ^.^ Half Day & Fulllll DDaa y 472-2001 January. Lex Hester, director of way to get out on the water, as sailor at left effec- Shelling the energy office, said the office tively demonstrates. Gasoline could be scarce for , , PIER 50 At PUNTA RASSA Vz or full day trips :... 1 Bait & Tacklo furnlihod: ^^ reviews each application for motorized marine vessels. Above, Mick White of Box 107 - Rt. 24. Ft. Myers, Fid. 33908 I Drag Shell trips "CO WITH THE ACTION*' Sanibel Marina helps a customer purchase gas for. his ; SANIBEL MARINA, ING. emergency allocations and decides (AT THE CAUSEWAY TOLL BOOTH) : 23Mako on a monthly basis whether to •outboard. \ * \ Phone:813-481-3055 "Captain Mlk«" YA MILE EAST OF4"HECAUSENA/AY grant a request. Marinas are not I Bridges given as high a priority as is automobile use, Hester said. "It's a •m Charters Complete Marine Facility lot harder for marinas to make a 549-5530 549-55Sa Dockage Charters case for more L. gasoline."^ (See Ships Store Fuel ^ related story;-'page. 2*A). floating activities: Rentals V Sales & Service • The problem, \. according to Sailings Individual or group charter. Lessons by appointment. FULL SERVICE MARINA Protected waters. Call Fred Comlossy, Southwind Inc. 472-2531. 472-2723 Sanibel Marina operator Rick • Mercury Outboard Ehgfim SlMlllns, Cabbage K»y trip*, light tadcl* sport flthlng with Capt. White, is that the marina is receiv- • Fonnula Boats by mundoiblrd : AWIwFoory-472-3459, ... : ing an allocation of 70. percent of shorts • tfpotr S»cvtc» and Part> Cabbog* K«y crulSMt Lunch or dinner, shelling, fishing, "Gotabigun ," South Seas Marino, Capt. B.W. Hollowoy. 472-2802. what it used last year at this time. • Storage/In and Out/Wet Power Boat Rentals Several, sizes and types,. with varying Last January,^21 days but of the Coast Guard officer •••Bait/lce/Tackle - , outbodrds. Southwind Inc. at Sanibel Marina, 472-2531. .. For Information about month had bad. boating weather, he ..-* Gas/Dtesel/Oll CAPTIVA ISLAND Charter - Shelling - Boot Rentals • Cabbage Key panted out. "I don't want to be Mona Ferguson of Sanibel has been Trips • Fishing - Capt. Bob Sabatrno - Capt. Butch Cottrlll - Capt. Arrell installed as the growth and retention Doane - Jensen's Twin Palms Resort & Marina 472-1727 how your charter boat running short because of an act of Natural History rtoM trip* by \nt*r wtth naturalist GebrgV - officer for Flotilla 9-10=of the United God last; year.'* |n addition, the I- V' Campbell. Breakfast at Cabbage Key, walk across Cayo Costa, visit '• can be listed here ficers were installed at the annual • •• VOLVO to on embryonic barrier island. Call 472-2160 for reservations and avocations- do'' not ^ Iccdunt^ ifor V Information. . . _. '___[ _ _ growth in Le^ County - and on V."Change;?f Wajtch" January 5 at the Charter tite Bareboatt A 24^foot centerboard' sloop, trailerable cdli 472-1587 Sanibel, White said. Business at Cap ^l Country> Club? OMC anywhere you want to go. Fort Myers Yacht Charter, 472-3530. -tURMRIM .Mlllng aboard the PAPA NUI In the Gulf with Capt. Al Streson- the marina is up over last year, but Reuter aboard a 54-foot catamaran. For reservations call 332- gas_supplies are Way down; ^ •1200..:. ••:•..,. .". . •..-'• ... ••• - .. ' ..- .' If €fte weather stay^^ood, WWte^ Nature Adventure Afloat* "Wet Pants," Capt. Dick Frieman, Tjbie Florida Game and Fresh Water FISH FINDER CABBAOtKlY ' 472-1315:Charier. •.-•.•••,•• .••••ViS. ";.•-•.••'•;••,' "- • • .• ' said^ he could have a real problem ^isK^^iDaHBisitfoir;..'will sponsor a Back Bay exploring aboard the "Chiclet" available for charter at CB RADIO : SHELUNG on his hands. ' liuriter education program at the South Seas Marino, Chic Kennpiiy, 472-4087. V V4 ENGINE SIGHTSEIINQ For seven days before Monday KTorth Fort Myers High School begin- Fishing, shelling trips to Cabbago Key with Captain Arrel Doane r . OlVt TRIPS ning Januai^ 15. Classes will be held RENT A BOAT ! aboard the charter boat Odyssey j and II. 472«3332. , ... of this week when Sanibel Marina Sport fishing In the back country^;Fly plug or spinning gear received its January allocation, the at.-7&Qt,p.m.~. every Tuesday for nine : provided. Custom built 22 foot skiff powered by local native guide. marina's pumps were completely 'kV *•"•" '• Capt. Duke Sells; Tween Waters Marinli; Captiva. Marina 472-5161; home 472-4733. , , .: . . CAPT. DUKE SELLS out of regular gas. "That kind of hurts you. There was a lot of Distress signals required ]\T, 22' sloops with engines Sridok -Tarpon -Redfish -Trout 1 r ••', jSunfjsh - 3 day minimum Beginning January 1,1981, the U.S. {Afternoon yacht cruise 34' sloop A Public Service from - Coast Guard will require operators of Charter Skiff recreational boats 16 feet or more to JGdpt;/creW and 6, passengers island- . have visual distress signals on boards. Fly - Plug or Spin Casting The signals also will be required for all. boats -.carrying six or more Sting ray struggle passengers for hire,and at night. >.•(• SAILING PROM . P.O. Box 475, Tween Waters Marina Captlva, Fl. 33924 Don Sirictderof Atiuater, Ohio, really thought USCG Equipped Captlva Island. Fl. Phone 472-3462 he had: something good on the end of his line Blmlnl Tops - Chart 472-5161 for awhile. He struggled with an unknown January monster from the deep for several minutes next to the Sanibel fishing pier before he final- F 2:04 AMI' 7:19 AM H :12:43 PM L 6:5&rPM H SOUTHWIND INC Vi ly got a gkmpse of the big catch - a sting ray. So 12 3:10 AMI 9:04 AM H 1:2t PM L 7:35 PMH Nothing to write home about SqnibeLMarInd 472-2531 Su 13 4:04 AM L10:39 AM H 2:0P3M L 8:18 PMH' M 14 4:56 AM LH:50AMH 2:45 PM L 8:57 PM H OF THRU TBIPSt Tu 15 5:41 AML 12:43 PM H 3:3-P1M1 9:39 PMH -Sanibel River 16 6:24 AlviU 1:22 BMH 4S24 PM L 10:24 PMH Wildlife Refuge • Buck Key FRESH SEAFOOD MKT. Th 17 7:04 AM L"1:47 PMH 5:*P3M LH:10PM H Binoculars provided CAP! -H" STKWART (STUl SOUTH call 472.5218 for.._ Reservations-Information

• si'')K i !N( i < >i 'i i; is m

THE 472-2r>74

i •*£'••'. REEL EEL

.7 £ •VNIBI.l CKNTKK BLDG. HI RlWINKI.f {Tides have been computed at the Sanibel Lighthouse! For K, (ASA YBI I Kl). upper Sanibel and CaptiyiJ'suWfoCt 30 minutes for high tide.

I hour and 15 minutes for low tide. ' ; •;.- j*--rv^ '.v" Bold face denotes strong tides ' .•.'. ; .' ' • . '>

Island Reporter January 11,1980 B7

!»• B6 January 11,1980 Island Reporter

Coastal Fishing .%• "due to the huge springajpawnihg •¥.-.' By Capt Duke Sells netters took is anybody's guess September..The early springruns Tween Waters Marina, Captiva -and one has: to wonder just how of April-June which used to be herd at Boca Grande Pass. I hear Beachview golf wirinears named this area also is being eyed by the they stood up under such pressure. peak months simply did not Jeff Dean, Bill Estep, Bill Beynori and Bruce Henderson, and third was taken by The sweet serenity of the islands Most of the old timers tell me the materialize. There were a lot of dredgers who have been turned, Jim Esson came in first .during last Satur- Bob Dormer, Don Lawrence^Rudy MikulicXv' WEDNESPAYrMOtlBIJBRS Casa del Mama 3, The Housekeeping Co. 1 alter the holidy crush once again size is not there anymore and what 'small fish around early in the spr- down at the tune of this writfaig^ day's tournament of the Beachview Golf and Tram Sessions. The high individual Split Conversions ' has settled. Even some of the road we call a large trout now would ing with the larger mamas showing due to environmental damage and Club Men's Association; Second place went : : the side effects on the tarpon to Roy Hull; Ed Barone. Elniet' Dailey and ;:? The; Beachview Women's Association Current Standings ' Jane Myers 15^, 540 - buzzards can enjoy two or three have been the ^subject of ridicule up later in the dog days. 3 1. Ron's Trailer Supply 86 -28 Nancy Jenkins 5-10 %.r , : - spawn.- :." •• ••••'•;•' :-' ••\':''; '^.:': ^•'^•'.'••'^ competition last week was won by Herta mouthfuls before having to become two decades ago. All of the 2. Loggerheads •:•-' .=.. i Marty Robb 5-10,4-5-7 / airborne. -'. The folks drifting the passes and Again, live baiters did the best Howland, Carla Carlson, Pax K^rby and Pat aforementioned does seem to sup- Daniels. Tied for secoiid place were'tHe 3. Century 21-: : ~ .-, : along the gulf with live bait did the work on old silver with crabs and 4. Crown Plumbing 36;' ,28' ;.. Hi^iGame ; n Since it is a new year it might be port the need for some real ac- threesome of Ellen Lawrence, Eileen' Joy' squirrel fish.drifted through with 28»/« Goldie Nave 214 a good time to reflect on some of curate commercial catch records best as always, but the .pluggers rand Ruth kbhmescher and the team of •5. Capi^^landlleaU^,; -, *-r •.» •• -..-• and bridge fishermen took their the tide. Pluggers and bait fishers 6. Heirs Construction ;'. Mvy Wilson 197 the local fish movements of 1979 and anti-net legislation,both for 1 Diane Sessions, Susan ; Andrews and; and what possibly will be down the redfish and trout. ^..-. • \ . share-early in the morning and did reasonably well on the - flats* LEE COUNTY WOMEN'S TENNIS LEAGUE Forestine Dean. .Anne^ Hamilton,-; Herta 7.The Open Gate after dark; ': r: '• --•- -: ••• •;-•. bridges and gulf waters* both day Howland and Ruth Kohmescher were tied;, 8. Mucky . : Jeannette Case 188: canal in 1980. While speaking: of reds, it also 9. Casa del Mama i 89 V» and night. ; ;^ A Division ; . ; lor low putts. :- •/.,:_,/ ;..~ .-:•.•• .«-..;••. •;,.:...,?:•• should be noted here that the cat- These fish do not seem to be hi r 10. The Housekeeping Co. 22 :.42.-'- High Series The last year spent was indeed a ches, both commercial and sport, trouble, even though jthe count is Results for January 9 * Over at the jpi^nes. jCbuntry. Club tli©: Casa Ybel 3 - Rangoon 1 ...... , Women's Golf Association last week held a : Jeannette Case 581 way down/from ten years ago, and General fishing prospects for - terrific time to catch all the trout have been way down for the fifth Meyers and PfaWer 4r6,3-6 . :lpw net'1^urMme^t .fy6n Light tefeik'first Mary Wilson 512 1980 seem to be on the bright . Mucky Diick,0/Loggerheads_4 ., , \,,' ] 1, you ever would need. It seemed the consecutive year. AH the warning they: should be able to hold their Muench.afld Thbinpson 7-5, 7-5; ' "placer-Phyllis'Harvey,'';second aiitf^Billie" : v { Jessie Robb, 508 flats, woods, creeks and gulf were . flags are flying if we can just getr own since the .neuters, aren't allow-, side but a lot will depend on spot Cbstanzo and Peck G--3; 6-1 • " ; Tyler^hird. THeprize forlow putf s -we'nt-'ta Capiiya Island jRealty 1, Century 21 3 ? )« Goldie Nave 508 and commercial pressure and Crown Plumbing'.I, Ron'a Triiler^Sup|>ly Sk ': Judy Heirs 508 full of the' spotted beauties. The the attention of the politicians who ed to take them, and if man doesn't Greenberg arid Mather 6^0, frO '•Dot Ohlmann. a::i:i J:.'^:i oi: major amount were expectedly always seem to get the last word. start silting up the passes with sound environmental studies which caught on live shrimp but a good Snook season was a general suc- dredges where they have to spawn. we hope will take precedence over B Division V •••.•."•..-; -v;,;: •,;_...-; inane acts of man. /s/ Good Fishing, No match scheduled,for this week. .. percentage fell to rubber and hair cess story in the latter stages of Tarpon always have been in ;'•";'• •-•" ^r/'u-i'.- :-'s-< •1'*1"V'> V'-' tail artificials. Just how many the summer, say from July to abundance in this area primarily Capt. Sells. DAVID H.HERZOG nil Fishing & Shelling t: CONSTRUCTION - S ...enchantingijslands General Contractor : ;• by Richard N. Campen •; ' ".-li:'~ -WATERS T-SHIRTS SWEATSHIRTS If you have an affection MARINA Residential & Commercial FASHION TOPS Ore the qjiiet end of Sanibel specializing in frame construction 18 Periwinkle PJIace Motel Roorhs-one bedroom suites for Sanibel, you'll find a kindred Sanibel Island. Florida 33957 • Tween Waters Marina just north of Blind Pass Bridge, on designing & building custom homes for 28 years • one^^wo.m0iMree bedroom cot- spirit in the pages of this book! Captiva Island, is located in prime fishing grounds. Our (813)472-2392 idgesC ;': 'T"^'.' :/" • •••':'••:•• >:l-•••••- • ;•'.-::\-- DUKE SILLS proximity to the passes and upper islands means less travel JERRY WAY 100 selected photographs Fishing Guide time and more boating and fishing time for you. Fishing Guide :65 units on 25 unspoiled acres directly on the Giilf. ' in full color) the Marina is a full service facility offering.fuel, tackle, bait, 1 boat rental and deep water dockage. Experienced fishing qn"/..'-;-. :..^ • guides are available for fishing or shelling trips. All fishing' WRITE P.O. DRAVVER A; exceptional equipment-is furnished: Shelling on remote beaches and coves along'North Captiva and Cayo Costa Islands on your SIGNAL INK value at own or with expert guides is easy, to arrange at Tween RACQUETBALL CMS* 'Waters Marina.": ' ', . • ' FLORIDA 33957 :,; ,: : Effective:;Dec. 15, 1979_ •< hourly Court Cbste - $6.00/hour 8a.m: ta 11p.m. ORCALT Call Dock Master Larry Gill for information on varying rental Class A General Contractor / Ucensed-Bonded-lnsured available at MaclNTOSH BOOKSHOP .land charter ..rates., Ivlembcrships-; " : '•• -••.-.;• ;••-••• --• 1633 PLAZA Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island LARRY GILL MIKEFUERY Condominium - $10Q/yr. •: •.;. " . ;.; A72-5151 and other fine islahd~«hops_ Dock Master CAPTIVA ISLAND •472-5161 ^Fishing Guide. Phone 472-1423 (Eves.48M522) v j Family - $100 (Husband, Wtfe and Juniors • under.: 18 years living at home) Adult-$75./yr! . Junior- $5O./yr. . Thefinesthomebuilderin the area j Guest fee-$l:00 for members brings you the finest in fUU-;seE^ce,general Teal estate. per person ' : '"• •'; '•'• • •'••••• • £ ^Tlpf%^uoiirlp\^qua^ vve Tnml/axwt, 1811 Middle Gulf Dr. tt#^6iefct Sanibel. FL 33957 '*.< »« fisting ihcludingafihe, inventory of new 472-4690 ? ^ ffoni(es at Beachview Country BARGAIN urncane *1- / ^^^^aiiiexcellentrental ;.• 'IIU s^rviqe: Meet the Mibhig^ti professionals HMidaS^;^^ FORT MYERS MOST COMPLETE j-prpqeed^with any real estate HURRICANE SHUHER CENTER transaction oh the Xsfand. VVe 're just causeway at'the if^ti.intersection en Blvd. i

best vacation rentals on Sanlbet and Captiva. Private homes, cwidorrjintums, full service resorts — we have; a wWe selectfon -of att. Full season or short" term rentals are available at ail seasons from Island Accommodations. Come see a now calrorwrite, and we'll put you In The Bake 'N Broil Pan the vacation lodgings that drejust^ BAHAMA SHUTTERS It** a non-stick baking pan, a broiling pan and cake cool- (GIVES MAXIUM SUN & STORM PROTECTION - *r all in one. Use the rack and pan together tor broiling;. ': tha rack alone for cooling. Rim of the 13x9 V,x2-inch pan • is marked to guide tlicing—you get'equal portions .'. evtry time. New almond color. " - : .4275 OaantWw United , - •BURGLAR SCREENS •ACCORDIONS •AWNINGS •REMOVAL STORM PANELS :f •CARIBBEANS .EASY ON PANELS •ALUMINUM ROLL DOWNS •BAHAMAS ...fuR-service I _ *•:•. \: GROCERIES BAILEYS !1JV. MEAT MARKET WE ARE OPEN and specialists in the HARDWARE GENERAL STORE 5.2 WEEKS- PRODUCE • WESTERN UNION • WINE & COLD BEER • A YEAR TO 481-4180 : resale of Michigan Homes FISHING SERVE YOU In NoplitColl 2*2-Sft* WCKl£ sxz&fr^ • —; Gary's Glass LOCATED IN THE ISLAND SHOPPING CENTER SINCE 1899 Branch Off Ice Rental Of rice Captiva Offle e DRYGOODS Causeway Road . Causeway Roatf Andy Ro$3e ILIIB off San C«iot Blvd. Monday-Saturday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. riLM DEVELOPING 472-4121 4?2^tl3 472-ri49, '* on Chlt^ood Drive. S.W. Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. SERVICE B8 January 11,1980 Island Reporter ^ FISHING REPORT Island Reporter January 11,1980 1* ' '< By Fritx ft Nonu Stoppelbein m* SNOOK most aetive of the-three species found in local waters. A 8HEEP8HEAD - , . Lots of these around pil- 6y Fritz & Norma Stoppelbein Skelding, prominent Tallahassee attorney, Nathaniel P. Reed, Hobe Sound; and tant -to take restrictive management Those fishermen who are few whopper spotted seatrout were reported from the was named FLA general counsel. ?; undaunted by a little cold Shell Island area at the mouth of the river. Live shrimp or . ings, although big ones are Eugene Turner, St. Petersburg. measures to protect the fish, because it hard to come by. The area ..- Last weekend we travelled to Miami to At the Miami meeting,, the membership • FLA; through its Board of Trustees and might put a few of those who make their weather, report plenty of artificial toots seemed to work equally welL Minimum attend the annual meeting and election of elected 16 members to 1980 Board ot snook larking in the canals legal length for spotted seatrout is 12 inches. near Punta Rassa has been committees.; which, include prominent living from the sea out of business.. . / productive, as well as the officers of Florida League of Anglers Trustees,, representing all regions of scientists, outdoor writers, business and. But what happens if the fish are put out and around the fishing pier. (FLA), the statewide organization of Florida. The Board of Trustees elected Others were hugging the deep holes in Tarpon Bay civic leaders, and with the growing support of business? » ' .• . and and the refuge creeks. recreational fishermen whose goal is to Robert C. Schwebkei Chief Ejs»cutiyepf-' of recreational fishermen and the industry Whether the goose that has been laying . mangroves in the man- SAVE QUR FISH. FLA was the first to ficer of Mako Marine, Inc., as.president of grove-lmed creeks sad islands in the river and Pine Island that serves them, has established itself as all the golden eggs for the economy is ac- Pieces of shrimp, on small hooks, or sandworms, fiddler sound the alarm about the potential threat FLA, succeeding Lyman E. Rogers, Ocala, the official spokesman for recreational Sound. The cod temperature slowed down their en- crabs or cut bait will attract sheepshead. Small fellows tually killed off, or just so disrupted that it founder and first president of FLA. In fishing in Florida. flees to other shores, the impact will affect thusiasm for gulping baits, but some were interested should be carefully released so they can grow up to make a recognition of his life long efforts on behalf FLA plans. an all-out effort in 1980 thousands. '• ••.'..•.•••-.••'•'•-•••• _: •. -•. •:..,'•'• . enough to take live shrimp or pinfish and snap at passing : good sized meal. •.•.-., . ' ':•'•; ••••••;:•> ?:: i•:'•:-s--^.'. of conservation, Rogers was appointed toward its goal - SAVE OUR FISH. £gs. Minimum legal length for snook is 18 inches. Limit in Chairman Emeritus of the FLA Executive And now that recent surveys show that possession is 4. FLOUNDER casting around recreational fishing contributes many Cool temperature ap- Committee, to serve as long as he may For decades, spokesman for the commer- times moire money to Florida's economy parently has not daunted desire. cial fishing industry have lobbied loud and than commercial' fishing, kaw long will these flat fish who feed ' Also elected to the Executive Committee successfully to convince legislators and recreational fishermen remain content SEATROUT along the bottom of refuge to the reef fish populations posed by the in- as vice-president were Arby Arbuthnot, government agencies that commercial with the leftovers? A little harder to come by creeks, Tarpon Bay and the troduction of-wire fish traps as commercial Sun City Center; George L. Foti, Ft. fishing is vital to the economy. As we enter the 80's you wOl be content in the cooler weather, bat bay shoreline, They like harvesting gear. Lauderdale; Holland A; Franzen, Boca For decades, recreational fishermen felt to just go fishing in a fish market, where still out there in large ,•-•;:;••• ,'. ., live shrimp, but will settle After the 1979 legislature failed to enact Raton; and Albert Pflueger, Jr., Davie. no need for a spokesman - content with cat- the only tackle you will need is your wallet numbers. The problem for for pieces of shrimp or other cut bait. Some have even been a law to outlaw the traps and as more and Fritz Stoppelbein, Sanibel, was elected ching, the "leftovers.4* filled with "fins" for bait - and the only it: fishermen, is getting their, known to pick up a small jig bounced along the bottom in mote skin divers and recreational secretary and H.C. Kresge, Winter Park, But toward the end of the seventies, as thing that jumps is the price? ' fishermen observed at first, hand the non- 'treasurer/' • "•'• .'}.[[ •'• ; .,. • , ", '')••'-']" baits past the small, silver their vicinity. Minimum legal length for flounder is 11 in- : taxpayer -. financed government research Or will you join with Florida League of trout which seem to be the ches. ' . "• •'.•'. '•.•'. - selectivity of the traps; support for FLA Other; trustees elected were Dr. Richard increased the efficiency of commercial Anglers, the spokesman for.recreational gained momentum. In August, a central |Gafnes, Daytona; Owen Ganzel, Jackson- harvesting techniques, the leftovers fishing, to ensure that government agen- FLA office was established in Winter Park ville; Joseph Jenus, Jr., Ft. Walton Beach; became scarcer. . cies manage our fishery resources as they and Walter la. Hundley appointed Ex± Capt. Bob Lewis, Miami; Davis L. Market*. . Historically, legislators and employees have been mandated - for the equal benefit ecutive Director. In November. Jack Free Boat With ARTISAN SHOP Tampa; • Rev. John Jlerzr Titusville;" of government agencies have been reluc- of aUusers? •••. .• .v ••• .•.••:.•.'." -,:../.. •':'•••:•, • Every Cottage NUTMEG VILLAGE \\ Full Kitchen-Soft Drinks 2807 West Gulf Drive STITCHERY Sanibel, Florida 33957 Tackle Shop - Live Bait <|ARDEN" Exclusively American}'made 1223 Periwinkle behind Scott/* Pub Ccttages 472-1020 Marina 472-1334 Designer Gifts and Paintings, FINE PAPERS Featuring Florida Artists W« hov* stocked a fin* collec- tion of n««dl*pblnt kits with and Craftsmen ••• th» Sanlbci visitor In mind.' i VISA' Com* iM our shells, birds SS Cottages and racoons captured on & Marina Open: lpA.AA. to 5 PJ\A., Mon. - Sat. neodlcpolnt canvas. On the west tip of Sanibel at Captiva Bridge • 6 Macintosh (start something and watch it grow) Book Shop 472-4716 Mon.-Sat.l 0 a.m. to5:00 p.m HOURS: 115V Middle Gylf Drive •&' Weekdays 9-9, Saturday 9-5:30, Sunday 11-5 SanibeV lslan

(813) 334-1238. 3601 haraon itraot, foci myorc, florlda Castaway Estates- Canal front, 4 bedroom, 2V2 baths, secluded location, tropical vegetation, separate guest area, frame home $187,000. Unfurnished. Gulf front dining in 4 the BahQma ON THE GULF OF MEXICO m i TYPICAL UfllT • A 2 Furnished Models 'I open Mon. - Sat. 10-5 Sundays 1-5 4

TYPICAL UNIT - B o On Sundays or- '**%&" V^ / Sundial, you con indulge in o^-.--^ Bahama Room buffer. All of your favorite- Hattae af m breakfosr dishes pi us fresh breads, pastries, fruits and salads adorn rhe Brunch tables. The Shell Harbor Canal Home - 2 bedroom, 2 "Home of the hand blown glass hibiscus vase" breads and pastries ore made right in the Bahama Room kitchen and will make your baths, pool, 215' seawall on canal. Lush : • mouth water." For a brunch that is unmatched i vegetation, separate guest area, frame in Southwest Florida, try the Sunday Brunch Buffer. home. $215,000 unfurnished. $225,000 fur- Blenko Handcrafted Glass Fish 11 dmro2-30pm, $6.95adulrs,$3.95children. nished. ' . . Friday Seafood Buffet / ; On Fridays in the Bahama Room, the dining . • : room is transformed Fnro an eleganr, eloborare buffer area with ottenrion focused;- 11» IIWM (Ml Dm, InM j on table after rable6fgourmet ttears. A wide :; : -seleaion of fresh fish dishes, mearVrefreshing .'•:••''• salads, fruitsandyegerqbles, and../ Priced From $110,000 : .homemacle.breads, cakes and pastries fill the . Vacation and Investment Properties, Ina, Realtor ':- ; - room with.deleaable aromas..A.buffer ; treated in special gourmet fashion in Sundials SANIBEL ISLAND CAPTIVA ISLAND To Display Your Sanibel Shells : \J .Gulf front Bahama Room. Join us every ^ '•••,:• Sold Exclusively by 472-5187 472-2523 .Friday. 6ro9pm. 51195adulfs, $7.95 children. I S09 Periwinkle Way South Seas Plantation P

W^ j^ -

BIO Island Reporter Island Reporter January 11,1980 Bll

RESTAURANT at 'Jtween Waters Inn ''£j< • AND LOUNGE Breakfast Place By Don Whitehead have to agree. For those who •TWEEN-WATERS INN, Captiva Island. Hours: 8:00 - prefer, French fries are also of- 1523 Periwinkle Way Next to 7-11 BREAKFAST * ? AM to 2 PM T^eenWaters Inn, with its k 11:00 aum. for breakfast, 11:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m. for lunch, fered with the main courses. Sanibel, Fla. 472-3161 pealing location between gulf ana and 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. for dinner, Wednesday through Mon- The entrees include a trip to the Variety of Egg Dishes; Waffles, sound; has long been a favorite of day; closed Tuesdays, Sunday Brunch, 10 a.i. - 2 p. salad bar, which doesn't present Reservations: Accepted. Telephone: 472-5161. Credit cards: anything very surprising - except, featuring a Raw Bar, Gourmet Dinners, Pancakes, French Toast, and • Visa,-Master'.Charge^;;;••'••, ,,"• •>• -.\ • '••;;. •••.•;••• ; •.;; ..-. \ :••:/• '•; - • perhaps, that everything tasted Family Meals, Fine Food, Drink & "Kay's Delight" with ovr < ; but Commeirt: TMs restaurant, long popular with many fresh, crisp, and chilled. ' island residents and visitors, gives serious attention to the A special mention has to be made Hospitality in the Pate's Award Winning delicious "Sanibel Sauce." veteran winter visitors to Captiva. preparation of a limited number of steak, lamb, veal, and of the fact that Tony, the chef, Tradition Through changes in management, seafood dishes. With a special menu for children, including knows how to bake some very tasty LUNCH •IT AM to 2 PM addition of new resort units, and the daily special at half price, the restaurant is a place that muffins. When we were there, the ALL DINNERS INCLUDE PATE'S renovations in the restaurant, the appeals to the entire family. It will soon be enlivened with bread basket included some muf- FAMOUS CEASAR OR TOSSED Inn keeps on functioning with im- an adjoining lounge, complete with dance floor and fins made with applesauce that Lighthouse Specials, Chowder^ ; : T : :; : : pressive reliability. "• • .- fireplace.; -V'^' •:••>.' "- "'- . .\r". -;\-^:- '••':. •;;;• ^••• ;:;-; '::~-t]': were simply delicious.Tm not par- SALAD Sandwiches, Soups, Salads As of now, the restaurant at If you serve yourself at the salad bar, rather than order- tial to sweet-tasting breads with Entertainment in the Lounge Tues. thru Sat. and "Tuna Melts" 'Tween-Watefs serves a dinner ing an appetizer, a typical meal for two, excluding wine but dinner, but these I couldn't resist. that falls somewhere between good including a 15 percent service charge added to the bill, .. We had a carafe of the house Dinner Served from 5:30 PM and excellent. I suspect that in (salad bar, main course, dessert, coffee)* will cost approx- Chablis (Gallo) which, at $5 was i •••'•' CLOSED MONDAY ; ',;.:' Raw Bar 4 PM - 1 AM Moh. thru Sat. - coming months, after all the expan- imately $30. :•-•:.;.•:••.;.•:•;•••.: ^ --\ :, •:-•••• v;;-;^v:•• • -:• ,.v\-; reasonably priced. A new and 472-9976 closed Sun. sion and redecorating is completed, lengthy wine: Ust is coming soon, it's going to become even better choose a steak; lamb chops; the con- Waters: The Scampi ^ with such entries as a Cabernet • 362 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Island, Florida and be a real contender for top ventional"surf & turf;" a combina- cellent and are sure; to please ~ Sauvignon at $9, the highly popular Credit Cards Ghildren Welcome f "Nome of the Sanibel Sauce" - 472-9976 honors among restaurants on tion steak with Alaskan King Grab unless, of course, you don't like Soave from Italy for $7.50, and a Sanibel and Captiva. legs; or what is called "veal fran- rgarlic. ;.:••.•••;•:.•.••:,..••>.-.:••;•:••promisin' :'•'..• ;-.g:.-•'; St• . Emilion at $9.50. We dined there this week and cais." ••. '•-•:-r•;'•::•- '^r.-{. A seafood platter that included If, after all that, you are in the had a thoroughly delightful ex- . One of us opted for the veal dish : fresh fish, shrimp, scallops, a cou- mood for dessert, the chef serves perience. The atmosphere in the and found it excellent. The veal ple oysters on the half shell, and up a variety of homemade pies, dining room, still somewhat was about as dose to the real thing fried clams, was nicely presented such as Key Ume, coconut cream, austere, is softened by attractively as one can find- and it was cooked and very tasty. The chef fried the and strawberry, or plain ice cream decorated tables, with' fresh beautifully. It was served with a clams and some of the shrimp, but or sherbert. , flowers. The service is good, and garnish of lemon and a cheese wisely chose to broil the rest of the John Hacker, the man in charge of sauce. The sauce wouldn't exactly entries on the platter. Again, the : Perhaps one of the most civilized the dining room, makes a serious qualify it as "veal francais," but it serving was generous and three of things at 'Tween-Waters — they in- effort to provide that warm, family was very tasty and I'd recommend us were able to share some of the clude a 15 percent service charge in ambience that has long appealed to it highly. Above all, the serving choice items. the bill, eliminating that painful many 'Tweeri-Waters' patrons. was generous and, given the price My Irish wife is the potato critic post-dinner arithmetic. The menu at the restaurant is of veal in the market, it's a bargain in the family. Rating baked My main concern is food, which relatively' limited, and that's pro- at $10.95. potatoes on a scale of one to 10, she Tm sure you'll^ enjoy at 'Tween- bably wise. Better to do a few We then turned to the seafood gives most restaurants a reluctant Waters, but I suppose I should add things well than to overextend and side of the menu (which includes^ two. Not at 'Tween-Waters. that very soon you'll be able to end up with mediocrity. In addition shrimp dishes, snapper, crab legs, Despite the fact that the potatoes more than eat there. A lounge, to items on the menu there are, of and scallops), and selected the came out in that almost inevitable complete with fireplace and dance course, special selections offered Scampi. This is a dish that is hard aluminum foil wrapping, a usual floor, is nearing completion, and nightly. to ruin, but amazingly a lot of chefs guarantee of mediocrity, my wife it'll be less than a stone's throw "From the Hearth" you can succeed in doing so. Not at4 Tween- rated them "excellent," - and Td from, yotir dining table.

coconut Restaurant & OUR ENTREES INCLUDE: Cocktail Lounge "i BOUILLABAISSE: a seafood creation of fresh fish and shell fish in a ligtet tomato sauce (in casserole). .$11.95

^ TEMPTING HOMEMADE" SHRIMP CREOLE; a southern favorite of fresh shrimp in a spicy New Orleans Sauce ori , FRESH i ^ a bed of rice... (in casserole).. $7.95 i IH A TUi.f WlU. TAKE "BACK.... SANIBEL STEAMED SHRIMP; steamed with spices in shell, served with rice.... $7.95 .JOIN OS 1 (in casserole) years of fine food & fine service i ••'*?••' CHICKEN IN THE POT; half chicken poached in fresh vegetables with noodles and served in its own delicate broth (in casserole).. $6.95 i "I Local & International Dishes TUBS.THRU SUN.SERVING UOO-(O-OO Luncheon & Dinner Specials - Salad Bar cuoseo MOWOM BEEF STEW; an all time American classic, tender beef simmered with vegetables and i served with noodles or rice |in casserole) . .$6.95 i SEAFOOD SPECIALISTS 47Z-5S5B SWEDISH MEATBALLS; lightly seasoned beef and pork balls in gravy, served on a bed A SUMPTUOUS FRESH of noodles ..(in casserole) .. $5.95 : FISH OFFERING DAILY STEAK AU BEURRE; a filet sauteed in butter in the French,style, served with buttered 8a fe:o .rice . %; ...... -.. ,'.;,. .. . : ;$10.95 SUNDAY SMORGASBORD BODP'5 " ° 12PM to 3PM ALL SERVED WITH SALAD AND FRENCH BREAD (Our House Dressing is our famous "SANIBEL SAUCE") Full menu aridjcocktqils available '. A GREAT SELECTION OF IMPORTED & DOMESTIC WINES & BEERS a/so A^ HO0fr4tb 6 HOT & COLD HOR €l'QEUVR|S HOURS: 5:30-9:30PM CLOSED MONDAYS Located in front of Bailey's Storo « 6MCU»lAl«kS 1473 PERIWINKLE WAY • SANIBEL, FLA. 472-570fr 472-1366 i S; arting"7pm, the finest society piano rpusic this side of New York. open every day 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.


B12 January 11,1980 Island Reporter Island Reporter January11,1980 BIS r - Der Rosenkavalier a classic what we know today as "contemporary commmiieate music." Strauss's • compatriot Arnold By Mark Twpimbly show.: The photographs in & The Elm production of Richard Straoss's Schoenberg wholehearted embraced the represent some of Fray's favorite ;^ popular opera "Der Rosenkavalier,"cur- new directions and, consequently, Photography, would seem to be the most taken over the past decade, a,nd include pic- rently playing aV the Editen Theatre, can pioneered many of the techniques which objective form of communication. After all, tures taken - while- on^ws^ga^jAt only be described as a classic. When first are now common practice among, musi- : a camera .hands of->.? master a photographs of some of the thlngsTve ex- Consider the cast which was assembled and "Elektra" -in a manner which was to perienced at times Eve had a camera yrith' for this production. Who better to sing thebring him instant notoriety. Then, perhaps ment ; thajt ^jtei^|iWl»^^a|ia, - objecisiyely me, something-1 might have p|btbgraphed role of the regal Harshallin than soprano as a result of that notoriety, he retreated to at a time in my life Or a place that affected; rerords a^^ : Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, who was for sosafer, ground and composed "Der on a meaning of its own aritfcoDaniunicate a me some way^ like a piew^bf^litisic' that many yean the first lady of German opera Rosenkavalier" in an apparently tradi- : ; message much different, and in some cases, takes_you;back,",--; "•>-; ••:".. •• •:"- "'••."••"^'• and art song. Who better to capture the tional manner which won hint the respect of ;" : . -.-; • " . String trio to perform ) ? ;H:-;^; more profound than the: real-life' scene it ' There may iidl be a central theme to spirit of 18th century. Vienna, where "Der his public. 7...v.;';.'.„ '^.•v^V'"'-'- .o.''••- • '•'•• ; : The Symphony String Trio of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra will perform at supposedly reproduces. • •• i> i <.^U-- : "Portfolio" ;. but ithere".-;•'is:. a^ ccommon: Rosenkavalier" take* place, than the Vien- The musical manifestation, in "Der the Sanibel'CommunityAssociation building Sunday, January 20. Charles. Snavety For example, a successful photograph of denominator in^the 34 photographs, in the na Philharmonic and the Vienna State RosenkayaKer** of the^ historicai cir- on cello, Larrie Howard oh violin and Ronald Arron on viola comprisethechamber . a famous person is much more than a mere show, and that is Fray's involvement with; Opera* Chorus? Above all. who better to in- 1 cumstances is a. curious blend; of old and ensemble; well-known in the Midwest where they perform extensively on coUege rind illustration. It is successful if it tells us ius, subjects.* There is a sympathy, an; terpret the genius of Richard Strauss - new.' The subject matter of the opera is university campuses. The concert wUl begin at 8:00 p.m. It is sponsored by the Bar- something about that person, if it reveals understanding .on>, tihe ,part: of ther during his lifetime labelled as the flam- traditional - a light-hearted romance filled Emil Fray, shown here with his portrait of Eunice Shriver, has his work on rier Island Group for the Arts. Tickets are priced at $4 and are available at Macin- an aspect of their personality. : \ photographer with Muhammed Ali, Nor- boyant "bad boy" of German music - than with comedy and intrigue -andfar remov- tosh Book Shop, Schoolhbuse Gallery, Art Fdc, andTreehouse Gift Shop on Capttoa.. "It's-hot like a motion picture in which man Rockwell, JanisJoplin, George display atThe Photographer's GaUery through January 96. conductor Herbert von Karajan, who has, ed from the sordid dramas of his earlier the expressions change," explains Emil Wallace and the lesser known faces that ap- in some circles, been similarly described. essays. "Salome" and "Elektra." Fray, whose show, "Portfolio" currently pear in the show. A large, close up color the air force. He joined the air forte inten- for doing it." "Der Rosenkavalier" has been called The most well-known portion- of or themes representing characters or language of the early 20th century, and the hangs at The Photographers' Gallery on portrait of Eunice Shrlver - one of the few forthright diatonic harmonies of the classic ding to specialize in language interpreta- From the air force Fray went on to work Strauss's finest opera.; It lias never lost its "Rosenkavalier," the popular "Waltz," is /significant, objects.recur, throughout the Sanibel. "You get one thing in one-five- color photographs in the show - taken dur- tion, but "was told - he^ didn't.; Tuive thefor newspapers in California, Iowa and ; age, taking care not to assault his listeners place in the standard repertoire of virtually an anachronism, recalling the .score.' ' „' • • •' '• ' (-: -• - hundredth of a. second. That's it. That's ing a 1971 news conference may be con- Florida. A Sanibel resident; lie now does spirit of Vienna in the 18th century. ,' Included among those forward-looking with the harsh . dissonances that ? it*' American or European opera "companies. what the person is like. It s a record of sidered harsh by some, but there is un- photography and; police work. The police "freelance photography and is managing On fact, "Rosenkavalier" currently is being . Another traditional .aspect of aspects: of: the opera is its orchestration, characterized "Salome" and"Elektra." what I see the instant I push the button. mistakable dignity in; the tense, lined face. director of the The Photographers'Gallery. "Der Rosenkavalier" was, for Strauss, work appealedto him, but he was sent to performed at the Metropolitan Opera in "Rosenkavalier" concerns the, use of the which bears the stamp of the composer's The photograph is very subjective. That's Asjn most of the photographs in the show, photography school instead. -•• "I think photography is a good outlet for New York City.) "trouser-role," in which a woman portrays musical personality. A master , of in-perhaps a compromise solution to the con- how I see the person. You may see him dif- Fray invites respect from the viewer for someone who has a yearning to produce Perhaps more important to the history of the part of a young man. Trouser-roles strumental colors and rnassive textures, flicts that he faced at the turn of the cen- ferently^ -••--—:—------;•--—-—-v; r JI J something, to record what you experience. V tury; but the compromise worked, and he •~ the personin the photograph. " r~ -.- I was lostv" he remembers. -It was like music is the opera's place in Strauss's were incorporated into 18th and 19th cen- Strauss presents to the listener a wall of An experienced photojournalist who has Fray's own work is the best example of training to become a psychologist. They It's so easy. Anyone can pick up a camera oeuvre. "Der Rosenkavalier" is a direct tury operas to symbolize youth. sound which diminishes only occasionally created a classic opera which was both com- and start something. You just prehensible to his audience and respected worked on a variety of newspapers ranging what he believes good photo journalism is taught me the technique, but I didn't start result of the composer's response to Musically, Stauss' conservatism shows throughout the course of the opera. from' the Miami Herald to the Island all about. "It communicates a good idea, feeling anything until I went to work part-, have to overcome the small technical pro- musical forces emerging in the early years itself in the use of the leitmotif technique, :• In addition, Strauss has created in by his peers. ... Reporter, Fray makes no apologies for the : emotion or event. It's got to do something; time for a newspaper in Marysville, Califor- blems that beset anyone when they start to of this century which served to fling com- created by his 19th century forbear "Rosenkavalier" a unique blend of the The film is playing at the Edison Theatre subjectivity evident in his work, especially shoot - stops, shutter speeds and all that through Sunday, at 2:00 p.m. •.,",... otherwise it's just sitting there." nia. It was gOL.. .o do something somebody posers headlong into the mainstream of Richard Wagner, in which specific motives chromatic and tonally ambiguous musical the personality portraits that dominate the Fray became a photojournalist by way of r -^^nized, to earn a byline and get paid stuff." LEGALS LEGALS i PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF SANIBEl, FLORIDA Sanibel's First and Finest Seafood Restaurant 4 The Sanibel Planning Gommiv_ stand Inn aion jwill conduct Public Hear-; I I ings on Monday, January 28, - Harbor 1980 at ArtdcKohzie Hall, 2*15..„. Palm Rldgs Road,£ Sanibel, " Florida, to consider the follow- House Ing applications: ' • ' . •-, ' K~9:35 KNi. GONSIKRATiON Restaurant OF A REQUEST FOR A DEVELOP- MENT PEKMrrrd CONSTRUCT A "Best Restaurants, Florida" by Robert-Tolf, DUPLEX IN SECTION 20. noted restaurant critic, lists only _ Ramada Inn, known for fine, hospitable accommodations, not TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 23 EAST (BEHIND THE-PRISCIUA the Harbor House from Sanibel. Sincerely; only on Sanibel but worldwide, introduces one of the finest MURPHY REAL ESTATE OFFICE Try us» and you'll see why. Bob and Judy Horstmeyer hotel restaurants in Florida ON CAUSEWAY ROAD), CITY and Crew OF SANIBEL, LEE COUNTY. UNITBO STATES Open Monday through Saturday FLORIDA, AS SUBMITTED BY STANLEY E. JOHNSON. JR.. t S7 Dinner 5:00 p"m. - 9:00 p.m. FOR PRISCIUA MURPHY REAL- 124ft Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Jslartd' Jacklin's Island House Restaurant TY. INC NO. 79-1025 D.P. TOURIST COUNCIL 472-1242. DINING ROOM OPEN \ featuring the all new B. 10:05 A.M. CONSIDERATION Breakfast 7:30-9:00 Dinner 6i OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIFIC Reservations Suggested 472-1561 3111 W. Gu&Drive AMENDMENT TO THE COM- PREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN, . SECTION 3.2.2: DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY MAP, AND SECTION LEGALS LEGALS 3.3.1: RESIDENTIAL DENStTIES, TO PERMIT AN INCREASE IN NOTICE OP INTENTION TO A new dining adventmre lip tb^old-i»I<«id • 111 I : DENSITY OF DWELLING UNITS REdSTER FICTTTIOIK NAME FROM ONE TO TWO ON A Visit this nostalgic resta^airit:injp*i:^;b5^ ? PARCEL OF LAND EAST OF DIXIE The undersigned does hereby' . - gracious hospitality oft ;Sanib^l:Islft^d-' Enjby infoftiial • 1 BEACH BOULEVARD IN certify that We oral conducting rm* j ;;\i, Seaside dining in atuw|^^me^cen,tui^?^t)tmosp^^ 29 FEET OF JACKLONIAN DELIGHT GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION a Ice Cream Shop business at 13, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, • new Thistle Lodg^.R^tirurant t&ilasa. Yhel Rc»brt- 2460 Palm Ridge Rd, Sbnibel; I Offering a complete selection of salads to: enjoy with RANGE 22 EAST; AND SECTION Florida, under the ftctitipu* • 19, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, name of Island Ice Cream Inc: : Chbose from an adventurous selection of a la carte dishes your entree. Tossed Salad, Chefs Salad, Salad dii RANGE 23 EAST (EAST SIDE OF DBA as Island Ice Crecim arid : DIXIE BEACH ROAD APPROX- i Jour, together with a variety of hot and cold that said firm is composed of - or your favorite entrees served family style. Later, Visit IMATLEY 200 FEET-NORTH OF the following persons whose specialties. Hot popovers, of course, plus a full selec- •' • . .-.i* bur lounge arid enjoy dancing and entertainment in an • THE ALBATROSS ENTRANCE TO names and ; place's" ;-of tion of coffees, desserts and cocktails. THE DUNES SUBDIVISION), residences are as follows: .v-Ui •.••• •;/.".. old-Florida setting. SANIBEL, LEE COUNTY, David & Anne Joffe. 1163 Kit- FLORIDA, AS SUBMITTED BY tiwake Cr. Sanibel,. FL,-'Phillip Developed by The Mariner Group, the creators of the GAIL PEAK.: NO. 79-198 S.A. & Joann Yoffe, 2300 Glenn- view, Louisville, KY. Owner- award-winning Chiadwick's Restaurant on Captiva Island. ..•;.. Bruce A. Rogers ship of Island Ice Cream DBA ;.- v. : Pla'nning.Directpr Island Ice Cream fe at follows: BLOODY MARY - SCREWDRIVER David & Anne Joffe ' 50%, •••-'••• On the Gnlf at Casa Tbel SUNDAY BRUNCH 1-11 Phillip & Joann Yoffe 50%." " Resort, West Gulf Drive, Sanibel Island, Open 5:3© to I ' It fs our intention to apply to All the Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers you can drink. Hot and the Clerk of the Circuit Court in ••'t ••-•••''•• 1© PM. Lounge open 5:80 PB* cold items - all you can eat. $7.95 and for Lee County, Florida to to l:3O AM. *72-»2OO register • the said name of Island ice Cream under the provisions of Section 865.09, SERVING BREAKFAST •LUNCH • DINNER • ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Florida Statues, 1963. "1231 Tulips Way. Sanibel Island, Florida . . . M 472-3275 VISA • AMEX r MASTER CHARGE Witness owners hand, this 21st day of December, 1979. David & Anne Joffe, Phillip & Joann Yoffe. fl Sworn to and subscribed to by Phillip and Joann Yoffe before 1 me this 10th day of December, A.D. 1979. 1 Peggy L Koch .- -"I Notary Public I2-M.I-4.M1.I-I* I•a, d5W3W**r**W8«»

B14 . 1M0 Island Reporter Island Reporter January J 1.1980 BIS Soup suits any season, menu MOPED, BICYCLE By Twink Underbill lk tsp. white pepper SA&IBH& M0ST ^ • • 1 cup milk When in doubt, serve soup. It,- V* cup chopped fresh parsley can be served as a first course, as a 1 additional Tbsp. butter RENTALS main dish, or, with a fruit soup, as a dessert. Melt the first two tablespoons of The Cycle-logical way to see the Islands Soup solaces the sick (as in butter over medium low heat in a chicken soup) and warms the large heavy kettle or stock pot. CONDOMINIUM HOMES

• • • "^ . Saute the onion in the butter but OPEN DAILY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. do not let it brown, for about five what cooks minutes, till onion is limp. Stir in the carrots and potatoes and con- cockles of one's hearts (and one's tinue to cook, stirring, for another cold feet, too). five minutes. Reduce heat if nec- Frugal cooks use leftovers for cessary so they don'tbrowih soup, and make use of seasonal Blend: in the chicken stock and vegetables. This recipe can be add the garlic, bay leaf, salt, thyme, 'TiquA made at anytime of year, for car- basil and pepper. Bring to a boil, rots and potatoes are always barely, reduce heat so that soup These original art and craft items donated by CAy available. : just simmers, and cook for an hour. Stir from time to time, making sure islanders will be raffled on February 2 at the Arts A very special place . Carrot Soup nothing is sticking to the bottom of and Crafts Fair. Tickets, the pot.. SO cents each or three for for a very special few. 2 Tbsp. butter ; Remove from heat and puree by $1, are on sale at. the 10 carrots (good size ones), peel- putting through a food mill, food Sanibel Library where- ed and chopped , processor or blender, a cup or two the items are on display. I' 5 potatoes, peeled and chopped at a time. Do not try topuree it all 1 large onion, peeled and chop- at once or you will have a mess on Fla. law requires •••.•-'' •..: ped your hands. a driver's license 6 cups chicken stock (homemade Return it all to the clean stock forMopeds Bikes Rates Moped* will produce the best flavor pot and stir in the milk and parsley. $1.50 Per hour $5.00 1 minced garlic clove Heat through the correct season- Arts, crafts show February 1-2 $2.50 2 Hours $9.00 1 bay leaf ings if necessary. Just before serv- $4.00 4 Hours $14.00 V* tsp. salt ing, remove from heat' and stir in The. work of many Sanibel and Captiva . No fee will be required of exhibitors at $6.00 8 Hours $18.00 artists and draftsmen'will be on exhibit and ' the art show, which will be held outside the $8.00 24 Hours $24;00 Vz tsp. thyme the last tablespoon of butter: Serve: Vt tsp. basil in warmed soup bowls to 8. soldat the Arts and drafts Show, February Community House building. Twenty per- $25.00 Weekly $80.00 1 and 2 at the Sanibel'.Community House. • cent of the sales revenues will go to the The show is an annual event that helps library. At past fairs exhibitors and par- 1 provide funds for the Sanibel .Public ticipants have made donations of their han- Library. • • / • .*• • .•••:-':- '\ .'. .;' diwork, and this yearihererwill be a table IS..- ; at which participants can donate items to Tigua

DEL Put Some Spice MAMA _™ In Your Life r.«| \ » i A Rochester Resort The Islands Italian-American ' f1' "Family" Restaurant Lunchand IMiiner SERVING

BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER : 1 GWRINABEACH Since 1957 FRIDAt: " 'J-*\•;•'•• .:• " . •:": ' SPAGH ETTI & MEATBALLS SPECIAL SEAFOOD BUFFET 6PM An idea in con dorninium Hying long overdue- 2761 W. Gulf Drive, Sanibel locally famous for years] just five townhouse duplexes, plus one single, tastefully designed and ALLYOUCANEAT Specialty Dining In landscaped for total beauty and functipn. Carefully located on 2.2 acres a Leisurely Atmosphere SATURDAY: of Sanibel-s prestigious Gulf Beach. Add an amenity package so complete, ALSO FULL SEAFOOD MENU PRBVCE RIB SPECIAL 6PM that there are no options and you'll be livingat Cypriria Beach; Also a wonderful selection of FRESHVEAL you can't buy it any better Domestic and Imported & SEAFOOD SUNDAY: Wines & Beer Gobked to Order THE TRADITIONAL Children's Menu available Serving 5:30-9:30 Tues.-Sun. Exclusive Agents Breakfast 7 a.m. to noon CAPTIVA BRUNCH IOAM-2PM Lunch 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH An Island favorite Dinner 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m." SUNDAY 12-2 JOHNISI& WS4* Sunday Breakfast 8a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch 11a.m. to 2 pim. cocktails, beer and wine available for your dining pleasure. 2019 PeriwinkleWay •Sanibel, Florida 33957 Reservations 472-1141 j. 813-472-3121 Located at 1625 Periwinkle Way 472-1033 Reservations: 472-5161 Closed Tuesday B16 - January 11,1980 Island Reporter Island Reporter January 111980 Travelogue to the USSR World War melodrama By Mary R. Kebejr altitude and attitude. The Old Patagonian By Freda Iurka _ visual effects. Express was the of a trip that Whether or not you feel it is the right alternated the hilarious with the horrify- It is early WW II and the Germans In "Winding Stair? Douglas Jones time for this trip we have the latest infor- ing. This book is a must for the train buff. have devised a new magnetic warhead has taken believable crimes of a real mation on traveling to and in the Soviet for their torpedoes. Not only is it super gang of desperados from the 1890*8, Union: "Ariel" by Lawrence Block. Ariel lethal but it moves without a trace and has surrounded the real criminals with "Soviet Union. 1980" by Fodor. The Jardell, an adopted 12-year-old girl driven hits without a flash! So Ian Fleming of fictitious lawmen and gives them a fic- Soviet Union is among the few adventures by jealousy, her mother thinks, and by British Naval Intelligence is slaving to titious trial before the real "hanging left to travelers. The book covers the usual forces far more bizarre, to precocious ex- find some way. of recovering one of judge," Isaac Parker. None of the information of how to go, costs, money. cursion into evil from mere mischief, to those, torpedoes for analysis. Conven- moral force of the "Ox-Bow Incident" malevolence beyond compare. "Ariel" spins Vocal recital but a gritty. lovingly etched Western- a complex web of demonic circumstance crime recreation. at the captiva library with a fascinating, terrifying, child at its Deryle Peaslee, media at the sanibel library center, giving new definition to the age-old specialist and teacher of climate, etc. While the book deals with the . conflict of good and evil, sane and insane. gifted children at Sanibel "Mrs. Job" by Victoria Branden. Did very different way of life in Russia the Elementary School, per- tional action-melodrama based on some God like Job better than he does. author deliberately has refrained fromem- " "Winter Journey" by T. Alan Broughton. forms during a vocal recital real facts, lifted slightly above the Meredith Rideout? So she wonders in phatic critica commentary. The author uses Rome brilliantly as the last Sunday. The recital in- strictly routine by the Ian Fleming this light bright natter about the afflic- setting for his novel. The reader sees Rome cluded classical, musical com- character who is drily amusing in "The tions visited upon a peripatetic Cana- "The Old Patagonian Express" by Paul through the eyes of Carey Mitchell, an ac- edy and popular songs. Wotan Warhead," by James Follett' dian teacher who has been unlucky in Theroux. For the large audience who complished pianist of 17. For Carey, perch- Students from the elemen- wedlock and mashed flat by relished the author's trek through Europe ed between adolescence and manhood, the tary school joined Peaslee in motherhood. 9 and Asia in his best-selling "The 'Great time in Rome occasions a blossoming of ex- song for three of the "Bargello Antics" by Dorothy 'Kookie but fan Railway Bazaar," here is an equally cap- traordinary intensity. It brings him in numbers. The concert pro- Kaestner, The clever originator of Members of the 19-piece Bayside Kookie Band from Bayside Estates in Fort Myers Beach tivating account of his travels by train in closer touch with himself and further away ceeds went to benefit Four-way Bargello now offers 24 more . As usual Phyllis Whitney works up "take five" during a musical variety show at the Sanibel Community Association meeting last the Western hemisphere. The journey from from his mother. It is a time of agonizing elementary school projects. designs which show how the technique' to a final clatter of clues and calamities Tuesday. The ladies wailed away on gut bucket, wash board, ragtime piano and at least a Boston to Patagonia was one of startling confrontation and of newfound freedom for can be varied for unusually handsome with a veteran's ease in "Domino." dozen kazoos, recalling oldies-but-goodies like "Alley Cat" and "In the Mood." Said Director Contrasts in culture, climate, landscape and both mother and son. Earline Buyck, "we jive somewhere between Lawrence Welk and Spike Jones. " Sanibel's French Menu has arrived A NEW BREAKFAST Si Bon Buttonwood Jean Paul's Restaurant Francais Trees, AND LUNCH Gourmet BAR B-Q CARRYOCIT THE FRENCH RESTAURANT 472^1910 For Delicious Home Cooked Foods CORNER \ ON SANIBEL Open 11:30a.m. BREAKFAST-LUNCH-DINNER by the new post office 7 days Tarpon Bay Road 7:30 p.m. 8AM til 9PM (west end of Periwinkle Way, turn right) Home, North end of Sanibel at Pinner 6 to 10 Closed Tuesdays at Blind Pass Bridge Reservations; Tel. 472-1493 Morning __ Tiu»«iay"s Dunham's Bloody Afterrioon «—» Child Who? Marys Margaritas • 2244 Periwinkle Way 99c (Sanibel Square) ' Tele: 472-3888 AT THE BEACHVIEW


the new I* in an HANDCRAFTED GIFTS AND CRAFT SUPPLIES HOURS: 10 TO 5 Monday-Saturday 2365 PERIWINKLE WAY SANIBEL Ice Cream Parlor? A\ A bit unusual we'll agree, but so is where we're located. ,^ GENERAL STORE The. unique Periwinkle Place Shopping Center, an islan^. F:^ i pi tropical shoppes with a place to eat Lunches/ ,- • An extensive line of domestic & imported F&B OYSTER CO. wines Inbetweens and Dinners — Duncans Restaurant and I D Take home dinners to heat and serve Ice Cream Parlor — open from 11 to 9 with a variety D A wide selection of specialty and gourmet foods of hand dipped ice creams, deli type sandwiches and dinners.

Someone Who would enjoy tranquil living In a • Deli meats and cheeses palm-and-plne forest. • Someone Who demands excellence in home • Grocery and dairy products design and materials. ' L Ice cream and pickles indeed! Someone Who deserves permanent value D Complete package store featuring top coupled with day-by-day delight. brands McQregor Woods, a prestigious new commu- 4 > nity located between blossoming Fort Myers and sleepy Sanibel Island, fulfills all wishes: lush Located next to Chadwick's Restaurant homesltes sprinkled around a graceful, fully- J?:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Dally 472-5111 Ext. 3307 A FISH HOUSE stocked lake ... a private recreation center which offers tennis, swimming and other sociable 2V63 Periwinkle Way. Sanibel surprises.. . gently winding roads, serene coves ... quiet dignity. ONE Of THE FINEST If you're our Someone Who, It's waiting for you. FISH HOUSES IN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA TRY OURFAMOUS SHORE DINNER RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLOR BEERS AND WINES 2075 Periwinkle Way, Sanlbellsland, Florida 33957 SERVED DAILY 5:0Q to 9:30.. : Regular menu served from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Dinner Specials served from 5 p.m.-9 p;m. Phone 472-5276 Closed Sunday - 472-2525.

Vacation and Investment Properties Inc. McORKlOR BOULEVARD AT KELLY ROAD. (813) 482-7112 RAW OYSTER BAR REALTOR Br Tne MAKIRUI OBOUP Or AmiMno COWANIES vr;^- Island Reporter January 11,1980 B19 BIS January 12,1980 Island Reporter I KingAir Shell Lamps Jetprop I Air Taxi The vvay to display your Sanibel Shells I •"* EXPERIENCED CHARTER%RANSp6RTATION * f |j -f •"••••,-• Captiva rug to be I TWO PROFESSIONAL PILOTS — 8 PASSENGER SEATS PRESSURIZED - AIR CONPITIONED^ f M^X> EOJUJR" FLORIDA - USA - BAHAMA ISLANDS — CANADA awarded March 25 lAIR AMBULANCEl 1 EXECUTIVE CHARTER! One of the highlights of the winter helped with the needlepoint. The three-by- season on Captiva is the unveiling of an six foot rug features shell designs worked I FT. MYERS 24 hrs original handmade needlepoint rug that is in muted shades of beige, brown and white on a background of beige and bordered in a 20" Bean Pot$32.00 936-7880 ty Center and Library. Thit^ year's nig is . brown Bargellp. } finished and soon will be put on display at The rug and border were designed by Cy Conant, Helene Sparkes, Tat Hockstader, i 27" Ginger Jar $48.00, the Bank of tbe Islands on Sanibet The rug will be given away bn March 25 at 8KW p.m. Sis Scallian and Jane Foster; 31" Ginger Jar *39..95 Beautiful! Buy an empty at the Captiva Community Center. -f A second prize also will be given away at I *V7 glass lamp and fill it with Tickets for the raffle will be available at this year's raffle drawing. It consists of a V'5 your own precious sea- 'the Needle's Eye.Danie'J i,"Fridays and the director's chair and cover. The chair was. shells to make a stunning donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapman . "An Ocean Boutique" lamp for any room jn House of Shells on Sanibel, and the library. Tree House Gift Shop.' Island: Store and of Captiva, and the covers were designed your home. Choose from >v ; Shells From Sanibel & World Wide rive styles, each with South Seas Gift Shopion)Gaptivai, -;-.;-y: ; by Tony Conte and needled by his mother, Coral, Gifts, Jewelry & Exotic Sea Life pleated beige cloth shade,, | Helen Butze, left, ticket sales chairman^ and Cynthia Conant pose with the annual A planning committee, headed by Cyn- Josie. - brass-plated base and 3- needlepoint rug and a needlepoint covered director's chair, prises that unit be given thia Conant, was responsible for the design The prizes-will be shipped at no cost to way socket. away in March. TherafflewiUbenefit the Captiva Community Center and Library.^ and creation of the rug. Five Captiva the winner, according to ticket sales chair- The perfect $anibel SHELL CRAFT SOTPLIES & MIRRORS gift or remembrance! prizes tinll be at the Bank of the Islands January 21. • ; ••"•"' residents designed it and 21 islanders manHelen Butz. 19" Ginger Jar $29.95 i 2 GONVErsJIENT LOCATIONS 29>B«*an Pot $43.00 f. •••• I:, .» Tahitian Gardea Apothecary Center Filling instructions included. Open7ddys Fresh salads I -1983 Periwinkle Way. Store Hours •- 2460 Palm Ridge Rd. Measurements shown are overall height. Prices.are for empty lamps, complete with shade, fully wired'and assembled. Sanibel. 10-5 Daily, Sanibel Prices for filWd lamps uprin request ... 7 till! •472-3991 Closed Sunday 472-1991 We Ship Anywhere In trie l)f.S.Ai Send check. Visa or Masteriharge number (or total price of lamps plus Mon.-Sat. 10-5 shipping charges as follows: 19':br 20" lamp - $7.')5. 31" lafnp • P.O. Box 216* 2009 Periwinkle Way $9.95. 27" or 29" lamp- $15 95.:' (When ordering 2 or more,lamps, " -. at TahKian Garden Plaza Continental (/ Cuisine deduct 20% from per-larnp;SWppirig charges:!' •.-' ...;: ' Sanibel island. Florida 33957 Rorida residents add 4% sales tax .-•;'• -, . . (813) 472-4035 Specializing In Northern Italian-French Dinhe* Overlooking the GuU ^/\ tttabUthti On Beautiful Sanibel Island- EASTROCKS 1969 . Psssssssssssssst!!!!! "fWUL COM our tm HAVI pamm mm us UQUOft *B BUST mfMBT 0MM6 OM THE BUUBSUI SANIBEL 1203 Periwinkle Way 472-2152 UCENM POMUNO Your Hosts: Margie Ann and Louis Letizia ONOTTHt 3313 WEST GULF DRIVE, SANIBEL, FLORIDA ¥;•• \ Cold beer &Wine /Homemade sandwiches DISCOUNT LIQUORS KST" 472-2177 WOllLDN^T YOU LIKE Sony, no reservations'OCcapted^Opvo'9 : 9<30 f .M., Ctoied Sunday LIQUORS • BEER • WINE i MIXES SALE GOOD JANUARY 11 ft 12 SUPER PRICES SAVE CUT THE ROCKS? HUT People come -CONTINUOUS EDUCATION MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" ANCIENT AGE.; Q^ $5.99 Family Hieur Styling:- A COMMUNITY OF RESIDENTIAL As Individual As A Fingerprint - HOMESITES AND PEOPLE JUST SEAQRAMS 7 CROWN :Qt. Award Winning Techniques With Artistic Expertise We have the Tools, Products, arid the Know-How! LIKE YOURSELF-GREAT miles to RICH & RARE .; Qt. 362 P«tfwtakl« Way In fb« 8n Hone Shop* 28 WATERFRONT HOMESITES $5.79 472-1877 NEWLY DEVELOPED CLAN MCGREGOR Qt. $5 69 Mon.-Sat. 9-5 GUARANTEED BUILDABLE tUNIQUE IN STYLING AND ATMOSPHERE Virginia Wide, Wtmbhxtm Champion ' J... •touring Ttmla Pro for South Seaa PUnutionttaon. ® 2 easements to beach ' Qt • On fresh water lakes - good fishing RON AAATUSLEM $4.79 • Contiguous to Conservation land Qt. $4.69 Chadwick's, on the tip of Captiva • $1,000 discount for cash KAMCHATKA VODKA Island at the entrance of South • 25% down - 5 year financing @ 9% Qt; • All utilities underground WALKERS GINi $5.29 Seas Plantation Resort. (813) WINE SPECIALS! Specimen Shells Selected as one of Florida's Top 1 1OO restaurants by Florida BE SURE TO SEE THESE NEW LOTS CRIBARI WINES 3 Litre $5.69 FLORIDA AND WORLDWIDE Trend magazine. Open to one CALL OR STOP IN :i BEER SPECIALS: "A SHELL COLLECTOR'S ROCKS DEVELOPMENT CORP. Lunch 11:30 to 2:00 Monday DON J. MARSHALL, PRES. OLD MILWAUKEE 6 pack cans$l .79 PARADISE" 3748 GULF DRIVE - TEL, 472-2213 through Saturday, Dinner 5:30 tolOtfOdaOy. COUPON SPECIALS ~~T 2422 Periwinkle Way •472-1121 gty PADDINGTON ^- t%g% \ CUTTY SARK ejecept Monday:, CANADIAN Qt.S4:,99 I .'•<».W

•••• • •• i -••••' • '• • • •••-'-'• •'•'• •••••!' Limit One Per Customer W/Coupon , jf Limit One Pen Customer W/Coupon

TIA AAARIA DRAMBUIE Island Garage So do I. 23 Oz. .39 23 Oz. $11.89 ^imi^One^er Customer W/Coupon j^ Limit One Per Customer W/Cbupbn. J American & Foreign Cat Repair 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE PLUS MANY UNADVERTISED SPECIALS!! OPEN EVERY 8)AY COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE 10% 472-1682 OPEN Mon.-Sat. 9-9 Award Wtuttng Dining and Entertainment. DISCOUNT ON CASE ORDERS „ Mon.-Sat. 9-c Sun 1122 noo noonn - 6 6 00 p.m. (Excluding Specials) ' - " ° ISLAND SHOPPING CENTER (Next to Baiiey's) SHHSH

Island Reporter January11,1980 B21 January 11,1980 Island Reporter

si Refuge staffers travel for workshops )eviVs Tickets create bid, play, defense problems •J, By Marilyn McCann East of the Jack of Diamonds, he might play Ace, King of By Donna M. Stanek floraCommittee. His stop here was part of a area in which they are working and do not Diamonds, then a small Club. If East does not play a high trip to several federal installations In go beyond the "dosed" signs. By going into TICKETS TO THE DEVIL! Club, declarer will be on the board once with the Jack of Donna M. Stanek it tKe outdoor recrea- Florida, .,."••'. ":... ' . :^.'v-3V'i:-.:-" the cojistruetibn zone -you may be putting seated southwest Clubs. He can cash the Queen of Diamonds, the tion planner for the JJf. ''Ding''Darling yourself into danger. Fbr your own safety The above title was an «asy one to choose. There is an Jack of Hearts - and find that East has no Hearts. National WilaHfe Refuge on Sanibel We have received approval from the please exercise care and caution during Or, declarer might play the Queen of Hearts after .-».-;„,-} : Excellent bridge book - an interesting story of a national to; refuge .visits/ . . /:X,^ ..• • • :•••:'•' •" ' luplicate bridge tournament at Miami Beach and the peo- The bidding is interesting - for, after North opens with a cashing his two high Diamonds. West wins with the King, Refuge staff members have recently at- Februaiy 15. The former cutroff date was [le who participated - by Richard Powell, published by very normal two No-, many questions arise. In Stan- and his best return is the seven of Spades. If declarer rises tended some workshops. Biological Techni- December 1,1979. Because of weather fac- Sevyn Press. Dick lives in Fort Myers, is a fine player, and dard bidding, Ihis bid promises 22-24 high card points. In with the Ace, cashes the Jack of Hearts, and leads to the tors, we were unable to accomplish any Jraws the analogy that the Puritans considered decks of other bidding systems, North might be showing 20-22 high Jack of Clubs, East must play a high Club. If declarer plays planned burning during December. Egmont card points. ', the Queen of Spades on West's lead. East wins with the. '"''• 7 V -.•"'•*- '..J ••' Maying cards to he "Devil's Tickets". Perhaps they were , Key, a Tampa Bay refuge, is flchexiuled for. 'orrect; the following hand could not be more "devilish." Should South' consider his hand good enough for a King. East should have discarded three Diamonds on the a burn on January 9, when we hope to burn / *Jorth-South vulnerable. North is dealer. positive response? If so, should this response be three three Heart tricks. Now, bis lead of the other Ugh Club about 100 acres on the souherh portion. We ; ^ Corkscrew Swamp will be the subject of , Cutlip is expected to predict the Hearts? This bid shows a five-card suit and requires North and-then the nine of Club's will place declarer squarely on are hoping to make at least one burn on the next Thursday's program by the Sanibel- possibilities of wood storknesting this to bid three No-Trump with two Hearts or raise to four 1 North the devil's pitchfork: two tricks shy of making his contract. dan Charles LeBuff, Outdoor Recreation ."Ding* Darling Unit and one :qn; tlie:: Captiva Audubon Society.; Jerry Cutlip, year. . ' •:," ' ••'•.":-:- ••:',' :'•• •./:'•• /-."•'«•?.--: •":•".•' S-AQ82 Hearts with three cards in the Heart suit. Planner Donna, Stanek and Assistant Calopsahatcbee Refuge before February superintendent of the National Audubon The local Audubon Society will sponsor a H-AQJ U South does not consider his hand good enough for a. Note to Charlie Wilson: When this hand was played at a Manager Bill Black attended manatee 15..../.; ,:.:,.•,;;,•: • <\,:_Y •;;:, '•.-.';.:':•• ••'••. Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, will present field trip to the Fort Myers Beach sand bar D-AK positive response' (three high card points and two recent Friday evening game, you bid and made three No- awareness workshops at St. Petersburg. a slide show on the 10,422sacre sanctuary January 20. This big and developing sind C-Q6 32 doiibletons is borderline), he lias available the Flint three Trump doubled - while I went down two. (Test le vie! Charles LeBuff also attended the Interna- . Again we would like ttoremind visitors to ; east of Naples beginning at^:00 pan. in the bar provides excellent shore, bird viewing. East Diamond bid. This convention requires North to bid three Anyway, it presents lots of interesting bidding, play and West ( tional Conference on Sea Turtle Conserva- all areas of the, refuge to remove any litter Sanibel Community Association building. Details will be announced at next Thurs- S-7 543 S-KJ10 Hearts, then South places the contract in his long suit, defense questions. • tion in Washington, D.C. LeBuff is known you may accumulate, as we do not provide Corkscrew Swamp is noted for being the day's meeting. • .-. H-K7632 H • none below game level. In this hand he would pass three Hearts. for his research regarding sea turtles and garbage cans in the public use areas. site of the Jast remaining stand of virgin Plans for the second field trip of the; That contract might be made with careful play - losing one January 4 high scores: . >v D-97 D - J 10 8 6 2 was one of the representatives for the U.S. blad cypress trees. The sanctuary also is season, to Highland Hammock State Park' C -10 4 South Spade, "one Heart and two Clubs. North-South: Dixie and Tom Stephens 188, Harriet and Fish and Wildlife Service. ,•/•• Construction of the .water control struc- renowned for being one of the largest on February 3, also will be discussed. This" S-96 C-AK975 Three No-Trump, which South might bid, cannot be Don Maekinnon 128, Wilson-Brown 124V*. tures is continuing on the wildlife drive. Jf nesting areas in the county for the wood trip is limited to 31 persons. A bus is H -10 9 8 5 4 made against proper defense, for the Queen of'Diamonds East-West: Helen Winterrowd-Bud Knight 137V», r On December 19th, Congressman Sidney you choose to walk beyond the barricades, stork. Adverse weather and water condi- scheduled to leave the island Cinema park-; Charlotte Heimann-Janet Levin 122, Hilda Rush-Barbara D-Q643 and the long Hearts are not available to declarer. He has :V : Yatea from Illinois toured the refuge. Con- do so with caution; On.the days the tions have threatened the size of the wood ing lot at 6:00 a.m. and will return in early C-J8 no real entry to dummy. Assuming the normal lead from -Altisl21. • Vr"-^ ' -^*T-'V '• : • gressman YAtes heads the House Appropria- structioncrew is workingystay dear f th .stork population in the.past few years. afternoon. . ; A warm, friendly welcome THE Shall Charms awaitsyouat In church / Creative Jewelry 14K and Sterling FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Fin* dfffs • Jewelry - J«w«lry Repair 4115Sqnibel-Captlva Road Wofcffi % mile west of Elementary School Sonlbal Congregational United Church of Tempi* Judea, Conservative Synagogue: 5010 St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church: gatherings: . Sunday School (all ages) 10 a.m. RAINBOW Chrlit: Worship 10:30 a. m. Sundays at the McGregor Boulevard (at Colonial-Boulevard]. Rev. James D.B. Hubbs, Rector, Mr. Larry New Christian Ladles Bible Study on Monday MTHEMMH. & THEBlANDONSAMaB. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sanibel Community Association building. The Services held Friday, 8:00 p.m. For information Brunke, organistrcholrmaster. Sundays: The Ho- PAINT AND WALLPAPERS call 481-7622. ly Eucharist at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. on the evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship building Serving Sanibel Since I960 . • Evening Worship 7 p.m. Rev. Webb Howard," Minister. .^ y . . Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7 p.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of each month. Morn- at the First Baptist Church. -Temple Beth-el Synagogue: 2721 Del Prado 10to 5 Mon. thru Sat. 473-1414 1620 Pariwinkle Way Pastor. Jamie Silicon - ' T«l. 472-1018 ing Prayer: 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. • DECORATING Captlva Chapel By the Sea: Services every Sun- Parkway, Cape Coral. Friday,worship, 8:00 p.m. Wednesdays: Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m. Full service or Do-it-yourself day at 11:00 a.m. Rev. Dr. James W. Kennedy, For information call 542-3733. Bible Study Group of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church meets Monday, 7:30 p.m. in Minister in Residence. - Seventh-Day Adventlst: 2663 Second Street, Fort • WALLPAPERS the parish hall. Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Or- Myers Shores, 8 miles east oh Route 80. Sabbath Thousands of patterns . r Jewish Community Center of Le* County: 915 thodox Church: 3611 Cypress Lake Drive, Fort School, 9:30 a.m. (Saturday); Morning Worship, All major.lines ..,.•. S.E. 47th Terrace, Cape Coral. Rabbi Dr. Samuel Myers. Father Arthur K. Kontios, Pastor. Sunday 11:00 a.m. (Saturday); Evening Vespers, one The Bible Reading Fellowship of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church meets Tuesdays at 10% discount : •...••:••'•./. M. Silver. Services every Friday night,-8:00 p.m. . -Divine Liturgy 10:30 a.m. Summer Schedule hour before sunset on Saturdays; Prayer meeting 9:30a.m. In the parish hall. No UPS charge over 3 rolls Saturdays, 10;00a.m. • : ' . '.'•'•-. -10:00 a.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. . Sanibel Community Church:" Rev. Bruce' E. •ZIon Lutheran Church: 7010 Wlnkler Road, just , Chris! the Servant,. Church of the Brethren! • FULLER O'BRIEN PAINTS St. Isabel Catholic Church:' rather Gerard Milligan, Pastor. Sunday worship 9:00 and 11:15 off Gladtolew. Rev. T.,?. Tonometer,-Pewter. SurK' ' rtwejiirfFJrtt rBdnraJJuJWlno, CopeCoroJ.cor- Custom colors-Interior, Exterior . : Bequregard, Pastor'. Father"Louis.Reczek, AA.S., aim. Church schooHorallogeslO-.l&a.m-YQurtv -dayWorsnl|f'a:(»a^;'an^:45arm*aunday vI- ner^of^ Prado andCapetroralfkwy. Service* . Wholesale prices 6 gals, or mare, :r;a- Assistant Pastor. Sunday Mass: 8:30 crjrirC- arid ' club for grades 3-8 Wednesday 3:15 p.m. school: 9:15 chm. , " -' , '^%l^ •- - atSOUX-cm. Sunday*. Rjsyerejnd.DoaShank.. 10:00 a.m. Saturday/Mass: 5:30 p.m. Daily Mass: THE FRENCH QUARTER 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass preceding EpEscopal Church Women of St. Michael and All Unftarian-Unhrersallst: Edison Ave. arid Clifford Holy pay at 5:30 p.m. Holy Day Mass 10:00 a.m. First Baptist Church: Pastor Jamie Stilson. Sun- Angels Church meets the second Monday of each 1473 Periwinkle 472-4022 in R. Myers. Sunday service and church school. - month, 1:30 p.m.ln the parish hall. and 5:30 p.m. Confessions before each Mass day morning worship, 11:00 a.m.; Evening ser- at 10:30 a.m., Dr. Donald T. Marshall 'minister.. and at 3:30 p.m. on Saturdays. • vices, 7:00 p.m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.. all ages. Youth: school grades 1-6 needing Only congregation serving the area. The Dorcas Group of St. Michael and All Angels transportation to Sunday School call 472-4318 or Church meets the first; third and fourth Mondays of Christian Sctonm Sendees Sundays of' 11:00 the month, 1:30 p.m. in the parish hall. a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 8:00 p.m. at 472-3266. Wednesday evening prayer meetings, GIFTS the corner of Gulf Dr. and Palm lake Dr. 7:00 p.m.

FOR LEASE 1,500, Square Foot AAODERfej BUILDING hurricane protection unltd. The most complete aluminum shutter house in Soufhwesi Florida (new and unused) LICENSED—BONDED—INSURED SHELL PENDANT Connected by boardwalk to _ Roll-up Porch and Patio Shutters • Folding Accordion Security and Storm Shutters In Sterling . by Local Artist THESiMBERS RESTAURANT Window Shutters with Interior Controls • Hinged Colonial Shutters Also Shell & Sanddollar Rqbbit Road at Saiiibel-Captiva Road P.V.C. Roll-up European Shutters with Electric Controls — the ultimate-in sophistication Earrings - Charms - Rings Surf Realty We customize shutters to suit any architecture or decor. 1609 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel 470 Surfsound Ct. (813)472-4318 472-52UU 472"4886 9 - 5:30 Mon.-Sat. sometimes on Sunday island winds. SANffiEL FOLDING ACCORDION SHUTTER T.V.C EURDPBANROIL-UI> ICONGREG ATION AL COLONIAE SHUTTER • SUM-LINE SHUTTER UNITED CHURCH Owner: MARION MELVIN <*F CHRIST Operator*: J«ann« Aftolyln A Sharon Murphy THE SHUTTERS When is 1 less than 0? WV. WEBB1 HOWARD' MINISTER THE CHOSEN BY NOW BEETS 10:30 AJM. SUNDAY hurricane protection unltd. Long distance costs a lot less When you dial "1" Instead t>£"0> In fact, Ph. 472-2591 COMMUNrTY ASSOCIATION BinLDING hurricane, protection unltd. ARCHITECTS at LABEL GUARANTEES when calling out of state after 5 p.m., you save 35%. After 11 p,m., •••• on Periwinkie Way AMD BUILDERS !c Way your discount goes up Jo 60%. (Comparable savings apply - x YOU QUALITY to calls within the state, to Hawaii and Alaska.) -, •••I »tyles fpr Sanibel Remember: dial *%" then the .Area Code and . •••••• number ifouH save time, as wett as money ^Vhen ' LzJUcS Men & Women to (813)472-5191 can United Te - . • , In Tho island Fblr Shopping Confer" "PLENTY FOR AIX" ' • Across from the N«w library, Rev. Howard preaching '•SHUTTER NOW OR SHUDDER tATER" WE ARE NOW PPEN SIX DAYS A WfflC 9-5 Mon. p Sat. ^f' B22 January 11.1980 Island Reporter bland Reporter January 11,1980 B23 fri. - j. The 14th annual Southwest °" -"AV Liss" will have a one- SUM r Barrier Island Group for the rnon. I H Florida Shell Show will open' ^l O night *un on Saturday-at /\f^ Arts will present the French Driftwood workshops for the PUZZLER f ilm this weekend^ at the Fort I C- pirate Playhouse. The Bret I O ' "King of Hearts" at 7:30 1980 Shell Fair are held every Myers Exhibition Hall, attracting Harte comedy stars Jeannie p.m. in the Sanibel Community Monday from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 shelling enthusiasts and experts from McLoughlin in the title rote, joined Association building. Alan Bates p.m. This week is the second of the all over the country. Doors open to- *>y Allen Mainard, Judith Kennedy, stars in this comedy satire about war workshops which will meet each day at 9:00 a.m. The show will con- Alan Pote^ J«an Culpepper, Jack and insanity. Admission is $2 in ad- week until March 3. Workshops aro tinue through 5:00 p.m. Sunday. Roemer, Robin Pickens, John Wilcox vance, $2,50 at the door. Tickets for open to anyone and participants are Vacationers most pass under this garret before getting ae- and Ruth and Philip Hunter. Curtain children under 12 are $1.50. Tickets asked to bring any materials and coauBodations. If you know the location, call us at 472-1587. time is 8:15 p.m. "M'Liss" will play are available at Macintosh Book supplies needed to make shellcraft t Shop, Schoolhouse Gallery, Art Fac items. The Driftwood Shop features again February 2-3. and Treehouse Gift Shop. The developers of Gulf Ridge sub- many of these handmade items at divison will sponsor a plant the'Shell Fair. h giveaway from 9:30-3:00 p.m. at the i site of the proposed subdivision. wed. fri. County residents who have, y* f~\ Wednesday is opening night S\ C3 not registered to vote may do I |^ for a new , production of I O so January 18 on Sanibel. s tues. , "Natalie Needs a Nightie" at Registrars from the Sanibel-Captiva L ' Tne Naples Dinner Theatre. The show,, thu. Lee County League of /• --7 Jerry Cutlip, superintendent Unit of the League of Women Voters Wonwn Voters meeting will which will be previewed on Tues- will be available all day at Bank of day, will run through. February 10. I / of the National Audubon Cor- feature a panel discussion of kscrew Swamp, will present a the Islands. w agricultural workers in Florida. The Tickets are available at Bank of the slide show on the 10,422-acre sanc- Islands'on Sanibel, While in Naples, If you happen to be in Key West David Krepin, Danielle Williams and Gladis Burrls meeting begins* at 9:30 a.m. at ,tuary located east of Naples at the Leisure Village Seven Lakes stop by the Harmon Gallery to see this weekend, you may see some correctly guessed last week's puzzler as the roof of the 17th annual Major Florida Artists* weekly Audubon Society meeting. familiar faces ar the Farrington Clarence Rutland's home on Periwinkle Way. auditorium. For transportation from The' program' U open; to the public Sanibel call Charlotte Hamlet? Show. The exhibit runs through Gallery on Duval Street. Sanibel ar- January 26. and will begin at 8:00 p.m. in the tists Ikkl and Polly Matsumoto will 472-2927. Sanibel -Community Association Sanibel-Captiva Conservation open a foint show there Janaury 18, building. >,-1 < * , •> ' which will run for two weeks. Foundation Director Dick Workman "The Funniest Man In the World," demonstrates the art of conch shell starring Charlie. Chaplin, will be k playing at this week's Tuesdays at presented'at 12:30 p.m. and 7:30 the Center program. The program p.m. in the Edison Community Col- begins at 2:00 p.m. at the Conserva- lege Auditorium. tion Center.


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME more things to do The undersigned does hereby certify that I am conducting a beauty salon business at 1715 island cinema Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, In "Starting Over" Burt Reynolds shows a flair for romantic comedy. Natural History field trip* by water with naturalist George Campbell Men*. Bible,Study Croup meets at 7:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Scott/s Pub, River Rock is Florida, 33957, under the fic- Reynolds plays the unmarried man. Candles Bergen his «x-wife and •on December 28; January 25; February 8 and 22; March 7, 14,21, and sponsored by the Klwanis Club. ~ titious name of Your Nu Image Jill CJayburgh his new lover in this story of divorce from a man's 28; and April 4, 11, 18, and 25. Breakfast at Cabbage Key, walk and that said firm is composed viewpoint. Reynolds is indisputably charming and a witty kind of guy. across Cayo Costa, visit to an embryonic barrier island. Call 472-2180 of the following persons whose The film contains a good deal that is likeable, droll and engaging. for information and reservations. Sanlbal-Captlva League of Women Voters meets the third Monday of names and places" jof Rated R. No one under 17 admitted without a parent or legal guar- every month at the West Wind Inn on West Gulf Drive. Coffee hour at residences are as follows: Lee diarf. Friday thru Thursday, January 11 - 17, 7 & 9 P.M. - 9:30 a.m., meeting and program at 10:00 a.m. Thompson, 1241 lucaya, Permanent...If Venice, FL Ownership of Your Santbel Community Association Board of Directors' meeting Nu Image is as follows: Lee regular meetings every ihird Tuesday ot ihe month, 7-.3O p.m. Community House.^ , Thompson, 100% regular activities Sanibel Community Association meets the first Tuesday of the month at'6:30 p.m at the Sanibei Community House. Women In Business: The island chapter of the- American Business It is my intention to apply to the Sanlbel Public library - open hours Monday through Saturday 10 Clerk of the Circuit Court in and a m. - 4 p.m. Women's Association will meet the second Thursday of each Sanibel City Council will have regular meetings the first, third month. Meetings will convene at 6:30 p.m. Members will be and fifth Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. City Hall. Special meetings will be for Lee County, Florida to Racquetball and Handball: 24 hours daily, reservations prefer- register the said name of Your notified of meeting locations. For membershfp information call announced. We Dolt. red Signal Inn. Middle Gulf Drive, 472-4690. Open to the public. _ Bette O. Parke at 472-2946. Sanibel Fire Control District Commissioner, meet on the Nu Image under the provisions Tennis The Dunes Racquet Club offers to the public a full-service Sanlbel-Captlva Art league meets 9 00 a m. to 12 noon every Thurs- second Tuesday of the month -at 1:00 p.m. at the fire house on of Section 865.09,' Florida tennis facility and various instructional programs. Call 472-3522. Statutes, 1963. day in the north room of the Sanibel Community Association Palm Ridge road. The public is invited. River Rock is your best solution to Canoe Adventures with naturalist Mark "Bird" Westall. Choice of building For information call 472-2321. The league holds a weekly Sanibel City Planning Commission meets alternate Mondays at three trips: Sanibel River, W.ldlife Refuge, or Buck Key. Call workshop on figure and portrait painting and sketching 9.00 a.m to 9 00 a.m. at City Hall. Special meetings will be announced. Witness my hand, this 31st day 472-5218 for information and reservations. Keep trying. „ of December, 1979. Lee 12 noon on Mondays at the Captiva Community Center. A $1 dona- Conservation Center-Open 9.00 a.m. to 500 p.m. dody.^on Klwani. Club meets every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. at those patio covering problems. We Thompson. tion to help pay models' fees Is collected For information call Scott/s Pub on Sanibel. Visitors are welcome. *• Sanibel-Captiva Road. Center features education exhibits on the 472-1312 islands' natural systems, wildlife ond vegetation, plus a gift shop. Sworn to and subscribed by Lee Sanibel Volunteer Fire Department—meets second and fourth Power Squadron: Sanibel-Captiva Squadron of the United States Gu.ded tours through nature trails. Free to members of the Thompson before me this 31st Thursdays, 7;30 p.m. at the fire house, Palm Ridge Road. Power Squadrons meets the second Wednesday of each month, ex- spread a high quality Epoxy Bonded Sanibel-Captivo Conservation Foundation; nominal charge tor cept July and August, at 7:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Community Associa- day of December, A D 1979 Orchid Society of Sanlbol-Captlva meets the third Wednesday of visitors The Center will be closed on Sundays. tion building. Members of other squadrons are welcome. Karate class-Anyone interested in learning Isshmryu karate may every month at St. Isabels Catholic Church at 1*30 p.m. Visitors are Lisa Lamson welcome to attend and bring orchids for questions and discussion. River Rock on your pool or patio Notary Public call instructor Brian Houston at 472-3647 after 6:00 p.m Gymnastics: The Sanibel-Captiva Gymnastics program offers gym- Liana Club of Sanibel and Captiva meets the first and third Wednes- 1-4,1-11,1-18,1-25 nastics and ballet classes for children and teens on Monday after- day of each month at the Beachview Country Club at 6:30 p.m. current activities deck PERMANENTLY! So get it done noons Beginning gymnastics, 3:45-4:45; intermediate gymnastics, 4 45-5 45; ballet I 4:45-5:45; ballet II 3-45-4:45. The gymnastics team Sanlbel-Captlva Rotary Club meets Fridays at noon. Sundial Beach The Photographers' Gallery: Emil Fray 'A Portfolio' of the" meets 4.15-7:00 on Fridays. For information call Georgianna Gault, Hotel and Tennis Club. For information call John Murray at 472-5159. NOTICE OF INTENTION photographer's favorite prints. Through Jan. 26 at 1554 Periwinkle 472-2053, or lisa Murphy, 472-5683. Way. right the first time ... as it is the only TO REGISTER Recovery Inc. (Ft. Myers Chapter), - 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, at FICTITIOUS NAME Duplicate brldjp Fridays at 7:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Community Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2459 McGregor Blvd. Sponsored by Schaolhouce Gallery: A group showing of contemporary graphics, in- House All bridge players welcome. If you need a partner call the Recovery. Inc. of Chicago. III. Weekly meetings of self-help for cluding works by Crump, Ehrenworth, Hamill, Rodman, Sherman and way you will be happy with River Rock The undersigned does hereby Winterrowds prior to the game at 472-1829. people with emotional difficulties, and nervous or former mental White, will be on display until February 9. Open daily 10:00a.m.-5:00 certify that we are conducting p.m., except Sunday. Tarpon Bay Road. Bridge For Fun: Bridge players will have an opportunity for competi- patients who demonstrate the Recovery method of improving and a retail sales business at 2460 maintaining their mental health. For more information, call Palm Ridge Rd., Sanibel, tion every Wednesday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Sanibel Com- Call for a free estimate. munity House. Party bridge and all are welcome. Please use the side 481-3513 or 472-4316. There is no charge for attending meetings. Florida, under the fictitious Sanlbel-Captlva American Legion meeting of members the entrance. night entertainment name of Wings - Wildlife second Tuesday of each month. > NOW •« River Rock Planters available! T-Shirts and that said firm is Refug. tour, of the wildlife drive Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 Son* of the American Revolution, Caloosa Chapter, meets the Thistle Lodge: Caso Band plays nightly except Monday, 8:30 p.m. composed of the following a m Meet at the refuge entrance. Tours of the Ba.ley Tract every second Wednesday of each month at the Fort Myers Country Club. 1:30 a.m. persons whose names and Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. Canoe tour, through the »^.W Mffay Captiva Civic,Association Board of Governors meeting, first and Chadwiclc's: Le Quartet plays nightly except Monday, 7:30 p.m. • places of residences are as ot 1000 a^n. Meet at Tarpon Bay Marina. You must furnish your own third Tuesday, 10-00 a.m. Captiva Community Center. 1.00 a.m., in the lounge. See our display at: follows: sole owner: Michael canoe, and tours are limited to 10 canoes per trip. For more informa- Captiva Fire Control District Commissioners meet second Pate's-on the Island: Traucht, Rainwater and Co. play Thursday, LoTona, P.O. Box 9421, St. lion phone 472-1100. Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Captiva Community Center, Friday and Saturday 9:00 p.m. • 1:00 a.m. Football featured on Thomas, U.S. V.I. 00801. Gore Road Monday nights. Ownership of Wings - Wildlife Alcoholic. Anonymous—Closed discussion meeting, Tuesday, Ramada Inn: Sir John appears Friday, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 T-Shirts is as follows: Michael Sanlbel-Captlva Boy Scout, meet every Tuesday at 7 00 p.m. at 8 00 p.m. Open speakers meeting at St. Michael ond All Angels p.m. - 2*00 a.m. in Jocklin's Family Restaurant. /^ LaTona 100%. Sanibel Elementary School. uiw ku Episcopal Church, Periwinkle Way, every Friday night, 8:00 p.m. Scotty's; Rick Keeler plays nightly Tuesday through Saturday iff Natural History Field Trip, to Sanlbol's wildlife habitats by 1 It is our intention to apply to naturalist George Campbell. Thursday* and Saturdays by appoint- Alanon meets, in the church Friday nights at 8:00 p.m. for., the Backyard Saloon 8:00 p.m. - midnight. Football featured on the Clerk of the Circuit Court in ment. For reservations call 472-2180. , information call 472-3488: 4724427; and 472-3256: 'Monday nights. Sanlbel-Captlva Shell Club meets the third Wednesday of each- and for Lee County, Florida to Bingo(Murex) every Thursday, 8.00 p.m. American legion Hall, Sundial-; Disco dancing from 9:00 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. in the lost register the said name of month at 8.00 p.m. at the Sanibel Community House. Visitors, Horizon. ' Wings - Wildlife T-Shirts under Sanibel-Captiva Road. . , _. ___ welcome. - " * e Organizations and groups wishing to have their meetings and the provisions of Section Bird Tour. Of the Lianas with Griff ing Bancroft. «-««v Onema 865.09, Florida Statutes, 1963. Plaza at dawn. Reservations must be,made at Macintosh Book Captiva Volunteer Fire- Department meets every first and third events .published In this section ar* requested to have the Epoxy Witness my hand, this 6th day Tuesday of each month at the fire house on Gore Road at 7:00 material tn written form at the offices of Island Reporter by WrdngTou|lby Georgo Weymouth-Mornlng «* «Hernoon. pm. ' , - 12:00 noon on the Tuesday proceeding the. publication date. of December, 1979. Michael Reservations made through Bailey's General Store. 472-1516. LaTona Sanibel - Captiva Chamberpot Commerce meeting'of the Board 1 Sworn to and subscribed to by of Directors, second Monday of each month • at, the Chamber Cla,,e, at Idle Hour—*i1.00. Macrame. W^J£ 1 Michael LaTona before me this building on,Causeway ftoad,-8;60 ^ /- >' _ * Needlepoint, Knitting or Crocheting Lessons a¥ Idle Hours. 1 6th day of December, A.D. - J !\ Penwmkle Place. Man.. Tues., Thurs.. or Sat. 10 - 11 a.m. By 1979. Captiva lEroilon Pre^entlo> OUtrleiV'-TrfO regular--m^ntbfy Specialties Inc Josephine W.Didie meeting will be held the first Monday of each** month'at 3:30 p.m. at the Cpptiva Community_CenfeK "C 332-0361 3205 Hanson St. 12-21,12-2t, 1-4.1-11 mtuitive art. taught by Elma Fleming. Workshops, lectures^nd ( demonstrations by the new age th.nkers. Call 332-2123 or South. West Anglers Club meets second Tuesday of each month, 472-1413 for more information. 7.3& pTm. ot Moose Hall on Parkmeadow. Drive* off. U.S. 41 in Fo.rT Ft. Myers, Fla. Building since 1952 Myers. Admission fs free and visitors arVwe'fcbme. Call 472-2685- for further information. g^^^^B^5^^?5B!^^SB?y^^^^~^^^^^^T

Island Reporter January It 1980 B25 B24 January 11,1980 Island Reporter classified advertising classified advertising WRITE P.O. DRAWER R, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 472-1587** WRITE P.O. DRAWER R, SANIBEL ISLAND; FLORIDA 33957 472-1587 ** FOR RENT - Plantation Beach RENT Club. Two bedroom, two bath UNIQUE . condo on the beach. Available Gulf Front March 23 to April 7. Ideal for HOME Sanlbel Island two couples. $800.00 per DESK CLERK TYPIST - Needed week. B.T, Keams, 4006 In- New Rates Effective FOR RENT Our beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 for Island Resort. Part time, diana Ave. Ft. Wayne, IN December 1, 1979 bath apartment at Sunset year .round. Flexible schedule X-RAY 46807, (219)745-5905. 1/11 OEAOUNE Sanibel, Exclusive Chateaux South Condominiums. Com- 472-5151. TFN pletely furnished, miles of FOR RENT - Gulf front condo. Noon Tuesday Immediate openings for -sur-Mer. Landscaped acre. HELP WANTED • Mature adult New. "Sea Oats" of DBftAY ARRT registered Borders conservancy and sandy beach. Season, month- Island resident for permanent ATRIUM - Exclusive beach front Gasparilla. Two bedroom, two $2.25 per column inch. technologist: Sanlbel River. Opposite ly, .2 weeks. Don Fase: 7590 part-time work. Approximate- condo - residence. Available bath, all appliances, carpeted, NONDtSFlAY wildlife refuge. Private ac- Courtland Dr., NE Rockford, FOR RENT ly 30 hours per week. Apply from March 16th. 1980 at draped, covered parking, ten- $2.00 mlnlmun for 25 words or • NUCLEAR MED TECH • full cess to three miles of seclud- Michigan. 49341. Sanibel Grog Shop. See Dave. $700/wk., off season $400/wk. nis, pool, unfurnished. less. Over 25 words 10 cents time, 7 to 3 ed beach. Contemporary (616)866-1142 COMMERCIAL SPACE TFN Write or call: J.O.G. 1 Brighton Minimum 6 month lease. per word. OVER Vt OFF - Brand new, 9.9 ISLAND CHURCH - Desires per- Japanese architecture. 24 TFN 1974 VOLKSWAGON THING - • RADIOLOGY La, Oak Brook, IL 60521. $l,200./month - Nov.-April. Center Island Location - Ideal spot for Professional •UNDBOX h.p. Sears Gameflsher Out- manent house or duplex for foot high glass dome roof. t Good condition, low mileage. TECHNOLOGIST • full & part (312)887-7826. TFN $800/month May-October. No or Administrative Offices. Units available from $2.00 RECEPTIONIST board with spare prop, shear minister's family. 12-16 month Washer, dryer, dishwasher, ONE &• TWO BEDROOM CON- Removeable hard top. Call time, 11 to 7- Pets. Write Box E.T.C. c/o $125.00 to $375.00 pe< month. Special incentives EXTRA SPECIAL tATES pins; separate gas tank. Lists lease. Approximately $350.00 FOR RENT - SqnibeJ 2 bed- central air conditioning, etc. DOS - In Gulf front complexes. after 6 p.m. 481-4110. 1/W SECRETARY Island Reporter P.O. Drawer R. available on first* two large units leased. All classified ads paid in ad- Excellent salaries & benefits over $650 sell first $425. per month. Call (305)274-9393. room, 2 bath condominium. Why setfle for a con- Completely deluxe in every Local Real Estate office on Sanibel, FL 33957. 2/1 vance saves us 25 cents in 1974 CHEVY BELAIR - Four door, For more information 472-5969._ TFN 1/11 5-6 people. Pool, tennis, dominium when you can way. Off-season rates $175.00 J 1633-A Periwinkle Way ., Captiva. Requirements in- handling and postage. For rum good, $1,000. 482-7361. contact: 16 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT - 50 HP sauna, etc. Near Bowman's rent a luxurious private per week. 79-80 winter rates FOR RENT - Furnished apart- Isanlbel Island, Florida 33957 1207 Periwinkle Way clude good typing ability, MATURE LADY - Permanently prepaid ads - There will be a 2/1 Evinrude, trailer included, Beach 332-1722. TFN home? from $275.00 week. Mrs. J.S. ment. Two bedroom, two bath, I[ii3) 472-1549 Sanlbel Island, Florida 3MS7 pleasant personality & ap- employed, would like living 11 .25c discount for each week for 1957 T-BIRD - Convertible. Pro- MUNROE MEMORIAL 472-1312. 2/1 NEW TWO BEDROOM - Two February $1400.00 to McCormick 1201 Orchard Ave., $550/mo. Annual lease or (•13)472-154* pearance. accommodations on Sanibel or which it is prepaid. fessional restoration, red with HOSPITAL FOR SALE - 1975 235 AMF bath, duplex. One block from $1500.00 monthly. March Chicago Heights, IL 60411. Ph. $900/mo. minimum 3 months TFN! Excellent working environ- 131 SW 15 Street Captiva Islands. Efficiency or white top. Automatic, power Slickcraft. Excellent condition. the beach. Available Jan. 13th $400.00 to $500.00 per (312) 755-1600 p.m. calls only. for season. All utilities paid. ment. License not required. apartment sleeping room or Ocala, Fl Many extras. Cuddy cabin with, TFN Very nice, on the Gulf. Call steering, brakes and seat. T Good starting pay and share home. Needed im- - Feb 2nd; Feb. 10-16; March TWO TWIN BEDDED BEDROOM FOR RENT - Jan. 12-19 or part. 732-1174 head. VHF radio depth finder, For pictures or 472-2177 after 6p. m. TFN and C radio. Looks and drives benefits. mediately, please call 23-29 Stay from Sunday after- COTTAGE - Two baths with Reasonable! Lighthouse Resort 1/11 233 Mercruiser 10. $7,500. Call to arrange to see like new. $15,000.00 or best of- For appointment call 472-2767 or after 6 472-4557. noon until Saturday morning. washer and dryer. Beach ac- and Club on Bay. Three occoniitiodciilonss fer. 472-4047. TFN Vlckl Hughes 472-1384 after 6. TFN 1/W For $250 for 4 people. No pets. cess. All electric kitchen. bedrooms, 2 baths. Complete 1976 OLDS STARFIRE - Looks 472-1531. WANTED - Part time or tern-, 472-3532 afterS P.M. 1/11 Two Peas Florida" room, lovely flowered kitchen, 3 decks, good, runs like new. tape TFN porary typing, clerical, general BOATS Box 23 yard, color t.v. Write Box washer/dryer, sailboats, hot deck, $2,500.482-7361. 2/1 office work. Excellenritkllls. Crompond. NY 10517 tub, pool, tennis courts - much HONEST, MATURE - Christian Luxury A.B.W. c/o Island Reporter Call Kathy 472-2807. 1/11 (914) 52S-4646 evenings morel. Call 472-3689 im- 1972 CHEVY NOVA - 38,000 lady wants to be a live-out AND MOTORS P.O. Drawer R. Sanibel, FL TWO OPENINGS - For per- Beachfront (914) 737-6121 days 33957 ' TFN mediately 11 - 1/11 miles. Rustproofed, new tires, companion, helping all NEW AND USED sonable, self motivated in- TFN air, inspection still good until around. Have car, do know SANIBEL MARINA FUND RAISING AUCTION - dividuals desiring serious in- Villas September '80. Very clean, ex- ' perfect German and Czech. 472-2723 TFN Noon, Saturday January 19th, come. Public relations, no At Sanibel's most beautiful AN EXECUTIVrS DREAM "EAlTOI? Sanlbel Community Center. cellent condition. $1,800. 482-5648. 1/11 sales. Call for appointment, 1978 20 FOOT SEACRAFT new resort. INTERVAL En|oy your Island vacation Original art, photographs, 472-1945 after 5 p.m. 1/11 WANTED - Warm, friendly 472-3070. 2/T SEAFARI - Plush cuddy cabin Two bedroom, two bath plus for only "SANDDOLLARS" darkroom items, clayworks, female companion for 77 year with head. Sleeps 2, teak trim, sleep sofa in living room, OWNERSHIP Tropically furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath house 1 Blk. furniture, guided nature tours, WILL DO BABYSITTING - In my FOR LEASE - Two bedroom, two old grandmother. For details home. Call 472-5380 after 5 150 HP Mercury. 10 HP aux- (accommodates 6). from GULF - Boat dock on deep canal. Boat avail, to TO/V/BEL sporting goods, many other bath, porch second floor con- call 472-1157 on weekendsond iliary motor. CB, recording Tastefully furnished. rent - Solar heated pool - Avail. Jan. - Feb. - Mar. - new and used Items. Special p.m. TFN dominium. Available im- Lighthouse Resort 472-5433 on weekdays. 1/18 depth finder. Everything like Kitchen completely $2000 per Month. Call promptly for tfiis luxurious San- door prizes. Proceeds support PART-TIME - Desk Clerk. Two mediately. Contact Bonnie Week #4 ^EALJJ [JJ INSPECTOR WANTED - Apply at new, a quality boat. $7800.00 equipped to the last detail. dollar rental! educational programs of The days a week. Hours from 1-9 Righter for Knudsen Realty Bayfront Professional Cleaning. Call or best offer 472-4047. TFN Olympic sized pool with two 1207 Pariwinkle Way H|j^^ WAI TOO Photographers.' Gallery, a non- p.m. 472-1400. 1/25 Tel. 472-2362. 1/11 Call Collect 472-4758 between 8 and 5. diving boards, waterslide Sanibel Itland, Florida 33957 __M 1973 25' ANACAPRI - Hard top. lprl SHELL HARBOR ANNUAL RENTAL prof it organization. 1/11 COMMERCIAL BUILDING -And and sun deck. Separate (612) 473-5248 (813)472-1566 1/11 twin 165 hp inboard-outboard 1/18 SEEKING PART TIME additional covered work area kiddie pool, stocked fishing LIQUIDATING DIAMONDS - DISHWASHER Merc-Cruisers, head, galley, I Three bedroom, V. bath pool home with seawall and Under 1 carat. At 50% of cer- ASSIGNMENTS - In your place wet bar, electric-gas on Periwinkle Way. Available ponds, tennis courts, volley- immediately. 472-1686.' TFN ball, bicycles, sailboats and dock on a deep water canal. Beautiful, tropical land- tified appraised value. By ap- TYPESETTER --Full time typeset- or mine. Experienced NEEDED refrigerator, new out-drive, SANIBEL ter needed immediately. Ex- scaping. Available April 1st. Annual lease $800 per pointment only. 472-1888, R.C secretary, receptionist, desk IMMEDIATELY new steering, extra props, fully CAPTIVA GULF FRONT - In- outdoor barfoeque grills. perience with Compugraphic Modern 1 bedroom apart- THE SEA 1 month. _ Larrabee Ent. TFN clerk, reservationist, editorial Call 472-1033 equipped. VHF and CB radios. side South Seas Plantation. Pool side bar for snacks and phototypesetting equipment ment. Gulf view, $259.00. 1207 PERIWINKLE WAY ' typist. Resume and local 1/11 $9,000,472-4932.. TFN Two bedroom, $385 a week . drinks and a new restaurant SHELLS OF helpful but not necessary. Will references available. Call or monthly terms, 472-4207. serving delicious dinners. Gulf front, $310.00 per SANIBEL ISLAND, train. 60-80 wpm required. Call ALUMINUM BOAT - 12 feet, week. Opening March 29, 472-5386. TFN COOK & KITCHEN PREP - Hours TFN Live entertainment (813)472-1566 FLORIDA 33957- \tFN. Island Reporter production complete rig, 6 HP engine. 1980. Long rent discount. SANIBEL SALESPERSON - Part time or full 1-11 p.m. full time. Will train. and dancing. manager for an interview ap- Forward-neutral-, SUNDIAL OF SANIBEL - Elegant Please no pats. JJJC 2W5 time. Zamboanga Furnishings, Part-time dish machine Available Feb. 2*»Marcrr 9th pointment. 472-1587. TFN cushions, anchor, nylon lines, •• one bedroom club suite condoj Aspen La., BloomfWd Hills, 472-4035. 1/11 operator. Hours 6-11 p.m. Bus ft April 13-27. 2-wheel trailer, good tires. All sleeps six., Courtyard view, Ml 48013 (313) 335-6522. Phone (813) 472-9106 RESIDENT MANAGERS - Mature person needed from 3:30 to for $500.00 or will trade for Gulfront complex. Available • TFN couple, 15 buildings, 56 units 11:00 R.m. Call Letizias what have you? Call John week, month, seasonal, low TFN IBEL must be able to handle office, Restaurant 472-2177 after 6 472-1322. I/IS off-season rates. After 5 p.m. REALTOR rentals, grounds and pool The p.m. TFN (612)633-5068. TFN maintenance, care and minor HELP WANTED - Waiters, SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I - Luxury repair of equipment. Resume waitresses-, bus help, kitchen furnished apartment with Gulf and references required. Island Club help needed immediately, 19" REVENGE view, sleeps 6, pool, tennis, Salary, bonus, one bedroom evening meal only. Sundays BOSTON boats, bikes, sauna. Available "We Cover The Islands" apartment and utilities furnish- at Sundial, off. Apply in person only Mon. April 12 to 19th. (312) 870-7239 CASA YBEL 2840 Gulf Drive. |ust west of Tarpon Bay ed. Write Sunset South Condo thru Fri. 3 to 5 p.m. Pates WHALER after6P.M N 1/11 or call 472-1663. TFN Restaurant 1523 Periwinkle COTTAGE COLONY WEST Sanibel Island Florida 33957 472-1566 LOVELY SHELL HARBOUR HOME Telephone (813) 472-4634 In thi NEED HELP - During the busy is looking ro Way. TFN NEW HANDY AAAN - Odd jobs, - On deep canal. Three One bedroom, one bath condominium, located inthe Huxter's Market Plaza custom shelves, boxes, repair tourist season? Naturalist with WAITRESS WANTED - Call fill rhe bedroom, two bath, yearly, no finest resort on Sanibel. This property has a leaseback Luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1207 Periwinkle Way and maintenance. Sanlbel and guide training looking for work 472-5558 and ask to speak to 115 H.P. Johnson - engine, following pets 472-2331 for appoint- rental arrangement. Fully furnished with all the resort Captiva only. Phone inquiries Jan - April with educational, Numa or Debbie 1/25 hydrolic lift, stainless steel Townhouse apartments and Garden apartments permonenr prop. Pole trolling outrig- ment. TFN amenities available. $98,500 and up. Season rates starting December 15th. CONDOMINIUMS welcomed. 472-2217. TFN recreational or resort connec- positions COOKS NEEDED - Full and Part FOUR BEDROOM - Three bath tions. Female, age mid-fifties. gers. Extras - $5,350.00 Summer rates starting at $150 per week. Blind Pdss $450 • uo wk. CHIROPRACTIC - Harry G. time. Sundays off. Apply- in furnished home, pool, spa. Your personal inspection of these and other Resume on request. Write Box Coll Doug Chure 472-2357 Rates of 1 month or longer, discounted, for season rates only. Capt. Walk $700/mo. Kalr. P.C.P.A.. the practice of person at Duncan's Restaurant Monthly $1,600 or season fine properties may be arranged by M.H.H. c/o Island Reporter or 472-4151 1/11 Compass Point $550-up Chiropractic 1640 Periwinkle Periwinkle Place. TFN $4,500. No pets. Adults only. contacting. Contact rental manager P.O. Drawer R., Sanlbel, FL or apply Gulf Beach $550 wk. Way. Limetree Center, 472- HELP WANTED: Waitress, ex- 472-5562. TFN or write for information 33957. in person Kings Crown $550 wk. TFN perience not necessary. Ex- ONE BEDROOM - Deluxe Condo VACATION AND INVESTMENT TFN 1824. TFN Lighthouse Point $550 wk. cellent income and benefits. with Gulf view. Sleeps 4. THREE SENIOR CITIZENS - Will Waiters Loggerhead Cay $450 wk. Op REAL ESTATE Call for appointment before Available March 9-21 and after PROPERTIES, INC. share cost of heat and Bus people Pointe Santo $550/wk. up Salesmen and Salesladies 2:00 p.m.. Harbor House April 4. $300 per week. Call 1509 Periwinkle Way maintenance of your pool for Waitresses Sandpebble $400 wk. We Need Your Helpl Restaurant. 472-1242 TFN (314) 468-8612 or write June Sanibel Island (813) 47i-5l87 an hour swimming daily. Call Day & Evening Bar Persons Sandpiper Cove $595/wk. For further planned expan- Gross, 4 East St. Sullivan, MO Captiva Island (813) 472-2523 472-5916. TFN Daytime Dining HELP WANTED - Kitchen help- $450/wk. sion we have openings for 63080. 1/11 P O Box 168. Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 Sanibel Arms Room Hostess er and busboy. Experience not $390/wk. up ambitious, experienced, SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I and II - Sanibel Arms West Wine Steward necessary. Excellent income $600/wk. up salespeople. This is your op- Gulf front condominiums Sayana STORAGE Cooks and benefits. Call for appoint- REALTOR $350/wk. portunity to |Oin a well available weekly February 16 - Sea Winds Pantry Help ment before 2-00 p.m.. Harbor TWO BOOKCASE HEADBOARDS $1100/mo up UNLIMITED established, steadily grow- April 12. Deluxe accommoda- Spanish Cay Dishwashers House Restaurant. 472-1242. - For twin beds, 472-2274 San Carlos & Kelly (behind ing organization. tions, pool, whirlpool, sauna, Sundial $350/wk. up v TFN 1/18 CaptainV Car Wash). Many For confidential Interview tennis, bicycles, sailboats. Surfside XII $800/wk. HELP WANTED - Waiters, MAYTAG DRYER - New, still in sizes including dehumidified call: James Lewis 867 Westport Dr. Tennisplace $330 wk Excellent Waitresses, kitchen help, box Gold, $300.00 Maytag 4x4x4. Also open storage. Gladys Cutrlght Youngstown, OH 44511 (216) White Sands (Includes Cabana) $750/wk. benefits & wages busboys & dishwashers washer, gold, works, $75.00 - One month rental or longer. filueblll Properties 788-9329. TFN Paid holidays Nutmeg Restaurant. Call 472-5666 1/11 Full security 472-1528 TFN 10 percent Discount for 4 weeks or longer Group health 472-1141 TFN FOR SALE - Hotpoint mini SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA - insurance washer and dryer Ideal for 481-6364 TFN HARDWARE PERSON NEEDED HELP WANTED -Waitresses, Luxury condo on beautiful Gulf Soyana Gulf Front 1/12-22 $500 for 10 Days. participation condominium or small apt. Ex- - Experienced and hard waiters, night shift Hostess. of Mexico beach. Superb shell- HOMES BUYING. PAYING CASH - For Paid vacations cellent condition, $175 00. Call WINTER RENTALS working mandatory. Some Top pay Call 472-3275 1/11 ing. All extras including pool, Silver and Gold Coins, Stamps, Toll paid 472-3946 after 6:00 p.m 1/11 heavy lifting. 472-1516 ask lacuzzi, tennis, sailboats, STILL AVAILABLE Silver Dollars, Sterling, Paper 1246 Middle Gulf Drive APPLICATIONS NOW BEING sauna, shuffleboard, Rent with the same assurance, confidence and depen- HOUSES Money, U.S. or Foreign. Also for Charlotte. fFN CYPRESS GARDEN WATER SKIS - Sanibel Island, Florida ACCEPTED - For kitchen person- volleyball, bicycles. Sleeps 7. dability that has made Michigan Homes the leading COME SEE US want Pocket Watches, Jewelry, SALESPERSON FOR Mustang model and vest, retail 472-4151 nel. Apply in person after 4 Available Dec 22nd to Jan. home builder in Southwest Florida for the past 26 years Dunes 3-2 $1400 Avail. March - April Diamonds', etc. Call 549-3325 CLOTHING STORE - On value $120, like new - $50.00. 1/25 p.m. The Timbers 975 Rabbit 5th. $700 per week. (813) Gulf front 2/1 $2,000/mo. or 549-5700. Our bank is right Kodak 16 mm sound projector - Sanibel. Experienced prefer- Rd. TFN 531-2387. TFN Shell Harbor Sanddollar - 3/2 Solar heated pool next door, cash on the spot. $200.00.472-5202. 1/11 HOMES - CONDOS red, will train. 472-1516 ask DUNCANS OF PERIWINKLE $2,000/mo. Treasuretrove Coins & Stamps FOR SALE - 42" round Captain's BEACH. POOL. TENNIS - Large Stays of three weeks or longer discounted. Only 21 lux- for Charlette. TFN PLACE - Is hiring waiters and TOWNHOUSES - COTTAGES Near Periwinkle - 3/2 Piling house $1,000/mo. 916 Cape Coral Pkwy. Cape table with 4 Captain's chairs. 2-2, furnished. Seasonal anb£ uriously furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath Gulf front apart- waitresses. Experience is not Coral, FL 33904. TFN Dark pine, solid wood. Table or year lease, Sanibel. Roberts Accommodations available: Three bedroom, two bath, ments. 2 lighted tennis courts, 40* heated pool, gas bar- necessary but helpful. See 1246 Middle Gulf Drive top |ust refimshed. $200.00, & Associates^ Realty, Inc. 936- homes in The Rocks.-Shell Harbor and The Dunes; B-Q. gnlls. Contact on-site management orVrite for in- Dave 472-2525. TFN Sanibel Island, Florida call 472-5509. 1/11 2030. After hours associate screened porches, some have pool and coblevislon. formation: 472-4151 AUCTION GOLDEN 18K AND 14K - Com- 482-1485. TFN Discount for three months. ANNUAL LEASE FULL TIME bination Kennedy coin ring OCEAN'S REACH - Golf front Lighthouse Pointe Condo on the Bay with access to Gulf PELICANS ROOST Sanibel lake Estates 2-2 furn. $550/mo. February 12th feSOAJH. with memorial. Custom made HELP WANTED condominium, accomodates - Pool and Tennis - $2,000/Mo. in Austria for sale $450.00 or four. Pool, tennis. Weekly Americana-Victorian Furniture For, season or annually. 605 Donax Street best offer. 482-5648 1/11 rates. May 1 - December 15, New three bedroom, two bath home in The Rocks. Chinese Porcelain - Sterling Silver - China - Good appeorance SEARS SHREDDER/MULCHER - $200; December 15 - April 30, Beach access, family room, large screened porch. Ovality Rattan Furniture - Rare Lyon & Healy Harp necessary. Only serious need Sanibel, Fl. 33957 3V4 HP, used very little. $350. Write or call: James Florida furnishings. $1,700 per month. For a choice selection to meet your requirements. |ust apply. Good hours, benefits $125 00 Clark' commercial '.ewis 867 Westport Dr. write or call our Rental Department. 50 year collection and fast raising pay scale. TFN floor scrubber and buffer, Younstown, OH 44511. (216) Contact Judy Hopkins. Rental DhrUlon. (813)472-2996 Joan Good - Realtor Associate Preview 8:30 A.M.Communlfy Assoc. Auditorium Sanibel Apply Palm Ridge Sub Shop. $75 00 Misc. yard equipment. 788-9329 or ask for 2B2 or 2B3 950 Periwinkle Way. 478-1506 William James Alqulst Auctions of Fine Art* 2400 Palm Ridge'Road at Ocean's Reach (813) • 1/11 472-5374 TFN Call 472-1314 after 6 pm. TFN 472-4554 TFN -i

B26 January 11,1980 Island Reporter - Island Reporter January 11, B27


FOR LARGE FOR RENT 3 BAYFRONT NEAR GULF FINE LOTSI ^ SHELL HARBOR FAMILY OR LUXURY CONDO [ SANIBEL HOMES SANIBEL Small down payment, owner HOME BCACHCUJBI House, for sale by owner. On financing. Two large lots for GROUP Beautiful view. Beautifully ; '' On Large Lots sale by owner. Corner 25, Fully-fumishwJ and canal, three bedrooms, 2 pad tyxurious two-bedroom, : Weekly Rentals ._ furnished ••' 2 bedroom, , Each hps,150 foot _ baths. Davit bases. Many TOO sq. ft, adjoining 25,500 den/bedroom, .2 bath.' '.••'.;' private beach. '' sq. ft. Originally 3 lots now Qri quiet cul-de-sac conve- two-bath apartment on Guff. 3 bedroom, .2 bath i'.r^K •" other extras, . '. • Ocean front condo. Will be a 1 Blui» Chip Realty. Inc. divided into 2. Natural set- nient to - causeway and Many extras; Including pool, house with separate, guest .....V. .'-- ;rr Auwmabfo mortgage. ^quarters including - kitchen delight for your Sanibel Realtors ting with, access to tennis beach. Three bedrooms, two tennis, sauna. One-time in- .vacation. Pool,' tennis/ 463-3771 $99,500. courts, swimming pool, gulf baths, 28' family room. Hur- vestment of $3,250.00 (plus and bath. Centrally located. FOR SALE - By the week for a 411-4918 FOR RENT On best part of island. Canal peaceful and quiet. No pets. beach on Sanibel Island. ricane shutters on air win- nominal . 'annual I Ifoi l me. Two bedroom fully .' .". -•-.• -. • TfN front, leading directly to : : Write Marvin Amos dows- and porch. Solar maintenance; fees) BY OWNER •pirii^i;' ;' "; furnished waterfront condo* on %• William Bruce or 7745 SW 138 Terraco heated 30' screened pool, lifetime ownership for Gulf. Few steps tp.beach and the Lighthouse end of the SOUTH SEAS very secluded. •-,,.'. ^;.?7-;.-! • SALE BY OWNER SANIBEL Miami, FL3J1S8 165* of sea-wallod canal week, Two- consecutive Island. One"time price plusarv frontage, much tropjeal weeks available In mid- 3 - ; $8M(mwt^. „, "' 7520 N. Military Hwy. . nualdue*. Call 472-5181, 8 ; PLANTATION : s Call (305) 248-8312 Norfolk. VA 23518 Sanibel's most luxurious - ISLAND i , vegetation. - October for stated price. A. Gl^ice Offering A.M. to 9 P.M for appoint- decorator furnished, blue : ';. :• - 5-f f»JML :<•-••: ' (804)583-2*71 ;: Condominium on Lake, dose ''•I'.' : ment. Interval Realty, Inc., chip investment. Gulf front 'Owner 4724576. Reduced Rates •' ' •: '-• •' • " . ' TFN '; TFN to Golf course. .Two KING'S CROWN Broker. ; TFN. 1/18 of Sanibel & Captiva Real Estate penthouse apartment; 3 bedroom, two bath. .1200 sq. 2 bedroom Beach Villa, bedrooms, 3VS baths, over. ft., ground floor, furnished. $100/n|oht, 1 bedroom 3,000 sq. ft. Has everything $49,500. MARINER GULFFRONT including beach front, Original model apartment. Bayside Villa, $90/nlght, Ef- Bob Bass Inc. Realtors . cabana. Rents in season for Top floor, overlooking pool, ficiency Bayside Villa. CONDO 3313 Cleveland Ave. $55/nlght. Deluxe Room. PQINTE $1500 a week. tennis; court and Gulf. Two Bayside Villa, $45/nlght. Only o" few steps from the bedroom, Beautifully fur- 294ACRBF1B>MONTF BAYFRONT beach. Excellent view. Top Excellent financing. 93«-434t nished. 3 Night Minimum Call Charlie Matus NORTH CAROLINA I Here's some old-fashioned prices floor, two •• bedroom, two After lira, associate " $129,500 12/15/79 . 4/30/80 CONDO bath. Large screened Bob Woods 4I2-52M Beautiful country I Wooded with streams and forest for roamin' Writ* or Call: to ring in a brand new year! balcony. Completely furnish- TFN 455 Tamarind Dr. & huntin' or great retirement living! About l'/b miles of State ed in Island Decor. All major Hallandale, H 33009 Road frontage, part paved & part gravel. 40 big acres of open (216)771-0606 land for gardens or crops, or ranching. No buildings on pro- 124 Engineers Building appliances, cable'T.V., targe Phone (305) 9454)101. Just decorated 2 bedroom; 2 storage room, elevator. Ten- KING'S perty, except old barn. Peace & Quiet; yet only minutes to Slier Cleveland. OH 44114 bath, laundryroomfi.screen- City or Coleridgel A. at $600 per acre, owner must TFN CAPTIVA -3 bedroom furnish- nis courts, heated pool, golf, NO MONEY ed porch. With a spectacular ed house on 100 ft. Gulf front course nearby. CROWN sell. Will require 55% down, balance financed 10 years at view. Heated pools. Tennis, lot. Priced unbelievably low. DOWN 8%!.- .'; • .' . .:. .' " .'" ' .-•" . '-: r'-'- " ".. V ' . .. " Dockage, Cable T.V., etc. In By Owner For Sale By Owner. WATERFRONT UO HAMMER REALTOR RENTALS Blue Chip Realty, Inc., Real- SANB8EL ARMS, one bedroom, one bath, unfurnished. Amenities: $117,500.00 Third floor, -2 bedroom; 2 Season $425 per wlc. $1 300 tors. 340 San Carlos Blvd., Ft. CONDOMINIUM E. DtateDr. per mo. Off Seas*, i price. pool, clubhouse, boat dockage, on site rental, beach access. $55,900. (•13)472-2727 bath, completely furnished Unique apartments for your Myers Beach. 33931. < 463- Big lot near Gulf. With walk- and equipped apartment in Asheboro, NC 27203 vacation stay on a unique >*'r!te or Call evenings: TFN F• • (5l)7S8-6>53. TENNISPLACE, one bedroom, one bath, unfurnished. Amenities: CATCH THE BIG ONE, SET on the Gulf - plus pool.. cess and walk to beach. Owner - 472-4SM For more Information call: Screened.porch and loft. 1 TFN $39,000, Call 472-2771. 1/25 pool, tennis courts, covered parking, boat dockage, overlooks pool TO PAY Completely furnished. Big lot near Gulf within (612) 771-3011. YOUR SAILS; WE'LL TAKE CARE Interval Realty, Inc. - ONE ACRE OF SECLUSION - 1/11 -Heated pool, fishing pier Realtor area. $49,500. walking access to beach. and boat slip. TWO AND Unusual ground level custom $32,500. Only 30% down. Nerita Street CBS three bedroom, two bath After hours 472-3269 Bob Bass Inc. Realtor Sanibel. Fl. Balance in 3 yearly 3313 Cleveland Ave. THREE home with cathedral ceilings, payments. No interest to ATTENTION (813) 472-1S45 upper awning windows and . SUNDIAL, one bedroom, one bath, furnished, Executive Suite plan. Ft. Myers. FL 33901 TFN BEDROOM pay. • ' /•' ••••' ' •' •"••'• - INTERVAL 936-4348 TFN large 12* x 25' screened patio Amenities: tennis courts, pools, restaurant. Gulf beach-access, Owner-472-4886: * Sapibei Title Insurance for . (openness). On Clam. North Captiva lot owners or CONDO Bayou, one mile to beach. $64,000. \ '_ TFN prospective buyers. Service Corporation BY OWNER Completely furnished apart- $175,000. For appointment NOW AVAILABLE Weeks for Sale HIDEAWAY tnont*,: Including,_ all _ ap- call; Betty SayeArs, Associate, After hours 472-3269 GULF PINE LOTS Boat slips with deep water in Sanibel Beech Club I Weeks 51 & 52 $14,000 : : •:; FlVfEUIAETRKECENTER 1640 BERIW»NKVE\NAY pliances. Amenities include: 542-8121. Stafflly & Haywood r Two individual large ones, & protected safety harbor. A^»proxlrndtely"35p' caridl~'' POSTOFFICEBOX155 Two bedroom, two bath, fur- tennis courts, pool, SPANISH GAY, two bedrooms,two bath^ furriished. Pool, private Sanibel Beach dub II frontage (3 lots).. Beautiful nished. A few good weeks Realty, Inc. 2500 Del Prado one that was originally two.' Nine slips left, will sell SANIBEL ISLAND . FLORIDA33957 clubhouse and saunas. Shell- Blvd. Cape Coral, FL 33904. outright or long- term lease, Week 1 $8,500 . North'. Captiva Island.. .2 left. Gulf front. fishing dock. $77,000. Two swimming pools. En- CLOSINGS OWNERS S/MORtGAGEEt*OittC)ES ESCROWS ing beach a few steps away.' 1/18 with permanent easement Casa Ybel Beach t bedroom, 1 bath, furnished Feb. 10-March 3 vironmentally perfect. Ten- Reduced rates for Dec. & 3400 SQ. FEET - Of luxurious After hours 472-5464 nis courts. Easy access to our for and from your Roquet Club (Corner Unit) lendal cedar home. Screen- March 2349 Jan. lot or, boat. Mortgages Week 2 $5,600 ed porch, deck on 2 Gulf view. living. Including garage, - beautiful beach on Sanibel Island. Will consider'easy available at _9%%. These 3 $6,300 sides...concrete patio and Jan. 20-26 cabana, all of the amenities. financing by owner. slips are an excellent invest- 4 $7,000 large utility underneath. Feb. 2-16 Mind Pass Condominium $225,000. 472-4941.. 1 /11 > - FOR SALE - Beachfront, three Attractively priced. ' ment arid will increase in Seawalled boat slip for 2 Call before Jan. 13th. . Linda A. Perna Here's residential property from value and can be resold. Buy All closing costs included. boats, generator; good Jeep. Rental Manager bedroom piling home on 100 Writ* Box HJM.R' Will finance. Pwfecilla 472-1909 . ft. frontage, Gulf of Mexico, c/o Island Reporter now at 1st offering. 12 ft. boat, close'to airstrip. Until Jan. 20th call, On Premises golf-front to gulf-front. \ R. Bartholomew Writet Rollln A. Jones 472-3055 Captiva Island, Florida. P.O. Drawer R 3706 Hillside Drive 472-5527 Box 13* $97,000 Terms . . TFN $210,000. Terms. Fantabulous, Sanibel, Fl 33*57 Ypslkmtl, Ml 4S197 After the 20th call. Captiva, FL 33924 by owner panoramic view. P.O. Box 964, Tel: (313) 434-2780 (313) 611-4712 472-5277 694-3051, 995r4389 Island Cape Coral, FL 33904. 1/11 1/25 1/11 ISLAND BEACH CLUB - Owner GULF PINES TWO LOTS approx. 28,000 sq. ft. for construction of TFN Contact Mrs. Winslow Accommodations CAPTIVA sells. Two bedroom, two berth, ON THE BAY TFN beautifully furriished gulfview one home; Located on Old Banyan Way, a secluded road in one of Good view, deep water Doach - 300 Ft. to Gulf VACATION penthouse. Large utility and Sanibel's prime single family home residential areas. A minute's docking and davit facilities. FOR SALE BELIEVE ITS "• Furnished efficiencies. storage rooms. Trafficless cor- Three bedroom, two bath Some fireplaces. walk away from the site of a new swimming pool! Lots abound in Big inland lot. THIS IS THE SEASON HOME SWAP? ner entryway. All amenities. newly decorated. Almond MORTGAGE! Seasonal - $800 a month. SHELL HARBOR One mile from paved road. (813)472-4019. 1/11 natural vegetation. Owner has three bedroom, two bath, elevated appliances included!. Quiet Wulfertarea. 472-2922 area close to causeway. Im- CANAL HOME Wo need a 2 bedroom unit CANAL LOT - In quiet section of home floor plan available to purchaser. Specifically planned for this $13,500. Only 30% down. - Or across from South Seas mediate occupancy. Sanibel Arms West - -Two on Sanibel or Captiva, Plantation. Next to Island the Islnad with view and ac- *•* . - February 9 to February 16, site. Complete amenities of Gulf Pines Subdivision: party house $169,000. ; bedroom, two bath Condo, For warm sunny days and peaceful nights on Sanibel and Cap- Moped. cess to San Carlos Bay. Call DENSELY WOODED decorator furnished,- incl. tiva Islands. Come and enjoy- We offer a variety of accom- and offer in, exchange our 472-1757. . 1/11 with swimming pool, tennis courts, beach access. $35,000. New 3 bedroom, 3 v bath home in Nantucket for any 1/25 Lot with 140 ft. on San^Cap stereo, bicycles, etc. - modations - cottages,- duplexes and homes are available SANIBEL CONDOMINIUM - Two SECOND FLOOR Sanibel Home. Private dock Road.' Borders conservation $75,900 firm - $25,700 1st along with the following condominium complexes... week of your choice in the After hours 4T2-326& : for large sail or power boat. bedroom, two bath, .spacious. Two bedroom, two bath con- land: Near school $13,500 mortgage @ 8%% (payment summer of 1980. ASSOCIATED Also, Ft. Myers Beach duplex No bridges. This exclusive 6 do. Overlooking. /Gulf, Only 30% down. $265.- per Mo. 2nd mor- H Interested, PROPERTIES on water with dockags. duplex, 12 family prestigious Atrium Pointe Santo de Sanibel skylight, screened porch. Full *•• tgage - maybel Taxes $73S CONDO 463-0367. 1/18 GULFFRONT LOT Approximately 135* feet of Gulf frontage, development includes^ per year. Maintenance $110 Blind Pass Sanddollar "• -•••• Tom or Constance Marshall RENTALS appliances. East end of HAVE YOUR OWN FURNISHED GULF FRONT - Pear located on West Gulf Drive, a lovely Gulf front residential area, lot carpeting, appliances, pool, PRIVATE REFUGE- per mo. Rents for $1500 per Captain's Walk Sand Pebble 12* Oder Mill M. Beach & Bayfront Sanibel. Pool and elevator tennis court/ private road Compass Point Sandpiper Cove thouse. Accommodates 4, 17 acres zoned for 1 home mo. Rented through, April K#fisInQtofi p CT Seven day minimum has existing water and vegetation permits, initial plans are part of complex. $145,000. and parking under building. Coquino Beach Sanibel Arms West pool, tennis. By owner. (607) $90,000 26th,-plus 6 weeks in sum- (203) t2»-67t1 stay available. Available May 1st Donax Village Sanibel Surfside 669-4413 after 6 p.m. TFN available. $240,000. Terms negotiable. mer. You can take ~ft with, or 1/11 Please call: NEW GROUND Golden Beach Seagrape Village TEN APARTMENT CONDO SITE - Call owner (414) 352-0373 SURF REALTY, REALTOR without rentals. - beautiful Darlene Klapp After hours 997-0052 or write: 1545 N. Greenvale tax shelter. If you want more -Gulf Beach South Seas Plantation 472-1613 or For salel Located near corner LEVEL CANAL 470 Surfsound Ct. of McGregor and College Rd. Milwaukee. Wl 53217 Information call: (201) Island Beach Club Spanish Cay • 472-3446 TFN CANAL LOT Existing water meter, deep water canal, a fine = 472-4886 or 472-5200 Junoniq ..."... .. Parkway. Will consider joint HOME $189,500. 664-8536. No agents please. .Sundial TFN King's Crown venture for large luxury apart- residential community, Sanibel Isles, 100' x 106'. $36,900, terms New, three bedroom, 2V4 TFN Surfside 12 Lighthouse Point Tennisplace . ! Tnents. P.O. Box 832, Cape Cor- bath, ground level home. available. . Loggerhead Cay Ventura Captiva " al, FL 33904. 1/11 Wooden cathedral ceiling, Mariner Points Villa Sanibel FOR SALE BY OWNER - Historic After hours 472-5464 clerestory window and 1 Nutmeg White Sands : old house,* garage and gues fireplace in living, room. house on waterfront' in un- DUNES Golfing and tennis in your backyard, large corner lot, Large kitchen, fully appllanc- EXCLUSIVE crowded. Pineland on Pine buildable. $25,000. ed. Thermo tinted windows. Island. About % of an acre on Energy saving Insulation and Our off-season rates begin May 1 and end December 15 and' an Indian shell mound about After hours 472-3269 air conditioning. Large pool, Three bedroom, two bath, family room, concrete bjock range from $100 to $500 per week. Winter rates from . 200 feet along road facing SANIBEL HIGHLANDS Over Vz acre, buildable residential very private. On well larid- stucco home. Six months new In a great community;, December 15 to May 1 range from $250 to $800 per week. . creek and 145 feet- facing the scaped lot. . Immediate oc- with a shore In a private beach access, EtarttM.wi my Sound. The two-bedroom, two- homesite. $22,250. cupancy. $175,000. • "•':••• PROPERTY bath house has high ceilings, a After Hours 472-5464. pensive M. Illness djctates sale. Can't be duplicated { PLEASECALLw472.4V13 fireplace with gas heat and a PERIWINKLE for $90,000. ••••;•.••••••'••''• APPRAISALS "- 68 foot enclosed porch. Needs some fixing up. Guest house WAY EAST Residential • Commercial on top of mourd.oiyiforboms Vacation and Investment Properties, inc.. Realtor Restricted commercial lot. Investment and bath. Garage, two car, liv- Ready for-development, Prompt Reasonable Service Realty. Inc ing quarters above. Should be SANIBIL ISLAND $i65,ooo.- •'.•>••;••••••• .•"-'. ;v SAN (Just East of Bank of the Islands) CAPTIVA ISLAND ' available-- late February. '"'Ask- 472-5187 472-2523 ' Main OHIe*: P.O. Box 57 1633-A Periwinkle Way : Ing $200,000, 25% down, will 1509 f-tr.winkle Woy South Seas Plontotlon • Call John It; Good BROKER Periwinkle Way. Sonibel Island. Florida 472-1511 Sanibel Island, Florida 472-1549 . f>O Bo» 168 . P.O.Bon 217 : . assume/-bafance:for five^years Sanibel Island Fl 33957 Registered Real Estate Sanibel. FL 33957 Branch Office: Causeway Road 472-4121 1207 Periwinkle Way at 7%VTeiephone 283-0502 or REALTOR Captiva Island. Fl. 33924 . Broker • ' ' • Drawer 9 Captiva Office! Andy Rosso Ln. 472-1149. 472-5154 (813)472-1011 11633-A Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 write Pi.H|..'Randell. .-Pine-land, 1196 Bay Dr. Sonibel EREALTOR Berrtai Officei Causeway Rood 472-4113 ; (After Hours 472-1825) I Sanibel Island. Florida 33957 (813)472-1566 FL 33945i (Artqrinb nearby,-golf 3 :; TFH I (§13) 472-1549 . ..., TFN ' course planned one quarter mile away)- B28 January li. Island Reporter Island Repeater January 11,1980


SANIBEL HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR THOMAS m, BROWN REAL ESTATE NEEDS Chuck Bundschu, REALTOR® REALTOR RqyHoxsey Realty of the Islands inc. . RegisteredReolEstateBroker.472.1544 2*53 Periwinkle Way Vv ? JO"M NWJMANN S ASSOCIATES; INC; After Hours: 472-3897 \ OAITOR ; Open Sundays 10-4 472^138 Executive Services, Irie. SPECIALIZING IN UNIQUE Specializing in condominium . sales, resoles, and rental LOTS EXECUTIVE HOMES; INVESTMENT ••• • •-..:••• monogement • ' ' GULF PINES HOMES Sanibel's Compiete HOMES REALTORS PROPERTIES; DEVELOPMENT Excelfont location on Gulf Pines Drive, $40,000. ReqJ Estate Company —CONDOMINIUMS— GULF FRONT v resale of Michigan Homes ••'ttc±r'-'' '• •- BUILDABLE AND BEAUTIFUL LOTS One of the most luxurious Custom built homes on Sanibel with and new home construction

ISLAND LIVING AT ITS PEAK !•• ."-*:• BLIND PASS SANIBEL ESTATES over 4,000 square feet of living area and 2,000 square feet of Periwinkle Way at Lindgren Blvd. On canal, $33,500 - $49,500. recreational and storage area on ground level.. Built around a II! WATERFRONT PROPERTIES Two bedroom, two bath ground floor, apartment and over the two-story screened atrium overlooking the Gulf, the hand- footbridge to the best shelling beach on Sanibel. $86,500 com- ROCKS some living room opens onto the expansive porch. Three pletely furnished. -•'.-.. V • .;;•.•• bedrooms, three baths, study, dining room and a fantastic the ultimate In Island living is available to you In the High Waterfront lot within walking distance of the deeded beach Poggenpohl kitchen. The master bedroom suite features twin Dunes. With 2 bedrooms and 2 baths downstairs, a spiral stair- Beachviow Country Club Most waterfront properties ore not for tots. Some that are EXCLUSIVITY easement. Bass fishing In your back yard. dressing rooms and a screened sundeck overlooking the Gurf. case leading to the third bedroom and bath and an IV x 23* available have tremendous environmental Impact problems. loft area, this home brings you a spectacular view of the golf NeW MichfgaW Ho fr The most exclusive and most luxurious condominium offered SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY., Priced at $395,000. The rest of the properties are either being developed or are In SANIBEL PINES bourse and Its lakes from two screened balconies. Amenities : :: an Sanlbel Island, Tiqua Cay Is a gurfront community of just Assumable mortgage. ; -or financing available. the planning stages of development. It Is obvious then, that An exceptionally beautiful lot, totally covered with ^native include tennis, swimming pool; and only a short walk to both ;•'-;; .v:' •;;:Gumbo' Limbo -;• •_ • four townhouse condominiums each featuring private garage, available waterfront is scarce. These factors make Investment vegetation. One block from Periwinkle — with complete Gulf and Bay beaches. Completely furnished for only Tnroo jQOQfootT\$t, JWO botnSf.. fonjilly rooni( corrpot, in this type property very attractive. The scarcity which private elevator, two story ceilings, two balconies, private $112,900, you must see believe It. ' •v '. . drapes and appjiancw. $125.000.' / * '' atrium and much much more. Truly the finest private con- privacy in area of expensive homes. Over V4 acre. Only CONDOMINIUMS becomes more pronounced with time, drives the price up at a $21,500 FIRM. significant rale. When you consider Lee County Is the number dominium-residence conceived for luxury beachfront living. , Shell Harbor Canal Hornet Call for further details. . BETTS SUBDIVISION GULF FRONT one growth county in the United States the logic of buying A HOME TO ENJOY • ..Three bedroom, 2 bath and pool with A-frame water-front property becomes crystal clear. Consider the Two large lots on a wide canal. Just two minutes to Blind Pass. LOGGERHEAD CAY : screen enclosure. $159,500.; .... -. . ; following: ' ' ' INVESTMENT Prices: one, $40,000, and one $44,000. 29% down, for ',0 • Michigan "Amesbury";' Large pool with A-frame years or cash. Sundial Beach and Tennis Club is one of Southwest Florida's An excellent view of the Gulf is yours from this 4th floor two screening. Cathedral celling In Family-Room. Close to most popular resort condominium. Offering 13 tennis courts, SHELL HARBOR bedroom, two bath apartment. $125,000 Includes everything. Beach Road. $185,000. Terms. three pools, cocktail lounge, dining room and more. Purchase Beautifully constructed 3-bedroom, 2-bath home in popular your very own second home and let us rent it for you when One of the few lots left to be brought In the original Shell Har- Gumbo Limbo. A family oriented subdivision where you can , • Customized "Saville" model with fireplace and entertainment center, 3 bedroom,3. bath,'family room, III CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER your away. Prices from $56,000 - $2215,000 furnished* v . - bor. On wide canal with seawall. The appreciation value get. to know your neighbors.- Located on a large well wooded ; makes this area one of the most desirable on Sanibel. Away HO^ESITES lot, this 2,124 sq. ft. home includes double garage with'utility decorator designed. $168,500. "' • •:;' "-• • =• GULF VIEW from traffic. '••••.- . . NORTH YACHTSMAN PORTE area and screened porch: A beauty of a home at a super price • Three bedroom, 2 bath, family room, pool, many ex- This exciting property Is located on a dead.end street near SEA GATE SUBDIVISION — only $79,900. .-.•• -.••'••:<:' ': •••':•• '•••'•.'• • ''•'• ' • ' tros.- Unfurnished:$159,000. ' .: ' lochmoor Golf course. It is 6.3 acres with 450 feet on the river. A Pointe Santo de Sanlbel condominium with an excellent gulf Nine extra large lots at the end of West Gulf Drive irtojovely Nicely wooded, County approved road, water & sewerage . $tiBpiyisiQN ::,••:•".:;• . . view, good rental history and completely furnished. Priced to vegetated area. Just 100 yards from a beach .that few people JUST $43,500 FOR DISTINCTIVE Michigan "Yorkshire". Private* beach, 2 bedroom, 2 available. $225,000. . solicit $149,000 all inclusive this beautiful condominium won't final Prices $47,000 - $61,000 with water hook up. bath, wooded lot. $115,000. .:.... : -; Would you like to own your own subdivision, all approved by last long so hurry. . -• .-."•• ••••. '..-••/•,•:•:.;. ....• CONDO CONVENIENT TO SANIBEL BELLE MEADE ^ < the City? First time on me market, five targe buildable Lake Murex » homesltes. Platted for tennis court. Roads, water, all. all. BAY FRONT HOME Affordable lot, water service included. $14,000 ' - ' . utilities available. Only a short walk to a deeded beach oavo- Michigan "Savoy". Two bedroom, two bath with glass- HI HANGING MOSS REMINDS YOU 1dS\b\N^%\39^CJaHU ••; erwlos^ FarrrilyJl^trnPriyote b*a^cicc^><»;500 OF THE FLORIDA Conceived In Iho old Florida tradition *his beautiful Bay.front SANIBEL BAYOUS Coado,aH th».lslandieonv»iUent » y home is situated on nearly an acre of lortd.•covered.with ; Owner will finance nicely vegetated lot. $20,000 South Points Villas. Adult comrnunity, ^-bedroom, 1-bath, OF YOUR DREAMS tropical-plantings. Situated around-a private garden this three: BELUMEADE- single story building with washer and .dryer,^disposal, Michigan '^Mahc1ies% AV«^/; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, bedroom, two bath home-with Florida room is a rare opoorr CLAMBAYOil^ dishwasher, heated pool. You owe It to yourself to check this solar heated pool, oversized lot, fully landscaped. one out. $43,500 unfurnished. Shown by appointment only. : - tunity to enjoy a natural yet elegant Sanlbel Island lifestyle; $145,000. •: • •. ' ' . "-•-' ' '-' ' $250,000.00. - . 1 acre water frontage lot. Native vegetation $50,000. :.. uo>. HomeSite for piling home with native trees.and vegetation. This gorgeous property is located oh the Calbosahatchee $°#30Q...... •' •';.•. .\ .- '.; ' •••-.. . A CONNOISSEUR'S DELIGHT . Seaigrape Lane Duplex about 10 miles out highway 80. It is 12 secluded acres with SANIBEL SURFSIDE NORTH CAPTIVA ; CASH, or TERMS/MK'Down1)Balance In 3 years. Seqgrap»'Cpttages; .Pupl^c with 1 bedroom on each beautiful tropicol foliage. $300,000. Two bedroom, two bath, beautifully furnished condominium, '; Gulf view lot on North Coptiva. Call for details. side of attached carport. $92,500, Jerms available. covered parking, mognificient view of Gulf. $175,000 com- plete package...... -...'••-. CASTAWAYS ESTATES — This rare find Is ajunlqye2-bedroom, 2-bath Gulf-ffbrif unlifiri Duplex CANAL FRONT beautiful new ClamsheU Corildominiom^Afhenitles include, in- West Gulf Drive - Two bedroom, two bath, CBS. Across CLAM BAYOU door racquet ball court, swimming pool, redwood hot tub, and from beach access. Partly furnished. Assumable mor- Completely furnished two bedroom, one bath condominium at : : many more. Only six unlr» in this G^lf front comJonalnium'com- tgage. ,,.•=;%-ii'^T^^.^J^K 1 ^C- * ^ FOR THE AMBITIOUS... Tehnlsplaee. An excellent buy at $57,500 complete. Hurry this Almost one acre, with your own Sanctuary across the Bayou munity. Under $200,066 for more luxury thani you will believe. won't last long.. : • • ' from Silver Key. $33,500. Call us for personal tour. RESTRICTED CASH, or TERMS, 29% Down, Balance in 3 years. 592 acres located on South U.S. 41 with significant frontage on BAY FRONT CONDO COMMERCIAL a major river. This property one day would be ideal for a plan- Very private, one bedroom furnished apartment with-tennis, KNUDSEN REALTY. INC [LARGE LOT WITH BEAUTIFUL Duplex - East end of Island. 100 x 15C lot. Fully oc- ned unit development, Presently being farmed. Todays price pool, fishing,'peace arid quiet. .: '• GULF PINES I cupied. Income property. $110,000. ., - $7500 per acre. Care to guess the worth in five years? The 1619 Periwinkle Way VEGETATION Two 1 bedroom cottages and a 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit owner will exchange for income property. $4,400,000. DUPLEXES (2) Large elevated lot on fresh water lagoon. $29,000. with family room and fireplace.- Carports, workshop Beach access, 3 years old, sits on over % of an acre. Invest in (Landlubber Shopping Center) and laundry with washer/dryer. Large lot 15C x 200'. an irreplaceable item. $280,000. Terms available. 472-3737 or 472-3716 SANIBEL BAYOUS Large home site with lots of natural vegetation. Onr paved CONDOMINIUMS Beautiful Lakeside lot within walking distance of Bowman's county road just throe-fourths of a mile from.Bowman's Beach. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Priced at only $18,000. Call today for more detailed irrforma- RENTAL DIVISION HI 62 ACRE ORANGE GROVE ON Beach (Discount for CASH) $17,000. :SEASONAt RENTALS STILL AVAllABtE )i c This two bedroom, two bath and one bedroom, one bath Island Beach Club (2-2) Gulf View $130,000 F tiOn. . '''.'•' "•' : " ' "'•' '•"• ' duplex is within distance to the Gulf of Mexico and features a Tennis Villas (1-1) So. Seas Plantation $84,500 F Caloosahatchee private fresh water pool. Available completely furnished at Sundial (1-1) $53,200 F CASH, or TERMS; 29% Down, Balance in 3 years. OFF THE ISLAND- RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $174,900.00. By appointment only. • The Rocks. Large lot facing Conservation land, on NEW CONDOMINIUMS SEA OATS - WEST GULF DRIVE BEAUTIFUL LIVING waterway.$28,500. This property produces some Income. Over 1,000 feet on the ONE OF>\KIND . • Sanlbel Estates. Canal lot. $35,000. Assumable mor- • SEAVIEW - Finest "Homestyle" Apartments $225,000 Lots In a very private arid quiet section of the Island, restricted river. Only 6 miles from 1-75 interchange. Owner will consider The crows nest is the to this bay front one tgage. /.,; r •" '. ;'.';•. ••;..••'•.-.;'.;. '' ..: at Mariner Pointe. Sur- • SNUG HARBOR - Low Density Complex - $150,000 to to single-family homes. All utilities underground to preserve • Beachview Country Club Estates from $38,500 flexible terms. $660,000. bedroom, one bath cc $190,000 , " rounded by water on tvj truly one of the most uni- the natural flora, with lake attracting birds and fish. Private Take your pick - units ready for,occupancy at beautiful El Rio, • Shell Harbor;' Two contiguous Ibis on canal. ever offered. Priced. at • .BUND PASS - Secluded - Just a Footbridge from beach access. Terms: 25% down, balance over 5 years: From overlooking golf course. 1,680 sq. ft/of living area including 2 que bay front cono^^J.iums Beach $79.900 • $110,000. - $96,00000 completely finished. $22 000 •'.•••'"'. • . bedrooms, large living area and fdnalthotbring* the beauty • Gumbo Limbo. 1-% acres. Terms. $37,000 RESIDENTIAL HOMES Obtain the HUD Property Report-from Developer and read it of the tropics indoors. Look these over and see beautiful unit at • Shell, Harbor, long view down canal. On sewer. (11 BUSINESS Shell Harbor on Canal . $145,500 before signing anything. HUD neither approves the merit of nearby Marinatown where new fisting is ready for occupancy. $65,000 -,:•;••. Gumbo Limbo - with pool $124,000 the offering, nor the value, if any, of the property. Penthouse priced at $149,900 Includes Yacht and Racquet Club -. p: Or get in on $63,500: y;'/ '' ' '•'•-:' " ' '• '- " "' ' offer refused. .- COMMERCIAL preconstruction prices by reserying-now a unit in new phase of GULF RIDGE Harbour Village. Prices at,El.JWo J»egin at $60,900. Harbour CONDOMINIUMS Located about halfway- between Naples and Fort Myers. Space available for shop or office on Palm Ridge Road. 1100 Village prices now begin.cA $65(900. Allare great buys — to 0- kings Crown, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, view of. Gulf over Beautiful river frontage on the west side of U.S. 41. A GULF FRONT COMMUNITY square feet, $600 per. month plus utilities, minimum two-year live in, to rent, or for Investment. Models open at Harbour Village and El Rio daily. All are located InN. Ft. Myers. Let us "courtyard. $128,000 $1,620,000. West Gulf Drive $100,000 • BEACH ACCESS lease. • • ^ -''• '"-: •' ;"' "" Bayview $35,000 take you ...or fell ypu more. ' •;': ' /-• ' . ,-- . ' • Sanlbel Moorings. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, good rental These properties are a sample of some we have available. We Lagoon Estates $25,000 • TENNIS- POOL record. $87,900; have some smaller • some larger. Some with homes on them, Shell Harbor $66,000 in any case the price per acre will be $10,000 plus. If water- Donax $22,500 • ONE-TWO ACRES front, is what you are looking for give us a call. Gumbo limbo $19,500 25% DOWN - 3 YEARS THOMAS H, BRQWN RESIDENTIAL LOTS Berts S-D (canal) Cash $42,000 Terms $44,000 Registered Real Estate Broker CHUCK BUNDSCHU, INC. REALTOR THIS SPACE RESERVED Sanibel Isles (Canal - Seawall) : $42,000 fOR YOUR PROPERTY. 472-4138 ;Mainb^c^^^«ivvirikleWay? : ^ HOMES «44» UJ». 41 South CALLUSTODAYI Sanibel Bayous (lake) " '* $25,000 (At the LigKthousp and of/tht*island) :.•;•;-; Fort Myera FL 33907 Gumbolimbo $18,000 to $22,000 Lagoon Estates (large lot) — > $15,900" : 2«lpPo(nB OPEN 7 DAYS A VVEEK (813)936-6211 JOHN NAUMANN ft ASSOCIATES, INC COMMERCIAL PROPERTY P.O. Box 142 $«mlbel, fi 89997 REALTORS FLORIDA; : ' Branch Off icef 2427 Porjwinkte Way Mon.; Tues., Wed. evenings til 7 Periwinkle lot available with good location 6rv West After Hours 472-3121 (Just before Bailey's Shipping Center) ; 950 Periwinkle Way side of Pole's Restaurant $125,000. ..'• •.' After Hour» .- at Liodgren Boulevard Andr*w O. i :;...... £! -it 482-1017 Mary Ann Selpos HI A: • IB RENTALS ^ REALTOR ' 472-1506 ft 334-0159 2019 Periwinkle Way REAlTOd Beautifully furnished 3-bedroom, 2-bath homo in Sanibel Isles 472-9325 !fr Sanibel. Fl. 33957 on canal with dock. $1,800 per month. - ' :: Island Reporter' January 11,1980 B31 BSO January U, 1980 Island Reporter


PAINTER REMQfRIPY WINDOW ISLAND GREEN. CROSSWORD PUZZLE" LOTS AND EARTH. OF SANIBEL GABACCIA CLEANING ACREAGE LOCKSMITH Lanuscaping Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA Wallpapering &. Pointing PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Tree Trimming S Removal SERVICE licensed Bonded Licensed, call (Bob) Licensed - Insured - Bonded MOWED Bush-Hog Appts. 472-4207 DON HUMPHREYS 472-5646 ' Captiva-472-2518 • Tractor Mowing ACROSS 58 Selene, to.the 38 It maybe printers' jargon CALL 472-4439 Phone 472-2394 : TFN >,-••-.' .-;•: .- -:: mi TFN TFN 472-1170 'Romans common or proper 46 Territory ; . : 1 Republic or lake 57 One form of 39 Furze; juniper 47 Fissure ' .-•-'• 48 Mackle BIKE REPAIRS in Africa quinine 41 Former U.S. KENBREDOG NAVE SALES - RENTALS DEB'S ISLAND 5 Vilify 58 Cause to have Treasurer: 1952 49 It follows. TUTOR Shrovetide Lowest rates on the Island, RESORT 10 Pundit second thoughts 42 Persiflage GROOMING PLUMBING ' our 40th year. •' 14 Swiss river 59 Trivium and 44 Author of "The 50 Time divisions 1530 Periwinkle Way 2242 Periwinkle Way The Bike Barn CLEANING 15 Element quadrivium Old Wives* Tale" 53 Tool for a Former Reading Specialist at area 472-ltn 472-1101 '"' 917 Main Street Specialized Office important in 45 Upper case, in shantyman i -school offering tutorial aid in TFN • Rear of Corner Shoppe Cleaning Including nucleonics, TFN Reading, Math, English. DOWN 1 2 3 5 1 " Opposite Z-Eleven TFN Carpeting 16 Boris .Godunov, Experienced. References Available. v r 4t2-7227and for one Call Vee Allen 472-3320 evenings. 1 Vonnegut's 14. SANIBEL YARD CARE, 472-5521 17 Kind of movie "—— Cradle" FOR SALE .1/11 19 Make the first 2 Loser of a 17 STORAGE TREE TRIMMING bet : fabled race $5 and up monthly. Seasonal Firewood 20 Apart 3 Not give •: 20 ft TOPPING Delivered For - Interior 8 Jxterlor 21 Rail at 2361 Periwinkle Way EARTH f LUTHER KASK SECLUDED HOMESITES Slang 472-5261 or 472-1892 - $60 Per Cord Design Constrjjctlon 23 Shiftless 472-5738 CARE, INC. . THETAN CRAFTS 4 Lowered in TFti 472-2120 r IN A GULF FRONT 24 Stander on the esteem Complete: landscaping, tree V- .r 472-2853 '^Hr ;V Residentldl & Commercial comer : trimming and brush, chipper ARTISAN DESIGN - ,.,.; . .Signs 5 Burning : 25 Baucis, to ff Spoils service. Serving Sanibel & ."-'•. "Ceramic Til©~ \ : ••- <'; 7-- j-; rWflHBHi Cofnpfon COMMUNITY Philemon . 7 Encourage CERAMIC Captiva. 472-3440; v, U: TFN . ••' -Cbntractingr' • "-"• (•!») 472-22M offer ft 28 Legate Your NU IMAGE All Type* of Tlfe 999 Beach Rd. 8 Ala., Ga., Fla. TILE Repairs S Remodeling . 31 -Gay -" . HOUSE OF BEAUTY * Precision Halrcutting Sbnibel, FL'33957 • Private Access et al: aSpeclaltyr -* 32 Pale yellow * Personelized Styling 1/11 9 Frequent "Star New - Repairs - Renovations 1715 Periwinkle Way WALLPAPERING :-' ".' •" ••.•-.•• ' ,:.-...,TFH 33 Kind of cup or Corner Casa Ybel Road • Tennis Courts Trek" command Edward T. Forrest * Custom Perms;. bag . 10 Heat generators (Across from the Bank) * Color Specialists 34 Fruit throwaway, 'Island Shopping Center - Next tdBailey's • Swimming Pool 11 Ambition Bus.-5«2-O99O at times 12 Celt 1 472-2371 1 35 Hereditary HM.-542-2277 13 Bald eagle's . TFN Complete lln* of R«dk«n Products • One-Two Acres ' social class relative PAINTING 36 Edict 18 Wipe the slate $42,660-$56,000 37 Santa 22 Differently isla 38 Nostrils —APPLIANCE m 24 Leaves off ISLAND AIRE, PET GROOMING 25 % down -5 years 39 Gauntlet 25 Fat eschewer •• INC. Grooming By wash house 46 Transitory or 26 Author of/'The terrestrial Age of Reason" GLORIA'S ANIMAL, CONDITIONING SEASCAPE OPEN EVERr DAY- 7.-00 A.M. - 8:OO PM. 42 Pat and Daniel -472-1260 BAZAAR PET SHOP;, KNUDSEN REALTY, INC 27 Plant cultivated All Breeds Sales'i^J 43 Breakout for its beauty TfN 44 Kind of time, AIR Grooming and Bathing 1619 Periwinkle Way 28 Studio furnishing Cats.Toolll • TV AND APPLIANCE Complete lawn care.seryice score or song 29 Rend; break; Realtor 45, Fidoor Spot CONDITIONING Pick-up service available Palm Ridge Rood'- •. ' for residential and '.•• ;' (Landlubber Shopping Center) tea 47 Down-to-earth r - •./"., •.;• Full line of pets supply cornmerciat properties. 30 Contemporary of CaM482-4S34 - Sanlbri- Capthra 472-3737 or 472-3716 51 "Vissid* ;* Dickens \ & ELECTRICAL MlkeTlDwn. , Puccini aria for appointment. ement) 52 Gossip 32 Danton's SALES & SERVICE 472-2244 ;- •; 472-3495 '•- •; 54 Shell-game colleague • •v ^ -- TFM" items 35 Reprimanded. " 0 accountinig and bookkeeping, for shops, motels, condo British style ; associations, partnerships, and corporations including 55 Philip Nolan, Wm. "Mac" McArthur SOLAR ODD JOB 36 Small fleet ; '• budget preparation/ financial statements and financial for one and Sons I SERVICE BOBS' analyses as well as - • ' Painting & Paper hanging # executive tax service a division of H * R Block -Registered Real Estate Broker We "care",for' you r home, 472-2979 <2W pat**. to^tCMtfltp SANIBEL Sanibel Center Building. 1711 Periwinkle Way. pool or condo when you're 24CXJ Palm Ridge Road. Sanibel. Rorida 33957 PO Box 194, Sanibel. Florida 33957 away. Security . and Offlce(813)472-2194 After Hours (813) 472-2901 Call before 7:30 a.m. 472-2424 (813) 472r1439 Elliot Gelberg or after 7:30 p.m. maintenance as you' wish. PRICE REDUCTION 601 Lbs Colo ly Road ffihNK D. JOYC6 992-1588 Odd jobs; our specialty. We are retired year round Island. Sea Shells of Sanibel - Two bedroom, two bath, furnished, GOES A Sanibel, Fl. 33957 ' 472-1571 INSTALLATION Island Reporter Classified ads work for sanGo P.O. Box 293 . residents. I;.., covered parking, two screened Florida patios, approximately $6,000 In rental income. Walk to the Gulf with deeded access. SALES ft PC€NCYINC 472-1307 you several thousand times every week. $79,000.00 . . DesanfBsL LONG WAV "YOUR HOME 472-1116 IS OUR CASTLE" 1619 PERIWINKLE WAY SERVICE Call 472-1587 by Tuesday Noon A little Classified ad goes a long wayl' TFN NEW LISTING Sanibel, sophisticated, SANIBEL IS., FL 33957 ... to find cash buyers for what you have to sell TFN and unspoiled, offers you -• and leave the work to us. find tenants for your rental property Owners V®ry Anxious , the ultimate in elegant life- ... to find-qualified workers to fill your job opening style at "Polnte Santo de Son- A ft B Put a little Classified ad to work today I CARPENTRY Captains Walk - Two bedroom, one bath, furnished, im- Ibel." Luxurious condominium villas, secluded In acres of TREE EXPERTS maculate, screened porch, 2nd floor. Decorator drapes. Ask- lush tropical foliage. Enjoy a magnificent view of emerald bahama recovering & RENOVATION BABYSITTER REGISTER ing $65,500. Make offer. green waves on o shell spilled sandy beach. Enchgntingty Simply fill out the handy ad form and mail with your unique clubhouse, heated pool, jaccuzzi. tennis courts, payment to: "..'.•• UPHOLSTERING and Karen Hughes - 472-4616 (retired RN)' and much more. The choice of those who have the world Island Reporter SPECIALISTS Antoinette Mssrnan •}472r£&\ 1; .Anytime j.'",; _:-. ;;._ t < DECORATOR FURNISHED to choose from. • • Complete tree 'cdre.:••'• Jeanna Mason - »39J62O\L?39 8798 - weefeends, evenings. P.O. Drawer R 936-8642 CUSHIONS RECOVERED In frame and concrete Landscaping, residential Marclo Ferrlot :,.472r*6.?0.. 472^1655, after school, structures, and Villa Sanibel - Two bedroom, two bath, with loft. Annual ren- and industrial. • . Sanibel, FL 33957 miscellaneous woodwork. -weekends.; ,•'.;'•', , ."'. ' •".'1-'.;...... -.' ".-•':- . :. -.-... tal income $6,000. Only twenty'units total in complex with Free Estimates. • Complete lawn Xathy Miyer - 472-34U8 summer;-anytime,ischoo| - evenings licensed,' Bonded & Insured pool, tennis court. Purchase price $129,000. Ads must be received by Tuesday noon for publication maintenance. :& weekends. ••'. . _ ' the following Friday ' Sanibel & Outer Islands. WEEKDAYS 8-5 Land clearing trees & slumps. ' Bocky Mitchell - 472-4M?;or 472^216, anytime after 2 ; : x; ! ; A-3 GULF FROIN! T GROUND Ft•OOR • Two bedroom. SATURDAYS 8-12 V . Phone 472-573$.; ' ' -?:? :: ': JFN Tp.m. weekdays and ahyti'tnfi i*eek«nds,i 'r POOL HOME two bath, lavishlyinlyjwnisneavS, furnished. Stet p out your screened 1939 DANA DRIVE--FORT MYERS ' Carol Read - 472-5111 ext. 5216 anytime. Captiva only porch on to the finest shelling beach on Sanibel Island. Located Across from Airport off U.S. 41 South Tracy Hughes • 472-»204, weeknlghts- after school 4 Three bedroom • Two bath with cathedral ceiling. Quiet Large ossumable first mortgage. $195,000. Furnished. ^weekends.; '.,". .,.,... . , ,.-..;-, .-,..-„•-.: ^\,.... .• - •-...• '.• neighborhood, attractive landscaping, located on a corner lot. iI Kevin Epranian -"472-2322" weekends anytime ,_ Priced to sell - $84,900. B-33 Two bedroom, two bath. Gulf view. Excellent fur- '> Gloria Johnson - 472-4587 after 4 p.m. ' nishings. Must be seen to be appreciated. $165,000. saniiva - Ellen Hunt - 472-5573 • anytime • Rbpf Cpflting ^,Water Proofing j Monica Stahlin .;4^2j3274r/Owh;hdroe; daytime C-24 - Spacious. luxui~»O "edroom. Over 1.000 sq. DONAXp'LLAGE 4 Tracey Lipscomb - 472-1*357 or^472-4035 evenings and ft. Tremendous pa- or Built-up Roofs ^ .V i weekends-SJ-,- '•-., ..'•.-:-..;.-J t: .: •'"•-^ • •• •• • Two bedroom - Two battr9.fn loft. Purchase price $74,900. , $110,000. ^ Chrys Webb - 472-5205. at my home, daytime no • Authorized Appljcajfors For ? C-3S 3 bedroom, 2.*• • weekends. ;.., „ ...... , . : . £ floor. Expansive view of " Sanibel Island, Fl. 33957 the entire grounds. G VIP Polymer Water Proof \ Dlna FrateHcli.5472-1754, j=ri|doys land Weekends • SEA SHEU'^F SANIBEL ntly furnished. $169,000. Waid Service - Home Guard - Window Cleaning . Heather McGrotty - 472-2738, oHer school or weekends, • • • -ty* • Professional Cleaning of Homes, • (Coptiva) ...... ,,, ...... _';' .-, , ; 1 •C-34 Spacious, luxury^ irobm. Over 1,000 sq. ft. Decorative Cootings J Two bedroom - Two bo *, partially furnished. $64,000. Condominiums and Business Offices • Jonha Patterson - 472-1432. weekends Tremendous panor- ^ t view. Furnished. $112,000. ' Paul Bennett, 472-3*14, any time. $2.00 2.10 2.20 ;2.30 Telephone: ,481-4761 Wendy Tot«e^472-220». weeknights. , .%• . COMMERCIAL PROPERTY D-4* Two bedroom P«r>ft^£ Spectacular view. Roof- TFN TFN Susan Ueber-'472UiM5 anytime top sundeck. ' *y* , JueMelldk - 472-4»f» anytime .. $2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 Located on Periwinkle Way substantial exposure for one of the ' Beth Ford 472-1241, weekday afternoons. few remaining commercial lots on Sanibel, 155' frontage. Pur- €-1 This ground floor 2 bedroom, 2 both apartment "Each additional word iOc ' chase price $175,000. .,..'.- sports a beautiful view of the pool and the beach. Fully •' - lisa Slmone • 472-4898, evenings &.weekends. • 'Bo sure to include your phone furnished. Excellent renfalhistory. $174,000/ Swan Schanerman - anytime 472-1*72, • .. number or address in the ad - SANIBEL BAYOUS E-2* GULF FRONT. Second floor. Gorgeous 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Professionally decorated and furnished. This apartment must be seen a steal at $179,000. NAAAE. TV. SERVICE "Flat tires, brake adjustrnenfe; gears repaired + all molor & •'.••£; Large lake-front lot $16,500. minor work. " •.'•:''•.•••-'•'•-•,-. ••-,•"•' ':-' \ ••'. ^ -• • ' :•;' ANTENNA SYSTEMS 1 Jan.-Feb.-*\arch-Aprll rentals available $400 a week. Contact ADDRESS. We feature new airless tires guaranteed never to go flat. . ANYONE WISHING TO BE REGISTERED We offer pick-iip 8 delivery'for $1.00 : SHOULD CALL 472*1587 • i ' rental division at 472-5703. Sanibel-Captiva (only) SHOWN EXCLUSIVELY DY: PHONE In providing this service. Island Reporter assumes no Rolnte Sanibel Development Corporation 472-5984 ISLAND .MOPED. responsibility vis-a-vis those who use It. Ask us about Interval Ownership I Registered Real Estate Brokerage AS A SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY. ISLAND REPORTER 2445 Gulf Drive • 5onibel Island, a 33957 CLASSIFICATION Anytime 1450 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel 472-5248 IS PROVIDING THIS REGISTER OF BABYSITTERS In Rondo 813-472-1566 TFN B32 January 11,1980 Island Reporter

By Susie Holly that just made my whole house shake." This was not the first time that such a That tremor you may have felt last tremor has been reported on the island. Thursday evening which made .your win- Residents say they have felt tremors No explanation for things dows rattle and your walls shake probably several times over the past few years, but wasn't an earthquake, though one was never have they been explained. recorded in the Gulf of Mexico that same : Many people offer their own unsubstan- day. Nor was it a sonic boom from an air tiated theories, ranging from the simple THE BEST OF TWO ISLAND S that go bump in the night defense exercise also conducted that day sonic boom explanation to "the island is by McDUl Air Force Base. sinking" interpretation. Some attribute the Whatever it was you felt - and enough tremors to oil company exploration in the from people did feel it to rule against an overac- gulLOthers say the mflHary is dumping ex- ^ »« tive imagination - remains a mystery to plosives far offshore. '-'•' those whose expertise might give them an Geologists and seismologists say none of ISLAND REAL ESTATE by BISpELL& HOL^FZ, INC. idea of^ what it was. the above. The area office of the Bureau of "It" occurred at about 6:00 pjn. last Geology of the Department of Natural : "An Independent Island Realty Firm" . Thursday and was described by some as a tremor..a distant explosion, "a big bang # continued on 20-A. MARSHALL H. ^TO^^ Registered Real Estate Broker Registered Real Estate J^ker P.O. Box 202, Saiiibel Mand, Florida 33957 V^ MAD* OFFICE: 1711 Periwinkle Way ^^ ^ corner of Casa Ybel Road. Vr ^ V Phonet 472-3318

PROPERTY RESUME PRICE -$179,500 SUBDIVISION - Sanibel Harbours LOT NUMBER - Lot 20 ZONING - Residential Single Family LOT SIZE-100* x 100V PAVED ROAD - Yes CITY WATER - Yes YEAR BUILT -1978 BUILDER - Sanibel Homes retain their MODEL -Modified Bayberry CONSTRUCTION TYPE - Frame (Pil- ing) ROOF-Cedar Shake FLOORS - Carpet and Vinyl '/•': •••••; By Don Whitehead BEDROOMS - Three BATHS-Two :; The ; dogs of Sanibel, permanent GARAGE-Yes 2-Car + : residents alike, can relax. AIR CONDITIONING - Central Heat There won't be a leash law on the island, at & Air POOL - Yes 15* x 30' icityv council 'reviewed*the jwresentdog •control ordinance. After SCREENED-Yes lengthy, sometimes emotional,, debate on BOAT DOCK - Yes, Patio Dock one of Sanibel s most controversial issues, DAVITS - Yes, 5500 lb. Capacity the councilmen acted by doing nothing. APPLIANCES INCLUDED -Range, Oven, Dishwasher, Disposal Unlike earlier occasions, when large FIREPLACE-Yes OVERLOOKS SAN CARLOS crowds showed up for the leash law show, FURNISHINGS -- Not included, but MacKenzie Hall was virtually empty. Only Alice Kyllo, a persistent advocate of separately negotiable ON SANIBEL ISLAND tighter reins on canines, spoke out in favor Several times this week Sanibel and Captiva beach walkers found- of tougher city laws for dogs. SClTeen themselves shrouded in dense daytime fog.The fog occurswhenvmter ; . The debate was kicked off by Coun- \..V .":- vapor from the gulf condenses in the cooler air, and is blovm onto land. cilman Zee. Butler, who observed that "we have an ordinance now that doesn't deal- with unleashed dogs on the beaches and other public places." She said that she had received complaints on the subject from PROPERTY RESUME "several people." .;' ; '•-•• "Sanibel is commonly known as the 'dog PRICE - $219,900 SRC takes aprogressive step backward latrine' of Lee County," Butler said, referr- LOCATION - Roosevelt Channel This is the second in a seven-part series on the island that would make use of the ex- ing to the allegation that some visitors air ZONING - Estate members and the goals of SRC differ their.dogs oh island beaches because the ~ that examines the schools Sanibel and Cap- pertise of the Sanibel community. The somewhat now from what they were four LOT SIZE -125'x 500'± : canines don't have to be leashed on Sanibel. tirHi students attend, ; -;; r • ;/ " ; •••;: much overused word "unique" was applied years ago. PAVED ROAD - Yes to the school and, as one founder argued, City- council appears to have a near 50-60 The school presently has two full-time split on the question of stricter dog con- CITY WATER - Yes BjrNancyDelFavero'•/..•.;• - ., "We will never need the type of physical teachers - Linda McCarthy, 25, who holds a ;/: ; YEAR BUILT -1965 plant associated with most schools! Our bachelor's degree in biology and geology trols. '-.C•/••-"••";• '-••; - '..."••'-;•'':-.; .,'. :••'.r.-- classroom is the island itself." The school Although Butler; introduced the subject BUILDER - Karl Wightman "I don't know iahat people think.when and a master's in elementary education, on Tuesday, she added that she wasn't MODEL • Custom they walk in here," said Sanibel Resources has undergone some changes since then. It has moved twice, there are new faculty "making a. plea one: way or another," but CONSTRUCTION TYPE - CBS Center teacher Linda Wassum. "It's sort of • continued on 5-A become a joke to us because we're used to rather expressing her .view that "the sub- ROOF - Asphalt shingles., it," she said of the school that occupies the ject should be addressed. FLOORS - Terazzo first floor of an otherwise, conventional Countilman Duane White is the most BEDROOMS - Two residence, except that it is decorated with vigorous proponent of a leash law, while makeshift lockers, makeshift desks and Mayor Francis' BaOey is; adamantly oppos- BATHS - Two ed. •• • — '• y •-. .•"•"• '.;'•• •. '. ;'":.".; .- ' •[ ::- .' GARAGE - Yes, 2 car makeshift study areas piled.high.with'.tex'. tbooks. ; Councilman. Porter Goss says that the AHl CONDITIONING - Yes, with problem is stricter enforcement of the ex- Heat To further confuse a visiting, stranger,': both Wassum and fellow instructor Linda isting law, not new legislation. He concedes BOAT DOCK - Yes McCarthy look young enough to be one of that the day may come when dogs-have to APPLIANCES - Refrigerator, Range, •be leashed on Sanibel, but he's firmly op- their own students. "There was a woman posed to such a requiremehi now; Oven, Dishwasher, Disposal, who came in here, looked around, then look- Washer/Dryer ed at me," Wassum said, "and-asked, 'Are >you the teacher?'" Councilman Charles LeBuff says he. has A TOUCH OF ELEGANCE ON FIREPLACE - Yes "mixed feelings" on the subject, but adds that had the "subject come to. a vote on CAPTIVA'S GOLD COAST- The Resources Center, called SRC for Tuesday he would have turned thumbs economy's sake, is unconventional in many down on stricter laws at this time. .. respects. The school has a very. lived-in look. The students are relaxed and casually • Most of the talking Tuesday, was done by- dressed,and n?99t significantly,.the. total: Gpss.and:White-.. - «: . I ' enrollment is only 15 students over^ six Pulling some papers'outibf his dog-eared " grades. At a time when aver-crowded.con-; briefcase* Goss cited health department ditioris and loss of identity are heard as reports that he said demonstrated that cats presented as great or greater health, pro- common complaints from-public schoolers; blem than dogs, v . w^^^^^^ SRC is a prbgressive ste|) backward. It's a ; late-20th century bne-rooni schoolhbuse. ": LeBuff chimed in with the observation Sanibel Resources Center teacher Linda Wassum and that "birds also carry diseases," and Bailey •V- SRC was opened in 1976. Its founders r eighth-grade student Lynn Cowan review a math-assign- • continued on 21-A had the idea of offering private education ment on the school's back porch.