TEXAS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE DEFENDS MIERS - PAGE 9 WEDNESDAY VOLUME 92 AUGUST 23. 2006 ••,? . ' JM : AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY • DALLAS, TEXAS • SMUDAILYCAMPUS.COM WEATHER By Sarah Scott wife, Turner presented them with gifts: Bowen said he was drawn here be "The most powerful experiences News Editor SMU sweatshirts for both and a tie for cause "SMU takes the arts seriously." happen outside class, in an academic-
[email protected] Bowen. But that doesn't mean he won't environment ... not when you're at a "We're so pleased to have him chapgeanything. frat party, but when you're doing your The Meadows Museum was abuzz with us; he has so much energy," said Bowen listed off a few of his top own production of Hamlet." Tuesday afternoon as faculty, students Turner. • objectives, the first of which involves The new dean said he'd like to give TODAY and administrators gathered in honor "It's like firing a Tomahawk missile going beyond SMU's campus. students more opportunities to travel of Jose Antonio Bowen, the new dean through Meadows," he said. • "T really want to increase global abroad with faculty, and that's why High 98, Low 80 for Meadows School of the Arts. Bowen returned the,warm welcome travel," he said. This would include he plans on putting $100,000 from TOMORROW Southern Methodist University during his very brief speech. adding places in Africa, Asia and Latin the Meadows Foundation Grant into High 99, Low 81 President R. Gerald Turner and wife "The energy I'm getting back from America to the existing study-abroad research education funding.