FRIDAY, NOVEMBERfM933_ THE LETHBRTDGE HERALD PAGE TWELVE Sport Chatter Canadian Hockey Teams Win Openers

______-______^ DAILY ROUNDUP PANTHERS AND HUSKIES MEET OF SPORT NEWS A r-TT^fc r»AfW CLOSE RACE CONTINUES Shore Scans AND COMMENT. Queen tity Leats uereat JN CARPETBALL PLAY Score Sheet IN CHALLENGE BOWL BATTLE C i' 11! to win nncl so closs were the balls EDMONTON, Nov. 10.—(C. Naughty old chinook wind. Its Bruins 6 To 1; Habitants Clayton's Hoodoo " ''" that a measure was necessary and P.)—While Ills Boston team- AT ADAMSPARKON SATURDAY ruining a nice even two-Inch lloor tl-.c outcome was that Walton count- mates were taking a licking ol iee in the arena. Icemakers go- Holds—Loses Third ed three and Clayton had to admit busy during the cold spell find built at the hands of the Leah. | Straight Game another defeat by a score of 9 to 8. , the Bruins' most Drying Chinook Permits Local Gridder. to up a nice thick ice floor. Then the Page was fortunate in his game expensive holdout, was in Ed- weatherman changes his mind al- Conquer Red Wings 2-1 with Knight as lie had to pick a Swing Into Action Again-Both Squads in most overnight and now Pop Pnix monton following Uie progress The race for the leadership of ; tuuiiumi.ubstitute- foivur onw..1Le. o«f. hi. s .players or the game as rojwted by Good Shape After Enforced Layoff—Battle figures that he may lose the whole the Canadian Legion Carpetbali ; nnd the one he picked, ). Held, tile Cnnadian Press, and, at thing. New York Americ^TCo Into 2-2 Tie With Chicago league is again up in the air as Ihc j played a splendid same and was times, smiling to himself. Will Start at Three O'clock. Blackhawks in Initial Clashes in N.H-L. This defeae t of Brown by Ncary on Wed- responsible for most of Page s count- "I'll 'M ready when Uicy Coniins out of enforced retire- tho Huskies ami two over Maroon-, - • Crs and the final score cf the game want me." he said when the present city champions. By virtue Skating on Henderson Lake Season—Bruins Appear to MISS ncsday night again put four teams nent, Panthers and Huskies, senior has been dropped like a hot coal tied for the top position. Each of was B to 6 in his favor. final score cnme through. of their Impressive, performances. Eddie Shore's Leadership these have one defeat to their credit The following arc the games Tjien lie left for n. wor'.:out nlrauls in tho City Riie'iy league, Panthers lire sllphtly favored 'o since the mild spell. It's pretty scheduled fo- next week: with Edmonton's Eskimo en- win and should thdr highly ""; tourli on Price after getting through the whole Boston team. Brown being the last of the four to vill battle it out Saturday after- away to what was apparent^ Toronto Leafs' booming sieg= enter this column. The game in Monday— Clayton vs. Ncary at B try in the Northwestern loon at I', o'clock at Ailnm.i park provnel hoavywdelit li»° i-onllmn^ Cotton's came on a shot from which Brown lost the leadership o'clock. League. lo p,,t up itn sterlinB tlofniuo .«"• in exceptionally early start. guns cooled off today after tir- behind tlio Boston net. ihe puck Knight, vs. Brown at 3 o'clock. •iigliy field tor i>ossossion at Ihe k ing an opening salvo in tn. iu from Tin v was very interesting and close and I. E. Jlulr ClmlleiiEe Bowl, at pres- onnblo (ilon Illimllton, slam' '"" ' cam- glancing " - " Thomp- he almost snatched a victory )n the Tuesday — Page vs. Walton. ent held by the Huskies. liclilor. to get nway on somo or ins Suppose that this general mild paign that left son's skats. Barry then contrib- last frame but fell short and lost The Standing groat run?, tho Cals will prove a uted Bruins' only counter and the P. \V. L. D. P. Activities of tlie drvlns Chinook spell may be upsetting the well laid with the thought Eddie Shores bv a score of 10 to .9. vlnd which has neon busily regalii- tough MsroKatlon to being played. . •winter of a few years ago may be men and kept the Torontonians wnys put up a stlrrins display ami count while Montreal Can- scoreless until his defense broke AT UNIVERSITY Panthers Favored Southern Alberta's lot this season. Panthers are at present leading with possession of tlio his emu>- adtens were edging out . iM ! down before him. C Bowl nt stake, both inui'lilii' » win over tho City league, having foiisht their It's much more enconraguis From the lush-powered shooting i LETHBRIDGE BOXERS TO APPEAR be scrapping every Inch of the and and irons of and Armand j Coach Prospects Bright way from cellar position by virtue to start off a hockey season in Chicago were playing a 2-i\v=• of 'tlirce straight wins, one over route. cold weather than mBd. This U Mondou came the goals that gave | Without the dynamic Albert- Canadiens -victory over the Red i This Year—Material the case in eastern Canada an. Boston power plays acked ON PROGRAM AT TRIANON HALL where the N.H.L. is swinirin; in- AYinss in Montreal. Neither team ; is Good force and their defence. In t«« had "been able to score until Leo to action with nothins bat artl- last period of the game, cou.d m the h Bounreault gave Mondou the pass Crucial Football Battles Are Slated .flcial ice anywhere °**% ' not cope with speeding i-«' (Edmonton Bulletin.) borhood. for the Habitants' first counter al- WEDNESDAY; MAT EVENT SLATED U=-.'er the watchful eye of Coach attackers. Toronto ran In a most six minutes into the third George Parney. a laree and promls- nnji !„ the second Period and period. Badminton Is getting started la five more in the third, ail «• in» squad of candidates for the wo- On Many Gridirons This ffeek-End Young and Joliat were in the :• •> .;• •> & •:• * f •:• * •> * * * men's senior basketball of the Unl this city as well as in out cf town them from close ran8e. Bru ns " box when the was Dick Fisher and E. L. Harris «.. points. We've carried considerable single counter came from Mar- versity of Alberta has been hold tin Barry's stick In the thir'lirda iuuie'uscored". A--»• minutiiii**"ne- anI.*.—d a— half later CTJULERS TO MEET ing strenuous workouts to the 'Var Oppoitunity Knocks stories these past few weeks on dif- ..„ - - . Tln-'nn sray-haired Frank Carson accepted Arranging Attractive fer-nt clubs throughout the south Elty gym. . .. Winnipeg ancl Altomahsj WINNIPEG. NOV. 10.—(C.P.)— Andy Blair pierced the Bo«°n , J 5mart from -Happy" Emms Program Olficials of the Lethbridge So numerous and promising is __i Opportunity knocks at the fcotball getting organized for the season. defence for the firs. Leai goai, h Canadiens' cage Curling Club are reminded Clash in Decisive Game The game has certainly caught on midway through the second period ( m^ ™< rf H „ ^m been announced for room of the Marquis hotel league Is being formed at presen mahs in the game to be ployed here la on Monday evening at eight- sncl If the other members are favor (By ELMER DULMAGE.l A tournament is planned for part of the first two periods the, pasPs fro- m Aurel Joliat at centre the" Trianon ball -next Wednesday Saturday, it means a chance to re- Boston rearguard held up valiantly. eveninf. The card will get 'aider o'clock. "Officers will be able the college girls may enter ar rcaneeiian Prws Staff Writer.) gain the western title they lost the local courts on Sunday ice. bore down the- right boards ™d elected and other business TORONTO. Nov. 10.—(C.P.I—The when local player? will loosen Engage in Attack drilled a hard one between Roach's way at eilht o'clo:k with Johnny "A" and a "B" team. eieht years ago. For Altomahs, it up their arms in preparation for Harold Cotton. Irvia Bailey. CainpbeU of Lethbridge, meeting Kid completed. It is urged that Play in Manitoba Andy Tommys and Jack Taylors i noints'to a place in the Dominion legs and tbe soal post. all local curleis, attend this In addition to city ccmpetltior eutsMe competitions. , "Happ Caught Napping Moore of Vancouver in the head- of foo'.ball will put on long cleats | finals denied them for more than and Hec Kilrea figured 'in the Up to their old trick of scoring lin-f. The local boy weighs 121 meeting. the green and gold team ore scne tomon-ow and the mauling wing- two decades. The fight game will be resumed Leafs' last-period onslaught. Con- early and dropping back on a dc- pounds at the present time while his duled to travel to Manitoba m dc lines \v511 brace Ihtmwlvcs in the Carl Cronin. huskv playing coach in Lethbridge on Wednesday of next acher laid down the first gun in opponent is expected to scale the .-,.-..-. •:•.;. ,\ •> •:• * •:• •:• •:• •:• * fence of the intercollegiate title mud for the final gri-Jircn charge of the squad recruited from the fens'ive game. Xew York Americans Xesotiaticns arc being carried o that normally would crown cham- veek. Lothbridge Boxing Comnus- thtnBe barraguuiiiifce uoun ao. tpas...---s- ..~.fro—m "Red caught napping by Art Coul- same amount. Winnipcg-St. John's teams of last »lon announced recently that E. u Homer when the frame was little | Moore has recently scored a num- to "hold a series at the University pions in three senicr divisions. 'p vravenrr , and a bulwark on the line ter early in the third period of the cf , on the srmc trip , Harris of Coaldale. had come to more than a minute old and Bailey Chicaeo game and had to be con- ber of decisive wins at Seattle and This charge, as likely ns not, will i thathatt crashed Rcgina RoUPhrlders. terras with the officials s°nd that -ot his shcrtlv after on a mad rush t-nt with a "-: division. Klein and [ otheDiner Pacifiratunc. coas«~o«t, point*~"'rs ,r"Vana" ^~both ;''• ALBERTA SQUAD but so far nothing definite has bee:]; tw as mutinous as others this sea-1 v.-il...! lead Winnipeg to tiiclr sunremc r»rmiss!on has been granted to stage vSrH,, had scored for the New contenders are in the pink of con- ; decided on this matter. j yon. A slimc-ccvercd ball may slip eftoi-t. Product of Notre Dame, s card. And he's lined up a pretty ^rkerscan.-Tuie second and dlHon. An interesting set to is «-, According to the coach prospect; | through wet fingers en almost any Cronin has the knack of diagnosing ! arc ththe besbestt iin yearyears witwnhn aa splensp«.-i>-- , [ "scramble standing: attractive looking program, featur- they seemed on the path to a win. pected. i did nucleus for the current team | baUtabatuel idd Bnc^i enemy plays quickly. Is a deadly ing both boxing and wrestling. However. Tommy Cook got Chi- semi-wind-up will feature] DEFEATS B, C. IN luckier and a peat defender LONDON AND ' in five members of last year.- squao. There'ma«• y be a thrce-comered against forward passes. Should the first evening of i These are Helen Ford, Kay Sv. al- deadlock for the Big Four title in- Calgary Altomahs. wtth conh- boxing so over Trith a bang, the and Coulter threw the contest into These boys fought, to a draw in Mil}; HEAVYFOG8T03 low Margaret Sutton, Mary HOT- volving Montreal, Ottawa Rough- ! deuce gained thrash vktury ovrr promoter Intends to follow it up DETROIT WIN deadlock in the third. River on October 7 and delighted I ard. and Jean Cwen. and they have riders and Toronto Argonauts. Win- I Vancouver Meralamas In th-.r| with similar programs every border fans. I aii been shewing sparkling form m ner of the McGiH-Univcrsity of,,^,march, t,„o (h,.„i finals, entraine... d to- for weeks during the winter A preliminary between Aitcneson , .-, n it 1 i recent practices, Toronto game Is likely tn find itself j Winnipeg. The Indians y s Game Lalled an ] 13 common with other coaches at day for months. So it's up to the fans of Lethbridge. and Homolns. both tn no better than even terms with! not .SUCOTdcel in winning a place to support home industry for IN OPENERS 127 pounds, -has been arranged. the University this year. Mr. Queen's for the intercollegiate juu ti)c nnals 5;ncc they eked out tbe fight game has been J dud These boys have teen seen in action Exhibition — Sudden ney has been blessrd wit.h an un- 13-G decision over Winnipeg Row- Ions enough in this city. Team Lineups in Lethbridse rings before. Up against it for the first lime Goldsworthy Swats Home Mat Event Death Affair Sat. ing Club, in 1911. Not all the program will consist berth this year, will be available lor in two seasons, Sarnia Imperials LEAFS VS. BRUINS VANCOUvSrN^v7jO.-(C P.) - have to down Balmy Beach to Two Goals to Give the of fisticuffs1SU1C11IIS.. A wrestlinrtluaulutg matctlict*..h. ""^- i VAU^WU VJ-H.. .'« ; ; House league teams. ••-••- — - verdict. If i Sport Letter Toronto—Goal. Hainsworth; de- U-ee•n Dietrich of Lethbridge, and western, Canada's Other candidates noticed at prac-1 clinch the .> FIGHTS I-AST NIGHT * Tecumsehs Victory fence, Clancy. Homer; centre, Pn- ak of HardieviUe, both well-! n^n-,- crown and the Hard/ tice yesterday were Irene EarncLt'\ "•"the"y '«'fai'l the title may fall to the meau; wing, Coaacher. BoU' subs. | Filers- , ha' s- bse^ n put" o-n will 'be at state in a smWen-acath d Jennie Fillpkowski. both of Toronto team who then would have EXPRESSES APPBECIATION ping, v^uiiai-"-'. *™-tL -- ; imown grapvieis, i:a^> uc_.i i-n* «.. will DC at avu**r *" . P ana oc»u«i-. * -"K • — - only t3 win a replayed game with ^.:. *.:. .-. .-..;. .:••:• A ^^•H">'f (Canadian Press.) LevnsEy Day, Blair, Bailey, cotton. ]tjj e bm by jhe promoters. Tne grunt game here Saturday between Jm- wm prornllient members of Wtcr accepting defeats by Lon- k" ..,.._. .^ llr,i,s,-, ce-,thjs year.s v.xjmcn-s track team St. Michael's College to finish on Bports Editor, Herald: Jackson, KUrea, Thorns, Bands ana j and p^^jjrs ^jij weigh in at ap- Si^^l^cfwe^'ptnnS (Canadian Press.l Sir—May I on behalf of the .Foot- don and Detroit in opentas games P.obertson. I proximatelv 130 pounds and this act which copped the inter.-x>llegif.te top. , EVAN3VILLE, Ind.-Billy Town- «,„ international Hoc«y Leape, Argonauts will hardly be mvor- 1 hills Hockey League ccnvey to you a of Boston—GoalJ5O5LUU—vw«*t. TKompson* * j• defence,., j ^ certain to excitc the mat follow- title. Gwen Nixon and Margaret •;end 146 ;, Vancouver, outpointed Cleveland and Windsor returned to .Hitchiran. Smith; centre, Barrs Smith, stars cf the Arrow aggrega- itcs when they line up against Mon- unanimous resolution prepared at ers. treal. Wheelers have not been beat- Petie Mike, 145, Brooklyn (10). the annual meeting held la (Hares their homes today to play host to I win? Ciapp=r, Grade; subs, Jeraa. Messrs. Fisher and Harris plan to tion which won the House league DALLAS, Tex.—Jack Van Low, holm on Monday night of this weet jeir conquerors Saturday. 1 Sewart, Oliver, Lamb, Beatte. »P- stase similar cards in the city every fog made championship last year, are also en at home since 1930. 1 Back home after Icsin? at both 158 Los Angeles, outpointed Johnny when the league has expressed ap \ feature of the initial fi~ - lev Sheppard O'Neill and Da^ie. three weeks and bouts may be stag- likely prospects. Hisko. 103. Cleveland (10). presiation for ihe co-operation o night was the crowd of 3 500 wmcn Hefer:es—Mailison and Daig- ert in out of town points. Seating 'won the ragged tilt by an If the authorities do not enter two Montreal and Toronto, Tioujhrld- - out at Detroit to watch crs arc cxpeclcd to defeat Hasiil- INDIANAPOLIS — Hcnrs' Mor- -the weekly and daily newspapers in nsauit. accommodation is being arranged in ams in senior competition Parney's c engo 11D1'- Evansvllle, Ind., out- ica do-5-n Wmdsor. 3-2. An- LlU^Goal J"""""'l Snmmar- y 'touted' was the fog the teams ton Tigers and retain what hope connection with hockey in the Foot !i s tne d15 the Trianon hall for more than 400 hief difficulty will be that of choos- pointed Paul Lcc, 130, Indianapolis hills League last season. or-e- em of tateresi« ' Pint period—No score. Penalties: fans and it is hoped that the open- couTd not be =een from the stands g the members of the lone entry. there is of winning in a possible I rrectators swarmed across the llO). It might be added that the leagu rlav of Oy Clsvelanders. -who drop- Chancy (fi Bsattie, Lamb. ing card will be a marked success. play-off. MASON CITY, la.—Earl Mason. is looking forward to another an a 5-2 verdict to Tecums&s at Second period—1, Toronto. Blair playing held in their .efforts to gam Both intercollegiate fixtures are most interesting season with a London With an entirely new hnc- (cTancv). 8:15. Penalties: Horner k -view of the game: For mos. of highly important. The Redmen ot Albert Lea, Minn., outpointed Mel uo Wians ma-.-J.ed goal loi; goa , Coleman. St. Paul <8). teams stepped up to a keen pit:h e. (2), Darte, Barry. Seattle. the last three Quarters, tne mal ^laresholm McGill having to whip Varsity here SEATTLE — Joe Caldsr, 122':, rivalry. with tbeir London rivals m the to»t Third period-2, Toronto. Cona- =quads attempted plays from within to gain a play-off berth against cher (Homer), 156; 3, Toronto, Queen's, favored to down Western Seattle, outpointed -Bud Welling, Very truly yours. and final sessions. COLEMAN¥NG a nulling circle of fans. 118',i, Fargo, N. D. (8). Foothills Hockey Leisue, Manager Clem Lotighlln rtfjted Bailey, 6:20; 4, Toronto, Cotton, Mbcrta uncovered a punch in the Curling Club is Mustangs at Kingston. R. L,. King, Secretar the same team that flntahsd on top 10-39- 5, Boston, Barry, 11:11; J), first quarter to win fe game after of-U^league^yea^ai.d^adm- Toronto Day, 16:30; 7. Toronto, Kil- the coast machine had taken a 3-D tion had Leroy ,_„ Penalties: lead. From tbe kick-off, the Oreen Organized Deacon Waite, two smart newcoui- o-Nei]] (major), Thons (major), and Gold invaders exerted pres- crs. on the reserve list. Goldswor- Levnnsky. cure and, after recovering the ball (From Our Own Correspondent.) Lethbridge Athletic Club | fnv and Waite accounted lor.tlire. | ^^.^ stopped by: Scrappers Will Fight For on B. C.'s 25-yard line forward- CLARESHOLM, Nov. 10.—The an goals between them, the former | Hains,vonh 30 5 9-M Lightweight Title of cassed to within easy scoring range. ual report of the Curling club rinS Th< Pete Rule plowed over for tho hewed a surplus of $29 for the year "°Hts ^oNoblet , veteran Nat^ona,Naaonaij| SET^).T vs.' ii.wiTL4s Western Canada touchdown and Scott converted. j,d a total bank balance of $198. League caii^aisner" " , was absen••""t fro—m Detroi'-Goal, Roach; defence, fvorinz was completed a few sec- he accumulation of previous year. BOXING and I the Clevelanders' imeiip. Yourg, Evans; csntre, Voss; mng, o-Ti later when Ed. Kendall Blue Laurie is the new president, with i Andy Bcllc.ntr and Haroid &tarr fane Lewis^»^,; subs—-., Goodfello--- •__ w (From Our Own Correspondent) BL-MRMORE. Nov. 9—Frank Bar- , iutinud uuGol,ud ubackfiel^^. d star, was thrown Harold Fairtah-n as vice-president, -ro- »d a hard defence lor Olympics wi£cma!). F. Carson Sorrell, Emms, • A 60-yard re- he secretary is Dr. A. D. McGregor tineer ana rustei. , ^i^-'^--':in*ham an"-'d" th—e Coleman Boxin. . rg j jloor aa safet&aiui.yj touchlu^v.... -- -- •- to c^neTat! in their quest for goils j Huss=iit and Foster. . _Jl_s_ij ^.-;n ^fnfT«. -in/\tli-*r Vilfjh tm-urnn frofrrrrrml tht.hen kick-ofklClC~ f by Reg Moir ames A. Dickson was honored with tu ^" -\Tm-tpr Wli- ^. ,-Goal, Chabot; de- | Asjociaticn will stage another high WRESTLING n the tfher same. Marker. Wil- class boxing card in the Coleman had made the score possible. life membership. The annual fee liams ard L'-der-nan scored for the 1=,,,.-, •-•. .»" O- Carson; centre. Community hall, Coleman, Armistice Lineup of Teams was set at S6. Olympic, a seal in each period. |Morenz- wing Joliat, Gagnon; subs, x.-w.... J , - Alb»rta—Cameron , centre; Borgal As to rinks, each skip will be free TRIANON HALL, LETHBRIDGE whi!" \Vn"''-"-- tomlted in the sec- G. Mantha, Larochells. Lepine, Day, November 11. MIGHT Burke. Bourgeault, Mondou, Bipley, The main attraction will be a 10- Creighton, inside; Gale, Parks, mid- o choose any he may desire, the ond'and;. off the sticks of Gene round bout between Angus Morrison dle; W.t Button. Zender, end; Moir xecutive reserving the right to WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th Carrigan ar.d Resell Blinco. P.aymond and Godin. of KimberlEy, B. C., and Mickey quarter-back; Morton. Rule. Sco t .andicap an unusually strong rink, Clrvciand vs. London Offic-a^s •Jerry Goodman, Lon- Gordon, hall-back. Subs -Miller n order to mak» competition mom . F.ooerts; defence, don; Odle Cicghorn, Montreal. Stewart of MarysvlUe, B. C.. -which Hargrcaves. B. Hutton, Kiamer JOHNNIE CAMPBELL Cl- Goal Surmrsry is billed as for the lightweight ven. 127 Ibs., of Lethbridge. The fans' favorite has Call'ghan. Radl-.y: centre. Benson; championship of Western Canada. Richardson, Wilson, Cooper. The other officers of the club arc: wing:-, Cormier. Ranger. Subs - First period—No score. Penaltta: British Columbia-King, centre atrons, G. O. Ccote, M.P.. O. B. accepted a challenge from Tc'el. M. Bron'ny, Matte, Padden. G Mantha, Evans. Joiiat. Both boys are claiming the title, Second pc-riod—.No score. Penal- and are confident that they can Keillor, Akehurst. inside; Davis, Wil Walker, M.L.A., and Mayor Stanley Locking. ies: Auric, F. CaKon and S. whip the other. Both have fought llscoft, middle; Bourne. Poole end Wyatt; chaplain, Rev. R. W. Dal- KID MOORE Lo-c'on — Goal, Stuart; defaace, and showed their stuff in a Coleman Bolton, quarter-back; Kendall, Ra gllesh; draw committee, C. W. Car- 187 lb«., at Vancouver. Winner In bouts with Johhny Newman Hclwa". 1-il;k.= : centre. PeUinger; Mantha. dor, Johnson, Mclntyre, half-back nftf and H. J. Ferguson; ice com- and A. Foster of Pacific Coast; al»o" with Bobby Moir —.-. Gillie. Subs--Golds- Third period—I, Canadiens, Mon- ring on former occasions, and tho wing^. C'- dou (Bourgeault) 5:40; 2. Detro;t, fans are looking forward to a real Subs— Price, Bcnklcr, SnelUn?, N! mittee, D. A. Anderson, Henry Max- and A. B. Israll of Seattle wcrthy. V,'-^.s. Neville, Fraser. Groh. chol, Malcolm, Riuh, cwen well and C. B. Yokom; executive 8 ROUNDS, REFEREE'S DECISION Micl'.ic Ion. Brantford. Carson lEmmsi 7:10; 3, Canadiens, interesting bout. Referc" S. Mantha (Joliat) 15:32. Penal- Campbell vs. Wnfcr« Summary of Points committee. B. H. Mack, Dr. Lyster Windsor vs. Detroit The will bring to- First quarter — B.C., place kid and G. M. Godlcy. G. A. Brccken- Windsor - Ocal. Lcvine; defence, ties: Youiiy. Joliat, Carson. Kendall 3 points; Alberta, touch Jimmy Stanmore vs. Kid Tyler Shots stopped: gether Johnny Caaipocll of Leth- ridgc is auditor. The executive will Tho Lethbrldao Northern Fla«h, of Conrad, 130 Ibs., ths Wheat Bellemcr. H. Starr: centre, Dale:;; bridge and Kid Winters of Drum- down. Rule, 5 point*: Alberta, con choose tho ice man. wings, Blinco. Steels. Subs-Lever, 17/inrh 9 7 11—-I vrt Scott, 1 point; Alberta, r,afet 130 Ibi, Bel': fighter. i Fields, Proudlock, Prinslc, Brown, 12 6 8—2G heller at 130 pounds. Campbell put The«e boys fought a draw, Oct. 7. t Rounds, Referee's decision. AMEKKS VS.'CHICAGO up a good scrap against Morrison touch, V/. Hutton, 2 points. REFEREE, GEORGE SCHOFIELD OF SAFEWAY STORES, Ltd. GENERAL I Brouillard, Charlton. Americans—Goal, Wortcrs; de- a few weeks ago at Coleman and Second quarter— No score. Detro't - Goal, Clark; defence, fence Dutton tir.d Brydgcs; centre, rtea'ed the fans with his willingness Third quitter— No score. BOWLING PRELIMINARIES: vail Lcd°; centre, Carrigan; Himes; wins, Gross and Martin. ;o mix it. Winters has a gcod repu- Fourth quarter— No score. Last night's wings Mr.r.^car, Marker. Subs — Chicago—Goal. Oardiner; defence, tation, having met'and defeated Leth. Hotel Baiber Aitcheson vs. Homuless MOTORS Williams B. Mitchell, Swenson. Ma- Conachcr and Coal'.er; centre, GoU- fame of the best boxers in the coi'A- Shop 966 938 8!)5 127 Ibs., Lethbrldge, of tho Dun- 127 Ibs., of Lcthbrldge. Another karsky. Moffatt, P. Mitchell, Ingram llg- wing Thompson and Couture; try. Western Gridders Teco No. 1 350 880 1040 dee Athletic Club, England. '«' stepper. Nickers, W. Starr. Good prclimlnadfs have been ar- Referre, Clarence Jainieson. Chicago subs—Abel. March, Jenk- AND OTHERS ins, Leswick. Kendall, Cook, Rom- ranged which will key up the fans At Sarnia, Nov. R.C.M.P. No. 2 150 858 102f Three rounds, referee's decision. Referee, Jimmy Luoh HOCKEY 705 942 BIG ncs, McFaydcn, Trudel, Stark. for the tv/o main bouts. First bout Tcco NO. 2 .... of T. Eaton CO. Limited. New York .subs—Speycr, Dutkow- will commence at 9 p.m.. and ring- CALGARY, Nov. 10.-(C.P.1 Ben Jeby Trounces ski Conn, Klein, McVeigh, Jackson, side wats are selling freely. The Western Canada senior rugby chan High scorer, H. Fairbanks, 2IC BROADCAST Burke. Pickett. Patterson. promoters arc expecting a full plons will start, their campaign f WRESTLING Offlclalv-Stcwart and Smith. lie/use by the time the KOTIK start.i Dominion honors nt Sarnia. No Kinsmen (142 1)01 Goal Summary Ihe preliminary l»ys on their war- Klwanis 035 87H DIETRITCH vs. LEDAK H. T. RANGERS T.. TORONTO LEAFS Al Rossi Easily 18 according to nixny circles her, period-No score. Peiialtici: fare. Wlnnlposs a»d Cnlsnry Altomal 180 Ibs., of Lethbrldge, who work- ;l. Y. RANGERS vs. McVeigh. Couture, Thompson- Tonight's league names are al! TORONTO LCAra « NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Nov. 10. - play Saturday to decide the vicslc cancelled. Saturday's tourney v/ll ed out with Jack Taylor ind 180 Ibl., also of Lethbrldge. (A.P.)—Ben Jeby, free-swinging for- Second period —1,. New York. HEADS mo FOUR vicU>n. John Kutlln. mer wovltl's heavyweight Ix/xing Klein 40- 2, New York, Martin According to tcntallvc arrang be in proirrev! ns usual, comir.enc- REFFRFE A. PARKE9, DECISION FIRST TWO FALLS. (Grai). 4:45; 3, Chicago, Cook, mcnts, western victors v/onld plf InK at, 1 p.m. 7.00 P.M. champion, punched out a narrow CALGARY, Nov. 10.—(C.P.)— BIB Mnnilay1' Ciame» RINGSIDE, 7Sc. HOUSE, 50c STATIONS decision lust night over Al Rossi of 13:44. Penalties: Martin, Jackson, Four league, comprising amateur Sarnia, who drew ;i bye In t PRELIMINARIES START AT 8 P.M. Abel. Patterson. cnstsni plnydowns, Nov. IB for t 7;00—H. K. Cnrson vs. Teco No. 1 New Haven In n 10-r«ind feature hockey teams from Red Deer, Olds H:30—R.C.M.P. No. 1 VS. Do'lg Timekeeper: Norman Davis, of Motor Supplies, Ltd. CFCMandCJOC bout a1, the an r.a. Tiilrt! period—4 Clilcwfo, Coulter, Stcttler and Lacombc, will l» oper- ilftht to meet the winners of tl Promoter; E. L. HARRIS, Coaldnle. Ix.ii Dioulllt«!. the French-Cana- 3:45. Penalties. Conachcr. Dutton ated this year. Joe La Fiance ol interpiovinclnl and Interecllcgla EUlltS. i3>. Leswlck, Coulter. la-sir In the finnl. The .'inftl won V^n-Rooklcs v.«. Nis'nt HnwUs. dian from V orcostcr, Mass.. won Overtime period-No score. No Red Deer, has brni chosen prcst n-00-Cubs vs. Whirlwind* dent of the circuit. bf plnvt! Nov. Hi. 'U1GALOBE !!'.:onili lo MUM umidre.