INDEX for VOLUME 56 (New Names in Boldface)
INDEX FOR VOLUME 56 (new names in boldface) Jou rnal of the Lepidopterists' Society 56(4), 2002, 296-297 Aethes baloghi, 230 Cary, S. J, 49, 151 EUTlfbia, 265 Aethes matheri, 228 caterpillar calls, 265 Euryhiini, 265 Aethes matthewcruzi, 232 Catocala, 1,234 Everes amyntula, 293 Aethes razowskii, 226 Catocala atocala, 1 Everes comyntas, 293 Aethes sexdentata, 225 cladistics, 129, 199 Aethes terriae, 229 Cladonia polycarpoides, 289 F abaceae, 129 Aethes westratei, 227 Clossiana, 180 Ficus, 123 Agraulis vanillae, 193 Cochylini , 216 Florida, 98 Alabama, 98 collecting expedition, 151 Freitas, A, V L., 104, 117, 286 Alesa amesis, 265 collections, 234 Frey, D " 90 algal partners, 289 Colombia, 53 Fukuda, T, 193 algivory, 289 colonizers, 9 altiplano, 66 coontie, 272 Gall, L. F, 1,234 Andaman Islands, 123 copulation, 106 genealogy, 49 Andes, 66 Cordero, c., 106 genitalia, 53, 66, 293 Anisota manitobensis, 5 Coreopsis, 176 Geometridae, 9 Anisota stigma, 5 Cossidae, 9 Georgia, 98 Antherea andamana, 123 Covell Jr. , C. V , 290 Goldstein, E, 184 Apoecillls, 112 cycasin, 272 Grote, Augustus R. , 234 Arcliidae, 9, 289 cypselus group, 53 Guana Island, 9 Arecaceae, 117 Guenee, Achille, 234 Arkansas, 162 Dalla, 53 Guppy, C. S. , 171, 180 Artemisia tridentata, 173 Dalla celsus, 59 Artemisia tripariita, 173 Dalla disconnexa, 56 habitat loss, 162 Austin, G. T , 293 Dalla pedro, 59 habitats, 98 Dalla vista, 56 Hampton, N" 173 Bacillus thttr"ingiensis var. kurstaki, 166 Dalla wardi, 54 harpe, 53 bait traps. 178 Danaus plexippus, 90 hawkmoths, 178 Baldridge. C. D. , 162 Dang, E T, 172 Hawks, D, C., 234 Bali, 108 dashed Phu lia pattern, 66 Heidya salicella, 172 bamhoo feeders, 286 deforestation, 108 Hemileuca hera hera, 173 Batesia, 199 dehydration, 90 Hemileuca nevadensis, 112 Becker, V 0" 9, 191 DeVries, E l , 45,183, 199,265 Hemilellcinae, 112, 173 Bi.a actorion, 117 dew drinking, 90 Henne, D .
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