Multimedia Driver Supp ort in the FreeBSD Op erating System

Luigi Rizzo James S Lowe

Universita di Pisa University of WisconsinMilwaukee

Dip di Ingegneria del lInformazione Col lege of Engineering and Applied Science

lrizzoietunipiit jamescsuwmedu

httpwwwietunipiitluigi httpwwwuwmedujames

Abstract applications which deliver multimedia re

quiring synchronization b etween the application and

the hardware

In this pap er we will discuss the motivation de

Acquisition and rendering of multimedia streams re

sign implementation issues and applications for the

quires sp ecial p eripherals such as audio CODECs

audio and the video acquisition drivers which are

and frame grabb ers as well as adequate supp ort in

available in FreeBSD Both systems have b een

the op erating system In fact CODECs and frame

designed from scratch with sp ecial attention paid

grabb ers are relatively simple devices and in prin

to the eective transfer and synchronization of data

ciple they could b e easily supp orted in an op erating

between the hardware and adv anced applications

system using the conventional read and write

system calls plus a small number of ioctl calls to

The main fo cus in the design of the audio driver

congure the sp ecial features of the devices How

was for supp orting multimedia applications which

ever synchronization is a fundamental requirement

often require full duplex op eration and have strict

with many advanced applications so the internal

synchronization requirements This suggested the

structure of the driver and the interface it exp orts

denition of a new software interface simpler to use

must supp ort these requirements in a exible and ef

than the previously existing OSS Voxware driver

cientway Furthermore video streams are highly

The driver is backward compatible with the OSS

demanding in terms of bandwidth so the conven

API due to the large base of applications that use

tional readwrite interface might not be the

this API

most ecient or eectiveway to transfer data

The video acquisition driver fo cuses on providing

In recentyears multimedia supp ort in the FreeBSD

exible access to the acquisition device and the abil

op erating system has received a lot of attention

ity to suit the needs of dierent applications from

namely the addition of supp ort for full duplex au

simple TV viewers to video conferencing programs

dio cards and high p erformance video grabb ers com

The driver provides memory mapp ed access to the

municating through the PCI bus Most of these

capture buer exible supp ort for synchronization

systems have b een designed from scratch In this

with the application and supp orts the various cap

pro cess we had the signicantadvantage of already

ture formats and scaling capabilities that are avail

knowing which applications would likely use these

able from the video acquisition hardware

devices and what features were required As a con

sequence we could use this information to provide

ecient supp ort for the applications without miss

ing some imp ortant features and without cluttering

Intro duction

the design with features that are of no practical use

For the video acquisition driver wewere essentially

Multimedia applications are b ecoming more and

free to design our software interface from scratch

to the increasing per more p opular everyday due

For the audio driver the existence of a relatively

formance of workstations and networks The ability

to run highly demanding compression algorithms in

The term CODEC comes from a hybrid of the words

software has promoted the developmentofadvanced COmpressor and DECompressor

large base of applications forced us to implement

compatibility interface We decided to lo ok at

a Record buffer Playback buffer

compatibility issues only after the architecture of

Input Output

er was designed so that these issues did not the driv Mixer Mixer RDY RDY

DMA FREE DMA FREE inuence our design


pap er is structured as follows In Section


we present the audio driver starting with a brief

description of audio hardware followed by a dis

cussion of the various features implemented bythe

Figure A mo del of a typical full duplex audio device

driver and a brief discussion of our design choices

On the left is the record or input section on the right

We discuss the same topics in Section for video

the playback or output section

acquisition supp ort Finally Section discusses the

implementation status of the drivers presented in

systems mainboard as in the case of Intelbased

this pap er and Section contains our conclusions

PCs In some other cases the audio device has

an internal DMA engine which acquires control of

the bus and p erforms the data transfer devices on

a PCI bus generally op erate in this way As an al


ternative the audio device could havesomeinternal

memory where data is buered eg under control

of a sp ecialized pro cessor and the main pro cessor

The structure of a typical audio device is shown in

has only to transfer blo cks of data at given intervals

Figure with two logically indep endent systems

p ossibly using programmed IO

providing supp ort for audio record and playback

In some cases the audio device has an on b oard Digi

In the record section analog sources are routed

tal Signal Pro cessor DSP which can b e used to run

through a mixer to the Analog to Digital Con

data compression algorithms ooading the main

verter ADC whose output is stored into a buer

pro cessor from this task This is in general a useful

The hardware dictates the native resolution or

b ecause some algorithms eg GSM or MPEG en

bits data formats linear or law channels

co dingdeco ding are exp ensive and it is cheap er to

monostereo and sampling rate The software im

run them on a DSP which has b ecome a commo d

plements the buer and may additionally implement

ity device b ecause it is extensively used in cellular

some data format conversion b efore passing data to

phones and other digital audio devices

the application program

There are large variations in the capabilities of the

The playback section uses a buer to hold data that

mixers as well Some simple devices just have one

is sent to the Digital to Analog Converter DAC

input and one output channel directly connected to

The output of the DAC is fed to a mixer which

the ADC and the DAC resp ectively with no vol

combines together other analog sources and sends

ume con trols The ma jority of audio devices for

them to the appropriate outputs Similar to record

PCs have a simple multiplexer with only a master

ing the op erating system software implements the

volume control on the input section and a full fea

buering strategy and p ossible format conversions

tured mixer with indep endent volume controls for

to supplement the native features supplied by the

the various channels on the output section Newer


devices have separate fullfeatured mixers on b oth

the input and output paths containing a large se

The DAC and the ADC are usually part of the

lection of sources and destinations along with the

same physical device referred to as the CODEC

ability of p erforming miscellaneous functions such

The transfer of samples between the CODEC and

as swapping left and rightchannels muting sources

the buers supplied by the op erating system can b e


done in several ways Most of the time the audio

device uses a DMA channel which is presentonthe

Except for cases where hardware limitations makethe

system share resources thus preventing full duplex op eration

or o dd mixer characteristics

ally simple b ecause the requested op eration eg

setting a volume or selecting an input source gener

Appl. Appl. Appl.

ally takes place in real time and the only signicant

veaninterface which can ease the p ort

Server issue is to ha

ware to dierent systems Library ing of soft

Device driver

Hardware (CODEC, DSP, ...)

Audio Access Granularity

Figure Possible structure of applications using the

The natural representation of sound is a stream of

audio device Application access to the driver can be

data Our driver emulates this natural representa

direct via a library or through a server

tion by supplying the application with the appropri

ate to ols to manipulate a circular queue rather than

Audio Device Initialization

requiring the application to collect and manipulate

the data in blo cks

The layer in Figure is resp onsible

The audio driver has two mo des of op eration char

for the transfer of data b etween the applications and

acter and block mo de In character mo de the device

the audio hardware Prior to using the audio device

pro duces a stream of bytes and select returns

for data transfer applications will need to acquire

when one byte can b e transferred Toenter the block

the capabilities of the device supp orted sampling

mode not to b e confused with blocking mode which

rates data formats number of channels full du

is an orthogonal feature the AIOSSIZE ioctl is

plex op eration and any other devicesp ecic fea

used to sp ecify the granularity to be used for the

tures and set the desired data formats These

select op eration The latter will return success

op erations are usually done by means of ioctl

fully only when at least a whole blo ck of data can b e

calls whose name and format change from system

transferred AIOSSIZE ioctl call can mo dify the

to system Although some approaches eg those

requested value if it is not an acceptable one and it

where all parameters are read or set at once using

returns the blo cksizeinuse Ablock size of or

a single call app ear to b e more elegant and ecient

will set the device driver into character mo de

than others there are in practice no dierences b e

cause this is generally a onetime op eration

We want to point out that the AIOSSIZE function

only sp ecies the behavior of the select call

Another onetime op eration for audio devices that

both read and write retain the usual byte

include a programmable DSP mightbe the down

granularity We found this to b e a necessary feature

loading of appropriate rmware to the DSP to p er

b ecause it p ermits applications to control the data

form the required function eg running some com

transfer rate with ne granularity rather than b eing

pression or decompression algorithm Dedicated

forced to use multiples of the blo ck size For robust

software interfaces are often used for this purp ose

ness reasons the user shouldnt make further as

and eciency is generally not a primary concern

sumptions on the b eha vior of read and write

In particular it should not be assumed that they

Finally appropriate ioctl calls are necessary to

always transfer the requested amount of data or

control the mixers which are present in the signal

that they always work on multiples of the blo ck size

paths This is an area which would really bene

Similarly the user should make no assumptions on

t from some standardization eort given the sig

the internal op eration of the driver eg that the

nicant dierences in capabilities of these devices

size of DMA transfers equals the value sp ecied with

However the control of mixer devices is conceptu


There are signicant dierences among audio cards As

an example some CODECS can only work in full duplex un

der some constraints others have bugs that are triggered by

NonBlo cking IO for Audio

certain op erating mo des and so on The driver can blo cker

roneous requests but the only way to make go o d use of the

available hardware is to have the driver provide a unique iden

Traditionally device drivers provide supp ort for non

tier for the actual hardware and applications or libraries

blo cking IO This op erating mo de can b e selected

can map these identiers to a list of features and adapt to

them by issuing the FIONBIO ioctl In nonblo cking

be derived by using a real time clo ck In prac mo de read and write op erations will never blo ck

tice this metho d is imprecise b ecause of deviations at the price of p ossibly returning a short transfer

between the nominal and the actual sample rate count Non blo cking reads are p ossible even in

clo ck drifts or buer overowsunderows which blo cking mo de byinvoking the FIONREAD ioctl

cause samples to b e missed Furthermore variable rst and then reading no more than the amountof

rate compression schemes or dynamicallychanging available data

buer sizes might render the use of timers for de

termining queue o ccupation completely useless There is no standard function which is equiva

lent to FIONREAD for write op erations In our

FIONREAD and AIONWRITE only provide limited infor driver wehave implemented such a function called

mation on the status of buers and are used mainly AIONWRITE which returns the free space in the

when the application would liketoavoid blo c playbackbuer A write of this manybytes will not king on

blo ck even if blo cking mo de is selected In our im the device We would also liketohave alternative

plementation b oth FIONREAD and AIONWRITE track mechanisms which either notify a pro cess eg us

the status of a DMA transfer ing a signalorwake it up when a sp ecied

event o ccurs Figure shows in detail the record

playback buers The b oundary between the

read() and

FREE and READY regions whichwe call the cur


rent DMA pointer moves with time Applications


y be interested when the current DMA p ointer trigger ma


reaches a given p osition relative to either the b egin

PLAYOUT FREEDMA READY ning or the end of the buer and b e notied when

ent o ccurs as well as knowing the exact p o AIONWRITE this ev


sition of the current DMA p ointer relative to either

end of the buer

Figure A view of the record and playback buers

with the indication of events which trigger the actions

To supp ort these functionalities wehaveintro duced

requested with AIOSYNC The thickvertical bar indicates

a single new ioctl AIOSYNC which takes the

the current p osition of the DMA p ointer Also indicated

sp ecication of an event the current DMA p ointer

are the eect of read and write and the values

reaching a given p osition in either buer and an

returned by FIONREAD and AIONWRITE

action to execute when the event o ccurs The event

can b e sp ecied relative to either end of the buer

while the action can b e any of the following in all

Audio Synchronization

cases up on return the current DMA p ointer will

b e rep orted relative to the same buer end as used

in the request

It is imp ortant for some applications to know the

exact status of the internal buers in the device

No op eration This function is blo cking unless

driver both in terms of ready and free space be

the event has already o ccurred and will return

cause some other activities could be synchronized

when the desired event o ccurs This function

with the audio streams As an example a player

is very p owerful and exible it can b e used to

program maywanttoavoid the condition that the

wait for a buer to drain or ll up to a cer

playback buer b ecomes empty in the middle of op

tain level or just to rep ort the status of the

eration or a telephonelike application might need

transfer duplicating to some extent the infor

to control the amount of data buered in order to

mation supplied by FIONREAD and AIONWRITE

limit the endtoend latency

although with AIOSYNC we can read the current

size of either the FREE or the READY region

In principle when the data transfer o ccurs at a con

of the buer

stant nominal rate the amount of data buered can

Send a signal This function is nonblo cking

This can happ en in blo cking mo de as well

Weshouldhave really used the name FIONWRITE b ecause

It schedules a signal to b e sent to the pro cess

this function is very general and not p eculiar to audio devices

when the buer reaches a given mark This pro

Eg it could b e useful on tty devices on network so ckets

vides an asynchronous notication which can

and everywhere we have some amount of buering in the

hardware or the kernel b e handled while a pro cess is active or wakes

The last ioctl we use to supp ort synchroniza up a pro cess blo cked on a

tion is AIOSTOP The function takes the indication

Wakeup a selecting pro cess This function is

of a channel and immediately susp ends the trans

nonblo cking It causes a pro cess blo cked on

fer on that channel ushing the content of the ker

a select calltobewoken up if the desired

nel buer The return value from the function is

event o ccurs Note that this action is not an

the amountofdataqueued in the buer when the

exact duplicate of the previous one while a

channel was stopp ed This function allows the ap

signal scheduled with the previous function

plication to susp end a recording when it decides that

can wake up a selecting pro cess there is a p o

no more data is required and directly supp orts the

tential race condition in that the sequence

PAUSE function in audio players It is resp onsibil

ity of the application to reload any data that w as

ioctlfd AIOSYNC

ushed in the play buer There is no explicit func

ret select

tion to start a transfer after a pause b ecause this

action is implicit when issuing a read write

mightbeinterrupted in the middle and the sig

or select call

nal b e delivered b efore the select call The

problem can b e solved but at the price of some

Function Description

obfuscation in the co de With this function

FIONBIO Selects blo cking or nonblo cking

we simply request a select for exceptional

mo de of op eration for the device

conditions on the le descriptor sp ecied us

FIONREAD Returns the amount of data which

ing the fourth parameter of selecttowake

can b e read without blo cking

up when the desired event o ccurs This makes

AIONWRITE Returns the amount of data which

us aected by timing issues b ecause the event

can b e written without blo cking

AIOSSIZE Selects character or blo ck mo de of

is p ossibly logged in the device driver and re

op eration for the device setting the

p orted to the application as so on as select

threshold for select to return

is invoked

AIOGSIZE returns the blo ck size currently in


AIOSYNC Schedules the requested action re

AIOSYNC covers all practical needs for synchroniza

turn signal or enable select at the

tion and the cost of implementing the dierentno

o ccurrence of the sp ecied event

tication metho ds is minimal b ecause they share al

Returns the current status of the

most the same co de paths


AIOSTOP Immediately stops the transfer on

The resolution of the AIOSYNC calls dep ends a lot on

the channel and ushes the buer

Returns the residual status of the

the features of the underlying hardware On some


devices the DMA engine can b e reprogrammed on

the y to generate an interrupt exactly when the de

read Returns at most the amount of data

requested Might return a short

sired event o ccurs On other devices this cannot b e

counteven in blo cking mo de Also

done so if the desired event falls within the b ound

starts a paused recording

aries of an already started DMA transfer there is

write Writes at most the amount of data

no alternative but to p erio dically p oll the status of

requested Might return a short

the transfer In this case the resolution whichcan

counteven in blo cking mo de Also

be achieved dep ends on the granularity of the sys

starts a paused playback

tems timer b ecause the p oll is generally done once

select In character mo de will return when

per timer tick Common values for the timer fre

at least one byte can b e exchanged

quency corresp ond to a granularityof to ms

with the device In blo ck mo de

which are acceptable for the coarse synchronization

will return when at least a full blo ck

of streams

of the size sp ecied with AIOSSIZE

can be exchanged with the device

Consider that ms corresp onds at the sp eed of sound

Also start a paused recording

to ab out meters which is comparable to the distance b e

tween players in an orchestra the refresh rate of video devices

is in the to ms range so a synchronized video out

Table Functions supp orted by our audio driver for

put with higher resolution would b e useless moreover non

data transfer and synchronization

realtime op erating systems would make a higher resolution

useless b ecause of the jitter in scheduling pro cesses

We b elieve that memory mapp ed access to the au For reference Table summarizes all the functions

dio buer is not imp ortant in a mo dern system related to synchronization and data transfer sup

where the memory bandwidth is orders of magni p orted by our driver There is not a function to set

tude greater than the required data rate Provided the size of the kernel buer in the device driver we

a suitable synchronization mechanism exists such did not implementitonpurposebecausewedonot

as AIOSYNC the preinitialization of the buer de b elieve it to b e desirable or useful In fact buer

scrib ed ab ove can b e easily implemented in the ap ing within the device driver serves to avoid requir

plication using the conventional readwrite ing applications to communicate with the CODEC

interface also gaining in programming clarity Ad at many small intervals The amount of buering

ditionally for sp ecial applications such as audio con required to avoid loss of data dep ends mainly on

ferencing the sp eed and load of the system and is much b et prelling the buer can be eciently

ter decided by the op erating system rather than done in the driver itself as weinfactdo Finally

by the application Also these buers are used by separate pro cesses or threads can b e used to gener

the DMA engine and reside in nonpageable mem ate background audio in a exible way

ory so it is again up to the OS to decide how many

resources can b e dedicated to this purp ose In many systems access to the audio device is medi

ated through a library whichprovides additional

It follows from the ab ove that applications with sp e functionalities such as mixing multiple streams

cial buering requirements can not rely on kernel playing entire les in the background etc This

resources which mightnotbeavailable to the same approach is certainly advisable although a libraries

degree on all systems and will need to implement can only exp ort and simplify the use of functionali

buering on their own this also gives them greater ties existing in the device driver

control over buers and improves p ortabilityofthe

co de These are the same reasons which suggest Another p opular approach for audio applications

not to include functions to manipulate the content is to mediate access to the audio device through

of the internal buers of the device driver a server pro cess similar to the XWindows

server The very nature of audio p oses some limita

tions to this approach Multiplexing audio output is

not as simple as for video where multiple indep en

Related Work

dent windows can be created Thus mechanisms

are required to move the fo cus of the server from

one application to the other either manually or au

There is unfortunately relatively little published

tomatically The second more imp ortant problem

work on audio device drivers Most work on multi

is related to the realtime nature of audio medi

media devices fo cuses on video acquisition and ren

ating data transfers through an additional pro cess

dering which has more demanding requirements in

and p ossibly through a communication channel can

terms of pro cessing and datamovement overhead

intro duce further unpredictable delays in the com

Most op erating systems implement a primitive in

munication with negative eects on some applica

terface to the audio hardware giving only access to


the basic features of the CODEC and with little

or no supp ort for synchronization

The mapping of kernel buer in the pro cess mem

Video acquisition

ory space has gained some p opularity in recent

times on the grounds that this technique can save

some unnecessary copies of data Having the

buer mapp ed in memory also gives the false sen Video acquisition devices capture data from ana

sation that programs can gain functionality As an log video sources enco ded as PAL NTSC or SE

example the typical use of memory mapp ed buers CAM standard color signals The typical structure

in audio conferencing programs is to preinitialize of these devices is describ ed in Section

the playback buer with signicant data eg white

noise or silence to minimize the eect of missing The analog enco ding standards for video signals are

audio packets For games things can b e arranged so based on the sensitivityofthehuman eye with re

that some background music is placed in the buer sp ect to intensity luminance and color chromi

and played forever without further intervention nance information Human eye receptors nerves

to suit the needs of the applications in both color are called rods and cones The ro ds detect lumi

space representation eg YUV or RGB and data nance or grey scale and are used for p eripheral vi

arrangement eg planer or packed sion The cones detect color details and faraway

ob jects There are less cones than ro ds and the

The YUV representation is oriented on the human cones have signicantly less spatial resolution

p erception of visual information and it is the pre As a consequence analog video standards enco de

ferred format for doing compression or similar pro separately the luminance and chrominance signal

cessing The RGB representation is based on the re and may utilize less bandwidth for chrominance in

pro duction of color information for p eripherals and formation

it is b etter suited for applications likedisplaying on

CRTs The most common formats are RGB and able Luminance ADC Video YUV as describ ed in T


GB stands for Red Green and Blue which are the

Chrominance ADC R

principle signal comp onents of color cameras scan

ners or CRTs


stands for Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black

Decoder Scaler Formatter CMYK

h color comp onentisremoved from

Interface It describ es whic

white to generate a certain color K is dened as

the minimum of CMY The relationship of CMY

to RGB us given as

I/O Bus



Figure Typical Video Acquisition Board


YUV is a color dierence comp onent representation Y

stands for luminance information and is compatible

Video Hardware Description

to a grey or black and white signal U and V are the

color dierence signals U C B Y


and V C R Y The direct and


Analog PAL NTSC or SECAM standard color sig

inverse matrixes for YUV and RGB conversion


nals are deco ded scaled to the desired value sent

through a formatter and written to system memory


via the IO bus interface as shown in Figure The

U  G

deco der contains a luminance pro cessor a chroma


pro cessor and a synchronization and clo ckproces


sor The deco der also extracts timing information

from the video signals The output from the de


co der consists of samples of the luminance Y and

 U G


chrominance UV comp onents of the signal to

gether with timing information The scaler accepts

HSI HSVorHSL stands for Hue Saturation and

the YUV data from the deco der interp olates the

Intensity V for Value or L for Luminance The

samples scales the video downward to the desired

Intensity Luminance or Value is equivalent to the

size and lters the data in b oth the horizontal and

Y value of YUV space The Hue and Saturation

vertical domains It is extremely imp ortant that

describ e the chrominance UV plane in p olar co

this function is done by the hardware b ecause this

ordinates by means of a vector its length S

op eration is exp ensive and scaling the image to the

Saturation and its angle H Hue

desired size b eforehand also reduces the amountof

data to b e transferred to memory

Table Color Representations

Data can b e arranged bypacking samples together

Video Color Space Representation

in a pixelbypixel basis packed format or in

a comp onentbycomp onent basis planer format

The formatter p erforms digital color space conver

The choice dep ends on the typ e of pro cessing that

sion of the YUV data into several output formats

the application requires Packed formats are pre

ferred when doing color space conversion or render

ing and pro cessing is done on all comp onents of

YUV Y is sampled at every pixel U V are

each pixel Planer formats are generally used for

sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each

line This format may either packed or planer

computations that involve only one of the comp o

The packed pixel format has the following order

nents at a time eg DCT in order to improvethe

U Y V Y U Y V Y The planer

pattern of access to memory

format is a widthheight Y plane followed by

widthheight U and V planes

Table describ es the color formats supp orted bythe

YUV Y is sampled at every pixel U V are

video acquisition driver in FreeBSD Other formats

sampled at every second pixel horizontally on each

such as YUV YUV and RGB are

line and every second pixel vertically The format

utilized by some video capture hardware but are

is planer with a widthheight Y plane followed by

not supp orted by our driver Many of these formats

a widthheight U and V planes

and data typ es are describ ed on the FOURCC

YUV Y is sampled at every pixel U V are

home page

sampled at every fourth pixel horizontally and

every fourth pixel vertically The format is

planer with a widthheight Y plane followed by

a widthheight U and V planes

Frames and Fields

RGB There are two formats for RGB data

The most commonly used format is RGB

Analog video is interlaced and captured as two

Each format represents bits p er pixel

elds Each eld is denoted by either the odd

RGB Each comp onent red green or

or even designation NTSC elds are separated

blue are represented by bits giving dier

by th second and PAL elds are separated by

entlevels of each or p ossible colors the

th of a second To capture a full size frame two

most signicantbitis The format is packed

elds b oth even and o dd are interlaced and stored


in memory Thus a NTSC input signal generates

RGB The red comp onent is represented

framessecond and a PAL input signal generates

by bits the green by and the blue is


represented by bits The format is packed

as follows RRRRRGGG GGGBBBBB this

The time dierential b etween even and o dd elds in

format is not supp orted by the driver but in

a frame may create some undesirable eects in the

cluded here for completeness

stored video image These interlaced elds cause

RGB Each comp onent red green or blue are

high frequency comp onents to b e intro duced when

represented by bits giving dierent levels of

compression algorithms are used There are several

each or million colors The format is packed

metho ds of eliminating these undesired eects one

as follows xxxxxxxx RRRRRRRR GGGGGGGG

simple metho d which is commonly used is to only


capture and enco de the even or odd elds in a


Table Common Digital Video Formats

Applications Interface to the Video


Application programs may request one of three

Format Full CIF QCIF

video capture metho ds single frame capture

NTSC x x x

asynchronous continuous capture or synchronous

PAL x x x

pip elined capture which captures into a circular

buer with low and high water marks Along with

Table Standard Square Pixel Video Sizes

the typ e of capture the application program must

sp ecify the size of the image to capture and what

format see Table to store the captured data Ta ble describ es the standard video sizes

of active frames falls b elowthe low water mark Video Capture Mo des

It is the applications resp onsibility to clear the

active bitmap and decrementthenumber of ac

The FreeBSD video acquisition driver provides three

tive frames count

mo des of capture op eration the conventional Unix

read interface memory mapp ed single capture

Frame size Rows  Columns  Depth

or asynchronous continuous capture and memory

Number of frames Numb er of frames in the buer

mapp ed synchronous multiframe ring buer cap

Low water mark Capture stops when the number


of active frames is than this


High water mark Capture starts when number of

Conventional Unix read interface This

active frames is this number

metho d of capture may b e used with little pro

Active bitmap Bitmaskofactive frames kernel

gramming cost and is used for capturing a sin

sets application clears

gle frame of data In this mo de the applica

Number of active Countofactive frames kernel in

tion op ens the device sets the capture mo de

frames crements application decrements

and size and uses the read system call to


load the data into an application dened buer

Frame N

The hardware copies video data into a system

memory lo cation When a full frame is avail

Table Memory Map of Synchronous Capture Mo de

able the system copies this data from system

memory into the user data buer and returns

control to the application program

The memory mapp ed interface to video data was

motivated by the overhead of copying the video data

Memory mapp ed single capture or asyn

from system space to Dep ending on the

chronous continuous capture In this

size and format of the requested data there maybe

mo de the application op ens the device sets

asubstantial savings of b oth CPU time and mem

the capture mo de and size memory maps the

ory bandwidth by avoiding this copy and directly

frame buer into the user pro cess space and is

accessing the data More detail on this sub ject is

sues either the singlecapture or the continuous

discussed in the p erformance section

capture ioctl to load the data into the mem

ory mapp ed buer The hardware copies video

Multiple frame buers are useful so that the applica

data into a system memory lo cation In single

tion program can utilize the current frame while the

capture mo de the ioctl call returns once

system is capturing the next frame On slower ma

the data capture is complete In continuous

chines several frames may b e captured while the ap

capture mo de the ioctl call returns imme

plication is pro cessing a previously acquired frame

diately and the memory buer is up dated con

By utilizing multiple frame buers the application

tinuously until the application requests video

can elect to skip intermediate frames and pro cess

capture b e discontinued

the most recently acquired frame while maintaining

synchronization with the video stream

Memory mapp ed synchronous multiframe

ring buer capture The application op ens

the device sets the geometry memory maps the

Video Synchronization

common control structure and the data denes

the frame size numb er of frames high and low

water marks and starts synchronous continuous

There are several synchronization to ols that the

capture mo de

video device driver supplies to application pro

Table describ es the memory mo del used by


the video capture driver to synchronize the ker

nel with the application program The kernel

Signals The driver will send a signal to the ap synchronizes by incrementing the countofthe

each time a frame is com plication program number of active frames and marking the frame

plete This is useful for asynchronous notica as active in the active bitmap If the number of

tion of frame completion in continuous mo de active frames exceeds the high water markthe

or frame available in synchronous mo de driver ceases to capture data until the number

TV viewer may consume the entire memory band Timestamps The driver will app end a time

width Other applications that require compression stamp to each frame The timestamp is the

and decompression of the video data will takead time the capture of the frame was completed

ditional memory bandwidth and CPU p ower Time is expressed in seconds and microseconds

since midnight hour January This

Because of the bandwidth required for full size full is useful for combining video streams with time

motion video MBytessecond limited mem stamp ed audio streams

ory bandwidths and available CPU p ower it is dif

Common Bitmap In synchronous capture mo de

cult to achieve full motion compression of video in

when a frame is captured the frame number is

realtime without hardware supp ort

marked as activein a bitmap It is up to the

application to clear the bit This is useful for

determining the most recent frame as well as

howmany frames have b een captured since the

Availability and Implementation

last comparison of the bitmap


Video Performance Issues

The audio driver presented in this pap er is now a

standard comp onentoftheFreeBSD op erating sys

tem and it is in widespread use with most legacy

The video capture driver is able to capture frames

applications already working with it either unmo di

into system memory at full NTSC or PAL sp eeds

ed or with minor mo dications to the audio mo d

provided the IO bus can sustain the data rates re

ule Because the new driver has better supp ort

quired for full sp eed capture These rates are shown

for full duplex op eration than the previously ex

in Table With the intro duction of the Intel Tri

isting Voxware driver audio conferencing to ols like

ton chip set TX full sp eed full frame video

vat and rat can now b e used on a wide

acquisition was p ossible on the PC

range of hardware Compared to the previously ex

isting driver the new one has a much simpler con

guration b ecause a single device pcm entry

Analog Sp eed Size Rate RGB

in the kernel conguration le brings in supp ort for

Format fs pixf MBytessec

anumb er of dierent cards The task of identifying


the correct card typ e and doing sp ecic resource


conguration is now left to the driver rather than

to the user at system conguration time

Table Data Rates for Video Acquisition

Newer and beta releases of the driver to supp ort

more cards and x bugs are available from the au

One p ossible application for the video acquisition

thors home page At the time of this writing

device would be to have the acquisition hardware

all of the supp orted cards use the services of the ISA

place the digitized video data into memory and then

DMA controller to supp ort DMA op erations As a

copy this data to the video display device eg aTV

consequence most of the functionalities describ ed in

viewer This application would not have to com

this pap er could b e supp orted by using some simple

press the data but would have to move the data

co de to fetch the transfer status from the ISA DMA

from memory to the frame buer on the video dis

controller In order to obtain the asynchronous no

play device

tications needed to wake up sleeping pro cesses two

approaches have b een followed If the audio device

Memory bandwidth on a common PC can range

supp orts interrupting a DMA op eration on the y

from MBs to MBs More recent PC

then the device is reprogrammed to generate an in

interface chipsets have memory bandwidths on the

terrupt when the desired event o ccurs When this

order of MBs On some machines just

periodic handler is scheduled to is not p ossible a

the simple movement of the video data such as a

pro cess the event within one timer tick from its o c

At the time of writing of this pap er a newly intro duced

currence The overhead for the p erio dic handler is

Intel chip set BX has b een rep orted to have a memory

bandwidth of MBs and CPUs are running at Mhz and display video streams on a single PC without hardware

Even at these rates it will be dicult to enco de deco de assistance

 only sp ecify the external interface of the de very small and the resolution is ms with the de

vice driver do not rely or make assumptions fault timer frequency Hz

ab out the internal structure of the driver or of

the hardware Do not exp ort information which The video acquisition driver is part of the standard

could lead to nonp ortable co de to b e written distributions of FreeBSD Separate device

entries are required for the two most p opular PCI

 keep the numb er of functions small

based frame grabb ers the Matrox meteor which

basedonthe Philips chipsets and the bktr which

 avoid duplication of functionalities in the inter

based on the Bro oktree chipsets

face so that there is no doubt on what is the

preferred metho d to achieve a given result

Many applications can utilize the digitized video

provided by the video acquisition driver in FreeBSD

We believe we have achieved the ab ove goals be

The motivation for writing the driver was to work

cause our interfaces are small p owerful and simple

with network streaming video conferencing pro

to use and resulted in a very compact implementa

grams such as nv and vic Both of these


programs use the video acquisition driver in contin

uous capture mo de and incorp orate software com

Hardware compression and decompression solutions

pression algorithms Because of the p erformance of

will have to b e implemented in order to allowreal

PC memory architecture see section and the

time storage and retrieval of video data Cur

amount of data see Table full frame full rate

rently there are to o many compression algorithms

data compression is dicult to achieve on a current

and standards and to o few lowcost b oards that im


plement the ma jor standards One hardware

solution which lo oks promising is the MPACT

Fxtv is a recent application that uses the video


acquisition device to write digitized video data di

rectly to the linear frame buer of the video display

The video interface functions well and has b een

device Both the meteor and the bktr drivers sup

extended to work with the Bro oktree

p ort direct PCI to PCI bus transfers Because this

video capture chip however an extensible generic

application do esnt require realtime compression

multimedia kernel level interface with integrated

and it utilizes the PCI to PCI transfer capabilities

and synchronized audio video compression and

it can maintain full sp eed full motion video on the

decompression will be required for advanced ap

display device without aecting available memory

plications Some thought has b een given to

bandwidth or pro cessor p ower

this interface and it still under discussion on the

iaorg mailing list freebsdmultimed

The video driver interface do es not currently imple

ment the select system call For consistency and

synchronization purp oses this call should b e added

to the video driver


This work has been partly supp orted by the Min


istero dell Universita e della Ricerca Scientica

e Tecnologica MURST in the framework of the

Pro ject Design Metho dologies and To ols of High

Wehave describ ed software interfaces for audio and

Performance Systems for Distributed Applications

video acquisition devices to improve supp ort for

It has also b een partially supp orted by the Electri

multimedia applications In dening these inter

cal Engineering and Computer Science Department

faces wehave tried to pursue the following goals

at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee

 lo ok at the requirements of applications rather

The authors wish to thank Mark Tinguely co

than trying to extend an existing software in

author of the meteor device driver and Amancio


Hasty who wrote the Bt device driver and has

provided invaluable supp ort to manyof the multi

The meteor driver has also been p orted to the

op erating system media drivers and applications There are many

Steve McCanne and Van Jacobson vic A users on the freebsdmultimediafreebsdorg

exible framework for packet video in Pro c mailing list who have also provided invaluable sup

of ACM Multimedia Nov port

Larry McVoy and Carl Staelin lmb ench

Portable to ols for p erformance analysis

Usenix pro ceedings January


John D McCalpin Memory bandwidth and

machine balance in current high p erformance

The FreeBSD op erating system home page

computers IEEE Technical Conference on


Computer Architecture newsletter December

P Bahl The J Family of Video and Au

dio Adapters Software Architecture Digital

VJacobson SMcCanne The

Technical Journal vo n pp

LBL audio to ol vat Manual page


The Op en Sound System OSS Web page


VHardman MASasse MHandley

AWatson Reliable audio for use over

Microsoft Corp Do cumentation on

the Internet INET conference

the DirectSound SDK available at


VHardman IKouvelas MASasse

AWatson A packet loss Robust Audio

TM Levergood AC Payne et al Au

Tool for use over the Mb one Research

dioFile NetworkTransparent System for Dis

Note RN Dept of Computer Science

tributed Audio Applications USENIX Sum

University College London

mer Conference June

Luigi Rizzos FreeBSD home page

Renda The Network Audio J Fulton G


System th Annual X Technical Conference


in The X Resource Issue Nine January

Randall Hopp ers FreeBSD

X TV home page

Flight Training Handb o ok US Depart


mentofTransp ortation Federal Aviation Ad

LA Rowe Video Compression for Desk

ministration pp AC A

top Applications Informationstechnik und

Color space digital co ding and sampling

Technische Informatik VolNopp

schemes for video signals Desktop Video


Data Handb o ok Philips Semiconductors

The MPACT home page Chromatic Re

Data Handb o ok IC pp

search httpwwwmpactcom

CCIR Consultative Committee on Interna

tional Radio Recommendation En

co ding Parameters of Digital Television for


The FOURCC Four Character Co de home

page httpwwwwebartzcomfourcc

Bt SingleChip Video Capture for PCI

Data Sheet Bro oktree Corp oration August

k Exp eriences with realtime Ron Frederic

software video compression in Sixth Interna

tional Workshop on Packet Video July