On the morning of Saturday, the 14th/27th of February 2016, Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem left Jerusalem for the town of Sdeide in the Accra-Ptolemais region of Northern Israel, home to an Arabic-speaking Rum-Orthodox Community numbering approximately 700 members.

The Community’s worship centre is a Church dedicated to St Patrick the Hieromartyr and of Proussa.

His Beatitude was welcomed by priests from the town’s adjacent parishes and went on to bless the faithful and begin the Katabasias hymns, leading the Matins and divine Liturgy. Co- officiating were Metropolitan Kyriakos of Nazareth, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Metropolitan Joachim of Zambia, Chrysostomoss, hegumen in Fhes, Jordan, and Hierodeacons Markos and Anastasios. Archimandrite Philotheos sang with his choir for a pious congregation from Sdeide’s Arabic Orthodox residents.

To the faithful, Patriarch Theophilos preached the Word of God in Greek, saying that the Holy Church is indeed the Body of the living God, a pillar and establishment of truth, whilst we, baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity, are members of its Body, of the Body of Christ. “Our Holy Church”, added the Patriarch, “being the arc of salvation, calls upon us today through the Apostle Paul, who says: “[pursue] righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses [1st Timothy 6, 11-12]”. In Arabic, the Patriarch’s speech may be reached here: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/ar/2016/02/27/19352

Addressing the Very Reverend f. Elias, the honorable President of the Community and the members of the town of Sdeide, Patriarch Theophilos extended thanks for the invitation to inaugurate the town’s new halls and expressed joy over the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of Orthodox Christians with fellow residents of other religions.

Finally, the Patriarch expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and closed with words of the Apostle Paul: “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance” [2nd Thessalonians, 3, 5].

In Arabic, see link: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/ar/2016/02/27/19354

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/ku6AfiW55wM httpv://youtu.be/l_l1nvDIFHE httpv://youtu.be/4Ur8O5oFdps


On Tuesday, the 10th/23rd of February 2016, the Patriarchate observed the memory of St Charalambos the Hieromartyr at the dedicated to his name, to the north-east of the Church of the Resurrection.

St Charalambos was a priest in Magnesia, Thessalia, who suffered a martyr’s death during the reign of Licinius, circa 180 AD.

Vespers and the divine Liturgy were led by Archbishop Methodios of Tabor, having Hagiotaphite Hieromonks as concelebrants, e.g. Ieronymos, Ignatios, Makarios; f. Issa Touma, vicar at St James Cathedral, priests visiting from Russia, and deacon Anastasios. Elder Mariam Skorda and Archimandrites Eusebius and Alexios sang during Vespers; during the divine Liturgy, Archimandrite Eusebius sang for a pious congregation of monks, , Greek Orthodox members of the Greek parish, Arabic-speaking faithful and pilgrims from Greece, Russia and Romania.

During the divine Liturgy, Patriarch Theophilos arrived at the church to venerate.

The Patriarchal and Prelatic Entourage and the congregation were hosted to a reception by the hegumen, Archimandrite Kallistos.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/jUJQh7MTYWw httpv://youtu.be/x3OHPW7hsa8 httpv://youtu.be/DAMsSQs2HV0


In the context of a modest ceremony at the Patriarchate, on the morning of Tuesday, the 10th/23rd of February 2016, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, bestowed the Medal of Supreme Taxiarch of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher to Metropolitan Kyrill of Yekaterinburg of the Patriarchate of Russia. Pious pilgrim, Mr Boris Sokol, was awarded the Crusader Medal.

This honorary distinction was conferred upon Metropolitan Kyrill and Mr Sokol for their devout disposition and active participation in and contribution to the Holy Aedicula conservation and protection project, currently in progress.

Both men thanked His Beatitude and pledged to carry on their noble efforts in the benefit of the Holy Sepulchre.

On the conclusion of the ceremony, the Youth Choir of the Bishopric of Yekaterinburg sang the Patriarch’s and St Nektarios’ poem to Theotokos in Russian and Greek.


On Saturday, the 7th/20th of February 2016, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, visited the town of Abu Snan in the Accra-Ptolemais region of Northern Israel, home to an Arabic-speaking Rum Orthodox community of approximately 2500 members centered around a church dedicated to St George the Great Martyr.

Abu Snan is one of the twelve Communities that lie within the jurisdiction of the Accra-Ptolemais Bishopric, namely: Kafr Yasif, Kafr Smea, Sfa Amer, Jdeideh, Ambelin, Rame, Maker, Tarshiha, Sakhnin and Pkea.

After being officially welcomed to the town, His Beatitude went on to hold the divine Liturgy, with Metropolitan Kyriakos of Nazareth, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Hagiotaphite Hieromonks, Arabic-speaking Presbyters from the Accra-Ptolemais communities, deacons Markos and Anastasios co- officiating. Archimandrite Philotheos, hegumen in Accra- Ptolemais, sang in Arabic and Greek for the Orthodox congregation, in the presence of Professor Antonia Moropoulou of the NTUA.

To the pious congregation, Patriarch Theophilos preached the Word of God.

After Communion, His Beatitude offered an icon of St John the Chosebite for the restored church, as well as a fine candle holder, before distributing the antidoron and blessing icons to the faithful.

On the conclusion of the feast, a reception followed at an events hall adjacent to the church, where Patriarch Theophilos addressed attendants in Arabic, see link: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/ar/2016/02/20/19214

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/RCxSpahdEXw httpv://youtu.be/HPvMbOzMe4A httpv://youtu.be/x8je4NKc32M


On Friday the 8th/19th of February 2016, professor Antonia Moropoulou of the National Technical University of Athens presented the study on the conservation of the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre that was built by the Orthodox Romans in 1810. The study was conducted under the scientific responsibility of professor Moropoulou and an interdisciplinary team made of Messrs. Korres, Georgopoulos and Spyrakos.

The study was presented to Patriarch Theophilos in the presence of Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis, other Hagiotaphite Fathers, the Franciscan Custodian in the Holy Land, father Pierre Batista Pizzaballa and f. Sergios, and to the representatives of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem, Metropolitan Sevan, Hieromonk Asbet Valian and Hieromonk Samuel.

During the presentation, Ms Moropoulou explained that the problems facing the Aedicula call for technical interventions by means of compatible and sustainable materials for the enhancement and restoration of the holy Aedicula in order for it to remain an eternal testament to the Burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a point of reference for Christians across the world.

Ms Moropoulou went on to thank Patriarch Theophilos for assigning this important project to the NTUA. Thanks were also extended to the representatives of the Franciscan Order and the Armenian Patriarchate for harmoniously collaborating with the NTUA for the duration of this innovative research.

Additionally, professor Moropoulou underlined that restoration works must begin at the soonest possible, before the Orthodox Easter, in the context of collaboration between Orthodox, Franciscans and Armenians, whilst respecting the rights of each Community.

The decision-making process, Ms Moropoulou said, must be based on the study conducted by the NTUA, under the supervision of the Interdisciplinary Team that will document and, if need be, readjust the study based on real data and in agreement with the Three Major Religious Communities.

The Heads of the three Major Communities, namely the Orthodox, Franciscans and Armenians, thanked Ms Moropoulou for delivering a thorough report and agreed to sign an agreement for the promotion and execution of this historical project for the praise of Christians and the glory of the Triadic God. From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/yQGQCulxZ2U httpv://youtu.be/2Af5Ju9vgt8 httpv://youtu.be/UZ1bgkyVbUU


On Thursday, the 5th/8th of February 2016, a group of twenty priests from the Anglican Church in Jerusalem, headed by the Anglican Archbishop, the Most Reverend Souheil Dawani, and Dean Husam, visited the Patriarchate.

The Anglican Archbishop and his entourage were received by His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, in the presence of Hagiotaphite Fathers.

The Patriarch welcomed the priests and addressed them in English (to be uploaded soon).

At the meeting, His Beatitude referred to the testament of Christians from the dawn of time to this day in the Holy Land, the birthplace of Christianity. He went on to talk about how the Holy Shrines protect their life and identity, as well as about the role of Hellenism and of the Patriarch as Father and Ethnarch since the year 638 AD, when Patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem signed a Covenant with Umar Khattab. After the exchange of gifts, the Anglican Archbishop and priests proceeded to the Church of the Resurrection in order to make supplication at the Monastery of Abraham.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/2gWNSKBz9yA


On Tuesday, the 3rd/16th of February 2016, the feast of St Simeon the Righteous and Receiver of the Lord was observed at the Monastery dedicated to him in Katamonas, West Jerusalem, where during the 20th century a Greek parish had flourished.

On this day, that follows the feast of the Hypapante, the Church commemorates St Simeon, who, on the 40th day of the Lord’s birth in the flesh, had received Him at the Temple of Solomon, exclaiming “Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, a Light to lighten the Gentiles, the Glory of Your people Israel”.

The feast was observed at the aforementioned Monastery, wherein lies the tomb of the saint and part of his relics, ceded years ago by the Roman Catholic Church of Croatia, on the request of the Patriarchate. Vespers was led by Archimandrite Ananias, and the divine Liturgy by Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem. Co-officiating were Archbishops Aristarchos of Constantina, Methodios of Tabor and Theophylaktos of Jordan; Metropolitan Hilarion of Haisvinsky, visiting from the Church of Georgia; Hagiotaphite Hieromonks as Archimandrite Ananias, hegumen at the Monastery of St George in Beit Jala, Archimandrite Claudius, hegumen at the Monastery of the Holy Cross, Archimandrite Ignatius, hegumen at the Monastery of the Village of the Shepherds, and Archimandrite Dometian of the Russian MISSIA; priests visiting from other Orthodox countries, Archdeacon Evlogios and deacons Agapios and Anastasios. Archimandrite Aristovoulos sang in Greek, Arabic and Russian, aided by Mr Christos Pantelis from Cyprus. A great crowd of pilgrims from Greece, Russia and Romania, as well as the remaining members of the Greek parish and members of the Arabic-speaking flock attended the service.

The Patriarch preached the Word of God in Greek and in Arabic, see link: https://en.jerusalem-patriarchate.info/ar/2016/02/16/19081

After Communion, Patriarch Theophilos blessed the faithful and distributed the antidoron.

On the conclusion of the divine Liturgy, the hegumen of the Monastery, Archimandrite Theodoritos, hosted the Patriarchal Entourage and many among the faithful to a reception at the hegumeneion and in the forecourt of the Monastery.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/Zez1aRbxA6E httpv://youtu.be/9Ur4ZF_xqRc THE FEAST OF THE HYPAPANTE AT THE PATRIARCHATE

On Monday, the 2nd/15th of February 2016, the Patriarchate commemorated the “Hypapante of the Lord at the Temple of Solomon” at the Monastic Church of Sts Constantine and Helen, His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, officiating. The feast was also observed at the Monastery of Panagia Seida Naya, to the northwest of the Church of the Resurrection, in the Christian quarter.

The feast commemorates the presentation of the Lord by the ever-virgin Maria and at the Temple of Solomon, forty days after His birth in the flesh, so that He be consecrated according to the Law of Moses. There, the Lord was welcomed by Simeon the Just, who held Him in his arms and said: “Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your word; For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light of revelation to the gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel”.

Vespers and the divine Liturgy at the aforementioned Monastery were led by Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina. Co- officiating were Archimandrite Ignatios, hegumen at the Village of the Shepherds, Archimandrite Makarios, hegumen at St Nicodemus Monastery, and Archimandrite Paisios, hegumen at the Monastery of the Prophet Elias. Archimandrites Aristovoulos and Eusebius sang in Greek with students of the Patriarchal School, Dr Nikolaos Ninos, and pilgrims from Cyprus. The choir of St James Cathedral sang in Arabic under Mr Rimon Kamar on the left, in the presence of Greek Consulate members, nuns and pilgrims from Greece, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, local Arabic-speaking faithful and members of the Greek parish praying in piety and joy.

During the divine Liturgy, Patriarch Theophilos proceeded to venerate with Hagiotaphite Fathers.

His Eminence Aristarchos preached the Word of God to the pious congregation in Greek and Arabic (see video).

After the holy metalepsis, the distribution of the antidoron and supplication at the hegumeneion, Primates and the congregation were hosted to a reception by Abbess Seraphima.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/AVFRnvdrvFI httpv://youtu.be/LmkSQxP2Q74 httpv://youtu.be/8gRgytL8opU


On Friday, the 30th of January/12th of February 2016, the Patriarchate celebrated the school feast of the three Hierarchs at the Patriarchal Hieratical School of the Holy Sion.

In memory of these three great Fathers of the Church, protectors of Education, “the three most great luminaries of the three-sun divinity” and ecumenical teachers, Vespers and the divine Liturgy were led by the Elder Sacristan and Chairman of the School Board, Archbishop Isidoros of Hierapolis. Hagiotaphite Archimandrites Makarios and Kallistos and Hierodeacon Anastasios co-officiated as students from the School sang in the presence of teachers, nuns, members of the Greek parish and pious pilgrims from Greece, Russia and Romania.

The panegyric of the day, on the contribution of the three Hierarchs to Greek education, spoke Mr Nikolaos Souliotis, acting Principal, delegated by the Hellenic Ministry of Education. On the conclusion of mass, Mr Souliotis hosted Primates and the congregation to a reception at the School’s Hall of Events.

From the Secretariat-General httpv://youtu.be/3QQpFyEAX7Y httpv://youtu.be/ZbGVZ17mXZQ


On the afternoon of Thursday the 29th of January/11th of February 2016, H.B. Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, accompanied by the Elder Secretary-General, Archbishop Aristarchos of Constantina, the Most Reverend Joachim, Metropolitan of Zambia, Archimandrite Ieronymos, hegumen in Fhes, fr. Issa Mousleh, the Patriarchate’s liaison with Arabic-speaking media, and Archdeacon Evlogios, left for Jordan.

Crossing the bridge of the river Jordan, His Beatitude arrived at the Patriarchate’s Bishopric in Amman, where He was warmly welcomed by the Most Reverend Benedict, Metropolitan of Philadelphia.

On the next day, the 30th of January/12th of February 2016, Patriarch Theophilos left for the Holy Monastery of the Life- giving Spring in Dibin, located at an hour’s distance from Amman.

There, He was warmly welcomed in the forecourt by Archimandrite Christophoros, priests in sacerdotal vestments, nuns and a crowd of faithful, who accompanied the Patriarch to the entrance of the church that is decorated in the Byzantine style.

The Patriarch went on to begin with the Katabasia hymns of the Hypapante, and led Matins and the divine Liturgy. Co- officiating were Archbishops Aristarchos of Constantina and Philoumen of Pella, Metropolitan Joachim of Zambia, Archimandrites Ieronymos, Christophoros and Athanasios, Arabic-speaking presbyters and the flock in Jordan, fr. Issa Mousleh, Archdeacon Evlogios and deacon Psara-Evangelos. The head cantor of the Metropolitan Church in Amman, Mr Fadi Far, sang in the Byzantine style in both Arabic and Greek, as several young people participated silently and in piety.

During Communion, the Patriarch preached the Word of God before offering the faithful the Holy Communion.

Before the apolysis, Patriarch Theophilos read the prayer for the inauguration of nun Irinea as Abbess, bestowing upon her the Abbess’ cross and an icon of Theotokos.

Similarly, His Beatitude inaugurated Archimandrite Christophoros as the Monastery’s spiritual father, offering him an icon of Christ as the True Vine.

In his reply speech, Archimandrite Christophoros said that the day was one of joy and bliss for the Monastery, as under the spiritual guidance of Abbess Irinea, the Monastery would remain a spiritual oasis in these difficult times we live in.

“This Monastery”, said Archimandrite Christophoros, “we dedicate to the Mother of Churches, my humble self and humble nuns, and we offer this icon that was painted at the Monastery of the Life-giving Spring in Dibin, for this day”. The icon depicted Hieromartyr Philoumenos, hegumen at Jacob’s Well, and St John the Chosebite, both canonized by the Mother of Churches.

Upon the crowd’s exclamation “Worthy she is…” for Abbess Irinea, the Patriarch distributed icons of St Philoumen and St John the new Chosebite.

After lunch, priests met with His Beatitude to discuss issues pertaining to their respective parishes.

From the Secretariat-General