Jo Brand heads up Women on Women charity art auction

In what can be a male dominated art world, The Eve Appeal is hosting an art auction celebrating the incredible talent of leading and emerging female artists from around the world while raising money to fund research into fighting women’s cancers.

The auction will take place online from 1st until 14th November 2014 with art auctioneers Paddle8. To bid, go to The event is headed by comedian and writer Jo brand, and Iwona Blazwick (Whitechapel Gallery) who have helped to secure art donations from over 50 artists from across the world. Says Jo “The Eve Appeal is a charity very close to my heart after my dear friend, the brilliant comedian Linda Smith died of Ovarian Cancer. We hope that people will bid big bucks online to support our amazing female artists and raise funds to fight women’s cancers at the same time.”

In addition the event is supported by celebrity ambassadors, Nigel Havers, Kathleen Turner, Paul O'Grady, Claudia Winkleman, Sue Perkins and Maureen Lipman who have all been photographed holding donated works of art. Alongside prints from established female artists such as Gillian Ayres CBE and Eileen Cooper RA (The first female keeper of the Royal Academy of Art), there are works by exciting emerging artists Virgile Ittah and Jelena Bulajic whose work has been bought by for an exhibition in 2015/6 entitled ‘A woman’s hand’. Other works in the auction include: A rare 1992 photograph of in Paris by world renowned photographer Pamela Hanson Photograph of Lilly Allen on Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles by London photographer Amelia Troubridge An iconic 1960’s photograph of Cilla Black by Critically acclaimed Observer photographer Jane Bown Stella Vine’s painting of Nigella Lawson with the words ‘ Now how can I say this politely, don’t EVER underestimate me’ A drawing by the late feminist artist Alexis Hunter. The work she created for The Eve Appeal was the last work she created before her untimely death in February 2014 Anyone who would like to bid for one of these unique works of art should visit or follow the dedicated twitteraccount @WomenOnWomenArt. For further information on pieces available contact The Art Event Manager, Dominic Hourd at [email protected] Says Hourd “We are so grateful to the fantastic artists who have donated works from as far afield as Lebanon, S. Africa and USA. Their talent will be funding research that will make a difference to the 20,000 women who have to face a diagnosis of women’s cancer every year in the UK.” “Female artists have always been working away, but the acceptance and celebration of their work has been slow in coming. I believe the tide is turning as the world finally appreciates and celebrates the work female artists create.” Interviews are possible with Dominic Hourd, Art Event Manager and some of the artists participating. - ends - Further information: Liz Engel, Press Office, The Eve Appeal Tel: 020 7605 0100 / 07812 150832 [email protected]

Dominic Hourd, Art Event Manager, The Eve Appeal

LOGO Tel: 020 7605 0100 [email protected] Notes to Editors Just 8% of public art in central London was created by women 83% of the artists in are men, along with 70% of those in the Over 50 female artists have kindly donated works to this event from UK, USA, Lebanon, Israel, UAE, Germany, Switzerland and South Africa Images are available of works of art Interviews available: Dominic Hourd, Art Event Manager at The Eve Appeal or one of the participating artists.– Please contact Liz Engel, Press Office to arrange an interview - 07812 150832 or 020 7605 0100 Jo Brand photography to be credited to Julia Schoenstaedt About The Eve Appeal The Eve Appeal was publicly launched in 2005 to help save women’s lives by funding research into gynaecological cancers and raising awareness of the diseases. To date The Eve Appeal has donated over £5 million to research but there is still much to do. Much of the research work now under way will not be completed for some years and continued funding is essential if its early promise is to be fulfilled. For the future The Eve Appeal continues to work towards its vision of a world where fewer women develop and significantly more women survive gynaecological cancers. Liz Engel, Press Office The Eve Appeal Tel: 07812 150832 / 020 7605 0100 [email protected] The Eve Appeal was set up to fund groundbreaking research into all gynaecological cancers at the Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre, UCL. Our vision is a world where more women survive and fewer women are diagnosed with gynaecological cancers.