Why Binoculars?

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Why Binoculars? Patrick Moore’s Practical Astronomy Series Other Titles in This Series Telescopes and Techniques (2nd Edn.) Observing the Planets Chris Kitchin Peter T. Wlasuk The Art and Science of CCD Astronomy Light Pollution David Ratledge (Ed.) Bob Mizon The Observer’s Year Using the Meade ETX Patrick Moore Mike Weasner Seeing Stars Practical Amateur Spectroscopy Chris Kitchin and Robert W. Forrest Stephen F. Tonkin (Ed.) Photo-guide to the Constellations More Small Astronomical Observatories Chris Kitchin Patrick Moore (Ed.) The Sun in Eclipse Observer’s Guide to Stellar Evolution Michael Maunder and Patrick Moore Mike Inglis Software and Data for Practical How to Observe the Sun Safely Astronomers Lee Macdonald David Ratledge The Practical Astronomer’s Deep-Sky Amateur Telescope Making Companion Stephen F. Tonkin (Ed.) Jess K. Gilmour Observing Meteors, Comets, Supernovae Observing Comets and other Transient Phenomena Nick James and Gerald North Neil Bone Observing Variable Stars Astronomical Equipment for Amateurs Gerry A. Good Martin Mobberley Visual Astronomy in the Suburbs Transit: When Planets Cross the Sun Antony Cooke Michael Maunder and Patrick Moore Astronomy of the Milky Way: The Practical Astrophotography Observer’s Guide to the Northern and Jeffrey R. Charles Southern Milky Way (2 volumes) Observing the Moon Mike Inglis Peter T. Wlasuk The NexStar User Guide Deep-Sky Observing Michael W. Swanson Steven R. Coe Observing Binary and Double Stars AstroFAQs Bob Argyle (Ed.) Stephen F. Tonkin Navigating the Night Sky The Deep-Sky Observer’s Year Guilherme de Almeida Grant Privett and Paul Parsons The New Amateur Astronomer Field Guide to the Deep Sky Objects Martin Mobberley Mike Inglis Care of Astronomical Telescopes and Choosing and Using a Schmidt-Cassegrain Accessories Telescope M. Barlow Pepin Rod Mollise Astronomy with a Home Computer Astronomy with Small Telescopes Neale Monks Stephen F. Tonkin (Ed.) Visual Astronomy Under Dark Skies Solar Observing Techniques Antony Cooke Chris Kitchin Lunar and Planetary Webcam User’s Guide How to Photograph the Moon and Planes Martin Mobberley with Your Digital Camera The Urban Astronomer’s Guide Tony Buick Rod Mollise Pattern Asterisms: A New Way to Chart the Digital Astrophotography Stars David Ratledge John Chiravalle Binocular Astronomy Stephen Tonkin Stephen Tonkin Crabapple, Tamley Lane Hastingleigh Kent TN25 5HW UK binoc-astro@astunit.com Cover illustration: Sky Chart: Guide v8 from Project Pluto; Photograph: Author Library of Congress Control Number: 2006922570 ISBN-10: 1-84628-308-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-84628-308-6 Printed on acid-free paper. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as per- mitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the pub- lishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the infor- mation contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. 987654321 Springer Science+Business Media springer.com This book is for my grandchildren, Shyann and Kia. May you both always find your star. Acknowledgments The author’s name is on the spine, but no book would exist without the inspira- tion and support, some of it unknowing, from a host of other people. This book was gradually inspired over several years by a number of people. In addition to the numerous people with whom I have discussed binocular astron- omy over the decades at astronomical meetings, star parties, and on various Inter- net forums, those who deserve to be named are, in no particular order: Rob Hatch, who owned the first big binoculars through which I looked; Mike Wheatley, who showed me that 15×70s can be hand-holdable; Dave Strange, whose binocular chair (which looked—and felt—like some peculiar species of medieval torture instru- ment) got me thinking about the ergonomics of mounting systems; Bob Mizon, whose monthly Sky Notes at Wessex Astronomical Society meetings invariably exhorted people to use binoculars; Larry Patriarca of Universal Astronomics, whose superb binocular mounts make observing with binoculars a sheer pleasure; Bill Cook, who has talked opto-mechanical common sense to me for several years on the Internet; Ed Zarenski, whose work inspired me to think more carefully about rigorously testing and evaluating binoculars; and Peter Drew, whose various ingenious binocular creations at the Astronomy Centre in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, UK, are sufficient to convert the most hardened one-eyed observer. I am grateful to the following for permitting me to use their photographs: Florian Boyd, John Burns, Canon Inc., Chris Floyd (of Starchair Engineering Pty Ltd), Jim Burr (of Jim’s Mobile Inc.), Gordon Nason, Craig Simmons, and Rob Teeter (of Teeter’s Telescopes). On the subject of photographs, thanks also go to my son, Tim Tonkin, for whom the consequence of a childhood of holding binoc- ulars properly was to model the holds for the relevant photographs. vii viii Acknowledgments Among those at Springer whom I must thank are John Watson for his continu- ing support, Jean Lovell-Butt for her seemingly unflappable patience and always being quick to assist with any query, Harry Blom for his knack of putting people at ease, Michael Koy for guiding me through the production phase and answering lots of what must have seemed naïve questions, and copy-editor Mary Bearden, who converted my sometimes convoluted British English into a more readable American version of the same language, and who picked up numerous silly gram- matical and typographical errors in the text; any that remain are my responsibil- ity. Finally, there is my wife, Louise Tonkin, whose support ranges from gentle encouragement to a tolerance of the socially inconvenient times that I choose to spend writing, and which is punctuated by regular cups of strong espresso! Stephen Tonkin Hastingleigh, Kent, UK April 2006 Contents Introduction . xiii 1 Why Binoculars? . 1 Portability . 2 Ease of Setup . 2 The Binocular Advantage . 2 The 5-mm Exit Pupil . 3 Small Focal Ratio and Aberrations . 4 Conclusion . 5 2 Binocular Optics and Mechanics . 7 Objective Lens Assemblies . 7 Eyepieces . 9 Prisms . 9 Coatings . 19 Aberrations . 24 Aperture Stops and Vignetting . 28 Focusing Mechanisms . 29 Collimation . 33 3 Choosing Binoculars . 35 Binocular Specifications . 35 Field of View . 37 ix x Binocular Astronomy Eye Relief . 39 Hand-held Binoculars . 39 Mounted Binoculars . 41 Binocular Telescopes . 43 Binoviewers . 45 Zoom Binoculars . 46 4 Evaluating Binoculars . 49 Preliminary Tests . 50 Field Tests . 57 5 Care and Maintenance of Binoculars . 59 Rain Guards . 59 Storage . 60 Dessicants . 61 Grit . 61 Cleaning . 62 Dismantling Binoculars . 64 Collimation . 69 6 Holding and Mounting Binoculars . 73 Hand-held Binoculars . 73 Mounting Brackets . 77 Monopods . 80 Photo Tripods . 81 Fork Mounts . 83 Mirror Mounts . 84 Parallelogram Mounts . 85 Observing Chairs . 87 7 Observing Accessories . 93 Finders . 93 Filters . 96 Dew Prevention and Removal . 97 Compass . 99 Charts and Charting Software . 99 Torches (Flashlights) . 100 Storage and Transport Container . 101 Software Sources . 102 8 Observing Techniques . 103 Personal Comfort . ..
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