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Fall 1999 re: Columbia Columbia College Chicago

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Alumni at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Newsletters by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Columbia Awarded $4.9 Million to Bring Arts to the Classroom and Communities

Over the last several years Colum­ with four community organizations Simpson, director of OCAP. "Our has been doing with inner city bia College has developed a strong to produce artistic and educational goal is to incorporate as many of Chicago Public Schools for the past national reputation as a force for programs in the visual, performing our academic and administrative ten years," said Science Institute ensuring arts education in public and media arts. In addition, OCAP departments as possible into these head Dr. Zafra Lerman. schools and for establishing and received $50,000 from both the umbrella programs in an effort to "The receipt of tl1ese grants nurturing meaningful partnerships J oyce Foundation and the Nathan make Columbia a true part of our acknowledges our national leader­ with the community at large. T his Cummings Foundation to support metropolitan community." ship in linking arts faculty to reputation is the result of inventive this effort. These programs are community development work," efforts spearheaded by the Office of expected to involve approximately said White. "We are gratified to be Community Arts Partnerships 20,000 Chicago youth. recognized for this success." (OCAP), a recent initiative of the A second Lila Wallace grant of college, which has just received a $700,000 provides for the creation big boost in the form of three of the Institute for Community grants totaling $3.9 million. In Arts Partnership (I CAP) which will addition, Columbia's Science Insti­ be based at Columbia and headed tute, in partnership with Robeson by Dr. Woodie T. White, Vice Pres­ High School, has earned a $1 mil­ ident of College Relations and lion grant from the Chicago Public Development. ICAP is designed to Schools Math/Science!Technology bolster the arts outreach of Colum­ Academy. bia and five other participating Two grants totaling $1.3 million colleges and universities though Ju lie Simpson, Director, Office of Community Re: Columbia Arts Partnerships No. 25/Faii-Winter 1999 were awarded to Columbia by the conferences and publications. Lila Wallace-Readers Digest Fund. OCAP also received a five year In recognition of Columbia's Biannual publication sent free The first grant for $600,000 was award of $3 .2 million from the commitment to the community, the of-charge to alumni and friends Dr. Zafra Lerman, head of Columbia's awarded to OCAP to guide the United States Department of Edu­ college was selected as the only arts Institute for Science Education of Columbia College Chicago efforts of a number of college cation in support of a program and corrununications school to par­ departments, which are collaborating aimed at helping disadvantaged ticipate in the Chic.:'lgo Public youth prepare for college. The pro­ School's Math/ Science!Technology gram, Gaining Early Awareness Academy program. Columbia, COL~ A and Readiness for Undergraduate along with seven other colleges and Programs (GEAR UP), is a project universities will receive $1 million serving students in grades six over five years. The college has through 12 at two schools in Chica­ been partnered with Robeson High go over a six year period. School. This year 25 freshman stu­ Included among project GEAR dents at Robeson will attend the UP's services are a curriculum Robeson Math/Science!Teclmology development initiative, after-school Academy, a "school within a programs, fmancial-aid assistance, school," taught by Columbia's parental involvement act-ivities and Science Institute faculty and by college tours. Robeson's own teachers who are "The grants will help us to trained by the Institute. construct school-and community­ "T.his program is another step Dr. Woodie T. White, Vice-President, Col­ based programs," said julie in the ongoing work the Institute lege Relations and Development

Alumni Network You Spoke, We Listened ... Partners: (as of press time) Introducing Columbia's Blues Heaven Foundation Brudno Art Supply Chicago Architecture Foundation Alumni Network Chicago Historical Society Cltlbank Dear Alums, Membership in Columbia's You don't have to have graduated Columbia College Chicago Alumni Relations has been Alumni Network begins with from Columbia to join. But if you're DuSable Museum of African- busy talking with and listening to access to Columbia's library and not a member of Columbia's American History state-of-the-art facilities, continuing Alumni Network, you won't have Facets Multimedia you, with the goal of designing Glessner House Museum programs and activities that speak education tuition discounts, mem­ access to these benefits. And we Jazz Record Mart to life after Columbia. Mterpour­ bership in the soon-to-debut encourage you to share this informa­ Museum of Broadcast ing through hundreds of alumni ''Alumni College," career counseling, tion with your former classmates. Communications surveys, hiring an independent a business to business membership The success of this program is National VIetnam Veterans directory, invitations to career net­ as limitless as your imagination. If Art Museum research firm to conduct focus Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum groups and chatting informally working and alumni board you need additional applications, Oriental Institute with alums, we're ready to launch sponsored events, informal alumni they are available by calling The Peace Museum Columbia's Alumni Network. dinners, a new alurruu newsletter, 312/344-7420 or via e-mail at: The film screenings, readings, exhibi­ jlevin@ Prairie Avenue Bookshop In the midst of our focus group David & Alfred research it became clear that an tions, special travel packages and On behalf of the alumni board Spertus Museum entirely new approach was needed much more. There are also exclu­ and staff, we look forward to Standing Room Only Chicago to link Colum Alums with each other sive benefits like discounts at welcoming you into the Alumni Terra Museum of Art and the college. Our answer- the regional museums, retail establish­ Network. Utrecht Art & Drafting Supply Inc. ments, clubs and eateries. Yet, this is Vending Consultants Alumni Network - the one Columbia's alumni have requested just the beginning. Remember, the Sincerely, and designed. benefits grow as membership Almost daily, alumni call with expands. requests for library access, a copy of an alumni directory, career Interested? H ere's how to join: JeryiLevin counseling and continuing educa­ 1) Fill out the Alumni Network Director, Alumni Relations tion discounts. And just as often membership application on page our phone rings with employers 8 of this issue of Re. looking to tap Columbia's creative 2) Send it in via the self-addressed, talent or vendors calling with offers postage-paid envelope. of exclusive discounts. So how do 3) Await your welcome kit, we deliver for you? The Alumni including membership card and a Network. list of benefits that you can take The Alumni Network is a work advantage of irrunediately. in progress and will expand and diversifY according to the needs of alums. NIAM and NBC-5 Team Up for Columbia

Larry Wert (second from left), president and general manager of NBC-5 Chicago and a member of Columbia's Television Depart­ ment Advisory Board, presents a $5,000 scholarship check to Co lumbia president Dr. John Duff. The National Italian American Foundation (NIAM) honored Wert with the scholarship to give to an educational institu­ tion of his choice. • Also in the photo are Lucas Palermo (left), Television Department acting chairperson, and Gene Farina, regional vice president, NIAM. 1a Columbia wi ll use the money for ten $500 grants to qualified students for use in video production related to their studies. Skrebneski: The First Fifty Years Center for Asian Arts and Media

College Trustee Nancy Tom , founder of the Center for As ian Arts and Media at Colum­ bia, is joined by Star Trek 's George Takei (left) and her son, Chip Tom , at a benefit at the Whitehall Hotel on Augu st 5 to launch "New World New Art: The Asian Artist in America" a festival of Asian American artists sponsored by the Center. Th e festi­ val , held at Navy Pier, was attended by more than 2,200 people.

David Talbot Cox Scholarship Award

Sheldon Patinkln, Theater Department Ch air (left) and college trustee Mary Louise Haddad (right) with David Tal­ bott Cox Scholarship Fund recipient Joan Schultz. Haddad established the fund in memory of the late actor/ director Cox to be awarded to full-time students majoring in The­ ater/Directing. Schultz, a directing major, is the first recipient of the $3,000 scholarship. Photographer Victor Skrebneskl with Center for Book and Paper Arts Director Bill Drendel (left) at the opening reception of Skrebneski's retrospective exhibition at Columbia's Museum of Contemporary Photography. Skrebneski donated the 162 featured prints to the Museum 's permanent collection.

Marshall Field's awards "Project Imagine" Scholarships at President's Club gala featuring Kenneth Cole Guests gathered to celebrate two $5,000 scholarships awarded to CCC students Lynde Gillis andJung Hee Kang, September 30, at Marshall Field's State Street store. Designer and philanthropist, Kenneth Cole and the new Kenneth Cole Shop in his men's fashions were featured at the Field's/President's Club event, the Men's Department, 2nd Floor which drew 250 guests and raised $55,000 for the college.

Scholarship winners Lynde C. Gilles (left) and Jung Hee Kang with Kenneth Co le and Dayton's, Marshall Fie ld's and Hudson's president Li nda Ahlers

Darryl Baker (left), Charlotte Martin Cole signs autographs at the dessert recep­ and Patrick Jackson are all smiles tion following dinner and the fashion show.

Co le greets John Duff and event co-chairs Jayne Gerber Bell (left) and Marcia Lazar

DanceAfrica Chicago Wows in Festival's Ninth Year Les Ballets Afi-icains (bottom) and Nile Ethiopian Ensemble were among 90 artists that performed at Da.nceAfrica Chicago. Fifteen­ thousand people jammed the Auditorium Theatre to partake in the annual celebration, which was sponsored by WPWR-TV, Channel 50 Foundation, and produced by Columbia's Office of Community Arts Parmerships. •

When Colum Alum Tom O'Grady director serving top drawer clients like ('81) starts talking basketball, there's no McDonald's and Citiba.nk. A fonner stopping him. Apropos for the Vice Frru1kel colleague, u·ailbla.zerJudy Shoe­ President and Creative Director of Cre­ maker, had moved to the NBA and ative Services for NBA Entertainment, recruited Tom for an interview. the company responsible for branding "I was picked up at LaGuru·dia in a the players we know on a first-name white limo, whisked through Manhat­ basis. tan and an hour later I was sitting in Tom never slows down. From his Commissioner David Stern's office lis­ offices in Secaucus, New Jersey, he and tening to his vision for the company. I his 17-member creative stafF might be was just sort of in awe, taking it all in;' researching potential team names, reflects Tom. designing a logo for a new WNBA fran­ Tom o·edits Stem as the mastermind chise or co-engineering with IBM the behind NBA's phenomenal growth. newest consumer products e-commerce "Stem's vision combined with the phe­ venture on If it has anything nomenal talent of the 'Dream Tean1' to do with the NBA and "brand identi­ athletes and the marketing savvy of ty;' 1om's involved. companies like Nike was combustible;' "On a typical day, I can be handling said Tom. The NBA exploded in 1992, 15 different projects," says Tom. "We're when professional players were allowed always capitalizing on opportunities. to compete in the Olympics. Slam! The NBA is one of the most enn·epre­ DUJ1k! Suddenly, the aduetes were inter­ neurial companies around. When I national superstru·s. Who didn't want started in 1990, I was employee number to be like Mike? 158. Now, we've got 750 people and Torn is now developing brand identi­ offices in Geneva, Melbourne, Paris and ty for d1e WNBA, which drew a record Hong Kong." four million faJJS dus year. It's the ideal So how did this 40-year old Chicago ground floor opportu11ity for this entre­ native - a graduate of Foreman High preneurial Colum Alum. "Women's Sd1ool on the Northwest Side- end up basketball is taking ofT and opening the on cemer court? doors for other women's sports teams;' O'Grady got a head start at Colum­ says 1om. "It's muy going to get bigger bia, graduating in 1981 with a degree in ru1d better." commercial art. "A f1iend suggested Tom is keenly observing d1e rise in Columbia because of the creative arts sports mru-keting cunicula at cuniculum. After a year of photogra­ institlJtions like Columbia. "There's a phy. I switmed to commercial art. The growing demru1d for professionals h

We always look forward to Columbia College's annual John Fischetti Editorial Cartoon Competition, named in honor of the Pulitzer Prize cartoonist, John Fischetti (1916-1980). This year's first and second prize garnered $3,000 and $1,500 respectively. More than 100 entries from throughout the U.S. and Canada were received. As we head toward the end of the millenium, a dose of social and political satire can put it all in perspective, and then some ..• Here are the top two cartoons, by Nick Anderson of the Louisville Courier Journal and Rex Rabin of the Sacramento Bee.



Califorttia Letter

Dear Alums,

Summer was hot, hot, hot... In more ways than one!

A June lunch in the desert, fum screenings at the Egyptian Theatre and a picnic were among the notable summer events that kept Colum Alums hopping on the West Coast. The patio lunch in La Qyinta, CA, (see pies -left) graciously hosted by Dr. Jolm Duff and Estelle Shanley, drew more than 80 alums. From first-time West Coasters to the long-time, Hollywood­ savvy among us, this party rocked. Amid a fme buffet and excellent libations, we networked until sunset. Despite 110-degree heat, alums made the 127-rnile journey from LA and unanimously agreed that it was well worth the trip. It was great to see faculty, a mix of recent alumni just getting started in the industry and Columbia's hard-working professionals and rising stars getting to know each other. Our fum screenings at the Egyptian Theater continue with recent showings by our own Charles Carner (Vanishing Point), Eric Koyanagi (Hundred Percent), Rick Wilkinson, (A Short Wait Between Trains) and Dan Moran (Andy s Got a Gitjfriend). In late summer we all got together for an alumni picnic at Will Rogers State Park. A good turnout, an exciting event. Like any organization, there's strength in numbers. And we encour­ age Columbia alumni relocating to LA to give us a call. Get involved in our networking and socializing activities! Write, call An Afternoon with or e-mail the ACCA-West, attention J erry Vasilatos, 6671 CCC's West Coast Alums Sunset Boulevard, Suite 1509-104, Los Angeles, California 0 Ron Pitts (center) with Chris Collins (from left), Tomomi Itaya and Rob Boyd. 90028; 323/468 8089; or e-mail me at [email protected]. f) Janusz Kaminski (left) and Dan Curran at Sony Studios, cutting Kaminski's new film, Best, Lost Souls, with Winona Ryder

9 Bob Enrietto, (center) heads up Columbia's ~:r~ Yk "Semester in LA" program Jerry Vasilatos, '90 0 Alumni guests - smiles, despite heat President, West Coast Chapter of 0 Christine Vollner (from left), Mauro Fiore, Columbia College Alumni Jennifer Howe, Dan Curran and little Nora.

0 Film/ Video chair Michael Rabiger (left), Bob Blinn, Estelle M. Shanley, John B. Duff and Jerry Vasilatos.

0 9 Guests party on.

0 Alumni Board president Bill Cellini (left), Jeryl Levin, and Bob Blinn. Faculty Notes The Search Is On As many of you know, John B. The presidential search com- Duff retires as Columbia's presi- mittee comprises the chairman of Academic Advising Film & Video Television dent at the end of this academic Columbia's board of trustees, two Lee Gerstein served as a judge of Dan DiQ.ello directed an episode Barbara Sykes' documentaries year. Dr. Duff will stay active in the additional trustees, three adminis- short films at the Chicago Interna­ of Comedy Central's Strangers with Song ifth e River (shot in Borneo) area of alumni relations as a consul- trative officers, two department tional Film Festival. Candy. and S!tiva Danan (shot in Nepal) tant, helping to coordinate alumni chairs, three full-time faculty mem- were accepted into the Canadian development in key states where bersand one part-time faculty Art & Design Interdisciplinary Arts International Film Festival and The Columbia alumni live and work. member. Prior to selecting EMN, Thomas Plum was awarded a Karen Erickson will travel to Alternative Underground Short InJul y, Columbia's presidential the committee reviewed proposals Community Arts Assistance grant Nice, France, to lead a training Film Festival; both will be screened search committee hired Education­ from 12 executive search firms. from the City of Chicago Depart­ session at the European Council of in Victoria British-Columbia. al Management Network, (EMN) a Alunmi and friends of Columbia ment of Cultural Affairs for Education Conference. The title division ofWittlKieffer to serve as College interested in offering input installation of Admit (NO)ONE. of her session is Getting Started with Theater the college's presidential search on the presidential search can write Drama. Paul Carter Harrison is spending Dance coordinator. By February 2000, the to the school c/o Presidential the fall/winter term in residence at search committee plans to recom­ Search Conmuttee or e-mail Richard Woodbury composed Liberal Education Dartmouth directing A Tempest, an and sound engineered Steppenwolf Stephen Asma delivers the mend two candidates to the board thoughts to: sbrown@popmail. adaptation of Shakespeare's play of trustees. T heatre's production of lfysteria, keynote speech at Southern Illinois by Aime Cesaire. Kathlene directed by John Matkovich. University's Philosophy Confer­ Perkins was awarded a Pew Richard will compose and design ence. Entitled Building Bridges, the Scholarship from the Carnegie the sound for the Goodman speech addresses the relationship Foundation for the Advancement T heater's December production between science and religion. of Teaching. Perkins will work col­ of A Moon.for the Misbegvtten. RoseAnna Mueller presented a laboratively with 27 otl1er Pew paper entitled Unbelievable the ThingJ English Scholars to design new models of You See: Contemporary Images ifthe Peter Christensen is nominated teaching. ViTgin qfGuadeloupe, at the School for an Equity Jeff Award for his of Visual Arts 13th Annual The Alumni Board is accepting nominations for new members. work translating and adapting National Conference on Liberal The board seeks candidates who reflect t he diversity of Chekhov's Ivanov, presented at the Arts and the Education of Artists, the community and Columbia's academic discipl ines. Th e European Repertory Company in New York. board is interested in established leaders who wa nt to earlier this year. Paul Hoover is give back and help pave the way for the next generation of featured in the Renaissance Management students. This is an exciting, unprecedented time in the col lege's history and the board seeks leaders who reflect Weekend held annually over New Department this optimism. Year's Eve at Hilton Head, South Kimo Williams completed his Carolina. Bill and Hillary Clinton first book, Music Theoryjo1· Managers Interested? Call or e-mail: routinely attend the four-day due out in early 2000 from Simon Jeryl Levin in the office of Alu mni Relations at 312 / 344-7420 or [email protected]. public policy retreat. & Schuster.

exhibited her photography at the Norris lumni Gallery and was recently profiled in the Alums Daily HeraUI. Dan Strickland relocated to NYC, where he was visiting scllola.r at at Large ... NYU's School of Continuing and Profes· Connie Deanovich was honored with a Elisa Suehs is vis.itor liaison witl1 W illie Notes sional Stuclies,

Bilal Salalmddin is Columbia's associate We regret to announce that Mihailo director of development for research. He "Mike" Bozidarevic has passed away. A was previously adult service libraria.Jl for 1963 graduate of Columbia College Mr. , Bozidarevic worked at Scars Roebuck for Cheryl Batts (' 82) ll1e C hicago Public Library system. D ee Gilaspie was director of photogra- 25 years. H e was a pioneer in llle develop­ Gina Hue rta ('95) phy on Mu!tasa. Anthony Sulita is ment of visual media lor Sea.J·s and other • Webmaster wi ll1 the Oak brook, IL-based corporations. Mr. Bozida.J·evic later taught advertising finn of Davies, Pacheco & a m edia course at Columbia. In. notifying • Murphy. us of Mike's passing, spouse Janet Boziclarevic told us that Mike always had Cheryl Batts is founder and executive a soft spot in his hea.J·t for Columbia. We director of People Helping O thers Excel Wendy G roebe is finance ma.J1ager for extend our condolences to his family. by Example, a not-for-profit dedica ted to the T'win Cities-Wisconsin-Chir.agv-AIDS Ride. Gina Huerta is coordinating produce1· for mentoring people of all ages. the Jerry Sjml..ger Shnw. Barbara Rork Columbia Unveils Master Plan for Unprecedented Expansion in South Loop

WiLh Columbia's recent purchase T he school currently occupies ((For more than thirty years Columbia College Chicago has grown of the Ludington Building and the 788,000 square feet throughout the steadiry, and that growth is expected to continue for the next ten 33 East Congress Building, South Loop. Beyond providing for years. In 2008, enrolbnent is expected to top 11,500. Such growth Wabash Avenue is now Columbia's classrooms and technical faciliLies, is a measure rf the Colleges success, but it also creates a steadiry "Main Street." As such, Columbia's Lhe college also needs to develop a increasing demand for resources, including space." master plan prepared by the archi­ vibrant student union. Green-space - Space Needs Anarysi.s, September 1998 tecture fi rm of Loebel Schlossman and common areas round ouL tl1e & Hackel (LSH) envisions Wabash design features needing immediate Avenue as a "Corridor for the attention. Arts." Also defining Columbia's Columbia's master plan is the expanding campus will be distinct product of a working committee of sidewalk markers and building Columbia trustees, faculty, staff windows tinLed in bright colors and students, led by Associate featuring the school's insignia and Provost for Planning Mark Kelly. exploded images of Columbia "The end result of our efforts students in action. Now, more than will be a Columbia College more ever before, Colu mbia is defming distinct in its image and more the South Loop. responsive in its service to stu­ In May, Columbia Provost and dents," said Kelly. Executive Vice President Bert Gall Gall added tl1at "T he master led a forum announcing the plan is a soLid blueprint upon college's master plan. The forum which Columbia <:<

Te lnvitamos (We invite you!) to holiday in Mexico January 26-February 2, 2000

Colum Alums can now CI~oy one of the world's most spectacular cities w ith the benefit of Columbia College's RoseArma Mueller, a professor of Spanish and humanities and a specialist in Latin American language and culture.

Mueller is leading an exciting seven -day excursion to M exico CiLy complete with highlights that include the Aztec and Teotihuacan Ruins, the Folkloric Ballet, the Zona Rosa, Chapultepec Park and much more, as well as stops in the sur­ rounding cities of colonial Cuernavaca and the silver mining town ofTaxco. Also included are three nights at the lxtapan Spa H otel, where guests can indulge in aromatherapy, facials, massage and other spa services.

Mueller's rock-bottom prices for Colum Alums include airfare from Chicago, 7 nights hotel, taxes, breakfasts, two lunch­ es, all Ixtapan Spa meals, transfers, private guided tou rs with English-speaking guides and air-conditioned van. Prices are approxinlately $1,438 (double) and $1878 (single).

Interested parties should contact M ueller directly at (3 12) 344-7532 for details. Don't B Invisible!

Name (please print) Name while attending Columbia ______

Graduation Year -----~Major Home Address ______

City------State -----Zip Code DDDDD-DD DO Is this a new address? 0 Yes ONo 0 Photo Enclosed (Black and White only, please).

Home Phone ( ______W ork Phone ( ------~ext _____ e-mail ______

Columbia College Chicago J ob Oecupation(fitle ------600 South Michigan Avenue Employer ______Chicago, IL 60605-1996 Work Address ______

City ______State _____ Zip Code DDDDD-DD DO

E-MAIL to [email protected] or fax your news to 312/344-8039

Individual Donors Th is list honors individuals, who have contributed a minimum of $100 to Columbia College Chicago during the period from May 1, 1999 to August 31, 1999.

Randall K. Albers Scott Dahlin Philip Hickman Rodney Lubeznik Leslie S. Pinsof Rob ert A. Stierer Mirron Alexandroff Dorothy Dare K. Hino I rene Macauley James D. Po livka Jul es Stiffel Anonymous Milton Davis Karen Hirsc h Michael P. Mach Ri chard S. Press Ellen Stone-Belie Anonymous (Fashion Susan M. DiCostanzo Rhona Hoffman Tom Maday Lance Pressl Marc Straits Columbia) Ann Drake Jin Hong Margaret Mahoney Carol Prins Charles H. Suber Anonymous 29 Dr. Al lan & Ellen Drebin Vicki V. Hood Lewis Manilow Lynn K. Purple Melody Swink Anonymous 30 William Drendel William L. Hood Susan Manilow Madeli ne Murphy Rabb Stephen H. Szoradi Fred Baker Dr. John B. Duff Ruth Horwich Stephen Marc Mary Reddington Joyce Tewksbury Iris K. Baum Michael DuQuette John lit is Ali son Mazzola Robert B. Remer Bob Thall Ted A. Beaptie Catherine Eardley Yumiko lrei-Gokce Joan G. McG rath Susan Ril ey Brian K. Th ompson Frank Beilin Betty Elkin Don Jackson Ru ssell Mclean Judith H. Riskind Ruth Thome-Thomsen Mike Bell Norman Elkin Marilyn D. Jackson Patricia A. McNair-Lewis Kenneth J. Riskind James Tigerman Lynn e Berglund Dianne Erpenbach Walter & Susan Jacobsen Peggy McTigue Deborah D. Roberts Nancy Tom Jessica Bitze l Fred Eychaner Bill Johnson Ambassador T. Melady Kerry Robertson Annette & Scott Turow Sonia Bloch Nina J. Fain Paul J. Johnson Bruce Mertz Osvaldo Rodriguez Gerald T. Ujiki Theodore C Bloch William Farley Phyllis A. Johnson Nancy B. Mikelsons St even Rosen A. R. Umans Sara G. Bode Jed Fielding Chuck & Candace Jordan David E. Miller Dr. Lya D. Rosenblum Frederick Va llarta Linda Bolduan Waldo S. Fielding An ne M. Jurayj Pamela A. Mills Louis Rosenblum Leslie E. Van Marter Glen Bower Co lin K. Fisher Michel N. Jurayj Cynthia and Dr. St eph en Marion E. Ro senbluth Deborah A. Vin son Harriet Brady Donald B. Flynn Thomas E. Kallen Mitchell William D. Ro ss Michae l Voltattorni Carol Bryant Anne E. Foley Patricia G. Kappe Stephen and C. Mitch ell Elieth S. Roux David H. Voss John Buck Allyson A. Frazier Katherine E. Keough Col in Moore Buzz & Tina Ruttenberg Kathrene Wales Kathleen R. Burgess Pau l & Susan Freehling Baheej B. Khl eif Edward L. & Marsha E. Sandra Saltzman Layshae Ward Ri chard Burke Elizabeth Gerami James Klein Morris Judy A. Saslow Ca rol Ware Frank S. Burrows Daryl E. Gerb er John V. Kn aus Janey H. Morris Roger Schi nness Sarena We il Jean Butzen Li nda A. Gerber Al an & Sherry Koppel Carla A. Moulton Sam A. Schwartz Jayne Weiske Barbara J. Calabrese Virginia C. Gerst Margie Korshak Ant hony M. Mourek Marsha Serlin Ed Wentz Karen V. Calhoun June Giugni Andrea S. Kramer Thomas P. Mu la Estelle M. Shanley Robert & Jeanne Gregory C. Cameron Richard M. Glick Shirley P. Kravitt John M. Mulvany John & Jane Shapira Mari enthal West cott R. Peter Carey Sydney Smith Gordon Ann B. Kuppe Mary Mulvany Ca role Shattil Gary Wheeler John Carroll Vida Gosrisirikul James E. Kuppe An n Myers Nana E. Shineflug Woodie T. Whit e William F. Cel lini Zarada Gowenlock Marvin L. Lader Mark & Janet Newman Joseph P. Shirk Helena Chapellin Wi lson Dom inique Cheenne Rich ard L. Gray Joseph F. Laiacona John D. Norcross Robert & L. Shook John D. Wilson Joyce Chelberg Franklin J. Green Richard C. Lange Holly Norwick Gord on Sinclair Serene Wi se Mary Ann Childers Marla P. Green Caroline D Latta Anders Nyd erg Vi ctor Skrebneski Robert A. Wislow Mary A. Chuman Bruce Gregga Petra Lawler Dennis B. O'Malley Michael and Elizabet h Michael M. Woj cik Thomas P. Clark Tiffani K. Griffith Marcia E. Lazar George Overton Slive Philip Wong Suzanne Cohan-Lange Robert Guinan Eppie Lederer Cynthia Pacholik Damon 0. Smith Sandra Wong Darroch Lynne Cohen Mary Louise Haddad Avelina M. Lee AI and Jeanne Parker Elizabeth A. Smith Carol N. Yamamot o Ri chard Cohn Molly L. Hansen Gloria Lehr Sheldon Pat inkin W. H. Smith Nancy S. Yawitz Thurston W. Coleman Alton B. Harris Bonnie B. Lennon Peoples Music School Lawrence K. Snider Wonja Yook Madeleine K. Condit King Harris Averill & Bern ard Leviton Jean Perkins Drs. David & Brenda Alexander Yu Karen L. Copeland Pau l C. Harrison Jerry W. Lewis Kathleen M. Perkins Solomon Martin E. Zimmerm an Chet Coppock Norman Hassinger Ramsey Lewis Beverly Persky Dr. Christine Z. Somervil l Barry S Crown May Hawsieltz Steven Lewis Paula F. Pfeffer Audra L. Soulias Beverly Crown Todd M. Hensley Alfred R. Lipton Samuel E. Pfeffer Kelly Sperl Julia M. Curry Nancy Hickman Lois J. Lipton Kay L. Pick William Staples Corporate, Foundation and Private Organization Donors

AAA Saw & Tool Service CBS Inc. WBBM-TV City of Chicago The Harri s Foundation John D. & Catherine T. New England Foundation Searl & Associates PC AAHE COW Computer Centers The Coleman Foundation Vicki & Thomas MacArthur Foundation for the Arts Architect s Aiko 's Art Materi als Ce nt ral City Productions ComCorp, Inc. Horwich Foundatuion The Mayer & Morris Northeast ern IL Uni ver ~ i ty Shayman, Salk, Aren son Imports, Inc. Eliza beth F. Cheney CONDEA Vista Company Illinois Arts Council Kaplan Fou ndat ion Northern IL University & Sussholz Co. America n Airlines Foundation D.J. Mosier Financial Illinois Humanities Council Mayer, Brown & Platt Northern Indiana Arts Skokie Public Library Amzo Zip Mail ing Chicago Bo ard of Services Infoware, Inc. MBNA Am erica Bank Association , Inc. TCF Nat ional Bank of IL Services Options Exchange Dayton Hudson Corp. Integrat ed Marketing McDonald's Corporation The Northern Tr ust Co. Te rra Museum of An heuser-Busch Chicago Dance Coalition Gaylord and Dorothy Solutions, Inc. Meet the Composer, Inc. OCE USA, Inc. Ameri can Art Anonymous Chicago Glass Company Donnelley Foundation Japanese Am . Service Merchandise Mart Progress Printing Corp. The Point Group Anonymous Chicago Tribune Company Rrst Bank of The Americas Committee of Chicago Properties R.M . Chin & Associates U.S. Department of Ariel Capital Management China On line, LLC. Flood Brothers Disposal Kelly, Scott & Madison, Mexi can Fine Arts Center Re liable Co ntract ing & Education Asian Am. Journalists Assn. Chinese Am. Civic Council FMC Corporation KGN Charitable Foundation Mu seum Eq uipment Company University of IL - Urbana As ian Human Services Chinese Am. News William G. Frederking Lakeside Bank Mid-America Arts Alliance Richard H. Driehaus Victor Supply Company Ast ro Color Labs Chinese Consolidated Foun dation LaSalle Flowers, Inc. Motorola Foundation WB EZ 91.5 FM Alliance B.P. Amoco Foundation Benevolent Association Norman & Edna Lenox House Suites The Nat ional It alian H.B. & M.L. Rothschild Windows of Opportunity Bank One Corporation Chinese Fine Arts Society Free hling Foundation Lila Wallace-Reader's American Foundation Foundation Woods Fund of Chicago Brown & Associates, Inc. Cibulka Concrete Golden Country Di gest Fund National Performance Safe Summer, Inc. Xi Lin Art Center Cambodian Associat ion Construction Ori ental Food Loebel, Schlossman Network Sahara Enterprises, Inc. of Illinois Citibank Gordon & Einstein, Ltd. & Hackel Sara Lee Corporation Joan W. Harris Ronne Hartfield Frank J. Heffron Don Jackson William Stewart Johnson You Deserve to Thomas E. Kallen Dr. Katherine E. Keough Karen F. Kizer Bill Kurtis Mercedes A. Laing Gloria Lehr Averill Leviton Get Noticed! Enid H. Long Ambassador Thomas P. Melady Doing something Howard Mendelsohn Samuel E. Pfeffer NOTEWORTHY? Kay L. Pick Madeline Murphy Rabb Re: Columbia is interested. Osvaldo Rodriguez Luis H. Rossi Lawrence K. Snider Each issue of Re features an David S. Solomon, M.D. "Alumni Profile," a major story Send items to: Senator Patrick A. Sweeney Nancy Tom highlighting the achievements of Re: Columbia David H. Voss Re: Columbia Tony G. Weisman selected Columbia Alumni all Columbia College Chicago Helena Chapellin Wilson No. 25/Faii-Winter '99 Robert A. Wislow over the nation. Office of Alumni Relations Timothy W. Wright Ill And every issue of Re features 600 South Michigan Avenue Warren S. Yamakoshi alumni news items read by more Suite 400 Managing Editor Officers Jeryl Levin '85 Dr. John B. Duff. President than 27,000 readers. Now that's Chicago, IL 60605 Albert C. Gall, Provost; Contributing Photographers Executive Vice President EXPOSURE! Bob Kusel '78 R. Michael DeSal le, Go for it! Send us a brief letter Anita Padilla Kathleen Carpenter Vice President, Finance Profiled in Re: Columbia #23 Lya Dym Rosenblum, outlining your career highlights, Contributing Editors Vice President/ Dean of the Gillian Moore Graduate School accompanied by a black-and­ Mary Claire Mathews Dr. Woodie T. White, Kathrene Wales white photo or slide. You never Vice President, College linda Wi lson You? Michael Wojcik '96 Relations and Development know, you might be the next alum to grace the pages of Re. Contributing Writers Alumni Association Board Kathy Millard '83 Bill Cellini '94, President Micl1ael Wojcik '96 Michael Mach '83, Vice Presi­ dent Trustees Samira E. Robinson '89, Treasurer Alton B. Harris, Chair Allen B. Bates '75 Fay Hartog Levin, Vice Chair Margi Co le '90 William L. Hood, Treasurer Dave Kohl '75 Lerone Bennett Jr., Secretary Marty Lennartz '82 Dr. John B. Duff Vandell Cobb '75 Ellen Stone Belie Madeleine K.B. Condit Karen Lee Copeland Barry S. Crown Milton Davis Dr. Allan R. Drebin Mara D. Fizdale J.S. Fuerst Russ Gibb Sydney Smith Gordon Tiffani Kim Griffith Jim Karvellas '56 Mary Louise Haddad Melissa Ann Pinney & Her Daughter Emma Symon Ogeto '96 Profiled in Re:Columbia #22 Pamela J. Hamilton Profiled in Re:Columbia #24 Profiled in Re:Columbia #21 credit: Nathan Mandell Q1998

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