The Laikipia County Labour Report 2021 is a publication that highlights key Labour Statistics in the County. Any enquiries relating to this publication should be addressed to:

The Director General, Executive Office of the Governor,

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics County Government of Laikipia,

Real Towers, Upper Hill or County House, Hospital Road 10 Mt. Road. P. O. Box 30266 - 00100, P.0. Box 1271 – 10400 . Tel: +254-203317583/86/88/612/622/ 623/ 651 Tel: +254 740-031-031 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Copyright © County Government of Laikipia. All rights reserved Extracts may be used or published if the source is duly acknowledged LAIKIPIA COUNTY LABOUR REPORT 2021


VISION STATEMENT The greatest county with the best quality of life

MISSION STATEMENT To enable every household in Laikipia County to lead a prosperous life

CORE VALUES People-centeredness Equity Accountability Efficiency Professionalism Integrity Innovativeness Passion



VISION STATEMENT To be a centre of excellence in production and management of quality statistics

MISSION STATEMENT To develop, provide and promote quality statistical information for evidence-based decision-making.


Professionalism: Strictly abides by professional considerations on the methods, standards and pro- cedures for statistical production. Confidentiality: Guarantee confidentiality of data providers as provided in the StatisticsAct 2006

Collaboration: Collaborate with stakeholders to enhance the quality of statistical information

Teamwork: To embrace teamwork as the hallmark of our success

Customer focus: Commitment to meet the needs of our customers and always focus on customer satisfaction

Accountability and Transparency: Conduct business and lend services to stakeholders in a transpar- ent and accountable manner

Efficiency and effectiveness: Promote high productivity, competence and usefulness of resources at the national and county level

Innovation and Creativity: Committed to innovation, invention, creativity and resourcefulness in service delivery




COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF LAIKIPIA VISION STATEMENT, MISSION STATEMENT & CORE VALUES ...... vi KENYA NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS...... vii TABLE OF CONTENTS...... ix LIST OF TABLES...... x LIST OF FIGURES...... xi DEFINITION OF TERMS...... xiii ABBREVIATIONS...... xv FOREWORD...... xvii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...... xix EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... xxi 1.0 INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 EMPLOYERS IN THE COUNTY...... 1 2.0 STATUS OF EMPLOYMENT...... 2 2.1 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY MAIN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES...... 3 2.2 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY STATUS IN THE MAIN JOB...... 10 2.3 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY MAIN EMPLOYER...... 13 2.4 EMPLOYEES BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN THE LAST 7 DAYS BY TYPE OF RESIDENCE SEX AND SUB COUNTY...... 16 2.5 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES IN THE FIELD OF TRAINING BY TYPE OF RESIDENCE AND SEX...... 26 2.6 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY REGISTERED BUSINESSES...... 32 APPENDIX 1: DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY REGISTERED BUSINESSES 2018 AND 2019. 34 APPENDIX 2: PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYMENT 2017, 2018 AND 2019...... 35 APPENDIX 3: KPHC 2019 EMPLOYMENT DATA...... 36 Main Employer by Type of residence and Sub County...... 37 Main Employer by Sex and Sub County...... 37 Kind of Economic Activity Engaged in the Main Job by Type of Residence and Sub Counties...... 38 Kind of Economic Activity Engaged in the Main Job by Sex and Sub Counties...... 38 Status in the main Job by Type of Residence and Sub-County...... 39 Status in the main Job by Sex and Sub-County...... 39 Last 7 Days Economic Activity by Type of Residence and Sub-County...... 40 Last 7 Days Economic Activity by Sex and Sub-County...... 40 If Currently Working in the Field of Training by Type of Residence and Sub-County...... 40 If Currently Working in the Field of Training by Sex and Sub-County...... 40



Table 1: County Labour indicators, 2019...... 3 Table 2: Number and percentage distribution of employees by economic activity, 2019...... 3 Table 3: Number and percentage distribution of employees by place of Residence...... 5 Table 4: Employees distribution by economic activity and sub-county...... 6 Table 5: Distribution of employees by economic activity and sex...... 7 Table 6: Employees by status and Sub County...... 12 Table 7: Employees by main employer and Sub County...... 15 Table 8: Last 7 days’ economic activity by type of residence in the County...... 17 Table 9: Employees by last 7 days’ economic activities and by sub counties...... 19 Table 10: Last 7 days’ categories of economic activities by type of residence and sub-county...... 21 Table 11: Last 7 Days Economic Activity by Sex in the county...... 23 Table 12: Last 7 days’ categories of economic activity by sex and sub-county...... 25 Table 13: If currently working in field of training by type of residence and sub- county...... 27 Table 14: If Currently Working in the Field of Training by Sex and Sub-County...... 30 Table 15: Distribution of employees by registered businesses and economic activities...... 33


LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Licensed Businesses as per ISIC...... 2 Figure 2: Distribution of employees in the Agriculture Sector by Sub-County...... 2 Figure 3: Percentage distribution of other service activities employees by sub-county...... 4 Figure 4: Percentage distribution of employees in the wholesale and retail trade by sub-county...... 5 Figure 5: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia Central...... 8 Figure 6: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia East...... 8 Figure 7: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia North...... 9 Figure 8: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia West...... 9 Figure 9: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender – Nyahururu...... 10 Figure 10: Employees by status at the main jobs...... 10 Figure 11: Employees by status and type of residence...... 11 Figure 12: Employees by status in the main job and sex...... 12 Figure 13: Employees by main employers...... 13 Figure 14: Distribution of employees by main employer and type of residence...... 14 Figure 15: Employees by main employers and sex...... 16 Figure 16: Proportion of people engaged in actual work by residence in the county...... 17 Figure 17: Proportion of people in no actual work by residence in the county...... 18 Figure 18: Proportion of people in actual work, in no actual work and as full time students in both rural and urban areas in the county...... 18 Figure 19: Proportion of people engaged in different categories of economic activities by sub counties...19 Figure 20: Proportion of people in actual work by sub counties...... 20 Figure 21: Proportion of people in no actual work by sub counties...... 20 Figure 22: Proportion of full time students by sub counties...... 21 Figure 23: Proportion of persons in actual work in rural and urban areas by sub counties...... 22 Figure 24: Proportion of persons in no actual work in rural and urban areas by sub counties...... 22 Figure 25: Proportion of persons in full time students in both rural and urban by sub counties...... 23 Figure 26: Proportion of male and female persons in the actual work in the county...... 24 Figure 27: Proportion of male and female persons in no actual work in the county...... 24 Figure 28: Proportion of male and female engaged in actual work by sub counties...... 25 Figure 29: Proportion of male and female in no actual work in the last seven days by sub counties...... 26 Figure 30: Percentage distribution of those currently working in area of training by sub counties...... 27 Figure 31: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia Central Sub County...... 27 Figure 32: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia East Sub County...... 28 Figure 33: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia North Sub County...... 28 Figure 34: If currently working in field of training in LaikipiaWest Sub County...... 29 Figure 35: If currently working in field of training in Nyahururu Sub County...... 29 Figure 36: If currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia Central Sub County...... 30 Figure 37: Currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia East Sub County...... 30 Figure 38: If currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia North Sub County...... 31 Figure 39: If currently working in field of training by sex in LaikipiaWest Sub County...... 31 Figure 40: If currently working in field of training by sex in Nyahururu Sub County...... 32



DEFINITION OF TERMS Employment: refers to the total number of people responsible for payment of relevant taxes and social working in a business/ Organization whether they security contributions and/or where the contractual are partially, fully paid or not. Thus, it includes any relationship is subject to prevailing labour regula- working owners/operator, fully paid employees, un- tions. For self-employed persons, regular workers paid family members and apprentices. Casual work- are those who work in their own enterprises on a ers are part of the fully paid employees while par- continuous basis. tially paid family members are considered as part of the group of unpaid family members. It includes both persons who performed some work (i.e. at least Casual worker is employed when and if needed, one hour) for wage or salary, in cash or in kind and and where there is no particular expectation of con- persons with a job but not at work because of ill- tinuing employment ness, leave or training, or bad weather conditions and has a formal attachment to their job. Skilled Workers: Those who have served an ap- prenticeship, practice the trade learned or similar Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MS- activity, and by reason of their knowledge and vo- MEs): The MSMEs cover a range of establishments cational capacity are given tasks, which are partic- in almost all sectors of the economy; they operate ularly difficult, involving varied responsibilities or formally or informally, seasonally or year round and fields. are located in a number of areas including markets, streets and households or mobile. The MSMEs are defined according to employment size and these are Semi-Skilled Workers: Workers, who can only enterprises having between 1 and 99 employees perform their job after a period of instructions of • Micro-enterprises have less than 10 em- several months in general and are given tasks – ployees; mostly specific to the industry – which are regularly repeated, are less difficult and involve less respon- • Small enterprises have 10-49 employ- sibility. ees • Medium sized enterprises have between 50 and 99 employees. Unskilled Workers: These are workers who re- quire no specific vocational training or only brief Business/Enterprise/Firm: The terms business, initiation and work on auxiliary tasks. enterprise, and firm are used interchangeably to refer to an economic unit producing goods or pro- viding services. They are entities under whose um- Informal Sector: Regarded as a group of produc- brella an establishment operates. Examples include tion units which are unincorporated enterprises factories, banks, kiosks, taxis, hawkers, etc. owned by households.

Establishment: This is an Economic unit that pro- Formal Enterprise: This refers to enterprises duces and/or sells goods or services, and operates which are registered at the Registrar of Companies from a single physical location. If a business/enter- as provided in Business Names Act, Partnerships prise/firm has several such locations, each is termed Act and Company’s Act. as a separate establishment.

Other Service Activities: Includes all other service Work: The concept of work covers all persons un- activities not mentioned elsewhere in the Interna- dertaking economic activities either for pay, profit tional Standard of Industrial classification (ISIC). or family gain. Notably it includes types of services such as wash- ing and (dry) cleaning, hairdressing and other beau- ty treatment and other related activities. Regular workers: Regular workers refer to work- ing owners/operators, fully paid employees, unpaid family members, and apprentices. For paid employ- ees, regular workers are those with stable contracts for whom the employing organization is




CBOs Community Based Organizations CIDP County Integrated Development Plan CSOs Civil Society Organizations ISIC International Standards for Industrial Classification KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics KPHC Kenya Population and Housing Census NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NHIF National Health Insurance Fund NSSF National Social Security Fund




he importance of this Laikipia County Labour Report 2021 in informing em- Tployment matters is threefold: One to present the status report arising from the 2019 Kenya Population Census and Housing under- taken by the Kenya National Bureau of Statis- tics; Two identify the critical sectors that would drive the employment creation initiatives and thirdly, identifying key policy directions based on the reports finding. Our Vision of being the greatest County with the best quality of life has continued to guide the in-build desire of improving the livelihoods of the people. According to the Laikipia Coun- ty Statistical Abstract 2020, the licensed busi- nesses in the county has generated an increase in employees from 22,175 in 2018 to 31,016 in 2019 representing a 40 per cent increment. and Water are also geared towards creating a From January to November 2020, the county conducive environment for business growth has realized an additional 2,177 employees in through better infrastructure, water for produc- the registered businesses with the wholesale, tion, improvement of markets among others. retail trade, repairs of motor vehicle accounting Going forward, my Government will continue for 47.3 per cent of the increase (1,029 addition- to promote employment creation to ensure that al employees), followed by accommodation, the daily average incomes per household raises food activities at 25.7 per cent and profession- to KShs 2,000 and reduce unemployment rate al, scientific and technical activities at 11 per to about 3% in the medium term. cent. In addition, the average daily income has increased from KShs 576.50 in 2017 to KShs 754.78 in 2019 representing a 31 per cent in- crease. My government will continue to pursue more opportunities for employment creation and increasing household incomes to ensure the improvement of the people’s livelihood. The county has already put measures to cre- ating more employment opportunities. First, the Laikipia Innovation programme (LIDP) is H.E. HON. NDIRITU MURIITHI fostering the emergence of new businesses and GOVERNOR, promoting growth of already existing ones. To date, 459 Enterprises have been identified and LAIKIPIA COUNTY supported through promotion of their products, certification processes and improved market access. Secondly, the Enterprise Development Programme through increased budgetary allo- cation of KShs 73 million and training of 200 Business Development Officers and recogni- tion of enterprise as key performance indicator targeting businesses for financial support. The growth in the enterprises has been identified to create more employment opportunities. Thirdly, the Budgetary support to other sectors/depart- ments like infrastructure, Agriculture, Trade,




The successful production of Laikipia County Employment Report 2021 is a culmination of rigorous processes that involved collection, compilation and analysis of data obtained from different sources including KNBS, NHIF, NSSF and the Laikipia County Revenue Board. I would like to appreciate the collaborative role played by individuals and organizations throughout the formulation process. This collaboration is expected to continue flourishing even in subsequent production of Laikipia La- bour Reports and other related tasks. My sincere word of thank you goes to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, NHIF, NSSF and Laikipia County Revenue Board for providing timely and relevant data on employment and economic activi- ties in the county. Special thanks go to the Governor, H.E. Hon. Ndiritu Muriithi, and the entire County Executive Com- mittee for providing leadership, very valuable inputs and moral support during the entire process in the production of Laikipia County Labour Report 2021. I also wish to thank the Chief Officer Finance and Economic Planning for his leadership and facilita- tive role in the production of this report. My gratitude goes to the entire team in the County Treasury and finally to the Directorate of Econom- ic Planning for their untiring efforts in data collection, compilation and successful production of this report. Finally, to all those whose effort made the completion of this report possible, I salute you.





We have organized Laikipia County Employ- areas. Among the female employees, majori- ment Report 2021 into eight broad sections. ty are in the agriculture sector accounting for The sections are summarized as follows; 74.1% with the same trend occurring among male employees in agriculture sector at 59%. Section 1.1 presents the situational analysis of the employers in the county. The employers Section 2.2 presents information distribution of range from public sector, private sector, inter- employees by status in the main job. Majori- national organizations, formal and informal ty of employees are categorized as paid-out- self- employment sector, agriculture sector, side-households representing a 41.5 per cent of educational institutions, Board of Management the total employees followed by own account and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The owners at 27.8 percent. The majority of the em- private sector comprises of 22,838 licensed ployees across all various status at their main businesses with wholesale and retail trade, re- job are rural by type of residence at 76.6 per pair of motor vehicles and motorcycles con- cent with the urban residence at 23.4 per cent. stituting the bulk of businesses at 13,325 rep- Laikipia West Sub County recorded the high- resenting 58.3 per cent of the total businesses. est of the rural residences at 28.8 per cent with Agriculture sector (contributing 44.2 per cent Laikipia North having the lowest at 8.7 per of the County’s Gross County Product) forms cent. Nyahururu Sub County had the highest ur- a significant contributor in employment- op ban residence at 36 per cent with Laikipia north portunities for example small scale agriculture recording nil. Nyahururu and Laikipia West sub contributes 51.1 per cent of employment while counties have the highest number of the em- pastoralism contributes 9.1 per cent. The ‘Jua ployees by status in the main job at 54.1 per Kali’ sector plus the self-employed in the infor- cent while Laikipia East Sub County records mal sector contributes 10.1 per cent of the total the highest paid employees who are outside employment opportunities. households. Section 2.0 is on analysis of 2019 Kenya Pop- Section 2.3 is on distribution of employees by ulation and Housing Census employment data main employer. The self-small scale agriculture and the related labour indicators. The labour has the bulk of employees at 48.3 per cent fol- force (age bracket of 15-64 years) in the county lowed by private sector enterprises, self-pasto- stood at 250,297 persons, representing 48.3 per ralists activities and self-employed (informal) cent of the total population. The number of em- at 12.8 per cent, 8.6 per cent and 8.1 per cent ployed persons stood at 237,772 representing respectively. The overall public sector accounts an employment population ratio of 79.7 per cent for only 6.4 per cent of the employees in the and the number of unemployed stood at 12,525 county. Laikipia East Sub-county dominate in representing a 5.0 % unemployment rate. The private sector enterprise employment at 34.3 inactive population (not in labour force) stood per cent while Nyahururu Sub County dominate at 47,923 while the labour force participation in self -small scale agriculture at 33.7 per cent. rate stood at 83.9 per cent. Laikipia North Sub County contributed 52.5 per cent under self-pastoralist activities. Male Section 2.1 is on distribution of employees by employees dominate in all the categories of main economic activities. Overall, agriculture main employers except in county government, is the main economic activity with 66% of em- self-employed (both formal and informal), self- ployees, followed by other service activities small scale agriculture which are dominated at 14% while wholesale and retail trade come by women who take up 50.7 per cent, 50.4 per third at 3.2%. Construction sector accounts for cent, 51 per cent and 61 per cent respectively. 2.4% of the workforce while the rest of the em- ployees are fairly distributed across the other Section 2.4 presents information on the number economic activities. Majority of employees in of people engaged in different economic activ- rural residences are in the agriculture sector ac- ities in the last seven days (before the census counting for 80% of the total workforce while date) by the type of residence and sex in the majority of employees in urban residences are county and in the five sub counties. The rural in the other service activities category account- residences have more people than urban resi- ing for 34% of the total workforce in urban dences in all economic activities representing


75.76% and 24.24 % of the total respectively. 5. Female employees dominate agriculture, Nyahururu Sub County has the highest pro- wholesale and retail trade and accommoda- portion of people engaged in all the economic tion and food service activities while con- activities representing 30.16% while Laikipia struction, transport and storage, public ad- North Sub County has the lowest proportions ministration and other service activities are representing 6.55 %. The proportion of male dominated by male employees. engaged for work across all economic activities stands at 50.3% while the proportion of female 6. Majority of the employees are paid outside stands 49.70%. their households representing 41.5% of the total workforce, followed by those work- Section 2.5 gives information on distribution ing as own account owners at 27.8% while of employees in the field of training by type of the contributing family workers represent residence and sex. Generally, those working in 18.3% of the total workforce. their areas of training make up 49.29% of the total workforce as compared to 50.4% for those 7. Self-small scale agriculture employs the not working in their areas of training. Nya- bulk of the workforce representing 48.3% hururu Sub County has the highest proportion followed by private sector enterprises at of those working in their area of training rep- 12.8% while the public sector constitutes resenting 31% of the work force with Laikipia only 6.4% of the total county workforce. North Sub County having the least at 8%. More 8. Male employees dominate all categories males than females work in their area of train- under main employer except in the county ing representing 50.28% and 49.72 % respec- government, self-employed and self-small tively. Inversely, more females than males are scale agriculture which are dominated by not working in their area of training represent- females. ing 51.27% and 48.73% respectively 9. Majority of employees engaged in actu- Section 2.6 provides information on distribu- al work reside in rural areas representing tion of employees by registered businesses as 75.43% of the total workforce in that cat- at October 2020. The data is disaggregated by egory while those in urban areas stand at sub-county, type of economic activities as per 24.57% and the same pattern replicates for ISIC and the size of the Enterprises. those employees engaged in no actual work. The Laikipia Labour Report 2021 allows us 10. Overall, the employees engaged in actual to draw the following conclusions: work constitute 55.51% of the entire work- 1. Among the private sector, majority of li- force followed by those engaged as full time censed businesses are in Laikipia West students at 37.49% while those engaged in constituency representing 52.5% of the no actual work represent the least at 7%. businesses followed by Laikipia East con- 11. In terms of sub-counties, Nyahururu has the stituency at 38.9% and Laikipia North con- highest proportion of employees engaged stituency with the least of the licensed busi- in actual work representing 29% followed nesses at only 8.6%. by Laikipia West at 24.47% while Laikipia 2. Majority of the licensed businesses are en- North represents the least at 6.67%. gaged in wholesale and retail trade repre- 12. Most of the employees in the county do not senting 58.3% followed by accommodation work in their area of training, representing and food service activities at 14.4%. 50.45% as compared to those who work in 3. Laikipia county unemployment rate stands their area of training constituting 49.29% at 5%, which is lower compared to the na- of the total workforce. In addition, among tional average of 6.2% as at 2019. those working in rural areas, majority do not work in their area of training as com- 4. Laikipia County has a total of 237,772 em- pared to those working in urban areas. ployed persons who are engaged in various economic activities. Among the economic 13. Nyahururu sub-county has the highest pro- activities, agriculture has the majority of portion of those employees working in their employees representing 66.6% of the total area of training, representing 31% followed workforce, followed by other service activ- by Laikipia east sub-county at 22% while ities at 14%. Laikipia north has the least at 8%.




Labour is a key factor of production which, if well nurtured and optimally engaged, can lead to faster growth of the economy as well as to positive social transformation. As espoused in Laikipia County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022, Laikipia County seeks to ensure rapid economic growth and therefore require sound Labour information and data to facilitate informed policy formu- lation and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of initiatives aimed at addressing employment creation and other Labour issues. Towards the fulfillment of this goal, the County Government of Laikpia, undertook the collection of various labour data and information with the overall objective of producing and publishing detailed report on labour and employment status in the county. The Laikipia County Employment Report 2021 is the first publication of this kind by the Economic Planning Unit in the Department of Finance and Economic Planning. During the 2019 Kenya Popula- tion and Housing Census (KPHC), the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) collected data on the county population’s economic activities and which became pivotal to this report. In addition, data from other government agencies including the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and the Laikipia County Revenue Board complimented the 2019 census information. The report provides summary information on the number of employees, main employers and propor- tions per economic activities within the County during the year 2019. The economic activities in this report are classified according the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). The information on employees is presented in various categories including; the last seven days of activity, main employers, status in the main job, main economic activities and field of training. It is further disaggregated in terms type of residence, sex and the five administrative units (sub counties).

1.1 EMPLOYERS IN THE COUNTY The employers range from public sector, private sector, international organizations, self- employed (formal and Informal), Agriculture (employed and small scale), Education (Board of Management) Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) comprising of local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). Under the public sector, there is the national government ( Ministries, Departments and Agencies, county governments (Departments, County Assemblies and semi-autonomous agencies), Constitu- tional Commissions ( for example the Teachers Service Commission, Judicial Service Commission, Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission among others), State owned enterprises, institu- tions and parastatals ( for example Kenya Power, Kenya Railways, National Social Security Fund, National Health Insurance Fund, Kenya Wildlife Services among others). The private sector comprises of 22,838 licensed businesses spread across the whole county with Laikipia West constituency taking the bulk at 52.5 per cent, Laikipia East Constituency at 38.9 per cent and Laikipia North Constituency at only 8.6 per cent. As per the International Standards Industri- al Classification (ISIC), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles constitute the bulk of businesses at 13,325 representing 58.3 per cent of the total businesses, Accommodation and food service activities follows at a distant second with 3,298 representing 14.4 per cent and other service activities and Professional, scientific and technical activities at 2,196 representing 9.6 per cent and 1,588 representing 7 per cent respectively. This is as depicted in the following figure 1;


Figure 1: Licensed Businesses as per ISIC, 2020

Source: Laikipia County Revenue Board The International Organizations/NGOs operating in the county include World Vision, SNV and BA- TUK among others. In 2019 agriculture was the highest contributor to the County’s Gross County Product at 44.2 per cent. Similarly, it remains in its various form a significant contributor to employment opportunities for ex- ample small scale agriculture contributes 51.1 per cent of employment while pastoralism contributes 9.1 per cent. The informal sector has its own share of employment opportunities. The ‘Jua Kali’ sector plus the self-employed in the informal sector contributes 10.1 per cent of the total employment opportunities. This is a sector that can be harnessed to raise more opportunities especially with the Innovation Pro- gramme. There are several local Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the county with varying contribution to the employment opportunities. These organizations are spread across the county and undertaking different activities.


In 2019, the labour force in the county stood at 250,297 out of a population of 298,220 persons in age bracket of 15-64 year. The number of employed persons stood at 237,772 persons comprising of 118,065 males, 119,702 females and 5 inter sex. The employed as a percentage of the 15-64 age bracket population stood at 79.7 per cent. The number of unemployed stood at 12,525 persons rep- resenting a 5.0 % unemployment rate. The inactive population (not in labour force) stood at 47,923 comprising of 39,207 in secondary schools, 3,868 at middle level/TIVETS and 4,848 at universities. The labour force participation rate (labour force/total working population) stood at 83.9 per cent. Table 1 below shows labour indicators for the county in the year 2019.


Table 1: County Labour indicators, 2019

Labour Indicators 2019 Population (15-64) 298,220 Labour Force 250,297 Employed 237,772 Employed/Population Ratio (%) 79.7 Unemployed 12,525 Unemployment Rate (%) 5.0 Not in Labor Force (Inactive) (Population –Labour Force) 47,923 Labour Force Participation (%)( labour force/ total working population) 83.9

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

2.1 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY MAIN ECO- NOMIC ACTIVITIES This section presents information on the number of employees within the county as per the Interna- tional Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) of economic activities. Overall, agriculture is the main economic activity with 66% of employees being engaged in agricul- tural activities followed by 14% who are engaged in other service activities while wholesale and retail trade is the third largest category at 3.2%. Construction sector accounts for 2.4% of the workforce while the rest of the employees are fairly distributed across the other economic activities as illustrated in the following Table 2.

Table 2: Number and percentage distribution of employees by economic activity, 2019

Economic Activity County Total Percentage % Agriculture 158,361 66.6 Mining and Quarrying 448 0.2 Manufacturing 1,305 0.5 Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 851 0.4 Water supply sewerage waste management and remediation activities 480 0.2 Construction 5,728 2.4 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles 7,627 3.2 Transportation and Storage 4,845 2.0 Accomodation and food service activities 4,180 1.8 Information and construction 477 0.2 Financial and insurance activities 1,356 0.6 Real estate activities 356 0.1 Professional scientific and Technical activities 1,762 0.7 Administrative and support service activities 2,884 1.2 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 4,806 2.0 Education 4,102 1.7 Human health and social work activities 1,745 0.7 Arts entertainiment and recreation 1,216 0.5 Other service activities 33,341 14.0 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use 1,453 0.6 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 449 0.2 Total 237,772 100.0 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Sectoral analysis at sub-county level shows that, majority of employees in the agriculture sector are in Laikipia West at 38%, followed by Laikipia Central at 22% while the least are in Laikipia North sub-county accounting for 11% of the sector related activities total workforce. This is further illus- trated in the figure below;


Figure 2: Distribution of employees in the Agriculture Sector by Sub-County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Other service activities represent the second largest category of employees, where data disaggrega- tion by sub-county shows that, majority of the employees are in Laikipia East sub-county at 34%, followed by Laikipia Central sub-county at 27% with the least being Laikipia North sub-county at 4% as illustrated in Figure 3. Figure 3: Percentage distribution of other service activities employees by sub-county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Under wholesale and retail trade which is the third largest category, the data shows majority of the employees are in Nyahururu sub-county, accounting for 33% of the total workforce in this sector, followed by Laikipia Central sub-county at 26% while the least are in Laikipia North sub-county at 2%. This is further detailed in the figure below;


Figure 4: Percentage distribution of employees in the wholesale and retail trade by sub-county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC The information on number of employees by economic activity is further disaggregated and presented by area of residence of the employees. The data shows that, majority of employees in rural residenc- es are in the agriculture sector accounting for 80% of the total workforce in that area of residence, followed by other service activities at 7.9% while construction comes third among at 1.9%. Among the employees in the urban area of residence, majority are in the other service activities category ac- counting for 34%, followed by those in agriculture sector at 21.3% while wholesale and retail trade comes third at 8% as shown in Table 3. Table 3: Number and percentage distribution of employees by place of Residence, 2019

County Totals Economic Activity Rural Percent % Urban Percent % Agriculture 146,526 80.4 11,835 21.3 Mining and Quarrying 357 0.2 91 0.2 Manufacturing 769 0.4 536 1.0 Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 370 0.2 481 0.9 Water supply sewerage waste management and remediation activities 224 0.1 256 0.5 Construction 3,456 1.9 2,272 4.1 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles 3,163 1.7 4,464 8.0 Transportation and Storage 2,544 1.4 2,301 4.1 Accomodation and food service activities 1,412 0.8 2,768 5.0 Information and construction 170 0.1 307 0.6 Financial and insurance activities 291 0.2 1,065 1.9 Real estate activities 176 0.1 180 0.3 Professional scientific and Technical activities 726 0.4 1,036 1.9 Administrative and support service activities 1,429 0.8 1,455 2.6 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 1,387 0.8 3,419 6.1 Education 2,447 1.3 1,655 3.0 Human health and social work activities 594 0.3 1,151 2.1 Arts entertainiment and recreation 633 0.3 583 1.0 Other service activities 14,410 7.9 18,931 34.0 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use 900 0.5 553 1.0 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 178 0.1 271 0.5 Total 182,162 100.0 55,610 100.0 Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Employees’ distribution by economic activities across the five sub-counties shows similar patterns to those at the county level except for few inconsistencies as explained below; Among the five sub-counties, majority of the employees are in the agriculture sector accounting for 60% in Laikipia Central, 48.4% in Laikipia East, 85.6% in Laikipia North, 81.9% in Laikipia West and 48.1% in Nyahururu sub-county.


Other service activities category is second in all the five sub-counties accounting for 17.6% in Laikip- ia Central, 23.3% in Laikipia East, 6.8% in Laikipia North, 8.5% in Laikipia West and 19.7% in Nyahururu. Wholesale and retail trade employees take the third spot in the sub-counties of Laikipia Central, Laikipia West and Nyahururu accounting for 3.6%, 1.6% and 7.1% respectively. On the contrary the number of employees in Laikipia East and Laikipia North indicate strong representation of the public administration sector, which takes the third spot in these two sub-counties accounting for 5.6% and 1.3% respectively. There is also strong representation of construction sector in the sub-counties of Laikipia Central and Laikipia East accounting for 3.5% of the workforce in the two sub-counties. Transport and stor- age and accommodation and food service activities have some strong representation in Nyahururu sub-county accounting for 3.5% and 3.3% respectively, followed by Laikipia East at 2.6% and 2.8% respectively. There is also some fair representation of the two economic activities in Laikipia Central sub-county, standing at 2.6% and 2.0% respectively. Further details on distribution of employees across the five sub-counties by economic activities are presented in Table 4. Table 4: Employees distribution by economic activity and sub-county, 2019

Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Economic Activity Total Percent Total Percent Total Percent Total Percent Total Percent Agriculture 28,338 60.0 22,233 48.4 13,619 85.6 47,890 81.9 14,788 48.1 Mining and Quarrying 96 0.2 113 0.2 76 0.5 37 0.1 78 0.3 Manufacturing 281 0.6 336 0.7 8 0.1 186 0.3 261 0.8 Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 228 0.5 239 0.5 10 0.1 75 0.1 196 0.6 Water supply sewerage waste management and remediation activities 117 0.2 131 0.3 14 0.1 65 0.1 115 0.4 Construction 1,632 3.5 1,615 3.5 73 0.5 756 1.3 877 2.9 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles 1,718 3.6 1,651 3.6 111 0.7 937 1.6 2,175 7.1 Transportation and Storage 1,223 2.6 1,214 2.6 79 0.5 569 1.0 1,074 3.5 Accomodation and food service activities 926 2.0 1,269 2.8 75 0.5 473 0.8 1,023 3.3 Information and construction 104 0.2 120 0.3 6 0.0 42 0.1 138 0.4 Financial and insurance activities 311 0.7 411 0.9 29 0.2 84 0.1 436 1.4 Real estate activities 85 0.2 115 0.3 11 0.1 49 0.1 71 0.2 Professional scientific and Technical activities 416 0.9 403 0.9 32 0.2 221 0.4 431 1.4 Administrative and support service activities 690 1.5 757 1.6 133 0.8 502 0.9 535 1.7 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 770 1.6 2,585 5.6 206 1.3 534 0.9 533 1.7 Education 874 1.9 712 1.5 118 0.7 650 1.1 889 2.9 Human health and social work activities 320 0.7 478 1.0 42 0.3 192 0.3 514 1.7 Arts entertainiment and recreation 325 0.7 284 0.6 166 1.0 89 0.2 239 0.8 Other service activities 8,290 17.6 10,708 23.3 1,085 6.8 4,943 8.5 6,043 19.7 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use 380 0.8 345 0.8 12 0.1 126 0.2 271 0.9 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 77 0.2 237 0.5 14 0.1 25 0.0 49 0.2 Total 47,201 100.0 45,956 100.0 15,919 100.0 58,445 100.0 30,736 100.0

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC In terms of gender disaggregation across the various economic activities, majority of the female em- ployees are in the agriculture sector accounting for 74.1%, followed by those working in the other service activities at 12.8% while wholesale and retail trade comes third at 3.5%. Among the male employees the same trend is followed for the agriculture sector at 59% and other service activities at 15.3%. However, construction comes third at 4.7% followed closely by transport and storage sector at 4%.


Overall, more female employees are engaged in agriculture sector activities and wholesale and re- tail trade as compared to the proportions of male employees in those categories. In addition, female employees are strongly represented in accommodation and food services activities and education, accounting for 2.1% and 1.9% respectively as compared to male employees of 1.4% and 1.6% respec- tively in the same economic activities. However, in other service activities, construction, transport and storage sectors, the proportion of males is higher compared to that of females in the same catego- ry. Public administration and defense in addition is also strong among male employees accounting for 3.5% of the total male workforce as compared to 0.5% among female employees. Further details on data disaggregation by economic activity and gender is presented in Table 5. Table 5: Distribution of employees by economic activity and sex, 2019

Laikipia County Economic Activity Male Percent Female Percent Agriculture 69,606 59.0 88,753 74.1 Mining and Quarrying 408 0.3 40 0.0 Manufacturing 892 0.8 413 0.3 Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 769 0.7 82 0.1 Water supply sewerage waste management and remediation activities 370 0.3 110 0.1 Construction 5,497 4.7 230 0.2 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles 3,434 2.9 4,193 3.5 Transportation and Storage 4,711 4.0 134 0.1 Accomodation and food service activities 1,692 1.4 2,488 2.1 Information and construction 280 0.2 197 0.2 Financial and insurance activities 607 0.5 749 0.6 Real estate activities 223 0.2 133 0.1 Professional scientific and Technical activities 1,032 0.9 730 0.6 Administrative and support service activities 1,896 1.6 988 0.8 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 4,191 3.5 614 0.5 Education 1,853 1.6 2,249 1.9 Human health and social work activities 736 0.6 1,009 0.8 Arts entertainiment and recreation 736 0.6 480 0.4 Other service activities 18,053 15.3 15,287 12.8 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use 720 0.6 733 0.6 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 359 0.3 90 0.1 Total 118,065 100.0 119,702 100.0 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Across the sub-counties, similar patterns are also evident as explained below; In all the five sub-counties, agriculture, wholesale and retail trade, accommodation and food service activities are dominated by female employees while construction, transport and storage, public ad- ministration and other service activities are dominated by male employees as illustrated in the fol- lowing Figures 5.


Figure 5: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia Central, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

Figure 6: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia East, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


Figure 7: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia North, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

Figure 8: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender- Laikipia West, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


Figure 9: Distribution of employees by economic activity and gender – Nyahururu, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

2.2 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY STATUS IN THE MAIN JOB The employees in the county represent various status in their main jobs and spread across all the ur- ban and rural areas. These statuses include members of producer’s co-operatives, contributing family workers, paid apprentices/ interns, paid volunteers, paid employees (outside and within households), working employers, own account workers among others. In 2019, majority of the employees are those paid outside households who stood at 98,619 represent- ing a 41.5 per cent of the total employees, followed by those who are own account owners at 66,028 representing 27.8 percent and those who are contributing family workers at 43,470 at 18.3 per cent. The rest represent 12.4 percent of the total as represented in the following Figure 10.

Figure 10: Employees by status at the main jobs, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


The majority of the employees across all various status at their main job are rural by type of residence at 76.6 per cent with the urban remaining at 23.4 per cent. The paid employees outside the households constitute the highest at 37.6 per cent of the rural residence followed by the own account workers at 29.2 per cent and the contributing family workers at 21.2 per cent. The urban residences replicate the same trend with the paid employees outside households, own account workers and contributing family workers at 54.1 per cent, 23.2 per cent and 8.7 per cent of the urban residences respectively. Laikipia West Sub County recorded the highest of the rural residences at 28.8 per cent with Nyahuru- ru following closely at 27.6 per cent. Laikipia North had the lowest at 8.7 per cent. Nyahururu Sub County had the highest urban residence at 36 per cent followed closely by Laikipia East at 31.5 per cent. Laikipia Central and Laikipia West had a combined 32.6 percent with Laikipia North recording nil. The distribution of employees by status and type of residence is as depicted in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Employees by status and type of residence, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC The distribution of the employees by status in the main job and by Sub County shows that Nyahururu and Laikipia West sub counties have the highest of the employees at 54.1 per cent. This is boosted by the fact that they constitute 72.4 per cent, 46.7 per cent and 55.5 per cent of the contributing fam- ily workers, paid employees who are outside households and the own account workers respective- ly. Laikipia East Sub County records the highest paid employees who are outside households with Laikipia North Sub County recording the lowest overall and across all the categories except under the others category. This is further detailed in the following Table 6.


Table 6: Employees by status and Sub County, 2019

Category Laikipia Laikipia Laikipia Laikipia Nyahururu Laikipia Central East North West County Members of producer’s co-oper- 13 23 3 24 29 92 atives Contributing family worker 6,805 3,995 1,192 16,017 15,461 43,470 Paid Apprentice/ Intern 140 205 23 213 280 861 Paid Volunteer 139 270 43 267 233 952 Other 1,899 1,454 2,005 2,621 3,081 11,060 Paid Employee - outside house- 18,343 26,381 7,861 20,251 25,783 98,619 hold Paid Employee - within house- 2,063 2,305 57 1,048 2,772 8,245 hold Working Employer 1,897 1,787 776 1,214 2,771 8,445 Own Account Worker 15,902 9,536 3,959 16,790 19,841 66,028 Total 47,201 45,956 15,919 58,445 70,251 237,772 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC The number of male employees while being almost equal to that of females (49.6 per cent to 50.4 per cent) dominate the latter across the paid apprentice/ interns at 60 per cent, paid volunteers at 60 per cent, paid employees outside households at 59 per cent and within households at 64 per cent. On the other hand, females dominate males across employees contributing family workers at 58 per cent, working employers at 57 per cent and own account workers at 59 per cent and on others at 57 per cent. The males and females are however equally represented under members of producer’s cooperatives. Majority of the males are employees outside households constituting 49 per cent followed by own account workers at 22.9 per cent and contributing family workers at 15.6 per cent. This is also similar for the females at 34.1 per cent, 32.6 per cent and 20.9 per cent for employees outside households, own account workers and contributing family workers respectively. Further information on gender disaggregation is presented in figure below;

Figure 12: Employees by status in the main job and sex, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


2.3 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY MAIN EMPLOYER The employees in the county are spread across various employers who range from the public sector, Private sector, International organizations to Faith Based Organizations (FBOs). These employers include: National Government, State Owned Enterprise/Institution/ Parastatals, Teachers Service Commission, Other Constitutional Commissions, County Government, Private sector Enterprise, In- ternational Organizations/NGOs, Extraterritorial Organizations and bodies, Local NGO/CBO, Faith Based Organizations, Self-employed (Formal), Informal sector ‘’ Jua kali “ (employed), Self-em- ployed (informal), Small Scale agriculture- employed, Self-small scale agriculture, Pastoralists ac- tivities- employed, Self- Pastoralists activities, Individual/ Private Household and schools Board of Management.

The self-small scale agriculture has the bulk of employees at 48.3 per cent followed by private sector enterprises, self-pastoralists activities and self-employed (informal) at 12.8 per cent, 8.6 per cent and 8.1 per cent respectively. The overall public sector comprising of national government, state owned enterprises, constitutional commissions and the county government constitutes only 6.4 per cent of the employees in the county. The distribution of employees across the various employers’ categories is as depicted in the following Figure 13. Figure 13: Employees by main employers, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

The bulk of agriculture takes place in the rural areas as is evidenced from the fact that the self-small scale agriculture rural component constitutes 44.9 per cent of the total employment, self-pastoralists activities at 8.5 per cent, employed by small scale agriculture at 2.5 per cent. The urban residences are predominant for the self- employed (informal), FBOs, Extraterritorial organizations and bodies, International organizations/NGOs, county Governments, state owned enterprises and the national government. The distribution of employees by main employer and the type of residence is as shown in Figure 14.


Figure 14: Distribution of employees by main employer and type of residence, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

The distribution of employees by type of main employer and sub-county is consistent with the main economic activities in the sub counties. Laikipia East sub-county dominate private sector enterprise at 34.3 per cent of the total private sector enterprise employment followed by Nyahururu and Laikipia central at 25.5 per cent and 21.3 per cent respectively. Nyahururu, Laikipia West and Laikipia Central sub counties on the other hand dominate self -small scale agriculture by contributing 33.7 per cent, 32.3 per cent and 19.9 per cent of that category respectively. Under self-pastoralist activities, Laikip- ia North Sub County contributed 52.5 per cent to the category while in self-employed (informal), Laikipia Central and Nyahururu sub counties had 22.6 per cent and 33.8 per cent of the category. This is as depicted in the following Table 7.


Table 7: Employees by main employer and Sub County, 2019

Laikipia Laikipia Laikipia Laikipia Nyahururu Total Central East North West National Government 1,085 3,574 264 989 1,529 7,441 State Owned Enterprise/ para- 399 612 64 294 931 2,300 statal Teachers Service Commission 549 436 45 370 1,116 2,516 Other Constitutional Commis- 47 77 14 37 51 226 sion County Government 570 715 113 354 931 2,683 Private sector Enterprise 6,481 10,429 1,050 4,740 7,763 30,463 International Organizations/ 78 199 21 33 84 415 NGO Extraterritorial Organizations 59 158 4 15 49 285 and bodies Local NGO/CBO 109 325 58 142 207 841 Faith Based Organizations 183 286 35 167 369 1,040 Self-employed (Formal) 2,857 3,665 749 1,944 3,938 13,153 Informal sector ‘’ Jua kali “ (em- 1,575 965 47 639 1,401 4,627 ployed) Self-employed (informal) 5,163 4,511 239 2,941 6,550 19,404 Small Scale agriculture- em- 1,774 719 6 1,433 2,658 6,590 ployed Self-small scale agriculture 22,845 13,944 2,255 37,096 38,670 114,810 Pastoralists activities- employed 350 226 147 362 285 1,370 Self- Pastoralists activities 787 2,675 10,713 5,668 576 20,419 Individual/ Private Household 2,063 2,305 57 1,048 2,772 8,245 Schools Board of Management 227 135 38 173 371 944 Total 47,201 45,956 15,919 58,445 70,251 237,772 Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

The male employees dominate all the categories of main employer except in County government, self-employed (both formal and informal), Self-small scale agriculture which are dominated by wom- en who take up 50.7 per cent, 50.4 per cent, 51 per cent and 61 per cent respectively. This male domination stand at 79 per cent at national government, 67.7 per cent at the state owned enterprise/ parastatal, 52 per cent at Teachers Service Commission, 69.5 per cent at other constitutional com- missions, 66.4 per cent at private sector enterprises, 64.6 per cent at International Organizations/ NGO, 83.5 per cent at the Extraterritorial Organizations and bodies, 69.3 per cent at the Local NGO/ CBO, 65.8 per cent at the Faith Based Organizations,77.3 per cent at Informal sector ‘’ Jua kali “ (employed), 61.2 per cent at the Small Scale agriculture- employed, 93.1 per cent at the Pastoralists activities- employed, 50.9 per cent at the Self- Pastoralists activities, 64.1 per cent at the Individual/ Private Household and finally 51 per cent at the schools’ Board of Management. The number of male and female employees by main employer is as presented in Figure 15.


Figure 15: Employees by main employers and sex, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


This section presents information on the number of people engaged in different economic activities in the last seven days to the census date. The broad categories include working, apprentice, intern, volunteer, future starters, seeking workers, not work available among others. The distribution of employees by type of economic activity and by the type of residence is as presented in Table 8.


Table 8: Last 7 days’ economic activity by type of residence in the County, 2019

Category of economic activities Rural Urban Total Worked for pay 38,897 29,686 68,583 Worked on own/family business 13,438 16,662 30,100 Worked on own/family agricultural holding 129,056 8,616 137,672 Apprentice-paid 157 87 244 Apprentice-unpaid 51 48 99 Intern – paid 64 75 139 Intern – unpaid 80 121 201 Volunteer- paid 155 134 289 Volunteer- unpaid 264 181 445 Future starters 1,243 298 1,541 Seeking work - action taken 4,286 2,923 7,209 Seeking work - action not taken 2,427 913 3,340 No work available 6,471 4,545 11,016 Retired 237 344 581 Too old to work 805 269 1,074 Home maker 5,623 5,573 11,196 Full time student 131,432 36,741 168,173 Incapacitated 2,845 1,267 4,112 Too young to work 2,259 264 2,523 Totals 339,790 108,747 448,537 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

The table above shows analysis of the number of persons in different economic activities by type of residence in the county in the last seven days. The proportion of people in rural and urban residence in all economic activities stands at 75.76% and 24.24 % respectively. The proportion of people engaged in actual work (work for pay, work on own, apprentice, interns, volunteer and home marker) in rural and urban residence stands at 75.43% and 24.57% respectively. Large proportion of people in both rural and urban residence in actual work engaged in work on own family agricultural holding, work for pay and work on own/family business as shown in Figure 16; Figure 16: Proportion of people engaged in actual work by residence in the county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


The proportion of people in no actual work (future starters, seeking work, no work available, retired, too old to work, incapacitated and too young to work) in rural and urban residence stands at 65.34% and 34.47% respectively. The Figure 17 shows the proportion of people in no actual work in rural and urban residence in the county. Figure 17: Proportion of people in no actual work by residence in the county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

The proportion of people engaged as full time students in rural and urban residence stands at 78.15% and 21.85% respectively. The figure below shows the proportion of people in actual work, in no actual work and as full time students in both rural and urban areas. Figure 18: Proportion of people in actual work, in no actual work and as full time students in both rural and urban areas in the county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Table 9 shows analysis of number of persons engaged in different economic activities in the last seven days by sub counties. Nyahururu Sub County has the highest proportion of people engaged in all the economic activities representing 30.16% while Laikipia North Sub County has the lowest proportions representing 6.55 % as depicted in Figure 19.


Table 9: Employees by last 7 days’ economic activities and by sub counties, 2019

Categories of economic Laikipia Laikipia East Laikipia Laikipia Nyahuru- Total activities Central North West ru Worked for pay 15,311 20,783 1,933 10,480 20,076 68,583 Worked on own/family 7,703 7,567 607 4,257 9,966 30,100 business Worked on own/family 23,943 17,228 13,349 43,391 39,761 137,672 agricultural holding Apprentice-paid 32 31 2 79 100 244 Apprentice-unpaid 19 28 - 21 31 99 Intern – paid 26 39 3 30 41 139 Intern – unpaid 42 74 3 15 67 201 Volunteer- paid 36 87 5 88 73 289 Volunteer- unpaid 89 119 17 84 136 445 Future starters 206 361 112 533 329 1,541 Seeking work - action 1,539 2,192 238 1,186 2,054 7,209 taken Seeking work – No action 408 775 259 922 976 3,340 No work available 1,277 3,443 904 2,865 2,527 11,016 Retired 128 239 7 61 146 581 Too old to work 190 276 74 285 249 1,074 Home maker 2,230 3,405 690 2,470 2,401 11,196 Full time student 30,901 30,739 10,331 41,167 55,035 168,173 Incapacitated 810 1,022 211 913 1,156 4,112 Too young to work 44 347 639 1,332 161 2,523 Totals 84,934 88,755 29,384 110,179 135,285 448,537 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Figure 19: Proportion of people engaged in different categories of economic activities by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Nyahururu Sub County has the largest proportion of people engaged in actual work (work for pay, work on own, apprentice, interns, volunteer and home marker) representing 29% of all people in actual work in the five sub counties. Laikipia North Sub County has the least proportion of people in actual work representing 6.67 % of all people in actual work. Figure 20 below shows proportion of people in actual work in the five sub counties;


Figure 20: Proportion of people in actual work by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Nyahururu Sub County has the largest proportion of people engaged in work for pay, work on own family business, in apprentice and volunteering. Laikipia West Sub County has the largest propor- tion of people engaged in work/family agricultural holdings while Laikipia East Sub County has the largest proportion of people engaged in home making and internship. Laikipia North Sub County has least proportion of people in all categories under actual work followed by Laikipia Central Sub County. Laikipia East Sub County has the largest proportion of people in no actual work (future starters, seek- ing work, no work available, retired, too old to work, incapacitated and too young to work) represent- ing 27.56% of all people in no actual work in the five sub counties. Laikipia North Sub County has the least proportion of people in no actual work representing 6.67 % of all people in no actual work. Figure 21 shows proportion of people in no actual work in the five sub counties Figure 21: Proportion of people in no actual work by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Nyahururu Sub County has the highest proportion of people seeking for work and incapacitated. Laikipia west Sub County has the highest number of persons in future starters, too old to work and too young to work. Laikipia East Sub County has the highest proportion of people on no work available and retired amongst the five sub counties. Laikipia North Sub County has least proportion of people in all cate- gories under no actual work followed by Laikipia Central Sub County. Nyahururu Sub County has the largest proportion of people engaged as full time students representing 32.73% of the students in the five sub counties. Laikipia North Sub County has the least proportion of people engaged as full time students representing 6.14 %. The Figure 22 shows proportion of full time students in the five sub counties


Figure 22: Proportion of full time students by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Laikipia West Sub County has the highest proportion of persons engaged in actual work (work for pay, work on own, apprentice, interns, volunteer and home marker) in rural areas representing 28.93 % of all people in rural areas in the five sub counties. Laikipia north has the lowest proportions repre- senting 8.84 %. Table 10 shows the number of people engaged in the last 7 days by Sub County and residence Table 10: Last 7 days’ categories of economic activities by type of residence and sub-county, 2019

Categories of eco- Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu nomic activities Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Rural Urban Worked for pay 9,067 6,244 9,727 11,056 1,933 - 7,864 2,616 10,306 9,770 Worked on own/ 3,599 4,104 2,787 4,780 607 - 2,533 1,724 3,912 6,054 family business Worked on own / 22,319 1,624 15,819 1,409 13,349 - 41,721 1,670 35,848 3,913 family agricultural holding Apprentice-paid 19 13 15 16 2 - 76 3 45 55 Apprentice-unpaid 9 10 8 20 - - 18 3 16 15 Intern – paid 10 16 11 28 3 - 24 6 16 25 Intern - unpaid 12 30 29 45 3 - 14 1 22 45 Volunteer- paid 24 12 18 69 5 - 74 14 34 39 Volunteer- unpaid 60 29 41 78 17 - 65 19 81 55 Future starters 172 34 245 116 112 - 503 30 211 118 Seeking work - ac- 807 732 1,084 1,108 238 - 1,011 175 1,146 908 tion taken Seeking work - ac- 271 137 536 239 259 - 813 109 548 428 tion not taken No work available 645 632 1,655 1,788 904 - 1,976 889 1,291 1,236 Retired 64 64 83 156 7 - 44 17 39 107 Too old to work 141 49 174 102 74 - 229 56 187 62 Home maker 809 1,421 1,228 2,177 690 - 1,931 539 965 1,436 Full time student 22,760 8,141 19,899 10,840 10,331 - 36,916 4,251 41,526 13,509 Incapacitated 567 243 521 501 211 - 741 172 805 351 Too young to work 20 24 296 51 639 - 1,207 125 97 64 Totals 61,375 23,559 54,176 34,579 29,384 97,760 12,419 97,095 38,190 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC


Nyahururu Sub County on the other hand has the highest proportion of persons engaged in actual work in urban areas representing 34.99% of all people in urban areas. Laikipia North has nil persons engaged in actual work in urban areas. Figure 23 shows proportion of persons in actual work in rural and urban areas in the five sub counties. Figure 23: Proportion of persons in actual work in rural and urban areas by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC Laikipia West Sub County has the highest proportion of persons in no actual work (future starters, seeking work, no work available, retired, too old to work, incapacitated and too young to work) in rural areas representing 31.71 % of all people in rural areas in the five sub counties. Laikipia East Sub County has the highest proportion of persons in no actual work under the urban res- idence category representing 37.52% of all people in urban residence. Laikipia North has nil persons engaged in no actual work in urban residence. Figure 24 shows proportion of persons in no actual work in rural and urban residences in the five sub counties. Figure 24: Proportion of persons in no actual work in rural and urban areas by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

Nyahururu Sub County has the highest proportion of persons engaged as full time students in both rural and urban residence representing 31.60% and 36.77% respectively of all the students in the five sub counties. Laikipia north has the least of persons engaged as full time student in both rural and urban residence representing 7.86% and 0% respectively of all students in the five sub counties. The figure below shows proportion of persons engaged as full time students in both rural and urban resi- dence in the five sub counties; 22 LAIKIPIA COUNTY LABOUR REPORT 2021

Figure 25: Proportion of persons in full time students in both rural and urban by sub coun- ties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

Table 11 shows the number of persons engaged in different categories of economic activities by sex in the county in the last seven days. The proportion of male engaged for work across all economic activities stands at 50.3% while the proportion of female stands 49.70%. Table 11: Last 7 Days Economic Activity by Sex in the county , 2019

Economic Activities Male Female Total Percentage of Total Worked for pay 45,999 22,581 68,580 15.29 Worked on own/family business 14,687 15,412 30,099 6.71 Worked on own/family agricultural holding 56,494 81,177 137,671 30.69 Apprentice-paid 177 67 244 0.05 Apprentice-un paid 72 27 99 0.02 Intern – paid 83 56 139 0.03 Intern – unpaid 96 105 201 0.04 Volunteer- paid 178 111 289 0.06 Volunteer- unpaid 279 166 445 0.10 Future starters 1,022 519 1,541 0.34 Seeking work - action taken 4,755 2,453 7,208 1.61 Seeking work - action not taken 2,244 1,096 3,340 0.74 No work available 5,546 5,469 11,015 2.46 Retired 338 243 581 0.13 Too old to work 333 741 1,074 0.24 Home maker 1,478 9,718 11,196 2.50 Economic Activities Male Female Total Percentage of Total Full time student 86,079 82,090 168,169 37.49 Incapacitated 1,822 2,290 4,112 0.92 Too young to work 1,259 1,264 2,523 0.56 Total 222,941 225,585 448,526 100 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC The proportion of male and female in actual work (work for pay, work on own, apprentice, interns, volunteer and home marker) stands at 48.02% and 51.98% respectively. The proportion of male and female in actual work engaged in four main work categories namely; worked on own/family agricul- tural holding, worked on own/family business, worked for pay and home keeping stand at 99.26%

23 LAIKIPIA COUNTY LABOUR REPORT 2021 and 99.59% respectively. Only 0.56 % of both sexes are engaged in apprenticeship, internship and volunteering. Figures 26 and 27 show the proportion of both male and female in the actual work and in no actual work in the county. Figure 26: Proportion of male and female persons in the actual work in the county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC The proportion of male and female in no actual work (future starters, seeking work, no work avail- able, retired, too old to work, incapacitated and too young to work) stands at 55.17% and 44.83% respectively. The figure below shows the proportion of both male and female in no actual work in the county.

Figure 27: Proportion of male and female persons in no actual work in the county, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC The proportion of male and female persons in full time study stands at 51.19 % and 48.81% respec- tively in the county. Table 12 shows the number of persons engaged in different economic activities by sex and sub coun- ties in the last seven days. Nyahururu Sub County has the highest number of male and female en- gaged in actual work representing 28.42% and 29.89 % respectively. Laikipia north Sub County has the lowest proportions of male and female engaged in actual work representing 6.55% and 6.78% respectively.


Table 12: Last 7 days’ categories of economic activity by sex and sub-county, 2019

Categories of Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Economic Activ- ities Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Worked for pay 10,436 4,875 13,855 6,926 1,618 315 7,543 2,937 12,547 7,528 Worked on own/ family business 3,869 3,834 3,521 4,045 305 302 2,130 2,127 4,862 5,104 Worked on own/ family agricultural holding 9,105 14,838 6,556 10,672 5,735 7,613 19,105 24,286 15,993 23,768 Apprentice-paid 25 7 28 3 2 - 44 35 78 22 Apprentice-un paid 16 3 20 8 - - 13 8 23 8 Intern - paid 13 13 18 21 2 1 25 5 25 16 Intern - unpaid 19 23 38 36 1 2 8 7 30 37 Volunteer- paid 24 12 53 34 3 2 55 33 43 30 Volunteer- unpaid 61 28 59 60 14 3 57 27 88 48 Future starters 139 67 229 132 87 25 346 187 221 108 Seeking work - action taken 999 540 1,401 791 183 55 854 331 1,318 736 Seeking work - action not taken 261 147 474 301 165 94 701 221 643 333 No work available 759 518 1,608 1,835 453 451 1,438 1,426 1,288 1,239 Retired 77 51 135 104 5 2 39 22 82 64 Too old to work 68 122 90 186 24 50 79 206 72 177 Home maker 208 2,022 344 3,061 155 535 491 1,979 280 2,121 Full time student 15,942 14,959 15,436 15,301 5,461 4,870 21,282 19,884 27,958 27,076 Incapacitated 370 440 453 569 106 105 411 502 482 674 Too young to work 23 21 187 160 308 331 653 679 88 73 Totals 42,414 42,520 44,505 44,245 14,627 14,756 55,274 54,902 66,121 69,162 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Figure28 shows proportion of male and female engaged in actual work in the last seven days in the five sub counties Figure 28: Proportion of male and female engaged in actual work by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


More female than male work on own/family business in Laikipia East and Nyahururu sub counties unlike in the other three sub counties. More male than female work for pay while more female than male work on own family agricultural holdings in all the five sub counties. Laikipia East Sub County has the highest proportion of male and female engaged in no actual work represent- ing 26.43% and 28.97% respectively. Laikipia north Sub County has the lowest proportion of male and female engaged in no actual work representing 7.69% and 7.91% respectively in the five sub counties. Figure 29 be- low shows proportion of male and female engaged in no actual work in the five sub counties

Figure 29: Proportion of male and female in no actual work in the last seven days by sub counties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC There are more females than male in no actual work in Laikipia East Sub County unlike the scenario in other four sub counties. There are more females than males who are too young to work in Laikipia North and West sub counties contrary to the scenarios in other three sub counties.

2.5 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES IN THE FIELD OF TRAINING BY TYPE OF RESIDENCE AND SEX This section gives information on those working in areas of training by type of residence and by sex in the five sub counties. Generally, those working in area of training make up 49.29% of the total workforce as compared to 50.4% of those who do not work in their area of training. Most of those working in rural areas, don’t work in their area of training as compared to those in urban areas. Table 13 below shows the data on those working in their area of training, those not in the area of training and those who don’t not know.


Table 13: If currently working in field of training by type of residence and sub- county, 2019

Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Category Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Yes 14,742 7,030 21,772 13,987 10,155 24,142 8,631 - 8,631 19,332 3,468 22,800 22,530 11,900 34,430 79,222 32,553 111,775 No 20,042 4,997 25,039 13,462 7,257 20,719 3,687 - 3,687 27,613 2,463 30,076 26,920 7,946 34,866 91,724 22,663 114,387 DK 47 19 66 25 34 59 230 - 230 136 11 147 49 31 80 487 95 582 Total 34,831 12,046 46,877 27,474 17,446 44,920 12,548 - 12,548 47,081 5,942 53,023 49,499 19,877 69,376 171,433 55,311 226,744

Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC Nyahururu Sub County has the highest proportion of those working in area of training representing 31% of the work force followed by Laikipia East Sub County at 22% and Laikipia North Sub County having the least proportion at 8%. Figure 30 below shows the percentage distribution of those current- ly working in area of training by sub counties. Figure 30: Percentage distribution of those currently working in area of training by sub coun- ties, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC In Laikipia Central those not working in their area of training are higher than those working in area of training standing at 58% against 42% for the rural residences. In the urban areas, those working in area of training account for 58% as compared to those not working in area of training who stand at 41%. The number of employees not working in area of training is higher than those working in area of training. Figure 31 below shows the percentage distribution of those working and not working in the area of training by type of residence for Laikipia Central. Figure 31: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia Central Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


In Laikipia East, majority represents those working in area of training as compared to those not working in the area of training as depicted by 51% against 49% respectively of those working in rural areas. Similarly, in the urban areas, those working in area of training are higher accounting for 58% as compared to those not working in area of training who stand at 42%. Generally, in the Sub County, those working in area of training are more than those not working in area of training. Figure 32 below shows the percentage distribution of those working and not working in the area of training by type of residence for Laikipia East. Figure 32: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia East Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

In Laikipia North Sub County those working in their area of training are more than those not working in their area of training representing 69% against 29% of the rural population respectively. Figure 33 shows the proportion of those working and not working in the area of training for Laikipia North. Figure 33: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia North Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC In Laikipia West Sub County rural residences, those not working in their area of training are more than those working in area of training as depicted by 59% against 41% respectively. On contrary, those working in area of training are higher accounting for 58% as compared to those not working in area of training at 41% in the urban areas. Overall, those not working in area of training are higher than those working in area of training in the Sub County. Figure 34 shows the percentage distribution of those working and not working in the area of training by type of residence for Laikipia West.


Figure 34: If currently working in field of training in Laikipia West Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

In Nyahururu Sub County rural residences, those not working in their area of training are higher than those working in area of training representing 54% against 46% respectively. In the urban areas, those working in area of training are higher accounting for 60% as compared to those not working in area of training standing at 44%. In the Sub County, there is a fair distribution of those working in the area of training and those not working in the area of training. Figure 35 shows the percentage distribution of those working and not working in the area of training by type of residence. Figure 35: If currently working in field of training in Nyahururu Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC As depicted in Table 14, more males work in their field of training compared to females in that 50.28% and 49.72 % of the total working in their field of training are males and females respectively. However, more females than males do not work in their area of training in that the former comprise 51.27% of that category compared to 48.73% of the latter.


Table 14: If Currently Working in the Field of Training by Sex and Sub-County, 2019

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Category Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Yes 11,177 10,595 21,772 12,940 11,202 24,142 4,022 4,609 8,631 11,412 11,388 22,800 16,660 17,770 34,430 56,211 55,564 111,775 No 12,180 12,859 25,039 10,629 10,090 20,719 1,783 1,904 3,687 14,645 15,431 30,076 16,509 18,357 34,866 55,746 58,641 114,387 DK 29 37 66 30 29 59 100 130 230 68 79 147 40 40 80 267 315 582

Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPH In Laikipia Central Sub County more males and females don’t work in area of training as evidenced by 52.08 per cent of males and 54.74 per cent of females compared to 47.79 of males and 45.1 per cent of females who work in field of training. In the sub-county, 53.41% of total work force don’t work in their area of training while 46.44% work in their area of training. Figure 36 shows the percentage distribution of those who work and not working in the field of training by sex in Laikipia Central. Figure 36: If currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia Central Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC In Laikipia East Sub County more males work in their area of training as compared to females. Sim- ilarly more males don’t work in their area of training as compared to female. In addition more males and females do not work in their field of training contributing to the fact most people don’t work in area of training stand at 53.44% compared to 46.44% of the total who work in area of training. Fig- ure 37 below shows the proportional distribution of those who work and not working in the field of training by sex in the Sub County. Figure 37: Currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia East Sub County, 2019


For Laikipia North Sub County, there are more females than males across those working and not working in their area of training. In addition, more males and females work in their field of training as evidenced by 68.11 per cent and 69.38 per cent of their totals respectively. Consequently 68.78% of the total employment in the sub-county represent those working in the area of training compared to 29.38 % of the total representing those who don’t work in the area of training. Figure 38 below shows the proportional distribution of those who work and not working in the field of training by sex in Laikipia North Sub County. Figure 38: If currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia North Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC In Laikipia West Sub County more males work in their area of training as compared to females, while the females are more for those who do not work in the field of training. More males and females do not work in their field of training as 56.06 per cent and 57.37 per cent of males and females fall in that category, respectively. Further, this means that most people in the Sub County do not work in area of training as represented by 56.72% compared to 43.28% of the total who work in area of training. Figure 39 shows the proportional distribution of those working and not working in the field of training by sex in Laikipia West Sub County

Figure 39: If currently working in field of training by sex in Laikipia West Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC


In Nyahururu Sub County, more female work and do not work in their areas of training compared to males. There is a marginal difference between those working in the field of training and those who do not work in their field of training, a situation replicated by the proportion of males. For the females, there are more who do not work in their field of training at 50.8 per cent compared to 49.1 per cent for those who work in the field of training. Overall, the proportion of those that work in their field of training stand at 49.6% while the proportion of those who don’t work in their area of training stand at 50.7%. Figure 40 below shows the proportional distribution of those who are working and not work- ing in the field of training by sex in Nyahururu Sub County Figure 40: If currently working in field of training by sex in Nyahururu Sub County, 2019

Source of Data: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019 KPHC

2.6 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYEES BY REGISTERED BUSINESSES Data from the Laikipia County Revenue Board provides information on the number of businesses registered as at October 2020 and the number of employees engaged in those businesses. The data is disaggregated by Constituency, type of economic activities and the size of the enterprises. Economic activities are classified according to International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). In addi- tion, the size of businesses is determined by the number of employees where small enterprises com- prise of one employee, medium enterprises have two employees while the large are those businesses with more than three employees. There is a total of 31,016 employees in the registered businesses within the county. Laikipia West constituency has the highest number of employees at 51.4 per cent followed by Laikipia East con- stituency at 40.4 per cent with the rest 8.2 per cent in Laikipia North. The small businesses account for the highest employees at 54.2 per cent followed by medium at 21.1 per cent with the large ones at 20.8 per cent.


The distribution of employees across the registered businesses in the county is as depicted in Table 15. Table 15: Distribution of employees by registered businesses and economic activities, 2020

Number Laikipia East Laikipia West Laikipia North LAIKIPIA COUNTY Economic Activities by ISIC Large Medium Small Total Large Medium Small Total Large Medium Small Total Large Medium Small Total Accomodation & food service activities 936 652 656 2,244 1,065 996 798 2,859 189 196 192 577 2,190 1,844 1,646 5,680 Administrative and support service activities 3 4 6 13 - 6 2 8 21 - - 21 24 10 8 42 Agriculture, Forestry and fishing 51 176 33 260 54 42 348 444 63 12 24 99 168 230 405 803 Arts, entertainment and recreation 12 4 50 66 6 4 102 112 69 - 3 72 87 8 155 250 Construction 27 2 8 37 - - 35 35 - - - - 27 2 43 72 Education 66 2 22 90 228 - 12 240 12 - 1 13 306 2 35 343 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 3 - - 3 3 - - 3 - - - - 6 - - 6 Financial and insurance activities 72 548 19 639 24 570 50 644 - 8 1 9 96 1,126 70 1,292 Human health and social work activities 12 12 51 75 12 4 55 71 - - 6 6 24 16 112 152 Information and communication 72 44 28 144 21 58 45 124 - - - - 93 102 73 268 Manufacturing 273 12 5 290 147 18 6 171 - - - - 420 30 11 461 Mining and quarrying 12 - - 12 - 4 24 28 - 2 - 2 12 6 24 42 NR ------Other service activities 3 14 463 480 - 14 1,549 1,563 - - 169 169 3 28 2,181 2,212 Professional, scientific and technical activities 138 142 621 901 33 262 671 966 18 18 22 58 189 422 1,314 1,925 Real estate activities 3 4 9 16 27 32 55 114 3 - - 3 33 36 64 133 Transportation and storage 45 50 36 131 75 74 39 188 54 14 11 79 174 138 86 398 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 3 - - 3 3 - - 3 - - - - 6 - - 6 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles 1,395 1,472 4,262 7,129 1,149 2,012 5,204 8,365 33 292 1,112 1,437 2,577 3,776 10,578 16,931 TOTALS 3,126 3,138 6,269 12,533 2,847 4,096 8,995 15,938 462 542 1,541 2,545 6,435 7,776 16,805 31,016 Source: Laikipia County Revenue Board 2020



Businesses Activities by Interna- Employees 2018 Employees 2019 tional Standard Industrial Classi- Large Medi- Small Total Large Medium Small Total fication (ISIC) um Accommodation & food service 312 327 605 1244 2,190 1,844 1,646 5,680 activities Administrative and support service 12 - - 12 24 10 8 42 activities Agriculture, Forestry and fishing 105 234 189 528 168 230 405 803 Arts, entertainment and recreation 87 8 155 250 Construction 15 28 18 61 27 2 43 72 Education 703 355 47 1105 306 2 35 343 Electricity, gas, steam and air con- 6 4 - 10 6 - - 6 ditioning supply Financial and insurance activities 132 208 93 433 96 1,126 70 1,292 Human health and social work 60 64 41 165 24 16 112 152 activities Information and communication 93 102 73 268 Manufacturing 152 154 316 622 420 30 11 461 Mining and Quarrying 3 - - 3 12 6 24 42 Other service activities 27 740 1592 2359 3 28 2,181 2,212 Professional, scientific and techni- 705 362 98 1165 189 422 1,314 1,925 cal activities Real estate activities 69 142 51 262 33 36 64 133 Transportation and storage 66 206 107 379 174 138 86 398 Water supply; sewerage, waste 3 - - 3 6 - - 6 management and remediation activities Wholesale and retail trade; repair 1671 6530 5623 13,824 2,577 3,776 10,578 16,931 of motor vehicle and motorcycles Total 4,041 9,354 8,780 22,175 6,435 7,776 16,805 31,016 Source: Laikipia County Revenue Board Large: Establishment with at least 3 employees Medium: Establishment with at 2 employees Small: Establishment with one (1) employee



Category 2017 2018 2019* National Government - 600 525 County Government (Permanent) 1,840 1,781 1,593 County Government (Contract) - 243 273 County Government Interns 0 104 105 County Government ECDE Teachers - 793 793 County Government Casuals - 233 1,167 Parastatals (Permanent/Contract) - 411 800 Parastatals (Casuals) - 167 226 TSC Primary Schools 3,945 4,294 4,395 TSC Secondary Schools 1,647 1,639 1,649 Total 7,432 10,265 11,526 Source : Laikipia County Statistical Abstract 2020


APPENDIX 3: KPHC 2019 EMPLOYMENT DATA Main Employer by Type of residence and Sub County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Urban Total National Government 794 291 1,085 2,953 621 3,574 238 26 264 842 147 989 1,052 476 1,528 5,879 1,561 7,440 State Owned Enterprise/Institution/ parastatal 277 122 399 411 201 612 54 10 64 214 80 294 601 330 931 1,557 743 2,300 Teachers Service Commission 272 277 549 197 239 436 27 18 45 208 162 370 606 510 1,116 1,310 1,206 2,516 Other Constitutional Commission 33 14 47 49 28 77 13 1 14 29 8 37 33 18 51 157 69 226 County Government 278 292 570 361 354 715 65 48 113 186 168 354 431 500 931 1,321 1,362 2,683 Private sector Enterprise 4,483 1,998 6,481 6,635 3,794 10,429 889 161 1,050 3,376 1,364 4,740 4,841 2,922 7,763 20,224 10,239 30,463 International Organizations/NGO 52 26 78 127 72 199 17 4 21 19 14 33 53 31 84 268 147 415 Extraterritorial Organizations and bodies 51 8 59 132 26 158 4 - 4 14 1 15 37 12 49 238 47 285 Local NGO/CBO 71 38 109 226 99 325 50 8 58 114 28 142 122 85 207 583 258 841 Faith Based Organizations 134 49 183 158 128 286 27 8 35 119 48 167 246 123 369 684 356 1,040 Self-employed (Formal) 1,414 1,443 2,857 1,831 1,834 3,665 447 302 749 938 1,006 1,944 1,890 2,048 3,938 6,520 6,633 13,153 Informal sector '' Jua kali " (employed) 1,252 323 1,575 716 248 964 38 9 47 494 145 639 1,076 325 1,401 3,576 1,050 4,626 Self-employed (informal) 2,598 2,565 5,163 2,100 2,410 4,510 131 108 239 1,485 1,456 2,941 3,197 3,353 6,550 9,511 9,892 19,403 Small Scale agriculture- employed 1,123 651 1,774 410 309 719 6 - 6 929 504 1,433 1,568 1,090 2,658 4,036 2,554 6,590 Self-small scale agriculture 8,425 14,420 22,845 4,887 9,057 13,944 588 1,666 2,254 15,554 21,542 37,096 15,311 23,359 38,670 44,765 70,044 114,809 Pastoralists activities- employed 320 30 350 200 26 226 145 2 147 348 14 362 263 22 285 1,276 94 1,370 Self- Pastoralists activities 541 246 787 1,259 1,416 2,675 4,874 5,839 10,713 3,258 2,410 5,668 461 115 576 10,393 10,026 20,419 Individual/ Private Household 1,344 719 2,063 1,433 871 2,304 42 15 57 758 290 1,048 1,709 1,063 2,772 5,286 2,958 8,244 Schools Board of Management 106 121 227 63 72 135 25 13 38 95 78 173 192 179 371 481 463 944 Total 23,568 23,633 47,201 24,148 21,805 45,953 7,680 8,238 15,918 28,980 29,465 58,445 33,689 36,561 70,250 118,065 119,702 237,767 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC


Main Employer by Sex and Sub County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Urban Total National Government 794 291 1,085 2,953 621 3,574 238 26 264 842 147 989 1,052 476 1,528 5,879 1,561 7,440 State Owned Enterprise/Institution/ parastatal 277 122 399 411 201 612 54 10 64 214 80 294 601 330 931 1,557 743 2,300 Teachers Service Commission 272 277 549 197 239 436 27 18 45 208 162 370 606 510 1,116 1,310 1,206 2,516 Other Constitutional Commission 33 14 47 49 28 77 13 1 14 29 8 37 33 18 51 157 69 226 County Government 278 292 570 361 354 715 65 48 113 186 168 354 431 500 931 1,321 1,362 2,683 Private sector Enterprise 4,483 1,998 6,481 6,635 3,794 10,429 889 161 1,050 3,376 1,364 4,740 4,841 2,922 7,763 20,224 10,239 30,463 International Organizations/NGO 52 26 78 127 72 199 17 4 21 19 14 33 53 31 84 268 147 415 Extraterritorial Organizations and bodies 51 8 59 132 26 158 4 - 4 14 1 15 37 12 49 238 47 285 Local NGO/CBO 71 38 109 226 99 325 50 8 58 114 28 142 122 85 207 583 258 841 Faith Based Organizations 134 49 183 158 128 286 27 8 35 119 48 167 246 123 369 684 356 1,040 Self-employed (Formal) 1,414 1,443 2,857 1,831 1,834 3,665 447 302 749 938 1,006 1,944 1,890 2,048 3,938 6,520 6,633 13,153 Informal sector '' Jua kali " (employed) 1,252 323 1,575 716 248 964 38 9 47 494 145 639 1,076 325 1,401 3,576 1,050 4,626 Self-employed (informal) 2,598 2,565 5,163 2,100 2,410 4,510 131 108 239 1,485 1,456 2,941 3,197 3,353 6,550 9,511 9,892 19,403 Small Scale agriculture- employed 1,123 651 1,774 410 309 719 6 - 6 929 504 1,433 1,568 1,090 2,658 4,036 2,554 6,590 Self-small scale agriculture 8,425 14,420 22,845 4,887 9,057 13,944 588 1,666 2,254 15,554 21,542 37,096 15,311 23,359 38,670 44,765 70,044 114,809 Pastoralists activities- employed 320 30 350 200 26 226 145 2 147 348 14 362 263 22 285 1,276 94 1,370 Self- Pastoralists activities 541 246 787 1,259 1,416 2,675 4,874 5,839 10,713 3,258 2,410 5,668 461 115 576 10,393 10,026 20,419 Individual/ Private Household 1,344 719 2,063 1,433 871 2,304 42 15 57 758 290 1,048 1,709 1,063 2,772 5,286 2,958 8,244 Schools Board of Management 106 121 227 63 72 135 25 13 38 95 78 173 192 179 371 481 463 944 Total 23,568 23,633 47,201 24,148 21,805 45,953 7,680 8,238 15,918 28,980 29,465 58,445 33,689 36,561 70,250 118,065 119,702 237,767 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Kind of Economic Activity Engaged in the Main Job by Type of Residence and Sub Counties Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Agriculture 26,206 2,132 28,338 19,963 2,270 22,233 13,619 - 13,619 45,734 2,156 47,890 10,517 4,271 14,788 146,526 11,835 158,361 Mining and Quarrying 81 15 96 93 20 113 76 - 76 35 2 37 29 49 78 357 91 448 Manufacturing 176 105 281 179 157 336 8 - 8 154 32 186 48 213 261 769 536 1,305 Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 113 115 228 84 155 239 10 - 10 57 18 75 27 169 196 370 481 851 Water supply sewerage waste management and remediation activities 61 56 117 58 73 131 14 - 14 49 16 65 16 99 115 224 256 480 Construction 988 644 1,632 925 690 1,615 73 - 73 527 229 756 256 621 877 3,456 2,272 5,728 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles 839 879 1,718 663 988 1,651 111 - 111 569 368 937 203 1,972 2,175 3,163 4,464 7,627 Transportation and Storage 688 535 1,223 620 594 1,214 79 - 79 380 189 569 200 874 1,074 2,544 2,301 4,845 Accomodation and food service activities 354 572 926 315 954 1,269 75 - 75 271 202 473 96 927 1,023 1,412 2,768 4,180 Information and construction 31 73 104 40 80 120 6 - 6 31 11 42 10 128 138 170 307 477 Financial and insurance activities 60 251 311 76 335 411 29 - 29 37 47 84 31 405 436 291 1,065 1,356 Real estate activities 49 36 85 42 73 115 11 - 11 40 9 49 13 58 71 176 180 356 Professional scientific and Technical activities 183 233 416 112 291 403 32 - 32 120 101 221 67 364 431 726 1,036 1,762 Administrative and support service activities 350 340 690 262 495 757 133 - 133 382 120 502 85 450 535 1,429 1,455 2,884 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 353 417 770 334 2,251 2,585 206 - 206 238 296 534 111 422 533 1,387 3,419 4,806 Education 499 375 874 392 320 712 118 - 118 472 178 650 240 649 889 2,447 1,655 4,102 Human health and social work activities 133 187 320 137 341 478 42 - 42 93 99 192 38 476 514 594 1,151 1,745 Arts entertainiment and recreation 224 101 325 84 200 284 166 - 166 72 17 89 14 225 239 633 583 1,216 Other service activities 3,493 4,797 8,290 3,802 6,906 10,708 1,085 - 1,085 2,997 1,946 4,943 993 5,050 6,043 14,410 18,931 33,341 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use 213 167 380 189 156 345 12 - 12 113 13 126 90 181 271 900 553 1,453 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 25 52 77 85 152 237 14 - 14 18 7 25 4 45 49 178 271 449 Total 35,119 12,082 47,201 28,455 17,501 45,956 15,919 - 15,919 52,389 6,056 58,445 13,088 17,648 30,736 182,162 55,610 237,772 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC


Kind of Economic Activity Engaged in the Main Job by Sex and Sub Counties

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Urban Total Agriculture 11,974 16,364 28,338 9,528 12,704 22,232 5,988 7,630 13,618 22,139 25,751 47,890 6,229 8,559 14,788 69,606 88,753 158,359 Mining and Quarrying 86 10 96 96 17 113 75 1 76 33 4 37 71 7 78 408 40 448 Manufacturing 190 91 281 234 102 336 7 1 8 142 44 186 169 92 261 892 413 1,305 Electricity gas steam and air conditioning supply 209 19 228 220 19 239 10 - 10 68 7 75 165 31 196 769 82 851 Water supply sewerage waste management and remediation activities 92 25 117 97 34 131 12 2 14 51 14 65 86 29 115 370 110 480 Construction 1,592 40 1,632 1,529 85 1,614 73 - 73 735 21 756 815 62 877 5,497 230 5,727 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles 756 962 1,718 780 871 1,651 52 59 111 449 488 937 933 1,242 2,175 3,434 4,193 7,627 Transportation and Storage 1,184 39 1,223 1,175 39 1,214 78 1 79 557 12 569 1,040 34 1,074 4,711 134 4,845 Accomodation and food service activities 386 540 926 514 755 1,269 30 45 75 189 284 473 411 612 1,023 1,692 2,488 4,180 Information and construction 63 41 104 81 39 120 6 - 6 30 12 42 63 75 138 280 197 477 Financial and insurance activities 136 175 311 187 224 411 19 10 29 39 45 84 193 243 436 607 749 1,356 Real estate activities 53 32 85 71 44 115 9 2 11 33 16 49 40 31 71 223 133 356 Professional scientific and Technical activities 263 153 416 218 185 403 20 12 32 137 84 221 249 182 431 1,032 730 1,762 Administrative and support service activities 469 221 690 458 299 757 114 19 133 415 87 502 272 263 535 1,896 988 2,884 Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 623 147 770 2,313 272 2,585 197 9 206 495 39 534 422 110 532 4,191 614 4,805 Education 354 520 874 280 432 712 59 59 118 324 326 650 401 488 889 1,853 2,249 4,102 Human health and social work activities 138 182 320 195 283 478 24 18 42 101 91 192 194 320 514 736 1,009 1,745 Arts entertainiment and recreation 246 79 325 144 140 284 146 20 166 45 44 89 108 131 239 736 480 1,216 Other service activities 4,493 3,797 8,290 5,676 5,031 10,707 743 342 1,085 2,903 2,040 4,943 2,915 3,128 6,043 18,053 15,287 33,340 Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use 195 185 380 163 182 345 7 5 12 72 54 126 100 171 271 720 733 1,453 Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies 66 11 77 189 48 237 11 3 14 23 2 25 35 14 49 359 90 449 Total 23,568 23,633 47,201 24,148 21,805 45,953 7,680 8,238 15,918 28,980 29,465 58,445 14,911 15,824 30,735 118,065 119,702 237,767 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Status in the main Job by Type of Residence and Sub-County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Category Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Members of producer's co-operatives 11 2 13 22 1 23 3 - 3 19 5 24 24 5 29 79 13 92 Contributing family worker 5,920 885 6,805 2,690 1,305 3,995 1,192 - 1,192 15,304 713 16,017 13,515 1,946 15,461 38,621 4,849 43,470 Paid Apprentice/ Intern 66 74 140 85 120 205 23 - 23 200 13 213 134 146 280 508 353 861 Paid Volunteer 98 41 139 119 151 270 43 - 43 234 33 267 129 104 233 623 329 952 Other 1,839 60 1,899 1,346 108 1,454 2,005 - 2,005 2,462 159 2,621 2,747 334 3,081 10,399 661 11,060 Paid Employee - outside household 12,006 6,337 18,343 15,713 10,668 26,381 7,861 - 7,861 17,240 3,011 20,251 15,703 10,080 25,783 68,523 30,096 98,619 Paid Employee - within household 1,411 652 2,063 1,148 1,157 2,305 57 - 57 870 178 1,048 1,744 1,028 2,772 5,230 3,015 8,245 Working Employer 1,183 714 1,897 802 985 1,787 776 - 776 885 329 1,214 1,431 1,340 2,771 5,077 3,368 8,445 Own Account Worker 12,585 3,317 15,902 6,530 3,006 9,536 3,959 - 3,959 15,175 1,615 16,790 14,853 4,988 19,841 53,102 12,926 66,028 Total 35,119 12,082 47,201 28,455 17,501 45,956 15,919 - 15,919 52,389 6,056 58,445 50,280 19,971 70,251 182,162 55,610 237,772 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC


Status in the main Job by Sex and Sub-County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Category Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Members of producer's co-operatives 6 7 13 10 13 23 3 - 3 19 5 24 8 21 29 46 46 92 Contributing family worker 2,765 4,040 6,805 1,605 2,390 3,995 687 505 1,192 7,025 8,992 16,017 6,392 9,069 15,461 18,474 24,996 43,470 Paid Apprentice/ Intern 74 66 140 109 96 205 12 11 23 148 65 213 174 106 280 517 344 861 Paid Volunteer 90 49 139 121 149 270 17 26 43 204 63 267 137 96 233 569 383 952 Other 770 1,129 1,899 585 869 1,454 974 1,030 2,004 1,118 1,503 2,621 1,323 1,758 3,081 4,770 6,289 11,059 Paid Employee - outside household 11,091 7,252 18,343 15,721 10,659 26,380 4,665 3,196 7,861 11,862 8,389 20,251 14,449 11,333 25,782 57,788 40,829 98,617 Paid Employee - within household 1,344 719 2,063 1,433 871 2,304 42 15 57 758 290 1,048 1,709 1,063 2,772 5,286 2,958 8,244 Working Employer 828 1,069 1,897 815 972 1,787 243 533 776 536 678 1,214 1,177 1,594 2,771 3,599 4,846 8,445 Own Account Worker 6,600 9,302 15,902 3,749 5,786 9,535 1,037 2,922 3,959 7,310 9,480 16,790 8,320 11,521 19,841 27,016 39,011 66,027 Total 23,568 23,633 47,201 24,148 21,805 45,953 7,680 8,238 15,918 28,980 29,465 58,445 33,689 36,561 70,250 118,065 119,702 237,767 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

Last 7 Days Economic Activity by Type of Residence and Sub-County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Worked for pay 9,067 6,244 15,311 9,727 11,056 20,783 1,933 - 1,933 7,864 2,616 10,480 10,306 9,770 20,076 38,897 29,686 68,583 Worked on own/family business 3,599 4,104 7,703 2,787 4,780 7,567 607 - 607 2,533 1,724 4,257 3,912 6,054 9,966 13,438 16,662 30,100 Worked on own/family agricultural holding 22,319 1,624 23,943 15,819 1,409 17,228 13,349 - 13,349 41,721 1,670 43,391 35,848 3,913 39,761 129,056 8,616 137,672 Apprentice-paid 19 13 32 15 16 31 2 - 2 76 3 79 45 55 100 157 87 244 Apprentice-unpaid 9 10 19 8 20 28 - - - 18 3 21 16 15 31 51 48 99 Intern - paid 10 16 26 11 28 39 3 - 3 24 6 30 16 25 41 64 75 139 Intern - unpaid 12 30 42 29 45 74 3 - 3 14 1 15 22 45 67 80 121 201 Volunteer- paid 24 12 36 18 69 87 5 - 5 74 14 88 34 39 73 155 134 289 Volunteer- unpaid 60 29 89 41 78 119 17 - 17 65 19 84 81 55 136 264 181 445 Future starters 172 34 206 245 116 361 112 - 112 503 30 533 211 118 329 1,243 298 1,541 Seeking work - action taken 807 732 1,539 1,084 1,108 2,192 238 - 238 1,011 175 1,186 1,146 908 2,054 4,286 2,923 7,209 Seeking work - action not taken 271 137 408 536 239 775 259 - 259 813 109 922 548 428 976 2,427 913 3,340 No work available 645 632 1,277 1,655 1,788 3,443 904 - 904 1,976 889 2,865 1,291 1,236 2,527 6,471 4,545 11,016 Retired 64 64 128 83 156 239 7 - 7 44 17 61 39 107 146 237 344 581 Too old to work 141 49 190 174 102 276 74 - 74 229 56 285 187 62 249 805 269 1,074 Home maker 809 1,421 2,230 1,228 2,177 3,405 690 - 690 1,931 539 2,470 965 1,436 2,401 5,623 5,573 11,196 Full time student 22,760 8,141 30,901 19,899 10,840 30,739 10,331 - 10,331 36,916 4,251 41,167 41,526 13,509 55,035 131,432 36,741 168,173 Incapacitated 567 243 810 521 501 1,022 211 - 211 741 172 913 805 351 1,156 2,845 1,267 4,112 Too young to work 20 24 44 296 51 347 639 - 639 1,207 125 1,332 97 64 161 2,259 264 2,523 Total 61,375 23,559 84,934 54,176 34,579 88,755 29,384 - 29,384 97,760 12,419 110,179 97,095 38,190 135,285 339,790 108,747 448,537 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC


Last 7 Days Economic Activity by Sex and Sub-County Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Worked for pay 10,436 4,875 15,311 13,855 6,926 20,781 1,618 315 1,933 7,543 2,937 10,480 12,547 7,528 20,075 45,999 22,581 68,580 Worked on own/family business 3,869 3,834 7,703 3,521 4,045 7,566 305 302 607 2,130 2,127 4,257 4,862 5,104 9,966 14,687 15,412 30,099 Worked on own/family agricultural holding 9,105 14,838 23,943 6,556 10,672 17,228 5,735 7,613 13,348 19,105 24,286 43,391 15,993 23,768 39,761 56,494 81,177 137,671 Apprentice-paid 25 7 32 28 3 31 2 - 2 44 35 79 78 22 100 177 67 244 Apprentice-un paid 16 3 19 20 8 28 - - - 13 8 21 23 8 31 72 27 99 Intern - paid 13 13 26 18 21 39 2 1 3 25 5 30 25 16 41 83 56 139 Intern - unpaid 19 23 42 38 36 74 1 2 3 8 7 15 30 37 67 96 105 201 Volunteer- paid 24 12 36 53 34 87 3 2 5 55 33 88 43 30 73 178 111 289 Volunteer- unpaid 61 28 89 59 60 119 14 3 17 57 27 84 88 48 136 279 166 445 Future starters 139 67 206 229 132 361 87 25 112 346 187 533 221 108 329 1,022 519 1,541 Seeking work - action taken 999 540 1,539 1,401 791 2,192 183 55 238 854 331 1,185 1,318 736 2,054 4,755 2,453 7,208 Seeking work - action not taken 261 147 408 474 301 775 165 94 259 701 221 922 643 333 976 2,244 1,096 3,340 No work available 759 518 1,277 1,608 1,835 3,443 453 451 904 1,438 1,426 2,864 1,288 1,239 2,527 5,546 5,469 11,015 Retired 77 51 128 135 104 239 5 2 7 39 22 61 82 64 146 338 243 581 Too old to work 68 122 190 90 186 276 24 50 74 79 206 285 72 177 249 333 741 1,074 Home maker 208 2,022 2,230 344 3,061 3,405 155 535 690 491 1,979 2,470 280 2,121 2,401 1,478 9,718 11,196 Full time student 15,942 14,959 30,901 15,436 15,301 30,737 5,461 4,870 10,331 21,282 19,884 41,166 27,958 27,076 55,034 86,079 82,090 168,169 Incapacitated 370 440 810 453 569 1,022 106 105 211 411 502 913 482 674 1,156 1,822 2,290 4,112 Too young to work 23 21 44 187 160 347 308 331 639 653 679 1,332 88 73 161 1,259 1,264 2,523 Total 42,414 42,520 84,934 44,505 44,245 88,750 14,627 14,756 29,383 55,274 54,902 110,176 66,121 69,162 135,283 222,941 225,585 448,526 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

If Currently Working in the Field of Training by Type of Residence and Sub-County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Category Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Yes 14,742 7,030 21,772 13,987 10,155 24,142 8,631 - 8,631 19,332 3,468 22,800 22,530 11,900 34,430 79,222 32,553 111,775 No 20,042 4,997 25,039 13,462 7,257 20,719 3,687 - 3,687 27,613 2,463 30,076 26,920 7,946 34,866 91,724 22,663 114,387 DK 47 19 66 25 34 59 230 - 230 136 11 147 49 31 80 487 95 582 Total 34,831 12,046 46,877 27,474 17,446 44,920 12,548 - 12,548 47,081 5,942 53,023 49,499 19,877 69,376 171,433 55,311 226,744 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC

If Currently Working in the Field of Training by Sex and Sub-County

Number Laikipia Central Laikipia East Laikipia North Laikipia West Nyahururu Laikipia County Category Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Yes 11,177 10,595 21,772 12,940 11,202 24,142 4,022 4,609 8,631 11,412 11,388 22,800 16,660 17,770 34,430 56,211 55,564 111,775 No 12,180 12,859 25,039 10,629 10,090 20,719 1,783 1,904 3,687 14,645 15,431 30,076 16,509 18,357 34,866 55,746 58,641 114,387 DK 29 37 66 30 29 59 100 130 230 68 79 147 40 40 80 267 315 582 Total 23,386 23,491 46,877 23,599 21,321 44,920 5,905 6,643 12,548 26,125 26,898 53,023 33,209 36,167 69,376 112,224 114,520 226,744 Source: Kenya National Bureau of Statistics- 2019 KPHC