E478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 6, 2017 SN Grady’s mother says Katrina was a in the state of Ohio to ever lie in state. Together, you and John taught us that a smart girl who wanted more out of life and ‘‘Governor, I didn’t know that.’’ good life is built not on a single historic military service was the way to accomplish Only the ninth in history. act—or multiple acts—of heroism, but a And he talked about how much it meant to thousand little things; the thousand little that goal. him to be with you. And he gave, spontane- things that build character, treating every- ‘‘She wanted to serve her country most of ously, what I think is maybe the best de- one with dignity and respect all,’’ Mary said. ‘‘She loved her work aboard scription of John Glenn I’ve ever heard—and John was one of the few of my colleagues ship. She was excellent.’’ I new John for 40 years. He said, ‘‘John came who would be going to the restroom where Hundreds of people came to the funeral out of the heart of the country’’—like you there was a shoeshine guy. John would al- which was held at the St. Mathews Methodist kids do—‘‘and he stole America’s heart.’’ ways pat him on the shoulder and give him Church in Greenville, including her fellow serv- ‘‘Came out of the heart of the country and he a hug, understanding that despite fame and stole America’s heart.’’ position everybody was John’s equal. ice members, school teachers, and class- And he did: He stole America’s heart. mates. I remember as a kid, freshman in college, Everybody was John’s equal—in his mind. SN Grady’s dedication to military service John’s historic flight. And it all comes down to being personal. and to the protection of our nation will always And Annie, you and John and Jill and I The President always kids me, Annie, be- be remembered. have been friends for 40 years. I know others cause I’m getting older, now. I could even have longer relationships but what a wonder- try to improve on Tip O’Neill’s admonition f ful 40 years it has been. about ‘‘all politics is local.’’ I don’t think VICE PRESIDENT JOSEPH BIDEN We served in the Senate together side-by- John agreed with that either. I think, and I think he thought, all politics is personal. It’s ADDRESS AT THE PUBLIC MEMO- side for 25 years, and we traveled around the world together. John was one of the happiest all personal. RIAL FOR JOHN GLENN people I ever knew. Think about it—one of It all comes down to being personal—to the happiest people I ever knew. He had that being there for family, and being there for HON. MARCY KAPTUR infectious smile. Even when things looked friends, in good times and in bad times; like like everything was crashing down, John OF OHIO you and John were there for me and Jill would walk into my office or walk into a when I was in the hospital. You were there IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES caucus with that big smile on his face and I for us when our son, Beau, was deployed and Thursday, April 6, 2017 wondered, ‘‘Where in the hell has he been?’’ you were there when we buried him. ‘‘Did he not just hear what I just heard?’’ It’s all about being personal. Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I include in the (You think I’m kidding. I’m not kidding.) Annie, you and John, as was mentioned RECORD the remarks of Vice President Joe But the world knew, [revered], and re- earlier by the first speaker, were with Ethel Biden at a remembrance ceremony held in spected John, from Columbus to Cambodia, [Kennedy]. I happened to be with Ethel Ken- from Washington to Beijing. He loved being Columbus, Ohio on December 17, 2016 at the nedy at an awards ceremony in New York, a senator. He loved his constituents and his Mershon Auditorium (The Ohio State Univer- the little ripple of hope ceremony. And, iron- colleagues. He loved his staff, many of whom sity): ically, a fellow who runs my office, who’s a are here today. And, boy, did they love him When John Glenn was 10 years old, his fa- Ohio guy, said John ‘‘wasn’t doing well.’’ back. ther, his hero, a veteran of World War I, ‘‘You ought to call John.’’ And I had a brief And you could feel his love for his country taught him how to play ‘‘Taps’’ on the bugle. discussion with Ethyl as I sat with her. And and for his state and for the Marine Corps. They’d play together on Memorial Day in the story is well known about him talking to He was kind of partial to NASA. the kids, being sent back to Hickory Hill. New Concord [Ohio], small flags and flowers But most especially you felt his love for But what struck me was I was told that next to gravesites—gravestones of the fallen. you, Annie, and for Dave and Lyn, and his when you and John got to Hickory Hill, John And John would recall that time and feeling grandchildren. All you had to do, as I said, walked into Senator [Robert] Kennedy’s pri- when he said, where ‘‘Love of country was a was see John and Annie just walk together, vate study and saw that Robert Kennedy, given. Defense of its ideals was an obliga- just the way they looked at each other, and who was the only political [uncertain] I ever tion.’’ And, ‘‘The opportunity to join in its you knew that’s what it’s supposed to be had in my life, had out a book of Ralph [quests] and explorations was a challenge not like. only to fulfill a sacred duty but to join a joy- I said that to Annie today before we came Waldo Emerson’s poetry. And it was opened ous adventure. in and she said, ‘‘Well, that’s like you and up, and in of the book, there in the With John, all the years I knew him and Jill.’’ I said, ‘‘No it’s different. Everybody margins, were comments made by Robert worked with him was always a joyous adven- knows I love Jill more than she loves me. I Kennedy. And the passage that John, I’m ture. think you, [Annie], loved him just as much. told, remembered was where Emerson said, Annie, what a joyous adventure you and The last time we were together, when Jill ‘‘This time, like all times, is a very good John had together, on display for your chil- and I had Annie and John over to the Vice one, if we but know what to do with it.’’’ dren and the whole world to see. President’s residence—I was looking at the The thing that I liked most about John You all know it. You can tell when a cou- picture this morning, Annie, of you guys was he knew from his upbringing that ordi- ple really, genuinely loves and enjoys one walking down the steps, walking out to the nary Americans can do extraordinary things. another. gate, and Jill and I behind you. And the Ordinary Americans could do extraor- It was infectious. words of the poet Christopher Marlowe lit- dinary things. On behalf of President Obama and the erally came to mind, and I had to rewrite And he believed, I believe, he was confident First Lady, on behalf of the American peo- this on the way to the plane. Christopher that every successive generation would know ple, Jill and I are here because we love you Marlowe said: ‘‘Come with me and be my what to do with it. And that’s the charge I Annie, and we loved John. And together you love and all the pleasures we shall prove.’’ think John left us, Annie: to join our na- taught us all how to love. Well, together, Annie, you and John proved tion’s conquests and our nation’s explo- That’s not something you usually talk all the pleasures. You not only had a magical rations as a challenge, not only to fulfill a about when you talk about heroes, especially love affair—the other thing about you, you sacred duty, but to join in this joyous adven- heroes like John Glenn, who lived a life that were partners. You were [unclear] partners. ture. was rigorous but tinged with just a little bit Together, you bore the way to fame and re- So when the Marine plays ‘‘Taps’’ on the of magic. sponsibility and with enormous humility, bugle at Arlington for our friend, we can Just a little bit of magic. and a sense of duty that defined you as the look deep into the heavens and know with We talk about daring spirit, poise under greatest of America’s greatest generation. certitude that John believed—and was pressure, mental and physical toughness, but I think John defined what it meant to be right—that future generations of Americans for all his heroism that history will remem- America, what it meant to be an American, will also look deep within the heavens and ber in war, in space, in public life, you felt what we were about—just by how he acted. understand how to explore, how to serve, something deeper with John. Always about promise. We were a country of how to love; and will come to understand Annie, on the way to get to Air Force 2, I possibilities, opportunity. Always a belief in that if we’re looking for a message to send got a call from John Kerry, who’s somewhere tomorrow. about our time here on earth, for what it over the Atlantic on the way to another mis- Tomorrow. means to be an American: It’s the life of sion in the Middle East to try to deal with When John was at the house a couple years John Glenn. And that is not hyperbole. Yemen. And he told me about his time he got ago it’s all he kept talking about: ‘‘What are to spend with you a couple days ago, and the you going do now, Joe?’’ ‘‘What are we going So, God bless you, John. family. He pointed out, he said, ‘‘Joe, you to do tomorrow?’’ ‘‘We have all these oppor- God bless you, Annie. know John’s only the ninth person in history tunities.’’ And may God protect our troops.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Apr 07, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06AP8.021 E06APPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 6, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E479 IN RECOGNITION OF CAMDYN after graduating from Natchez High School in that current bankruptcy law is, unfortunately, LEWIS, AVA DECKER, AND 1999. SGT Brown held the rank of Corporal ill-equipped to deal with complex financial in- MOLLY DOUGHERTY FOR WIN- with the Army’s HHC 2nd Brigade Command stitutions that are in economic distress. NING FIRST PLACE IN THE MID- Group when he lost his life. This legislation, accordingly, creates a court- DLE SCHOOL DIVISION FOR THE ‘‘He was very proud of what he did,’’ said supervised, orderly liquidation mechanism that 2017 NATIONAL C–SPAN Staff Sergeant James Dayton, who was will be guided by the regulators. STUDENTCAM VIDEO CONTEST Brown’s Army supervisor for a year and a half In sum, this process will allow a failing fi- and escorted his body to Mississippi. ‘‘He was nancial institution to transfer its assets to a HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT very sharp. He always stayed ahead of me.’’ newly-formed bridge company over a single ‘‘There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for OF PENNSYLVANIA weekend, which will promote confidence in the me, and I know there wasn’t anything he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES financial marketplace. wouldn’t have done for everyone in this room,’’ The institution’s equity and debt will remain Thursday, April 6, 2017 said his wife, Army Specialist JoDona Brown. in the bankruptcy case to be administered by Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise SGT Brown was honored by Natchez Mayor a trustee under court supervision. F.L. Hank Smith, members of his high school today to honor Camdyn Lewis, Ava Decker, As a result, valued assets will be maximized class, and Adams County supervisors. More and Molly Dougherty of West Scranton Inter- for the benefit of creditors, and the market- than 1,500 people attended the spirited cele- mediate School. These three 8th grade stu- place will stabilize. dents, with the help of their social studies bration of the soldier’s life. Those at the fu- neral remembered Brown as a quiet, religious Additionally, I support the legislation be- teacher Erin Mangan, came in first place in cause it appropriately recognizes the important the middle school division of the 2017 National young man. Before joining the service, SGT Brown was a Sunday School teacher, sec- role that the Dodd-Frank Act has in the regula- C–SPAN StudentCam Video Contest. tion of large financial institutions. The students’ prize-winning entry is entitled retary, and junior choir member at Greater Without a doubt, the Great Recession re- ‘‘US Gun Violence—A Complicated Puzzle.’’ New Bethel Baptist Church. sulted following the regulatory equivalent of The seven minute piece covers the victims, SGT Brown is survived by his wife, SPC the Wild West. legislation, law enforcement, mental health, JoDona Brown, and his mother, Rhonda and socioeconomic aspects of gun violence James-Brown and father, Elm Carter Brown. The Dodd-Frank Act goes a long way to- ward reinvigorating a regulatory system mak- and included interviews with leaders who work f in areas related to firearm policy. Those fea- ing the financial marketplace more account- tured in the film were Nicole Hockley, whose FINANCIAL INSTITUTION able and hopefully more resilient. son Dylan Hockey was a victim of the Sandy BANKRUPTCY ACT OF 2017 The act also institutes long-needed con- Hook shooting; U.S. Senator BOB CASEY; sumer protections that have, up until now, not SPEECH OF Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard been available. Ross, Jr.; NRA Spokesperson Catherine HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE For example, Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act Mortensen; and Jeffry W. Swanson, Ph.D., OF TEXAS establishes a mandatory administratively-driv- en resolution process to wind down large fi- Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ices at Duke University. The video urges Con- nancial institutions. gress and the president to take action to re- Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Title II is a critical enforcement tool for bank duce the number of gun-related casualties in Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in regulators to facilitate compliance with the the country, but also calls viewers of the piece support of the bipartisan measure, H.R. 1667, act’s heightened regulatory requirements for to action to prevent incidents of gun violence the Financial Institution Bankruptcy Act of large companies. in their communities. 2017, which was reported favorably out of the Nevertheless, the Dodd-Frank Act clearly It is an honor to recognize these three Judiciary committee to the House floor, on recognizes that bankruptcy should be a first young women for covering such an important March 29, 2017, on a voice vote. resort and that the orderly liquidation process issue with sensitivity and tact. I congratulate As leaders of the Judiciary Committee with should be a last resort. them on winning the 2017 National C–SPAN oversight of our nation’s bankruptcy laws, I am In fact, Title I of the act explicitly requires StudentCam Video Contest. I applaud the fac- glad to see that my colleagues and I were these companies to write so-called ‘‘living ulty and staff at West Scranton Intermediate able to work across the aisle to answer the wills’’ explaining how they will resolve their fi- School for helping these students make a suc- question of how to improve the existing bank- nancial difficulties hypothetically, in the event cessful video project. Camdyn, Ava, and Molly ruptcy process for the resolution of failing fi- of a bankruptcy scenario. should be proud of the exceptional piece of nancial institutions. This is because bankruptcy law has, for journalism they produced. Removing potential obstacles to an efficient more than 100 years, enabled some of the na- f bankruptcy of a financial institution, this legis- tion’s largest companies to regain their finan- lation enhances the Bankruptcy Code and its RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- cial footing. ability to resolve financial firms for the benefit H.R. 1667 will ensure that bankruptcy is a EN MISSISSIPPI SOLDIER SER- of stability in the U.S. and global economies GEANT (SGT) HENRY LEVON truly viable alternative to the Dodd-Frank Act’s and does so with minimal financial burdens or resolution process. BROWN cost. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to note that this Specifically, H.R. 1667 will allow the expedi- legislation is the product of a very collabo- tious resolution of large, complex financial in- HON. TRENT KELLY rative, bipartisan, and deliberate process, stitutions on the verge of insolvency to be bet- OF MISSISSIPPI which should be the norm, not the exception, ter facilitated under the Bankruptcy Code by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES when it comes to drafting legislation. minimizing the disruptive impact of the com- Thursday, April 6, 2017 pany’s collapse on the financial marketplace. For example, this bill, unlike similar legisla- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, First, this legislation addresses a real need, tion that has come through the Senate, does today I rise in memory of Army Sergeant which is recognized by the regulatory agen- not include any controversial provisions aimed (SGT) Henry Levon Brown who paid the ulti- cies, bankruptcy experts, and the private sec- at undoing the important protections of the mate sacrifice while defending our nation on tor, that the bankruptcy law must be amended, Dodd-Frank Act. April 8, 2003, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. so that it can expeditiously restore trust in the I should also note, however, that H.R. 1667 SGT Brown was assigned to Headquarters financial marketplace after the collapse of a does not include any provision allowing com- and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, major financial institution. panies to have access to lenders of last re- 64th Field Artillery Regiment, Fort Stewart, Such was the case with the failure of Leh- sort. Georgia. He was serving as a Colonel’s driver man Brothers in 2008, for example, which Nearly every expert recognizes that such at the time of his death. He was mortally caused a worldwide freeze on the availability access, even if it is by the federal government, wounded in an enemy rocket attack in Bagh- of credit, wreaking havoc on Wall Street, as is a necessary element to ensure financial sta- dad. well as, on Main Street. bility. SGT Brown was born September 30, 1980, The near collapse of our nation’s economy I urge my colleagues to support this meas- in Natchez, Mississippi. He joined the military that resulted from Lehman’s failure revealed ure.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:49 Apr 07, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06AP8.024 E06APPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS