Keirsey Sorter

According to the “Keirsey Temperament Sorter” there are 4 basic ‘”. With some understanding of Temperament it is not too difficult to be able to understand which of these 4 groups your customer falls into.

The Keirsey™ Temperament Sorter®-II

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II® (KTS®-II) is a powerful 70-question personality instrument that helps individuals discover their personality type. The KTS™-II is based on Dr. David Keirsey's Temperament theory and has helped over 30 million people worldwide to gain insight into themselves and the people around them. This insight is useful when selecting a career or choosing a work environment.

According to Keirsey's Temperament Theory, people can be sorted into four Temperament groups. These groups are referred to as Artisans, Guardians, Rationals and Idealists. Within each of the four Temperaments, there are four Temperament Variants, which Keirsey calls, "Character types."

Some of the most popular uses of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II include:

• Guidance • Team Building Counseling

• Conflict • Relationship Resolution Counseling

• Career • Self Understanding Exploration

About the Author

Dr. David Keirsey is a clinical who worked for public schools for 20 years as a corrective interventionist, and followed this with 11 years training therapists and pathologists (California State University) in the art of changing dysfunctional behavior in children and adults.

Dr. Keirsey is a veteran personologist specializing in the pragmatics of coaching children, parents, and spouses to decrease conflict and to increase cooperation. His best selling book "Please Understand Me" had sold over two million copies. The completely rewritten and expanded book "Please Understand Me II: Temperament,Character, Intelligence" is his latest best selling book, and incorporates much of his sixty years of research into human personality. He is currently working on his new book, Temperament and Talent, which examines the complex interaction between our inborn preferences, what we practice, our natural talents, and our developed skills.

The Four Preference Scales

The KTS®-II uses four scales to sort candidates into one of Keirsey's four Temperaments and one of sixteen Character types. The four preference scales measure a respondent's preference for:

(E)=Expressive vs. (I)=Attentive (S)=Observant vs. (N)=Introspective (T)=Tough-Minded vs. (F)=Friendly (J)=Scheduling vs. (P)=Probing

The Four Temperaments:

Artisans™ prefer jobs where they can troubleshoot, respond to crises and negotiate. They also enjoy identifying and responding to opportunities.

Guardians™ prefer jobs that demand responsibility. They enjoy improving their efficiency of processes and setting up standardized procedures

Rationals™ enjoy jobs that demand a high level of expertise and high standards of competence. They enjoy designing and understanding systems.

Idealists™ enjoy jobs that allow them to support and encourage others. Their tendency to be enthusiastic can energize and improve the moral of others.

Once you understand this about your customer, you can then adapt your behavior and selling style to better match them. This, in turn, will increase their comfort level with you and they be more inclined to trust you in the negotiation process.

You can get a FREE personal basic report, based on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter by (Clicking here) Hyperlink:

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