Clerk: Mrs Heather Bevan

Findern Parish Rooms, Lower Green, Findern, DE65 6AS


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th October 2019, commencing at 7.00pm in Bee’s Tea Room, Findern.


Cllr R Brook (Chairman)

Cllr R Rose (Minute Taker)

Cllr M Goodall

Cllr J Hibbert

Cllr A Hibbert

Cllr T Brown

Cllr M Ratcliffe

Cllr M Woodhouse

Cllr C Smith

The minutes of the meeting were recorded for accuracy

One member of the public present

1. Minute Number 2362/19 To receive apologies for absence Cllr S. Brook, Clerk Heather Bevan

2. Minute Number 2363/19 Variation of order of business – none

3. Minute Number 2364/19 Declaration of members interests – none


4. Public Speaking (10 minutes

A member of Footpaths group spoke of their concerns around the amount of work they do, they recently lost members and they no longer have support from pay back team. The issue of land Baxters Way, by KGV was raised as to who would now cover this. The clerk has sent a letter to SDDC as yet no response. It was noted that SDDC Council workers had been there cutting back foliage on Monday 7th.

The steps down to park need the foliage taking back so the sun can dry the steps out. Chair to contact Aucuba to deal with this. The P.C. have had work done in the past and the risk assessment has covered the steps. Non slip tread to be costed for the steps by Cllr. Woodhouse.

The tree in Coke close is rotten, so not able to be carved after all. Water butts are a concern if they are installed there. Footpaths to bring a plan for this to next meeting.

Should Minutes be put on Notice Boards?

Police Liaison Officer – none

County Councillor – none

District Councillor

Cllr Martyn Ford sent his apologies as he was at a finance meeting and he submitted a short report in his absence:

Axis 50 concerns, parking around the Green and fence needing repair on Greenway

It was agreed that a list of items previously raised with Cllr Ford and not yet resolved be drawn up, and presented monthly so they are not forgotten.

Cllr Goodall to check back her notes on the items previously raised and pass to the chair.

5. Minute Number 2365/19 To confirm the Minutes of the Exempt and Monthly Parish Meetings held on 12th September 2019

Alterations Lime Tree –The Clerk to contact Highways

Cheque 003034 – cheque cancelled to Cllr Goodall

Agenda said October instead of September


Having noted the change, it was RESOLVED that the September 2019 Parish Council Minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed Cllr J Hibbert Seconded by Cllr. A. Hibbert All in favour

6. Minute Number 2366/19 Chairman’s Report

The price of purchasing a storage container discussed and it was agreed that we would go ahead on this if there is enough money in the budget after checking with the clerk.

Martin Buckley is presently assessing the trees in the village as requested and made has his report to SDDC.

7. Minute Number 2366/20 Report of the Parish Clerk

The clerk sent a report read out by Cllr Rose

Traffic Calming:

Councillor Ford is dealing with the Traffic Calming Measures, which a member of the public enquired about. We await further information.

DALC AGM and Excellence Awards:

The AGM will take place on October 22nd at The ProAct Stadium, Chesterfield, commencing at 11-00am – 2-30pm. There will be exhibition stands featuring 12 businesses who specialise in the Parish Sector – ranging from volunteering to Christmas Lighting, playground equipment to street furniture.

GDPR Additional Guidance:

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) have published more advice for local Parish and Town Councils, in response to prolonged pressure from NALC.

Public Participation – naming individuals in Parish Council Minutes:

NALC’s legal view is that minutes are not a verbatim record of a council meeting. Names and personal data for GDPR purposes and personal data has to be processed lawfully.


It is a matter for a Council if it chooses whether to name members of the public speaking or refers to them as a “resident”.

Where Councils do choose to identify members of the public, it would be prudent for the Council to exercise discretion and ask the person intending to speak if they would prefer their names and addresses not to be recorded in the minutes.

New Guidance on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure:

NALC has updated its guidance procedures relating to discipline and grievance procedures for local Town and Parish Councils.

More information can be found in the Good Employers Guide.

Final Report from the Clerk:

I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all Parish Councillors for their support whilst I have been in post. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and leave the position knowing that you have appointed a good Clerk who will, I am sure serve you well.

I wish The Parish Council every success in their current and future projects. I believe that all councillors give 100% to what is a challenging unpaid role and hope that you continue all your good works serving the residents of Findern.

With kindest Regards – Heather Bevan

8. Minute Number 2367/19 Planning Matters

Two letters of objection about AXIS 50 Cllrs were offered the letters to read themselves as they were very lengthy.

An objection Letter has been sent to SDDC re: AXIS 50

1. District Council approved and adopted The Local Plan in 2016 and 2017 – the District Council will now have to consider objections against its own adopted plan with regards to the latest Planning Application: AXIS 50 2. There could be detrimental impacts in relation to Traffic, Noise, Air Quality etc.


3. Adopted land allocation, both in South Derbyshire and neighbouring planning authorities will have their viability adversely impacted upon if this unapproved site goes forward. 4. South Derbyshire District Council approved and adopted The Local Plan in 2016 and 2017 – the District Council will now have to consider objections against its own adopted plan with regards to the latest Planning Application: AXIS 50

5. There could be detrimental impacts in relation to Traffic, Noise, Air Quality etc.

6. Adopted land allocation, both in South Derbyshire and neighbouring planning authorities will have their viability adversely impacted upon if this unapproved site goes forward. The Findern Parish Council would like to make it know to South Derbyshire that they strongly object to planning permission being granted.

Reference Number: DMPA/2019/0947 – Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side, front and rear extension at 19 Wren Park Close, Findern

No objections to the planning application DMPA/2019/0947

9. Minute Number 2338/19 Finance

10. . Items for Payment

003111 SDC (CVS) Wages, NI, Taxes, Pensions etc. £1,356.25 003112 Findern Village Hall Hire £10.00 003113 Woodgrow Horticulture-Transformer, cable, connector £256.36 003114 Shelter Maintenance Ltd £33.36 003115 Aucuba Landscapes Ltd £399.02 003116 Clerks Expenses: Home £70.23 working/Telephone/insurance/mileage 003117 Cllr Brook – Mesh and Dictaphone £39.88 003118 H Bevan – Printer Ink £12.50 003119 M Goodall – Expenses £36.50 003120 H Bevan – Travel to meetings, Expenses £24.60


Bank Account Reconciliation Report – sent out to all Councillors

15TH September 2019


Balance Current Account £ 22,908.19

Balance Reserve Account £ 55,854.77

Total Bank £ 78,762.96

- Minus Unpresented cheques in 2019/20 £ 2,239.31 Balance £ 76,523.65


Balance b/f 1 Apr 19 £ 68,478.58

+ Income £ 39,603.78

Total £108,082.36

- Expenditure £ 31,558.71

£ 76,523.65

Current Account:

Up to 14th September 2019:

Bee’s Tea Room £333.33

Balance = £22,908.19

Reserve Accounts:

Up to 5th September 2019:

Interest £9.18

Balance = £55,854.77


11. Minute Number 2369/19 BMX Park – King George Playing Field

Cllr Goodall contacted SDDC as yet no response from Highways to withdraw their objections in writing. Agreed that a letter of complaint to be written by clerk regarding delay to Chief Planning Office and Chief Executive.

12. Minute Number 2370/19 The bench for the Remembrance Garden is due to be delivered on the 11th. The tap is also planned to be installed shortly, SDDC have given go ahead and awaiting South Staffs Water to connect.

13. Minute Number 2371/19 Remembrance Committee

Everything planned is now in place on The Green, including lights. The wreath has been ordered for the service on the Green on 10th November. Cllr Brown to contact Primary School to confirm details of when the children will be bringing their painted stones to The Green. Discussion about lights on the Green. Order of Service agreed with Church to be held on the Green and also in Church. No bugler as yet so other plans in place.

Wording and time for Website to be given to Cllr Hibbert.

Proposed Cllr. T. Brown Seconded Cllr. C. Smith

14. Minute Number 2373/19 Common Piece Land

Minutes from meeting circulated prior to meeting tonight. Cllr Ratcliffe gave a brief update.

Allotments seemed to be the popular idea for the land.

Only 23 residents attended. Letters sent to residents of Lower Green only, other residents asking for whole village to be informed.

It was suggested that the Land Agent be contacted to ask when the auction is. Cllr Goodall to do this.

We only have £15,000 to spend.

Agreed to put on website and invite gifts/pledges for help to purchase this land. Ask Findern if this is what they want us to do purchase the land and turn into allotments.


Chair to take this back to Clerk to get correct information if this is the best way forward and how to go about it. We need proper guidance on this.

15. Minute number 2373/19 Minutes of public meeting held on 1st October 2019 agreed Proposed Cllr T. Brown Seconded Cllr. C. Smith

16. Minute Number 2374/19 Correspondence

1. Cllr M Goodall’s email of Resignation as Vice Chairman of The Parish Council 2. ‘Sustainable Community Halls’ 3. Chief Executive’s Bulletin 4. NALC – September 5. DALC – Vacancy for RFO Town Council 6. Thank You letter from Findern Community Pre-School 7. The Rural Bulletin – October Edition 8. DALC Circular: 11/2019

17. Minute Number 2375/19 Date of next meeting(s)

Area Forum meeting 7th November @ 6.30pm Milton Village Hall

Parish Council meeting 14th November @ 7pm

DBS check Martin has this for Heather

Meeting Closed at 8.45pm


Findern Parish Council

Clerk; Mrs Heather Bevan

Findern Parish Council, Lower green, Findern, Derbyshire

DE65 6AD

Tel No 0751249137

Minutes of the Exempt Parish Council Meeting, held on Thursday 10th October 2019, commencing at 6.30pm in Bee’s Tea Room, Lower Green, Findern


Cllr R Brook – Chairman

Cllr J Hibbert

Cllr A Hibbert

Cllr T Brown

Cllr M Ratcliffe

Cllr M Woodhouse

Cllr S Brook

Cllr C Smith

Cllr M Goodall

Cllr R Rose (minute taker)

1. Minute Number 23516/19 Apologies for absence

The Clerk gave her apologies

2. Minute number 2357/19 Variation of the Order of Business



3. Minutes Number 2358/19 Declaration of Members interests

Cllr M Woodhouse declared an interest in Item 6

The declaration of interest form was duly signed

4. Minutes Number 2359/19 To confirm the Exempt Minutes of The Parish Council Meeting – 12th September 2019

It was RESOLVED that the Exempt Minutes be excepted and signed by The Chairman

Proposed by CllrT. Brown Seconded by CllrM Goodall All in favour

5. Minute Number 2360/19 Appointment of new Clerk/RFO

A discussion took place on the Appointment of the new Clerk /RFO.

It was RESOLVED that an appointment had been made to Mrs Kate Sharpe

Proposed by Cllr M. Ratcliffe Seconded by Cllr J. Hibbert All in favour

6. Minute Number 2361/19 Woodgrow Horticulture Ltd and Bee’s Tea Room Lease Agreement

Cllr Woodhouse will contact his Solicitors to discuss the information we require from him regarding his dependents.

7. Minutes Number 2362/19 Date and time of next Exempt Meeting

The next Exempt Parish Council Meeting will be held on 14th November 2019, at 6.30pm in Bee’s Tea Room, Lower Green, Findern

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