The Youth's Instructor for 1915

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The Youth's Instructor for 1915 The YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR Vol. LXIII February 23, 1915 No. 8 ACCORDING to the study made by Profs. J. B. Reyn- IROM HERE AND THERE olds and W. H. Day of the Ontario Agricultural Col- rnrn lege, it is true that properly conducted and erected vip=4N lightning rods possess all the value of protection that •- a Benjamin Franklin claimed for them. Statistics gath- " LET us do good unto all men." Gal. 6: 1o. ered in different parts of the United States indicate that " GoD gives us our tongues ; let us not misuse his gift over ninety per cent of the fire losses by lightning were of speech." on buildings minus the rods. " No man is born into the world whose work is ITALY has recently been the victim of a severe earth- not born with him ; there is always work, and tools quake. The city of Avezzano, with a population of to work withal, for those who will." 12,000, suffered the most seriously, only 500 persons surviving the catastrophe. The dead and wounded to- A MAN found drunk in Denmark is turned over to gether numbered about '00,000. the care of a doctor, and the bill is sent to the pro- prietor of the last saloon visited by the man. THE Turks, according to report, are continuing their advance into the interior of Persia, though they THE ordinary suffering in China has been so inten- are being seriously repulsed by the Russians in the sified by loss of trade with Europe that in some prov- Caucasus. inces the sale of wives and children is being carried on • • • extensively. American Academy of Arts and Letters GUGLIELMO MARCONI, of wireless telegraphy fame, THE American Academy of Arts and Letters was has been appointed a member of the Italian Senate organized in 1904. The qualification for membership, by King Victor Emmanuel. His Majesty signed the as stated in the constitution, is " notable achievement decree to this effect Dec. 31, 1914. in art, music, or literature." The number in the insti- LIVE for something. Do good. Write your tute is limited to 25o; and only members of the Na- name in kindness, love, and mercy on the hearts of tional Institute of Arts and Letters are eligible to mem- thousands with whom you come in contact year by bership. The following are the present members : — year. Good deeds will shine as the stars in heaven.— Thomas R. Lounsbury Theodore Roosevelt J. Chalmers. Robert Underwood Johnson Thomas Nelson Page THE disturbed political and industrial conditions in George Washington Cable Daniel Chester French Turkey are not hindering the religious and educational Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve William Dean Howells work of that country. The American Board of Com- Francis opkinson Smith John Singer Sargent missioners for Foreign Missions reports that the Turk- Edwin Howland Blashfield Henry James ish people seem to be in closer touch with the mission- George Edward Woodberry Henry Adams aries than ever, especially with the Americans. George Whitefield Chadwick John Burroughs AT the Arlington wireless station, near Washington, Abbott Handerson Thayer James Ford Rhodes one night about a year ago was heard the regular click Charles Francis Adams Henry van Dyke of the clock in the Eiffel Tower, Paris. The work of George de Forest Brush Woodrow Wilson which this test was a part has been concluded, and William Rutherford Mead Henry Cabot Lodge it is said that now all vessels equipped with wireless Abbott Lawrence Lowell Thomas Hastings may receive absolute time from Paris. This wireless James Whitcomb Riley Brander Matthews feat is considered one of the most remarkable of the Nicholas Murray Butler Elihu Vedder age. Paul Wayland Bartlett Kenyon Cox Hamilton Wright Mabie John Muir A LABORER'S cottage was flooded in a great storm, Arthur Twining Hadley Henry Mills Alden and the father had to take his little boy through the William Merritt Chase John W. Alexander surrounding water to a neighbor's house some dis- Alfred Thayer Mahan Bliss Perry tance away. " Weren't you frightened ? " asked the Horatio William Parker Owen Wister kind friends as they dried and fed the child. " 0, William Milligan Sloane Herbert Adams no," answered the little lad, " I was walking with Andrew Dickson White Augustus Thomas father." Just so. Walk with God, and even the floods William Crary Brownell Timothy Cole shall not overwhelm us.—"Stems and Twigs." • MRS. R. K. GEMBERLING, of Pawtucket, Rhode Is- Principal Contents land, writes of the Bible Year course as follows : " I CONTRIBUTIONS PAGE am greatly enjoying the course. After reading the IN- From Shanghai to Chung-King, Szechuan 3 STRUCTOR, I clip the printed outline, and paste that Two Special Providences in a Student's Life 7 for each day's reading, together with the notes, at the The New Year Eternal (poetry) to A " Down-and-Out" Who Blessed, and Cursed Not 13 beginning of the chapter designated. I know I shall Prize Essay 13 have a special treasure by the end of the year. Again SELECTIONS I want to express my gratitude for this rich treat." Fortune Spent Keeping Time of Day 6 A LADY was one day sitting in a London park. She Searching for Pearls of Wisdom 8 was in great trouble, so great that she could not help A Boy's Gymnasium in the Rear Yard 9 Greater Than His Slanderer 9 the tears rolling down her face. A little girl — quite Water and Rocks I0 a stranger to her — playing near, looked at the sad The City of Constance IO Our South American Neighbors io face shyly two or three times, and then came and.put Defining Snow (poetry) II her arms round the lady's neck and kissed her, and How a Spider Helped a Man Become the King of Scotland said: " I'm so sorry ! Don't cry. God loves you; " The Friend Who Sees No Weakness /2 and then ran home. Long after, that lady said : " That Wolves Carry Off Little Girl 12 sweet child's words and kind action were the turning Look Out for Your Face 13 Life as a Gay Science 16 point in my life. She saved my soul."— Selected. A Striking Parallel 16 The Youth's Instructor VOL. LXIII TAKOMA PARK STATION, WASHINGTON, D. C., FEBRUUARY 23,.1915 No. 8 From Shanghai to Chung-King, Szechuan EVA ALLUM ELIEVING we should have a most interest- the buyers' bags, the crabs scrambling in every direc- B ing trip from Shanghai to Szechuan, I de- tion, while the men kept tucking them back in until the termined to write a few notes by the way bag could be tied up. to the readers of the YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR. We reached Hankow on Friday morning, October Mr. Allum returned to Shanghai to at- 23, traveling the six hundred miles in a little over three tend the general meeting of the Asiatic Division. after days. This completed the first stage of our journey. an absence of eight months in Szechuan, where he and The rest of the day the men were busy getting our Mr. Warren have been opening up the work. But in goods through customs, and transshipping them to a order to conserve funds during the present war crisis, steamer bound for I-chang. Sabbath we spent a very it was decided not to hold this meeting, and it was pleasant day with friends at Hankow, leaving at ten thought best that we should leave for Szechuan imme- o'clock Saturday night on the I-chang steamer. This diately. It is over five years since we were first ap- is much smaller than the Hankow steamer, having a • pointed to this province. Now, with our three little tonnage of but nine hundred tons. There are but four ones, the oldest six years old and the youngest barely two-berth cabins for European travelers. This part of five months, leaving for this field is more of a problem the trip was monotonous, the surrounding country be- than it was five years ago. We have a long trip of five ing very similar to that between Shanghai and Hankow. or six weeks to look for- ward to, and winter is fast approaching ; a Chi- nese house awaits us at the end of our journey, and no schooling pros- pects for our little ones. But we go in faith, sincerely desiring that our going may not be in vain. " Holding forth the word of life," said Paul, " that I may re- joice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither la- bored in vain. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and re- joice with you all." OCTOBER 20.- Now we CHINESE JUNK AND RED Bov's have started on our The cross indicates the rock struck by " Sui Hsiang." (See page five.) • long journey. After the past week or two of packing In many places we sailed quite close to the river banks, and preparing for the trip we are much enjoying the the children on the banks throwing stones at the first stage of our journey, the three days' steamer trip• steamer. We anchored every night, as the water was from Shanghai to Hankow. Brother and Sister War- very low in places, and it was too dark and foggy to ren and baby Helen and our family are the only Euro- see the landmarks. pean passengers, so we have a table to ourselves. I-chang was altogether different from any other When we left Shanghai, the shipping company was Chinese city we had seen.
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