Monday, December 7, 2020 • Volume 137 Number 10 • Moosomin, Saskatchewan

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Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884

$60,000 for Health Care Foundation The Moosomin and District Seniors Group donated $60,000 Friday to the Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation to purchase new mat- tresses for the acute care department of the Southeast Integrated Care Centre in Moosomin. In back from left are: Deana Hebert, Riette Hayward Dr. Schalk van der Merwe and Joni Wielgoz of the SEICC. In the middle row are Mayor Larry Tomlinson and Yvonne Down with the Seniors group. In front is Velma Moore with the Seniors Group. On a stay in the hospital, Moore realized there is a need for new mattresses. Seniors donate $60,000 to Health Care Foundation BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE needed new mattresses. That is why I wanted to give to “They were interested in us having some new mat- LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER the hospital. We had sold our building and the money tresses. It is really nice to get recommendations from the At a cheque presentation held Friday at the Southeast was there,” said Velma Moore of the Seniors Group. people that are using the services so we had a representa- Intergrated Care Centre, the Moosomin and District Se- The building that was sold was at the site of the new tive come out and we’ve done a mattress audit, so now niors Group presented $60,000 to the Health Care Foun- head quarters for the Co-op. The group is using the mon- we know exactly what we need to do to make the best use dation. The money will go towards new mattresses for the ey to give to various worthy organizations. of the donation, we are going to move forward with all 23 beds in the Acute Care Department. Joni Wielgoz, Acute Care Manager at the SEICC, is ex- new mattresses,” said Wielgoz. “I’ve been in the hospital quite a bit, and I felt that we cited to get the new mattresses. Continued on page 3 


2020 EXPEDITION CELEBRATION Guy Wall: BLACK OUT EDITION SYNC3 NAV –FORD SALES– (306) 435-0215 WAS: $74,100 • SAVE $5,500 NOW $ 499 BI-WEEKLY Eli Tremblay ONLY (306) 434-9101 ACT NOW LAST ONE IN STOCK 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Covid-19’s impact on restaurants continues

BY ROB PAUL much good anyway. You put them between your booths LOCAL JOURNALISM and even with plexiglass you have to have two metres INITIATIVE REPORTER and you have to close down every second booth. When the Covid-19 pandemic began changing every- “Still though, as far as protocols go for us with seat- thing in March, few industries were hit as hard as the hos- ing, nothing has really changed. We’ve had to do the same pitality industry. thing we’ve had to do for a while now, since Covid-19 With health and safety restrictions forcing them to tem- started we’ve been doing all the extra cleaning and fol- porarily close and pivot to delivery and curbside pickup lowing the sanitary protocol—that part of it has been in for a long stretch, it was devastating for many in the res- place for quite a few months now. Really we just took taurant business. some tables out, that’s been the only change for us.” Even when they were able to re-open in Saskatchewan, $WWKHHQGRIWKHGD\'DYLGVRQNQRZVWKLVLVQ·WLGHDO it was with new protocols in place that reduced capacity and there will be losses, but dwelling on the negativity which in turn reduced sales. won’t do anybody any good so he chooses to focus on the Locally owned restaurants relied on strong community positives that are coming around the corner, especially in support to survive some of the tougher times of the pan- the Moosomin community. demic. ´:HGRKDYHDELJJHUEXLOGLQJ PDNLQJFUHDWLQJVSDFH The hospitality industry has once again been put in easier), but it’s also a lot more costly of a building to op- DGL΀FXOWVLWXDWLRQ$V&RYLGFDVHVULVHLQ6DVNDWFK- erate as well,” he said. “The costs are much higher. Just ewan, so to do the protocols for restaurants to continue our decreases alone would maybe be bigger than a lot of to operate. restaurants do for sales. The Government of Saskatchewan implemented new “But it is what it is, once we got into it we decided we’ll &RYLGUHVWULFWLRQVWKDWZHQWLQWRHͿHFWRQ1RYHPEHU just do our best. We’ll still be here no matter what hap- 27 and will continue until at least December 17. For res- pens and hopefully by next June everybody can get vac- taurants, that means more space, which means lowering cinated and things will be getting back to normal. I’m just capacity. looking forward to next summer, hopefully by May we’re Covid-19 restrictions for restaurants and licensed estab- RQDQXSVZLQJZLWKWKLQJV,NQRZZHKDYHDORWRIVWXͿ lishments implemented by the Government of Saskatch- JRLQJRQDWWKH1XWULHQPLQHQH[WVXPPHUDQGDORWRI ewan include: construction so that makes our hotels busy which is good • $OOUHVWDXUDQWVDQGOLFHQVHGHVWDEOLVKPHQWV EDUV for the town and good for us. I feel we’re very lucky to taverns, nightclubs) are limited to seat four at a have that project going on with lots of work at the mine single table. starting next May. If we didn’t have that it would be a • If there are impermeable barriers between the much harder battle, but they’re going to bring in a lot of tables, tables must be placed two metres apart. If Red Barn Family Restaurant owner Dan Da- out of town people and a lot of extra money to circulate there are no impermeable barriers between tables, vidson says he has to keep a positive attitude LQRXUFRPPXQLW\:H·UHJRLQJWRJHWDELJEHQHÀWRXWRI there must be a three metre distance between all that.” tables. through the pandemic despite the impacts it Davidson believes staying optimistic is the only way • Restaurants and licensed establishments must has had on the hospitality industry. to get through everything going on in the world right maintain guest/reservation information on all pa- now and even though the holidays won’t be the same, he trons. knows this communities support is how everybody will • 7KHFXUIHZRQOLTXRUVHUYLFHUHPDLQVLQHͿHFW right now. In our industry there’s not a whole lot of posi- get past these troubling times. tive going on—takeout and delivery is half-decent, but “It would be too depressing to be negative,” he said. Dan Davidson owns the Red Barn Family Restaurant it’s always been a smaller part of our business. We’re a “You can’t go out and do anything right now, Christmas and Dano’s Lounge in Moosomin, with everything that pretty big operation to focus just on takeout and delivery. isn’t going to be as exciting, and it’s just everything going has impacted his industry this year, seeing the new proto- ,WKDVQ·WEHHQVREDGWKRXJKLWLVZKDWLWLV$VIDUDV,·P on. cols was no surprise to him. concerned, I can’t worry about it all the time. “I can’t live that way, we have to be positive and upbeat “I wouldn’t say anything is out of the blue,” Davidson “I just have to do my best to keep it running tight and and get some fresh air and get outside! We can control said. “To me, you see everything coming based on what’s keep us functioning the best we can until we’re out of what we do with wearing masks, distancing, cleanliness, been going on around us with the cities in and this,” he said. “For me to get all worried about it and ev- DQGWKDWVWXͿEXWZHKDYHWRFRQWURORXUPHQWDOVLGHWRR $OEHUWD:H·UHNLQGRIWKHODVWRQHVZHKDYHQ·WKDGPXFK erything is just not going to work. We’ve just got to roll To do that we have to be positive, talking negative isn’t here, but obviously this is a provincial thing and it’s not with it and do the best we can. We’ve been in business going to do anything but make things worse. We all have just here in Moosomin. I expected it and I wouldn’t be D ORW RI \HDU VR ZH·UH LQ D OLWWOH ELW GLͿHUHQW RI D VLWXD- WRVWD\DVSRVLWLYHDVZHFDQDQGMXVWÀJKWWKRXJKLWDQG surprised if it goes a little further in the near future.” tion than some—I think being in the city is probably even we’ll come out of it.” $OWKRXJK FKDQJHV KDYH WR EH PDGH DW KLV UHVWDXUDQW worse. Davidson is rolling with the punches and not letting the “This isn’t a surprise to me, I expected this so we were XQNQRZQLPSDFWKLPRUKLVVWDͿLQDQHJDWLYHZD\DVWKH prepared. We just have to watch what we’re doing and holiday season gets underway. there’s programs that help the industry a little bit so for Daryl Harrison “I didn’t really think too much about it,” he said. “I ex- the most part, we’re surviving.” Daryl Harrison SHFWHGLW$VWKHFDVHVJHWELJJHUSHRSOHJRRXWOHVVDQG Even though the new restrictions do lead to more there’s less going on so now there’s less of things like changes at his restaurant with fewer tables to create more MemberMember of ofthe the Legislative Legislative Assembly Assembly for for hockey and less of just everything. So do we need to lose space, Davidson says for the most part things will look anningtonCannington Constituency Constituency some seating? Yeah, but when you’re not full all the time pretty similar. then it doesn’t really matter. You can be at 25 per cent, but “We really only lost seating,” he said. “If you go in our if you only have about 20 per cent of your building capac- lounge right now, it looks pretty bare because that three 1-833-670-44001-833-670-44001 833 670 4400 ity coming in then who cares about the seating capaci- metre distance is a long way to another table. It’s tough [email protected] ties. to create that type of space in our businesses and obvi- “There’s just nothing going on and we’re used to things ously the atmosphere isn’t as good in an empty place ei- #220 Centre St. / P.O. Box 130 / Alida, SK. / S0C 0B0 going on. There’s no Christmas parties, there’s no nothing ther. We also put in shields, but they really don’t do that 8:tfc Uolo 10” LED Glasser’s Ring Light with Remote TV SERVICE UOLOMOO2666 Moosomin, SK | (306) 435-3040 $ 99 Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 59

Kevin Weedmark Editor and Publisher • Kara Kinna Associate Editor Brooke Klinger Editorial Assistant • Ashley Johnston Advertising Representative Rob Paul • Victor van der Merwe • Shayna Zubko • Ed James Reporters Jennifer McMillan • Jacqui Harrison • Samantha McGonigal Design and Layout Kim Poole • Josh Deramas Photographers • Cassidy Griemann Student employee

Postage paid at Moosomin World-Spectator, we offer display advertising in the re- terial intended for publication in the World-Spectator Publications Mail Agreement Number 40011909. gional Plain and Valley, career advertising across Sas- issued on the following Monday. Deadline for the Plain Return undeliverable items to McKay Publications katchewan, and blanket classified advertising across and Valley is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s Ltd., Box 250, Moosomin SK S0G 3N0. Canada. issue. Contact us Printing services Subscribe now We want to hear from you! Email world_spectator@ The World-Spectator is your full service printer. From Subscriptions are $45 for one year (A $33 saving, call (306) 435-2445, fax (306) 435-3969, or business cards and brochures to hockey programs, we from the cover price), $80 for two years, $105 for three write to us at Box 250, Moosomin, Sask, S0G 3N0. can print it all! years, and $160 for five years. Go to to subscribe! Advertising options Deadlines In addition to classified and display advertising in the The regular deadline is 12 noon Thursday for all ma- Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 3

Funds will buy new mattresses for acute care beds: Moosomin Seniors donate $60,000 to Health Care Foundation Continued from front The Health Care Foundation does get donations on a The money will primarily go towards new mattresses regular basis, but rarely one of this size. for the beds in the acute care department. If there is some “We get a lot of small donations from people who are money left over, Wielgoz hopes to upgrade their pallia- passing away, but donations like this are huge,” said tive care mattress too. Moosomin Mayor Larry Tomlinson. “23 beds is what we have, so we are hoping to get a new This donation means that actual upgrades can happen mattress for each bed in the acute care side. If there is any in the Acute Care department. money left over we are hoping to add some extra things “Otherwise it will just be a replacement type. This is to our palliative care mattress itself. Stryker has a few dif- more of an actual whole department. It is huge,” said ferent options and we will be going with them and we Wendy Lynd, Administrator for the Health Care Founda- were hoping to maybe put something a little more appro- tion. priate in there for our palliative residents or our patients The foundation always appreciates it when the needs so, it will be really good,” said Wielgoz. of the patients and residents are being voiced and met by Stryker is also the company that came out and helped departments. with the mattress audit. “In this case, Velma was a patient for a long time and re- A donation of this size can be a real boost to the budget alized the need so then we reach out to the managers and of a place like SEICC. then they decide what is needed. Joni did a great job get- “We feel really lucky in Moosomin to receive a dona- ting a company out to come and do an audit of the whole tion like this. With our operational budgets we don’t usu- department and realized that there is a big need. That is ally get the opportunity to make purchases like this, so how it comes by someone using the facility and realizing the donated funds are really much appreciated. It makes what is needed,” said Lynd. DKXJHGLͿHUHQFH$QGLWLVQLFHWKDWZHFDQNHHSLWDOOOR- Lynd goes on to speak of the generosity of the people cal. It is coming from a local building and it is staying in of Moosomin. a local building , so that means a lot too,” said Wielgoz. ´0RVWO\ GRQDWLRQVDUH IRUPHPRULDOUHTXHVWVEXWORWV This is not the only donation made by the Seniors group of people are just generous in sending in donations in a with the funds of sale of their building. loved one’s memory, because they were a patient here or “We sent $10,000 again to STARS,” said Yvonne Down Above: everyone who were present at the a resident and they want to replace something or they see with the Seniors Group. a need, so it’s been really good that way,” said Lynne. Velma Moore approached the Seniors group after she cheque presentation for new mattresses in the H[SHULHQFHGÀUVWKDQGWKHTXDOLW\RIWKHROGPDWWUHVVHV Acute Care deparment. CT scanner on wish list “I’ve been in the hospital a lot, and one of the mattress- Back Left to right: Deana Hebert, Riette Hay- On the top of the SEICC’s wish list big ticket items is a es I was on, was very bad so that is where I got the idea ward Dr. Schalk van der Merwe Joni Wielgoz. CT scanner. that we can give money for mattresses,” said Moore. Middle Mayor Larry Tomlinson and Yvonne “The biggest one is a CT scanner, That is around $1.2 She was not the only one who had a bad experience million. There is room and there is provisions to put in with the mattresses. Down with the Seniors group. Front Velma there if and when we ever get enough money,” said Tom- “Phyllis Russell was another one that complained Moore with the Seniors. linson about the mattresses, but she is not with us anymore. Last “There are companies that supply the training and \HDUZKHQZHÀUVWVWDUWHGWRGRLW GRQDWLRQV ZHOLVWHG ÀJXUHVWRJHWKHUEXWZHKXQJRQWRWKHKRVSLWDOVEHFDXVH HTXLSPHQWDQGWKHPDLQWHQDQFHVRWKDWLVWKHZLVKOLVW² DOOWKHVWXͿLQWKHFRPPXQLW\:HSDVVHGIRUPVDURXQG we just were not sure. Then this year we decided it was that is the big one” said Lynd. and voted on who should get what and then we put those time to do something,” said Down. BIG LOU’S KARI’S KLOSET LUMBER FASHIONS FOR ALL WOMEN We have a huge selection of Gobble until power tools & hand tools you Wobble! Everyone needs a pair of in stock! TURKEY PANTS! 9''- Many brands Congratulations to our winners in at great prices! the Moosomin Chamber of Commerce BLACK FRIDAY WEEK DRAW! DECEMBER 7 - 12, 2020 Purchase a pair of pants or jeans and Kyra Windrim % won $500 in Moosomin Bucks Save 50 Penny Woods on any top of your choice! won $250 in Moosomin Bucks Pants must be a minimum price of $45 Does not include clearance items Marie Kelly won $100 in Moosomin Bucks Christmas Shopping Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Thank you for shopping locally! Open Every Thursday until 7 p.m. BIG LOU’S LUMBER Excluding Christmas Even & New Year’s Eve YOU COULD BE OUR NEXT WINNER! Monday - Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 0DLQ6W‡0RRVRPLQ6.‡ Shop at fi ve businesses in Moosomin by December 12 405 SUMNER ST. • ESTERHAZY, SK 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\DPSP and enter to win $500, $250 or $100 in Moosomin Bucks NDULVNORVHWRQOLQHFRP in the Countdown to Christmas Draw! 306-745-2600 306-745-2332 )ROORZXVRQ)DFHERRNIRUPRUHRXWÀWLGHDV

Your Locally Owned Hometown Pharmacy 2020 25% OFF 630 Main Street Giftware, Shop at Pharmasave on Moosomin, SK Cookware, Wednesdays before Christmas 306-435-3345 Clothing and have your name entered into a free draw for an Apple Monday - Saturday & Electronics Watch Series 6. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 4 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Moosomin RCMP Report

BY CPL DALLYN HOLMSTROM DUXUDOEDUQÀUHEHWZHHQ0RRVRPLQDQG :DSHOOD 7KH ÀUH VWDUWHG DV D FRQWUROOHG Holmstrom’s Rant! burn and got out of control. The Fire De- This week’s rant is brought to you by partment attended and took control of the the Department of Redundancy. ÀUH On a pretty regular basis in the RCMP we will get complaints from people about Another deer collision people complaining about them. On December 3 RCMP received a call of Picture this, a person comes to the a deer collision with a Freightliner semi on RCMP detachment to make a complaint +LJKZD\QHDU0DU\ÀHOG because their neighbour complained they No one was injured in the collision but were playing their music too loud the pre- the Freightliner had to be towed from the vious night. scene. Kind of makes you scratch your head doesn’t it? Scam of the week Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’m not The holiday season brings a rise in really sure how people are wanting the scams and frauds. There are several scams RCMP to follow up or investigate these that pop up every year around the holi- complaints about complaints but I just days and the majority of them concentrate want everyone to know if the RCMP gets around the too good to be true concept. a complaint about you we will follow it up However, one new scam that has sur- with you. faced are online Secret Santas. For this You don’t need to contact us! scam you sign up for a gift exchange online or on your social media. This may seem like a fun activity where you only have to $530 speeding fine send one gift and you will receive one or $QRWKHUSUHWW\VORZZHHNLQWUD΀FHQ- more gifts in return. Unfortunately, this forcement, but several tickets and warn- A semi driver was fined for parking his semi in a no parking zone. Perhaps the no parking exchange collects some of your personal ings were issued to people in order to en- sign isn’t large enough to be noticed. information and also hides a pyramid sure everyone’s safety. VFKHPHZKHUHRQO\WKRVHRQWRSSURÀW The fastest speeder of the week was Semi parked this collision but his semi had to be towed If you would like to learn about this clocked at 135 km/hr in a 100 km/hr zone from the scene. fraud or any other fraud that is taking ZKLFKUHVXOWHGLQDÀQH in no parking zone place, please visit the Canadian anti-fraud On November 26 we received a com- Hit and run turns into centre at www.antifraudcentre-centreanti- plaint of a large semi parked in a no park- ing zone at the Co-op cardlock gas station hit and run to the RCMP Rocks from truck in Moosomin. When RCMP attended, On November 30 a hit and run collision hit windshield the semi was still parked in the no park- was reported to RCMP from outside the Police joke ing zone and members issued the driver Royal Bank in Moosomin between a Chev- On November 26 RCMP received a rolet Cruze and a Chevrolet 1500. $QR΀FHUVWRSVDPDQIRUVSHHGLQJDQG complaint of a construction truck travel- DÀQH notices he’s not wearing his required pre- This turned out to not be a hit and run as ling on Highway 8 near Moosomin. While both parties ended up attending the Moo- scription glasses. WKH WUXFN ZDV GULYLQJ URFNV IHOO RͿ DQG Alarm at somin RCMP detachment and exchanging 2΀FHU´,KDYHWRJLYH\RXDWLFNHWIRU cracked the windshield of the vehicle trav- their information with one another. not wearing your glasses.” elling behind. Rocanville School 'ULYHU´2΀FHU,KDYHFRQWDFWVµ The construction truck was not located On November 29 at 2 am RCMP re- 2΀FHU ´, GRQ·W FDUH ZKR \RX NQRZ at the time and no plate was obtained and sponded to an alarm at the Rocanville Barn fire you’re still getting a ticket.” as such it was not able to be investigated School. Members located an open door at On December 2 RCMP received a call of for having an insecure load. the school but once on scene were not able Have a great week and Stay Safe! The Department of Highways was con- to establish any evidence or forced entry tacted and advised they would be looking or foul play. for violations from the construction com- Fresh snow was around the school, and pany. with no fresh footprints to suggest entry Highways and Transportation Act Sec- was gained, members searched and se- tion 40(2): cured the school. “Load a vehicle with cargo that dropped or was likely to drop on a public highway” Cow collision $125 plus surcharge. Previous warnings to “the cows” either were not herd or went in one ear and out WKHXGGHUDV´WKHFRZVµVXͿHUHGDGHYDV- Deer collision tating loss this week. On November 26, a GMC Terrain col- One of their own was killed during a lided with a deer on Highway 8 near Fair- collision with a semi on a grid road south light. of Moosomin. No one was injured in the collision but Several cows witnessed the tragic event the GMC Terrain had to be towed back to from the ditch and hopefully will not Moosomin. make the same moo-steak. The driver of the semi was not injured in

Reach Christmas over 12,000 local readers 20123ds0 every week SALE!! when you advertise in the SAVE World-Spectator! 20 - 30% OFF Call 306-435-2445 to find out more! 0LFKDHO·V)DPLO\)DVKLRQV/WG 306-743-2242

Visit the World-Spectator online at Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 5 Saskatchewan Small Business Emergency Payment Program renewed BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE As for seasonal businesses, the funding support will be DWHLQWKHFDVHRIVHDVRQDOEXVLQHVV LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER SHUFHQWRIWKHDYHUDJHPRQWKO\VDOHVUHYHQXHIRUIXOO • are subject to a public health order that requires them Last week, the Government of Saskatchewan an- months that the business operated in 2019. to temporarily suspend or substantially curtail their op- nounced that Saskatchewan Small Business Emergency Those who wish to apply must attest that they: erations during the eligibility period December 1 to De- Payment (SSBEP) program is being renewed for the pe- ‡DUHDVPDOORUPHGLXPEXVLQHVV HPSOR\HHV  FHPEHU riod of December 1 to December 31. This is to provide • maintain a permanent establishment in Saskatchewan ‡KDYHH[SHULHQFHGDORVVRIVDOHVUHYHQXHDQG some support to small businesses who either closed or DQGDOORFDWHDSRUWLRQRIWKHLULQFRPHWR6DVNDWFKHZDQ • plan to reopen when the public health restrictions are ZHUHVLJQLÀFDQWO\FXUWDLOHGGXHWRDSXEOLFKHDOWKRUGHU • were operating October 31, 2020, or eligible to oper- lifted. “Our government recognizes that small businesses are the heartbeat of Saskatchewan’s economy. By renewing the Small Business Emergency Payment, we are ensuring small businesses remain strong and continue to provide thousands of jobs across Saskatchewan, even when they are impacted by public health orders necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19,” ” said Premier Scott Moe. The SSBEP program was initially launched on April 13, 2020, to help provide support to small businesses that had to temporarily close or substantially curtail their op- erations as a result of COVID-19. The program was then H[WHQGHGIRU0D\7KHSURJUDPRͿHUHGEXVL- nesses more than $32 million in support. “Our small business community continues to be im- pacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic. As we focus on our economic recovery plan during this challenging period, renewing this program will help provide critical assistance to our small businesses who have had to fully or partially close their doors to protect public health and reduce the spread of COVID-19” said Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison. The eligibility period for this phase of the SSBEP will be from December 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020, and ap- plications for the SSBEP are open as of today, December 7, 2020 and the deadline for this eligibility period is January 31, 2021. How much an eligible applicant can receive depends on past revenue. Eligible applicants will receive a pay- PHQWRISHUFHQWRIWKHLUPRQWKO\VDOHVUHYHQXHWRD PD[LPXPRIEDVHGRQWKHJUHDWHURI1RYHPEHU 2019, December 2019, or February 2020 sales revenue. Steven Bonk, MLA for Moosomin Constituency USW donates $1,500 to MacLeod School breakfast program MacLeod Elementary SCC would like to send out a huge thank-you to the United Steel Work- 622 Main St., Moosomin, SK ers Union for donating $1,500 to their breakfast program. Staff have noticed an increase in num- Phone 306-435-4005 ber of students who have been showing up hungry or just don’t have enough in their lunches. Fax: 306-435-4008 The SCC has tried to get grants in the past to start up a breakfast program for the school but Offi ce Hours: were unsuccessful. So without the United Steel Workers donation, this year’s breakfast program Monday thru Thursday wouldn’t be possible. 9 a.m. - 12 noon 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Above from left are Travis Gagnon representing the United Steele Workers union, SCC Chair Leona Gerard, and MacLeod Elementary School Principal Tammy Cole. Leona is accepting a

6:tfc donation of $1,500 from the United Steele Workers Union to start off their first breakfast/lunch.

Carscadden Funeral Chapel invites you to our first annual


7KLV\HDUȓVVHUYLFHZLOOEHDQRQOLQHHYHQWHHD Z D QOQ HYYH DYDLODEOHRQWKH&DUVFDGGHQZHEVLWHDQG)DFHERRNSDJHWK H Z LW QG HE December 1st - December 12th The service wwill remain online if yoyou arere unablele to join uus for the live event. GET YOUR COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS CARDS STAMPED AT FIVE MOOSOMIN BUSINESSES AND ENTER TO WIN #FDUVFDGGHQIXQHUDOFKDSHOV# ZZZFDUVFDGGHQIXQHUDOFKDSHOFRP $500, $250 OR $100 IN MOOSOMIN BUCKS! 6 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Teddy Bears Anonymous provide priceless gifts

BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE from Regina. So, when we hear from the hospital that LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER they need another shipment of bears, we will put some- Teddy Bears Anonymous is a registered charity based thing on Facebook, that a hospital needs a shipment of in Regina that provides teddy bears to sick children in bears delivered, and probably within a matter of hours, hospitals in Saskatchewan. we have a volunteer going that way that says ‘hey we can All the teddy bears are cello sealed from the factory pick them up.’ People want to get involved with a good making them sterile and safe even during a pandemic. thing,” said Lawrence. The charity is 100 per cent run by volunteers. Luke Law- This desire of people wanting to get involved means rence founded the charity after his daughter Erin, passed that even the shipping of the bears are done on a volun- away. teer basis. This includes EMS workers on occasion. “I founded the charity under tragic circumstances “We do not pay for shipping and we ship all over the when my daughter, Erin, passed away due to a rare form province. Especially in the Saskatoon area, it is a long way of gastric cancer. My daughter had compassion for sick to La Loche, Meadow Lake and Prince Albert area. People FKLOGUHQ :KHQ VKH ZDV WDNLQJ KHU ÀUVW FKHPRWKHUDS\ who are transporting children to the Jim Pattison Chil- treatments, there was a sign in the hospital here in Regina, dren’s Hospital. So, when they come in, they will make that said Juvenile Chemo Ward. Erin stopped and said, arrangements with us to pick up bears and take them ‘dad that is terrible.’ At the time, it wasn’t about Erin, back. A lot of EMS people pick up the bear directly,” said it was about the children on the other side of that door. Lawrence. Those are the kind of things you remember after the fact,” 7KHGLͿHUHQWNLQGVRIEHDUVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUGLͿHUHQW said Lawrence. kinds of situations. The idea of the teddy bears as gifts came to be as people “Last year, we introduced the panda bear into our fam- kept sending Erin teddy bears. ily of bears for the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital, be- ´:KLOH (ULQ ZDV LQ WKH KRVSLWDO VKH UHFHLYHG ÁRZHUV cause it was their grand opening. We are also partners DQGWHGG\EHDUV7KHÁRZHUVGRQ·WODVWWRRORQJEXWWKH with Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. Now that is a year teddy bears stick around, and she received quite a few of old and so we have taken the panda bear and introduced them and they were all brand new, and I really did not it to our regular family of bears, but because they are still know what to do with these things. I thought maybe I DVSHFLDOEHDUZHRQO\RͿHUWKHPDWVXUJLFDOZDUGV

BY ROB PAUL decline in your revenues so again if you’ve :LWKDOOWKHGLͿHUHQWFLUFXPVWDQFHVVXU- LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER had a 15 per cent decline in revenues be- rounding small businesses, Bolley doesn’t As 2020 comes to an end, Canada is still WZHHQ 2FWREHU  YHUVXV 2FWREHU  want them to be discouraged by the pro- GHDOLQJ ZLWK WKH HͿHFWV RI WKH &RYLG then you get to claim a subsidy equal to 15 cess, but rather to reach out for help so pandemic. With case numbers rising with per cent of your monthly rent expense or they can get the support they need during the colder weather, provinces are begin- your monthly property tax, insurance, and the pandemic. ning to enact stricter health and safety mortgage interest if you own your build- “The CRA has tried to make it straight- SURWRFROVWRKHOSÁDWWHQWKHFXUYH ing.” forward in the sense of setting up the calcu- These guidelines are important to less- Overall, Bolley has heard many people lators and especially for the wage subsidy HQLQJWKHLPSDFWRI&RYLGXQWLODYDF- have been struggling with accessing and SURJUDP,ÀQGWKDWWKHRQOLQHFDOFXODWRULV cine becomes available, but they’ve also understanding the federal support pro- helpful if you have a base understanding,” put small businesses across the country in grams because of their complexity. He says he said. “But I do think if businesses are an unprecedented situation. it’s not a clear process, but that shouldn’t going to take the time to apply and they’re To help these small businesses survive stop them from looking into what they going to try and do it with their internal through these trying times the federal gov- MNP Speciality Tax Business might qualify for. VWDͿ RU WKHPVHOYHV WKHQ , MXVW HQFRXUDJH ernment has developed support programs. “The biggest feedback I’ve gotten is that them to take a detailed reading through all Programs such as the Canada Emergency Advisor Matt Bolley recommends it is complicated,” he said. “There are a lot the information on the CRA website, don’t Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and Canada Emer- small businesses reach out for of opportunities, but there are also a lot just jump right into the calculator because gency Rent Subsidy were launched to give help when navigating the federal of pitfalls in terms of understanding the if you don’t know some of the background businesses across Canada a hand during support programs. rules. It’s not very straightforward and it or you have a unique situation then you the uncertainty of the pandemic, but the can get very confusing for businesses that may either think you don’t qualify when complexity of the programs have caused GRQ·W KDYH D VLJQLÀFDQW DFFRXQWLQJ GH- you actually do or think you do qualify some businesses to struggle with access- through the calculations is a necessity. partment or a function where people can and in fact it’s a smaller amount or there’s ing them. “My best recommendation to anyone actually devote time to going through the a pitfall somewhere. Just make sure you The CEWS provides employers who who’s looking to explore these programs process because obviously people (who) read through everything in detail and have seen a drop in revenue during the is the Canada Revenue Agency does have have their regular jobs to do (don’t have if it’s to the point where they’re over- pandemic with support to help cover online calculators available both for the the time) the books or run the business, let whelmed with it then I encourage them to parts of employee wages while the Cana- CEWS and the Canada Emergency Rent alone to try and sit down and go through reach out to their advisor or us at MNP. da Emergency Rent Subsidy program pro- Subsidy that was recently introduced,” he these programs. ´2XU SDUWQHUV DW RXU 0RRVRPLQ R΀FH vides organizations impacted by revenue said. “For the wage subsidy there’s a fair “Unfortunately I’ve seen quite a few would be happy to sit down with any lo- loss during the pandemic with support bit of information that you need to gather instances where businesses would qual- cal businesses and go through their situa- for rent or property tax, insurance, and ahead of time. If you go to the calculator ify—particularly for the wage subsidy— tion and see if we can help them navigate mortgage interest if the business owns the it will at least tell you what information but haven’t actually applied because they through the programs. building. you need and then you can kind of work were either misunderstanding that they “We’ve done that for a number of our cli- MNP Speciality Tax Business Advi- through the calculations. TXDOLÀHG RU MXVW ORRNHG DW KRZ FRPSOH[ ents because it’s just been too overwhelm- VRU 0DWW %ROOH\ NQRZV WKH ÀQHU GHWDLOV “It varies though, some businesses with the rules were and decided that it wasn’t ing for them and we’ve done enough of of these federal support programs can be RQHRUWZRRUÀYHHPSOR\HHVDUHJRLQJWR worth their time to try and apply. I would WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ VWXͿ WR XQGHUVWDQG WKH confusing but encourages small business- ÀQGWKHFDOFXODWRUPXFKHDVLHUWRXVHWKDQ say the complexity has been the hardest LQV DQG WKH RXWV DQG WKH GLͿHUHQW WKLQJV es with revenue loss to look into them to say someone with 50 employees. I do think part, and even my own colleagues with to consider. Business should reach out to see if they qualify. at that point it can get a little overwhelm- this rent subsidy—when I walked through their advisors in general to help them nav- “In general the wage subsidy program ing so I would try using the calculator and the rules with them and all the pieces of igate through this if they’re having issues. supports businesses who have had de- IDLOLQJWKDWZHRͿHURXUFOLHQWVDVVLVWDQFH information you need, some of them had “The biggest takeaway is that if busi- clines in revenue regardless of the reason- with applying for those programs and their heads spinning a little bit just to un- nesses have had a decline in revenues over ing—it doesn’t have to be Covid related,” even if they’re not clients of ours, we can derstand the rules. the last several months as a result of Covid said Bolley. “If they’ve had a decline in provide that or their accountants would “That would be the biggest complaint, or otherwise then they need to make sure revenue they’re able to claim a wage sub- be someone to reach out to and see if they however, if you can navigate the complex- they’re looking into these programs. If VLG\EDVHGRͿRIWKHSHUFHQWDJHRIGHFOLQH can provide assistance with navigating ity or you have advisors to help you then they have revenue drops—even if they’re in revenue that they’ve had. If they’re over through the application process. But the the subsidies themselves can certainly be not substantial—this is worth looking into 50 per cent decline in revenue then there best starting point would be the online helpful for businesses who are struggling because there’s still support available and are top up payments they’re eligible for as CRA calculator.” right now because of Covid declines or there’s probably a way that they can qual- well. With the new federal rent subsidy pro- other declines in their revenue.” ify.” “Some of the details are fairly complex gram, Bolley says it can help any business in terms of how the actual percentage sub- that rents or owns their property with mit- sidy gets calculated, it’s not as straightfor- igating revenue loss, but again he stresses ward as I’ve made it out to be, but in gen- the importance of fully understanding the eral if a business has had a revenue decline details and information needed for the compared to months in a prior year or program. compared to January and February of 2020 “The rent subsidy program is a bit of they’d be eligible to claim a wage subsidy. a misnomer in that it’s not just for busi- Then they’d have to work through the cal- nesses that rent their property, it’s also culations provided on the CRA website or for businesses that own their property,” talk to their accountant to work through he said. “Similar to the wage subsidy the calculations to see what percentage of program, the way it works is that basi- a subsidy they’d be eligible for.” cally you get to claim a percentage of your The CRA online calculator can be a OPEN LATE rental expense or your property tax, insur- helpful tool for those struggling with the ance, and mortgage interest if you own the support programs says Bolley, but under- property. The percentage is based on the standing the information needed to work UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT! DECEMBER 9, 16 & 23

Thanks for article on YOU to all the Moosomin Minor hockey volunteers, Moosomin skating club vol- WEDNESDAY NIGHT power outage response unteers, Moosomin Rec department and Dear Editor: anyone else who has dealt with so many Thanks for the article on the latest pow- challenges with the new and evolving er outage. government rules and keeping our indoor And a big thank you to Brian McCaw SCRATCH and outdoor skating rinks open for our and his crew for the speedy recovery. youth to use. We appreciate what they do. One As I tied my four years olds skates to- doesn’t tend to think of the power until day for his hockey practice he said, “I love it’s not there! hockey. Glenn Wilton I can’t wait to get on the ice in 1 minute.” Moosomin 7KDQN\RXIRUÀJXULQJRXWDZD\WKDWP\ boys can continue to enjoy skating during & WIN these challenges times. Thanks Thank you for all your hard work! You Receive a scratch ticket with EVERY PURCHASE to the volunteers! DUH PDNLQJ D GLͿHUHQFH LQ RXU \RXWK·V Dear Editor: lives! I would like to send a huge THANK Joanne Clements SAVE 10 - 25% off your entire purchase! Wednesday Nights only

Letters to the Editor 602 BIRTLE STREET can be emailed to MOOSOMIN, SK [email protected] 306-435-3252 8 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Kevin 2011 Weedmark 2009 2010 CCNA 2010 WINNER CANADIAN COMMUNITY Editor NEWSPAPER AWARD 2011 and Publisher

Issued every Monday by McKay Publications Ltd., a We welcome your comments. Write to Box 250, Moo- Member of subsidiary of Weedmark Communications Ltd., from the VRPLQ6DVN6*1FDOO  ID[   CCNA, SWNA and CMCA R΀FH0DLQ6WUHHW0RRVRPLQ6DVN RUHPDLOZRUOGBVSHFWDWRU#VDVNWHOQHW Publications Mail Agreement No. 40011909 In our opinion: 7UXGHDXWDNLQJ the federal debt WRLQÀQLW\ and beyond 7KHIDOOHFRQRPLFVWDWHPHQWVKRXOG worry anyone concerned with Canada’s ORQJWHUPHFRQRPLFIXWXUH


BY ROB PAUL makes it safer for our senior resi- LOCAL JOURNALISM dents.” INITIATIVE REPORTER The purchase and installation At the regular Rocanville town of the camera cost $2,857 from council meeting on Wednesday, TJK Technologies in Rocanville. the council passed a motion to cut the skating rink rate in half. Outdoor rink plan This way paying the regular ice The new Covid-19 protocols rental rate of $90 per hour will at the skating rink have limited provide double the time. the ability for use this winter. With the new Covid-19 rink With that in mind, the council protocols implemented by the discussed the potential of setting Government of Saskatchewan, up an outdoor rink in the com- only participants under the age munity. of 18 are allowed to participate 7KHWRZQKDVEHHQRͿHUHGFLQ- with only eight skaters being al- derblocks at no cost to help set lowed on the ice at one time. up a temporary outdoor rink this As a result of the reduced year. The discussion around the number of skaters allowed on outdoor rink was predominantly the ice, teams need more time about location. to run a practice to allow every- The council wants to ensure body a chance to participate. The where a permanent outdoor rink council was in agreement that is built won’t be disruptive to the the best way to handle this un- The Town of Rocanville will be cutting their skating rink rates in half for members of community during non winter precedented situation would be its community to help with the new Covid-19 restrictions. months and can be used for road giving those who can use the ice • All team/group sports, rehearsal surface or space tion of a camera at the Rocan- hockey. extended time. “Where we’re possibly going “If we run a loss, then we run a activities, games, compe- at the same time. Coaches ville skating rink. The decision to titions, recitals, practices, /trainers are not includ- purchase and install the camera to set up is in the corner of the loss,” said Administrator Monica rink parking lot and it’s not go- Pethick. “The kids need to get etc. are suspended, in- ed in the training group was a result of the Covid-19 pan- cluding amateur and rec- numbers as long as they demic. ing to be good there in the sum- out and exercise, especially with mer when we use that space,” everything going on right now. reational leagues for all are masked and maintain With the reduced numbers al- age groups. Examples in- a minimum physical dis- lowed inside the rink, the council said Administrator Monica Peth- They’re only allowed eight on ick. “We’re looking into getting the ice at a time so we want to clude hockey, curling, rac- tance of three metres. wanted to provide another out- quet sports, cheerleading, • Fitness activities and let for people to watch hockey a grant to put a concrete surface make sure every kid has the op- in somewhere so they can play portunity to skate so we’re happy dance practices in group JURXS ÀWQHVV FODVVHV LQ games without having to physi- setting, etc. groups of eight or fewer cally attend them. By adding the street hockey and other things in to give them double the ice time the summer.” for the same money. They’re our • Athletes and dancers 18 continues to be permit- camera it allows those who don’t years of age and under ted, for all ages. Mask use feel comfortable attending games The council plans to return to kids and they can’t do anything the outdoor rink discussion at the else so at least we can do this.” may continue practicing, and at least three metres to stay home and watch them conditioning and skills of physical distancing be- and gives those not able to attend next meeting once they’ve gath- This will only apply to people ered more information on where in the Rocanville community— training in groups of eight tween participants must games, due to the reduced num- or fewer, abiding by the be maintained. bers allowed in the rink, another the best location would be. the new rink restrictions will be They hope to have the tempo- in place until at least December required mask use and at option to watch. least three metres of physi- “This way our seniors don’t rary outdoor rink location decid- 17. Camera for ed soon so it can be ready in the Government of Saskatchewan cal distancing between skating rink have to come to the rink to watch participants at all times. the kids play,” said Administra- near future while they work on Covid-19 restrictions for sports, The council passed a motion • Individual groups of eight tor Monica Pethick. “They can a plan for a permanent outdoor ÀWQHVVDQGGDQFH for the purchase and installa- may not share a training/ now watch it from home and it rink.

20122ge0 10 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 SARM concerned about MOS name change

BY KARA KINNA inception. The Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities “It is for these reasons that we respectfully request that (SARM) is concerned about the Municipalities of Sas- you not support the proposed name change. We ask that katchewan’s recent name change from SUMA (Saskatch- you take the necessary steps to ensure that the interests of ewan Urban Municipalities Association) to Municipalities rural municipalities in Saskatchewan as well as SARM’s of Saskatchewan (MOS), and they are letting municipal name, brand, and reputation are protected.” governments and MLAs around the province know it. &RXQFLO QRWHG WKH FRQFHUQV IURP 680$ EXW ÀOHG WKH At their regular meeting on Nov. 25, Moosomin Town letter. Council read a letter from Ray Orb, President of SARM, regarding the name change. 2UEVDLGWKHQDPHFKDQJHLVKDYLQJUDPLÀFDWLRQVIRU SARM. notice of Advance poll “SUMA was incorporated in 1967, pursuant to An Act municipal By-elections 2020- 2021 to incorporate Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities As- sociation, S.S. 1967, c. 101 (‘the SUMA Act’). Section 1 of The Rural Municipality of Spy Hill No. 152 the SUMA Act states that SUMA was ‘constituted and declared a body corporate and politic under the name of Public Notice is hereby given that advance voting will Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association.’ There take place on Tuesday, the 22nd day of December, 2020, is nothing in the SUMA Act that permits SUMA to carry between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Rural on its business using any name other than that provided Municipality of Spy Hill No. 152 Municipal Office located at and the absence of such a provision suggests that SUMA was not intended by the legislature to have this power,” 600 – 4th Avenue, Spy Hill, SK for the office of Division One wrote Orb. (1) Councillor. “Despite not having express authority to do so under Dated at Spy Hill this 4th day of December, 2020. the SUMA Act, SUMA announced it would be changing its name to Municipalities of Saskatchewan in February SARM President Ray Orb Carey Nicholauson RI680$KDVLQGLFDWHGWKDWLWSODQVWRÀOHDSHWLWLRQ 10:1c Returning Officer for a Private Bill to amend the SUMA Act so that its name cussion around the amalgamation of the two associa- change can be applied in its corporate business. SARM tions and has requested that Premier Moe not permit the is requesting that you not support the proposed name amendment of the SUMA Act to allow a name change to change. Municipalities of Saskatchewan. notice of poll “Though SUMA has not gone through the formal pro- ´6LQFH680$·VDQQRXQFHPHQW6$50KDVKDGWRÀHOG cess nor has it sought approval from its membership for questions from members, government committee mem- municipal by-elections 2020-2021 a name change, the association has begun using the name bers, and suppliers about SARM’s existence and future Municipalities of Saskatchewan in its communications, due to the implications of SUMA’s new name. This may The Rural Municipality of Spy Hill No. 152 interactions, and on its website. This has had an adverse result in further harm to SARM by way of losing future HͿHFWRQ6$50DQGLWVPHPEHUV opportunities to SUMA because of the perception that PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: “Without a qualifying adjective, such as ‘urban,’ the SUMA represents all the municipalities in the province. (1) A vote will be held for the election of Division 1 (One) name ‘Municipalities of Saskatchewan’ implies that the As result of these actions, SUMA is acting contrary to Councillor organization represents all the municipalities in the prov- its own stated objectives, as set out in section 4(2)(e) of the ince. This has created confusion within the marketplace, SUMA Act, in that it is not promoting ‘the best interests of (2) The vote will take place on Wednesday, the 6th day of among members of both SARM and SUMA, and others. municipal government of Saskatchewan as a group or a January, 2021, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at: Interestingly, SUMA had acknowledged that there was class or as municipal government in general.’ Rather, it is Rural Municipality of Spy Hill Office located at 600 – 4th a potential for confusion with the proposed name in its harming the interests of SARM’s membership. Avenue, Spy Hill, SK ‘Answering Your Rebranding Questions’ published Feb- ´:KLOHWKHEXVLQHVVDQGQRQSURÀWFRUSRUDWLRQQDPLQJ ruary 17, 2020. rules in provincial legislation do not apply to SARM or (3) ID is required “Both associations are directed by their respective SUMA, the underlying rationale for those rules still has (4) The results of the voting will be declared at the Rural memberships, typically through resolutions at conven- force in this context. These rules exist to protect goodwill Municipality of Spy Hill No.152 Office on Thursday the tions that are held on an annual basis. The SUMA mem- and decrease search costs for consumers. SARM wants to bership defeated a resolution at their 2020 SUMA Annual avoid the need to incur costs to promote or distinguish 7th day of January, 2021, at the hour of 10:30 a.m. Convention to have SUMA and SARM discuss the forma- itself from SUMA that would otherwise not have been Dated at Spy Hill, this 4th day of December, 2020. tion of one association. The SARM membership passed necessary if the new name was not being used. SARM has Carey Nicholauson a resolution at their 2020 Annual Convention that stated a recognizable brand and has been building relationships the SARM membeiship had no interest in any such dis- with the provincial government and the public since its 10:1c Returning Officer

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What can we do for you? Advertising • Custom Printing • Signs • Rubber stamps • And more! Call 306-435-2445 Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 11 Saskatchewan RCMP’s 211 initiative supports victims of interpersonal violence

BY ROB PAUL struggling to the resources they’re looking LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER for within their community. The RCMP is launching its 211 initia- “It’s really important that this outreach tive in Saskatchewan to continue their is available and that it’s providing accu- increased focus surrounding partner vio- rate information. We often see with victims lence and abuse. The RCMP is partnering that there’s a real struggle when they’re with 211 Saskatchewan to provide addi- looking for assistance. Lots of times they tional support to victims of interpersonal get bounced from agency to organization, violence. back and forth.  LV D IUHH DQG FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPD- “This will help streamline that process tion and referral system for communities so the assistance they’re actually requiring in Saskatchewan that connects individu- is who they’re getting referred to. It’s also als to human services in the province by in their own community as well, that’s a telephone, text, or online video chat. Its struggle that we have here with Saskatch- mission is to ensure residents throughout ewan having a lot of remote communities. Saskatchewan can connect with people This way they’re getting directed to the that can provide them with the informa- appropriate service within their commu- tion and services they need. nities or near their communities.” This past summer, funding was ap- There are many resources that can assist proved through the RCMP’s Family Vio- victims and survivors with safety plan- lence Initiative Fund to complete a divi- ning. Whether or not victims and survi- sion-wide general duty card re-print. vors decide to report the violence to police, The new business cards will have RCMP they can reach out to local victim services, contact information on the front and 211 shelters, cultural and community health Saskatchewan information on the back. centres, Indigenous friendship centres and 9LFWLPDVVLVWDQFHFDQEHDGL΀FXOWSUR- The RCMP has partnered with 211 Saskatchewan to provide addi- other community centres for support. cess and victims are often required to call tional support to victims of interpersonal violence. If you think someone you know might multiple service providers before getting be a victim or survivor, you’re encouraged the appropriate assistance which can dis- tions remain a high priority for the RCMP. vation behind this partnership.” to reach out to them and encourage them courage victims from seeking assistance. 3ROLFH R΀FHUV UHVSRQG DQG DWWHQG WKHVH A main idea with the partnership is to to seek support and identify their support ´)URQWOLQHR΀FHUVZLWKWKH5&03ZLOO types of calls for service immediately, but KHOS DGGUHVV WKH GL΀FXOW\ PDQ\ YLFWLPV network: use the business cards to inform clients of they can be a complex process to resolve. have with reaching out for help when • For more information on Intimate 211 Saskatchewan and provide them with From January to September 2020, there they’re in a bad situation and Nieman sees Partner Violence and abuse, cre- an avenue of outreach when a social is- were 3,711 victims of intimate partner WKLVKDYLQJDELJHͿHFWRQWKRVHZLWKQR- ating safety plans and where to sue is beyond our scope of ability to help violence reported to the Saskatchewan where to go for help. get support, visit: https://www. with,” said Constable Joelle Nieman, Sas- 5&036RIDURIWKHVHÀOHVUHVXOWHG “We absolutely expect it to have an im- katchewan RCMP’s Violence Relationship in charges. pact,” said Nieman. “Especially in cases of olence/intimate-partner-violence- Coordinator. In October 2019, the Saskatchewan domestic violence, you often see people and-abuse. This initiative was created to help vic- 5&03 ODXQFKHG LWV ÀUVW 9LROHQFH LQ 5H- struggling in silence. They’re not always • Call 211, text 211 or visit website tims of Intimate Partner Violence and lationships Course. This training gave of- coming forward and the police are not al- to connect Intimate family violence who often struggle in si- ÀFHUV DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR OLVWHQ ÀUVWKDQG ways aware of the real scope of the issue. Partner Violence victims with re- lence. 211 Saskatchewan will be an avenue to the experiences of survivors of intimate “We do anticipate this making a huge sources in their community. to help empower victims to reach out for SDUWQHU YLROHQFH 7KLV KHOSHG R΀FHUV LQ- LPSDFW MXVW WR JLYH WKRVH VXͿHULQJ LQ VL- • All non-emergency incidents can KHOSDQGIHHOFRQÀGHQWNQRZLQJWKH\FDQ crease their understanding of the cycles of lence a voice and a way to reach out with a be reported to any local RCMP de- access the services they need, immediately violence and how interactions with police FRQÀGHQWLDOVHUYLFHµ tachment by calling 306-310-RCMP and within their own community. impacts the situation. Something Nieman thinks will help a lot (7267). “211 Saskatchewan is grateful for our “We do not measure success on intimate with the service is that it will direct victims partnership with the RCMP. With 211 be- SDUWQHUYLROHQFHÀOHVE\OD\LQJFKDUJHVRU ing available 24/7/365 through phone, making arrests,” Nieman said. “Success is text, web chat, or independent search on- measured by ensuring victims have sup- line, help is available in the way that is port measures in place that meet their most comfortable and convenient for the needs and ensuring they are safe.” person seeking services,” said Kristin Nel- The Saskatchewan RCMP wanted to of- son, Director of 211 Saskatchewan. fer a more accessible avenue for victims to “Over the phone, services are available reach out for help and that’s how the idea in over 175 languages, including 17 Indig- for the partnership with 211 began. enous languages. We are focused on con- “This started in January, so it took us necting people to supports and services about a full year to get the initiative from in their community. Through this partner- idea to concept,” said Nieman. “We here ship, we can help people meet their needs in the Saskatchewan RCMP were really WKURXJK WKH PRVW DSSURSULDWH DQG HͿHF- looking for a way to be able to bridge the tive channel.” gap between our victims of interpersonal The Saskatchewan RCMP is proud to violence and speaking assistance. A lot of take part in Saskatchewan Violence Pre- the time these incidents occur in evenings, vention Week—which ran from Novem- after hours, and on weekends when it’s ber 30 to December 6, 2020. Saskatchewan often a little bit harder for victims to seek Violence Prevention Week is an oppor- assistance. We wanted to be able to give tunity to gather people together to focus them that platform that’s available 24/7 on the prevention of violence and bring where they can seek that assistance. Some- discussions of Intimate Partner Violence times our victim services personnel are (IPV) to the forefront. not able to make contact with the victims Violence in Relationships investiga- until Monday so that was our whole moti-


Great response to bottle drive There was a great response to a bottle drive organized by Mooso- min’s Filipino community November 28. The bottle drive was organized to raise money for families impacted by two massive typhoons recently in the Philippines. 12 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020

A salute to safety

We’re proud to salute O.J. Pipelines, Banister Pipelines, The replacement of Line 3 was a landmark, safety-driven and SA Energy Group for their exemplary safety and undertaking that has made a safe pipeline even safer, environmental performance during our Line 3 pipeline thanks in no small part to contractors O.J., Banister and SA, replacement project. Overall, the project logged more than who share Enbridge’s dedication to achieving zero injuries, 11.2 million person-hours, covering almost 1,100 kilometres protecting the environment and communities, and ensuring in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. top-notch quality and workmanship.

Recognizing that our crews were guests on the To learn more, visit landowners’ property and in communities near the project right of way, we also want to congratulate our contractors for representing Enbridge so well to our neighbours. Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 13 School Christmas spirit in the time of COVID-19 BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE They might have a portion of an M or an E and they deco- LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER rate that and then it goes up and it forms a picture once COVID-19 restrictions have forced schools to abandon you put it all together so every individual has a contribu- their traditional end-of-year holiday school concerts, but tion to make to the bigger picture,” said Fraser. that does not mean that the kids are not being showered Some children will still be doing performances, but it with Christmas themed activities to keep the holiday spir- will not be at all like the traditional concert of years gone it alive for the young ones. by. “A big part of our Christmas concert is always singing Kipling School and dancing and, of course that is not happening, but I Principal David Bircher at Kipling School is embracing think some teachers have been talking about putting technology and hopes to upload a concert online for par- some pieces together to send home to parents on their dif- ents and students to enjoy. ferent online platforms. Pieces like poems or readings and “We are going to try and do some kind of concert that of course there will be art work,” said Fraser. is virtual. They (the kids) are probably going to do a play To help spread some cheer, there will also be a spirit or some kind of number and then record it, and then we week the last week of school. will post it so parents are able to watch it. That is the goal, “School wide, that week leading up to our Christmas WKHNLGVDUHDOOEHFRPLQJYLGHRJUDSKHUVVRLWLVGHÀQLWHO\ break, we will have a Spirit Week, where we will dress new territory,” said Bircher. up in our cohorts and then the last afternoon, the school The creativity does not stop there as some of the older leadership has agreed to buy prepackaged chips and pop kids will be coming up with their own play ideas. and so we will try and have a bit of a celebration on the “Most of our grade 4, 5 and 6 classes are writing their last afternoon before the break,” said Fraser. own plays. So, they are doing that and then acting it out. Part of the struggle too is of course concerts are mostly singing, but we can’t sing unless we are two meters dis- tanced from each other so, with a group of kids you have to put them in the gym and the gym is very echoey and WKDW·VQRWQHFHVVDULO\JRLQJWRZRUN:HDUHWU\LQJWRÀJ- ure some things out to make a little something happen,” said Bircher. The plans for the virtual concert is still in the planning stages, but the school is working on making it happen. “We are still trying to put it all together, (COVID-19) KDVGHÀQLWHO\WKURZQDZUHQFKLQWRWKHZD\ZHZRXOG QRUPDOO\GRLWVRZHÀJXUHGOHW·VGRVRPHWKLQJGLͿHUHQW DQGQRZZHJRWWRÀJXUHRXWKRZWRRUJDQL]HLWDQGPDNH it work and try to keep the kids into it too,” said Bircher. The plan is to make sure every one of the students are The class that can guess exactly where in Ma- involved. “I have to check in with my grade 1 to 3 classes to see cLeod school Mac the Elf was the night before exactly what they are doing because they may not nec- gets rewarded with hot chocolate and cookies. At Redvers School, grade 5 students are essarily do the same thing as the grade 6 kids do,” said all given one small piece of a picture and they Bircher create their image. Images get combined to in the nursing home over the holidays, they will be re- warded with fun holiday activities and treats. create a larger cohesive image. Students see PJ Gillen School “Our students are doing a fun activity for the next few from this experience that while they may be Esterhazy days. We have a little elf that has come to visit our school, only one small piece of a puzzle (or picture or At PJ Gillen School, Vice Principal Wanita Lippai and and he plays around each night in our building, and person in the world) they can all contribute to WKHUHVWRIWKHVWDͿDUHGRLQJDOOWKH\FDQWRNHHS&KULVW- sends us a picture of himself doing things and playing mas spirits high even without a concert. and then the kids have to guess where he has been and something bigger and beautiful. Everyone’s “We are going to try and have the feeling of Christmas the class that guesses right gets cups of hot chocolate and contribution is important. inside of our school as best as we can. We are going to do cookies. So, we are having some fun over here. We’ve got some decorating, have our tree up, we plan to play Christ- to be creative,” said Cole. Elkhorn School mas music in the morning. Teachers in their classrooms Other traditional activities can also still happen in a With Manitoba’s strict COVID-19 regulations, the Elk- plan to do some Christmas activities with their children safe COVID-19 restrictions friendly manner. horn School concert has also been cancelled this year, but so that might involve, along with some art activities that “We always do spirit days. Most Fridays we do a dress the kids will still be treated to some creative Christmas is part of their curricular, drama or music kinds of things, up and then the last week of school we have a dress up activities. but as far as a concert for the whole school this year, we day, every day planned from Winter Wonderland to “Obviously we won’t be able to have a traditional con- are not doing one just for the safety of everyone, which is a Long Winter’s Nap to PJs day. We also have our SCC cert like we normally do, but some of our classrooms and hard on the hearts for us as teachers,” said Lippai. sponsored holiday free feast to all of our students hap- homerooms will be recording either little pieces of skits or No concert does not mean that children will be de- pening on December 17. That is being cooked by the Red poems or whatever they may choose, and they will send prived of the special time that is Christmas time. Barn and brought in for our students, so that will be a big that back to parents just to see that kids are still engaging “This would be the time that we would be full on day. We also have DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) for in the Christmas spirit. Our student council will also be Christmas preparations and it is hard for people for sure, the month of December. Every day until end of school, co-ordinating a Christmas colouring and poster contest as but we just have that mindset that we are going to make it when we play a little jingle the kids just drop what ever well as a Christmas poetry contest,” said Principal Lance as Christmas feeling as we can, move forward in that di- they are doing in their class rooms and they just pull out a Barrate. rection just to give everyone that feeling of joy and shar- bag of books and they read for the fun of it for 15 minutes. Celebrations will still be happening, but it will be fo- ing and just all of the special Christmas feelings that we That is another fun little thing we are doing in Decem- cused more in classes, rather than getting the whole JHW ,W LV KDUGRQ VWDͿDVZHOO EXW ZHDUH SRVLWLYHWKLV ber,” said Cole. school together in one place. is going to be temporary, eventually we are going to get “We usually have a big whole school Christmas cele- back to normal and we just plan for the future, we are Wapella School bration the last day before break, but this year students excited for that,” said Lippai. Although there will be some classes doing a small play will stick within their classes and we will do class parties, In keeping with COVID-19 restrictions, teachers will to meet their drama class requirements, Wapella School but it won’t be quite as grand as usual,” said Barrate. celebrate the season with the kids in their respective will not be holding a school concert during the pandemic. The school will still look festive leading up to the holi- classes. ´%HFDXVH RI WKH SDQGHPLF ZH ZLOO QRW EH RͿHULQJ D days and some of the students will be helping spread “We are just leaving it up to classroom teachers to de- Christmas concert this year. In my own class I am doing a Christmas cheer. cide what they want to do in their classrooms. We are re- small play, but it would not be an analogous to our Christ- “Our classrooms are decorated and the school Christ- ally trying not to put the pressure on them because peo- mas Concert. Ordinarily the concert will meet those cur- mas tree in our entrance went up and we are trying ple feel stressed, so there is no real big expectations but I riculum outcomes, but we are meeting those curriculum brighten things up as best we can and make things work think they have the room to move,” said Lippai. RXWFRPHVLQGLͿHUHQWZD\VEHFDXVHZHDUHQRWDOORZHG as best as we possibly can. We are just thinking about new The concert may not be happening, but thanks to the to have a Christmas concert this year,” said Principal ways to spread a little Christmas cheer. Our K to 8 group WHDFKHUVDQGHYHQWKH(VWHUKD]\6&&&KULVWPDVZLOO Richards. just made a bunch of Christmas cards that they are going “We will put up our tree, we will play our Christmas The school halls will be decked with Christmas decora- send to the seniors centre, because a lot of them can’t re- music throughout the school in the morning, and during WLRQVDQGLQDQXSFRPLQJPHHWLQJWKHVWDͿZLOOGLVFXVV ally get out and about and their number of visitors are re- breaks. what else can be done during these strange times. stricted and we are trying to spread the joy out side of the “I know our School Community Council would like ´:HDUHÀQGLQJRWKHUZD\VWRNHHSWKH&KULVWPDVVSLULW school a little bit. We will be delivering those cards to the to do something. They talked a little bit about what they here. There are Christmas themed activities like there are drop box at Samantha’s Boutique and then they will make could safely bring in that could be prepared by someone every year. My class will be doing some window decorat- sure the seniors get them at Christmas,” said Barrate. who would have had the food safety course, be it a Christ- LQJDVZHOOLQWKHFRPLQJZHHNV:HKDYHDVWDͿPHHW- mas cookie and a milk, but I don’t think we have estab- ing coming up, so we will have some more ideas,” said Rocanville School lished yet exactly what we are going to do. But we would Richards. 3ULQFLSDO 1DWKDQ %URPP DQG WKH VWDͿ DW 5RFDQYLOOH like to see just how we could maybe treat the kids in some 6FKRRODUHZRUNLQJRQÀQGLQJVXLWDEOHUHSODFHPHQWVWR way that would make this year memorable,” said Lippai. Redvers School the traditional end-of-year activities. Principal Nancy Fraser and her school will be putting “Typically we have a house team competition on the MacLeod School together a Christmas themed mosaic to keep the Christ- last day with lots of chanting, costumes, relays and brain Moosomin mas spirits up at Redvers School. challenges. However, we cannot do that (this year) so 3ULQFLSDO7DPP\&ROHDQGKHUVWDͿDW0DF/HRG6FKRRO ´:HKDYHQRWUHDOO\ÀUPHGXSDQ\WKLQJVSHFLÀFVFKRRO WHDFKHUV  DUH WU\LQJ WR ÀJXUH RXW D KRPHURRP FRKRUW in Moosomin, have also decided that just because there wide that we are going to do, but I know that because competition they can do within their classrooms where will be no traditional concert, it does not mean there will class rooms are still in cohort situations, they have been they still can compete as house teams. Elementary (stu- be no Christmas cheer. GRLQJGLͿHUHQWWKLQJVWRJHWUHDG\IRU&KULVWPDVVRZH dents) will be doing individual arts education projects “One thing we are doing to promote holiday cheer is KDYH VRPH GLͿHUHQW DUW SURMHFWV KDSSHQLQJ OLNH ZKHUH and some might be Christmas theme related, but with our students are writing letters and cards and making they are putting together mosaics so they are a small piece the guidelines preventing singing and band, again their Christmas trees to send over to the nursing home, for the RIWKHSX]]OHDQGWKH\DUHSXWWLQJLWWRJHWKHUDQGZHZLOO options are limited to classroom cohort activities,” said people that are shut in, just to bring them some cheer and be putting that up,” said Fraser. Bromm. they are making things to decorate their doors. Those are The Mosaic is a way for everyone to create something The traditional concerts will not be happening though. normally things we have students go over and do. We are together while still be safely apart. “Typically we have two concerts here. There is the K letting things sit and they will be taken to the SEICC and “It is an art mosaic. So if you were to think of an art to 5 Christmas concert with each room performing a few they will let them sit there, and then they will give them piece right now that says ‘We wish you a merry Christ- songs or a short skit and then a grade 6 to 12 band concert. to the people that are there” said Cole. PDV·DQGLWZRXOGEHDEOHWRÀOODEXOOHWLQERDUG(DFKNLG It’s certainly a Christmas tradition that will be missed,” While the children help spread holiday cheer to those is given a tiny square of it so all they see is the little piece. said Bromm. 14 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 December oil and gas public offering raises $912,899.08 in revenue The Government of Saskatchewan held the Decem- 7KH KLJKHVW ERQXV ELG UHFHLYHG LQ WKLV RͿHULQJ ZDV &HQWUDO6DVNDWFKHZDQ7KHVHDUHWKHÀUVWRLOVKDOHOHDVHV EHU &URZQ SHWUROHXP DQG QDWXUDO JDV SXEOLF RͿHULQJ $304,103.00 for a lease, in the Estevan area, totalling WREHLVVXHGWKURXJKDSXEOLFRͿHULQJ on Tuesday, which generated $912,899.08 in revenue for 64.750 hectares. This was also the highest bid on a dollar There was one accepted work commitment bid for a WKHSURYLQFH7KLVLVWKHÀIWKRIVL[RLODQGJDVSXEOLFRI- per hectare basis at $4,696.57 per hectare. This lease was 6SHFLDO([SORUDWRU\3HUPLWWKHÀUVW6SHFLDO([SORUDWRU\ IHULQJVIRUWKHÀVFDO\HDUDQGEULQJVFXPXODWLYH awarded to Midale Petroleums Ltd. and is prospective for Permit issued since 2016. earnings to $6,230,541.64. oil in the Midale Beds and Frobisher Beds of the Madison 7KHQH[W&URZQSHWUROHXPDQGQDWXUDOJDVSXEOLFRI- The Estevan area saw the most interest, raising Group. fering is scheduled for February 2, 2021. $889,374.46 from 15 parcels totalling 6,668.943 hectares. 7KHUHZHUHVL[DFFHSWHGELGVIRURLOVKDOHOHDVHVLQ(DVW

Chris Davidson Kyla Fingas E-mail: [email protected] Danny Grainger - 306-435-7914 306-434-8656 Phone: 306.435.3622 Town Foreman MOOSOMIN Ron Fisk Garry Towler 306-435-7111 (cell) Mike Schwean - Rec Director 306-435-3504 306-435-7595 306-435-7578 (cell) Mike Stein: Murray Gray Greg Nosterud: OFFICE MAYOR - Larry Tomlinson 306-435-7062 (cell) Catherine Mannle - Assistant Rec Director 306-435-9062 306-435-9406 RECREATION RECREATION 306-434-7579 (cell) 306-435-7943 COUNCILLORS PUBLIC WORKS

OCTOBER 1 - JANUARY 1 - MAY 1 - MAY 30 JUNE 1 - NOVEMBER 1 - RECYCLING CALENDAR OCTOBER 31 APRIL 30 TUES. - SAT. SEPTEMBER 30 DECEMBER 31 ROUTE A: ROUTE B: TUES. - SAT. TUES. - SAT. 12 Noon - TUES. - SAT. TUES. - SAT. 12 Noon - Homes on Broadway Homes south of LANDFILL 12 Noon - 6:45 p.m.. 12 Noon - 12 Noon - 6:45 p.m.. Avenue and North: Broadway Avenue: 3:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. SUN. DECEMBER 21& DECEMBER 14 & HOURS SUN. 12 Noon - 5 p.m. JANUARY 4, 2021 DECEMBER 28 SUN. & MON. SUN. & MON. 12 Noon - 5 p.m. SUN. & MON. CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED MON. CLOSED MON. CLOSED

701 MAIN ST. | BOX 730 | MOOSOMIN, SK | S0G 3N0 | E-MAIL: [email protected] | WWW.MOOSOMIN.COM | PHONE: 306-435-2988 | FAX: 306-435-3343 Peter Nabholz Circle Skate Way Just in time for the holidays, we are looking to fl ood 500 yards of Bradley Park for Holiday Skating! We are looking for volunteers to help with the project. OPEN FOR THE SEASON! Please call us at 306-435-3622 Borderland Co-op Outdoor Rink if you are able to help out. Thanks to the amazing volunteer efforts of Peter Nabholz our outdoor arena is one of the fi rst to be up and running for the winter! Please check this week's Recreation Report for further details. Please check this week's Recreation Report for Covid-19 Restrictions

2020/2021 Single Winter Hours Stream PORTSPLEX For bookings please contact Recycling REMAINS OPEN 306-435-2325 or 306-435-3622 WHAT CAN YOU WHAT CAN'T YOU RECYCLE: RECYCLE: UNDER NEW COVID GUIDELINES Monday - Wednesday Cardboard, Boxbord, Styrofoam, • MASKS ARE Closed to the public Offi ce Paper, Ceramics, Lightbulbs, Thursday Newsprint, Junk Mail, Soiled Cardboard, Open 4 p.m. -10 p.m. Magazines, Hazardous MANDATORY Catalogues, Chemical Containers, Friday: UNLESS SEATED EATING/DRINKING Plastic Containers, Scrap Metal, Car Parts, Open Noon - 10 p.m. Milk Contrainers, Plastic Toys, • TABLES ARE LIMITED Saturday: Plastic Milk Jugs, Household Garbage, Open 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Glass (Residential NO PLASTIC WRAP Only), Tin and NO PLASTIC BAGS TO FOUR Sunday: Aluminum Cans NO FOOD CONTAINERS Open 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. MARKED #1

PRICES: ONE WAY RIDE is from your Home, Lodges or Hospital/Long Term Care MOTOH OR MOOSOMIN ORGANIZATION FOR BUS PASS: $40 Lodge to the Downtown Area from Downtown Area to Home, Lodges or TRANSPORTATION OF THE HANDICAPPED 10 RIDES ONE WAY Hospital/Long Term Care Lodge. Call 306-435-9777 for pickup. HOURS OF OPERATION SINGLE RIDE: $5 THANK YOU for your continued support! MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. ONE WAY RIDE The MOTOH Committee meets every third Tuesday, September - June Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 15 Ag News

Farm leaders request extension on private grade crossing regulations, to make sure all landowners and farmers are aware of necessary changes Request for extension on grade crossings regulations deadline BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE the federal government more time to roll this out the back foot. ways have been main- communications. The reg- LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIA- to reconsider its decision so that all the landowners “They changed the regu- taining those crossings so ulations say that the rail- TIVE REPORTER for railway companies to are aware of implications lation in 2014 and just this this is quite a big shift in ways were responsible for Prairie farmers and pri- impose grade crossings of the change,” said Haave. year, the railway started responsibility and main- reaching out to the land- vate landowners have one upgrade and maintenance Haave also pointed out reaching out to owners of tenance cost that go along owners to get things going. year left to make sure the costs on private landown- WKH GLͿHUHQFH EHWZHHQ the land that those cross- with it. That is why we They pretty much have not railroad crossing on their ers and request an exten- municipal and provincial ings are on. They have to want to push that deadline done anything until March land meets the new man- sion of the 2021 deadline. grade crossings and ones ÀQGWKHPWKH\KDYHWRJR back, let’s just give our- of this year. Now we’ve got datory grade crossing re- on private land. into an agreement for the selves some time. We got a year left. Let’s just push quirements that came into Agricultural “The crossings in Moo- landowner to take over the COVID-19 going on and it back a bit. Landowners force in November 2014. Producers somin, if they needed some maintenance and safety of we got all this work that are very focused on rail- Private landowners who work on them they would those railroad crossings. has to be done that can be way safety, especially if fail to comply with the new Association of have done so or on the They have to do it for all pushed back. The railroads they farm around a track, regulations and standards Saskatchewan highway and municipal the municipalities and all were supposed to com- we had one of our mem- will eventually have their Duane Haave, General roads around them would the private land owners municate with everybody bers this last month raise a grade crossings closed. Manager at the Agricul- have done them. But there like farmers and there is starting in 2014. Regarding concern with us. There was The leaders of the Alber- tural Producers Associa- might be a landowner east many of them. The rail- the new requirements, they a fatality up in his area on ta Federation of Agricul- tion of Saskatchewan, feels or west of Moosomin, and ways took a very long time have to locate all the own- the CP line going along the ture (AFA), the Agricultur- that the scope of the project they may not be aware before they even started ers, and it is not necessarily Yellowhead Highway. We al Producers Association of is too wide to be completed of this so, we just want reaching out to them and the person who is farming are very concerned about Saskatchewan (APAS), and before the November 28, to make sure that private WU\LQJ WR ÀQG RXW ZKR that land, but the actual safety. This just seems a Keystone Agricultural Pro- 2021 deadline. landowners are not left out owns the land that those owner who is responsible bit abrupt. We just want a ducers (KAP) have stepped “There could be land- of the loop on this and so crossings are on, and they for that property. They pause,” said Rosher. up their call to Transport owners out there that are wind up with a surprise,” only have one year before have to hunt them down

Minister Marc Garneau not aware that they have said Haave. WKH\ DOO KDYH WR EH À[HG and then they have to go 10:4c for an extension to the No- a crossing. Most crossings Haave wants to make up,” said Rosher. into an agreement saying vember 28, 2021 deadline. are municipal, so if you are sure that everyone knows The goal of the dead- ‘this is your crossing, do BELOW “A year seems like a long on a public road and you about these new regula- line extension is to make you want to keep it? If yes, way away, but the railways come to a rail crossing, that tions. sure everyone is informed these are the standards you FACTORY DIRECT have let six years lapse crossing, it’s the municipal- “It has been coming for about what is expected of have to maintain,” said Ro- before starting to take ac- ity or province that main- few years, it just has not them. sher. tion,” said Bill Campbell, tains it, and for the safety been very well publicized. “In some cases it won’t ,QVRPHFDVHVWKHHͿHFWV PRICING! president of KAP. upgrades there has been It could be quite a bit of be an issue, in other cases, of the rush job is already The late start by Cana- some money provided to money. It could be in the farmers might have to clear being felt by landowners in NOW AVAILABLE dian National Railway those levels of government thousands of dollars. It is bush or do some kind of Manitoba. &1 DQG&DQDGLDQ3DFLÀF to do the improvements to only fair to give people a maintenance, that can cost “We know that CP has SNAP LOCK Railway (CP) will make it bring them up to standard. heads up and let them see quite a bit of money and started the process in HIDDEN FASTENER almost impossible for pri- “The risk with the pri- what they want to do,” the railways still have to Manitoba, they say you vate landowners to comply vately owned ones, is we said Haave. ÀQG WKH ODQGRZQHUV DQG QHHGWRJHWWKHJUDGHÀ[HG METAL ROOFING with the new regulations may have landowners that He thinks that one more go into an agreement with and get rid of these trees by the set deadline. may have purchased that year might help inform them. We don’t think they and this is how much it is Structural Steel Dealer “In Manitoba alone, CN land without being fully everyone that these regula- are going to get it all done going to cost. They actu- has 735 public crossings aware that there is a cross- WLRQVPD\DͿHFW in a year, especially when ally give the farmers a bill #1 Grade Coloured and 215 private crossing ing that they are using, or “We are asking for a year. they’ve had six years to get which includes $250 for the 85¢/sq. ft. along with 51 road authori- that there is a designation Just to get more time for it going on it and nothing has inspection and then what- B Grade Coloured ties. CP has an even larger or that there is a require- to get out there, it has been been done,” said Rosher. ever work has to be done. 79¢/sq. ft. network in the province ment for upgrades. kind of an unusual year. To The late response by So, our members have been and only started contacting “So, the farmer in that EHIDLUWRJRYHUQPHQWR΀- the railways has placed getting these letters back B Grade Galvanized farmers with private rail case might be on the hook cials as well, a lot of them the landowners in a tough in March and they had no 75¢/sq. ft. crossings in March 2020,” for bringing it (a grade have tried to work remote- spot. idea where they were com- Multi Coloured Mill Ends said Campbell. crossing) up to a standard. ly and it is probably not “They have left it to the ing from. You can imagine 45¢/sq. ft. The railways are respon- We think people need to be working that well. People last minute and accord- if you get a bill from the sible for locating all cross- aware of this and there has aren’t seeing each other ing to the regulations, if railways for thousands of ing owners and enter into not really been a lot of dis- in person, so it is hard to the crossing have not been dollars, it is pretty surpris- NOW agreements with them. In cussion, we really became get information out to the made safe, and not brought ing,” said Rosher. some cases, the farmers aware of it maybe less than community. So, it is all a up to the standards, then The fact that there is a SELLING and landowners may need a year ago, so we are think- challenge to try and get the railway will remove the lot of work that both par- to make upgrades and also ing that there may be an is- information out these days crossings. For some farm- ties need to do to bring the SCREWPILES take on new costs for on- sue with some of the land- so the World-Spectator is ers that is the only way to grader crossing up to stan- going maintenance to the owners,” said Haave. DJUHDWDOO\LQWKDWHͿRUWµ JHWLQWRDÀHOGRULWPLJKW dard is the reason for the grade crossings. This is a The other problem with said Haave. be how they actually get extension request. departure from how this the deadline is that not all into their farm yard. There “Some of those crossings issue was handled in the landowners live on their Keystone is quite a bit of concern,” may not be in use anymore, past as it was traditionally land. Agricultural said Rosher. they might just be left over the responsibility of the “There are lots of peo- The new regulations are from an earlier time, so railways to maintain and ple who have inherited a Producers a departure from how this some will be removed but upgrade the rail network. piece of farm land and they Patty Rosher, general was handled in the past, some will need to be up- This responsibility includ- might live in Regina or manager at Keystone Ag- and making everyone graded and some won’t ed grade crossings as part they might live somewhere ricultural Producers feel aware of these changes even need to be touched. of Canada’s heritage and else and then they may face that the delayed response might take longer than a Everybody is having a dif- settlement of the west. a bill for upgrading. We by railway companies have year. ferent experience. They The farm leaders call on just think there needs to be put private landowners on “Traditionally the rail- had six years to do the

7:eowc 16 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 17

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BY ROB PAUL LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, WKH IHGHUDO JRYHUQPHQW UHOHDVHG LWV ÀV- cal update. Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland ad- dressed the House of Commons on No- vember 30. The spending plan is centred around helping Canada recover from the econom- ic impact the pandemic has had on the country. As Covid-19 case numbers continue to rise across the country as Canada heads into the second wave, the Liberal govern- PHQW·VÀVFDOXSGDWH·VPDLQIRFXVLVWRKHOS generate jobs as Canadians struggle with unemployment. The plan has faced criticism with the lack of clarity on how the federal govern- ment plans to work through the pandemic and energize the economy while facing a UHFRUGGHÀFLWRIQHDUO\ELOOLRQDQGUH- FRUGGHEWRIRYHUWULOOLRQ SOURIS-MOOSE MOUNTAIN MP YORKTON-MELVILLE MP BRANDON-SOURIS MP Dr. Robert Kitchen ROBERT KITCHEN CATHAY WAGANTALL LARRY MAGUIRE Souris-Moose Mountain MP Dr. Robert .LWFKHQVD\VWKHGHÀFLWDQGGHEW&DQDGD is not going to get going if we’re not on Cathay Wagantall are working very hard are those that are in top of dealing with the issues of the pan- essential services and they’re getting very has gone into under the Liberal govern- Seeing that there is plans to help peo- PHQW ZLOO KDYH ODVWLQJ HͿHFWV ZLWK WKH demic. In order to re-start the economy ple struggling as the second wave hits is exhausted. On that side of things, we’re we need to be getting ahead on issues like not in a good state. I look forward to rapid constant spending and the unemployment something Yorkton-Melville MP Cathay vaccines, rapid testing, and these are the tests getting out the way that they should rate continuing to rise. He doesn’t see a Wagantall is happy to see, but she can’t ÀUPHFRQRPLFSODQDQGZLVKHVWKHUHZDV things we’ve been pushing on. The other comprehend why the federal government be and of course the vaccine. We are be- FRXQWULHVLQWKHZRUOG³ZKHQZHORRNDW hind, but I do believe the rapid tests are more transparency with how the govern- has been slow to implement rapid test- the OECD, the European Union, and the going to be key to taking care of our vul- ment hopes to rebound from this situation. LQJ³VKHVHHVLWDVWKHNH\WRJHWWLQJWKH * FRXQWULHV³WKHLU XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH nerable and getting our economy back to “First of all, we need to remember that economy running again. is lower than ours and they’ve taken steps functioning the way it needs to function.” this wasn’t a budget, although it was ex- “It does continue to give Canadians the and they’re in line to getting a vaccine and Wagantall says the federal govern- tremely historic in the sense that it’s the long-term support that they need because ÀUVWWLPHZH·YHEDVLFDOO\EHHQLQDGHÀFLW getting the testing done a lot sooner than our economy is still struggling as we go ment’s lack of action has fed into Canada’s LVVXHV ZLWK KDQGOLQJ WKH ULSSOH HͿHFW RI RIDOPRVWELOOLRQDQGWKDW·VH[WUHPHO\ Canadians are.” through a second wave of the pandemic,” Although the numbers are staggering, the pandemic. She thinks if rapid testing alarming to all Canadians,” said. Kitch- she said. “I’m pleased to see the decision Kitchen wasn’t shocked, what did surprise was a main focus, not only would citizens en. “I was anticipating some dire results. WR LQFUHDVH WKH FKLOG EHQHÀW DQG IDPLOLHV him was that there wasn’t more focus on be safer, but businesses would potentially When we look back to the summer time are very supportive of that. The idea of ret- helping get small businesses back on their be in better shape. DQGWKHSDUOLDPHQWDU\EXGJHWR΀FHULQGL- URÀWWLQJKRPHVDQGWUHHSODQWLQJLVJUHDW FDWHGWKDWWKH\DQWLFLSDWHWKHGHÀFLWZRXOG feet. that’s something I’m pleased to see them “The way that we’ve managed it to date EH  ELOOLRQ DQG ZH KHDUG ODWHU WKH\ “I think it was a lot of what we expect- FRQWLQXLQJEHFDXVHUHWURÀWWLQJKDVEHHQD has really crippled our economy far worse ZHUHSURMHFWLQJLWWREHDERXWELOOLRQ ed,” he said. “They have to step up on positive program over the years for the en- than it would have been,” she said. “It issues such as arts, hospitality, and tour- was very hard getting information when DQGQRZZH·UHORRNLQJDWLWEHLQJELO- vironment and for Canadians to improve LVP³WKRVH DUH LQGXVWULHV WKDW KDYH EHHQ OLRQ7KDW·VWKHGHÀFLWDQGSHRSOHQHHGWR WKHLU KRPHV , WKLQN WKH WKLQJ WKDW , ÀQG Canadians really needed transparency VHYHUHO\ KXUW E\ WKLV SDQGHPLF³DQG LI for hope. When you’re watching the rest remember that that’s the yearly (amount) most challenging quite honestly is that we we were to look at other aspects of the of the world and they’re clearly outlining add-on to our debt. still don’t have a clear plan to get Canadi- ´2XU GHEW UDWH EDFN LQ HDUO\ ³ economy, our small businesses have been ans back to work and to get our businesses where they’re at, just now we’re starting severely impacted and we need to make to get that information and I don’t under- when this government came into power functioning to get our economy back. WKHÀUVWWLPH³WKH\·YHEDVLFDOO\LQFUHDVHG certain that those are the businesses we “First of all, I really feel that our govern- stand why. Rapid testing was in our reach support. We’re looking at about 37 per a long time ago and a lot of very good that over four years when they promised ment failed in the beginning to not shut cent of Canadian small businesses losing tests were available, but for some reason while running an election that they were our borders and take stronger precau- PRQH\HYHU\GD\WKDWWKH\·UHRSHQSHU RQO\JRLQJWRJRWZR\HDUVDWELOOLRQ tions. You can look back and say that’s in we have taken a very long time to roll out GHÀFLWV DQG WKHQ EDODQFH WKH EXGJHW ,Q cent of Canadian small businesses will retrospect, but if you look at the rest of the those key things that would enable people run out of cash in the next three months, to stay healthier and get our economy WKRVHIRXU\HDUVWKH\DGGHGRYHUELO- world, there was a lot more action than SHUFHQWRIVPDOOEXVLQHVVHVKDYHEHHQ back. It’s good to see the numbers and lion to that debt and now this debt will what we took. We allowed our borders EH  ELOOLRQ LQ RQH \HDU$W WKLV SRLQW seriously negatively impacted by the sec- open to other countries for so long that I good to see things they wanted to do, but LQWLPHZH·UHORRNLQJDWWKHPDGGLQJ ond wave. Those are some of the things really feel that we’re facing a far worse cri- at the same time there’s not a clear plan for we need to be focussed on.” the economy that’s really taken a beating.” billion in just nine months and who knows sis than we should have had to. /RRNLQJIRUSRVLWLYHLQWKHÀVFDOXSGDWH Overall, Wagantall understands that Ca- how much higher that will go. “The second thing is that we’ve lagged .LWFKHQ LV SOHDVHG ZLWK WKH HͿRUW JRLQJ nadians’ minds are elsewhere right now “The debt is being looked at as being VR IDU EHKLQG RWKHU FRXQWULHV³WKH 86 WRZDUGV WKH FKLOG EHQHÀW WR JLYH VWUXJ- with the global pandemic, but she says in FORVHWRWULOOLRQDQGWKRVHDUHVLJQLÀ- WKH8.0H[LFR%UD]LO,QGLD³DVWKH\·YH gling families more support and ensuring the long-term the hole the federal govern- cant numbers and ultimately there’s the moved much further and faster with rapid young families in Canada have something ment has put the country in is detrimental question of who’s going to pay that back? testing and vaccines. Right from the get- to lean on during these tough times. to the economy’s health. We look at Canada today and our unem- go that rapid testing was key because it “One good thing that came out of it was “It’s very worrisome,” she said. “We’re SOR\PHQWUDWHLVSHUFHQWWKDW·VWKHVHF- would have meant we would have been the fact that the Liberals actually have ad- ORRNLQJ DW D WULOOLRQ GROODU GHÀFLW IRU WKH ond worst in the G7 and it’s almost double able to see so much clearer with who can opted what our leader, Erin O’Toole, cam- ÀUVW WLPH LQ &DQDGLDQ KLVWRU\ 7KH KDUG the United Kingdom’s unemployment continue on with work and go to work to paigned on when he was running for the thing with that too though is that Canadi- rate. We need people to get back to work keep our economy running. Instead we’re leadership on the proposal to increase the ans aren’t in the state of mind to process and to get the economy going to help pay- in a circumstance now where we’re so be- &DQDGDFKLOGEHQHÀWWRKHOSIDPLOLHVEHLQJ RͿWKHVHGHÀFLWVDQGWKHGHEW3DUWRIZKDW hind with those things. that because of the circumstances that so hit hard by the pandemic. That’s a good PDQ\ÀQGWKHPVHOYHVLQ7KHUH·VEHHQVR was projected Monday was that they were “There are a lot of concerned Canadians thing that came out of it, but with that much unrest around this virus and I don’t JRLQJWRFRQWLQXHWRDGG\HDUO\DWELO- out there right now who are very stressed TXHVWLRQLWDWDOO³,KDYHIULHQGVZKRDUH OLRQRYHUDQG7KDW·VMXVWJRLQJ said, with the history on childcare with over the thought of another complete this Liberal government and previous Lib- ill and I have family and friends who have to continue to add to that huge debt that economic shut down because of the state eral government, are they actually going ORVWORYHGRQHV³LW·VYHU\VHULRXV,WKLQN we have.” we’re in. Canada’s unemployment rate to create these new childcare spaces? Their the weight of that and the weight of not Something Kitchen is worried about go- is the second worst in the G7 and yet we record would suggest otherwise. They’ve knowing what’s next in the immediate ing forward is the inconsistent direction spend more money than everybody else. IURPWKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWZLWKDÀUP been promising to have a universal child- We’re not moving forward in the way that future, Canadians have trouble even add- care system since 1993 and yet nothing LQJ WKH LVVXH RI H[WUHPH GHEW DQG GHÀFLW plan on the next steps to move past the we need. We’ve got over one million Ca- has been moved into place. We’ll need to to their processes. For those of us that are &RYLGSDQGHPLF³HVSHFLDOO\FRQVLGHU- nadian’s who are economically impacted see over time if something comes out of in Ottawa and in the government looking ing the way comparable countries have right now that either aren’t working at this, but hopefully that part is followed and understanding and knowing the fu- handled it. DOO³DUHXQHPSOR\HG³RU through on.” ture, that is a heavy weight, no question.” “We need a plan,” he said. “That plan that are now working less than half of their usual hours. Of course a lot of those that Continued on Page 19 

Reach 28,000 households in Southeast Saskatchewan and Southwest Manitoba

Next issue: January 15 Deadline: January 6 Call 306-435-2445 Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 19 Coming soon to Moosomin The Peter Nabholz Circle Skate Way

BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE HDFKRWKHU the businesses in town that they LOCAL JOURNALISM “I did not know what kind of PLJKWKDYHDGD\WKHUH,WLVRXW- INITIATIVE REPORTER restrictions they were going to doors so we have a lot of space, Moosomin’s Director of Parks SXW RQ RXWGRRU ULQNV , IHOW EDG Peter Nabholz Circle so if we have a nice day close to and Recreation, Mike Schwean is that we didn’t have any public Christmas we could do a fam- planning on bringing a new win- skating regardless of the indoor ily day with hot chocolate and ter activity to the town once the rink because we were not able Skate Way maybe hotdogs and things like ÀUVWUHDOVQRZIDOOKDSSHQV WR PRQLWRU QXPEHUV 6R ZH MXVW that so, that is something we are 7KHSODQLVWRÁRRG\DUGV tried to come up with way that WKLQNLQJDERXWµVDLG6KZHDQ of Bradley Park roadway and we could have a bunch of people Schwean would like to name RSHQLWXSWRSXEOLFVNDWLQJ7KH VNDWLQJ DQG VWLOO NHHS VL[ IHHW the skate way after Peter Nab- track will loop from the outdoor DSDUW 2EYLRXVO\ RQFH ZH FDQ Mike KRO]RQFHLWJHWVJRLQJ7KH3HWHU arena change room around the NHHSWKHPVL[IHHWDSDUWLWLVMXVWD Schwean 1DEKRO]&LUFOH6NDWH:D\ park and then back to the change PDWWHURIOHQJWKµVDLG6FKZHDQ Arena ´3HWHU KDV GRQH WKH ÁRRGLQJ URRP As of now, the planned route for our outdoor rink, he volun- ´:HDUH SODQQLQJ RQ ÁRRGLQJ from changing room back to WHHUVDWRQRIZRUN+HKDVGRQH some of our roadways, just be- changing room should take the LWIRURYHU\HDUVHYHU\HDUVR, cause it kind of works well with DYHUDJH VNDWHU DERXW  WR  think that naming the skate way &29,' 3HRSOH FDQ NHHS VL[ PLQXWHVWRGRRQHORRS Guiness Outdoor after him will be the prudent feet apart and skate around the ´(YHQ LI ZH KDYH  VNDWHUV Field Rink WKLQJWRGR,WLVVRPHWKLQJ,WKLQN SDUN , WKLQN LW ZLOO EH D JUHDW on there, no one should be very Elks Booth KHGHVHUYHVµVDLG6FKZHDQ thing for the holidays when the FORVHµVDLG6FKZHDQ Field There will be no charge to en- kids try to get out of the house, 7KLV LV WKH ÀUVW \HDU WKDW joy this new winter activity, but but we need some snow to make Schwean is trying this track, and Schwean is hoping to get a few RXUERUGHUVµVDLG6FKZHDQ hopes it becomes a yearly tradi- more people to come and volun- Because of the size of the track, WLRQ WHHURQFHWKHWUDFNJHWVJRLQJ there should be no problem with “Once we get one year un- “If anyone is willing to help VRFLDOGLVWDQFLQJ der our belts I am sure the sec- Kinette out and volunteer that would be Playground Beer “We will try and keep that ond one will be a lot easier, but Gardens IDQWDVWLF,WFRXOGEHKHOSLQJZLWK RSHQIRUWKHZLQWHUPRQWKV:H I have never seen one of these to ÁRRGLQJ RU VKRYHOLQJ VQRZ LW will have slower kids stay right EHKRQHVW,KDYHVHHQSLFWXUHVRI will help us out quite a bit,” said and faster skaters will be able to things kind of like this, but my 6FKZHDQ pass the slower skaters and still hope is we get a bunch of snow To volunteer at the new skate EH DEOH WR NHHS VL[ IHHW DSDUW ,W and we can make 3 foot banks way, people can call the rec de- will be really good for the kids on the sides and you will be able Generals Football SDUWPHQWDW and parents and grandparents to skate right through the park,” DQGHYHU\ERG\µVDLG6FKZHDQ VDLG6FKZHDQ Field The idea was born when If all goes according to plan, Left: The red outline on Schwean was thinking of how to there might even be refreshments this map of Bradley Park keep people coming to the parks VROGRQFHUWDLQGD\V shows where the Peter Nab- but still stay safely apart from “We are working with one of holz Circle Skate Way will be. MPs worry over record deficit in fiscal update Continued from Page 18 “Our debt to GDP ratio back came out with the wage subsidy to need some type of assistance nine or ten months away already in March was 31 per cent and ÀUVWDWSHUFHQWZHNQHZWKDW IRUWKHQH[WIHZPRQWKVDWOHDVWµ and we just need to have more QRZLW·VDOPRVW³LW·VYLUWXDOO\ it wasn’t enough when you can It all comes back to rapid test- transparency as to why Canada Larry Maguire doubled—and I know that peo- JHW HPSOR\PHQW LQVXUDQFH DW  ing and the vaccine, says Maguire is last in getting these rapid tests Larry Maguire, MP for Bran- ple have needed to get support VR WKH\ ZHQW WR WKH ³ZKHUH who sits on the health commit- DQGYDFFLQHVIRURXUFLWL]HQV GRQ6RXULV WKLQNV PRUH HͿRUW through CERB, the wage subsidy, other countries of the world WHH+HZDQWVDQVZHUVDVWRZK\ Something Maguire points should be put towards helping to and other programs, but we’ve ZHUHDW,WZDVFXWEDFNWREXW Canada is behind comparable WRDVDPDMRUÁDZLQWKHIHGHUDO lower Canada’s unemployment KDG  PRQWKV QRZ DQG  WKH\·YH LQFUHDVHG LW WR  DJDLQ countries in the two biggest keys JRYHUQPHQW·VÀVFDOXSGDWHLVWKH UDWHV WR KHOS EDODQFH WKH GHÀFLW people have passed away and IRUWKHQH[WWKUHHPRQWKV,WKLQN WRRYHUFRPLQJWKHSDQGHPLF inconsistencies in spending, he WKHFRXQWU\LVLQ+HVD\VDOORZ- we’ve got the biggest debt out of there’s a need there and we got a “The two big things we’re con- wants to know why more fund- ing the unemployment rates to any G7 country on a proportion- lot more people into the business cerned about—I know from be- ing isn’t being put toward those worsen as the debt grows is a DWH EDVLV GXULQJ &RYLG , WKLQN account—many of our farming ing on the health committee—is LQWKHKLJKHVWULVNVLWXDWLRQV UHFLSHIRUGLVDVWHU what we really need here is to get operations that use just a per- why are we so late getting rapid ´:HGRNQRZWKDWSHUFHQW “We know there are still peo- WKHVHVWDWHPHQWVLQWRWKHÀQDQFH sonal chequing account instead tests and why are vaccines still of the deaths have been in long- ple out there that need support committee and be able to delve of being incorporated were left RQWKHGLVWDQWKRUL]RQµKHVDLG term care facilities and personal in industries, businesses, and LQWRWKHPVRWKDWZHFDQÀQGRXW out and over the last month and “Other countries in the G7 are FDUH KRPHV 7KH IXQGV WKDW WKH KRPHVµ VDLG 0DJXLUH ´6R ,·P ZK\ RQO\ KDOI RI WKDW  ELO- a half we were able to get them looking at using vaccines in the government has made available pleased to see the wage subsidy lion has gone towards the federal LQFOXGHG7KHJRYHUQPHQWNQHZ QH[W PRQWK DQG LW GRHVQ·W ORRN there is a billion dollars, which LVEDFNXSWRSHUFHQWIRUWKHVH VXSSRUW SURJUDPV :H KDYHQ·W they had faulted in some of those like we’re going to see any until is a lot of money, but compared QH[W WKUHH PRQWKV :H ZDQW WR had much success with the gov- areas and at our behest included ZH·UH ZHOO LQWR VSULQJ ,W·V EHHQ WR WKH  ELOOLRQ WKH\·YH VSHQW give every business the opportu- ernment being transparent when many of those people, but there’s indicated that we might get them VR IDU ZLWK  SHU FHQW RI WKH nity to stay open as much as they you look at the WE scandal—that PRUHWKHUHWKDWQHHGVWREHGRQH by the end of March, I’m certain deaths occurring in that area, we can, but there’s been some big program was a debacle—so I “The rent subsidy program some smaller amounts of those need to make sure we’re doing increases in case numbers and hope that they’re more forthcom- ZDV D GLVDVWHU ZKHQ WKH\ ÀUVW will come out, but it looks like as much as we can to get rapid provinces have clamped down, ing when we get to discussion of brought it out, it was helpful WKH ÀUVW EDWFK WKH JRYHUQPHQW testing available and vaccines as and rightfully so as we try to get ÀQDQFHDERXWWKHVHQXPEHUVµ for those who could access it, is looking to do will only be quickly as we can for our health &RYLGXQGHUFRQWURO,WVHHPVWR The federal support programs but it’s going to be a much bet- enough for three million Canadi- care workers that are working in be spreading through communi- are a good place to start with ter program with the suggestions DQV 'RHV WKDW PHDQ ZH·UH RQO\ those facilities and for the resi- ties as we head into winter more helping Canada recover, says that we made for tenants to go going to have three million vac- GHQWV RI WKH IDFLOLWLHV 7KHUH DUH so than it was through the sum- 0DJXLUHEXWWKHUHDUHVWLOOÁDZV directly to the government for cines by the end of March? In the other areas that could use them mer when it was easier to dis- and businesses being left out in KHOS7KHUHDUHDQXPEHURIDUHDV statements over the last few days as well, but I think Canadians WDQFH6RWKHUH·VVRPHJRRGZLWK WKHFROG here that can be of assistance, but they’re saying that every Cana- feel there’s a priority needed here that, but we also have the biggest “There are some good things,” there’s an awful lot that can’t get dian who wants to be vaccinated, and the government hasn’t really debt we’ve ever had at over a tril- KH VDLG ´:KHQ WKH JRYHUQPHQW back to work that are still going ZLOOEHE\QH[W6HSWHPEHU7KDW·V LQGLFDWHGZKHUHWKDWZLOOEHµ lion dollars—more debt than any RWKHUJRYHUQPHQWLQWKH* “What we want to see is a balance here between the debt that’s growing and the fact that For large signs or small signs, talk to our we still have the second worst professional designers at The World-Spectator unemployment rate in the G7 at almost nine per cent—the UK is more than four points lower We can help 306-435-2445 WKDQXV7KHUH·VJRWWREHDWUDGH [email protected] RͿKHUHZLWKWKHDPRXQWRIGHEW Need a you out with all that we’re building and getting people to work safely—the big NH\LVVDIHO\7KHGHÀFLWWKLV\HDU your signage! is the biggest ever by eight times WKHSUHYLRXVKLJKDWDOPRVW Sign? billion and we don’t know where METAL SIGNS it will be with Covid still increas- ing right now at the beginning COROPLAST SIGNS of December and it’ll be hard to say what it’ll be looking like by WKHHQGRIWKH\HDULQWRHDUO\QH[W VINYL BANNERS \HDU , WKLQN QH[W \HDU·V GHÀFLW is already predicted to be in the ELOOLRQUDQJHDJDLQ 20 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Provincial Throne Speech focussed on Covid-19 recovery BY ROB PAUL SHQVLRQRIGULYHU·VOLFHQVHV :LWK WKH IRFXV RI WKH SURYLQFLDO JRYHUQPHQW RQ WKH LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER “These are all the commitments we made in the elec- KHDOWKDQGVDIHW\RI6DVNDWFKHZDQUHVLGHQWVGXULQJWKH On November 30, Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor WLRQFDPSDLJQDQGZHLQWHQGWRDFWRQDOORIWKHPLQWKLV SDQGHPLF %RQN LV SURXG RI WKH HͿRUW SXW IRUWK E\ WKH Russ Mirasty delivered the Throne Speech to open the VHVVLRQHLWKHUWKLVIDOORULQWKHVSULQJEXGJHWµ0RHVDLG SHRSOHRIWKH0RRVRPLQFRQVWLWXHQF\ ÀUVW VHVVLRQ RI WKH QHZ /HJLVODWLYH $VVHPEO\ WKDW ZDV :LWK&RYLGFDVHVULVLQJDFURVV&DQDGDWKH7KURQH ´,ZDQWWRWKDQNWKHFRQVWLWXHQWVRI0RRVRPLQIRUWKHLU HOHFWHGRQ2FWREHU7KHIRFXVRIWKHSURYLQFLDO7KURQH 6SHHFK WKDQNHG HYHU\RQH LQ 6DVNDWFKHZDQ IRU GRLQJ GLOLJHQFH DQG FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK IROORZLQJ WKH UHJXOD- 6SHHFKWLWOHG6WURQJ6DVNDWFKHZDQZDVRQWKHUHVSRQVH their part to control the spread. WLRQVRXWOLQHGE\WKHFKLHIKHDOWKR΀FHU³ZHDULQJPDVNV WRWKH&RYLGSDQGHPLFDQGIXOÀOOLQJWKHJRYHUQPHQW·V DQG VRFLDO GLVWDQFLQJ³EHFDXVH LW KDV PDGH D KXJH GLI- election commitments. Steven Bonk IHUHQFHµKHVDLG´%HFDXVHRISHRSOHSD\LQJDWWHQWLRQWR ´2XU ÀUVW WZR ELOOV ZLOO EH WR FUHDWH D QHZ +RPH 7KHWZRELJJHVWWDNHDZD\VIURPWKH7KURQH6SHHFKDF- WKHVH UHJXODWLRQV DQG WDNLQJ WKHP VHULRXVO\ 6DVNDWFK- Renovation Tax Credit and reduce small business taxes, FRUGLQJWR0RRVRPLQ0/$6WHYHQ%RQNDUHWKHIRFXVRQ ewan has the most open and unrestricted economy in all DVSURPLVHGLQWKHUHFHQWHOHFWLRQFDPSDLJQµVDLG6DV- NHHSLQJWKHSHRSOHRI6DVNDWFKHZDQVDIHZKLOHHQVXULQJ RI&DQDGD,W·VEHFDXVHSHRSOHDUHGRLQJWKHLUSDUWDQG NDWFKHZDQ3UHPLHU6FRWW0RH´:HZLOODOVREHPRYLQJ WKHHFRQRP\FDQFRQWLQXHRQGXULQJWKHSDQGHPLF KRSHIXOO\ZHFDQFRQWLQXHWRUHPDLQWKDWZD\,·PYHU\ TXLFNO\WRFXWHYHU\RQH·VSRZHUELOOE\SHUFHQWVWDUW- ´7KH 7KURQH 6SHHFK RXWOLQHV WKH SULRULWLHV IRU RXU SURXGRIWKHSHRSOHKHUHWKH\·UHQRQRQVHQVHFRPPRQ LQJWRPRUURZUHGXFHDPEXODQFHFKDUJHVIRUVHQLRUVDQG JRYHUQPHQW IRU WKLV XSFRPLQJ \HDU DQG EDVLFDOO\ LW·V D VHQVHSUDJPDWLFSHRSOHWKDWNQRZWKLVLVWKHVLWXDWLRQZH UHLQVWDWHG WKH &RPPXQLW\ 5LQN $ͿRUGDELOLW\ *UDQW DV URDGPDSRIZKLFKGLUHFWLRQRXUJRYHUQPHQWZRXOGOLNH KDYHDQGWKHVHDUHWKHFDUGVWKDWKDYHEHHQGHDOWDQGOHW·V SURPLVHGLQWKHHOHFWLRQFDPSDLJQµ7KH7KURQH6SHHFK WRKHDGµVDLG%RQN´2QHRIRXUPDLQKLJKOLJKWVLVRXU PDNH WKH EHVW RI LW DQG GR ZKDW ZH FDQ WR JHW RYHU LW DOVRFRPPLWVWKHJRYHUQPHQWWRIXQGWKHUHVWRILWVFDP- response to Covid-19 and our subsequent economic re- :KDWWKH\·UHGRLQJLVVDYLQJOLYHVDQGDOVRSURWHFWLQJRXU SDLJQ FRPPLWPHQWV VWDUWLQJ LQ WKH  EXGJHW DQG FRYHU\WKDWZHKRSHZLOOHQVXHLQWKHVKRUWIXWXUH)LUVW HQWLUHKHDOWKFDUHV\VWHPIRUHYHU\RQHµ FRPPLWVWRQHZOHJLVODWLRQ7KHVHLQFOXGH DQGIRUHPRVWRXUPDLQREMHFWLYHLVWRPDNHVXUHWKDWWKH • ,QFUHDVHGVXSSRUWIRUSHUVRQVOLYLQJZLWKGLDEHWHV FLWL]HQVRI6DVNDWFKHZDQ·VKHDOWKDQGZHOOEHLQJDUHSUR- Daryl Harrison E\FRYHULQJWKHFRVWRILQVXOLQSXPSVDQGFRYHULQJ WHFWHGDQGZHGRRXUEHVWWRPDLQWDLQWKHLQWHJULW\RIRXU &DQQLQJWRQ 0/$ 'DU\O +DUULVRQ LV KDSS\ WR VHH WKH WKH FRVWRI&RQWLQXLQJ *OXFRVH0RQLWRULQJXS WR KHDOWKV\VWHPVRWKDWLQFDVHWKHUH·VDVXUJHZHDUHSUH- 7KURQH 6SHHFK EHLQJ FRPPXQLW\ RULHQWHG LQ WHUPV RI DJH SDUHGDQGUHDG\WRUHDFW%XWDOVRWKHOLYHOLKRRGVRIWKH KHOSLQJSHRSOHDQGEXVLQHVVDFURVV6DVNDWFKHZDQUHFRY- • ([WHQGLQJ LQGLYLGXDOL]HG IXQGLQJ IRU FKLOGUHQ SHRSOHRI6DVNDWFKHZDQLVRIWKHXWPRVWLPSRUWDQFHWRXV HUWKURXJKWKHSDQGHPLF ZLWK$XWLVP6SHFWUXP'LVRUGHUXSWRDJH :H·UHWDNLQJVWHSVWRZDUGVDQHFRQRPLFUHFRYHU\µ ´,WZDVJRRGµKHVDLG´,WZDVYHU\SRVLWLYHDQGUHLQ- • ,QFUHDVHGVXSSRUWVIRU'HDIEOLQGLQGLYLGXDOV %RQN VD\V WKH 6DVNDWFKHZDQ 3DUW\ SULGHV WKHPVHOYHV IRUFHVRXUFDPSDLJQSURPLVHV • +LULQJ  QHZ FRQWLQXLQJ FDUH DLGHV WR ZRUN LQ RQGRLQJZKDWWKH\VD\WKH\·UHJRLQJWRGRDQGWKDWVWDUWV ‘The 10 per cent reduction on the SaskPower bill will ORQJWHUPFDUHKRPHVDQGKRPHFDUH ZLWKIXOÀOOLQJWKHSURPLVHVPDGHDQGKHOSLQJWKHHFRQR- LPSDFW HYHU\ VLQJOH KRXVHKROG DQG EXVLQHVV 7KDW LP- • 5HGXFLQJWXLWLRQFRVWVE\LQFUHDVLQJWKH6DVNDWFK- P\WKURXJKXQSUHFHGHQWHGWLPHV SDFWVHYHU\ERG\GLUHFWO\VWDUWLQJLQ'HFHPEHUDQGFRQ- HZDQ$GYDQWDJH6FKRODUVKLSIURPWRD ´2QHWKLQJWKDW,WKLQNLVDWUDGHPDUNRIRXUJRYHUQ- WLQXLQJIRUD\HDU year. 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GHUV DOORZ IRU WKH WRXJK HQIRUFHPHQW RI WKRVH WRZRUN,W·VRQHRIWKRVHWKLQJVZHWKLQNZLOOKDYHDORW 7KH &RPPXQLW\ 5LQN $ͿRUGDELOLW\ 3URJUDP LV D QLFH RUGHUV DQG SURYLGH FLYLO UHPHGLHV LQFOXGLQJ WKH RIGLUHFWEHQHÀWVDQGWDQJLEOHEHÀWVIRUERWKVLGHVRIWKH ERRVWEHFDXVHHDFKULQNFDQJHWJLYHQ&RYLG·V VHL]XUHRISURSHUW\DQGEDQNDFFRXQWVDQGWKHVXV- FRLQµ LPSDFWRQFRPPXQLW\IXQGUDLVLQJµ

Available at the World-Spectator Prairie Sunset: A Story of Change By Dion Manastyrski

In the creation of this poignant, high-quality, fi ne-art book, Dion Manastyrski roamed the Canadian prairies, photographing old aban- doned houses, barns, schools, and churches. He interviewed over 70 people who lived that past way of life, when the small family farm was at the heart of rural life on the prairies.

Also included are 50 historical photos and documents from government archives. The photos and their words are interlaced to tell a story that begins with the pioneer years and covers many aspects of their lives over the 150 years. Makes a great gift! $70 plus GST

Phone: 306-435-2445 • E-mail: [email protected] 714 Main Street • Moosomin, SK Monday, December 7, 2020 The World—Spectator — Moosomin, Sask. 21 CFL eyes post-pandemic return It’s not really a surprise that the “When people said at the beginning of the season that League, which operates on a virtual shoestring, was one the Ravens would lead the AFC North, who could have of the few professional sports leagues in North America imagined it would be in positive Covid-19 tests.” to not operate in 2020 due to Covid-19. • Comedy writer Alex Kaseberg, re: the Roy Jones (age But while some fans worried the one-year hiatus may Bruce Penton   YV 0LNH 7\VRQ   H[KLELWLRQ ERXW ´7KLV ÀJKW LV have marked the beginning of a spiral downward to non- tricky. Whoever wins could face charges of elder abuse.” existence, CFL commissioner Randy Ambrosie has con- • RJ Currie of “Don Cherry once told ÀUPHGWKHOHDJXHSODQVIXOORSHUDWLRQLQ,QIDFWD the Toronto Sun the material he buys for his suits is prob- schedule has been released. ably curtain fabric. Instead of Grapes, should we be call- In most of the nine Canadian cities, the CFL is an im- ing him Drapes?” portant aspect of the sports fabric. It’s a huge deal in Re- trickle of revenue, and still paid salaries to a handful of • “With Joe Burrow out for the season and gina, a close second to NHL teams in Calgary, Edmonton, SHUVRQQHOEXWQRSOD\HUV0DQ\WHDPVRSHUDWHLQUHGÀJ- no other viable quarterback available, if Colin Kaeper- and Ottawa, a distant second to the Canucks in ures as it is. It’s been reported that collectively, the nine nick’s phone doesn’t ring now, it never will. Spoiler alert: Vancouver, a pretty big deal in Hamilton, gaining fans in CFL teams lose between $10 million and $20 million per It never will.” Montreal and not very important at all in Toronto, where season. • again: “Toronto Star investigates why Jeop- the Leafs, the Blue Jays, the Raptors and FC Toronto rank One big change fans will notice when the league re- ardy contestants fumbled easy sports questions so often, DKHDGRIWKH$UJRQDXWVLQWHUPVRIIDQDͿHFWLRQ sumes in 2021 is the name of the Edmonton franchise. with exasperated hockey fan Alex Trebek looking on, un- So the blackest mark of all—no season—will be in the ‘Eskimos’ has been tossed into the garbage bin, and team able to say what he really thought.” past and the CFL is scheduled to carry on as normal in R΀FLDOVKDYHEHHQDVNLQJWKHSXEOLFIRUVXJJHVWLRQVRQD • Dwight Perry again: “Veteran NBA forward Trevor 2021. Training camps will hopefully be held in May, the new moniker. It has to start with ‘E’, they say, to allow the Ariza got traded from Portland to Houston to Detroit Bombers and Ti-Cats will meet June 10 in the season continued use of the team’s ‘EE’ logo. ‘Excited’ doesn’t to Oklahoma City in three separate deals in barely two opener (a replay of the most recent game) and work for a team name, but it certainly describes the feel- days after this year’s draft. The Thunder is listing Ariza TSN can have a weekly basket of games to provide to ing CFL fans have about the planned resumption of play. as day-to-day with severe jet lag.” fans across the country instead of a steady diet of ‘clas- • Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times: “What an apt sur- • Vancouver’s Torben Rolfsen, on Twitter, musing sics’ from the past that fans were fed during the past year. name for an NFL defender: Jets linebacker Tarell Bash- about Tom Brady’s occasional struggles in Tampa Bay: 7KHOHDJXHPD\ORRNGLͿHUHQWZKHQLWUHVXPHVWKRXJK am.” “Who holds the CFL rights to Tom Brady?” Some players, some of the better ones, may have moved • Patriots QB Cam Newton, to reporters, on his dietary • Actor George Takei, on Twitter: “Breaking: Profes- on, since reports of bare-bones salaries seems to carry habits: “Just because I’m vegan doesn’t mean I just go sional sports fall into disarray as concerns mount over weight. The league’s current collective bargaining agree- outside and pick up grass and, you know, put ranch on whether losing teams will concede to winning ones de- ment runs until the spring of 2022, and it includes a team it…I still love good food.” spite what the scoreboard says.” VDODU\ FDS RI  PLOOLRQ /HDJXH R΀FLDOV KDYH LQGL- • Charles Barkley, on trying hypnotism to help correct • Sign in front of a church in Winnipeg: “Wear a mask. FDWHGKRZHYHUWKDWWKHVDODU\FDS¶ÁRRU·³PLOOLRQ his funky, hitchy golf swing: “All I got was a good nap. I It’s not like we’re asking you to wear a Riders’ jersey.” per team—will be the goal of most teams. The nine CFL woke up with the same crappy swing.” teams, of course, operated for a full season with barely a • Bob Molinaro of (Hampton, Va.): Care to comment? Email [email protected]

Rocanville Rec Report Andrea Logan, Recreation Director

ROCANVILLE SKATING RINK tions of $20 or more. If you know anyone are interested in working a few hours a memory, or wish. Leave it in our Christmas Masks are now mandatory at the Rocan- in the area in need of food, please contact: PRQWKSOHDVHFDOO0DULO\QDW mail box by the library door and we will ville Skating rink. 'DUOHQH:LOOLDPV hang it on our tree. We’ll be posting update 3DVWRU3DXO%XQ] DID YOU KNOW... pictures of the tree up until December 23. Public Skate: 5RVHDQQH.HOO\ Rocanville has a website? Wondering if We want to decorate our tree from top Sunday 2:15-3:30 %HWW\0LOOV WKHUHLVÀWQHVVWRGD\"&DQ·WUHPHPEHULILW to bottom, so get the whole family involve 0RQGD\ is garbage or recycling day? Want to see a and send your traditions, memories and 7XHVGD\ DIAL-A-VAN list of the businesses in Rocanville? Want- wishes in! :HGQHVGD\ All seniors in the town of Rocanville ing to print a map of Webster’s Cemetery Patrons are able to browse the stacks 7KXUVGD\ are welcome to ride the bus on Mondays, or maybe you want to view the community again! Hand sanitizing and social distanc- )ULGD\ :HGQHVGD\VDQG)ULGD\VIURPSP:H calendar online? Visit! LQJLVUHTXLUHG2QO\ÀYHSDWURQVLQWKHOL- can take you uptown, to the Market Gar-

We do CUSTOM STAMP ORDERS! • Rubber Stamps • Self-Inking Stamps • Signature Stamps ORDER YOUR STAMP TODAY and we will get it to you faster than you think! • Corporate Seals Contact The World-Spectator (Rubber or Impression Seal) 306-435-2445 • [email protected] 22 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020

Lots of people have been getting in the Christmas spirit by decorat- ing and lighting up their homes around Moosomin in hopes of winning the Twinkle Tour prize. Shown here are some of the decorated houses around town. Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 23 Moosomin Rec Report Mike Schwean, Recreation Director



THE MOOSOMIN Perfect property with ser- TWINKLE TOUR! vices for mobile/modular home, Sponsored by Rolna Pranke close to hospital and Commu- RE/MAX Blue Chip Realty. niplex. Lot size 50'x100'. 210 Take a tour around town Wright Road. Please call to Business Directory between December 1-10 and inquire 778-384-2585. 7:4p vote for your favourite three Christmas light displays. Send your votes to Rolna-text or call SERVICES 306 435 7343-message Rolna Pranke RE/MAX Blue Chip ACCOUNTING CONSTRUCTION Realty Facebook page-email [email protected] Glasser’s TV Service. Votes accepted from all ages! Repairs for electronics, com- Top three winners announced puters, etc. Experienced Towler on December 11! First prize technicians. Fully equipped service shop. Phone 306-435- Construction $200 Moosomin Bucks Virden, MB. JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER Second prize $150 Moosomin 3040, fax 306-435-2662. MASSON & ASSOCIATES Bucks Third prize $100 Moo- 49:tfc 1.800.236.7656 CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT Home Renovations somin Bucks. All who send Direct: 204.748.1200 Accounting Interior & Exterior in their votes will be entered Business Advisory New Construction in a draw to win one of three SERVICES BDO Canada LLP Residential & Commercial prizes $50 Moosomin Bucks. Tax KENOSEE LAKE, SK. Let’s have fun this Christmas 613 Main Street, Moosomin. Residential & 306.435.7595 season! 5:6c Ph. 306-435-3886 J.B. Tree Trimming. Tree trim- MASSONCPA.CA Commercial Construction ming and removal and sewer 306.435.2710 MARYFIELD Phone: 306-961-4118 AUDITORIUM MOVIES services. Jim Barry c-306-434- This week’s movie at the 7371 or h-306-435-2982. Maryfi eld Auditorium. Friday, 56:tfc December 11 & Saturday, Looking for an 62-64 Pontiac December 12 Let Him Go. Acadian 4 door car. As com- REAL ESTATE Showtime: 8 p.m. Friday & Sat- plete as possible. Willing to urday (doors open 7:30) Adults look at anything. Please send $6, Students $5, Children $3. pictures to [email protected]. Masks are Mandatory! 8:2p 52:tfc WANTED FOR RENT Rolna Pranke Marcel DeCorby Spy Hill, Sask. Wanted: Old cars, trucks, (306) 435-7343 Cell: 306-745-7755 Boardwalk Apt. Taking appli- vans in any condition, scrap or cations. Newly renovated 11:52c Serving Moosomin & Area! [email protected] parts cars under $1,000. Also Specializing in farm & ranch property unfurnished one and two bed- looking for vintage arcade and room suites, in Moosomin. Text pinball machines in any condi- ROOFING/CLADDING or call 306-434-5402 after 6 tion. Please call 306-434-6762. p.m. 6:tfc 48:tfc CROWN REAL ESTATE Able Are you looking to relocate? Eavestroughing Ltd. Advertising 306.532.4496 - Wapella MASSAGE THERAPY LEGAL SERVICES BOLTON PLACE a Life Lease Building 204.725.2294 - Brandon in the Business Located in Virden, Manitoba Three sizes of heavy gauge steel continuous trough: Directory! Shelley’s BOCK & 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom • 5” Residential COMPANY suites available to lease • 6” Commercial Kneedles & Knots • 7” Commercial PUBLISHED ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE Reasonable rent LAW OFFICE Call today for a free estimate! 306-435-4020 Lynnette Bock, B.A., Comes with 5 appliances and WEEKLY 905 South Front St. all utilities are included We have fi ve machines – two more Moosomin, SK J.D. this year – to provide faster service. Call 306-435-2445 SGI & WCB Accredited ESTERHAZY OFFICE PLEASE CONTACT 204-748-1100 10:8c Evening appointments and 500 Maple St. JLIWFHUWLÀFDWHVDUHDYDLODEOH 306-745-3952 Therapists Shelley Pritchard-Szaroz 29:tfc ROCANVILLE OFFICE Trent MacMillan Metal Roofing Terry Grant Eden Moffatt 124 Ellice St. (306) 434-9399 Charlene Easton (Andrew Agencies) Bonkowski Enterprises Kari Ikert Friday Afternoons Jarvis Olsen 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ&RQWLQXRXV0HWDO5RRÀQJ Natasha Strnad 306-645-4552 Siding Systems & Cladding • Custom Flashings Andrea Chambers (306) 645-4299 No Exposed Fasteners • Quality Workmanship ZZZVKHOOH\VNQHHGOHVDQGNQRWVFD Water/Sewer, Sand/Dirt/Gravel Products, Demolition & Concrete Work, Land Clearing, Prep. and Landscaping Call for a Quote Today! CHIROPRACTOR ˆϐ‹ ‡ǣ(306)645-4299 306-435-8008 PLUMBING & HEATING RHINO WE PRINT VINYL CHIROPRACTOR Kola DIRTWORKS Dr. Brian Grassick LTD 906 Main Street Plumbing Ltd. BUSINESS CARDS! Moosomin, SK (306) 435-4250 Plumbing & Heating Contractor Moosomin, Rocanville and Area 250 Color 500 Color (306) 435-7568 (cell) Service Technician WE ACCEPT MASTERCARD AND VISA Business Cards Business Cards Free Estimates $ 00 $ 00 $OVR2IÀFHV,Q 68 130 REDVERS Phone CLASSIFIED DEADLINE CARLYLE (204) 556-2392 THURSDAY @ NOON WINDTHORST [email protected] CALL 306-435-2445 Harold Klassen 26 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020


Military uniforms, badges, Honest man seeking a single Baffin Muck Boots. New. Handyman wanted: owner Large double lor for sale in medals, equipment, lead sol- or divorced or widowed lady Size 13 306-435-2161. 10:1p seeking help with odd jobs Rocanville. Serviced corner lot, diers also LP records, 78 RPM aged 55 - 69 for companionship at small apartment building in close to school and uptown. records, older cameras and and outings between Esterhazy Moosomin. Some own tools 306-645-4410 or 306-434- photographic equipment. Call and Carlyle and Moosomin and and flexible schedule needed. 7104. 10:2p Ed James after 6 p.m. at 204- Grenfell. Call John at 1-639- Contact Michael 306-621- 845-2630. 27:tfc 656-0115. 5:8p 4237. 8:4c

Hand Sanitizer


SASKATCHEWAN IN MEMORIAM MADE! 80% Alcohol Made to World Health Organization Standards

Contact The World-Spectator ROY: In loving memory of 306-435-2445 Jean, December 8, 1924- December 4, 2019. Remembering you is easy, we do it every day Missing you is the hard part A secret wish that you were still here. Though your smile is gone forever and your hand we cannot touch We have so many fond memories of you You tried so hard to stay with us Your fight was all in vain God took you to his loving home And freed you from pain What we would give to say “Hi Mom” And to hear your voice And to see your smile And to have a visit God has you in his keeping and we have you in our hearts until we meet again —Ethel, Jim and families, Darlene and Jackie, Ray and Marion, Linda, Ron and fami- lies, Ian, Cheryl and families. 10:1p CARRIERE: In loving memory of Joan, who passed away December 2, 2011. Like falling leaves the years go by But our precious memories never die No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you’re always there. Love always — Larry 10:1p


– CONDITIONS OF ADVERTISING ACCEPTANCE – All advertising is subject to the publisher’s approval. It is agreed by The World-Spec- whether such error, or non-insertion is due to the negligence of its servants or oth- tator and any advertiser using or requesting the space that the publisher shall not be erwise. Advertiser must assume responsibility for errors in any advertisement which liable for damages in the event of non-insertion of, or errors in, advertisements in is supplied to The World-Spectator in hand-written form, or given over the telephone. excess of, or beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by the non-insertion The World-Spectator is responsible, subject to conditions as noted above, for ONLY or by that portion of the advertisement in which the error or non-insertion occurred, the first incorrect insertion. Classifieds require prepayment before being inserted. Monday, December 7, 2020 The World—Spectator — Moosomin, Sask 27 IN MEMORIAM Operations WATT: In loving memory of Alan Watt 1932-2009. Just as you were, you will always stay. Manual Loved and remembered every day. Your presence we miss, Your memories we treasure. $750 - $2,500 Loving you always, Forgetting you never. —With loving remembrance, Joyce, Jason and Sheila, Safety Instructor Cheryl, Scott, Taylor and Moosomin Jordan. 10:nc Would you buy a business LIVESTOCK Description FOR SALE without an operations manual? Southeast College, a consecutive placer among Saskatchewan's Top Employers, is currently recruiting to the role of Safety Instructor. As part of our industry leading training programming, the College is looking D&N Livestock Commer- cial Angus Bred Female Sale, What if you were in an for individuals equipped to instruct high-quality safety training in the areas Tuesday December 15th, accident? of; H2S, Confined Space, Lifting and Rigging, Ground Disturbance, and First 1:00 PM at D&N Livestock Aid. Experienced candidates willing to take the train the trainer courses Ranch near Peebles, SK. This sale features 400 commercial may be considered. Angus females. Mostly AI sired If you hold a keen understanding of one or more of these areas and an ability and AI bred, these females will sell individually and in groups to speak with power to facilitate experienced working groups, then we would accommodating all buyers and like to hear from you. all price ranges. For more infor- mation or a catalogue contact Eric Jordan Dave at 306-736-8698 or T Bar Other experiences and skills that would be applicable to this role are: C Cattle Co. at 306-220-5006. 1. 5 or more years in industry (any industry) with at least some experience View the catalogue online at in a hands-on supervisory position. Watch and bid online at 2. Ability to conduct training within approximately 100 km of Moosomin. (PL#116061) 7:4c 3. Ability to work independently.

1-800-606-0310 You must be knowledgeable in or willing to learn about presentation technology such as creating and utilizing power point, worksheets and related technology equipment related to distance learning. Actual number of courses and duration of contract will vary. WHAT CAN WE Expressions of interest can be emailed to [email protected] by December 8, 2020. Be sure and reference Safety Instructor in your PRINT FOR YOU? subject line. Selected candidates will be contacted for interview. 306-435-2445 9:2c


MOOSOMIN 1117 Main Street CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF BAPTIST CHURCH BETHEL UNITED CHURCH Ph: 306-435-2455 Celebrating Community - Worshipping in Spirit ST MARY’S, MOOSOMIN The doors may be closed but Bethel United’s & ST ANDREW’S, WAPELLA Join us In community of faith is providing daily Facebook Father Franklin Emereuwa messages, emails throughout the week. 306-435-2993 Person! Sunday worship gatherings by Zoom - St. Mary’s Mass held on Tuesdays at 5 pm If you have prayer requests or need som encouragement Visit our website to Friday mornings at 9 am, Sundays at 11 am & 5 pm Building and nurturing during this time, we are available by phone, Christian relationships RSVP for services vidieo chat and email. - St. Andrew’s Mass held Sundays at 1 p.m. You can access services by email, follow our facebook page, or fi nd them on our website! Rev. Carolyn: 306-434-5681 LIMITED TO 30 PEOPLE PER MASS Facebook: Bethel United Church follow us online:, Email: [email protected] or Facebook page: Moosomin Baptist Church Phome: 306-435-2731 (church messages checked daily) or email us at [email protected] SASK GATEWAY ANGLICAN PARISH …we journey this path together… Phone 306-435-3002

St. Alban’s, Moosomin • St. Thomas, Rocanville MOOSOMIN RIVER OF LIFE CHURCH Sunday Worship Services Sunday, December 13, 2020 Pastor: Allan Lautamus 2rd Sunday in Advent 1501 Broadway Ave. at the Church (306) 435-2798 (Church) St. Alban’s, Moosomin Leave message Sunday Morning - 10:00 a.m. 701 Ellice St. Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. Worship in Korean: 3:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Pre-register by calling Yvonne at 306-435-2645. Services held according to Saskatchewan public health regulations. Online Streaming Services on Please wear a face mask. If you have cold or Everyone Welcome! YouTube will also be provided at the same times. fl u symptoms or have been in contact with someone with Covid 19, please do not attend. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church St. Thomas, Rocanville 716 Main St. Moosomin, SK 201 Carlton St. (Rev. Lip Boon Lee) Offi ce: 306-435-2155 • [email protected] 9:30 a.m. Sunday School via ZOOM TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Service in person 501 Mark Ave. • Phone 306-435-9035 and via Zoom Watch for updates on Bible Study and Confi rmation Classes Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. being done via Zoom Please contact Tannis at [email protected] for link information FACE MASKS ARE MANDATORY! resuming Everybody Welcome! Church Services Follow Anglican Church, Moosomin on Facebook for our daily prayer. 28 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020 Obituaries

He will be sadly missed *UHJRU\DQGE\KLVEURWK- and canasta and not too IRU WKHLU KHOS ZLWK -DFN·V E\ (YHO\Q KLV ZLIH RI  HU-HUU\ 0DULRQ $OVRE\ VKDEE\ D VKX΁HERDUG *DUGHQHVSHFLDOO\9DO \HDUV7RJHWKHUWKH\UDLVHG KLV JUDQGFKLOGUHQ .HYLQ player. He was also dedi- 'XH WR &RYLG WKHUH D IDPLO\ RI ÀYH -HͿ 0DU- &KDQGUD  7DUD 'DQQ\  FDWHG WR WKH 6(,&& UHFUH- was a limited invitation OHQH  'RZQHU /DXUD (G  5\DQ .DWKHULQH  (ULQ ational community and only service that was held 0DJRWLDX[ .LP :DOWRQ 1LFN  %ULWQH\ &KULV  WR WKH JDUGHQ KH KHOSHG RQ )ULGD\'HFHPEHU  DW Troy Downer and Lee .ROWLQ (ULQ  DQG 7HLJLQ FUHDWHDW:KLVSHULQJ3LQHV  DP DW &DUVFDGGHQ )X- .ULVWD 'RZQHU 7KHQ WKHUH DUH WKH JUHDW XQLW 6(,&& -DFN ZDV  QHUDO+RPH0RRVRPLQ (OHYHQ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ .K\UD DQG ÀHUFHO\ LQGHSHQGHQW Donations may be made -RG\ -DFNLH 'XVWLQ  7DQ- /XNDV $EE\ =RH =DFN to the very end and he was E\ FKHTXH WR /RQJ 7HUP \D 5\DQ  7HUUL 5RGJHU  ;\OHU %UDGHQ DQG D QHZ proud of that fact. &DUH 5HFUHDWLRQ FR %DPEL -RHO  7\ 1LNNL  RQHDUULYLQJVSULQJ The family would like 6(,&&5HFUHDWLRQ'HSDUW- -HVVH 6LPRQH  &RG\/RD- ,Q  KLV GDUOLQJ WR WKDQN DOO WKH FDULQJ PHQW32%R[0RR- JHQ6WHYLH -RHO %U\QQ ZLIH $XGUH\ GLHG PXFK VWDͿ DW 6(,&& $Q H[WUD VRPLQ6DVNDWFKHZDQ6* Also known as “The WRR \RXQJ  \HDUV DJR VSHFLDO WKDQNV JRHV WR 16RUU\QRWD[UHFHLSWV *UHDWVµ E\  JUHDWJUDQG KH JUDFHIXOO\ DFFHSWHG 6KLUOH\/LQGVD\ZKRZDV ZLOOEHLVVXHG7KH6(,&& FKLOGUHQ0DU\:DOWHU/HQ- his health transition to a VXFKDJRRGIULHQGWR-DFN 5HFUHDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW QR[/HLODQL+HQU\(GGLH wheelchair which neces- and whom our family is ZDV -DFN·V OLIHOLQH GXULQJ LEN DOWNER -DGH$VSHQ7DMH0DWKLHX JACK EWASIUK VLWDWHG KLV VHOOLQJ KLV EH- ever indebted to. Thanks his time there. The family Blue eyes closed in rest- /D\QH1L[RQ-D\GHQ6FDU- MARCH 16, 1925 loved home in Moosomin WR 6DUD *XVWDIVRQ IRU KHU would also like to thank ful sleep. OHWW5RVH - NOVEMBER 29, 2020 DQG OHDYLQJ WKH JDUGHQ care and concern. Thanks the multitude of volun- Fiddlers’ hands at rest. Len also leaves to mourn /RYH LV WKH RQO\ WKLQJ that was his passion. He WR /HV IRU DOZD\V ORRNLQJ teers and performers and God took our welder many nieces and neph- that we can carry with was proud that he was a DIWHU -DFN RQ WKH KDQGL JXHVWV ZKRP KH LQWHUDFW- from us. ews; his musician family XV ZKHQ ZH JR DQG -DFN JRRGSURYLGHUIRUKLVIDP- bus. Also thanks to his ed with over the years. To prove he only takes and friends; his pipeline (ZDVLXN OHIW RQ 6XQGD\ ily and that he had been PHDOWLPH EXGGLHV 6DP 2I MR\ DQG ORYH D /LIH the best. DQG ZHOGLQJ IDPLO\ DQG 1RYHPEHU  ZLWK WKH a dedicated employee 0F0XOOHQ .HQ 5HVWDX ZHOO VSHQW $QG QRZ WR Len Downer passed IULHQGV $QG IRXU OHJJHG love of his family in his GXULQJDORQJFDUHHUZLWK DQG1LWD'LFNHQIRU\RXU *RG D IDWKHU EURWKHU away at his home in Mary- IULHQGV7LQDDQG1LSSHU heart. 7UDQV &DQDGD 3LSHOLQHV IULHQGVKLS:HZRXOGDOVR JUDQGIDWKHU JUHDWJUDQG- ÀHOGRQ6XQGD\1RYHPEHU He will be sadly missed -DFN LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV He was a superb card OLNH WR WKDQN :HVW :LQG IDWKHU LV VHQW ,Q WKH JDU- DWWKHDJHRI by all. VRQV'DYLG 0DXUHHQ DQG SOD\HU HVSHFLDOO\ DW FULE Florists and Greenhouse GHQDWUHVW


Kevin Weedmark Editor and Publisher • Kara Kinna Associate Editor Brooke Klinger Editorial Assistant • Ashley Johnston Advertising Representative Rob Paul • Victor van der Merwe • Shayna Zubko • Ed James Reporters Jennifer McMillan • Jacqui Harrison • Samantha McGonigal Design and Layout Kim Poole • Josh Deramas Photographers • Cassidy Griemann Student employee

Postage paid at Moosomin World-Spectator, we offer display advertising in the re- terial intended for publication in the World-Spectator Publications Mail Agreement Number 40011909. gional Plain and Valley, career advertising across Sas- issued on the following Monday. Deadline for the Plain Return undeliverable items to McKay Publications katchewan, and blanket classified advertising across and Valley is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s Ltd., Box 250, Moosomin SK S0G 3N0. Canada. issue. Contact us Printing services Subscribe now We want to hear from you! Email world_spectator@ The World-Spectator is your full service printer. From Subscriptions are $45 for one year (A $33 saving, call (306) 435-2445, fax (306) 435-3969, or business cards and brochures to hockey programs, we from the cover price), $80 for two years, $105 for three write to us at Box 250, Moosomin, Sask, S0G 3N0. can print it all! years, and $160 for five years. Go to to subscribe! Advertising options Deadlines In addition to classified and display advertising in the The regular deadline is 12 noon Thursday for all ma-

For 130 years The World-Spectator has Make sure it’s professional. Make sure it’s seen. been your source to get your message out. Make sure it’s The World-Spectator

Tel: 645-2084 Fax: 645-2044 We can design and print in-house posters, forms, business cards, Cell: 435-9698 Moosomin Location [email protected] 119 East Access Road letterheads, envelopes and so much more! WE SPECIALIZE IN: • EARTH MOVING • GRAVELLING • EXCAVATING • OILFIELD CONSTRUCTION • SITE PREPARATION Brandon & Jolene Banga 306-435-3393 A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY CASH BOYD WILSON [email protected] Angela Lindemann BOX 300 Sunday, Call today for [email protected] Farrier Services ROCANVILLE, SK S0A 3L0 Box 1438 Moosomin, SK April 6, 2014 Professional & Reliable Farrier Service S0G 3N0 a custom quote Angela Lindemann 306.435.2445 306 434 87 1:00 p m Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 29 We have a nutrient problem Part 5: Reducing the source As we learned in our last article there For example, by better managing cattle are a lot of nutrients making their way and fertilizer applications, farmers and into the Qu’Appelle River that are causing UDQFKHUV FDQ UHGXFH QXWULHQW UXQRͿ DQG algal blooms. Alice Davis be more sustainable. According to measurements from re- 2QH RI WKH PRVW VLJQLÀFDQW %03·V IRU ports within the Lower Qu’Appelle River Lower Qu’Apelle Watershed Stewards UHGXFLQJ QXWULHQW UXQRͿ LV UHWDLQLQJ DQG Basin, from 2013 to 2016 the total amount restoring wetlands. Wetlands are like mini of nutrients was 949,000 kg of phosphorus water treatment plants capturing and re- (P) and 6,434,000 kg of nitrogen (N). To pal waste water. sources. Regina had by far the largest con- moving nutrients that drain into them put that into perspective that’s the same tribution of P and N, contributing over from snow melt and rain. Storing water on amount of nitrogen as putting over 1.2 NUTRIENTS FROM CITIES AND TOWNS 90% of the nitrogen in Wascana Creek. the land in wetlands prevents the nutrient million 50 lb bags of 10-0-10 fertilizer into Reducing the amount of nutrients com- Since then, upgrades to the Regina Waste- ULFKIDUPODQGUXQRͿIURPÁRZLQJGRZQ- water. That’s a lot. ing from our cities, towns, and villages is water Treatment facility have reduced the stream into our lakes and rivers. To make our lakes clean and less green an easy place to start. For example Regina, amount of nitrogen by 62%. Kudos to the Draining wetlands not only removes with algae we have to reduce the amount Moose Jaw, and Humboldt together ac- City of Regina for meeting or reducing nu- these mini water treatment plants from of nutrients coming from the two major counted for 82% of the phosphorous and trient levels below those required. the land, it also creates more pathways for sources—non-point sources and munici- 97% of the nitrogen from municipal waste Those in cottage country can also reduce PRUHQXWULHQWVDQGFRQWDPLQDQWVWRÁRZ their impacts by regularly checking their RͿWKHODQGDQGGRZQVWUHDP,W·VVLPSOH septic tanks to ensure they aren’t leaking draining wetlands mean more nutrients in and by making sure lawn fertilizers when our lakes and rivers, and that means more DSSOLHG DUHQ·W EHLQJ FDUULHG RͿ LQWR WKH algae. lake. In Saskatchewan, the drainage of wet- lands requires a license from the Water NUTRIENTS FROM NON-POINT SOURCES: Security Agency (WSA), however WSA FARMLAND RUNOFF doesn’t limit the amount of drainage or While some cities are a major source of require farmers to keep wetlands to re- nutrients, surprisingly the LQWS found duce nutrients. Saskatchewan is the only that they are not the largest source. On av- province without a Wetland Conservation erage we found that 91% of the phospho- Policy, so having one may reduce nutri- rus and 51% of the nitrogen is from non- ents and algae blooms. point sources (not from cities and towns). Thanks to research that LQWS and oth- In the Qu’Appelle watershed, farms and ers have done, we know where the nutri- ranches can be a major source of non-point ents are coming from and now it’s time for nutrients. Practices like fertilizing crops, everyone to do their part and reduce the urine and manure from livestock, and large amounts of nutrients that are get- draining wetlands can all send unwanted ting into the Qu’Appelle River. Reducing nutrients into the water. nutrient sources can make our lakes less We need farmers and ranchers just like green and the LQWS is here to assist you. we need cities, and like cities, producers can do their part too by using Best Man- For more information about nutrients, the agement Practices (BMP’s), and we can sources, BMP programs, and the LQWS visit: help direct you to programs that can help.

Westman RCMP Report

BY CPL. KEVIN BRUCE dispute. Subsequent to investigation, a During the week of November 23 to No- 27-year-old male was arrested for assault vember 29, the Westman RCMP dealt with and mischief. He was released on a future 52 police activities. court date, and placed on a no contact or- der with the victim. Symbols painted on Chicken Chef in Virden Report of people November 24 – RCMP were dispatched kicking and knocking to the Chicken Chef in Virden for a report RI JUD΀WL$ VZDVWLND DQG RWKHU V\PEROV on a front door November 27 – RCMP were dispatched were painted on the door. The matter is to Sioux Valley for a report of people kick- still under investigation. ing and knocking at the front door. Several patrols were made without success, and People fighting on the matter is still under investigation. road in Sioux Valley November 24 – RCMP were dispatched Report of person to Sioux Valley for a report of several un- NQRZQSHRSOHÀJKWLQJRQWKHURDG3ROLFH threatening self-harm November 27 – RCMP were dispatched located a 33-year-old male with minor in- to Melita for a report of a person threaten- juries. Several people at scene were spo- ing self harm. With assistance from EMS, ken to, everyone refused to provide any the person was transported to the hospital Shown here is the Elkhorn Community Christmas Memory Tree for information about what happened. 2020, with the memory board names to the side. The lightup ceremony for assistance. was recorded and can be view on the Foundation Facebook site. Break and enter into Break and enter into Sparwood in Virden November 26 – RCMP were dispatched funeral home in Virden to Sparwood in Virden for a report of a November 28 – RCMP were dispatched Elkhorn memory tree break and enter. It is unknown if any items to Virden for a report of a break and en- were stolen at this time. The matter is still ter at the Carscadden funeral home. Entry under investigation. was gained through a window and several items were missing. The matter is still un- lit up on Nov. 25 Man arrested for der investigation. BY ED JAMES community daycare center. The grants domestic violence Traffic enforcement This Christmas season has brought ranged from $700 to $15,000. November 27 – RCMP were dispatched 1LQH WUD΀F HQIRUFHPHQW DFWLRQV ZHUH many changes due to the Covid-19 pan- The Foundation has also partnered with to Sioux Valley for a report of a domestic undertaken during this reporting period. demic. One of the popular events in Elk- government agencies so that some private horn is the annual memory tree lightup, donations are matched or increased by held by the Elkhorn and Area Foundation these government programs. Such pro- Inc. grams exist to invest in the future and On November 25, a few volunteers put growth of Manitoba communities. up the tree and name boards in its usual Said Brenda Orr, the Chairperson of the Full Color Business Cards location on the main street. In the evening Foundation, “We were very sorry we could Brenda Orr and a few members did the not have the popular community memory Design included – ready in one business day! lightup with a brief speech as to the foun- tree lightup. Over the years the event has 250 Cards 250 Cards 500 Cards 500 Cards dation’s goals and work. The event was attracted growing crowds and marks the Single Side Printing Single Side Printing Single Side Printing Single Side Printing Coated Card Stock Vinyl Card Stock Coated Card Stock Vinyl Card Stock recorded and can be seen on the Founda- start of the community Christmas season. $ $ $ $ tions Facebook site. But the Covid-19 pandemic conditions 48 68 90 130 The Foundation, despite the Covid-19 made us air on the side of caution, to keep problems, has been busy, giving out grants public safety in mind. The Foundation is a of over $72,000 to Elkhorn and other com- strong community building force and we 306-435-2445 world_spectator@sasktelnet munity groups and projects. Some of these appreciate so much the work of our board grants were given to the school, the An- members and support we get from com- tique Auto Museum, the Ag Society, and munities, near and far.” 30 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020

SHOP LOCAL SHOP SAFE BusinessBusiness DirectoryDirectory SupportS t your llocal l B Businessesi

Shirley’s Business Hours: Sewing Room Monday - Friday Saturday 608 Carleton Street – Moosomin, SK 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 1010 QU’APPELLE STREET • WAPELLA, SK 306-435-3633 306-532-4773 Tuesday - Friday DINE-IN Effective Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. November 4 Still accepting phone call orders, Wendy's Open Tuesday - Saturday curbside pick-up and mailing services! PLACE at 4 p.m. 457 Main Street • Esterhazy, SK • [email protected] Supper Special Nightly 306-745-2965

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Both Esterhazy & Langenburg locations are open 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. WE ARE OPEN! Pickup • Delivery • Offsale 1Ĕ;LĔIJ?ř HOURS: Lunch: 11:30 am - 2 pm Dinner: 5 pm - 7:30 pm DINE-IN AVAILABLE WE’RE BACK TO OUR REGULAR HOURS! Thursday, Friday, Saturday Esterhazy Langenburg 9 am - 6 pm Monday - Saturday Happy Hour: 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. 306-745-2688 306-743-2688 at both locations See our full menu online at 306-608-CORK (2675) Moosomin, SK Esterhazy, SK 808 BROADWAY AVENUE • MOOSOMIN, SK (306) 435-2464 (306) 745-3915

We can help you with products you may need for your business during the Covid-19 Pandemic 3-PlyDisposable Face Masks $18 BOX OF 50

10” Laminated Vinyl 13” Square or Directional Round Laminated Floor Arrows Floor Decals for your business for your business $10/EACH $15/EACH

We can also print custom posters, coroplast and metal signs, Contact The World-Spectator for more information! fl oor and window decals or anything 306-435-2445 else you may need during this time. [email protected]

714 MAIN STREET • MOOSOMIN, SK • WWW.WORLD-SPECTATOR.COM Monday, December 7, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 31 SHOP LOCAL SHOP SAFE BusinessBusiness DirectoryDirectory SupportStllBi your local Businesses

EMERGENCY We’re here for you! Precious CALLS 24/7 PACKAGES CALL 911 CUSTOM MADE KEEPSAKES! IN-STORE DINING NOW AVAILABLE! Embroidery • Decals• Baby/Birthday gifts Looking for something unique? Our offi ce is closed during this from 1o am - 1o pm daily Just call or email ahead and we pandemic, but accepting payment by: We provide safe service through can design something for you! Hours are by appointment only: Monday - Saturday between Mail, Credit Card or Etransfer Drive Thru, Take Out & Dine in 9 am - 8 pm, pick up arranged through social distancing We recommend using Interac or Credit Cards for payment Stay safe & healthy! We are so grateful for your support! 306-434-8770 [email protected] 306-435-2962 306-435-2707 @MoosominDQ

Details ApolRESTAURANT lo Car Wash HOURS:0RQGD\)ULGD\DPSP & Laundrom at 6DWXUGD\DPQRRQ‡6XQGD\&/26(' 306-645-2833 Moosomin, SK • 306) 434-6683 :HDUHQRZRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF Rocanville, SK WE ARE OPEN! +RZHYHUZHZLOOFRQWLQXHFXUEVLGHVHUYLFH WE ARE OPEN FOR IRU\RXUFRQYHQLHQFH SIT DOWN AND TAKE OUT! Car Wash • Laundrom at Monday - Friday: Sunday: Car Detaling • Pet Wash 306-435-4143 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Closed Saturday Open 7 Days a week from 6 am - 9 pm ZZZÁDPDQFRP

Fleming Windsor Bar & Grill Tuesday - Saturday Orenda Healing at 12 Noon Closed Sundays for PROFESSIONAL August & September COUNSELING & WELLNESS Pickup or Delivery STORE HOURS: Now Open Personal Counseling and Alternative to your doorstep. 11 am - 5:00 pm Sit Down Service & Takeout Therapy Services through Phone & Zoom NO DELIVERY FEE! Monday - Friday Daily Specials NO CONTACT PAYMENT 1002 North Front St. Flexible Hours OPTIONS: Off-Sale 7RHQVXUHKLJKHVWSRVVLEOHOHYHORIFRQÀGHQWLDOLW\ Moosomin, SK contact for services through phone or email only. Credit Card, E-Transfer FLEMING, SK – 306-435-2074 Monthly Billing 306-434-5880 [email protected] 306-740-6242 • Esterhazy, SK [email protected] [email protected]

506 Main Street • Moosomin, SK We can help you 306-435-2227 get ready for the re-opening of your business OPEN EVERY LATE EVERY Help your customers remember the rules for OPEN 7 SOCIAL DISTANCING Posters The World-Spectator can

WEDNESDAY TILL CHRISTMAS! product social distancing KEEP SAFE posters and can be customized KEEP THE SPACE for your business by Pharmasave Moosomin Re-Opens to the Public HOW TO adding your business logo. SOCIAL MONDAY, MAY 4, 2020 SOCIAL DISTANCING SIGNAGE PRICES: Coroplast Signs Store Hours: Monday - Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. DISTANCE DAYS A WEEK! Coroplast signs 22” x 28” $46 Before entering the store, customers (Coroplast can be done in any size Maintain distance of SPECIAL HOURS: Q 0D[LPXPRI ÀYH FXVWRPHUVLQ will be asked two questions: the store at any given time. up to 4’ x 8’ - this is a sample size) a. Have you or any member of your other shoppers and staff Q Back door entry to the store only. household entered Saskatchewan Vinyl 12” x 18” $5.50 in the last 14 days? Q Enter the store as in Gloss posters 13” x 19” $4.50 dividuals b. Do you currently have any cold or whenever possible, not as groups. December 24 - 8:30 am - 4 pm • December 31 - 8:30 am - 5 pm ÁXV\PSWRPVIHYHUFRXJK Prices include custom design and printing. Monday - Saturday: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Q Mandatory use of hand sanitizer shortness of breath? We can deliver to your location THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION Metal Signs when entering store. If the customer answers “YES” to either of these questions, they will not be permitted to enter the store. 3+$50$6$9(ZLOOVWLOORIIHU3DUNLQJ/RW 3LFN8SRU'HOLYHU\WR\RXUKRPHIRUWKRVHZKR Closed December 25, 26, 27 & January 1, 2021 choose not to enter the store. :KHQSLFNLQJXSDSUHVFULSWLRQLQFOXGLQJ DQHZSUHVFULSWLRQIURP\RXUGRFWRURUDUHÀOO 3/($6(&$//$+($'   Sunday: 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. This will limit wait times in the store. email [email protected] DRIVE THRUto connect with one of our designers! Floor Decals 630 Main St. • Moosomin, SK 306-435-3345 We have masks, hand santizers & gloves in stock! Your Locally Owned Hometown Pharmacy ONLY Or anything else 11 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. NO-CONTACT DELIVERY WE ARE OFFERING FREE FRONT STORE AND RX DELIVERIES you may need! Curbside Pickup & NOW HAVE A PORTABLE WIRELESS PIN PAD or In-Store Pickup We are asking our customers to follow the Covid-19 guidelines 306-435-2445 608 Birtle St. • Moosomin, SK • 306-435-3252 [email protected] 32 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, December 7, 2020

2020 We’re giving away more Shop than $20,000 worth of prizes What would in The World-Spectator’s LOCAL you do with Christmas Giveaway! The grand prize is $15,000 to be spent at and $ any or all of the participating businesses. WIN! 15,000? Here are a few ways you could spend Christmas Giveaway 2020 $15,000 if you are the winner:

What could you do with $15,000 at Erin’s I.D.A.? What could you do with $15,000 at Bradley’s GM? With $15,000 to spend at Erin’s IDA you could purchas a whole lot of everything including: DRIVE AWAY WITH A 500 Packages of Smart Sweets TWO-YEAR LEASE ON A 300 Dusty Sparrow 10 oz. Candles 2021 Chevrolet Silverado 62 Bottles of Jamieson C+D Custom D/C 4x4 Vitamins Purchase 150 $100 Store Gift Cards AND HAVE $2,500 CASH LEFT OVER! 50 Packages of Purex Ultra OR and do what you wish! Bathroom Tissue Donate, Gift to Family & Friends or use them yourself! As part of the Christmas Giveaway, you could win a As part of the Shop Local & Win Promotion, we will be giving away a Vehicle Health Check Package GIFT BASKET NOW INCLUDES FULL SYNTHETIC OIL! which will include a $50 store gift card as well as other Includes: Multi-point vehicle health check, Full brake inspection, items from the store (approximate value will be $150) Tire rotation, Oil & fi lter change with full synthetic oil We will be putting some of our UP TO $119.95 VALUE locally made and handmade items in as well! from Bradley’s GM ERIN’S I.D.A. PHARMACY “We Want To Satisfy You” 1-800-209-4628 422 Main Street | Esterhazy, SK 1102 PARK AVE. • MOOSOMIN, SK est. 1946 PHONE 306-435-3367 306-745-2525 WWW.BRADLEYGM.CA What could you do with $15,000 at Lee’s Carpet Warehouse? What could you do with $15,000 at McPhail Travel & Boutique? Purchase quality fl ooring, cabinets, counter With $15,000 you could have a NEW OUTFIT tops and new paint for a 1,500 sq. ft. home! each week for an ENTIRE YEAR! Or you could take a TRIP OF A LIFETIME!

As part of the Christmas Giveaway, you could win a GOURMET CHARCUTERIE As part of the Christmas Giveaway, you could win a GIFT PACK $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE (VALUED AT $175) from Lee’s Carpet Warehouse from McPhail Travel & Boutique

Lee’s Carpet Warehouse 628 MAIN STREET • MOOSOMIN, SK 613 Gordon Street 306-435-3906 Moosomin, SK [email protected] 306-435-3836

What could you do with $15,000 at Kullberg’s Furniture? What could you do with $15,000 at Sew Creative & Interiors Q Hunter Douglas PowerView blinds for the whole house! PowerView blinds operate independently, moving Kullberg’s BrandSource Home Furnishings and Appliances offers a wide variety of only when you choose to Appliances, Furniture, Mattresses & Accessories. We have thousands of products schedule them. to choose from, whether you are looking for kitchen appliances, laundry, living room furniture, bedroom furniture, mattresses, or fl at screen TVs. Q 3,759 metres of broadcloth FILL YOUR LIVING AREA WITH THESE GREAT BRANDS: Q 1000 pairs of pants hemmed Electrolux, Frigidaire, Samsung, Danby, Palliser, Ashley, La-Z– Boy, Dutailier, Best, Amisco, Décor-Rest, Sealy, Sterns & Forster, Defehr and The Little Shop As part of the Christmas Giveaway, As part of the Christmas Giveaway, you could win a you could win a $100 Gift Certifi cate $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE from Kullberg’s Furniture to Sew Creative & Interiors 346 KING ST. VIRDEN, MB Sew Creative & Interiors 204.748.3331 Moosomin, SK • 306-435-2518