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Friendly Endeavor, May 1933

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V o l u m e 1 2 , N u m b e r 5 . PORTLAND, OREGON May, 1933.

W H E R E H A V E O U R Q U E R I E S C O M E E D I T O R ' S N O T E FROM? H o w m a n y o f u s y o u n g e r F r i e n d s a r e "MOTHER KNOtVS" B y L Y R A M I L E S D A N N familiar with the Queries of our church? Perhaps they have seemed a tiresome A paper read at Salem Quarterly routine when we have heard them read. Meeting. B y E L L E N J . PA P P E The leading article gives a very in Do you love one another as becomes teresting account of the origin of the the followers of Christ? Nobody knows the work it takes Queries. I trust they shall mean more Are you careful of the reputation of To keep the home together. to u.s hereafter. o t h e r s ? N o b o d y k n o w s t h e s t e p s i t t a k e s — We are fortunate to have a young When differences arise do you make N o b o d y k n o w s b u t m o t h e r ; Christian Doctor, who, as you have not earnest effort to end them speedily? Nobody listens to childish woes iced, occasionally gives to us informa How often, when we listen to such W h i c h k i s s e s o n l y s m o t h e r ; tion which he has gleaned from obser queries and others like them, do we Nobody pained by the mighty blow. vation and study. In the article on realize that Friends have been stimu Nobody—only mother. "Hebrew Medicine" we are made to lated in self-examination by such ques realize that many of our so-called mod tions for almost two hundred years? Nobody knows of the sleepless care ern methods of sanitation and medical How did these queries originate? What Bestowed on baby brotier; care are not so modern after all. This changes have been made with the pass Nobody knows of the dreamless night. is possibly a new angle of Bible study ing years? How different are the to most of us, but we shall have anoth Nobody knows but mother. er viewpoint of the "supernatural" in queries used by Friends in different Nobody knows of the lessons taught parts of the world, are some of the Of loving one another; the Bible. Nobody knows of the patience sought, qu^tionsMost of that us arearoused familiar my with curiosity. the his- HEBREW MEDICINE toiy of early Friends and the fellowship Nobody—only mother. that grew with such startling vigor in By JOHN C. BROUGHER, M. D. the middle seventeenth century These Nobody knows of the anxious fears Although the science of general medi early Friends, because of their Maunch Lest darlings may not weather cine originated with the Greeks, the ness and devotion, bore the brunt of the Storms of this life in the coming years. ancient Hebrews were the first ones to persecution that accompanied thl strug N o b o d y k n o w s b u t m o t h e r. preach hygiene and to scientifically g l e f o r r e l i g i o u s l i b e r t y. ® Nobody knows of the tears that start. propound preventive medicine. Medi Twelve thousand Friends were im The grief she'd gladly smother; cine of the Old Testament portrays both prisoned between 1661 and 1689 Nobody knows of the breaking heart. Egyptian and Babylonian influence. The more than three hundred dierl . Nobody—only mother. social hygiene is a reflex of regulations, result of such suffering Filn^f the origin of which may be traced in influence who were at libertl nlL Nobody clings to the wayward child. the Pyramid Texts and in the papyri, with magistrates for the releale of tbo" Though scorned by every other; which are Egyptian writings. Dr. Max Lead it so gently from pathways wild, comrades, took care of fhL / Neuburger, of Vienna, states that there those imprisoned cared Nobody can but mother. can be no doubt as to the hygiene of their number who were Nobody knows of the hourly prayers the Pentaeeuch finding its model in the A general meeting of For him, our erring brother; priestly hygiene of the Egyptians; to England was called in 1668 Pride of the heart, once so pure and fair. this were later added ideas probably of to those suffering Tim ® minister Nobody—only mother. Babylonian origin with which the jews could have become familiar during the Babylonian captivity. The Egyptian origin of the Mosaic law giving is in "I THOUGHT OF YOU, MOTHER" dicated by the words of the New Testa gatherings. fiom these ment, "And Moses was learned in all What present prisoners? the wisdom of the Egyptians." Acts When a boy, Governor Russell, of 7:22. When^ ™^ny ,^discharged last year? Massachussetts, came near being The rules of life accepted by the an How many died prisoners^ drowned. The boat in which he was cient Hebrews were given as civic and George Fox saw that timco sailing was capsized and he had to swim religious orders and are scatteredly meetings were not enou^ more than a mile, but finally reached ■written into the Talmud as well as in Friends together so the shore in safety and when he reached the Ecclesiasticus. The Talmud hygi England, S^cottn'd and' home and told his mother what a long enic principles when compared with up district meetings whi^ distance he had to swim, she asked him modern hygiene show that they are terly, and later lonUih^^"'^^ how he jnanaged to hold out so long. worthy of study and have a scientific well. At these gather nL "^®®tings as "I thought of you, mother," replied the value. They undoubtedly influenced given in answer to tn leports were boy, "and kept on swimming." The the progress of this branch of medical Truth prospm-r.'UkhT'''°"' thought of mother helped him in the science. Even in the Dark Ages the with such commentr as moment of his greatest need, and thus Hebrew teachers emphasized the im- well and a great inp.-^.,' very saved his life not only to himself and portance of physical health. Thus, "truth spreadi several to his mother, but also to the state Sliamonides, the greatest Hebrew phil many convinced of late.'' and nation. osopher of the Mediaeval times, pointed The thought of mother has saved The instructions for out the importance of a sound body for many boys and girls, men and women, a healthy soul and mind. _ terly Meetings, taken fronT Qu^r- from sinking. Indeed, it has done The word for "physician" m Hebrew «««.er more than thai. The thought of moth is "rophe," derived from the root signi er has not only saved men from death, fying "alleviating or soothing;" another but it has inspired them to the most explanation is a word the same as the Sevti\h"nontrfvmw vSj-"- noble and heroic achievements. The Arabic, "rapha," meaning "to sew," al be made how it fs^ithVoT''^ thought of mother's love, mother's life, luding to the word "suture." The word mother's toil, mother's endless sacrifice, "physician" appears for the first time al'To^ dearneL^^'of 1 ^ mother's sleepless nights for our com in the Scriptures when mention is made fort and safety—thought of these things of the Egyptian slaves who embalmed have helped many souls over the rough Joseph's father; the word "rophein" house lepairs von^f.. etc at andwhich Steeplemeetings and dangerous places in life and finally being used for embalmers, the term for (Continued on page 2) into Father's house.—Ex. which is lacking in the Hebrew Ian- Page 2. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR May, 1933. May, 1933. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page S.

rect transmission from the lower ani uted much to Friends becoming promi €l)e friendly Endeavor mals to man; it also regarded the nent individuals in their communities, modes of such transmission as being by Editor in Chief Carol H. Lee many had accumulated wealth and with direct contact or through water, food, 10320 N. E. Shaver Street, Portland, Ore. it, "came a clogging of spiritual life." Associate Editor J. Emel Swanson s e c r e t i o n , s o i l o r a i r . T h i s i s i n a c Friends are advised, "that none trade cordance with the views of modern CHESTER A HADLEY 327 East 52nd Street. Portland, Oregon. beyond their ability, nor stretch beyond hygiene. The Bible even contained their compass, and that they use few S o c i e t y N e w s E d i t o r F l o r e n c e E i t t e r words in dealings, and keep their word 540 East Thirty-Second Street, Portland, Oregon quarantine laws. The Talmudists, See me Yearly neeltiig itirougn ilic CHurcli Winaov having the correct conception as to the in all things, lest they bring through Tithing Department Oscar Bro^vn sources of infection and the ways of its their forwardness, dishonor to the pre 1186 Borthwick Street, Portland, Oregon cious Ti-uth of God." B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r F r a n k C o l e spreading, developed further ways of A quaint Query from Kendall dates ANNOUNCING with but one family attending Sunday which shineth more and more as the 8217 Thirty-Third Ave. S. B., Portland, Oregon checking such diseases. Thus in order to prevent the spread of communicable f r o m t h i s p e r i o d , " W h e t h e r F r i e n d s School several miles away. Pray for days darken. Circulation Manager Eandall Dicus OREGON YEARLY MEETING this new venture and may it inspire It was said by Dr. Chalmers, when, 1082 East Salmon Street, Portland, Ore. diseases, the Talmudists urgently ad keep up their weekday meetings, ob vised the isolation of infected patients serving the hour appointed, and how other quarters. having to leave hurriedly a lecture to S. O. S. . The motion is made and h i s s t u d e n t s o n t h e c l o s i n g s c e n e s o f Published Monthly at 1082 East Salmon Street, and disinfection of clothing, and uten preserved out of dullness and sleepiness T H E D A T E , sils which came in contact Avith the in when met, and how such jas sit next seconded that every league member who this dispensation: "Young gentlemen, Portland, Oregon, by The Christian Endeavor fected patients. them that be overcome do discharge has a concern for helping in meetings think as you will about these matters, Union of Oregon Yearly Meeting of Friends. J U N E 1 4 - 1 8 , 1 9 3 3 They said: "Amputated organs of t h e i r b r o t h e r l y d u t y b y s t i r r i n g t h e m t h i s s u m m e r w i l l i n f o r m t h e E x e c u t i v e one thing is absolutely certain—the dis Committee. Do not depend on the air— Subscription Price, per year 75c contagious patients should be buried. up?" pensation of the Spirit ^vill close with a During an epidemic one should avoid The advises of this period, which de T H E P L A C E , m a i l a n s w e r n o w . smash." Entered as Second Class Matter. February 8, 1928, crowded places. Be careful of flies veloped along with the Queries are full Lest some have forgotten: Some Such expressions are being used today at the Post Office at Portland. Oregon, under that have been around a patient sick of curiou.s detail in regard to men's and NEWBERG, OREGON pledges made last June toward the tent by national leaders, many of whom have the Act of March 3. 1879. with a contagious malady. According women's clothing, house furnishings and meetings were not paid. Each pledge not been influenced by Biblical proph to tlie Talmud, the victim suffering care of gardems—but that is another in full would have balanced our books ecies. Plans are being made for a most in and permitted us to give ?5.00 toward from leprosy was strictly isolated; he story and cannot come in the scope of Dr. Einstein says civilization is crit t e r e s t i n g e v a n g e l i s t i c p r o g r a m f o r t h e the Friendly Endeavor. ^age. It is clear that in Biblical was obliged to make known his condi this paper. sessions of Oregon Yearly Meeting. ically sick. "It is as if the circulatory times, the term "physician" embraced F R E D E R I C K B A K E R , system of the whole economic organism individuals of differing knowledge and tion to the world. Water .suspected of ^"Do Friends avoid superfluous pro We are not able to definitely announce 214 E. 33rd Street, Portland, Oregon. contamination had to be boiled before visions at marriages and burials?" is all the features, but this one is settled were, throughout. Fatally 111." ability and no sharp line of demarcation another query that dates from this pe Sir Montagu Norman, governor of existed between the physician and the using. Heat and some antiseptic sub and will be of great interest to us all. stances were used for disinfecting cloth riod. It was a custom in northern The evening services will be in charge " C U R R E N T E V E N T S I N T H E L I G H T the Bank of England, says he can see practitioner of folk medicine. Never ing and utensils of infected patients. England to make births, marriages and of the Workers' League of the Yearly no remedy for the economic chaos of theless, by 200 B. C. the physician was OF PROPHECY" The Eabbis emphasized again and again burials an occasion for feasting. At Meeting. This group of young people, the world which "drifts little by little e v i d e n t l y h e l d i n h o n o r a s i s s h o w n b y the importance of cleanliness. They such times thirty to one hundred pounds into worse and worse conditions." the following passage from the Wisdom under the direction of the Superintend warned against living in a town where of cheese would be secured and all who Many things are transpiring in these of Jesus the son of Sirach (Ecclesiasti- ent and Frederick Baker, the President, Speaking on the occasion of the Lord t h e r e w e r e n e i t h e r p h y s i c i a n s n o r b a t h came were given bread and cheese. times, and all who "love His appearing" cus XXXVIII); "Honor a physician will arrange for the various ministers a r e a s t h e y o f H i s fi r s t a d v e n t , w h e n Mayor's banquet in London, he said, ing facilities. They commanded that Each meeting seems to have devel of the League to speak from night to "The difficulties are so vast, forces so w i t h t h e h o n o r d u e u n t o h i m f o r t h e oped its own queries and as elders and "the people were in expectation, and all limited and so novel, and the precedent u s e s y o u m a y h a v e o f h i m , f o r v e r i l y the hands be washed before each meal night. Another feature which we are overseers were appointed, queries were men mused in their hearts." The situ so lacking, that our approach to the the Lord hath created him, for from the and advised rinsing the mouth after hoping will materialize is the coming of ation in Russia, in Germany, in China, meals to prevent the diseases of teeth used as a guide in fulfilling their duties. the Quaker Quartet from Boise Quar whole subject is not only in ignorance Most High Cometh healing, and from As new problems, leaders in the and the call of the President of the but in humility. 'It is too great for the King he shall receive a gift." and gums. They recommended drink terly Meeting, to sing for us. This U. S. A. for a world conference, all meeting would feel "a concern" in re "The skill of the physician shall lift up ing plenty of water and frequent mouth quartet has been singing over the air have their signification; but just now washing to prevent offensive odor from gard to the matter. Gradually the in Idaho and has a wide spread reputa Harry Carr, news specialist of The his head and the sign of great men shall general membership would endorse the tion in that State. The inspirational I am not free to write of them. It is Los Angeles Times, predicts that "the be admired." "The Lord created medi j the mouth. They further state, "It is advisable to wash the face and hands, concern and finally a query would be hour in the morning is to be filled with my desire to be clear in presenting a international situation is bound to go cines out of the earth and a prudent legs and eyes every day." It is very formulated. "The result is that the m e s s a g e s f r o m d i f f e r e n t m i n i s t e r s o f message and not write, just to write. boom." He tells of conditions preced man will have no disgust with them." growth of the Queries gives a pretty the Yearly Meeting. The eight o'clock So this month I shall bring to those of ing the fall of Rome and concludes: "Was not water made sweet with wood important to wash the clothes often and to change them every day. The clothes clear revel.ation of the development of morning devotional hour is being ar you who are interested in this feature "Conditions are far too similar for com- that the virtue thereof might be of the Friendly Endeavor, an article by worn in the kitchen are not to be worn the moral problems of the Society." known." "He gave men skill that they ranged for and will be a time of rich Keath L. Brooks in "PROPHECY," in the dining room. Coins must not be During the early eighteenth century, blessing. ^°The editor of the Tribune might be glorified in His marvelous which may be more profitable than any put in the mouth nor food in unclean the Queries in use in England and Ire Pray much for the coming meetings; said in a convention of newspaper men: works." land were collected and arranged for reduced as we are in material blessings, thing I might write. The article fol "All over the world government is in a places. Drinking from unclean glasses l o w s i n f u l l : That the physicians received payment may do harm. AVhen tasting soup do the general use of the Irish National we need more than ever to pray for d e c l i n e . " _ f o r t h e i r l a b o r , f o l l o w s f r o m E x o d u s not pour the remains back into the pot. Meetings. Twenty years later London spiritual outpourings. God has been 1933—and the Human Race is Sick Lloyd George of England expresses 21:18-20, where we read, "And if men Yeai-ly Meeting made a similar collect his fear of universal bankruptcy event If you bite into a slice of bread, do not good to us. Praise His Name! "The wicked shall do wickedly, and strive together and one smite another offer it to another to eat because it is ion and they were definitely adopted to By way of suggestion, turn to minute ually. with a stone or with his fist * * jf be used in each meeting as a disciplin none of the wicked shall understand, injurious. The household, streets and 57, page 20, of last year's minutes and but the wise shall understand." (Daniel One of England's leading bankers he rise again and walk abroad upon his yards are to be cleaned regularly. In a r y r o u t i n e . study the proposed Disciplinary change says the trouble is that we have devel staff, then shall he that smote him be The following Queries are the result 12:10). order to prevent the spread of infection, regarding ministers. It will help you These are the words of the Prophet oped a world economy, but with it q u i t ; o n l y h e s h a l l p a y f o r t h e l o s s o f of this revision and were sent to indi to speak intelligently on the matter. there has not come a world authority. do not spit on the floor of public baths Daniel concerning the end times. The his time and to cause him to be thor or in the presence of others, because it vidual meetings with the instructions: C. A. H. The author of a recent book, "The Apostle Paul, who wrote by inspiration o u g h l y h e a l e d . " is not a sign of good breeding. It is "Let all our answers to this Meeting's Revolt of the Masses," senses this same and other Queries be plain and explicit; many centuries later, said of the close The Old Testament actually contains necessary for inhabitants of large cities CHRISTIAN WORKERS' LEAGUE situation when he writes: "Before long let a due sense of the State of the of this age: "Evil men and impostors there will be heard throughout the no little amount concerning medicine in to bathe more often than those of small shall wax worse and worse, deceiving the strict sense of the word. Thus, we t o w n s f o r t h e r e a s o n t h a t t h e a i r i n Church prevail on your Minds rather I told you so! Idaho has already planet, a formidible cry rising like the than an unwillingness to appear defect and being deceived." (II. Timothy 3:13) find mention of epidemics, leprosy, con large cities contains more foreign mat asked for four tent meetings: Melba, As we review the world news of 1932 howling of innumerable dogs, for some ditions of lameness and contractures, t e r . " P r o f e s s o r I . F i s h e r a n d D r . L . ive among your Ilrethren." Center Point, Woodland and Kainiah. one to take command, to impose an oc 1. Are the meetings for worship and just closing, there can be but one con mental and infectious diseases, congen Fisk rightfully noticed that superclean- It is time that the meetings in Wash clusion: The Human Race is Sick. The cupation, a duty." What an opportu ital abnormalities, diseases of the .skin l i n e s s p r o b a b l y e x p l a i n s t h e e x t r a o r d i discipline duly attended, and do Friends ington and Oregon get in their requests cause of its malady is descidbed by the nity for the "man of sin!" and deformities. Ezekiel refers to avoid all unbecoming behaviour therein? if they want a tent meeting this sum nary low mortality among the Jewish Prophet Isaiah: "As fire devoureth The results of the election in the the treatment of fractures and speaks rabbis. (To be continued) 2. Are love and unity preserved mer. stubble and flame consumeth chaff, so United States have shown clearly that of binding up the fracture with a roller amongst you; and do you discourage The Workers' League of Boise Valley their root shall be rottenness and their the Church has lost its voice, and the for the purpose of healing. (Ezekiel all tale-bearing and detraction? Quarter is arousing itself and the report blossoms shall go up in dust, because same anti-god spirit that today has left 30:21). The commands of Moses con (Continued from page 1) 3. Is it your care, by example and is encouraging. A gospel team has they have cast away the law of the Russia without moral sense, is creeping cerned prophylaxis and suppression of an account is to be brought from every precept, to train up your children in been formed just recently and since that Lord of hosts and despised the word of over the nation. The party clamoring epidemics, the care of the skin, baths, particular meeting in the country, either godly conversation, and in frequent time eight meetings have been held, six the Holy One of Israe ." (Isaiah 5:24). for liquor is in full control. food, hou.sing and clothing. Many of by word or writing, so that you may be reading of the Holy Scriptures, as also sermons preached and two platform These prophets and others, all picture Is there a message for the world? these commands, such as the hygiene of satisfied that the Lord's truth and in plainness of speech, behaviour and meetings held. A meeting was held the complete disintegration of civiliza There is, but it is doubtful if the world the camp, are, in view of the condition power are kept up over their oppres apparel ? at Greenleaf in the evening and at tion, not in one land, but in the world, will heed it. Science seems to have of the time and climate, surprisingly sion; and that His people be clear peo 4. Do_ you bear a faithful and Chris Knovvlton Heights in the morning, a offered nothing constructive. Some tian testimony against the receiving or until, as in the days of Noah, "every rational, and even in the light of mod ple before Him in truth and uprightness morning and evening service at Melba imagination of the heart of man is only great leaders have repeatedly predicted ern science are to be commended. In o f h e a r t . " 1 6 8 1 . paying tithes, priests' demands, or and an all-day meeting at Boise. Caleb evil continually," the wicked cannot un prosperity just around the corner, and all these sanitary laws, the Levites as As religious liberty was granted and those called church-rates ? and Joshua have been out exploring derstand the trend of things, the power every time conditions grow worse in 5. Are Friends careful to avoid all the land for new points for the estab t h a t i s b e h i n d t h e s c e n e s o r w h a t t h e stead of better. One writer says: sumed the function of health officers. persecution less severe, very different lishment of Sunday Schools. A good The Talmud considered two main causes problems arose during the eighteenth vain sports, places of diversion, gaming outcome will be. "But the wise shall "W« live in a world today at a complete and all unnecessary frequenting of ale- report comes in of Arena Valley which loss. No one has a solution of the of communicable diseases: the direct century. A tradition was well devel has 75 children of grade school age. understand"—and the wise are those .spreading of man to man, and the indi oped by this time, honesty had contrib (Continued on page 4) who go by the sure word of prophecy w o r l d ' s i l l s . " THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 4. May, 1933. May, 1933. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page 5.

But Isaiah has given the diagnosis rying of a heavy image about the ble Spirit of the Gorge, muttering a few 7. Is early care taken to advise and the services the meeting at Springbrook Builders' Supplies Electric Supplies (above). The world's only hope is in streets of the city in procession until gutteral words of petition that he may deal with such as appear inclinable to was dismissed and united with the serv the shoulders are blistered and bleed Paints, Glass, Roofing getting back to fundamental things— not be dragged over the edge to his m a r r y c o n t r a r y t o t h e r u l e s o f o u r i c e s a t C h e h a l e m C e n t e r . first things. The Church has failed d e s t r u c t i o n . A s h e p a u s e s b y t h a t ing, or crawling on the knees through Society? And do no Friends remove Wilmer Brown is spending his vaca because so many of its leaders must long, dusty, hot, cobble-stone streets to beautiful, trickling, gurgling spring by f r o m o r i n t o y o u r M o n t h l y o r Tw o - tion at the home of his parents, Mr. and Hawthorne themselves rediscover the fundamental the church will be considered sufficient the roadside, a quid of the stupifying weeks Meetings without certificates? Mrs. Dillon Brown. He brought Jesse things of Christ. Whether the Lord penance for rape, robbery or murder, or plant is tossed to the Spirit of the 8. Have you two or more faithful Bacon, also a student of the Bible In will tarry long enough for the Church secure the favor of the desired saint. Spring that he might not enter his body Friends deputed in each particular to awaken to the signs of the times stitute, home with him. Hardware B y t h r o A v i n g o n e ' s c l o a k o r s h a w l i n as hedrinks, producing a prolonged and meeting, to have the oversight thereof? D e n v e r H e a d r i c k a n d D e n n i s M i l l s and reemphasize the Gospel, is a ques t h e w a y o f t h e w e a r y p i l g r i m o n e m a y painful sickness. And so with the and is care taken when anything ap took a group of fourteen to a County tion. become a sharer in the merits of the K. L. MENDENHALL rivers that must be forded and the dense p e a r s a m i s s , t h a t t h e r u l e s o f o u r d i s Christian Endeavor rally at Yamhill, "The wise shall understand" and "the pilgrimage. At death the Church bell jungles that must be penetrated. Each cipline be put in practice? faithful and wise servant" is he who, in must be tolled and paid for or the soul Saturday afternoon, April 8th. T A b o r 0 4 3 5 mysterious and awesome place is inhab 9. Do you keep a record of your The Christian Endeavor held the the waning of the age, "gives meat in will not enter heaven. Souls may be ited by some spirit and must be stupi- 1078 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore- due season." (Matthew 24:45). He Monthly Meetings of the persecutions monthly business meeting and social at prayed out of purgatory if they are fied or appeased by some offering! and sufferings of your respective mem the home of Elmer Green, Saturday knows the right kind of spiritual food paid for. If not paid for there is no Little do they know that the Heavenly bers? and have you a record of your t o s e r v e a n d h e k n o w s h i s d a y o f o p Father is looking doivn upon them and night, April 1st. It was an April hope. What ray of hope do you see meeting houses, burial grounds, etc. ? Fools party, but the ice cream and cake rates" was next presented by Ralph portunity. Let every true Christian for the most devout? They are as longs to walk by their side, liberating and is due care taken to register all seek to witness by life and lip as never w e r e v e r y r e a l . Choate. Wallace Beckett then gave a really wthout Christ as the darkest t h e m f r o m a l l t h e i r e n e m i e s . " F e a r marriages, births and burials? are toast on "Tempests," followed by a before, for heathen! Their "Christ" is an image— M a r y M i l l s a n d L e l a G u l l e y s p e n t a n o t , I a m w i t h t h e e , " i s n o t k n o ^ v n t o tithes of your meeting-houses, burial week's vacation at home between terms " C h r i s t i s s u r e l y c o m i n g ours a living Savior. Let them have them. song, "Out on the Deep," sung by Harold grounds, etc., duly preserved and re at Normal School. Roberts and accompanied by Elaine To take His rightful throne. OURS! Enter that scattered jungle village corded, and are all legacies and dona S e t t l e . A f t e r " S h o a l s , " b y J o h n R o b To wear the gold and silver crowns If Romanism were all, that would be with me. From the windowless, grass- tions properly secured, carefully re GREENLEAF erts, the program was brought to a L a i d u p f o r H i m a l o n e . sufficient motive for every sacrifice on roofed mud hut near the edge of the corded and duly appealed? All kings of earth, in terror. our part to make known unto them close by "Ship Ahoy," given by the edge of the village we hear the strains Two years later, in 1742, another An L. T. L. Contest was held Sunday Junior Class President, Lois Roberts. Uncrown at His footstool; J e s u s . B u t l e t u s l o o k f o r a f e w m o of a mournful chant, now low and sooth Query in regard to bearing arms was evening, the 9th, at the Center Point Two Sophomore girls, dressed in blue F o r t h e L o r d i s s u r e l y c o m i n g . ments at some of their superstitious ing, now shrill and terrible, sung to the added: "Do you bear a faithful and Whose right it is to rule." school house, where Everett Tuning is and white uniforms, and two boys wdth p r a c t i c e s a n d t h e i r r e l i g i o u s s i g n i fi tune of weird music and accompanied Christian testimony against paying and waiter's caps, acted as waitresses and EDGAR P. SIMS, Salem, Ore. cance. The Indian dwells in the realm by a dull heavy rattle. As we approach pastor. The silver medal was awarded receiving tithes, and against bearing to Dorothy Dean Piessall, the second waiters. of the Spiritual. His traditions tell the low door and stoop to peer in we arms; and do you admonish such as The Banquet menu was planned and of a once purer knowledge of the Cre see the quiet form of a young hunter and third winners being rated only a B O I S E R E V I V A L are unfaithful therein?" furnished by the Junior mothers. a t o r w h o m h e n o w f e a r s a n d c a n i n n o stretched upon the dirt floor. He has fraction of a point below. wise approach. His prayers must be been killed in the chase. The mother, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS Preparatory to the wedding bells Our revival from March 5th to 19th addressed to the Devil and to evil spir which have been ringing in Greenleaf grief-stricken, has arisen from the floor f o r m a y SECOND FRIENDS, PORTLAND was quite successful. its. Sacrifices must be made to pro upon which she had fallen prostrate as in the last two months, the Brides-to- The Evangelists were Frederick tect himself against evil spirits and the the corpse was home into the hut. be, Ruth Myers and Ila Tozier, were Baker and Edward Harmon. They were each given a surprise shower. Many Lents has been busy the past month s p i r i t s o f h i s a n c e s t o r s . P u l m o n i c d i s Upon arising she has put about her Phihpp.ans 1:21; LukeAmbitions." 11:43. earning points for the Chart. A word very humble and depended upon the ease, headache and other little ills are ankles and wrists bracelets and anklets lovely and useful gifts rere received as Lord. They preached the Word of (Consecration meeting). to the wise—w^e are not verj' far behind ascribed to mali^ant spirits who enter of cows' and deer's hoofs. As she w e l l a s c o u n t l e s s w i s h e s f o r h a p p i n e s s a certain other society that has_ a large God in power, and under the anointing their bodies while they sleep with the dances to the piping of a crude flute, P r o b l e m s i n and success through life. and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and number of points to jts credit. On mouth open. Evil spirits may enter the hoofs rattle and the mother lifts (Mothers'It > 1^®" Day). Ephesians 6:1-4. Mr. and Mrs. William Benedict have were fearless in denouncing sin and bold the body by way of the mouth, nose, her voice in the chant in an effort to moved into the parsonage and the ar April 9th the Christian Endeavor took in declaiing God's love and mercy. charge of the evening Church service. eyes, ears or other openings of the body possession of her boy. As the hours SriU Without Christ?" Acts 16: rangement is very satisfactory, as Mrs. Their messages were clear and inspired or head. Hence the custom of wearing extricate the evil spirit that has taken Harris has not fully recovered from her Ralph Lewis was responsible for the God's children to lay hold of His Word long illness. program which was indeed well pro huge ear-rings, nose-rings, piercing the flit by she grows frantic in her efforts We be True to the duced. The different parts of the with greater faith and confidence, and to restore life and leaps into the air The J. T. Settle family has moved lips and the painting of the face and Missionary Spirit of Jesus?" Mat from Greenleaf Hill to the Joe Root service: Prayer, testimony, offering, brought deep conviction upon the un body. The more ugly the ring or paint beating her breast and falling heavily thew 28:16-20. addresses—all were conducted by mem saved. God honored the truth and the more efficacious against the sprites. to the ground. As the body is borne place in Deer Flat. gave gracious victory. There were 75 We are glad to report that Marie bers of the Senior Christian Endepor. definite experiences, of which 31 were It is also believed that evil spirits to the village burying ground the mother Settle is recovering after being confined Short talks on "What Christian Endeav children. The day meetings with the may attach themselves to the finger and and the sisters weep and cry out, leap S o c i e t y N o t e s to her bed for nearly a month. or Means to Me," "The Importance of boys and girls were good. The attend toenails. As a civilized father might ing and dancing in a frenzy. The A surprise birthday party was given Being an Active Christian Endeavor ance increased 400%, and they were in deposit a sum of money in the bank for corpse is bound and buried in a shallow STAR Mrs. Pauline Myers the 8th of April. Member," and "The Importance of terested in the illustrated messages of the future benefit of his son, so the grave in a sitting posture that the soul A n u m b e r o f h e r f r i e n d s g a t h e r e d a t Young People in the Church," were the evangelists. Indian father guards the fallen locks of might be the more readily reborn in Several of the Star members attend- the home of Louise Pearson where they given by the younger members of the The attendance at all the services was hair and the nail-trimmings of his little the form of some animal. For the ® rr^^e Holiness meeting on March 14th. were enjoyably entertained. society. Vocal and instrumental duets were a special feature. Ralph Lewis, good. sonto guard him against mysterious space of a month the women mourners The Quaker Quartet, Win. Murphy, A contest was staged between the We thank God for permitting them to dangers to which he may be exposed. visit the fresh grave every day, chant Clayton Brown, Wm. Benedict and Clare Seniors and Intermediates to see who the outgoing president, gave the Inspi come our way and for His blessing and When an Aymara Indian wishes to harm ing and wailing, dancing and falling, Howard, have again started singing could get the most people to promise to rational Address and Dell Lamb, new the many answers to prayer and for the an enemy, he procures a lock of his bail imploi-ing the evil spirits that took away oyer the radio from Boise on Tuesday attend the Pep Banquet at Star. The president, presented a paper on "Look v i c t o r i e s w o n . or a piece of his nail and inters them in their loved one not to return and take n i g h t s a t 8 : 3 0 . Endeavor losing was to entertain the ing Forward," giving us a challenge We recommend them to any Monthly a tomb, being sure that the Chullpa, or another member of the family. A Women's Christian Temperence other at a social. The Intermediates and the plan for the new year. With Meeting or Church desiring the full death spirit, residing in the tomb will Pass with me to the other side of the Union Medal Contest was held at the are waiting for their party. the installation of new officers, the Gospel preached. Correspondent. take hold of the person to whom the village. Here we witness another «'iends Church during the regular En On March 31st at the W.inslow home, meeting came to a close. It was a hair or nails has belonged. heart-breaking scene. The little pro deavor hour March 19th. Those who the Juniors of Greenleaf Academy en great benefit and blessing to our mem As the tobacco so the cocaine is re cession bearing the stilled form of a took part from Star were Doris Fran- tertained the Seniors at the annual bers and an inspiration to the older ON THE THRESHOLD OF A CONTI garded as a means of enhancing the woman passes out to the burial place. son, Pearl Beeson and Bobby Ralphs. members of our Church. NENT—BOLIVIA banquet. The color scheme of blue ma^cal powers of the body, and as an Bound upon her stilled breasts we see That same evening Mr. Wlm. Murphy and silver was used. To the center On April 14th, the Society met at the efficacious antidote against evil spirits. the tiny form of a crying babe, now de gave a concert, giving the message in piece—a small ship sailing on a blue home of Thelma and Lloyd Smith for (Continued from August number) Such superstitions are easily explained prived of its nourishment. Arriving song on "The Life and Ministry of sea—were attached blue and silver the monthly business meeting and so at the freshly-made grave the two forms, B a b y d o l l s c a l l e d " e l n i n o J e s u s " ( t h e from the stimulating effects of the plant. Christ." streamers, one of which extended to cial. It was at this meeting that the Child Jesus), are the objects of rever Quichuas and Aymaras are wont to the one cold and lifeless, the other Mr. Ezra Pearson, former pastor of each plate. Small silver anchors new officers took charge. We found ence as well as that of Christ on the throw quids of cocaine into precipices warm and wriggling, are wrapped in a Star, preached at the Friends Church. served as place cards. The light was that the Ft-iendly Endeavor fund is Cross. They do not worship Christ— and other dangerous places in the moun grass mat and lowered into the grave. furnished by two peach candles, which progressing very nicely. The social they worship the image. The sacrifice tains which they have to pass in their The baby sobs are soon smothered with SPRINGBROOK stood one at each end of the long table. time was enjoyed very much, especially of food that the ignorant Indians leave wanderings, in order to stupefy the evil the falling clods and the little proces After two delightful courses were by the jig-saw fans. Easter cards at the feet of the image testify to this. spirits residing there. Among the sion, excepting tlie women, move back We greatly appreciated the week-end made into puzzles were put togteher in to the village. served, our toastmaster. Bob Macy, There are as many "cristos"—Christs Aymaras the number of mysterious conference conducted by the students of began the program with the welcome to record time. A special feature was to —as there are images of Christ. There spirits, called achachillas, is (To be Concluded) the Portland Bible Institute. The spe the Seniors. The response was given watch some of the girls race eating are white "Christs" and Black "Christs." See that poor burdened Indian as he cial singing and searching messages by the Senior Class President, Ruth hard boiled eggs without the help _ of Christs? Yes, Christs in abundance tops the summit of yonder hill. Paus (Continued from page 2) were an inspiration iand blessing to Williams. A toast, "Launching of the their hands and upon finishing to drink but no Living Christ in Heaven inter ing fearfully before the highest pinna houses or taverns, excess in drinking, those who attended. A basket dinner Ship." was given by Rev. Fred Harris, a glass of salt water. The boys were ceding for them, no Saving Christ. An cle he hurls a quid of cocaine to the and intemperance of every Idnd? was served in the church at noon, giv followed by another toast, "The Cargo," then asked to talk to a girl for two Indulgence, or license to sin without Spirit of the Summit that it might not 6. Are Friends just in their dealings ing an opportunity for a social time b y J o y M c l n t y r e . N e x t w a s s e r v e d minutes on any subject. Following g u i l t , f o r t h i r t y, s i x t y o r n i n e t y d a y s , fall upon him and ci-ush him. Watch and punctual in fulfilling their engage together. the dessert course, after which Wallace this the girls left the room and the boys may be purchased for a few cents from him as he descends the zig-zag trail on ments? And are they advised careful Denver Headrick, our pastor, held a Beckett, accompanied by Miss Elaine had to describe the appearance of his the priest. A long pilgidmage to a the very brink of the great precipice. ly to inspect the state of their affairs two-weeks revival service at Chehalem Settle at the piano, sang "I'm waiting partner. Many of the girls found out distant "cristo" or "santo," or the car Again he huls his offering to the terri once in the year? Center. On the last Sunday night of f o r S h i p s T h a t N e v e r C a m e I n . " ' " P i - that they had on most peculiar cos- Page 6. THE FRIENDLY ENDEAYOR May, 1933.


NEWBERG, OREGON A Liberal Education under the best Christian influence at a minimum expense. Departments of Philosophy, and Religious Education, Psychology and Education, History and Political Science, Economics and Sociology, English, German, French, Spanish, Mathematics and Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Public Speaking, Home Economics, etc. For Catalogue and Full Information, Address LEVI T. PENNINGTON, President Pacific College, Newberg, Oregon tumes, some that they had never owned. still lay claim to the regulation 250 We are glad to have Jack Laughlin points, and it is the sincere wish of the b a c k w i t h u s a g a i n . J a c k h a s b e e n i n writer that each one of you may come Heacock Sash & Door Co. the hospital for weeks, suffering from a to Conference with your Chart indicat broken leg that was made so in a i n g " 2 5 0 p o i n t s f o r 1 9 3 3 F r i e n d l y E n HEA motorcycle accident. Although he has deavor quota paid in full." to use crutches, he is now able to come The various standings as of April 22, out again. 1933, were as follows: Paid Bal. due SOUTH SALEM Meeting 1933 1933 * B e t h a n y $ . . . . $ 3 . 0 0 Yes, South Salem is still alive and *Boise 11.00 215 SECOND STREET going strong, even if you have not Chehalem Center .... 11.00 .... C o r n e r S a l m o n heard from us. We attended the Entiat 5.00 PORTLAND, OREGON Banquet almost 100%, and did we have *Greenleaf 5.00 16.00 We give the best prices and service on a good time! *Kelso 10.00 We have been having some very good L e n t s 2 . 0 0 1 8 . 0 0 Doors, Windows, Mill Work, Builders' meetings since we reorganized last Oc *Marion 2.50 Hardware, Paint, Roofing, etc. We be t o b e r. C h e s t e r H a d l e y t o o k c h a r g e o f Melba 2.20 13.80 lieve in Quaker honesty and fair dealing. both Christian Endeavor and regular Middleton 3.50 evening church service the first Sunday Newberg 15.00 .... of April, when he showed us the pic *Piedmont 12.50 tures of Helen's trip and also the Ore *Quilcene 5.00 Dr. Geo. B. Pratt gon Yearly Meeting pictures. *Rosedale 3.50 We had election of officers recently, S c o t t s M i l l s 4 . 0 0 4 . 5 0 when the following officers were elect *South Salem 3.50 8.50 Optometrist ed: President, Paul Edmundson; Vice- Shenvood 2.50 MOVED TO President, lola Koop; Secretary and Springbrook 4.11 4.89 201 ALDERWAY BUILDING Treasurer, Rachel Pemberton; Prayer Sunnyside 25.83 9.67 Cor. Broadway and Alder Meeting Committee, Evelyn De Vries; Stai 16.00 Lookout, Robert Brown; Missionary, Tacoma 2.50 9.50 Glasses Right — Prices Right Max Pemberton; Social, lola Koop. * V a l l e y M o u n d 4 - 0 0 O u r l a s t b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g w a s h e l d V a n c o u v e r 2 . 5 0 2 . 5 0 Make "The Optical Shop" your at the home of Victor and lola Koop. where we had a "Jig-Saw-Puzzle- ^Indicates 1932 quota unpaid. "Optical Shop" Party." WEDDING BELLS INTRODUCING OUR NEW MISSION officiated, the contracting parties using ARY the Friends' ceremony. The Rev. At a beautiful wedding at the Green- Anson Cox, aged grandfather of the Without answering one of the ques leaf church Tuesday evening, with 850 bride, offered prayer. tions required by Oregon Yearly Meet guests present. Miss Ha Tozier, of this After congratulations, an informal community, became the bride of Rev. \ reception was held at the Tozier home ing, Velda Rachel Tamplin arrived on Robert Baker, of New Meadows. t h e fi e l d i n L a P a z e a r l y t h i s m o n t h . with a large number of guests present. Ernest Frahm, of Boise, played a Both the bride and groom are grad (Date announced later). A cable from violin solo, accompanied at the piano by Carroll said, "Velda Rachel and mother uates of Taylor University, Upland, In Mrs,_ Lloyd Armstrong. Mrs. Marie diana, and the bride is also a graduate doing nicely." Congratulations to the Williams, of Caldwell, sang "Because" Tamplins from Oregon Yearly Meeting. of Nurse's Training School, Good Sa b y D ' H a r d e l o t . A s t h e s t r a i n s o f M e n maritan Hospital, Poi-tland, Oregon. delssohn's wedding march were played T h e b r i d e g r o o m w a s a f o r m e r i n s t r u c t o r T H E F I N A N C E S by Mrs. Armstrong, little Willa Hirst, of violin at Taylor University. He is dressed in a dainty frork of blue silk, now the pastor of the Methodist Church No doubt most of the readers of The bearing the rings on a cushion, entered at New Meadows, Idaho, where they Friendly Endeavor know that e.xtra the front door and marched down the cvill make their home. points (were tto be Igiven to the first white crepe paper carpeted aisle. She three who raised their 1933 quotas in was followed by Miss Margaret Jackson, full. Those three can now be pub the bridesmaid, who was gowned in a A pretty home wedding was solem lished, as Newberg completed its quota frock of pink silk and carried a bouquet nized March ;23rd at 9:00 a. m., when in April (to place third) and receives 50 of pink and white sweet peas. Ruth Meyers became the bride of Albert points in addition to the 250 given for Following her the bride, dressed in a Cammack, at the bride's home. Green- the 1933 quota being paid in full. charming gown of white satin and brid leaf, Idaho. The ceremony was wit Sunnyside Intermediates may claim an al Veil, and carrying a shower bouquet nessed only by relatives and close additional 100 points for being first to go of pastel shaded sweet peas, entered the friends, was performed by Rev. Charles over the top, and Chehalem Center may diurch on the arm of her father, T. Moore, assisted by Rev. Fred Harris. add an extra 75 points to their total for Edward Tozier. The couple were attended by Lois Tish being the second Society to complete From the rear of the church, the and Lyman Meyers. their 1933 payments. Congratulations, pastor, the Rev. Fred Harris, entered, A delicious wedding breakfast was Sunnyside Intermediates, Chehalem followed by the best man, William Ray, seiwed, after which the bride and groom Center and Newberg. All the other of Caldwell, who was followed by the l e f t i m m e d i a t e l y f o r t h e i r h o m e a t Societies must not forget that they may bridegroom. The pastor, Fred Harris, Rosedale, Oregon.