Powder RELIABLE Ef White Silk with Blue Velvet Sleeves and Some Appearance , Made Additionally at COOK Triniraluss
THE OMAHA "DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 19, 1803-TWENTY PAGES. - Mrs. A. Hominpton , Mr. nnd Mrs. II, McCor- t.ilnlng , ns was ovlncctf on this occason. a complimentary dinner at Manror'a now P. Pock, MlM JesMo SOCIETY IN WAR Mlllnrd. Miss Koslo for their work , but Mian A ml rows went right 7:30: p. m. Younp as- ¬ PAINT tnlck , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Learned , MUs- Progressive high five fea- ¬ , wrre at the Men's ChrUtlftn wai the principal restaurant which qulto nn olnborMo Woolworth of Albany , Mls Mfcliora Wool-- aho.in COO Hughes. , , , with the result that about of sociation hall , nnd nil the friends Miss Nnsh Miss Webster Miss ture of the evening , Mr. O. Sehlorstcin being affair Those present , besides Mr , Gamble , worth. of the Omaha's servants arc Interested In the sub-¬ work nro naked como Hcsslo Yfitcs. Miss Oontio Yntes , Miss nwariled the lirst gentleman's prize nnd Miss were : Messrs. H. A Taylor , M. , to and bring either ono J. Oonradt The decorations were lovely and quite ject to nn con- ¬ Wnkeloy. Miss Cady , Miss Col- - E. such oxtcnt that they nro or moro books , old or now , or 10 cents to Mlsi Hums. Hattie Wright the first lady's honor , whtlo- D. CXible , Gamble and F. W- . elaborate , roses dis- ¬ potzer. Mitts and smllnx beltur well stantly In attendance upon thoovonlnt ? class. swell the library fund. Functions that Have Illumined the Social Woolworth , Miss S. Woolworth , Mrs. T. C. WIdlok nnd Mr. James W. Honk .Hlehardi. Ij. 09- played throughout rooms. The dining , the But the attendance is not confined to girls The musical program will bo nsv follows ! Miss Curtlss Miss Dandy.
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