Sustainability Report Corporate Shared Message Profile Value from the Administration Creation

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Sustainability Report Corporate Shared Message Profile Value from the Administration Creation 18 sustainability report Corporate Shared Message Profile Value from the Administration Creation Foreword Attachments Context summary 20 years transmitting more than energy In 2019, we will celebrate, in Brazil, 20 years of contributions to well-being, quality of life, and the development of the communities in our concession area. More than just transmitting energy, we are concerned with caring for the planet and promoting connections towards a future without frontiers and without barriers. This is the legacy that we seek to leave to future generations, since we are convinced that where there are connections, there is life. Message from the Administration 621 million in “Green Bonds,” the first issue Message from within the transmission sector under this the administration classification. In this scenario, Fitch confirmed GRI 102-14 the credit rating for ISA CTEEP as Investment Grade at ‘AAA (bra)’, with a stable outlook. The year 2018 was undoubtedly one of the best in the history of ISA CTEEP. Our sound financial performance reflected positively on the market, with the price of our We are proud to present in this report our preferred shares traded in the stock market financial and operational performance, and increasing by 24%, reaching a price of BRL our contribution to relevant topics such as 75.74 per TRPL4 share, the then highest social, environmental, and technological historical price recorded, and which continues agendas. It was a year marked by significant to set new records. We also increased value results in all our fronts, totally aligned with creation for our shareholders with the our achievements in recent years and that distribution of approximately BRL 2 billion consolidate our position as a leading-edge in earnings, the highest amount since the company in the transmission segment of the Company was incorporated. Brazilian electricity sector. In operational terms, we raised our levels of Our strong cash generation was one of efficiency, quality, and safety. In this sense, the highlights in the year. In 2018, we one of the most significant indicators was the reached the first cycle of receivables for Non-Supplied Energy Index—which for years non-amortized assets existing in May 2000 has qualified our company as a benchmark in de Remuneração Regulatória), to allow (RBSE), arising from the process to extend the electricity sector—having registered our companies to have the necessary conditions the concession term. Net operating income best result in the last 15 years. to maintain the quality of their operations in IFRS totaled BRL 3.2 billion and the and continue to invest. consolidated EBITDA in IFRS, pursuant to Another relevant point in 2018 was the ICVM 527/12, reached BRL 2.5 billion with a Company’s participation in the tariff review Growth remains as one of the vectors of projects in the ANEEL transmission auction 78% margin. The consolidated net income in process. We remain attentive to the definition our strategy. Last year, the Company’s held in June last year reinforces our position IFRS reached BRL 1.9 billion, BRL 510 million of an adequate value for the Permitted investments in reinforcements and as a highly competitive player. In all, we higher than in 2017. Annual Revenue (RAP - Receita Anual improvements totaled BRL 144 million, are working in 10 new projects obtained in Permitida) for Operation and Maintenance, as and energizing new projects added an auctions, which represent a commitment to The solid balance sheet allowed for the best well as for the weighted Average Capital Cost RAP of BRL 61 million. Investments in our invest nearly BRL 2.9 billion. We will remain funding of the year in the infrastructure (WACC) of the projects and of the Regulatory subsidiaries, operational and pre-operational, attentive for opportunities of new projects bonds market with the issuance of BRL Remuneration Base (BRR - Base totaled BRL 294 million. Winning two new with suitable profitability. 5 2018 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | ISA CTEEP BRL 621 million NET INCOME REACHED OBTAINED THROUGH THE ISSUE BRL 1.9 billion, OF “GREEN BONDS” BRL 510 MILLION HIGHER THAN IN 2017 The unique performance in 2018 is greatly The excellent results of the past year make due to the effort and training of our team of 2019 especially challenging. Our achievements more than 1,500 employees, which makes increase the responsibility for raising the level of the creation of a healthy and productive our operations, of our management and of value work environment one of our top priorities. creation. Furthermore, 2019 will be very special for Therefore, the result of the organizational us for another reason: we will celebrate 20 years climate survey in 2018—the best ever recorded of a journey that is intimately associated with the by the Company—and our inclusion, for the very history of the Brazilian electricity sector. third consecutive year among the ranking of Best Companies to Work published by GPTW, We are undergoing a moment of great climate change—proving that we are in sync are reasons for great satisfaction. satisfaction and motivation. Our proven capacity and committed to overcoming the challenges to reinvent ourselves to overcome challenges In the sustainability front, we remain signatories proposed by the current global agenda. Last year also marks the setting of a new empowers us to capitalize on the opportunities to the Global Compact and increased our strategic direction for our organization, aiming that come with the recovery of the country’s contributions to social projects, reaching the We also highlight the way we faced our for 2030 and mainly focused on creating economic growth. Completing two decades makes highest value ever invested by a Company technological challenges and addressed aspects sustainable value. To this end, we will seek us proud of everything we have accomplished through tax incentive laws. Just as important of innovation within the electricity sector. We growth based on the continuous increase and drives us to remain as a company that is as these values was our choice of the initiatives invested BRL 9 million in R&D projects and in efficiency and in the incorporation of synonymous with quality and committed to the to be supported, which are in line with the opened our doors for startups looking to find innovation at all levels of the company. This development of Brazil. organization’s priority social and environmental new solutions and inspire a more agile and positioning will allow us to become key players topics, which are education and training innovative work environment, and we ranked in terms of technological and regulatory of youths, development of communities second in the Top 50 Open Corps, organized by transformations, which will determine the Reynaldo Passanezi Filho surrounding our facilities, and the 100 Open Startups platform. future of the Brazilian electricity sector. PRESIDENT 6 2018 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | ISA CTEEP Foreword About the Report Capitals For the second consecutive year, we are publishing report considers our performance and that our economic and social and environmental of our wholly-owned subsidiaries. The GRI performance, with creation of value for the various indicators throughout the document cover stakeholders, in compliance with the principles only our role as holding company, with the of Integrated Reporting, developed by the exception of social and financial data that also International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). include our wholly-owned subsidiaries and NATURAL FINANCIAL INTELLECTUAL Also for the second consecutive year, this report equity-accounted companies, in line with our capital capital capital was prepared in compliance with GRI Standards: consolidated Financial Statements, which can “In Accordance – Core” option, of the Global be viewed here. GRI 102-45, 102-50 Reporting Initiative (GRI). The report also complies with recommendations from the Guideline for the Questions concerning this report Development of the Annual Report on Social and and suggestions—which are always Environmental Responsibility of Companies in the welcome—can be sent through the emails Electric Energy Sector, a requirement set out by [email protected] and/or HUMAN INFRASTRUCTURE SOCIAL AND RELATIONSHIP capital capital capital the Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica – ANEEL [email protected]. The (National Electric Energy Agency). GRI 102-54 Corporate Communication and Sustainability Department is also available to address any The information refers to the year 2018 and topics published herein. GRI 102-53 Stakeholders the management practices described in the SOCIETY EMPLOYEES GOVERNMENT SUPPLIERS SHAREHOLDERS AND INVESTORS CLIENTS 8 2018 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | ISA CTEEP Materiality Topics Subtopics Corresponding GRI 102-47 GRI 102-47 GRI indicators In 2018, we internally reviewed our Materiality Reliability/availability of the system EU3, EU6, EU12, EU21, EU23, EU28, EU29 Matrix looking to have this report reflect our Quality and Operational efficiency technologies in the services provided EU6, EU8, EU21 current strategic planning, completed in the fiscal 1 provision of services Cross-cutting topic, covered by several indicators, Management of assets year, and the topics of relevance to our priority especially 103-1, 103-2 and 103-3 stakeholders1, formally consulted in 2015: employees, Relationship with the government and regulatory agency 102-13, EU23 clients, shareholders and investors, suppliers, Engagement Relationship with clients (monitoring
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