-- was not entirely disperse i i t- BY MOB diately following the shooting. He The mob did Increased Naw Pav MAN LYNCHED AT joined by many others and the man until nearly daybreak this morning. city and Daniels; was soon suroruhded. He did not give Former soldiers assisted the Requested By CENTRALIA NOT LEADER himself up. however, until he had fired county officers in guarding the pris- . four shots into Hubbard. oners. 1 Washiugton, Nov. 12. Increases in (.v.ontinued from page ue) Militia Arrives. A mob, early in the evening, smash- Ail I own the pay of men and officers in the powerless last ed the front of the I. AV. V. head- - mom )..-,- . navy ranging from J88.80 to ?1008 a .. ., vi,,., Uiuarters took all of the furniture and A A A A A a wer . ,i, were recommended by Secretary 1""" " tf- l- . tn. f th ritv tllil and literature wmcn was msiae ana inane ir wnence ' . It If uu"dlnss came the bullats. - ,,,,-ni- bonfire with it. Grand at new Au- itanUl. hefn.e the house naval affairs ,..,,,. t today. The higher pay ls burn hall THanksgivjng night. Sa committee Desultory firing on the members of alleged AV. AT. 1'ortiry tne system . five piece 209 j necessary 10 prevent a mpmuvruiiuM Nineteen I. are now ilo Asamsi lem's best orchestra. the Legion JljJU-N.l- i jof the naval establishment through followed a terrific crash of , - !, r.,,,,,,,!,,,,- - V LAXATIVE J3KU.MU fciass apparently a ,... ,. i the to more lucrative sm- - Tacoma state militia arrived at 'Tablets which destroy germs, act as Now theater !.... j attraction . a. - mamas ..iiioco lUCU nai. ine nring second later devel- ,d , , ,t foare(J bv the ojnciuls Tonic and Laxative, and thus prevent party. Opera house, 8 p. m. to W. S. Gilchrist, 23, Milestone, Susk. oped regular . Tlumblng. and Water Systems Install- he said. into a volley. :t. ,. ..,,, . t,ij' Cclds. Grip and Influenza. There is Nov. 14 Monthly member- and Verda M. Bates. 18, Salem; law-- I The windows of ,ki. IV. ed by GRABER BROS., 141 Houth opposed a fiat percentage in- -' the buildings lit ty, mnh. whinh only one "BROMO QUININE." E. ship meeting Commercial club rence E. Oherer, 21, Portland, and Daniels gunmen mimheril Liberty St. Phone 550. Also atfimuf which the were stationed onnn ,1 Ev,ni toll UKUVJSB signature uh mo ov. Kairbanks-Mors- e Engines. crease for either officers or men and VidA j th for Gas 8 p. m. Banquet and enter- Evelyn J. Grabenhorst. 18, city; Mem Kaa ...l.r x (Adv) asked the. higher pay continue T crys of "lynch them! tainment. Pearce. 28, Salem, and Emma E. that mVn w,J :TrX with constant I until July 21. 1921. Inside, for Nov. club Waldorf, 27, city. j they couldn't be seen. " club, 8 p. The Increase suggested range from forms, Commercial The front rank of paraders.was sub- - m. 10 to about 25 per cent over the war Visitors to Presbyterian church on ex- jected to a galling enfilading fire from Nov. 14. Marlon and Polk pay and would mean an additional ' Friday evening the 14th take special penditure of about $50,000,000. three sides. County Medical Asso., Office utility SImaltaneously, , notice of booth where all kinds a marksmen oiiened Commercial club, T:30. of house furnishings are for sal fire from Seminary Hill, at least half: Deo. 19 The House Next comforters, dishes, etc. Schwab Not Worried ia mile away. This man, apparently high school auditorium. ?68i Door," n I iiesteu nis rule over a stump, and de- - - 4 St. 3or. Dec. Bazaar in four 30-3- 0 ' So recently returned from the army UYer LaDOr Tilir0aDieSlliberate'y cartridges seph's hall. being at " ' of occupation that he gisters from later found the spot. Coblenz, Germany, A. Warren Briggs Pasadena, Cal.. Nov. today. la- - he b"ak IMKhowed the deaJ is at the Bligh hotel he is not worried" over the present , 1ofdaw" bor unrest and that he is confident j Brick Smith, secretary of the and Mrs. J. C. Lacy of Portland ot w- ,Mr. spent Tuesday in both capi-- ! Ioca' j1?6 L Wv - spent Armistice day in Salem. Californians who in that the radical elements fe"Va"u h&' Salem were Mr. Mrs. Clyde Thorn-- and labor will irive wav." Charles muBu just ouisiae and tal the city limits. as of C. C. McAllister M. Schwab, magnate is in Pasa-o- f Stayton Tuesday Sacramento and steel Smith was ' Holiday dance Oakland. Idena today preparing to take a year's the victim of an enraged ' 9 mob of citizens who night. J vacation. Schwab says he has not stormed the city jail, secured the prisoner All the of public for thirty years and feels that and hanged Gough and members the him last night. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. vice commission are in Portland to- - 12 months oti is coming to mm. Gooch, Or., Smith is said to have been lead- - child, registering from clay on a hearing relative to the rates , ' the Argo .hotel. er of alleged I. W. AV. who stopped over night at the of the Pacific Telephone and Tele-- , fired on Pol.Uand, Ore.. Nov. 12. Operatives the American Legion who participated giaph company. . ,in,.nt nf Norma N.TeTwilliger,licensed laav em ot :in an Armistice day parade here yes-- j package in of iterday a talmer wita Terwilliger Funeral Home, justice, the raid on the hall afternoon, resulting in the death' Ansel, with its great grey abbey , ,g let- - ?70 Chemeketa St. Phone 724. here last niht aiBC0Veved a of four former overseas soldiers and set high up on a great grey bluff, is . . fh. anlul.,opA tnflnv. which In- - the wounding of thgee others. us picturesque as any 01 me out worm war W. D. Faught of Amity spent Wedr jnp t iv AV. were pair during! The, shots which tragically halted before the nesday in Salem. monastery towns. i.eanarci jvommeier t jii,.!i,to Gorman nrnnn- - the marchers came from the headquar- of that city was a Salem visitor gonda. ters of the I. AA. AV. and a building Big dance Turner Friday Nov. 14. The letter was addressed to H. across the street. Talmadge orchestra. 269 Helms. a leader of th I. AV. W. here, Veterans Slain. Failing to appear in police court and was "signed by "A. I,. Bertori, sec- Arthur McEIfresh, veteran of the D. H. Culp was among the Port-lande- rs this morning to answer to a charge retary German propaganda branch of world war, dropped dead with a shot who visited in Salem Tuesday of being drunk and disorderly, George I. AV. AAV through the head. as the guest of friends. Whiteing was ordered by The missive refers to a money or- Warren Grimm, Centralia attorney, package Police Judge Earl Race. Mr, Whiteing der enclosed to cover the cost of dis commander of the local Legion post a Don't forget the Presby. church was arrested yesterday evening after tributing copies of Der Klassenka, a and former University of AVashington bazaar on Friday, the 14th. 268 he had Imbibed too freely of intoxi- German paper. star athlete, fell mortally wounded. He cants and in a boisterous manner The letter bore the address of the died two hours later. Grimm hadlieen during the war M. Hamby of Dallas was a Salem sought to celebrate Armistice Day at as 1001 Madison J. ' "propaganda branch" uiii jj.o,fij ui mull visitor Wednesday. the Richmond rooming house. At po- street. Chicago. Ben Casagraffda, a Greek bootblack headquarters of ' lice he paid a bond Local government agents say this and veteran of the 91st division, dou-ev- Fred of Astoria is a visitor $10, which automatically was forfeited Is most important bled up t Palmer many evidence the with the remark "Thev me - and in the city today calling on his when he failed to appear in court this collected in the United States against that time," and collapsed, soon dying. friends in Salem, his former home. morning. the I. W. W. organization. The fourth victim was Dale Hub- bard, another former soldier, who, U city, spent ' L. D. Simmons of this Special meeting of Salem lodge No. San Francisco, tov- - lj!. Claiming at 11 o'clock last night. Portland, called Hubbard the week end in 4, A. F. & A. M., this evening. Work that the back of the tailors strike Is started after an alleged "red" imme- - package of Pa- a there by the serious Illness a in jithe E. A. degree. Visiting breth- broken, merchant tailors in the ren welcome. . 268 cific coast cities affected by the two months strike, are operating their Mr. Mrs. O. B. Hansen of Port- "open shop" basis, and The local recruiting station will shops today on an AAYourDeltrFil; land are spending the day with friends according to the Pacific Coast Mer- a l , hereafter be in charge .of Corporal 73.r Ct In Salem. Walter W. Site, Corporal Lee Greenum chant Tailors association. San Francisco and Oakland tailor ' who has been the Mr .and Mrs. Fred Andrews, of stationad here for report from to twenty past several months, having mov- ,Uops that tn Corvallis, are visiting friends in Salem been per of their employes have re- Grand to ' Corporal come oet Prizelifea ed Astoria. Site has to work- They believe the today. to recruiting turned Salem from the station shops will be running full force by firearms cAmmunrtion ro- in the former city. " California has a weakness for next week. . Write for Catalogue sounding , names, Mrs. A. -t-- mantic n THE REMINGTON ARMS U.M CO. INC Cal., is visiting Rehearsals for the high school play C THE FLAVOR of Paradise, The Door," by Denver, Colo., Nov, 1.2. The first J.ASTS today. House Next J. Hart In Salem ley Manners, which, will be presented Z6ro weather in the Rockies this on 19th, lesujted In looting of coal cars ar sev- of holiday in the auditorium Deeember Taking advantage the progressing satisfactorily. Miss eral' towns, according to reports .today. N. F. Kelly are yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of the English department Outo owners in Greeley looted a coal' through the '- of McMinnville, motored is rehearsing the play and the east pile. - - DOES TK2 FCliCE! night in Salem. SO valley, stopping 'over of characters will be published later The tertiperature .here dropped 44 in week. At present, the oommit-te- e degrees In a few hours, reaching zero states, arid the Making a tour of the at on advertising, is preparing win on the street level arly today. Chey- fEDr.GR O'Neill living up to the slor the same time dow and display cards, and arranging enne reported 10 degree below zero. OrTOflETRIST-OPTICIA- First" W. K. Rich- STATE gan "See America for a systematic advertising 3 STREET "viewing hrfHlRlKh Rant RiiiUnr ardson, of Indianapolis, la Uj - lOMuieMkiii isuim iuMiliiu the sights of the Capital City today. formerly a mem- Every year Philomath puts on a William Galloway, roundup as pretentious In way as circuit bench, came its ber of the state is yesterday and Pendleton's is In its own. L. W. up from McMinnville Spats 0. A. EG0N friends and rela- - of Philomath was a Salem vis GAME spent the day with itor yesterday. alves. There is a bit of tradition so well NOVEMBER 15TH known it is to repeat it Go-Ti- motion picture studio that useless Everybody ckets Smacking of A. atmosphere, and of the Douglas Fair- about O. C.5s chances in a football amusement, Mexico game with U. of O. There are, how on sale at banks brand of ever, army Mexico, wast represented on the a small of boosters who y Hauser Btros.. Cltv. laugh the old bogey to scorn J. register of the Bligh hotel last evening and Hayes and D. Holmes, both of O. A. C, by A. M. Ashe. who spent Tuesday in Salem, are fore- vy most among them. i V y The early Franciscan missionaries FOR SALE an indelible remembrance of left Rev. Carl H. Elliott,, formerly pas- themselves and their labors In our BUNGALOW toward the south, when tor of the First Presbyterian church in sister state appointed thov rave the towns and cities the Salem, has been pastor of favorite saints. J. E the First Presbyterian church of Tpsi- - With or without names of their lanti, Michigan, Northcutt, of Santa Rosa, spent ar- with a membership of 349 parishioners. Rev. Furniture mistice day in Salem. Elliott has been In France with the Y. M. C. A. His FINEST FITTING, MOST X Terms not the famous Australian son, Phil Elliott is at present attend- - Sidney, lng college city but the little Oregon town of in Worcester, Ohio, but as POPULAR SHADES University ' . W. A. LISTON, that name, paid its respects to Salem, the of Michigan at Ann Tuesday, when Arthur Hartley spent Arbor is only seven miles distant from parents The common felt spats the day here with friends. the future home of his and is 484 Court St. connected by trolley, it is expected that in white, dark grey, young may A motor party of tourists stopped, the man change Institu- -' light grey, khaki and over in Salem last evening registering tlons. Mr. at the Marion hotel. They were . dark brown and Mrs.Tt. L. Leabo, Mrs. Cal Brobst The rapid sale of tickets for the O. W. W. King and R. L. King all of B. P. Minstrel Melody show indicates $1.50 and $1.85 oday-Howard Spokane. jthat the attendance at the penitentiary -T- , this evening will equal that of former Beautiful cloth "Trim-line- " They are ith the company ot Guy years. As the shows have always been invisible buckle in Bates Post, who plays at the Opera so well attended as to warrant their House this evening in "The Masqpera- - presentation for two consecutive nights castor, brown, grey, When you Pd der", and they register from New the management has arranged for a - slate York city. R. Carrlngton, C. Handy- performance on Thursday evening also. and black side and E. Eaton, are stopping at the pickets are on sale at .the Will Music Hs - know so- you and Marion hotel during their Dnei store, aiton s dook store, commercial $2.00 price Journ In Salem. jbook store, Crown drug store, the Y. M. Foster ,C. A., the Cherrington piano store, by! Elegant cloth " ti T?ll Doe Starter for Ford Cars, charle Maxwell at the Oregon Electric " pattern, invisible are sure of its quality. Pronounced by leading mechanics as depot and by Alex Cornoyer at thej being the best ana most, pracnta. Btat8 noUBe. buckle in castor, taupe, Players yet invented. It is purely starter . white friction device and will start a Ford The trial of AV. Harris, night Market fluctuations do noi car under any climatic condition, at the state hospital, charged with con-- $3.50 when the engine is in startable " assaulting' Louis Jensen, a patient, be- BLIGH guaran- Theatre influence it, and there's a dition. Bold under a positive gan In justice court at 2:20 this aftei- - Black invisible tee against breakage and backfire and noon morning de- satin, - after all had been to give you satisfaction or money re- voted to selection of a jury. The case buckle standard in flavor that does crli.A of- . tUIIUCU. tA'V, I i. " the nnmeft is expected to be closely contested, Dog ' the manv satisfied users of Bull and it is possible no decision will be not change. starters In and around Salem. Sll I reached before Thursday. "The Standard" "Boot Commercial St., Y. M. C. A. bldg. t BUY REMNANTS done, cloth, First class Ford repair work Miss Evelyn Top" in Rautex rea- 268 I. Grabenhorst, of this t AT THE There are additional reasonable prices. city, and Lawrence E. Oberer, of Port- faultless fitting, no land, were married this morning at the buckle, colors, fawn, ? why so many residence of Rev. Thomas Acheson, Remnant Store sons 1980 South Liberty street. The young castor and plumb 254 North Commercial coffee drinkers are changing to couple will make their home In Port land. $3.75 " I t We have the spats you SPECIAL IJLA LEE Poland Termed "Bulwark" Good 6 passenger car will trade IN N ..want at lowest prices.. for what have yon THE DAUGHTER Against World Bolshevism OF THK WOLF" U. S. GARAGE 1752 6154 Ferry St Buffalo. N. Y.. Nov. 12. 'tPoland, Phone WURLITZER ORGAN the bulwark of civilization and culture, POSTUM against bolshevlsm." 1916 Chalmers, first class mechan- This was the message brought by ical condition, electric lights, start- 'There s a J?easori Prince Henry Letbomirski, ambassador er, all leather npholjtcrcd, $850. of the Polish republic to the Unlteft B. Gingrich Motor States, attending the conven- At the Electric Sign Oscar j Marfe by th POSTUM CEREAL CO. Creek. Michigan. tion today. Co. Bl EIGDON fc CO. & Tire W. T. Is grateful to "" Undertakers "Poland Anierica for .171 Conrt street. Phone 635 the kindly and help being giv- SS2 North High Street interest en in her behalf," said the prince.