SATURDAY SUNDAY Property of .4f 4 Contestants Vie for Honors c)::'"S HISTORICAL LIBRARY E For Benefit of Navy Relief 30 159 HRWAIIRN ,tae ReturnNOV to Room 3127 ROUNDUP Thousands of civilians and servicemen will invade the K-Bay AT Marine Corps Air Station this weekend to witness the Saturday at Truan Arena. Each day, be- KANEOHE MY and Sunday Hawaiian Roundup tginning at 1:30 p.m.. there will be more than three hours of Nov. rip-roaring, spine-tingling action as daredevil cowboys risk their - 15 1 necks in bronc busting, bull-dog- ging, and other events. will be competing against one Proceeds from the event will go another for $3,500 in prize money. to the Navy Relief Society. Contestants in the Roundup rep- Kiddies rides and other concess- resenting almost all of the western ions will open at 10 am. Both days. states as well as Canada and Mexi- Spectators are urged to come early co are entered. A number of the contestants are cowboys from It's now been assured that Oahu's neighbor isles. every Marine based at Kaneohe Representing Alaska will be K- Bay will be aware of the 1959 Bay Marine John Cochran, who Hawaiian Roundup. is entered in four events, while an- The Station Disbursing Officer other K-Bay Marine, Wild Bill will include a silver dollar in the Hiscock, calls Tijuana, Mexico, pay for each officer and enlisted See ROUNDUP Page 8 man today.

in order that they won't miss out Lt. Gen. Wornham on the grand entry parade each day. Riders in the grand entry will pre- Views Brigade sent a colorful spectacle as they come into the arena carrying the flags of all 50 states. Birthday Parade The collection of flags, one of Lt. Gen. Thomas A. Wornham, the iwo complete sets in the is- new commanding general, Fleet lands, has been loaned for use Marine Force, Pacific, with head- in the Roundup by the Ala Mo- quarters at Camp Smith, paid his ans Shopping Center. The flags first official visit to the 1st Ma- arrived by air tint morning Con- rine Brigade here Nov. 10. gress approved Hawaiian State- He was reviewing officer for the hood and were flown for the first gigantic parade and review time the same day. staged by the Brigade commemo- Joining a score of cowboys and rating the 184th anniversary of the VOL. VIII, NO. 46 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE HAY, HAWAII November 13, 1959 cowgirls in the grand entry will be Marine Corps. Roundup Queen Lilies Cambra and Gen. and Mrs. Wornham arrived her four princesses: Kathleen CIa- in Honolulu last Saturday aboard RODEO JUDGE Schedule Of Roundup Events giari, Linda Cambra, Ethel Marie the Matsonia. Gibson and Joyce Johnson. present assignment, SATURDAN 1ND SUND.Al. 14-15 Prior to his \ON. More 130 contestants will 10.00-Kiddies Carnival Rides and Concession Stands open. than Gen. Wornham was commanding COWHAND, compete in the giant rodeo, the Re- TRIiAN ARENA general of the Marine Corps biggest western show ever pre- cruit Depot at San Diego. He was k ND ENTRY - - 1:30 11.'11. NAVAL PILOT sented in the 50th state. They promoted to his present rank ' EVENTS Navy LCdr, Winfield H. Junk. 1 -Grand Entry 12-Senior Reining Nov. 1. Barber's Point assistant operations 2-1st Section Bareback 13-2nd Section Saddle Bronc Thrills for Kids Holder of the Navy Cross for com- officer, is as much at home on the Riding Riding bat action at Iwo Jima and the Le- back of a wild bull or bronc 3-- 1st Section Calf Roping 14-Junior Jumping At Carnival Rides gion of Merit earned during the is as he is in the cockpit of an airplane. 4--2nd Section Bareback I5-Junior Exhibition In addition to the bangup ac- Korean conflict, Gen. Wornham Naval He's probably one of the most ex- Riding 16-Wai U tion of the Hawaiian Roundup a 1926 graduate of the US. perienced cowhands entered in the j 5-2nd Section Calf Roping 17-Senior Barrel Race tomorrow and Sunday at the K- Academy. 1959 Hawaiian Roundup, 5-3rd Section Bareback 18-Junior Barrel Race Bay's Trnan Arena, there will He is a native of Rensselaer, N.Y. In addition to being entered in Riding 19- be a number of kiddie rides set up During his 37 year career. Gen. two of western has served with almost the events, he has 7-1st Section ..!-Spear and Ring Race adjacent to the arena. Wornham also been named one of the riding 8-Jack Wolf About a half dozen rides will every major unit within the Marine 21--Relay Race 9-2nd Section Team Roping be brought in by the K K. Fer- Corps throughout the US. In addi- 10-1st Section Saddle Bronc =-Jack Wolf Whip Act nandez Co., well known island tion, he has served in China, Haiti. Riding 23-Junior carnival concessionaire. aboard the USS Helena and In the ' 11-Junior Calf Roping 24-Senior Bull Riding Included among the rides will Pentagon. Prize money arnountine :o 33.500 will be split among top per- be a ferns wheel, merry-go- Now in command of some 80,000 rfwi formers in the Hawaiian Roundup. In addition. 18 trophy belt round, sky ride, caterpillar ride Leathernecks of the Fleet Marine buckles will be awarded and winner of the "best-all-around cow - and pony rides. Force, Pacific, Gen. Wornham's au- boy title will receive a 3165 saddle. Rides and food concessions will thorny reaches from Camp Pendle-

RODEO OFFICIALS be open at 10 a.m., prior to the 1 ton and 29 Palms in California to GENERAL CHAIRMAN Grover A. Godfrey, Jr. 1:30 p.m. rodeo grand entry, and Marine units on Okinawa and In RODEO DIRECTOR Dee B. Gibson will remain open all afternoon. Japan. CHUTE BCSS Tex Holland - - RIDING JUDO ai LCdr W. H. Junk. Asahina FIELD JUDGE George Kaeo BARRIER JUDGE Eddie Rice REINING JUDGE Dr. E. D. "Buzz" Willett TIMER'E' Roy Campos and Bob Englehard ILA LCdr. W. H. Junk Overflow Roundup Entries Force judges for the Hawaiian Roundup here Saturday and Sunday. A native of Missouri, Junk once Earlier Starting Time: 1:30 p.m. owned a complete rodeo for about Rodeo stock and contestants don't "because of the great amount of three years and was co-owner of know it yet, but they will be work- interest," remarked Mr. Godfrey, another rodeo for two years. !ng over time during the two-day "we have had to move the starting is The commander is new to the is- western event program scheduled to time up to 1:30 p.m." :ands, having arrived here in Au- be held at the K-Bay Marine Corps Meanwhile. Mr. Dee B. Gibson, gust from tae Naval Air Station Air Station tomorrow and Sunday. rodeo director, announced that en- at Pensacola, Fla. But Ws a sure According to Grover A. Godfrey, tries in all of the major events have bet that he will be a participant in the rodeo general chairman, "we been filled, but that there were a every rodeo held. in the islands have received such excellent re- few vacancies in two junior events. during his tour of duty here. sponse from contestants that it is Over 130 contestants have filed 165 Military wise, the commander has necessary to begin the program a entries for rodeo events. BIGGER THIS YEAR - This grand entry scene was shot at last year's also made his mark in Naval avi- half hour sooner than originally A good number of the main events K-Bay rodeo. The scene tomorrow and Sunday will be even more ation. During World War U he par- planned, in order to get everything have been closed for two weeks, all impressive with over 100 riders in the grand entry. Included will be ticipated in 130 combat missions into the event." entries closed last Friday night. riders carrying the flags of 50 states. Time of the Hawaiian Roundup during the battles for Guadalcanal, Originally, the rodeo was schedul- Gibson stated that many would-be grand entry will be 1:30 p.m. both days. Amusement rides and and the Phllipines Sea. ed to begin at 2 p.m. both days, but See OVERFLOW, Page 3 other concessions will open at 10 a.m. November 13, 1959 S. CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Pa,je 2 U. MARINE

Chaplain's Comer By Chaplain K. Cortney I A&ySgt. JACK SHEEHAN *AIIdr, I Wire ro7 This we-!k your Inquirin9 Photographer tvisited Truan Arena o 'rind Whi A popular song of a decade ago things are on the other side of *the fenCe.' We have COL. M. M. M %CRUDER Commanding Officer was, "Little Things Mean a Lot." out how and know their feelings on the rodeo, but what COL. EDWARD J. DOYLE Executive Officer Athough this was only a song title, to the contestants, Services Officer the other participants-how do they Feel about the whole `Thing? CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAL'LT ... Informational it is also a principle that holds about Editor ACTMSGT. LOUIS F. NADOLNY true in all things in life. And there Assistant Editor ACTGYSGT. JOHN P. McCONNELL is no place it is more applicable Editor LCPL. S. ZAGARELLA Sports than in our spiritual lives. Aside from God Himself, every- The WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday by and for the personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Navy No. 990, thing in existence was small in c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco. Cain., under the supervision 01 the beginning: the tallest tree was the Informational Services Office. Printed at the Windward Reporter once a seedling, the strongest man Publishing Co., Kailua, Hawaii. Published in conformity with para- was once a helpless infant. Also, Special Services (non-appri- graph 17107, MCM, financed by Station the greatest sinner was once a priated) funds at no cost to the government. THE WINDWARD MA- RINE receives material from the combined Station and 1st Marine saint, and vice versa, the greatest Brigade FMF, Informational Services Offices and is a member of saint was once a potential sinner. and receives the services of the Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS). Of course, if we make even the MARINE No paid advertising may be accepted. The WINDWARD most feeble attempt at using our may be mailed outside the Air Station. The Information Section and the WINDWARD MARINE are in Bldg. 220. Telephones: WINDWARD God given reason, we can know the MARINE 72104; ISO 72535 - 72955 - 72120. course of action we are to follow is Subscription Rate $2.50 per year 'hat of becoming a saint. As we (Circulation-4,500) work toward this end, we must real- ize and accept that progress is go- HURRICANE - "I made my SUGAR FOOT - "Don'i let Editor's Corner rig to be slow, and that "little first mistake by being born on the the name fool you, it has nothing things mean a lot." flier side of the fence. Now don': to do wth my disposition. The sad- If we are going to wait to do any- ake me wrong, some of my best dle tramp that thinks he can stick !ling in our spiritual lives until 'riends in the rodeo have it made. with me has another think coming. aliawatian Rauscksp e can go out and convert a nation, hey ride in the parade and grand Just another little word to the -all we will wake up some morning ntry all decked out in a sharp judges. I'll lay you five to one Island Marines and civilians will have an opportunity tomor- with all our bad habits gone, then addle, tail braided and so on. n-lyself." row and Sunday of investing in one of the best entertainment we had just as well forget ever "ley take the other 10 per cent 1959 ROUNDUP. values in years - THE HAWAIIAN attaining our goal. myself, drive us in a chute, c Ticket prices for the big roundup, rodeo, carnival and But rather, we should and must .:e a rope around our middle, drop parade are $1 for general admission, $2 and $3 for the cov- expect progress to be slow; it is rider on our back, and yell turn ered reserved section and 50-cents for children. For these performing the little everyday acts im loose. Who wouldn't kick up modest prices, spectators will see three hours of rip-roaring, of charity, it is the daily devotion I storm?" hair-raising western enterminment. Isn't that a terrific bar- to prayer and periods of meditation, gain?' the daily reading of Sacred Scrip- The Grand Entry is 1:30 p.m., both Saturday and Sunday at ture, the daily resolution to do a K-Bay's Truan Arena. Kiddie rides and concessions open at 10 little better today than I did yes- a.m. Come early and be sure of getting a good seat. And don't terday-these are the things, little forget the youngsters-it's the thrill of a lifetime they'll never things, but things that will lead forget. me to sainthood. There's one other thing we as Marines should not forget We must realize that those men about the two-day Roundup - PROCEEDS GO TO THE and women in history who did do NAVY RELIEF SOCIETY. great things for God, things that It is a well known fact. that the Navy and Marine Corps always have immortalized them in the take care of their own and translated this means Navy Relief. sit pages of history-they did not FURY "You people can How does Navy Relief help? Here are a few of the ways: "ound and idly dream of the day - squawk all you want, I think the Casualty Committee steps in to insure proper home they would go forth to perform their - whole idea of having a for management and aids in arranging legal matters, transporta- rodeo heroic works for God and their fel- the benefit of the Navy Relief is tion, etc. - required when there is a death of serviceman low men. a great idea. Dont forget, there's or in a servicemans family. Rather, it was through being a worse fate. How would you like Without charge, Navy Relief visiting nurses help new LOCO "During the past sev- mothers faithful to their daily little acts - to be pulling that Budweiser wag- with their babies and in instances where there is a need eral months, I have been kicked, provide of devotion. through doing the on around Philadelphia?" some medicines free as well as layettes. little things in a big way that they 'eaten, abused and neglected to There are many other services, too numerous to mention. ren- rained the courage and grace to make me mad. Believe me brother, dered to sailors. Marines and their families. some day do great things. you have succeeded. When the Bring your family, friends and neighbors out to Truan Arena As each of us work toward per- r'avte boss says turn him loose, this weekend and have a whooping good time. 'ection, toward the big things in "m going to show you how one You will be investing your money in two things: sur spiritual lives. the best rule we way I can be, it's going to be the a. .4 barrel of good clean fun. follow is not to be always look- carting of the ways for the rider b. Insurance for possible "rainy days. in the future 'ng to do the extraordinary, but and me." through Navy .trive always to do the ordinary things extraordinarily well. PENNA. PAYING us KOREAN BONUS .&1I aj 9frtleAesi Officers Wives $500 Maj. Gen. F. L. Wieseman By Anne Steman UP TO Commanding General, First Marine Brigade, FMF Ladies - you will get another Washington (MPS) -Thousands MCAS, Bay 'hance to wear those lovely gowns of Pennsylvania veterans, including Kaneohe B OT HILL "You have prob- Dear General: 'een at the Birthday Ball! 0' Wives many now on active duty. are eli- - s sponsoring a formal dinner dance gible for Korean War bonuses which ably heard the expression many times, or The officers and men of the Fourteenth Coast Guard Dis- 'o be held Saturday evening, Nov. an total up to $500 for some indi- 'that's for the bulls,' 'that's a cowpoke trict would like to congratulate you, the officers, and men of the 28. at the Club. viduals. lot of bull.' The First Marine Brigade, Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, on This will also be our farewell Payments will soon go out to those drops on my back, is going to know it's a the one hundred eighty-fourth anniversary of the United States sloha to General and Mrs. Wiese- 'keystone State men and women lot of bull under him. He had better his Marine Corps on 10 November 1959. man and our welcome to Gen. and who served during the Korean Con- put some glue on britches. I'm heading other We offer the First Marine Brigade the Coast Guard's best Mrs. Weede, and will assuredly be flict between June 25, 1950 and July for the end of the arena-alone, That is. wishes for confirmed success and hard-hitting efficiency. the big event of our winter season. 27, 1953, inclusive. Rates are set at With kind personal regard, I am Dinner will feature filet mignon 110 per month but those who earned Sincerely and include Burgundy with the 'he Korean Service Medal will be S. II. Evans meal, but the tab will only be $3.00 granted an extra monthly $5. All Rear Admiral Der person. There will be dancing claimants must have served a mini- Commander throughout the evening to the music mum of 60 days during the period. 14th Coast Guard District of Tropic Knights. Mess dress B. un- Pennsylvanians who were on dress whites or dinner Jackets will be active duty for four years prior to men's attire, and will surely make June 25. 1950, are ineligible un- Maj. Gen. F. L. \Viet, -man us aware of what handsome gentle- less they maintained legal perma- Commanding General, First Marine Brigade, 'MF men we have among us! nent addresses in the state on MCAS, Kaneohe Bay Reservations may be phoned in to July 8, 1957-the date the bonus General Wieseman: Miriam Hudson, 72-688 or Jean act was passed and earned the rrnst, 254-021, from now until noon, Korepn Service Medal. We offer heartiest congratulations to you and all the Nov. 25. Claimants now on active duty officers and men of your command, upon the 184th Anniversary Cancellations after this time can will need certifications from their of the United States Marine Corps. be made by calling the Club until commanding or personnel officers KILLER - "My friend Bosco Our windward community takes pride in your accom- noon of Nov. 17. attesting to their service during the who almost got away last week plishments we and are highly apreeiative of the fine spirit of A word of warning; if you make qualifying dates and eligibility fdr hid the right idea, but headed in friendship and cooperation which all of you constantly display. a resevation and are unable to the Korean Service Medal. the wrong direction. If I had the Sincerely yours, ,Time, be certain to cancel-or it Application , forms and informa- same chance to get away as he B. J. Connell will be appearing on your Club bill. tion booklets may be obtained by did, would have headed right President Also, reservations for the dinner writing the Korean Conflict Veter- for the main gate. Can you pic- Chamber of Commerce of dance will be limited, so don't hesi- ans Compensating Bureau, Harris- ture the sentries at the main gate Windward Oahu tate, make your date-early! burg, Pa. trying to check my ID card?" November 13, 1959 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Page 3 LEATHERNECK STAFF WIVES SCHEDULE FEATURES 'PI' HOME VISITS BY SANTA It's Santa Claus time again . . . Yes, 42 days until that happy gent visits the homes of the little ones. IN NOV. ISSUE This year, for the first time, Santa will upon your request, AMSgt. Clay Barrow, LEATHER- visit your children in person. NECK staff writer and Mr. Louis The program is called Santa Claus Incorporated and is being Lowery, LEATHERNECK photo- sponsored by the Staff NCO Wives ward Marine. graphic director, traveled to Parris Club at K-Bay. For the men aboard the Station, Island to write and photograph the Santa Claus Incorporated oper- this is a golden opportunity to story "Physically Fit." ates like this. Upon a request by a do a very worthwhile service tor Ten pages of photos and wore parent, a volunteer Santa will come the many children who will be were used in the November LEAT1 to your home and visit with your involved. ERNECK, which covers the entire children. Each Santa will bring a There is no limitation to the physical fitness program at the small gift and will gladly listen to number of men needed. Men of all East Coast Recruit Depot. the wishes and desires of the young- ages and ranks are urged to give To round out the story on Parris ZEROING IN-Demonstrating the Army's new shoulder-fired assault sters. a few hours of their time to bring Island, AMSgt Barrow and LEATil. weapon, two infantrymen load a 90 mm. recoilless rifle, which can This service will cost only one a real Santa Claus into the chil- ERNECK staff photographer AGy- penetrate the heaviest armor known. The 35-pound, four-foot weapon dollar per family, regardless of dren's homes. Those interested in Sgt. E. J. Jarard produced a picture- employs a two-man team. In an emergency, however, it can be loaded the number of children in it. Any Santa Claus Incorporated may re- narrative on PI's "Visitor's Center." and fired by one man. The rifle's effective range is 500 yards, twice and all families on the Station ceive information by calling the "Back in the days when a belt that of the 3.5 bazooka of Korean war fame. are eligible to submit requests. SNCO Wives president, Mrs. Peg could double in brass as a weapon, Volunteer Santas will make their Foley at 72310 or committee chair- we had our own code of service eti- Shoulder Fired visits on Dec. 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 man, Mrs. Leonard Russell at 72409. quette, not the pap they are feeding and 17 between the hours of 6:30 A visit from Santa Claus this the young gravel crunchers these New Infantry Tank Busting Weapon and 9:00 p.m. Christmas will be a memorable oc- days." That is the theme of "The Instructions for requesting a visit casion for children and parents Hard Way," a satire by Fred Stol- Punches Through Thickest Armor from ole Saint Nick will be mailed alike. !2y (CWO, USMC, to each home on the Station. Names Retd.). Short- Washington (AFT'S) A new It does not have the great range, SNCO Wives hope that Santa -topping, smoke-stacking, - of persons whom you may contact whistling shoulder-fired 90 nun. recoiless rifle versatility, accuracy, armor and pro- Claus Incorporated will bring added and barging in were serious breaches for added information will be pub- enjoyment to the children aboard will enable a single infantryman to 1 tection of supporting machine gun of etiquette lished in a later issue of the Wind- in th' "Old Corps." destroy the heaviest known tank, fire of a tank-mounted 90 mm. gun, the Station this Yuletide season. The November issue of the the Army announced. he explained. Also newer tanks are LEATHERNECK features Eighth Weighing 35 pounds, the four- equipped with the more powerful & Eye (Marine Barracks, Washing- Club foot long rifle will be operated by 106 mm. gun. Enlisted Hawaiian Roundup ton, D.C.) as the "Post of The two-man teams and in emergen- TODAY Corps" story. cies can be carried, loaded, and PAY DAY! HAPPY HOUR! What Along with sports, humor OVERFLOW a and the fired by a single man. It fires a a dee-lightful combination, and regular features of Continued from Page I the LEATHER- 9-pound shaped charge that can fine afternoon to uphold the tradi- NECK, the November down "be- 6 issue should penetrate the heaviest armor at contestants were turned tion. All drinks 20 cents from be the outstanding magazine of of 500-yard ranges-twice the carry cause we figure with number 'til 7:30 p.m., and Hal Martin at 1959 contestants we now have, the show of the 3.5 bazooka of Korean War the piano to help the mood. It should be available at K-Bay fame. will run over three hours and fifteen SATURDAY Exchanges Nov 15. minutes." Baron of Basin Street, a dix- Despite this tremendous pow(,, The ieland band strictly for your listen- the new medium support weapon The 1959 Hawaiian Roundup ing and dancing pleasure. from 8:30 .=aerial Efficiency t'up has less recoil or "kick" than an started out to be the biggest such 'til 30 minutes past midnight. ordinary revolver. The recoil is program ever held in the 50th State. SUNDAY Held by 'Red Devils' taken up by exhausting gases from From the response shown through November 14-15 Ahhh, Sleep! Stay in that all em- a nozzle at the piece's rear, it was advance ticket sales, and interest sack as late as you like Awarded to VMF-114 explained. indicated by contestants, the rodeo bracing is destined to be bigger than big. (within reason!), then ease up and Marine Aircraft Group-13's VNEF - When the new weapon was un- Enlisted Men's It promises to be biggest out and meander down to the club Wives 232. winner of last year's Marine veiled at Frankfort Arsenal, Phila- the value on the dollar for a great snack to start off the A meeting of the newly-formed Corps Aviation Efficiency Trophy, delphia, Pa.. Lt.Gen. Arthur G. market today. In addition to the rodeo, the young day. K-ELy Enlisted Men's Wives Club will surrender its hard-won Trudeau. Army Chief of 7"search MONDAY evening tots who find little interest in the will be held next Tuesday trophy and honors to this year's and Development, said that it gives have a good movie for you of the western program can amuse them- We in the ballroom EM Club. winner. All-Weather Fighter Squad- the infantryman destructive capa- tonight. Listen to the cast, and Wives of sergeants and below are selves at the carnival that will be ron 114. bilities almost equalling those of a you'll agree: Gene Kelley, Dan Dai- urged to attend the meeting which setup adjacent to the arena. Bozo VMFIAW)-114 is a squadron of medium-sized tank gun. ley and Cyd Charisse get together will begin at 8 p.m. the Clown, a popular television fa- the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing's "This kind of highly mobile weap- in "It's Always Fair Weather,' at Plans will be made at this meet- vorite with the kids, has promised MAG-24 based at Cherry Point, on gives us the flexibility we need 7 pm. ing for the children's Christmas to be on hand to add to the N.C. today for dispersed and far-flung gaity of TUESDAY party. was pointed out that only the program. It Each fiscal year. the trophy is battle operations in which the in- Nothing in particular scheduled children of club members will be presented by Headquarters Marine dividual soldier-the loneliest man for tonight just an all around able to attend the party. TRANSPORTATION - Corps to the squadron attaining the on the battlefield-may be called OFFERED good time when you drop in. A group of members who have highest excellence in the perform- on to stand alone against the heavy FOR FRI. JEWISH SERVICES WEDNESDAY been appointed to the executive Until such ance of its designated mission and preponderance of enemy firepower time as adequate ar- This one is under that attractive committee for the purpose of form- in its achievement in flight safety and armor," he explained. "With it, rangements can be made to have category "for adults only," but I ing a constitution and by-laws for and accident prevention. our fighting man now has tremen- Jewish Services conducted on the guess we'll let you in if you've good the club will be introduced. Last month, the Cherry Point dous firepower when and where Windward side of Oahu, all Jewish nerves. Peter Cushing stars in none Mrs. Sue Cowan is chairman of unit was one of two Atlantic Fleet he needs it-that is, while caught in personnel who are interested in ob- other than "The Curse of Franken- the committee. Other members of fighter squadrons to be selected for the thick of close and fierce com- taining transportation to the Aloha stein," at 7 p.m. the committee are the Mesdames the Chief of Naval Operations' an- bat." Chapel, Pearl Harbor, for Friday THURSDAY Pat Mixer, Frances Wilson, Elsie nual safety award for the second General Trudeau said that the evening services, are requested to Schedule is open and so is the Devitt, Cleo Robertson, Elmer Swas- year in a row. new weapon will not replace tanks. call the Station Chaplain, 72-350, Club - stop by for a bit of refresh- zowski, Betty Page, Donna Rasmus- prior to Friday of each week. ment. sen, Liz Bauer and Lou Westfall.

AT AEP,'AL MEET - The six pliots of VMF-232 who will com- pete in the A I-Navy Weapons Meet in Yuma, Ariz. Nov. 30-Dec. GROUND CREW - These are the maintenance and ordnance men of VMF-232 who journeyed .o Yuma, (I. ACpI. with their technician officers and aerial judges, are: kneeling, i I Ariz., to participate in the All Navy Weapons Meet Nov. 30-Dec. 4. They are: bottom row to r.l Capt. C. F. Bergstrom Jr., IOU. G. A. Davis, Col. L. H. Steman, N. P. Mead, LCol. 1'. E. Wixon, Pfc. H. W. Phaga n, Pk. M. D. Brittian, ASgt. R. R. Gunia, ACp1. B. squadron commander, Capt. R. L. Iverson. 2ndLt. A. E. Wittmer. and R. Riddle, AGySgt. R. N. Boman, AGySgt. B. J. Brown, SSgt. W. S. Castle and ASgt. A. F. Harris. Stand- 2ndLt. R. J. °-sdnrson, all of VMF-232. Standing. I to r, are: IOU. ing (I. to r.l ASSgt. R. K. Allen, ASSgt. E. J. Griffis, ASgt. H. W. Lewallen, ASgt. E. W. Stokes. AGySgt. K.H. Wh tP, MACS -2, aerial judge for the sidewinder event; Capt. R. E. Beasley, ASSgt. R. J. Barlow, GySgt. R. P. Dougherty, Sgt. V. McKenny, Capt. J. W. Irwin, War- J. W. Irwin, electronics officer WO V. S. Kramer, engineering of- rant Officer V. S. Kramer and Mr. D. C. Bishop, Buaer field engineer. Cpl. E-4 Ernest Peters and ASgt. ficer, and Ista J. P. Cavanaugh, also aerial judge from MACS-2. A. Payne, not shown, will also support ...he meet at Yuma. (Photo byASgt. Bruce Hampee) Page 4 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII November 13, 1959 777"%.77-7A1,11,181,1r77711 -

184TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS AT KANEOHE BAY I. Ontos pass in review Tuesday morning. 9. Marines and civil service employees position the huge Marine Corps emblem 2. Receiving the combat parade and review are U. Gen. Thomas A. Wornham, Com- into place in Hangar 105. The giant emblem weighed about 800 pounds. manding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific and Maj. Gen. F. L. Wieseman, Com- 10 ASSgt. J. R. Couckuyt was one of the K-Bay cooks responsible for the artistic manding General, 1st Marine Brigade. salad displays used at the birthday dinners.

3. Among the distinguished guests viewing the parade and reviev. wrrt, Lieu- II.Maj. Gen. F. L. Wieseman, Commanding General of the I st Marine Brigade, tenant Governor James Kealoha, RAdm. E. A. Solomons, Commandant of the 14th speaks at m:crcreione, while flanked by Col. P. J. Fontana, Chief of Staff of the Naval District, Mrs. F. L. Wieseman, wife of the Brigade Commander. Brigade, left, and Col. M. M. Magruder, Commanding Officer of MCAS. 4. Lt. Gen. Wornham and Maj. Gen. Wieseman review the rolling stock. 12. 2nd. Lt. W. M. VnaAntwerp presents piece of birthday cake to Mag. Gen. 5. Thousands of troops of the 1st Marine Brigade march in the 184th Anniversary Wieseman at Officers' Ball. Rear Adm. Grover B. H. Hall is on the right. parade and review. 13. Maj. Gen. Wieseman presents a piece of birthday cake to the youngest Marine 6. ASgt. Ivor Thomas and ASgt. Lawren.:.,) Pauline were among the cooks and bakers at th Staff NCO Ball, ASSgt. Floyd D. Watson. On the far left is AMSgt. who worked well into the night readying 2,476 pounds of birthday cakes. John R. Gosselin while ASSgt. Richard J. Feeney is on the far right. 7. Cake escorts bring in the giant birthday cake for the ceremonies at Hangar 105 14. In the foreground, left to right, at the Hangar 105 Ball are: Col. Fontana; Tuesday evening. Maj. Gen. Wieseman; Col. Magruder; Pfc Gerald G. Wiley, youngest Marine, 8. K-Bay's Main Gate displayed a replica of a birthday cake. and Sgt.Maj. Kenneth V. Rice, MCAS Sergeant Major. ember 13, 1959 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Page 5 BOSCO WASN'T BASHFUL BULL; See You At The Roundup BATTLES WAY I NTO BARBECUE The story of Bosco the bull is a reach of his pursuers. tale of woe. It all began several Bosco swam nearly 700 yards out it S months ago when Bosco was turned to sea when he suddenly realized G out to pasture to fatten up for the would be a much shorter swim to re- A R 1959 Hawaiian Roundup which will turn to Oahu than attempt to reach T begin tomorrow at Truan Arena. Kona. A Bosco didn't go for the idea from In the meantime, a crashboat U the start, but he was outnumbered. from the Station Docks Boat House R N Little did he know then, that try, set out in an attempt to corral the try as he would, he would still end wayward bull. Finding no trace of D D up in the rodeo somehow. Bosco, the boat returned to the sir A According to his version of the station. All this time, Basco was story, he was beaten, abused and playing possum with his searchers. Y E mistreated during his months of When he figured he had eluded captivity in order to make him mad the seagoing cowboys, he turned N enough for a good showing in the around and headed back toward rodeo. Oahu. Being a bit on the lazy side, T Bosco put up with all this non- Bosco let the tide do most of the S sense, but he didn't have to like it. work on the return trip, and it R He knew the day would come when dumped him on the beach near the U the opportunity would present it- Pall Palms. N Y self to get even. Lumbering up on the beach, Bos- His chance came last Friday when co immediately picked a fight wit,' D he was being unloaded at Truan a couple of small dogs. While he was A 1:30 Arena. It was now or never for Bos- engaged in the argument, Bosco co. He made the decision, and with failed to notice a helicopter setting Y P.M. a thunderous crash, he broke from down near him. Out of the 'copter the stockade. Confused momentarily hopped Maj. E. R. Reid, the Station as to what avenue of escape to use, Provost Marshal. Three well aimed he finally decided taking to the wa- shots by the major from an M-I GENERAL ADMISSION $1, KIDS 50c ter. He'd heard someplace that cow- rifle ended Bosco's freedom and life. boys couldn't swim anyway. But the story was not over for As he headed for the beach, cow- Bosco. True. he eluded the rodeo in r boys on foot were close to his heels. a sense, but little did he know he Reaching the beach, he dove into would be the main course at a bar- Service News .4( the water and was soon well out of becue as a climax to the rodeo. LVLPORTANCE OF GOOD open competition and your good for it if you do not wish to be cov- PUBLIC RELATIONS character established by investiga- ered. lteale4 Schedule As an employee of the Govern- tion-you have reason to be proud. Q. Will health benefits coverage be ment of Let your pride show. It can be con- or will it be necessary the United States, you have automatic TONIGHT WEDNESDAY an important public relations role. tagious. to fill out an application? OREGON TRAIL The story it- WELLS FARGO Another oldie Your performance, appearance, and TILAU L. TAVAI PASSES A. Coverage will not be automatic. - - self is somewhat standard shop- with Joel McCrea in the leading attitude-both on an off the AWAY employee who wishes to be job- Each worn stuff about the wagon train role. A western drama concerning should at all times reflect favorably Employees were saddened to learn covered will have to apply. traveling from Missouri to Oregon. the organization of days gone by on the Government and on ac- of this the death of Tilau L. Tavai last Q. Should I apply for the health Fred MacMurray is the newspaper which is comparable today to nvity. week. A Utilityman at the Supply benefits now? reporter who rides along so he can Brinks. Inc. From a practical standpoint, we Sales Commissary, Mr. Tavai first A. No. The health benefits will not present the true picture of what THURSDAY worked the PW Carpenter Shop all know that public opinion has a at begin until the first pay period after is happening in the wide open YELLOWSTONE KELLY -As is lot to do with appropriations. We when he came on board in Decem- June 30, 1960. spaces. He falls in love with an the usual run, the book is much are obligated to live up to the very ber 1956. Burial was held at Punch- Indian girl and then slowly rides better than the movie but this bowl with full military honors and .1:gh standards that the public has away. 86 min. movie is still a definite winner as set for us since the taxpayer's dol- flowers were sent on behalf of civil- Staff NCO Wives far as westerns go. ('lint Walker ian employees by the Civilian Re- SATURDAY MATINEE lar is paying our salaries. By Gertrude Burke is the lead player who helps a creation and Welfare Assn. No information available. What we say to our family and The entertainment for the social beautiful Indian maiden and then SATURDAY friends abo'it our Jobs, our super- meeting on Nov. 17 Ls still top se- is forced to fight off the Sioux visors. our working conditions, etc. "CAMPAIGN 40" AWARD cret so be sure to come. IT HAPPENED TO JANE - Re- nation when she fails in love with adios influence what they, in turn The Chief of Industrial Relations Reservations for the Glass Bot- freshing and natural charms of him. Edward "Rookie" Byrnes is think of the Government as an em- has again awarded MCAS Kaneohe tom Boat Tour and lunch at Fish- Doris Day and the engaging com- the co-star in this first rate film ployer. If we want to achieve re- an achievement certificate for this erman's Wharf are being taken by edy touch of Jack Lemmon make which has several excellent action this a sure winner. A laugh get- spect for our occupations and our activity's participation in the Navy- either Mrs. Clarence Gifford, 72473 scenes and an unusually interest- ting film dealing with a courag- efforts, it's up to us to set the re- wide suggestion drive. "Campaign or Mrs. Charles Richart, 254718 un- ing and believeable romantic eous young widow's battle against cord straight. 40." til Nov. 15. theme. 91 minutes of outdoor The railroad In developing effective community This certificate is in addition to Hospitality kits may be obtained a powerful railroad. drama. is owned by conniving Ernie Ko- relations, each one of you can ac- previous first and second quarter from Mrs. R. C. Terwilliger who can vacs. Doris Day turns in a fine complish a great deal in your every- awards received earlier this year. be contacted at 72148 or 72372. The performance but sings only two day contacts off the job, just by The award states in part . "The kits are available to all K-Bay per- Staff NCO Club songs. 98 minutes of excellent en- making sure that the people who record achieved by your activity to sonnel. A deposit of $5.00 is re- tertainment. TODAY know you also know what work you date entitles you to receive a certi- quired and the rental fee is $1.00 Happy Hour SUNDAY MATINEE Wonder of wonders! do, how that work contributes to the ficate of achievement. It is a pleas- per month. this week! What No information available. comes on PAYDAY mission of your agency, and how ure for me to forward this certificate a delightful coincidence. The magic your agency serves them and all and to wish you and your personnel AKAMAI CIRCLE SLATES SUNDAY minutes run from 4 through 7 pm. :heir fellow citizens. continued success in achieving the MEET MONDAY MORNING BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE - I Don't forget the STAFF NCO Let them know that you are a part goal set for the campaign." The next Akamai meeting will be guess this is supposed to frighten WIVE'S ALOHA C01,rett; at 9:30 of this "mysterious" civil service, Monday, Nov. 16, from 9 to 11 am. you into enjoyment but all it is, am., ladies. Dancing music by the which is nothing mysterious at all OF INTEREST at the quarters of Mrs. Chales Poor- is a story of a doctor who is aided Mainlanders from 9 'til 1 am. but a tried and proven method of CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and man. 1947-B Parks. by a one-eyed dwarf in taking SATURDAY assuring the American people of Mrs. Joe Karratti (PW Housing) on The meetings will be held on the human blood for experiments. He Ah, a week-end! All day to lase competent, honest. loyal employees the arrival of their first child. Chris- first and third Mondays of each also claims the red fluid as his around and enjoy yourself, and a throughout the Federal government. topher Gerard, 7 lbs. 5 ozs.. born month at a different member's number one thirst quencher. To cordial invitation from your club to Your competence has been tested in last week at Tripler. home. add to the gory effect it is filmed sway with the Music Masters from Mast Grace K. Wada who came The new officers for the coming in color. 87 minutes of horror - 9 through 1 am. on board this week as the new year are Mrs. Charles Poorman, (able) drama. SUNDAY K-Bay Teen Club Shorthand Reporter for the Legal president; Mrs. Robert Larson, vice MONDAY Get up at your leisure and join Office, her first Federal civil ser- president; Mrs. Robert McNatt, NOWHERE TO GO -An interest- the feast-breaded veal cutlets, at a We are staging a big membership vice position. Born and raised in treasurer; and Mrs. James Kyse. holding suspense drama dealing dollar per adult, and half price for drive and are anxious to have all Honolulu, Grace is unmarried and a secretary. with a man on the run. The trav- children's portions. 13 to 19 year-old military dependents graduate of McKinley High. Any SNCO Wife is eligible for elling man is George Nader who A "free day" far's we're con- to attend the Club tonight to pay MORALE DEPARTMENT - Let's membership. For additional infor- was so great in "Man Afraid." cerned. The club's open and waiting your dollar and receive your mem- be thankful for the troubles of our mation call either Mrs. Oharles Seems that sneaky George has for your pleasure, so drop by and bership card. job. If we didn't have them, someone Poorman, 253-028 or Mrs. Joseph I. conned an old widow out of ?.cards follow your imagination. Be sure to bring your card if you else could do the job for half the Burke. 244-369. of cash - and got caught. 87 min- TUESDAY are already a member. money. utes of crime drama. SNCO WIVES MEETING at Plans are in the making for a QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TUESDAY 7:30 p.m. This one's listed as a so- gala dance on Nov. 21. This promises CONCERNING HEALTH THE BAT - Mary Roberts Rinehart cial meeting. to be the best entertainment offered BENEFITS FOR FEDERAL penned this perennial, best selling WEDNESDAY this year. EMPLOYEES tome many years ago. Vincent Toastmasters meeting at 7 am . Our newlyelected officers are as Information on the new Health Price and Agnes Moorehead head and at 8. the Lucky Dancers are giv- follows: Bonnie Richter. president; Benefits Program which will become the cast of stars In the mystery ing an hour-long Hawaiian and Ta- Van Brown, vice president; Mike effective in July 1960 will appear drama that has survived the sci- hitian variety show. Don't miss it! Richter, secretary and Shirley Mc- from time to time in this column. ence fiction era. A re..., good movie THURSDAY Knott, treasurer. Q. Will the health benefits program although not what could be con- Dancing classes begin at 8:15 p.m. Starting time of tonight's meet- be compulsory? sidered ideal for the children. 80 Be there with bells on, and Eddie ing is 7:30 p.m. A. No. You do not have to apply minutes of suspense that is killing. Rogers will show you how. dUPPORT SUPPORT TOUR YOUR TEAMS TRAMS JOPP

13, I959 Page 6 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY. HAWAII November 'Cannoneers Smash Sep. Co. Game .4. 48-0 In Anniversary Cannoneers of 3rd Bn., 12th Ma- (Steve Ackerman) is blocking for the goal line. - rives were right -on target Tuesday .me I know there isn't going to be During the last play of the game during the Anniversary game at anyone around to ta, vie me." Bob Wolfenden began running the Dailey Field against Beparate Com- Larry Meers, commonly known ball toward pay dirt. Either one at panies. to teammates as "Mouse" moves 4 time or in a group each member At the third quarter the score just about as fast as his rodent of the opposing team went after stood 48 for the Artillery Group nanksake. As small as he appears him. Of course, some hit him and and 0 for Sep. Co.'s. The game was next to his big linesmen, Mouse others missed but it looked as called at this time. can be as vicious as any 200 lb. beef- though someone finally got hint as The game started out with a fast er once he has his hands on the ball. he pitched forward and began Viand furious pace set by the Can - He proved this a couple of times bouncing on his chest toward the noneers i when Larry Magilligan during the game. goal line. And over he went. tossed al lengthy pass to Tom Gal- After this tally the game was lagher who travelled over the goal Jerry Kunckle opened up his arms called and the cheering sections line for the first counter of the day. and in fell the ball for another racked up touchdown. cleared out rapidly for eves yone was Larry' Meers, fast moving back- in the festive spirit which prevailed Chico Arbrams moved all the way ZUNNING WILD Another Cannoneer headed for pay dirt during field man, hopped, skipped and throughout the base on that spe- - "gold" team for the downfield waiting for the Sep. Co. 'he Nov. 10th game at Dailey Field. 3rd Bn., 12th Marines trounced jumped past the cific day. second score. His ',long run netted team to pass. They did-but it was ieparate Companies team to the fabulous score of 48-0. After he play this week an about 70 yards of ffrld. a bad mistake-for Chico reached During other third quarter the game was called to a halt and the score stood 35 game was played be- 3'12's powerful ollfensive and de- up and plucked the spheroid out outstanding read. (Photo by Pfc D. R. Ward) tween Service Bn. and MCAS. MCAS fensive teams couldn't be held down. of the air and then travelled over took a loss but it was a ivell played The tricky running, line holding, game for both teams. The final and the speed and 'ability of the score stood at 20 for Service Bn. KEGLER KORNER "red" squad was unsurpassed. It Driving Range and 6 for MCAS. Special Services has announced and the series totaled 515 actual was the "Red" Cannoneers' game 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine grid- that the ladies' bowling clinic will from the opening kick. wood. ders fought their way back from a begin tomorrow morning at 9. BALL AND CHAIN Bob Wolfenden, giant broken Open Tonight 2'7-0 half time deficit with a pair If any of you women want to en- BOWLING LEAGUE field runner, kept the opposing team of touchdowns in the third quarter ter this clinic and haven't signed Last week brought us to the half off every moment he was and three in the fourth but fell up yet it is permissable to fill out way mark for this series of the Ball on the playing field. Until 9 P.M. short with a 46-34 loss to Camp the application forms tomorrow at and Chain League. Where as the Wolfenden scored a number of K-Bay golfers are reminded that H. M. Smith, Friday night at Pearl the first meeting. week before belonged to the women, times during the game and much of the Driving Range at the Klipper Harbor's Ward Field before a crowd The children's clinic, which start- this week the men set off a "chain his open field was through the ef- Course will be open each Friday of about 2,500. ed two weeks ago, has approximate- reaction," with G. Coulter, R. forts of Steve Ackerman. Wolfenden evening until 9 p.m. Camp Smith jumped off to a 14- ly 30 keglers each Saturday morn- Cronkhite, R. Van Beck, K. David- was heard to say, "As long as he In view of the enthusiasm that 0 lead in the first quarter as Dave ing. The youngsters, between 7 and son and B. Clapsaddie all having has been shown toward golf in this Bernard Stallmach 12 years of age, bowl between 10:30 games over the "200" mark. High Colcombe and ' area. Lt. Col. Raymond V. Fridrick, dirt and stanmam 131- a.m. and noon. game and series for the evening K-Bay Devil Pups crossed pay Special Services officer has decided lowed up the second TD with a two After a recommendation by the went to Gale Coulter with a game to utilize the lighting facility that point kick. Recreation Council, Col. M. M. Ma- of 257 and series of 605. Del Clap- has been in existence for this par- ramr;ant in the Se' gruder, station commander, has ap- saddle took high game honors with Bow To Kaimuk:* Smith ran ticular purpose, and give the play- with TD's by Jerr, proved the use of bowling shoes a 175 for the women, and tied with and stanza , ers the chance to "sharpen" up Don without rental fees. Dot Vander Mate for high series Brownlee, Jerry Cerchio and Free shoes will their games for the week-end mat- be available for use at the MCAS with 459. In Weekend Play" Long kicked the extra point. ches. ran lanes beginning Nov. 14. Team standings at the half-way Kaneohe Bay's Pop Warner Grid- Halfback Gerald Stortz A series of three "free" golf 33 with a TD in A TURKEY TOURNAMENT will mark, from first to last, are; Chain ders dropped their seoond game in clin- Smith's score to ics have been slated to initiate the 2nd Bn. halfback J be held at the station lanes on Nov. Gang; Lohi; Saddlesons; Linkers; three starts last Saturday morning the third but opening of the Driving Range ice the Ka- 22. It will be a three game series BVB; Hot Shots; and Alley Cats. to the Kaimuki squad. Kaimuki at W. Jones broke the for night. There will the with a turkey given away for every lashed out against the Marine team be a "clinic" on neohe squad with a TD in the first three consecutive Friday third, followed by quarterback W. five participants. Entrance foe is SHOOTERS and racked up a 33 to 13 win. NOTES nights beginning promptly at 7 p.m Sheehan's TD and plunge for the USU. There will be five starting The Marine team kept a 7 to 8 Dates for the Windward League and individual instruction will be PAT. times for the roll off. They are, lead up through the first half of Rifle Matches were announced this supplied to all beginners by the top TD 12:15 p.m.; 2:30 p.m.; 4:45 p.m.; the game and then seemed Stallmach scored his second week. Practice sessions will begin at to fall amateur players here at MCAS 6 p.m.; and 8:15. apart. Through a deries of in the fourth for Smith and Cliff 7 am. on Nov. 23 and 24 while the mental Kaneohe. This will be a men versus men errors fumbles Ramseyer scored a TD and copped actual shooting will take place on and the Kaimuki and women versus women singles team took every It is the hope of all concerned. the PAT to leave his squad the 46 Nov. 25 and 27th. The 26th is a advantage and tourney. Call 72597 for your early totaled up the that your participation will per- points for the win. holiday so there will not be any lopsided score. reservation. petuate the practice of having the F. Johnson. M. L. Stiffler and shooting. Bill Garrett made the first score lights turned on every Friday even- Jones scored the TD's for the 2nd "Jolly Jeans" and "Doodle Bugs" The next slated rifle match will for the Marines after a series of ing. There Ls. also a remote possibil- Battalion in the fourth stanza and are tied for first place in the Serv- be held in December. plays which brought the "crimson ity that sufficient enthusiasm 3 icemen's Wahine League at the and gold" down to the two yard would W. E. MacEven picked up extra ActGySgt B. L. Harshman shot a warrant opening the Manua Bowl. line. The extra point was made range on ad- points after 2 TD's. Final score 250 x 250 while practicing for the ditional The when Jerry Cody nights in the week. 46-34 in favor of Smith. Jolly Jeans team is made t' National Match Course. flipped a short pass up of Chuck Hawkins, Dot Vander- The 1st Marine Brigade has en- to Dusty Rhoades. Mate, Lois Stanley and Nancy La- tered two teams in the State Cham- Jim VanderMate is credited with Polla while the Doodle Bugs claim pionship High Power Rifle Match making the second and final score Mary Smith, Eleanor Plumb, Elma which will be held at Schofield for the Marine team. Swaszowski and Lois Smith on their Barracks on Nov. 13, 14 and 15. Programs for the Navy Relief So- roles. The monthly smallbore match ciety's Rodeo tomorrow and Sunday Pat Walker Mill holds the high which was fired at Pearl Harbor, will be sold by members of the Pop game record and high series for was won by Lt. R. J. Maguire who Warner Team at Truan Arena. the league. Her high game is 214 fired 786 out of a possible 000. Waimanalo will be the visiting team this Saturday at 10 while "VINOVIIK111.1111111 01IIM 1 I am. the home team' Devil Pups try to PIGSKIN even out their record. PICKIN' 117 For the first :Hu.. since this st ries of pickings was started ,. 0 MAN STANDING W1NDW 1RD 1.1111NE sports editor took over the first place position with a percentage of .14 1. Jack Sheehan. Feature Writer. 1/4 2-0 claiths a .128 per cent and Ed G reen ISO Chief dropped to .095 per cent. 3/12 2-0 TEAMS S G Yoar Svc. Bn. 2-0 Pickins' Army vs. Oklahoma O A 0 Cp. Smith 2-1 C-Oleate vs. Syracuse S S S Sep. Co. 1-2 Holy Cross vs. Penn St. PS PS - PS Pitr.'-ve. Notre Dante ND P ND Pearl Harbor 1-1 MABS-13 KEGLERS - Comm. Section of MABS-I3 took home the Illinois vs. Wisconsin bacon as the bowling season came to an end last week. Displaying w W MCAS 0-2 Iowa vs. Ohio St. - OS OS OS their awards are: Front row 1-r, L. G. Wheeler, A. W. Bothman and R. Mioligan vs. Indiana M I M MAG-I3 0-2 Rivera. Standing 1-r, Michael Wilkinson, team captain, William Mich. St. vs Northwestern NW NW ^ NW Behana, Lt.Col. R. Janson, new CO, Lt. Robert Himmerich, Comm. 2/4 . 0-2 Texas vs. Texas Christian T T T ...... Officer, Maj. Robert Morrison, old CO, Lt. L. Walker and William George Washington vs. Navy .... N GW N Jones. (Photo by Pfc D. R. Ward) November 13, 1959 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII Page 7 HAW. AAU CHAMP RAY PHILLIPS INTRAMURAL GOLF PLAY HAS ONLY 2 YEARS RING SAVVY STARTS DEC. 1 AT K-BAY Heccgnition in any Person's chos- matches, and has both won and lost Each company, battery or squadron the winner.

en field usually takes years and there. He also fought at Schofield aboard the Air . Station has been After Nov. 20, when all the tams years of hard work and determina- Barracks. given an invitation to enter a team have been entered a schedule will tion. Only the hard work and deter- Stanley Santos, from the Prison in the antra -mural golf competition published and listed in the Sports mination holds true in the of team, was the opponent when Ray which will commence about Dec. 1. action of the WINDWARD MA- Ray Phillips, 165 pound HaWatian rook his first "Outstanding Fighter" Any unit desiring to enter a team RINE. Watch these pages for the AAU Middleweight title holder. trophy home. should complete the applicatio9 schedule. Ray put on a pair of boxing After that bout he-Was on his way form and have it at Headquarteit4s, Individual entrants carrying gloves for the first time in his life up the ring ladder of success. He 1st Marine Brigade, prior to Nov. "bonafide" and established handi- less than two years ago. put a string of wins on his belt and 20 at 3 p.m. Applications ma)/ be caps will deduct the listed handi- Phillips was active in all high is still adding to it today. obtained from Brigade Special cap to. arrive at their net scores. 'school sports except boxing. For All of a sudden,' before he really Sertices or from the enclosure on Those entrants who do not have some reason he never had a desire knew all the ins and outs of the - Brigade Bulletin 1710. to don the leather mitts until after 'ng world, he was entered in the Play will consist of a single round he had joined the Marine Corps and 'he Hawaii Marine Tourney. He won. robin with each team entered play- was transferred to Hawaii. and was on his way 'to the All Ma- ing the other entries once. The team "The first time I sparred in the rine tourney held in the Mainland. winning the highest number of ring over here I was put in there He worked his way up and into the matches declared over 18 holes Low with Amos Johnson who fought his semi finals of the Al Mar and lost Net Medal play, will be declared way to the light heavyweight title to Louis Moses who went on to take in the Pan American Games. I 'was championship. brand new and I can still remember Ray usually enters the ring at 165 Special Services how hard and how many times he pounds but at last year's Maui Fair RADIO STATION handicaps established, will have hit me in the nose. I thought it he couldn't get an opponent to enter AMATEUR (727971 one given to them upon completion would never stop bleeding." the ring with him. They knew of his through Friday-8 a.m. to of the 18 holes by the "Callaway After working in the ring for only record and didn't feel .they wanted Monday 4 p.m. (Other times ny appoint- System." two weeks he Las matched for a to become a victim of this "up and ment.) . The winning team will be de- bout held in Bloch Arena at Pearl corner." Phillip ended up fighting a ENLISTED MEN'S SWIMMING clared the Brigade-Station Cham- Harbor. He lost his first match by 'am mate in the 178 pound class, POOL (72922) pion in golf and wil receive the a split decision and in later bouts Pierre Austin. to Austin returned Tuesday - Sunday 11:30 a.m. to Rotating Golf Trophy with the four with the same opponent - Ray came Kaneohe bay less his title: sunset. Closed Mondays. team members' names inscribed. out the victor. At the present time he is working Special Services will issue a golf He worked the regular process of tut and losing weight so as to be GYMNASIUM (Hangar 103) (72172) ball to begin play of each round fighting along with the Lady team. He to fight at the prison on Nov. Sunday and Monday closed. robin match. Golf clubs are avail- was put in the ring against inmates 18 and to also RAY PHILLIPS to enter the Junior Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. - able at the golf course clubhouse at of Oahu Prison, where vational the Varsity AAU matches the last of 9 p.m no expense to military personnel and Boxing Team often times has his AND month. WANT TO FLY? __ HOBBY SHOP, GARAGE green fees will be waived for con- SALES ROOM (727061 testants in this competition. TICKHAM CLUB _ Monday and Tuesday-closed We,. nesday through Friday-1 p.m, t( .1FFERS COURSE a to 7 n Q n m Saturdav-9 in AGySgt Harshman Do you have the desire to fly Sundays and holtdrivs--12.30 i. gut feel you can't afford the les- 6:30 p.m. Sales Room closed two Fires Perfect Score -ons? hours earlier. Hickam Aero Club located at LIBRARY (MAIN AND Over Nat'l. Course IVNICHE1CK ICHE Wheeler Air Force Base provides BRAvevil 7'1601 Hawaii " 'e Rifle Team Shoot- excellent fight instructions to all Monday through Friday-10 am t.4. er AGySgt. Ben L. Harshman of by service personnel and their depend- 9 p.m. Saturday. Sunday and boll "Alpha" Company, 1st Bn., 4th Ma- at s. very reasonable cost. days --I 'n 4 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m DICK NICKLIN its rines, fired a perfect 250x35V's over The club has fully qualified Fed- 9ranch -Monday through Friday. the National Match Course here -ma! Aeronautics Authority (FAA) 4:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Sunday Not,. 7 'to probably set a 'light instructors who are available and holius,,,s, 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 Saturday, to 9 p.m. new Marine Corps record for the Monday night the Hawaii Marine hoopsters open their season against every day. GOLF COURSE (72914) number of-V's fired over this course. the ServPac five Dual instructions cost $7 per hour at Eloch Arena at Pearl Harbor and from all indications, The golf course will be open every Harshman is probably the first and solo fluting is as low as $4 per as I said last week, they will be the team to beat. The fact that they are day from 7.30 a m. to clinger of MTU shooters to hour. man outside the defending champions in the Armed Forces Senior Invitational Bas- BOWLING ALLEYS (72591) ever clean the slate on the course. The club is also expecting a sec- ketball League in Hawaii is not the only r: on for my prediction but \londav thrown) Thursday-10 a.n. He was firing in preparation for -did four place aircraft which should 11 a.m. to 12 the fact that they have seven returnees back with the squad this year to p.m Friday-in the Hawaii Marines Team's partici- be avaiable to club members in midnight. Saturday-12 noon to added to the fact that they have picked up seven new men who look pating in the Camp Matthews Open early December. 12 midnight. Sunday,and holidays ;harp in pre-season games and practice should be the clincher. on Nov. 21 and 22 at San If you wart to visit the club and -12 noon to 11 p.m. Matches As we said last week, we'll take a look at the individual players and Diego. The Team will leave Sunday look around they are open from 8 4T ARLES AND KENNELS, (7.3021 heir backgrounds this week. As you read down the list of players 1 Monday and Tuesday'-elosed. Wed- for the matches. am. to 5 p.m. daily and 8 am. to if :t want to give the impression that I am naming them in order of nesday through Friday -10 a.m. tr Harshman, a native of Downs- noon on Saturdays and Sundays. In- .heir value or performance but merely as the come to mind. If we don't dusk. Saturday, Sunday and holi- ville, Wisconsin, fired perfect 50's formation may be obtained by vis- get to all fourteen players this week, which we probably won't, then you days-43 a.m. to sunset. Free rides on both the 200 yard slow fire off - iting Hangar 114 at Wheeler AFB to dependent children anc can look forward to other devoted to the remainder of the team. K-Bay hnnd and 200 yard rapid fire with -"r by calling Col. E. W. Ritzau, K-Bay Servicemen on their birth First of all let's take a look at one of the top ball-handlers in the 6V's on each line. He picked up 50 USMC, at 19226, at the Naval Am- days Marine Corps or for that matter a credit to any ball club. Bill Weiman and 5V's on the 300 yard ra- munition Depot, pahu. RECREATION BOATHOUSE points is opening his third season with the Hawaii Marines. Bill is responsible (7 pid fire string and 100 points and for a good many of the plays made by the Hawaii Marines. His deft hands Monday and Tuesday-closed. Wed 18V's on the 600 yard slow fire line. and sharp eyes on the bouncing sphere are a pleasure to watch as he nesday through Friday-12 noon The Hawaii Marine Team, under ( Rhymes of Titnegl moves the ball down the court and passes with uncanny accuracy to his the to sunset. Saturday, Sunday and Warrant Officer George E. Foster, is am. to sunset. Water team mates for the score. He graduated from Notre Dame where he :k holidays-8 made up of Marines from all the A GOAL ACHIEVED ski lessons, Military-Saturday played on the varsity squad for three years. commands in Hawaii. They will take A RACE WELL RUN and Sunday-8 a.m. to 10 am. De- Larry Tierney who is the Assistant Coach and plays guard, also is ALL SERVE AN END pendent-Thursday and Friday- twelve men to the Matthews Open is a returning to the Hawaii Marines court and former captain of his At") OFFER FUN, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Matches. team at Villanova where he played varsity three seasons after winning a A,SIN -AM scholarship to that school. He too is a skilled ball handler and playmaker. He and 'team mate Jim Smith have played ball together for several years . both at Villanova and at Quantico before reporting to the Hawaii Ma- ..... rines last season. Sports Calendar Jim Smith is one of the steady scorers of the team. He is a memix: ri the exclusive 1.000 point club at Villanova where he was elected the WAS POP WARNER FOOTBALL Most Valuable Player in both his junior and senior years. Among his Nov. 14 - Kaneohe Marines vs. ither honors he lists All-City, All-State and All-Catholic All-American in Waimanall, KMCAS, 10 a.m. ris native Philadelphia. Pa. 6 MAN FOOTBALL Bill Shuman, former University of Alabama courster, was one of the Tonight - lstBn., 4th Mar. vs. Camp top scorers last season and is an adept ban handler. He was named All- Smith. 8 p.m. and MCAS vs.

City, All-Region and All-State as a prepster before going to Alabama ' MAG-13 at Daily Field, 3 p.m. on a basketball scholarship. He hails from Savannah, Ga. 1 MCAS BOWLING ALL6Y A four year veteran of Holy Cross hardwoods, George Waddleton is Mondays - Station Mr. and Mrs. one of the most steady influences on the Hawaii Marine squad. He is a League, p.m. deadly shot from most anywhere on the floor and is, an expert ball- Tuesday - Hq&HqSq League, 6:30 in Jersey City he was named All- handler. As a prepster at St. Peter's 1 p.m. City. All-County, All-State and Catholic All-American. Wednesdays - MAG-13 Intramural Bob Young opens his second year with the Hawaii Marines after play- League, 8 p.m. ing the '57-'58 season at Quantico. He went to the University of North Fridays - Mokapu Mr. and Mrs. TAirolina on a basketball-football scholarship where he played both sports League roll at 5 p.m. Ball and or four years. Bob is the biggest man on the team in that he is 6 foot Chain Loop at 8. a 1 and weighs 218. Only one other man towers over him and that is Cosel Walker at 6-6. With his height and weight, naturally he is an excellent "REVEILLE REVUE" SPARIRNG MATE - Ray Phillips, Hawaiian AAU Middle Weight ebounder. Awaken with "Reveille Revue" on titleholder works out with Stan Harrington, local professional boxer. Next week we will delve into the backgrounds of the remainder of the radio dial 1240 from 5 to 7:30 am., Stan often stops in at the gym to work out with the Marine team eam. Monday through Friday. nernbcrs and give them some good advice. (Photo by Pfc D. R. Ward) November 13, 1959 Pay.) 8 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII


CONCEALED ENEMY TANKS EIGHT MILES DISTANT MCS, QUANTICO, VA. Crouch- ing low in his foidiole, the Marine manning a forward observation post adjusts his earphones, twists dials on his control box &rid waits. Night has fallen and the air is still. Suddenly he it aware of a dull throbbing sound ibrating through

the earphones. . Springing into action, he makes rapid calculations. Seconds later he is calling the artillery command post and reports: "Micky Mouse, this is Rosewhite Enemy platoon moving up at co-ordinates two- three - five - two - four - five - four - three." His announcement made, he set- tles back waiting for the familiar whoosh overhead of the "four deuc- es" enroute to their objective miles away. Analyzing the situation described above, raises certain questions. Hos' was he able to determine the size and exact position of the enemy force at such a great distance? Through the use of a new ground radar, currently being LOCO BOZO -- "Bozo the Clown" may not know much about horses surveillance Marine Corps, scenes but he's going to appear tomorrow and Sunday at the Hawaiian tested by the one outlined above will Roundup here. Bozo was among the first local TV personalities to such as the in future in- donate his time and talents in the Navy Relief benefit. Amusement likely be duplicated operations. .. rides and other concessions will open at 10 a.m. with the grand fantry -,...:',., 't- .k...,...... _dr -... Presently undergoing a final test- entry slated for 1:30 p.m. both days. (Photo by ASSgt. Dan C. ice. 1 _ A ...... _. ..- ..:-, A42, /-*.doe",_._,..-114"s, Col- Corps lins ing phase at the Marine Jr.) BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING Setting up a new ground-scanning Equipment Board's Electronic Sec- - radar which can pinpoint a tank eight miles away, iwo Marines prepare tion at Quantico, Va., the detection to demonstrate the new unit at Quantico, Va. Marine at left adjusts is so sharp that it can pick Roping and Whip device sensitive antenna, while man at right connects set to power source. Jack Wolf, Artist, out a crawling soldier one-half mile Using the device, they located a man crawling one-half mile away. Thus, it opens an entirely away. (Official USMC Photo) To Appear in Hawaiian Roundup new concept for infantry. mod- Jack Diaz Wolf, trick roper and irst man ever to master the trick Because of nuclear weapons, tame to the located object are com- termine exactly what you have pick- field units to virtuoso with two 18 foot Mexican of using two long bull whips at the ern doctrine requires puted on the control box. ed up requires a trained ear which from other bull whips, is slated to appear at same time. operate several miles Power is supplied by a very quiet can be acquired only through much These distances be- the Hawaiian Roundup at the Kan- In addition to his whip act, Wolf friendly forces. portable gasoline generator. The practice." leave great gaps through eohe Marine Corps Air Station on is an accomplished trick roper. He tween units three gallon fuel supply makes up The compact battefield unit. the enemy can infiltrate. Nov. 14 and 15. will appear in the arena in a color- which one of the five components and pro- which can pinpoint a tank eight ground-scanning device Wolf will flick a piece of paper ful gold and silver trimmed Mexican The new vides enough fuel to operate the set miles away, was originally conceived commanders an im. from the lips of a pretty girl with 'harro outfit. offers combat continuously for 16 hours. and the first model built at the of "closing the portant new means Basic operator training takes a- Control Systems Laboratory at the the tip of his 18 foot whip. Of Irish, The two day rodeo, being for the the gap." as one MCEB of Illinois. is currently Indian and Spanish descent, Wolf benefit bout five days. But University It of Navy Relief. will be pre- as the Battlefield Surveil- learned his skill with the whips from Known spokesman reflected, "To pick up a being manufactured by the Admiral -tented at Truan Arena at the Kan- AN TP8-21. the new Mexican cowboys on the Texas bord- lance Radar target is easy, but to be able to de- 00. of Chicago. eohe air station. The grand entry set can be broken down er when he was a teen-ager. lightweight parade will start at 1:30 p.m. and and pack-carried by five rr. T1 with He got his first job at the age of OFFICERS WIVES COFFEE the concessions and rides at the little difficulty. Or reaching the 16 on the famous King Ranch in This is the last reminder to make rodeo grounds will open at 10 a.m. designated position, it can then be ROUNDUP Texas, and after mastering all the reservations for the Aloha Coffee Page I each day. set up by two men in five minutes. Continued from skills of the , hit the rodeo for Mrs. F. L. Wieseman on Wednes- Tickets for the rodeo are available The operator "hears" the target home. An easterner. Coast Guard circuit, and reached the top as day. Nov. 18. 9:30 a.m., lower lanai, at International Motors. Western through earphones. Tanks. jeeps, cowboy Wayne Peterson of Summit, World Champion Cowboy at Madi- Officers' Club Store. Wigwam Store, Paawa Phar- trucks, troop formations and other N.J., is also among the contestants. son Square Garden in 1929. Phone your reservations to your macy, Schumann Used Car Lot. the moving objects reflect their own dis- An added attraction to the fes- Wolf has been in the islands regular unit representative, who Downtown Optimists Club and at tinctive sounds. When the operator tivities will be the appearance since 1946, and claims to be the will turn them in as a group to Mrs. Universal Motors in Kai lua. Tickets "hears" a suspicious motion, he can both days of "Bozo Um Clown," G. D. Wolverton (724011 and Mrs. will also be for sale at the rodeo narrow the radar beam and zero local TV personality. He has vol- R. C. Woten (Kailua 252437). Dead- Famed Equestrienne grounds. in on the target. Azimuth and dis- unteered his time and talents to line for reservations is noon Mon- the Navy Relief benefit show. Featured in Roundup - day. Nov. 16. He will be on hand to sign auto- Patsy Treevenen, holder of 13 Officers Club Sunday Floor Show graphs for the children and to state jumping trophies from Cal- ALTAR -ROSARY SOCIETY amuse them with his antics. ifornia, will come out of retirement CORPORATE COMMUNION Tickets for the big roundup. to demonstate her skill at the Ha- Stars Comedian, Singer, Dancers Corporate Communion for Saint deo, carnival and parade are $1 for waiian Roundup here Saturday and K-Bay officers and their guests with dancing to the melodious Michael's Altar and Rosary Society general admission. $2 and $3 for Sunday. mill have an opportunity Sunday launchings of the Countdowns from will be held this Sunday at 9:30 the covered reserved section and Mrs. Treevenen has lived for the wening to view a fast-paced Main- 8 'til 11. am. Mass 50-cents for children. past three years in Waimanalo with land show at the Officers Club. The regular business meeting will Tickets are available at the Sta- her husband SUNDAY and three small child- Showtime is 9:30 p.m. be held at the Chapel at 7 p.m., Nov. . tion adjutant's office, the Officers ren. The day of rest but don't rest Headlining the bill be come - 18. Father K. J. Cortney will be guest Club. Theatres 1 and 2, the golf too long! Delicious Sunday Brunch She will ride her own jumper, Ilan Jack Le Maire who comes to speaker. course clubhouse, the stables and "Tejon," from 9 'tit noon, and Family Buffet a gelding which she 'he islands direct ;Tom a stint in All Catholic women are cordially from all unit Special Services Offi- from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Music by the brought with her to the islands Hollywood. Sharing stage honors invited to join the Society. cers. from Stereos, and a MAINLAND SHOW. California. will be Jan Kelly. a sultry colleen Mrs. Treevenen will also serve as with a distinctive vocalizing style. MONDAY judge for the junior jumping events. She recently completed a highly suc- Hula Lessons for adults at 8 in FROM: Following the junior riding class. she ^essful engagement at one of Mexi- the morning, kiddies (5-10) from 3 Pleol will put her own and "12 to horse over jumps ao City's fine supper clubs. to 4 in the afternoon, Stamp(s) of four feet and over. Adding more pleasantness to the teens" at 4. Lunch for everybody Here scenery will be the Cionettes. a pair at 11:30 through 1 p.m. SPORTING GOOD' DEPT. of beautiful dancers who last ap- TUESDAY ATTRACTS CITSTOMPRS neared in the Las Vegas night club Toastmasters Luncheon at 11:30, Marine TO: Exchange officials noted circuit. with regular lunch served from the this week that the recently The popular Stereos will provide opened same time 'til 1 p.m. 8 p.m. is the Sporting Goods Department is 'he music. magic hour for the Don Wallace drawing a growing number of pa-. TODAY Adult Dance Class. trons. The new department is lo- The immortal Happy Hour awaits WEDNESDAY cated in the Beverage Sales Section your presence from 4 'til 6 p.m., with The "0" Wives Coffee, originally adjacent to the Main MX. a special LUCKY SHOW in the scheduled for 9 am., has been can- Now carried in stock is a variety Lower Lanai. The Couples Bar is 11147L THE WINDWARD MARINE 1101111 TODAY. celled, but Lunch is still on the NO ENVELOPE REQUIRED. of diving, fishing, archery, bad- open at 5, and closes just in time minton and menu for 11:30. croquet equipment. A for dinner, served from 7 'til 9 p.m. ?.0 age rsuired: 2nd Class Ma /I -2e. 1st Clem Matt-Se. Airmail 14e. large selection of shotgun shells is SATURDAY THURSDAY For mailing fold paper twice and secure outer edge with tape er staple. Also available Dinner from 7 through 9 p.m., Same's yesterday! C'mon in! ....