Biographical Sketch of Dr. George M. Sternberg
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF DR. GEORGE M. STERNBERG. [Reprint from Physicians and Surgeons of America.] GEORGE M. STERNBERG. STERNBERG, George Miller, Washington, D. C., son of Rev. Levi (D. D.) and Mar- garet Levering (Miller) Sternberg, was born «r New York city, June 8, 1838. Educated at Hartwick Seminary, Otsego county, N. Y.; commenced the study of medicine in 1857, at Cooperstown, N. Y., under Dr. Horace Lathrop, of that place; attended two courses of lectures at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the city of New York, and was graduated in iB6O. MILITARY AFFAIRS. Actual Rank. Assistant surgeon, May 28, 1861 ; accepted May 31, 1861 ; captain and assistant sur- geon, May 28, 1866; major and surgeon, Decem- ber 1, 1875; lieutenant-colonel and deputy sur- geon-general, January 12, 1891 ; brigadier-general and surgeon-general, May 30, 1893, retiring year, 1902 ; appointed from New York. Service. With General Sykes’s command, Army of the Potomac, to August, 1862; hospital duty, Portsmouth Grove, R. L, to November, 1862; with General Banks’s expedition, and assistant to the medical director, Department of the Gulf, to January, 1864; in office of medical director, Col- umbus, Ohio, and incharge of United States General at Hospital Cleveland, Ohio, to July, 1865 ; with the Thirteenth United States infantry, Jefferson Bar- racks, Mo., to April, 1866; post surgeon at Fort to Harker, Kan., October, 1867 (choleraepidemic) ; atFortRiley, Kan., and in the field from April, 1868, to 1870 (Indian campaign) ; Fort Columbus, New York harbor, to May, 1871 (yellow-fever epi- demic) ; Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, to June, 1871 ; Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Mass., to August, 1872; ordered to Department of the Gulf, July 22, 1872; acting medical director, New Orleans, La., to October, 1872; post surgeon, Fort Barrancas, Fla., to August, 1875 (epidemics of yellow fever in 1873 and 1875); on sick leave to May, 1876; ordered to Department of the Columbia, May 11, 1876; attending surgeon department headquarters, to September, 1876; post surgeon, Fort Walla Walla, W.
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