Lyndon Larouche and “Hate Crime” Laws
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LYN DON LAROUCHE AND “HATE CRIME” LAWS WHO IS LYNDON LAROUCHE? Lyndon LaRouche is the American leader of the LaRouche network which he personally directs and controls the many interrelated organisations worldwide. In this document we attempt to show how for the last 30 years Lyndon LaRouche has waged a relentless campaign of hate mongering against the British State and the Jews. Lyndon LaRouche names his enemy and states he is at war with them, orchestrating a campaign of hate against them. The LaRouche’s global movement echoes core themes o Nazi ideology. Since 2000 the aims of the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement have been to recruit young persons from outside Colleges and Universities and with the use of manipulative means of social control, fully documented in his training manual “Beyond Psycho-analysis” he persuades young people to become full time workers, abandoning their families, their studies and former lives. The Organization sees itself as a military style operation committed to bringing about political and economic change and for that he engages in mass Press propaganda and security operations. Whatever happens to be the major issue of the day is woven into a sinister global conspiracy that stretches back to Jewish figures from the Babylonian times. It culminates in a contemporary plot for world domination by British plutocratic elites in league with Jewish bankers and the British royalty. This document shows evidence of how the LaRouchite literature reflect how it is the LaRouche view that the royal family and the Queen use Jewish agents around the world to launch an alleged Anglo-American plot to spread mind-altering teaching methods, disease, and violence as a way to increase the profits of the secret elites. These elites are referred to in classic anti-Semitic formats and language. LaRouche is a convicted fraudster and felon who served only a third of his 15 year sentence being released in 1994. He appears never to have been stopped from spreading racist hatred propaganda against various ethnic groups (Jewish, British, Black/African Americans, Russians) since the mid-1970s. His worldwide operation goes 1 out in many different languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Swedish, Danish, Arabic, Russian, Farsi, Polish, etc). In the mid-1970s he was indeed associated with the pro-Nazi, American holocaust denial “Liberty Lobby” of Willis Carto and with KKK Grand Dragon Roy Frankhouser. LaRouche endorsed their holocaust denial stance and launched an anti-Zionist, anti- Semitic international campaign by the end of the 1970s. A top spokesman of the American Anti-Defamation League, Irwin Suall, was once sued for defamation by LaRouche for calling him a “small-time Hitler.” The jury ruled against LaRouche. British Times of London journalist Roger Boyes wrote in 2003: “Anti- Semitism is at the core of LaRouche’s conspiracy theories, which he adapts to modern events – most recently the war in Iraq.” 1 His propaganda also supports terrorism by proxy, by blaming the terrorism’s victims and accusing the “British” for being the “real masterminds” of International terrorism (i.e. not Al Qaeda!). It can be alleged therefore his hate crimes take shape by making false crimes against those he deems terrorists and in that way laying open the grounds to condone those that the British Government deem terrorists. If one visits one of his websites or reads his published literature, watches his “International video webcasts”, there is not a single day when the “BRITISH” aren’t blamed for all the evils real and (mostly) fictional in this world. In LaRouche’s “world outlook”, the “BRITISH” are the ENEMY and LaRouche heads this war which he warns if lost means the end of the world as we know it. LaRouche has therefore been waging a WAR BY EVERY POSSIBLE MEANS against the “BRITISH”, internationally for more than thirty years. He wrote: “The preservation of the United States, not to mention the vast portion of the world [...] depends on the U.S. population mobilizing for a different sort of war. The aim of that war must be the total elimination of Britain's worldwide political, economic, and military leverage — the leverage that has thrown the entire world toward devolution into genocide, terrorism, and regional 30 years wars, as well as the ultimate catastrophe. Such a war can be won through essentially two strategic thrusts. The first is to rip all U.S. logistical support and cover from the Nazis, terrorist, and otherwise murderous policies of Britain and her satrapies, like Israel, Rhodesia. and the World Bank-IMF. The first aspect of this thrust is the naming of names, such as Henry A. Kissinger. The second is a firm threat to stop the war provocations by force, up to and including the subjection of Britain to the treatment its government succeeded in applying to Japan in 1945.” 2 1 Is that Lyndon LaRouche behind the Hitler mustache? By Charles Schmid, Bainbridge Island, June 04 2010 2 “A War-Winning Strategy”, March 21, 1978 New Solidarity 2 The LaRouche stance on the "British" is based on the fantastic idea that the American "War of Independence" against the British Empire is NOT over and therefore, in his (or associates’) mind the British Empire STILL exists, it is evil and seeks to destroy America... and the rest of the world. Figure 1 recent poster from the "LAROUCHE PAC" political committee LaRouche wrote: "The leading power on this planet today is the British Empire. And the British Empire exists. People who do not know that the British Empire exists, should go back to school, or maybe it's a waste of time to send them back to school, because all the evidence is clear: The most powerful force on this planet, politically, and financially, is the British Empire. [...] The Westminster model was a farce; it was made for sheep. It should be called a sheep-herders' Parliament. These are the guys who go out and herd the sheep. This is not a government. The Parliament does not decide anything, unless the British Crown allows it to decide something. [...] The real government of Britain, and of the British Commonwealth, lies in an organization called the British Privy Council." 3 More from LaRouche: The "Winds of Change" -- The Sun Never Sets on the New British Empire -- Financial Control and the Destabilization of Governments In LaRouche conspirational “world-outlook”; the ENEMY = BRITISH = JEWISH = NAZI. The term “British”, “Jewish” (Zionist) or “Nazi” are therefore INTERCHANGEABLE and always associated one way or another. The term “British” could even be associated to… 3 "The Comet of Doom" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., conference of the Schiller Institute, in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, Dec. 14, 1997 3 “homosexuality” (LaRouche is homophobic) or anyone LaRouche considers to be his “enemy”! LaRouche hates so much "the British" that he calls the British Aristocracy a "pack of animals". LaRouche wrote: "It is not actually libelous to describe the British aristocracy as a "pack of animals." [...] "Pack of animals" is not merely a permissible characterization of the British aristocracy. Without that image of reference, it is virtually impossible to comprehend the world-outlook, the policies and the way of life of the Anglican aristocracy, and that of its "black nobility" allies throughout the Mediterranean- centered region. [...] Inevitably so: we are human and they (the Anglicans, note ed.) are a different, alien species. " 4 Other LaRouche sources about the “British Empire” Lyndon LaRouche: “The British are far more evil than Adolf Hitler” 5 Since 2005, the U.K. has been able to ban people who promote hatred, terrorist violence or serious criminal activity. The Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said granting free speech did not provide a licence to preach hatred and that those banned had "clearly overstepped the mark" with the attitudes they had expressed. 6 The United Kingdom's Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism so as to include not only violent offences against persons and physical damage to property, but also acts "designed seriously to interfere with or to seriously disrupt an electronic system" if those acts are (a) designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and (b) be done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or 4 "That Zoo Called The House of Lords'" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in NEW SOLIDARITY, December 29, 1978 5 Samuels, Tim. “Jeremiah Duggan's death and Lyndon LaRouche”, BBC News, 12 February 2004 6 UK 'least wanted' list published, at 4 ideological cause. It is worth noting that out of the sixteen named individuals banned from entering the UK since October 2009 7 two have publicly shown some support to Lyndon LaRouche’s: 1. STEPHEN DONALD BLACK whose neo-Nazi website has published supportive posts for LaRouche. For instance : Why White Nationalists Should Vote For Lyndon LaRouche in 2004 2. MICHAEL ALAN WEINER (ALSO KNOWN AS MICHAEL SAVAGE) who commented: “When I read this stuff, it makes sense to me.” — Michael Savage, reacting to the campaign of Summer Shield, the Larouche candidate for Congress against Nancy Pelosi. Lyndon LaRouche is indeed appealing to many racist extremist circles in America and around the world. 8 LaRouche launched mid 2009 a libellous and racist campaign against President Barak Obama with a “Hitler moustache poster”, calling him a “Nazi” and a “British”. LaRouche wrote: “I mean: Obama is a racist. I mean, with an African father--he wasn't much of an African father, but was an African father of Kenya. He was part of a British operation, which took over Kenya, through MI5's operation. But this guy was away from Kenya, and he married a Margaret Mead type, a woman who had a number of successive husbands, like Margaret Mead did.