Lyndon LaRouche is the American leader of the LaRouche network which he personally directs and controls the many interrelated organisations worldwide. In this document we attempt to show how for the last 30 years Lyndon LaRouche has waged a relentless campaign of hate mongering against the British State and the Jews. Lyndon LaRouche names his enemy and states he is at war with them, orchestrating a campaign of hate against them. The LaRouche’s global movement echoes core themes o Nazi ideology. Since 2000 the aims of the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement have been to recruit young persons from outside Colleges and Universities and with the use of manipulative means of social control, fully documented in his training manual “Beyond Psycho-analysis” he persuades young people to become full time workers, abandoning their families, their studies and former lives. The Organization sees itself as a military style operation committed to bringing about political and economic change and for that he engages in mass Press propaganda and security operations. Whatever happens to be the major issue of the day is woven into a sinister global conspiracy that stretches back to Jewish figures from the Babylonian times. It culminates in a contemporary plot for world domination by British plutocratic elites in league with Jewish bankers and the British royalty. This document shows evidence of how the LaRouchite literature reflect how it is the LaRouche view that the royal family and the Queen use Jewish agents around the world to launch an alleged Anglo-American plot to spread mind-altering teaching methods, disease, and violence as a way to increase the profits of the secret elites. These elites are referred to in classic anti-Semitic formats and language.

LaRouche is a convicted fraudster and felon who served only a third of his 15 year sentence being released in 1994. He appears never to have been stopped from spreading racist hatred propaganda against various ethnic groups (Jewish, British, Black/African Americans, Russians) since the mid-1970s. His worldwide operation goes

1 out in many different languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Swedish, Danish, Arabic, Russian, Farsi, Polish, etc).

In the mid-1970s he was indeed associated with the pro-Nazi, American holocaust denial “” of Willis Carto and with KKK Grand Dragon . LaRouche endorsed their holocaust denial stance and launched an anti-Zionist, anti- Semitic international campaign by the end of the 1970s. A top spokesman of the American Anti-Defamation League, Irwin Suall, was once sued for defamation by LaRouche for calling him a “small-time Hitler.” The jury ruled against LaRouche. British Times of London journalist Roger Boyes wrote in 2003: “Anti- Semitism is at the core of LaRouche’s conspiracy theories, which he adapts to modern events – most recently the war in Iraq.” 1

His propaganda also supports terrorism by proxy, by blaming the terrorism’s victims and accusing the “British” for being the “real masterminds” of International terrorism (i.e. not Al Qaeda!). It can be alleged therefore his hate crimes take shape by making false crimes against those he deems terrorists and in that way laying open the grounds to condone those that the British Government deem terrorists.

If one visits one of his websites or reads his published literature, watches his “International video webcasts”, there is not a single day when the “BRITISH” aren’t blamed for all the evils real and (mostly) fictional in this world. In LaRouche’s “world outlook”, the “BRITISH” are the ENEMY and LaRouche heads this war which he warns if lost means the end of the world as we know it.

LaRouche has therefore been waging a WAR BY EVERY POSSIBLE MEANS against the “BRITISH”, internationally for more than thirty years.

He wrote:

“The preservation of the United States, not to mention the vast portion of the world [...] depends on the U.S. population mobilizing for a different sort of war. The aim of that war must be the total elimination of Britain's worldwide political, economic, and military leverage — the leverage that has thrown the entire world toward devolution into genocide, terrorism, and regional 30 years wars, as well as the ultimate catastrophe. Such a war can be won through essentially two strategic thrusts. The first is to rip all U.S. logistical support and cover from the Nazis, terrorist, and otherwise murderous policies of Britain and her satrapies, like Israel, Rhodesia. and the World Bank-IMF. The first aspect of this thrust is the naming of names, such as Henry A. Kissinger. The second is a firm threat to stop the war provocations by force, up to and including the subjection of Britain to the treatment its government succeeded in applying to Japan in 1945.” 2

1 Is that Lyndon LaRouche behind the Hitler mustache? By Charles Schmid, Bainbridge Island, June 04 2010 2 “A War-Winning Strategy”, March 21, 1978 New Solidarity

2 The LaRouche stance on the "British" is based on the fantastic idea that the American "War of Independence" against the British Empire is NOT over and therefore, in his (or associates’) mind the British Empire STILL exists, it is evil and seeks to destroy America... and the rest of the world.

Figure 1 recent poster from the "LAROUCHE PAC" political committee

LaRouche wrote: "The leading power on this planet today is the British Empire. And the British Empire exists. People who do not know that the British Empire exists, should go back to school, or maybe it's a waste of time to send them back to school, because all the evidence is clear: The most powerful force on this planet, politically, and financially, is the British Empire. [...] The Westminster model was a farce; it was made for sheep. It should be called a sheep-herders' Parliament. These are the guys who go out and herd the sheep. This is not a government. The Parliament does not decide anything, unless the British Crown allows it to decide something. [...] The real government of Britain, and of the British Commonwealth, lies in an organization called the British Privy Council." 3

More from LaRouche: The "Winds of Change" -- The Sun Never Sets on the New British Empire -- Financial Control and the Destabilization of Governments

In LaRouche conspirational “world-outlook”; the ENEMY = BRITISH = JEWISH = NAZI. The term “British”, “Jewish” (Zionist) or “Nazi” are therefore INTERCHANGEABLE and always associated one way or another. The term “British” could even be associated to…

3 "The Comet of Doom" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., conference of the , in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, Dec. 14, 1997

3 “homosexuality” (LaRouche is homophobic) or anyone LaRouche considers to be his “enemy”!

LaRouche hates so much "the British" that he calls the British Aristocracy a "pack of animals". LaRouche wrote:

"It is not actually libelous to describe the British aristocracy as a "pack of animals." [...] "Pack of animals" is not merely a permissible characterization of the British aristocracy. Without that image of reference, it is virtually impossible to comprehend the world-outlook, the policies and the way of life of the Anglican aristocracy, and that of its "black nobility" allies throughout the Mediterranean- centered region. [...] Inevitably so: we are human and they (the Anglicans, note ed.) are a different, alien species. " 4

Other LaRouche sources about the “British Empire”

Lyndon LaRouche: “The British are far more evil than ” 5

Since 2005, the U.K. has been able to ban people who promote hatred, terrorist violence or serious criminal activity. The Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said granting free speech did not provide a licence to preach hatred and that those banned had "clearly overstepped the mark" with the attitudes they had expressed. 6

The United Kingdom's Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism so as to include not only violent offences against persons and physical damage to property, but also acts "designed seriously to interfere with or to seriously disrupt an electronic system" if those acts are (a) designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and (b) be done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or

4 "That Zoo Called The House of Lords'" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in NEW SOLIDARITY, December 29, 1978 5 Samuels, Tim. “Jeremiah Duggan's death and Lyndon LaRouche”, BBC News, 12 February 2004 6 UK 'least wanted' list published, at

4 ideological cause.

It is worth noting that out of the sixteen named individuals banned from entering the UK since October 2009 7 two have publicly shown some support to Lyndon LaRouche’s:

1. STEPHEN DONALD BLACK whose .org neo-Nazi website has published supportive posts for LaRouche. For instance : Why White Nationalists Should Vote For Lyndon LaRouche in 2004

2. MICHAEL ALAN WEINER (ALSO KNOWN AS MICHAEL SAVAGE) who commented: “When I read this stuff, it makes sense to me.” — Michael Savage, reacting to the campaign of Summer Shield, the Larouche candidate for Congress against Nancy Pelosi.

Lyndon LaRouche is indeed appealing to many racist extremist circles in America and around the world. 8

LaRouche launched mid 2009 a libellous and racist campaign against President Barak Obama with a “Hitler moustache poster”, calling him a “Nazi” and a “British”.

LaRouche wrote: “I mean: Obama is a racist. I mean, with an African father--he wasn't much of an African father, but was an African father of Kenya. He was part of a British operation, which took over Kenya, through MI5's operation. But this guy was away from Kenya, and he married a Margaret Mead type, a woman who had a number of successive husbands, like Margaret Mead did. Went out to the poor, brown people, in Asia, and had sex with them! It was called "Coming in Samoa." [groans, laughter] And she wore through a number of successive husbands, and by them, had various children. And therefore, you'll find Obama's ancestry, if you chase his family tree, everybody's climbing and swinging from the branches there--from all over the world! All parts of the world! This guy is the universal man. Every monkey in every tree, from every part of the world, has participated in the sexual act of producing him. And he works for organized crime--which is a branch of British

7 Who is on UK 'least wanted' list?, at 8 Syrian Muslim cleric name-drops Lyndon LaRouche, says Ben Franklin wanted Jews deported

5 intelligence. 9

On October 28, 2009 President Obama signed into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. “Hate Crimes Prevention Act”, expanding the federal government’s power to prosecute hate crimes to include crimes committed on the basis of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability, and further expanding its existing powers to prosecute crimes committed on the basis of race, color, religion and national origin.

Cited LaRouche publications: E.I.R. (Executive Intelligence Review), EIRS, New Solidarity, New Federalist, American Almanach, LPAC (LaRouche political action committee)

9 MORNING BRIEFING, an Internal LaRouche document, April 13, 2008 from LYNDON LAROUCHE: NO FRIEND OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY at


As ludicrous as it sounds: in LaRouche’s lingua (“coded language”) BRITISH = JEWS = NAZIS. Here is a “taster” of his anti “Jewish-British-Nazi” propaganda:

"America must be cleansed for its righteous war by the immediate elimination of the Nazi Jewish Lobby and other British agents from the councils of government, industry, and labor." 10

His “world-outlook” is based on a WAR between the good American (and German) Civilisation against its “secret” enemies; the “British” who, with their “Jewish/Zionist” allies are blamed for:

• pushing drugs and counterculture (“Dark Ages”)

• having “put Hitler to power ”

• for mass-brainwashing

• orchestrating international terrorism

• killing American presidents

• genocide

Figure 2 Cartoon from Lustige Blätter, a weekly Nazi To identify BRITISH = JEWS is reminiscent of Nazi German magazine. The caption translates as: "England's war propaganda (see picture to ). Churchill leadership is in good hands." The main focus of the magazine during 1940 was the English, but there were was sometimes called a “Jew” by the Nazis. some anti-Semitic covers like this one.

10 "A War-winning Strategy", Editorial, New Solidarity, March 1978


During 1978-80 he published two conspiracy-based libellous books against the “British and its Jewish lobby”: “The New Dark Ages Conspiracy” and “Dope Inc - Britain’s Opium War against the U.S.” which accuses the Queen of England for pushing drugs along with her “agents”; the “Jewish/Zionist lobby” within the United States.

LaRouche wrote: "It is no exaggeration to sum up the situation thus: the only proper comparison for today's British drug traffic into the USA is the British monarchy's 19th century Opium Wars against China. There is more than a parallel. The same HongShang and other banking interests that developed their wealth in the China opium trade are involved in the financial side of the traffic Figure 2 LaRouche’s newspaper New Solidarity, against the USA -- aided by those leading Dec. 8, 1978 elements of the Zionist Lobby which have controlled organized crime in the USA and the Caribbean since the early 1920s. This is a calculated form of political warfare against the USA by the British monarchy. […] The fight against illegal drugs and against the evil forces of "decriminalization" is nothing less than a war against Britain, to the purpose of saving our youth and our nation from the destruction the British monarchy has projected for us." 11

When asked by an NBC reporter in 1984 about the Queen of England and drug running, LaRouche replied, "Of course she's pushing drugs…that is in a sense of responsibility: the head of a gang that is pushing drugs; she knows it's happening and she isn't stopping it."

In the same book LaRouche cited the infamous anti-Semitic forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” defending its authenticity, liking the "Elders of Zion" to the Rothschild banking family.

11 “Dope Inc”, 1978

8 Dope, Inc. by David Goldman, Konstandinos Kalimtgis and Jeffrey Steinberg, 1978 (ISBN 0918388082): this book discusses the history of narcotics trafficking, beginning with the Opium War, and alleges that British interests continued to dominate the field up to the modern era, for example through money laundering in British offshore banking colonies. The heart of the conspiracy, according to LaRouche, is the financial elite of the City of London. In an interview, LaRouche asserted that of the Queen, "Of course she's pushing drugs…that is in the sense of a responsibility: the head of a gang that is pushing drugs; she knows it is happening and she isn't stopping it." 12

The New Dark Ages Conspiracy by Carol White, 1980 (ISBN 093348805X): alleges that a group of British intellectuals led by Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells attempted to control scientific progress in order to keep the world backward and more easily managed by Imperialism. In this conspiracy theory, Wells wished Science to be controlled by some kind of priesthood and kept from the common man, while Russell wished to stifle it altogether by restricting it to a closed system of formal logic, that would prohibit the introduction of new ideas. This conspiracy also involved the promotion of the counterculture. 13

12 The "British" conspiracy at 13 The "British" conspiracy at


LaRouche wrote: "The first, and most important fact to be recognized concerning the Hitler regime, is that Adolf Hitler was put into power in Germany on orders from London. The documentation of this matter is abundant and conclusive." (Source: "Humboldt Versus Hitler", Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., The Campaigner, August 1978)

Since for LaRouche, BRITISH = JEWS = NAZIS, he will also accuse some successful Jews like Jewish refugee Felix Rohatyn... for having put Hitler to power!

LaRouche wrote: "Now, who is Felix Rohatyn? Well, Felix Rohatyn is essentially a Nazi. That's no exaggeration, that's no mistake, no caricature. That's what he is. Felix Rohatyn is a protégé of a fellow called André Meyer. André Meyer was a kingpin of an organization known as Lazard Frères, in Paris. Lazard Frères was an integral part of the Nazi takeover of Continental Europe! And Meyer personally trained Felix Rohatyn. [...] Now, what Meyer represented, and what Lazard Frères represented, then, and now: Lazard Frères was the key Continental center in banking which brought Adolf Hitler to power, and launched World War II, and the crimes that went with it." 14

Or the same treatment against Jewish financier (and Obama supporter and sponsor) George Soros:

LaRouche wrote: "George Soros was a witting participant in the Holocaust, as a Nazi collaborator in his native Hungary." 15

Other sources: • “Hitler: Runaway British Agent” by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in New Solidarity, 10 January 1978 • “Was Adolf Hitler A Scottish Freemason?” by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in New Solidarity, September 17, 1984 • Nazi Collaborator Soros, British Lord Behind Phony 'Democracy' Movements, August 16, 2008 (LPAC) • LaRouche Denounces: "Obama's Godfather" George Soros August 9, 2008 (LPAC)

14 LAROUCHE JUNE 9, 2006 WEBCAST: "Felix Rohatyn and the Nazis” 15 Eichman and Soros: A Case in Perfidy ; July 15, 2008 (EIRNS)


In the mid 1970s LaRouche published a series of documents on a conspiracy theory based on the alleged role of London-based “Tavistock Institute”. LaRouche’s “thesis” was that this Institute was at the center of worldwide brainwashing, including creating “Manchurian candidates”.

The “Manchurian Candidate” was a 1959 thriller novel written by Richard Condon, later adapted into films in 1962 and 2004. The central concept of the book and the subsequent 1962 film is that the son of a prominent political family has been brainwashed into becoming an unwilling assassin for the Communist Party (source: wikipedia) LaRouche used this novel to demonstrate this is a real “operation” by British Intelligence, a sort of “Murder Inc”, assassination bureau designed specifically to brainwash or kill. He has claimed at numerous occasions that such a “Tavistrock Institute” was planning to assassinate him. Such a “Tavistock Institute” is alleged to control the Mass Media (as “Mass Brainwashing”) or even “cults” and “anti-cults” organisations.

Left pic: Cover of a 1974 Campaigner (a LaRouche publication) against the "British/ Tavistock Institute" using a photo of Churchill that was used by Nazi Anti-British propaganda. (Right pic)

More sources 16 :

16 from The American Almanac, a LaRouche publication

11 Mass Media, Mass Entertainment, Mass Brainwashing

• The Media Cartel That Controls What You Think , by L. Wolfe, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. o The Cartelization of the Media , by Jeffrey Steinberg, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. o Direct British Control of the U.S. Media , The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. o Brainwashing: How The British Use the Media For Mass Psychological Warfare , by L. Wolfe, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. o British "Fellow Travellers" Control Major U.S. Media , by Jeffrey Steinberg, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. o Tavistock's Language Project: The Origin of "Newspeak" , The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. o For Whom The Polls Toll , by L. Wolfe, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997. • Who Is Wagging Your Neighbor's Tongue? Militias and Pentecostalism As British Subversion , by , The American Almanac, September 29, 1997. • The Evil Philosophy of Political Correctness , by Michael Minnicino, The American Almanac, February, 1993. • Rant Radio Promotes The Politics of Rage To Brainwash American Citizens , by Douglas Mallouk. Printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, 1992. • Turn Off Your TV: The Making of a Fascist Society , by L. Wolfe, a series run in The American Almanac, 1992-3.


Other sources:

• Why The British Assassinate U.S. Presidents part 1 and part 2. November 23, 2008 (LPAC)


“The British Family are a direct source of a genocide policy. They have implemented policies of mass genocide since the foundations of the Empire. The Queen is behind mass sterilization and the spreading of deadly viruses that kill people. In 2007 The British Monarchy and the Head of State Tony Blair imposed a genocide policy. You have to know the British as the enemy. You have to know that through the National Health System instructions are given by doctors to falsify on death certificates causes of death just like in the Hitler era. It is a top down policy directed by Tony Blair and the NHS policies restrict old people having access to care and drugs and beds in Hospitals. It is a policy promoted by Tony Blair under the direction of the British Monarchy. There is mass killing through the Hospitals in Britain and through their Kings Kind Fund (could not quite get the name of this Fund?) It is a programme of Death and Dr Death is Dr. Simon Stephens. He promotes euthanasia where nutrition and liquid are denied to old people in order to free up Hospital beds. He came to the USA to promote this system which is a genocide policy. The system of forced euthanasia promoted in Britain is being spread to the States by this man Dr Simon Stephens. What it is is a mass murder is a model packaged as a Health Reform Policy coming from Britain and Obahma who is an idiot is being used by the British to spread this and set it up in USA We are now being plunged into the dark ages by this programme of mass murder.” 18


While LaRouche blames the “British” for being behind international terrorism he also calls for murdering them: “Hang A Brit For Freedom”:

“IMAC19 is a British idea. The British are the inventors of this crap. They were the authors of Hitler's T-4 policy. They then adopted that policy in the form of NICE in Britain itself, and now they are trying to ram this Hitler policy through in the U.S. The only appropriate response is to Hang a Brit for Freedom. If you support this policy, you are in the same category as Adolf Hitler. IMAC is Adolf Hitler. If you support IMAC, you support Hitler's policy and should be treated accordingly. You are a Nuremberg Trial suspect. You should know that now. You are worse than a Nuremberg suspect. You are probably a British ass-kisser. Briefed on the fact that Ezekiel Emanuel is leading an effort by the Obama

17 “The British are plotting the greatest genocide ever conceived. What they and their imperial lackeys are plotting is worse than Hitler. And Obama is just a babbling psychotic parrot for the British.” LaRouche Plan: Defeat British Genocide December 14, 2009 (LPAC 18 LPACTV: ROYAL KILLERS M.D. 19 IMAC is the Independent Medicare Advisory Council which would make recommendations on Medicare reimbursement policy in the U.S.A.

13 Administration called the Global Health Initiative, which based on "disability adjusted life years lost and saved" (DALYLS), is committed to global population reduction, Lyndon LaRouche responded immediately: This is Hitler stuff. Ezekiel Emanuel is the same thing as Adolf Hitler. People run around claiming Jewish immunity, who then turn out to be Hitler lovers. They are copies of Hitler. They should get the roughest treatment. They should be told that they are on Hitler's side now. You are a Hitler-loving Jew. You have the same policy as Hitler. You are Hitler-loving. LaRouche continued that we are dealing with angry people in the population now, many of whom may be being evicted from their homes. You can't give sophisticated interpretations. You can't come at it from the sides.” 20

In the case of the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the Twin Towers which LaRouche called it an “inside job” associated with the “neo-cons” whom he called “British”, “Zionist” agents and of course “Nazi”. LaRouche manufactured a “conspiracy theory” involving the Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss (which he calls a “Nazi”) who influenced some “neo- cons” associated then to the Bush administration.

In this recent Video “Webcast” about the Mombay massacre, LaRouche says:

“The British are the terrorists and Obama is a terrorist too and these are the people causing Sept 201 massacre - the Mombay massacre - the operation command centre is centred in England and is centred in the Church of England. […] Afghanistan is related to the drug traffic. The opium is shipped into EUROPE its value increases and when it gets into Europe and UK and USA its worth millions and millions. So then its linked to the threat which is George Soros He is a British agent. The drug traffic is a key factor. […] So the threat to the world is from SOROS21 AND THE BRITISH THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS Stop you want to eliminate the drug traffic and that’s your objective. The insurgency comes from the drug traffic out of Afghanistan and take the British and Saudi Gvt. which are the ones engaged in this traffic. Eliminate. The British in the seventy nineties ran the Spanish who ran the slave trade. So the British took over the opium trade to destroy China. They run and control the drug trafficking to the present day. if you try to co operate with the British you are working with the enemy. The British are the enemy. […] Muslim terrorists are directed by the agents of the British Crown. They are the terrorists. How do we approach this strategically? You eliminate Soros!!! So there we have it. Nothing coded about that just kill the rich Jews and fight the enemy the British.” 22

Other sources:

• LaRouche: British Intelligence is Behind Mumbai Massacre, November 27, 2008 (LPAC)

20 “Hang A Brit For Freedom”, September 25, 2009 , LPAC 21 George Soros is a successful Jewish businessman and LaRouche “bete noire” 22 "Eliminate Soros, Eliminate Empire", Lyndon LaRouche Webcast: February 11, 2009 Webcast

14 In October and November 1995, LaRouche’s EIR published a dossier accusing the “British” for orchestrating “International terrorism”:

Who Really Controls International Terrorism? EIR: The emphasis was on the top-down nature of the control over these networks, emanating from elements within the U.S., British, and Israeli intelligence establishments, and the need to eradicate this apparatus before some hideous new level of international irregular warfare is unleashed. We have decided, in light of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, to make this material available here.

The New Terrorism, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Brazil Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism Explosion Nears Over I. London's Afghansi 'Landless Movement' Provocations War in Afghanistan Spawned a The PT: New Age Neo-Liberals Global Narco-terrorist Force Workers Party Goes to How FDR Planned to Outflank the British Court Against the MSIA The Real Story of the BCCI The MST: The Other Face of Usury The Golden Crescent Heroin Connection Bolivia and Peru The Anglo-American Support Apparatus Coca Growers Building a Regional 'Chiapas' Behind the Afghani Mujahideen Map 6: Drugs, Terrorism, and Protected Areas in the Andes The SAS: Prince Philip's Manager of Terrorism (PDF, 172K) Sadruddin Aga Khan: Mujahideen Coordinator Andean Coca Council: Drugs and Subversion Afghansi Groups: The Peshawar Seven Colombia Afghansi Terrorism Around the World Separatism in Urabá: A UN Pilot Project The Case of the GIA: Afghansi Out of Theater Map 7: Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia, 1982 (PDF, 1.2MB) Afghansi-Linked Terror in the Philippines Map 8: Drugs and Terrorism in Colombia, 1995 (PDF, 1.2MB) FARC: Colombia's 'Third Cartel' II. South Asia ELN: Fidel Castro's Personal Project London Runs Terrorism to Destroy the Nation-State In Colombia, Life Under Lord Avebury: Human Rights for the Raj Narco-terrorist Dictatorship Interview with Lord Avebury Venezuela Northeast India: Target of British Apartheid Chávez Organizes SPF's Military Wing Insurgent Groups in Northeast India MBR-200 Takes Aim at the Armed Forces Pakistan, Northwest India Insurgencies Mexico London Runs Cover for Terror in South India 'Internet International' Targets Southern India, Sri Lanka Terrorist Groups Guerrero State The PRD: Masons and Jacobins III. Ibero-America Against the State London's Irregular Warfare vs. Nations of the Americas EZLN Terrorists: Map 1: Narco-terrorism Spreads Across the Americas A Foreign Invasion of Mexico The São Paulo Forum, Castro's Shock Troops ACNR Spreads Drugs, Terror in Guerrero Manuel Piñeiro, Castro's Hit-Man Puerto Rico Spain's ETA Sets Up 'Kidnappers, Inc.' The SPF's Terrorist Bridge to the U.S. Inter-American Dialogue: NMIP: Terrorism Under the Sponsors for São Paulo Forum in Washington Banner of Independence The 19th-Century British Roots of Today's São Paulo Forum IV. London's Terrorist International Map 2: `31 Nations of the Americas' (PDF, 136K) RIM: London's Narco-terrorist International Map 3: `Ethno-linguistic Regions' of Ibero-America (PDF, The British Role in Creating Maoism 560K) RU/RCP: Anatomy of a Maoist Countergang Map 4: Protected Areas of Ibero-America (PDF, 428K) RIM: Narco-terrorist Merchants of Death Map 5: `Endangered Ecoregions' of Ibero-America (PDF, Shining Path: Core of the RIM Project 656K) Nepali CP Looks to Armed Revolution London's Terrorism Support Apparatus: ETA: The 'Mother' of Separatist Terrorism Environmentalism, Indigenism, NGOs


LaRouche wrote:

"The contemptible but impassioned sophistry which the Zionist demagogue offers to all foolish enough to be impressed with such hoaxes is the "holocaust" thesis, It is argued that the culmination of the persecution of the Jews in the Nazi holocaust proves that Zionism is so essential to "Jewish" survival that any anti-Zionist is therefore not only an anti-Semite, but that any sort over criminal action is excusable against anti-Zionists in memory of the mythical "six million Jewish victims" of the Nazi "holocaust."

This is worse than sophistry. It is a lie. True about a million and a half Jews did die as a result of the Nazi policy of labor-intensive “appropriate technology” for the employment of "inferior races," a small fraction of the tens of millions of others—especially Slavs— who were murdered in the same way Jewish refugee Felix Rohatyn proposes today. Even on a relative scale, what the Nazis did to the Jews was mild in comparison with the virtual extermination of gypsies and the butchery of Communists. The point is that Adolf Hitler was put in power largely on the initiative of the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Oppenheimers, among other Jewish and non-Jewish financial interests centered in London… The Jews who did die at the hands of the Nazis were the victims of fascism, the victims of the Schachtian form of “financial austerity.” The “Holocaust” simply proves that the failure of the Nuremberg tribunal to hang Hjalmar Schacht made the whole proceeding a travesty of justice. The murderers of the million and a half or more Jews who died in the "holocaust" are any group, Jewish or non-Jewish, which supported then or now the policies advocated by Felix Rohatyn and Milton Friedman…. True, it was the Jewish Sadducees who crucified Christ, and the same faction of Jews in Rome who prompted the emperor Nero to launch the centuries-long "holocaust" against the Christians….. The problem among the Jews is ancient. The B’nai B’rith today resurrects the tradition of the Jews who demanded the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Jews who pleaded with Nero to launch the "holocaust" against the Christians. Our attention is turned to the

16 words of the Apostle St. John, to the warning against the “Jews who are not Jews,” the Jewish subdivision of the forces of the "Whore of Babylon." 23


LaRouche being an homophobe he would even be accusing the “British” (Aristocracy) of being "homosexual":

"The British aristocracy is essentially homosexual. Jeremy Bentham's argument for the legalization of pederasty is avant-garde for its time only in respect of the fact of publishing such an argument in that form." 24

In his 1985 campaign book, “A Program for America,” he called homosexuality a “filthy and immoral practice.”.25

LaRouche: Violence against gays is "perfectly moral":

"They’re already beating up gays with baseball bats around the country! Children are going to playgrounds, they go in with baseball bats, and they find one of these gays there, pederasts, trying to recruit children, and they take their baseball bats and they beat them up pretty bad. They’ll kill one sooner or later. In Chicago, they’re beating up gays that are hanging around certain schools, pederasts; children go out with baseball bats and beat them up—which is perfectly moral; they have the civil right to do that! It’s a matter of children’s civil rights!" 26

Other sources from LaRouche about the “British Empire” 27 :

The "Winds of Change" -- The Sun Never Sets on the New British Empire -- Financial Control and the Destabilization of Governments

• The Assault Against the American Presidency: o LaRouche Declares War on "Get Clinton" Mob , Published in The New Federalist Newspaper, January 31, 1998. o The Bush Gang Suspected in New Assault on Presidency , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o LaRouche Speaks Out On Assault on President , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o The British Oligarchy Moves To Oust President Clinton , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.

23 New Pamphlet to Document Cult Origins of Zionism, --Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, New Solidarity, December 8, 1978 24 "That Zoo Called The House of Lords'" by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in NEW SOLIDARITY, December 29, 1978 25 My program against AIDS by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in EIR, February 20, 1987 26 “The End of the Age of Aquarius?" , EIR (Executive Intelligence Review), Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., January 10, 1986, p. 40, at 27 from The American Almanac, a LaRouche publication

17 o Timeline: The Assault on the Presidency , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o President Seeks To Expedite Jones Trial , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o Hillary Clinton Comes Out Swinging , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o Carville Tackles The Post , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o Europeans Smell A Rat In Attack on Clinton , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o Arabs View Netanyahu's "Bad Tripp" Results , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o The Journal 's Hate Propaganda vs. Clinton, LaRouche , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o The Wall Street Journal : Tool of Destruction , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o The Witches of Whitewater , Goldberg and Tripp, Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998. o Richard Mellon Scaife: Who Is He Really? , Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, a series beginning March 21, 1997, by Edward Spannaus. • Who Controls Africa's Minerals? , The American Almanac, 1997. • The Sun Never Sets on the New British Empire. o Know Your Enemy , by Lyndon LaRouche, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997. o The Largest Empire In The History of the World , by Jeffrey Steinberg, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997. o The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor , by Scott Thompson, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997. o The Queen's Powers: They're Real , by Allen Douglas, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997. o Her Majesty's Prerogative Powers , by Scott Thompson, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997. o The Crown Jewels -- The Queen Is the Ultimate Insider Trader , by Scott Thompson, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997. • Britain's Invisible Empire Unleashes The Dogs of War , by Jeffrey Steinberg, The Executive Intelligence Review, March, 1997. o The Dogs of War: Her Majesty's Irregular Forces , by Scott Thompson.

o Executive Outcomes: Arming For The Post-Nation State Era , by Dean Andromidas. o Crown Agents: The Queen's Managers, by Dean Andromidas. o Defense Systems, Ltd.: The Crown Jewel , by Dean Andromidas. o The Queen's Corps of Commissaries , by Dean Andromidas o Hugh de Courcey vs. LaRouche: The British Israelites , by Scott Thompson. o Chatham House Heralds Imperial Revival , by Scott Thompson.

Mubarak Slams London for Harboring Terrorist Groups, by Joseph Brewda, The Executive Intelligence Review, December, 1997.

Lyndon LaRouche is indeed appealing to many racist extremist circles in America and around the world. 28

28 Syrian Muslim cleric name-drops Lyndon LaRouche, says Ben Franklin wanted Jews deported


In the year 2009-2010 Lyndon LaRouche has intensified his coverage on the internet and his speeches and articles on the numerous websites and webcams show clearly a dangerous form of hate mongering against his enemy the British Monarchy and their agents and supporters. At the same time the phrase he keeps repeating (see the webcasts nos. 11722, 11726, 10918 : Royal Killers, Eliminate Soros and World War III) “If we do not stop what’s happening in the world it will be the end of the planet.”

He uses music and images to depict on video how the "British" are using warfare to control the world and Obama is the administrator of these British genocide programmes. "The Prime Minister and the British Government are carrying on the work of the Nazis and promoting a death culture where the eugenics movement part of Hitler’s policy is revived. If we do not eliminate the Oligarchy and bring about revolutionary change we will not survive. We will have world war III because the British are out to use nuclear power to destroy the world."

There is an overwhelming amount of propaganda being spread through the LaRouche Organization which defines the "British" as the enemy bent on destroying the world and unless the war against them is won we will all be destroyed. The LaRouche network is controlled from two headquarters with Lyndon LaRouche in the United States and his wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in Wiesbaden, Germany. In the area of Wiesbaden Hessen is the European Headquarters to which young people from all over the world are sent for training into a military style political operation.

This propaganda cannot be viewed as political acts if the degree of hatred they incite is so extreme it could lead to acts of terror and harm. This document provides the evidence showing of extreme incitement to hatred against specific peoples and the use of racist, anti-Semitic and conspiracist viewpoints all of which present a threat to the individual and a danger to the safety of the State.

When one sees so much of the LaRouche doctrines taken up by the Middle East Press and carried on vast amounts of internet sites one is alerted to how widespread and more serious this danger is than has previously been thought. The growth of hatred against the British and the Jews can lead to more and more people feeling under threat .

In April 2010 legal documents were submitted to the British High Court which stated that two witnesses in Germany had heard it said that Jeremiah Duggan, a British Jew was seen as the enemy and “hunted down” by the named bodyguard of the Helga Zepp- LaRouche. Jeremiah was seen as a spy and dangerous and deserving to be killed. After his unexplained death in the early hours of March 27th 2003 in Germany his wife Helga Zepp LaRouche called together their youth workers and described again Jeremiah as the enemy who had come over from Britain to harm the Organization. She forbid anyone to speak of the death of a 23 year old Student. Shortly before his death Jeremiah had phoned his mother telling her that he was frightened and in deep trouble. Here we have an incident where the activities of the LaRouche organization make it

19 necessary to examine whether or not the hate crimes of Lyndon LaRouche at the Conference held in Hessen Germany 2003 the German authorities had any bearing of the sudden violent death in Germany of a British Jew.

LaRouche travelled to Frankfurt Germany and delivered a webcast29 on the 11.06.2010 (see 38 min). Here he states that the war against the British Monarchy, Tony Blair’s crowd and their agents in the USA has to be won or there will nuclear destruction of the world by the Brits. He singles out Erica Duggan as being sponsored by the Queen who is part of the group that plan murders like that of David Kelly. LaRouche’s allegations against specific people and groups mean that these people are placed under threat when his words are heard by his followers who he is aiming to enflame with hatred. Every time LaRouche repeats his war cry against the Monarchy and spreads misinformation about Jeremiah Duggan he is at the same time defining this group of people as his enemy out to destroy him and the rest of the world that he is out to save. His language is full of how certain people should be taken out, eradicated, assassinated. This kind of hatred puts lives in danger because it can lead to impressionable cult followers taking things into their own hands and carrying out violent acts in the belief that they are saving the world. LaRouche claims in his weekly webcast speeches continuing to the present day to have been responsible for stirring up eighty percent of the opposition to Obama. These speeches provide the language of terror that finds its expression in criminal acts of terrorism. To preserve the safety of British people at home and abroad it is important to treat hate crimes not as part of a right of freedom of expression but as a criminal activity that presents a threat to the individual and a danger to the State.

On October 28, 2009 President Obama signed into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. “Hate Crimes Prevention Act”, expanding the federal government’s power to prosecute hate crimes to include crimes committed on the basis of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability, and further expanding its existing powers to prosecute crimes committed on the basis of race, colour, religion and national origin.

The Terrorist Acts in the UK took similar lines to the recognition of the dangers of ignoring the effects of hate crimes.

Cited LaRouche publications: E.I.R. (Executive Intelligence Review), EIRS, New Solidarity, New Federalist, American Almanac, LPAC (LaRouche political action committee)

29 LYNDON LAROUCHE ON THE WEEKLY UPDATE: 06.11.2010 at nid=14822