ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 06/09 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 248 - April 2009 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde! Nach einem aufregenden Gastspiel beim 15. Bradford International Filmfe- stival heisst es nun seit ein paar Tagen schon wieder “Willkommen zurück in der Realität!”. Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie schnell man sich daran gewöhnen kann, alte Filme im Originalformat auf einer Riesenbildwand den ganzen Tag lang zu bestaunen und dabei alles an- dere zu vergessen. Fünf Tage lang das “Widescreen Weekend” in Good Old England geniessen zu können, entschä- digt für vieles, was einen bei der tägli- chen Arbeit manchmal die Nerven raubt. Man soll’s kaum glauben, aber der Ausflug zum Wohlfühlprogramm nach Bradford ist derart erholsam und Eine ständig wachsende Fangemeinde: das traditionalle „Audience on Stage“- entspannend, dass man sich dieses Foto beim Widescreen Weekend in Bradford, UK Foto (c) Tom March Vergnügen eigentlich schon als Kur- aufenthalt von der Krankenkasse be- noch nicht bestellt hat, sollte dies sind, wurden synchronisiert und die zahlen lassen müsste... Aber kommen schleunigst tun. Alle Prognosen deu- Texttafeln eliminiert. Der Film wurde wir nach diesem Ausflug ins Wunsch- ten darauf hin, dass die Skynet-Edition dadurch in der deutschen Fassung um denken zurück auf den Boden der Tat- bereits vor der Auslieferung ausver- ein attraktives Stilelement beraubt. Ein sachen. Leider war die Zeit zu kurz um kauft sein wird. Armutszeugnis. bereits jetzt einen ausführlichen Bradford-Report abdrucken zu können. Ist der Oscar-Favorit SLUMDOG Übrigens: sollten Sie unsere Kolumni- Der wird also noch ein wenig auf sich MILLIONAIRE gerade erst in deut- stin Anna in dieser Ausgabe des warten lassen. Wie heisst es so schön: schen Kinos angelaufen, so gibt es Newsletters vermissen, dann hat das gut Ding braucht Weile. Danny Boyles Überflieger bereits in seinen Grund. Denn die Gute ist derzeit den USA auf DVD und Blu-ray zu kau- voll unter Wasser mit ihrem Studium, In Ausgabe 246 hatten wir auf die fen. Wir konnten den Film bereits in so dass wir ihr gerne eine kleine Ver- Sonderedition des Klassikers unserem Heimkino unter die Lupe neh- schnaufpause gönnen. Umso mehr dür- TERMINATOR 2 hingwiesen, die spe- men und mussten feststellen, dass die fen Sie und auch wir uns freuen, wenn ziell die Blu-ray Fangemeinde glücklich auf dem Cover versprochenen Extras Anna demnächst wieder mit Hollywood machen soll. Der von Kinowelt für den wie Audiokommentar, Deleted Scenes, spricht. 22. Mai 2009 geplante Making of usw. nicht auf der DVD ent- Veröffentlichungstermin wurde jetzt halten sind. Offensichtlich ist hier der Ihr Laser Hotline Team kurzerhand auf den 26. Juni 2009 ver- amerikanischen Fox-Niederlassung ein schoben. Auch hat sich inzwischen der Produktionsfehler unterlaufen. Ob (und Preis geändert: anstatt EUR 89,90 wird falls ja wie schnell) hier eine Korrektur es diese limitierte Auflage auf stolze in Form einer Rückrufaktion o.ä. durch- EUR 109,90 bringen. Wer sein Exemplar geführt wird, ist momentan leider noch nicht bekannt. Was Bild- und vor allem die Tonqualität der DVD angeht, so ist die zumindest Spitzenklasse. Da wir den Film bislang nur in seiner Original- fassung sehen konnten, war es interes- sant, zum Vergleich nun auch die deut- sche Fassung im Kino zu sehen. Zu unserem Entsetzten mussten wir fest- stellen, dass der deutsche Filmverleih den Film komplett Eindeutschen ließ. Sogar die nicht wenigen Dialoge, die im Original in Hindi geführt werden und mit witzigen, fast comichaften engli- schen Einblendungen (also nicht wie üblich mit Untertiteln!) ausgestattet

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog

Montag, 16. März 2009 Leskovar, Doreen Schulz BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUA- Tango gefällig? Kinostart: 14. Mai 2009 HUA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Ein Dokumentarfilm stand auf der OT: Beverly Hills Chihuahua Tagesordnung... Deutschlands Hauptstadt Berlin Verleih: Walt Disney aus der Perspektive von vielen Land/Jahr: USA 2008 DER LETZTE APPLAUS Prominenten und auch weit weni- Darsteller. Piper Perabo, Jamie (1:1.85, DD 5.1) ger Prominenten. Ein Stadtporträt Lee Curtis OT: El Ultimo Aplauso mit schönen Bildern. Regie: Raja Gosnell Verleih: Arsenal Kinostart: 30. April 2009 Land/Jahr: Deutschland/ Argentini- Mittwoch, 18. März 2009 en/ Japan 2008 Außerirdisch schlecht Einen Vorteil gibt es, wenn zur Regie: German Kral Vor dem Abflug nach Bradford Pressevorführung auch noch gleich Darsteller: Cristina de Los noch schnell einen Film zum ver- eine Horde wilder Kinder eingela- Angeles, Julio Cesar Fernan, Ines gessen... den wird: man merkt sofort, ob Arce das Zielpublikum den Film mag Kinostart: 21. Mai 2009 DIE JAGD ZUM MAGISCHEN oder nicht. Und nachdem ich nun BERG (1:2.35, DD 5.1) feststellen musste, dass die anwe- German Krals Dokumentarfilm be- OT: Race to Witch Mountain senden Kids fast nie gelacht haben schreibt das Leben von vier Verleih: Walt Disney (Achtung: es handelt sich um eine Tangosängern und –sängerinnen, Land/Jahr: USA 2009 Komödie!), bin ich mir sicher, dass die in Buenos Aires leben. Nach Regie: Andy Fickman dieses Machwerk zu Recht floppen jahrelangen Auftritten in der Bar Darsteller: Dwayne „The Rock“ wird. Im Film geht es um eine klei- “El Chino” verändert sich deren Johnson, AnnaSophia Robb, ne, versnobte Hundedame, die Leben mit dem Tod des Besitzers Ciarán Hinds entführt wird und fortan von Men- schlagartig. Viele Jahre später Kinostart: 9. April 2009 schen und anderen Tieren gesucht wollen sie noch einmal gemeinsam wird. Wer auf sprechende Hunde in genau dieser Bar auftreten. Ich glaube, hier genügen ein paar mit niedlich Kostümchen steht, der DER LETZTE APPLAUS würde Worte zum Inhalt, um klar zu ma- ist bei diesem Film möglicherweise sich hervorragend als Double Fea- chen, dass sich mit diesem Film goldrichtig. Für alle anderen gilt: ture zusammen mit vermutlich sogar die Zielgruppe draußen bleiben! Wenn dann noch YOUNG@HEART eignen, er- der unter 10jährigen langweilen am Ende des Films als Wink mit reicht jedoch lange nicht dessen werden: ein Taxifahrer The dem Zaunpfahl darauf hingewiesen emotionale Ebene. Rock bekommt zwei Kinder als wird, dass man doch die lieben Fahrgäste, die sich als Aliens ent- Tierchen nett behandeln soll, diese Dienstag, 17. März 2009 puppen, die auf der Suche nach aber während des ganzen Films mit Ich bin ein Berliner ihrem Raumschiff sind. Verfolgt Kostümen malträtiert werden, Die Woche bleibt weiter dokumen- wird das Trio fortan von einem dann ist das eine offensichtliche tarisch... Predator und einem Heer von bö- Heuchelei, die nicht zu tolerieren sen Amis... Erspart mir jetzt bitte ist. Mein Mittwoch war jedenfalls IN BERLIN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) jedweden Kommentar. versaut... Verleih: Farbfilm (Barnsteiner) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2009 Mittwoch, 25. März 2009 Donnerstag, 26. März 2009 Regie: Michael Ballhaus, Ciro Ein Hundeleben Von Ekelpaketen und Sex mit Cappellari Nach fünf tollen Tagen in Bradford Fremden Darsteller: Hakan Savas Mican, heisst es für mich ab heute wieder: Mein heutiges Doppelprogramm Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Maybrit “Willkommen in der Realität!”... war nicht sonderlich befriedi- Illner, Dimitri Hegemann, Peter Aber es musste doch nicht gleich gend... Schneider, Nele Winkler, Ercan soooo schlimm kommen... Ergin, Dieter Kosslick, Clara

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog

André Jung, Jule Böwe, Samuel Generation an... Finzi Kinostart: 14. Mai 2009

Dieser Debütfilm einer deutschen Regisseurin hat mich gelangweilt. Denn alle darin agierenden Perso- nen tun dies auf nicht nachvollzieh- bare Art und Weise. Eine Wissen- schaftlerin wird gebeten, die Blu- men in einer verlassenen Wohnung zu pflegen. Und in genau dieser Wohnung hat sie Sex mit einem ihr vollkommen Fremden Mann. Nicht nur ihr Leben, auch das ihrer Fa- TAGE ODER STUNDEN milie gerät aus dem Ruder. Das (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Beste an diesem künstlichen Film: SIMONS GEHEIMNIS (1:1.85, OT: Deux Jours A Tuer er hat ein Ende! DD 5.1) Verleih: Arsenal OT: Adoration Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2008 Freitag, 27. März 2009 Verleih: Verleih (Warner) Regie: Jean Becker Von Bombenlegern und Land/Jahr: Kanada 2008 Darsteller: Albert Dupontel, Ma- Bierkotzern Regie: Atom Egoyan rie-Josée Croze, Pierre Vaneck Wieder ein äußert differenziertes Darsteller: Scott Speedman, Ra- Kinostart: 30. April 2009 Programm zum Wochenausklang. chel Blanchard, Kenneth Welsh Auf fIlm Nummer 1 hätte ich aber Kinostart: 21. Mai 2009 An seinem 42. Geburtstag getrost verzichten können... schmeisst ein Werbefachmann sei- Wie in fast all seinen Filmen nen Job hin und stößt alle seine TRAUZEUGE GESUCHT verwebt Regisseur Atom Egoyan vermeintlichen Freunde sowie sei- (1:1.85, DD 5.1) wieder mehrere Zeitebenen kunst- ne eigene Frau mit Gemeinheiten OT: I Love You, Man voll miteinander und gestaltet sein vor den Kopf. Danach macht er Verleih: Paramount neuestes Werk wieder extrem pak- sich auf eine lange Reise... Die Land/Jahr: USA 2009 kend. Da erzählt ein Schüler in sei- Hauptfigur hat mir teilweise impo- Regie: John Hamburg ner Klasse, dass sein Vater eine niert. Denn dieser Typ spricht Darsteller: Paul Rudd, Jason Se- Bombe in genau dem Flugzeug plötzlich offen alles aus, was er gel, Sarah Burns platzieren wollte, in dem seine noch jie sagen durfte – der Etiket- Kinostart: 23. April 2009 schwangere Frau nach Israel flie- te wegen. Worum es ihm eigentlich gen wollte. Die erfundene Story geht, das erfährt der Kinozu- Wieder einer jener R-Rated US- wird via Internet zum heiss disku- schauer erst am Schluss des Films. Komödienfilme, wie ich sie gar tierten Selbstläufer... Fakt und Zu dumm, dass ich die ganze Story nicht mag. Hier werden die satiri- Fiktion verschmelzen zu einem be- schon nach wenigen Minuten schen Hiebe wieder weit unter die eindruckenden Film, den ich per- durchschaut hatte... Gürtellinie platziert. Und wenn den sönlich nicht als Egoyans besten Drehbuchschreibern mal kein wei- einstufen würde, der aber dennoch DIE BESUCHERIN (1:1.85, DD terer, halbseidener Gag einfällt, sehenswert ist. SIMONS GE- 5.1) dann darf der Protagonist seinem HEIMNIS war zumindest mein Verleih: Filmlichter Gegenüber eine Ladung Bier auf Wochenhighlight. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2008 T-Shirt kotzen. Das soll Unterhal- Regie: Lola Randl tung sein? Sorry, aber vielleicht Darsteller: Sylvana Krappatsch, gehöre ich ja einer aussterbenden

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

teilte Galaxie Pandastorm Pictures (Pandavision) Animation Star Wars: The Clone Wars 20.05.2009 Dir. Dave Filoni, Rob Coleman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030250 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2008-2009 Ltbx Caillou 14 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. 36 Kammern der Shaolin Trilogie Caillou Warner Home Video 05.06.2009 (4 DVDs) Dir. Jean Pilotte tba BestellNr.: 20030204 Die 36 Kammern der Shaolin/Die Rück- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) kehr zu den 36 Kammern der Shaolin/Die DD 2.0 (E) 72min. Waltz with Bashir Erben der 36 Kammern der Shaolin Vals Im Bashir Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Dokumentation, Universum Film (ufa kids) 05.06.2009 Filmografien, Hintergrundinfos, Originaltrailer, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030231 Dir. Ari Folman Making of, Interview, Trailer Action/Eastern Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Manda) 300min. Mind Game Drama/Trickfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Hebrä) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Hebrä) M.I.B. 28.04.2009 Mind Game 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030186 Dir. Masaaki Yuasa AL!VE (Pandora) 08.05.2009 Interviews, Clips, Trailer Anna Maria - Eine Frau geht ih- Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030175 DD 2.0 (Jap) 103min. ren Weg, Die zweite Staffel (3 Rapid Eye Movies 05.06.2009 X-Men Staffel 1, Vol.1 DVDs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030180 X-Men Uschi Glas, Michael Degen, Toni Berger, Dir. Dan Hennessy, Larry Houston Christian Kohlund, Siegfried Lowitz - Dir. Die Peanuts: Snoopys Familien- Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1997 min. Celino Bleiweiß fest Rough Trade (Clearvision) 13.04.2009 Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030268 Drama 1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) 688min. Snoopy’s Reunion AL!VE (Diamant Video) 04.05.2009 Dir. Sam Jaimes X-Men Staffel 1, Vol.2 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030184 Trickfilm/Komödie 1991 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD X-Men 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (Holl) DD 1.0 (Ungar) 55min. Dir. Dan Hennessy, Larry Houston Auf Anfang [:reprise] Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1997 min. Reprise tba BestellNr.: 20030212 Rough Trade (Clearvision) 13.04.2009 Espen Klouman Høiner, Anders Danielsen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030269 Lie, Viktoria Winge, Christian Rubeck, Odd Magnus Williamson, Pal Stokka, Henrik Perfect Blue X-Men Staffel 2, Vol.1 Elvestad, Rebekka Karijord, Sigmund Dir. Satoshi Kon Making of, Interviews, Trailer X-Men Sæverud, Silje Hagen - Dir. Joachim Trier Zeichentrick/Thriller 1997 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Dir. Dan Hennessy, Larry Houston Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Original Kinotrailer Drama/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 81min. Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1997 min. DD 5.1 (Norw) 102min. Rapid Eye Movies 08.05.2009 Rough Trade (Clearvision) 13.04.2009 Ascot Elite (MFA) 20.05.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030183 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030270 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030251 X-Men Staffel 2, Vol.2 - 1.Staffel Autopsy - Bis dass der Tod uns The Powerpuff Girls X-Men Zeichentrick 1998-2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD Dir. Dan Hennessy, Larry Houston scheidet (OmU) 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (It) 108min. Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1997 min. Autopsy Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 Rough Trade (Clearvision) 13.04.2009 Stéphane Freiss, Thierry Neuvic, Sara Mar- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030199 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030271 tins, Claude Perron, Philippe Duclos, Pascal Reneric - Dir. Jérôme Anger Pumpkin Scissors - Vol. 3 Kurzfilm „Der Gefangene“, Trailer Thriller/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (F) Pumpkin Scissors 88min. Dir. Katsuhioto Akiyama Film Salzgeber 31.03.2009 Zeichentrick 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030177 2.0 (Jap) 120min. 13 - Tzameti (k.J.) AL!VE (OVA) 27.03.2009 Beautiful Boxer (Einzel-DVD) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030190 13 - Tzameti George Babluani, Aurélien Recoing, Pascal Beautiful Boxer Romeo x Juliet - Vol. 4, Episoden Bongard, Fred Ulysse, Nicolas Pignon, Asanee Suwan, Sorapong Chatree, Orn- Anong Panya-wong, Nukkid Boonthong, 13-16 Vania Vilers, Olga Legrand, Christophe Van de Velde, Augustin Legrand - Dir. Géla Sitiporn Niyom, Somsak Tuangmukda, Romio X Jurietto Babluani Kyoko Inoue, Keagan Kang, Hyodo Yuka - Dir. Fumitoshi Oisaki Trailer Dir. Ekachai Uekrongtham Zeichentrick/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Thriller/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Drama/Action 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 120min. DD 5.1 (F) 86min. (Thai) 114min. AL!VE (OVA) 24.04.2009 AL!VE (Alamode) 22.05.2009 Ascot Elite (MFA) 20.05.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030187 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030224 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030252 South Park: Die komplette zehnte 18 - Allein unter Mädchen - Die The Big Lebowski Fan Box Season (Collector’s Edition, 3 komplette erste Staffel (2 DVDs) (Limited Edition) DVDs) David Winter, Bert Tischendorf, Tim Sander, The Big Lebowski South Park Nicolas Kantor, Susan Hoecke, Hannah Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moo- Dir. Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Eric Stough Herzsprung, Lotte Letschert, Stefanie re, Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, David Audiokommentar Dreyer, Paula Birnbaum, Annekathrin Bür- Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Flea, Zeichentrick/ 1997-2008 FF DD 2.0 ger, Carolina Vera, Hans Kieseier, Nik Leon Russom, Sam Elliott, Tara Reid, John (D) DD 2.0 (E) 308min. Ehlers, Eberhard Kirchberg - Dir. Hansjörg Turturro, David Thewlis, Ben Gazzara - Dir. Paramount 09.04.2009 Thurn, Kilian Riedhof, Jakob Hilpert Joel Coen 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030236 DVD-Intros mit den Hauptdarstellern T-Shirt, Gläser, Schlüsselanhänger Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Komödie/Thriller 1997 112min. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Ge- 240min. Universal Pictures (Universal) 20.05.2009

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030209 Chandni Chowk To China Alexander Khuon, Barbara Sukowa, Wolf- Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, Mithun gang Böck, Branko Samarovski, Götz Schu- John Woo’s Black Jack (FSK 18) Chakraborty, Ranvir Shorey, Roger Yuan, bert, Frederick Lau, Astrid Meyerfeldt, John Woo’s Once A Thief Gordon Liu - Dir. Nikhil Advani Traute Hoess, Lennard Betzgen - Dir. Ulla Sandrine Holt, Ivan Sergei, Nicholas Lea, Action/Komödie 2008 min. Wagner Michael F. Wong, Jennifer Dale - Dir. John Rapid Eye Movies 12.06.2009 Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 106min. Woo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030259 good!movies (Schwarz-Weiss) 24.04.2009 Action 1996 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030218 108min. Coupling - Gesamtedition (6 Splendid 26.06.2009 DVDs) Er steht einfach nicht auf Dich tba BestellNr.: 20030240 Coupling He’s Just Not That Into You Jack Davenport, Gina Bellman, Sarah Alex- Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Blues Brothers Fan Box (Limited ander, Kate Isitt, Ben Miles, Richard Coyle, Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly, Kevin Edition) Richard Mylan - Dir. Martin Dennis Connolly, Ginnifer Goodwin, Bradley The Blues Brothers / Blues Brothers 2000 Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Cooper, Scarlett Johansson, Kris John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Kathleen Szenen, Interviews Kristofferson, Justin Long - Dir. Ken Komödie 2000-2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Freeman, James Brown, Murphy Dunne, Kwapis DD 2.0 (E) 840min. Donald Dunn, Willie Hall, Matt Murphy, Cab Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 epiX Media 15.05.2009 Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, (E) DD 5.1 (Ungar) 124min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030172 John Landis - Dir. John Landis Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 T-Shirt, Blues Harp, Spielanleitung 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030211 Action/Komödie 1979 142min. Couscous mit Fisch Universal Pictures (Universal) 20.05.2009 La Graine Et Le Mulet Er steht einfach nicht auf Dich 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030210 Habib Boufares, Hafsia Herzi, Faridah (Blu-ray) Benkhetache, Abdelhamid Aktouche, He’s Just Not That Into You Bouraouïa Marzouk, Alice Houri, Cyril Bobby Deerfield Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, Drew Favre, Sabrina Ouazani, Leila D’Issernio, Bobby Deerfield Barrymore, Jennifer Connelly, Kevin Bruno Lochet, Olivier Loustau, Sami Zitouni Al Pacino, Marthe Keller, Anny Duperey, Connolly, Ginnifer Goodwin, Bradley - Dir. Abdel Kechiche Walter McGinn, Romolo Valli - Dir. Sydney Cooper, Scarlett Johansson, Kris Drama 2007 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) Pollack Kristofferson, Justin Long - Dir. Ken 149min. Drama 1977 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Kwapis good!movies (Arsenal) 22.05.2009 (E) 119min. Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030170 Warner Home Video 05.06.2009 (E) DD 5.1 (Russ) DD 5.1 (Thai) 129min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030214 CSI: Miami - Season 6.1 (3 DVDs) Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030197 The Broken CSI: Miami The Broken David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam Everwood - Die komplette 1.Staf- Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rex Linn, Lena Headey, Richard Jenkins, Ash fel (6 DVDs) Newman, Michelle Duncan, Melvil Poupaud, Sofia Milos, Boti Ann Bliss, Jonathan Togo, Everwood Ulrich Thomsen - Dir. Sean Ellis Eva La Rue, Evan Ellingson, Elizabeth Trailer Berkley, Rory Cochrane, Johnny Treat Williams, Gregory Smith, Emily Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Whitworth, Brendan Fehr, David Lee Smith, VanCamp, Debra Mooney, John Beasley, DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. Christina Chang, Mark Rolston - Dir. Joe Vivien Cardone, Chris Pratt, Tom Amandes Koch Media 26.06.2009 Chappelle, Sam Hill, Eagle Egilsson, Matt Drama 2002-2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD tba BestellNr.: 20030257 Earl Beesley, Scott Lautanen, Karen 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (It) 920min. Gaviola, Duane Clark Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 The Broken (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Featurette 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030198 The Broken Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD Lena Headey, Richard Jenkins, Ash 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 458min. Fäuste, Bohnen... und Karate Newman, Michelle Duncan, Melvil Poupaud, Universum Film 26.06.2009 Storia Di Karate Pugni E Fagioli Ulrich Thomsen - Dir. Sean Ellis 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030195 Dean Reed, Iwao Yoshioka, Chris Huertas, Trailer Fernando Sancho, Alfredo Mayo - Dir. Horror/Thriller 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DTS-HD 5.1 Der diskrete Charme der Bour- Tonino Ricci MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 92min. geoisie (2 DVDs) Western/Komödie 1973 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) Koch Media 26.06.2009 Le Charme Discret De La Bourgeoisie 84min. tba BestellNr.: 20030258 Fernando Rey, Delphine Seyrig, Stéphane Sunfilm (Savoy) 18.03.2009 Audran, Bulle Ogier, Jean-Pierre Cassel, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030193 Burn Notice - Season 1 Paul Frankeur, Claude Piéplu, Michel Piccoli, Burn Notice Julien Bertheau - Dir. Luis Buñuel Das Gesetz der Ehre Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007 min. Drama 1972 min. Pride And Glory Fox 15.08.2009 Kinowelt (Arthaus Premium) 19.06.2009 Colin Farrell, Edward Norton, Noah Emme- tba BestellNr.: 20030220 tba BestellNr.: 20030246 rich, Jon Voight, Jennifer Ehle, John Ortiz, Frank Grillo, Shea Whigham, Lake Bell, Butterfly Sword - Die Macht des Echte Freunde - Dostana Carmen Ejogo, Manny Perez, Ryan Schwertes Dostana Simpkins - Dir. Gavin O’Connor Xin Liu Xing Hu Die Jian Priyanka Chopra, Abhishek Bachchan, John Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Michelle Khan, Joey Wong, Tony Leung Abraham, Shilpa Shetty, Bobby Deol, (E) 125min. Chiu-wai, Donnie Yen, Jimmy Lin - Dir. Mi- Everlayn Borges, Kiron Kher - Dir. Tarun Warner Home Video 12.06.2009 chael Mak Mansukhani 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030200 Alternatives Ende Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Fantasy/Action 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Das Gesetz der Ehre (Blu-ray) DD 5.1 (Korea) 83min. (Hindi) 136min. Pride And Glory Splendid (Amazia) 29.05.2009 Rapid Eye Movies 22.05.2009 Colin Farrell, Edward Norton, Noah Emme- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030249 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030181 rich, Jon Voight, Jennifer Ehle, John Ortiz, Frank Grillo, Shea Whigham, Lake Bell, Chandni Chowk to China Die Entdeckung der Currywurst Carmen Ejogo, Manny Perez, Ryan

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Simpkins - Dir. Gavin O’Connor Dir. Jirí Menzel Thriller/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Manda) 87min. (E) 125min. DD 5.1 (Tschech) 113min. Splendid (Amazia) 26.06.2009 Warner Home Video 12.06.2009 EuroVideo 18.06.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20030242 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030201 tba BestellNr.: 20030213 Leprechaun (FSK 18) GoEast Edition - Die spannend- Im Tal der wilden Rosen 4 Leprechaun sten Preisträger des Festivals (5 Die Macht der Liebe / Zerrissene Herzen Warwick Davis, Jennifer Aniston, Mark DVDs) Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 180min. Holton, Robert Gorman, Ken Olandt, Shay Universum Film (ZDF Video) 05.06.2009 Duffin, William Newman - Dir. Mark Jones Euphoria / Klopka (Die Falle) / Dealer / 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030202 Fantasy/Horror 1992 88min. Der Schlüssel, um Zwerge zu definieren Splendid 26.06.2009 oder .../ Der Weg zum Erfolg In jeder Sekunde Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030243 Drama/Komödie 450min. Sebastian Koch, Barbara Auer, Mina absolut Medien 17.04.2009 Tander, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Ronald Die Maske des roten Todes 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030188 Zehrfeld, Jenny Schily, Charly Hübner - Dir. Edgar Allan Poe’s Masque Of The Red Jan Fehse Death The Good Night - Träum weiter ... Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 100min. Patrick Macnee, Adrian Paul, Clare Hoak - The Good Night Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 Dir. Larry Brand Gwyneth Paltrow, Martin Freeman, Simon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030247 Horror 1989 FF DD 1.0 (D) 79min. Pegg, Penélope Cruz, Danny DeVito, Keith EuroVideo 14.05.2009 Allen, Skye Bennett, Michael Gambon - Dir. Junge Helden - Schwule Kurzfil- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030263 Jake Paltrow me (OmU) Trailer Lloyd Neck / Miroirs d’été / Le baiser / Die Millionärin Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Candy Boy / Tre somre / Running Without The Millionairess DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Sound / Celebration Sophia Loren, Peter Sellers, Vittorio De Ascot Elite 20.05.2009 Kurzfilm/Drama 2002-2008 Ltbx 16x9 (E) Sica, Dennis Price, Gary Raymond, Alastair 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030171 (F) (Dän) 98min. Sim - Dir. Anthony Asquith Salzgeber 31.03.2009 Komödie 1960 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Große Kinomomente - Gesamt- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030178 86min. ausgabe (50 DVDs) Black Hill Pictures 28.04.2009 Drama/Komödie min. Junior - Ein Kid für alle Fäl- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030225 Universum Film (Edition Cinema) 03.04.2009 le Mit geschlossenen Augen - Trage 479,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030234 Junior Pilot Jordan Garrett, Mark Dacascos, Adam Liefde (OmU) Hamburg Transit (7 DVDs) Cagley, Yvonne Delarosa, John D’Aquino, Trage Liefde Karlheinz Hess, Eckart Dux Rosemary Morgan - Dir. James Becket Victor Löw, Emiel Sandtke, Celia Nufaar, Kriminalfilm 1970-1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) Kinderfilm/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Suus ten Holt, Mijs Heesen, Felix Burleson, 1300min. (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min. Katja Herbers, Edwin Jonker - Dir. Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 29.05.2009 EuroVideo 14.05.2009 Boudewijn Koole 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030223 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030173 Kurzfilm „Matrosen“, Trailer Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Holl) 49min. Hexen hexen Kidulthood Salzgeber 28.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030267 The Witches Kidulthood Anjelica Huston, Jason Zone Fisher, Mai Aml Ameen, Red Madrell, Noel Clarke, Jaime Das perfekte Verbrechen (Blu-ray) Zetterling, Rowan Atkinson, Bill Paterson, Winstone, Adam Deacon, Femi Oyeniran - Fracture Brenda Blethyn - Dir. Nicolas Roeg Dir. Menhaj Huda Sir Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling, David Fantasy 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Drama 2006 min. Strathairn, Billy Burke, Rosamund Pike, (E) 88min. Capelight 27.03.2009 Embeth Davidtz, Cliff Curtis, Fiona Shaw, Warner Home Video 05.06.2009 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030272 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030215 Robert Gunton, Josh Stamberg, Xander Kush Berkeley, Zoe Kazan, Carlos Cervantes - Dir. Gregory Hoblit House Kush Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 House Bret Roberts, Mike Erwin, Nicole Marie DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 William Katt, George Wendt, Richard Moll, Lenz - Dir. York Shackleton (E) DD 5.1 (E) 113min. Kay Lenz, Mary Stavin, Michael Ensign - Action/Kriminalfilm 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Warner Home Video 26.06.2009 Dir. Steve Miner (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030196 Horror/Action 1985 86min. Splendid (I-On New Media) 26.06.2009 Splendid 29.05.2009 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030241 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030205 Perro Come Perro - Den Letzten Last Assassins (FSK 18) fressen die Hunde (k.J.) House 2 - Das Unerwartete Dusting Cliff 7 Perro Come Perro House 2: The Second Story Lance Henriksen, Scott Lincoln, Dean Marlon Moreno, Oscar Borda, Paulina Arye Gross, Jonathan Stark, Royal Dano, Scofield, Ashley Buccille, Floyd Westerman Rivas, Blas Jaramillo, Victor Penaranda - John Ratzenberger, Bill Maher, Amy - Dir. William H. Molina Dir. Carlos Moreno Yasbeck - Dir. Ethan Wiley Trailer, Bildergalerie, Filmografien Making of, Trailer Horror/Komödie 1987 85min. Action/Thriller 1996 FF DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Action/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Splendid 29.05.2009 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 88min. (D) DD 2.0 (Sp) 106min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030206 Detonation Entertainment 30.05.2009 EuroVideo 14.05.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030168 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030174 I Served the King of England Obsluhoval Jsem Anglického Krále Legion X (OmU) Oldrich Kaiser, Ivan Barnev, Julia Jentsch, Shen Xuan Zhe Phoenix Martin Huba, Marian Labuda, Milan Lasica, Ethan Ruan, Lan Cheng-Lung, Terri Kwan - Chad Bartley - Dir. Michael D. Akers Josef Abrham, Jíri Labus, Jaromir Dulava - Dir. Shao Li-shiou Bildergalerie, Trailer Drama 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 (E) 87min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2) cmv-Laservision 17.04.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030182 Ellen Muth, Callum Blue, Sarah Wynter - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030227 Stephen Herek Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (Special Audiokommentar, Featurette Polska Love Serenade Edition, 2 DVDs) Komödie/Fantasy 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 84min. Claudia Eisinger, Sebastian Schwarz, Ka- Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Fox (MGM/UA) 26.06.2009 tharina Wackernagel, Ryszard Wojtyllo, Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Vinay tba BestellNr.: 20030179 Andrzej Galla, Bozena Baranowska, Lucja Pathak, Priyanka Chopra, Rani Mukherjee, Burzynska, Christoph Leszczynski - Dir. Preity Zinta, Kajol - Dir. Aditya Chopra Splinter Monika Anna Wojtyllo Drama/Musical 2008 min. Splinter Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Rapid Eye Movies 15.05.2009 Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 75min. Shea Whigham, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Wag- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030262 Renaissance Medien 07.05.2009 ner, Charles Baker, Rachel Kerbs, Laurel tba BestellNr.: 20030265 Rocker- & Biker-Box, Vol. 2 (2 Whitsett - Dir. Toby Wilkins Horror 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Pride & Prejudice 2003 DVDs) (E) 85min. Pride And Prejudice Biker - The Hard Riders / Biker kennen Ascot Elite (Circle Three) 20.05.2009 Kam Heskin, Orlando Seale, Lucila Sola, keine Gnade / Von Rockern gehetzt / Hells 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030253 Kelly Stables, Honor Bliss, Ben Gourley, Angels - Die Engel des Todes Amber Hamilton, Kara Holden, Rainey Dir. Roger Corman, Abbe Wool, Burt Topper Star Trek - Raumschiff Enterprise: Kerwin, Henry Maguire, Hubbel Palmer - Abenteuer/Action 1966-1991 FF DD 1.0 (D) Season 1, Remastered (5 Discs) DD 1.0 (E) 360min. Dir. Andrew Black (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien EuroVideo 14.05.2009 Komödie 2003 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030264 Star Trek 104min. William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest KSM (NewKSM) 07.05.2009 Rumba Kelley, Nichelle Nichols, George Takei, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030176 Rumba James Doohan Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon, Philippe Featurettes, Trailer, Easter Egg Science Fiction 1966-1969 1459min. Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeit- Martz, Bruno Romy - Dir. Dominique Abel, Paramount 07.05.2009 Fiona Gordon, Bruno Romy - Die komplette dritte 65,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030235 Staffel (2 DVDs) Komödie/Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (F) 74min. Primeval Stargate Atlantis - Season 4 Warner Home Video (X Filme) 15.05.2009 Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew Stargate Atlantis 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030217 Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, Rainbow Sun James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Scriptum - Der letzte Tempelritter Francks, David Hewlett, Rachel Luttrell, Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie Jason Momoa, Paul McGillion, David Nykl The Last Templar Payne, Cilla Ware Science Fiction 2004-2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Mira Sorvino, Scott Foley, Omar Sharif, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2007-2008 min. 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) min. Victor Garber, Kenneth Welsh, Anthony Polyband 26.06.2009 Fox (MGM/UA) 15.06.2009 Lemke, Danny Bianco Hall, Stéphane 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030244 tba BestellNr.: 20030222 Demers, Claudia Ferri, Christian Paul, Primeval: Rückkehr der Urzeit- Rebecca Windheim - Dir. Paolo Barzman Sword Butterfly - Schwert des Making of (OmdU) monster - Staffel 1-3 (6 DVDs) Abenteuer 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD Schicksals Primeval 5.1 (E) 172min. Mo Hup Leung Juk Douglas Henshall, Lucy Brown, Andrew EuroVideo 25.05.2009 Charlene Choi, Chun Wu, Hu Ge - Dir. Jingle Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Juliet Aubrey, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030169 Ma James Murray, Ben Miller, Mark Wakeling, Making of Jake Curran, James Bradshaw - Dir. Jamie Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Abenteuer/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Payne, Cilla Ware Button (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (D) DD 5.1 (Kanton) 98min. Splendid (Amazia) 29.05.2009 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2007-2008 min. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030207 Polyband 26.06.2009 Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Taraji P. Henson, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030245 Julia Ormond, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas, Sylvia - Eine Klasse für sich, Die Tilda Swinton, Jared Harris, , Pushing Daisies - Die komplette Mahershalalhashbaz Ali - Dir. David Fincher zweite Staffel (3 DVDs) zweite Staffel Drama/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Uschi Glas, Horst Sachtleben, Ralf Bauer, Pushing Daisies DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) Hannelore Cremer, Maximilian Krückl, Ste- Lee Pace, Anna Friel, Chi McBride, Ellen 166min. fan Hunstein, Christian Toulali, Vanessa Greene, Swoosie Kurtz, Kristin Warner Home Video 29.05.2009 Sobolewski, Gerd Silberbauer, Georg We- Chenoweth, Field Cate, Sy Richardson, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030261 ber, Isabella Jantz - Dir. Erwin Keusch, Sammi Hanratty, Jon Eric Price, Tina Gloss Heidi Kranz - Dir. Lawrence Trilling, Adam Kane, Peter Der seltsame Fall des Benjamin Trailer Drama 1998 FF DD 2.0 (D) 688min. O’Fallon, Allan Kroeker, Barry Sonnenfeld Button (Special Edition, 2 DVDs) AL!VE (Diamant Video) 04.05.2009 Komödie/Fantasy 2007-2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030185 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Ungar) min. Cate Blanchett, Brad Pitt, Taraji P. Henson, Warner Home Video 19.06.2009 Julia Ormond, Jason Flemyng, Elias Koteas, - Staffel 1 (4 DVDs) tba BestellNr.: 20030248 Tilda Swinton, Jared Harris, Elle Fanning, Torchwood Mahershalalhashbaz Ali - Dir. David Fincher Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi - Ein göttli- John Barrowman, Eve Myles, Gareth Da- Drama/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) vid-Lloyd, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Kai ches Paar DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 160min. Owen - Dir. Brian Kelly, Colin Teague, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi Warner Home Video 29.05.2009 James Strong, Alice Troughton, Andy Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, Vinay 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030255 Goddard, James Eskrine, Ashley Way Pathak, Priyanka Chopra, Rani Mukherjee, Science Fiction/Thriller 2006-2007 min. Preity Zinta, Kajol - Dir. Aditya Chopra So gut wie tot: Dead Like Me - Polyband 29.05.2009 Drama/Musical 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Der Film 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030208 DD 5.1 (Hindi) 158min. Dead Like Me: Life After Death Rapid Eye Movies 15.05.2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)

Ein Toter hing im Netz Drama/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Zwölf Winter Alex D’Arcy, Barbara Valentin, Harald DD 2.0 (E) 104min. Jürgen Vogel, Axel Prahl, Matthias Maresch, Helga Neuner, Helga Franck, Rai- Ascot Elite (Mediawith) 20.05.2009 Koeberlin, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Thomas ner Brandt, Dorothee Glöcklen - Dir. Fritz 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030254 Darchinger, Katharina Palm, Doreen Jacobi, Böttger Torsten Michaelis, Yvonne Burbach, Hans- Trailer, Bildergalerie, Visualisiertes Hörbuch The Walker (Blu-ray) Martin Stier, Marisa Leonie Bach, Elisabeth Action 1960 FF DD 1.0 (D) 90min. The Walker Baulitz - Dir. Thomas Stiller AL!VE (Ostalgica) 10.04.2009 Woody Harrelson, Willem Dafoe, Moritz Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030189 Bleibtreu, Lauren Bacall, Kristin Scott Tho- 89min. mas, Lily Tomlin, Gilly Poole - Dir. Paul EuroVideo 07.05.2009 Tracey Fragments Schrader 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030266 The Tracey Fragments Making of, Q & A mit Paul Schrader, Kinotrailer Ellen Page, Libby Adams, Stephen Amell, Drama/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Shawn Ahmed, Jackie Brown, Ari Cohen - DD 5.1 (E) 107min. Dir. Bruce McDonald Ascot Elite (Mediawith) 20.05.2009 Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030256 Special Interest Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 80min. Willkommen bei den Sch’tis Im Schatten des Mondes (Limited Koch Media 05.06.2009 Bienvenue Chez Les Ch’tis tba BestellNr.: 20030221 Kad Merad, Dany Boon, Zoé Félix, Anne Edition, Steelbook) Marivin, Philippe Duquesne, Guy Lecluyse, In The Shadow Of The Moon Und Nietzsche weinte Patrick Bosso, Zinedine Soualem, Jérôme Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, John F. Kenne- When Nietzsche Wept Commandeur - Dir. Dany Boon dy - Dir. David Sington, Christopher Riley Armand Assante, Ben Cross, Katheryn Komödie 2008 102min. Dokumentarfilm 2007 min. Winnick - Dir. Pinchas Perry Prokino 17.09.2009 Polyband 26.06.2009 Historienfilm/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030219 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030237 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. 3L 04.06.2009 The Wizard of Gore (Special Im Schatten des Mondes (Limited tba BestellNr.: 20030216 Uncut Edition) (k.J.) Edition, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) The Wizard Of Gore In The Shadow Of The Moon Der Vorleser Kip Pardue, Bijou Phillips, Crispin Glover, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, John F. Kenne- The Reader Jeffrey Combs, Brad Dourif, Joshua Miller, dy - Dir. David Sington, Christopher Riley Kate Winslet, David Kross, Ralph Fiennes, Garz Chan, Tim Chiou, Evan , Flux Dokumentarfilm 2007 min. Lena Olin, Bruno Ganz, Jeanette Hain, Su- Suicide, Amina Munster, Cricket Suicide, Polyband 26.06.2009 sanne Lothar, Matthias Habich, Jürgen Nixon Suicide, Kenneth Moskow - Dir. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030238 Tarrach, Hannah Herzsprung, Karoline Jeremy Kasten Herfurth, Burghart Klaußner, Sylvester Entfallene Szenen, Making of IMAX: Deep Sea / Into the Deep Groth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Vijessna Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Blu-ray) Ferkic - Dir. Stephen Daldry (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 95min. Deep Sea 3D / Into The Deep Drama 2008 min. MIG Filmgroup 14.05.2009 Dir. Howard Hall Senator 04.09.2009 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030275 Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2006 76min. tba BestellNr.: 20030228 Warner Home Video 26.06.2009 Zeiten des Aufruhrs tba BestellNr.: 20030239 Der Vorleser (Blu-ray) Revolutionary Road The Reader Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Michael Vampires in the Twilight Kate Winslet, David Kross, Ralph Fiennes, Shannon, Kathy Bates, Zoe Kazan, Ryan Vampyres Lena Olin, Bruno Ganz, Jeanette Hain, Su- Simpkins, David Harbour, Kathryn Hahn, Ty Dir. Laurent Courau sanne Lothar, Matthias Habich, Jürgen Simpkins - Dir. Sam Mendes Dokumentation/Gesellschaft 2007 Ltbx DD Tarrach, Hannah Herzsprung, Karoline Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 85min. Herfurth, Burghart Klaußner, Sylvester (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 114min. KNM Home Ent. (Movie Power) 11.06.2009 Groth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Vijessna Paramount 04.06.2009 tba BestellNr.: 20030260 Ferkic - Dir. Stephen Daldry 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030273 Drama 2008 min. Senator 04.09.2009 Zeiten des Aufruhrs (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20030230 Revolutionary Road Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Michael Der Vorleser (Special Edition) Shannon, Kathy Bates, Zoe Kazan, Ryan The Reader Simpkins, David Harbour, Kathryn Hahn, Ty Kate Winslet, David Kross, Ralph Fiennes, Simpkins - Dir. Sam Mendes Lena Olin, Bruno Ganz, Jeanette Hain, Su- Drama 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) sanne Lothar, Matthias Habich, Jürgen DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DDTrueHD 5.1 (F) Tarrach, Hannah Herzsprung, Karoline DDTrueHD 5.1 (Sp) 119min. Herfurth, Burghart Klaußner, Sylvester Paramount 04.06.2009 Groth, Alexandra Maria Lara, Vijessna 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030274 Ferkic - Dir. Stephen Daldry Drama 2008 min. Zwischen Fremden Senator 04.09.2009 Between Strangers tba BestellNr.: 20030229 Sophia Loren, Mira Sorvino, Deborah Unger, Pete Postlethwaite, Klaus Maria The Walker Brandauer, Gérard Depardieu, Malcolm The Walker McDowell, Wendy Crewson, Andrew Woody Harrelson, Willem Dafoe, Moritz Tarbet - Dir. Edoardo Ponti Bleibtreu, Lauren Bacall, Kristin Scott Tho- Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 92min. mas, Lily Tomlin, Gilly Poole - Dir. Paul Cine Plus 28.04.2009 Schrader 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20030226 Making of, Q & A mit Paul Schrader, Kinotrailer

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Fiction, Computer Animation, Fantasy, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085452 Foreign, Japanese 2005 126min. Animation Home Entertainment Moribito: Guardian Of The Spirit - 02.06.2009 Volume 4 Abraham: Box Set 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085480 , Foreign, Japanese 75min. Boxed Sets, Family, Religion/Spirituality min. Media Blasters 02.06.2009 Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 Garfield’s Pet Force 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085576 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085351 Snacking, napping, fighting aliens - it’s all in a day’s work for Garfield! One minute, Garfield and his pals are having a Baccano!: Volume 3 cookout, the next, they’re engaged in a super battle with a Moses: Box Set sinister alien and her army of zombies! When an evil comic Boxed Sets, Family, Religion/Spirituality min. Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, book demoness tries to make everyone in Cartoon World her Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 Japanese 2007 100min. slaves, all the comic strip characters become superheroes in order to thwart her. Well, all except Garfield, who thinks 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085352 Funimation 05.05.2009 being a superhero sounds like too much work! But when he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085449 sees all his friends in trouble, the fat cat might have to rise to the occasion! Murder Princess: The Complete Based On A Comic Strip, , Computer Series Bob The Builder: Truck Team- Animation, Family, Animated Animals 2009 Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Killer work (with Toy Truck) 70min. Beauties, Action 150min. Stop Motion Animation 57min. 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 Funimation 12.05.2009 Hit Entertainment 09.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085328 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085485 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085318 Garfield’s Pet Force (Blu-ray) Noddy: Noddy’s Great Discovery Case Closed: Season Five Snacking, napping, fighting aliens - it’s all in a day’s work for Computer Animation, PBS, Preschool 60min. Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Garfield! One minute, Garfield and his pals are having a cookout, the next, they’re engaged in a super battle with a Funimation 26.05.2009 Mystery 615min. sinister alien and her army of zombies! When an evil comic 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085534 Funimation 12.05.2009 book demoness tries to make everyone in Cartoon World her 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085483 slaves, all the comic strip characters become superheroes in order to thwart her. Well, all except Garfield, who thinks Robot Chicken: Star Wars - Episo- being a superhero sounds like too much work! But when he : Chapter 5 - The Sisters sees all his friends in trouble, the fat cat might have to rise to de II the occasion! Comedy, Dark Comedy, Science Fiction, In Arms Based On A Comic Strip, Animated Animals, Star Wars, Stop Motion Animation, Adult Action, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Internatio- Comedy, Computer Animation, Family 2009 Swim 2008 23min. nal TV, Japanese 2007 100min. min. Warner Bros. 21.07.2009 Funimation 19.05.2009 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085384 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085487 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085338

Darker Than Black: Volume 4 Heroic Age: The Complete Series Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?: Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action - Part One Bump In The Night - Volume 2 Family, Mystery min. 2007 100min. Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Action, Warner Bros. 05.05.2009 Funimation 05.05.2009 Adventure 315min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085540 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085450 Funimation 12.05.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085484 Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn / The Secret Saturdays: Vol. 1 Wrath Of The Dragon (Double Highlander: The Complete Adventure, , Family, Science Fiction 2008 110min. Feature) Warner Bros. 21.07.2009 Anime, Double Features, International TV, There can be only one! Seven hundred years after the Great Catastrophe, post-apocalyptic Earth is ruled by the evil 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085518 Japanese, Martial Arts, Action 100min. Immortal Kortan. But now there has arisen a new champion, a Funimation 19.05.2009 young Immortal who will fulfill the ancient prophecy and bring Shaun The Sheep: Sheep On The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085532 peace to Earth: His name is Quentin MacLeod and he is the Highlander. The ultimate fight between good and evil begins Loose as Quentin embarks on a perilous quest to regain the British, Comedy, Foreign, Stop Motion Ani- Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn / knowledge that will allow him to destroy Kortan, save the human race and restore peace to the world. Join the mation, Animated Animals 40min. Wrath Of The Dragon (Double Highlander in his quest for peace in this complete animated Hit Entertainment 09.06.2009 Feature) (Blu-ray) series! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085415 Time Travel, Fantasy, Action, Adventure Anime, Action, Double Features, Internatio- 1994 960min. nal TV, Japanese, Martial Arts 100min. Image Ent. 02.06.2009 Shin Chan: Season Two - Part 2 Funimation 19.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085423 Adult Swim, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Inter- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085538 national TV, Japanese 300min. Ikki Tousen: The Complete Series Funimation 12.05.2009 Dragon Ball Z: Season 9 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085486 Action, Anime, Comedy, Erotica, Fantasy, Anime, Boxed Sets, International TV, Fighting, Foreign, Japanese 2003 325min. Japanese, Martial Arts, Action 875min. Funimation 26.05.2009 The Sky Crawlers Funimation 19.05.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085533 From Mamoru Oshii, the world-acclaimed director of Ghost In 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085489 The Shell comes an award-winning story of an exciting but endless war with heroes too young to understand the reality Karin: The Complete Series of their battles. A group of eternally young fighter pilots Final Fantasy VII: Advent known as Kildren experience the sudden loss of innocence as Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Horror, Japanese, they battle the enemy in astonishing dogfights above the Children Complete (Blu-ray) Vampires 580min. clouds. With his only childhood memory consisting of intense This CG-animated action-packed feature film continues the flight training, the fearless teenage pilot Yuichi’s dogfights storyline based on the PlayStation hit Final Fantasy VII. Two Funimation 05.05.2009 coexist with his struggle to find his missing past. When his years have passed and the ruins of Midgar stand as a 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085451 beautiful, young female commander Suito is reluctant to testament to the sacrifices made in order to bring peace. discuss the fate of the pilot that Yuichi is replacing - or the However, the world will soon face a new menace. A strangely perfect condition of that pilot’s former aircraft - mysterious illness is spreading fast. Old enemies are astir. Last Exile: The Complete Series Yuichi’s curiosity becomes heightened. And Cloud, who walked away from the life of a hero to live in Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Science Fiction, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Action, solitude, must step forward yet again... Action, Aerial Action 625min. Adventure, Aerial Action, Animated Feature Based On Video Game, Adventure, Science Funimation 05.05.2009 Films 2008 Ltbx 16x9 121min.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 15 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman star in two-time Oscar®- Comedy 2008 94min. nominee Wolfgang Petersen’s gripping thriller about a 26.05.2009 steadfast U.S. President who has just told the world he will E1 Entertainment 09.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085284 not negotiate with terrorists. Now, Russian neo-nationalists 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085529 have hijacked Air Force One, and the President is faced with a nearly impossible decision - give in to terrorist demands or The Sky Crawlers (Blu-ray) sacrifice not only the country’s dignity, but the lives of his Baby On Board (Blu-ray) From Mamoru Oshii, the world-acclaimed director of Ghost In wife and daughter. , , John The Shell comes an award-winning story of an exciting but Hostage Crisis, Action, Aerial Action, endless war with heroes too young to understand the reality Corbett of their battles. A group of eternally young fighter pilots Presidents 1997 Ltbx 124min. Angela (Heather Graham) and Curtis (Jerry O’Connell) have known as Kildren experience the sudden loss of innocence as Sony Pictures Home Entertainment it all - a loving relationship, a beautiful house and successful they battle the enemy in astonishing dogfights above the 02.06.2009 careers. That is, until an unexpected pregnancy sends them clouds. With his only childhood memory consisting of intense on a hilarious, nine-month roller coaster ride. Now, they must flight training, the fearless teenage pilot Yuichi’s dogfights 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085478 deal with hormonal and emotional mood swings, not to mention coexist with his struggle to find his missing past. When his all the drama caused by their best friends Danny (John beautiful, young female commander Suito is reluctant to Anaconda (Blu-ray) Corbett) and Sylvie (Katie Finneran) as well as Angela’s discuss the fate of the pilot that Yuichi is replacing - or the over-demanding boss (Lara Flynn Boyle). It all adds up to an strangely perfect condition of that pilot’s former aircraft - Jon Voight, Ice Cube, Jennifer Lopez, uproarious battle of the sexes in this new by Yuichi’s curiosity becomes heightened. Owen Wilson, Jonathan Hyde Brian Herzlinger (My Date with Drew). Foreign, Japanese, Anime, Action, A film crew headed by anthropologist Steve Cale and director Comedy 2008 94min. Adventure, Aerial Action, Animated Feature Terri Flores journey through a river to find a mysterious E1 Entertainment 09.06.2009 Indian tribe and shoot a documentary on them. They save a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085537 Films 2008 Ltbx 121min. guy called Paul Sarone from a sinking boat. He offers to help Sony Pictures Home Entertainment in their search for the tribe, but he is actually a snake-hunter 26.05.2009 looking for legendary anaconda snake, and when Cale is Bad Boy Bubby (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085305 bitten by some tropical insect, Sarone takes over the boat. Claire Benito, Nicholas Hope, Ralph Horror, Killer Animals, Action, Reptiles 2001 Cotterill, Carmel Johnson - Dir. Rolf de Heer 89min. Solomon And David: Box Set L.A. Weekly called it „disturbing and compelling,“ and it was Sony Pictures Home Entertainment awarded The Grand Special Jury Prize at the Venice Film Family, Religion/Spirituality, Adventure min. 02.06.2009 Festival. Despite a limited release in America, it would shock Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 and delight audiences to become one of the most daring and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085479 controversial cult films of the past decade. Nicholas Hope - in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085353 what Variety hails as „an astonishing performance“ - stars as Anacondas: Trail Of Blood Bubby, a demented man-child kept locked his entire life in a : Season 1 - squalid apartment by his depraved mother. But when Bubby - Linden Ashby, Crystal Allen, Don E. who can only communicate by mimicking what other say and Volumes 1 & 2 (2 Pack) Fauntleroy do - escapes into the outside, he soon discovers the wonders 2 Packs, Animated Animals, Comedy, Family One of the slithering, genetically enhanced anaconda off- of sex, crime, rock & roll and pizza. Will this ‘mad bastard’ be spring has regenerated to live on in this next action-packed destroyed by the realities of our cruel world, or does a higher min. chapter of the Anaconda series. The dying mogul, Murdoch, calling ultimately await him in the most unlikely place of all? Warner Bros. 21.04.2009 hires a doctor to harvest a fresh supply of blood orchids and Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Dra- 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085381 experiment with the regenerative nectar on a baby snake. ma, Foreign, Australian 1993 Ltbx 114min. Overnight, the offspring grows monstrous enough in size and appetite to devour the good doctor whole, before slithering Blue Underground 28.07.2009 free on a regenerative rampage. The beautiful herpetologist, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085584 Amanda, dedicated to destroying the vicious beasts she helped create, leads a team of young scientists against a Film ruthless pack of Murdoch’s armed thugs to get the coveted : 20th Anniversary Edition orchids before the snake hunts both factions down. The (Blu-ray) bloodthirsty offspring is seemingly invincible, sliding through The 10th Victim explosions and gunfire only to regenerate and prey insatiably Kim Basinger, Jack Nicholson, Michael Ursula Andress, Marcello Mastroianni, Elsa on anything in its path. Keaton, Jack Palance, Pat Hingle, Billy Dee Reptiles, TV Movies, Action, Horror, Killer Martinelli, Salvo Randone Williams, Jerry Hall, Michael Gough, Robert It is the 21st Century, and society’s lust for violence is Animals 2009 88min. Wuhl, Tracey Walter, William Hootkins satisfied by „The Big Hunt,“ an international game of legalized Sony Pictures Home Entertainment After a young boy witnesses his parents’ murder on the murder. But when the sport’s two top assassins (Marcello 02.06.2009 streets of Gotham City, he grows up to become , a Mastroianni and Ursula Andress) are pitted against each mysterious figure in the eyes of Gotham’s citizens, who takes other, they find that love is the most dangerous game of all. As 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085447 crime-fighting into his own hands. He first emerges out of the the world watches, the hunt is on. Who will become The 10th shadows when the Joker appears - a horribly disfigured Victim? The 10th Victim is the international cult classic whose Ashes And Diamonds: Essential individual who is out for revenge on his former employer and wild action and sexy style has influenced a generation of generally likes to have a good time, but the identity of the ‘bat’ movies, from The Running Man to the Austin Powers. Art House is unknown. Perhaps millionaire Bruce Wayne and Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Cult Film / Zbigniew Cybulski, Waclaw Zastrzezynski, photographer Vicki Vale have a good chance of finding out? Superheroes, Action, Based On Comic TV, Foreign, Italian 1965 92min. Ewa Krzyzewska, Bogumil Kobiela, Adam Book 1989 Ltbx 126min. Blue Underground 28.07.2009 Pawlikowski 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085567 The commanding, charismatic Zbigniew Cybulski (dubbed the Warner Bros. 19.05.2009 Polish James Dean) explodes on screen as Maciek, a Polish 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085333 soldier who on the last day of World War II is ordered to 3 Bullets For Ringo assassinate a Soviet leader who has arrived in town to Spaghetti Westerns, Foreign, Italian, We- establish a new government. Directed with stunning dexterity Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 & and inventiveness by the visionary Andrzej Wajda, Ashes 2.5 (2 Pack) stern 1966 min. And Diamonds was the ultimate film expression of Poland’s Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 postwar identity crisis and a vital work of a nation’s emerging Jamie Bamber, Mary McDonnell, Katee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085506 cinema. Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, Grace Park, Polish, Art House, Classics, Drama, Kandyse McClure, Edward James Olmos, : Season 1 / 30 Rock: Foreign, War, World War II 1958 103min. James Callis, Michael Taylor, Aaron Douglas Janus Films 16.06.2009 Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 . Sci-fi’s hottest TV series Season 2 (2 Pack) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085388 returns as Battlestar Galactica 2.0 blasts onto DVD in Dolby , , , 5.1 Surround Sound. As the epic second season begins, the , , Jack fight to save humanity rages on - even as civil war looms Baby On Board within the fleet between the followers of President Roslin and McBrayer, Heather Graham, Lara Flynn Boyle, John Commander Adama. Relive all the intensity and excitement 2 Packs, Comedy, NBC, On The Job Ltbx aboard the Galactica with a supernova of explosive bonus Corbett features, including deleted scenes and podcasts. It’s a heart- 16x9 min. Angela (Heather Graham) and Curtis (Jerry O’Connell) have pounding adventure you can’t afford to miss! Contains the first Universal Studios 19.05.2009 it all - a loving relationship, a beautiful house and successful 10 episodes on 3 DVDs! Battlestar Galactica: Season 2.5. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085289 careers. That is, until an unexpected pregnancy sends them Rejoin Sci-Fi’s most action-packed TV series as Battlestar on a hilarious, nine-month roller coaster ride. Now, they must Galactica 2.5 flies on to DVD in Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound. deal with hormonal and emotional mood swings, not to mention Featuring an extended version of the cliffhanger episode Air Force One (Blu-ray) all the drama caused by their best friends Danny (John Pegasus, this continuation of the epic second season follows Corbett) and Sylvie (Katie Finneran) as well as Angela’s the ongoing battle of President Laura Roslin (Mary Gary Oldman, Harrison Ford, William H. over-demanding boss (Lara Flynn Boyle). It all adds up to an McDonnell) and Commander William Adama (Edward James Macy, Dean Stockwell, Wendy Crewson, uproarious battle of the sexes in this new romantic comedy by Olmos) in their heart-pounding crusade to save humanity from Paul Guilfoyle, Liesel Matthews Brian Herzlinger (My Date with Drew). the deadly robot Cylons. Packed with special features, including deleted scenes, podcasts and Producer David

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Eick’s v 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085385 tremendous stress to become a better father and as a person. 2 Packs, Intergalactic War, Science Fiction, All these are about to change until Bob receives a mysterious Space 2005 min. call. Based on Kim Basinger’s Cellular, this movie will have Children Of Men (Blu-ray) you jumping out of your seat. Universal Studios 19.05.2009 Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, Chiwetel Thrillers, Action, Chinese, Foreign 2008 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085295 Ejiofor, Clive Owen, Charlie Hunnam 110min. No children. No future. No hope. In the year 2027, eighteen Tai Seng 28.04.2009 Ben And Charlie years since the last baby was born, disillusioned Theo (Clive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085309 Owen) becomes an unlikely champion of the human race when Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Comedy, he is asked by his former lover (Julianne Moore) to escort a Foreign, Italian 1972 min. young pregnant woman out of the country as quickly as Connected (Blu-ray) Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 possible. In this thrilling race against time, Theo will risk Bob, a single father in a dead-end job as a debt collector, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085492 everything to deliver the miracle the whole world has been trapped against his easy-going helpful nature. He’s under waiting for. Co-starring Michael Caine, filmmaker Alfonso tremendous stress to become a better father and as a person. Cuarón’s Children Of Men is the powerful film Pete Hammond All these are about to change until Bob receives a mysterious Brothers & Sisters: The Complete of Maxim calls „magnificent...a unique and totally original call. Based on Kim Basinger’s Cellular, this movie will have vision.“ you jumping out of your seat. Third Season Drama, End Of The World, Adventure, Thrillers, Chinese, Foreign, Action 2008 Balthazar Getty, Patricia Wettig, , Apocalyptic Future, Politics, Science 110min. Rachel Griffiths, Calista Flockhart, Sarah Fiction, Thrillers 2006 DTS 110min. Tai Seng 28.04.2009 Jane Morris, Rob Lowe, Dave Annable Universal Studios 26.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085332 ABC, Drama, Family Relationships 2008 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085464 1008min. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Disney / Buena Vista 01.09.2009 Churchill’s Leopards / Salt In The 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085374 Button Wound (Double Feature) Elias Koteas, Cate Blanchett, Julia Ormond, War, World War II, Action, Double Features, Bruce Almighty (Blu-ray) Taraji P. Henson, Brad Pitt Drama, Foreign, Italian min. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, adapted from the Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston, Morgan Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in Freeman, Philip Baker Hall 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085504 his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who Comic genius Jim Carrey stars with Jennifer Aniston and is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orle- Morgan Freeman in the entertaining comedy hit of the year ans, from the end of World War I in 1918 into the 21st century, that critics are applauding as a „laugh a minute“ (Jim Cinderella Man (Blu-ray) following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can Ferguson, FOX-TV). Bruce Nolan (Carrey) is a TV reporter be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and who believes the entire universe is stacked against him. In a Renee Zellweger, Russell Crowe, Bruce Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason life-altering encounter, the Big Guy Upstairs (Freeman) McGill, Paul Giamatti, Craig Bierko, Paddy Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, Benjamin Button. endows Bruce with all of His divine powers and challenges Considine Romance, Academy Award Winners, Dra- Bruce to take on the big job to see if he can do it any better. Academy Award winners Russell Crowe and Renée ma, Epics, Fantasy, Historical / Period Bruce Almighty is the wildly funny comedy featuring „Jim Zellweger star in this triumphant, powerfully inspiring true Piece 2008 Ltbx 165min. Carrey at his best!“ (Leonard Maltin, Hot Ticket) story. In a time when America needed a champion, an unlikely Comedy, Fantasy 2003 DTS 102min. hero would arise, proving how hard a man would fight to win a Paramount Pictures 05.05.2009 Universal Studios 02.06.2009 second chance for his family and himself. Suddenly thrust into 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085340 the national spotlight, boxer Jim Braddock would defy the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085472 odds against him and stun the world with one of the greatest comebacks in history. Driven by love for his family, he willed The Curious Case Of Benjamin Burn Notice: Season Two an impossible dream to come true. Button: The Criterion Collection Boxing, Drama, Biography, Biopics, Sports Gabrielle Anwar, , Bruce Elias Koteas, Cate Blanchett, Julia Ormond, 2005 DTS 145min. Campbell, Jeffrey Donovan Taraji P. Henson, Brad Pitt Michael Westen is a trained spy who receives a „burn notice“ Universal Studios 26.05.2009 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, adapted from the for an unstated reason & effectively is fired. Penniless, he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085465 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in returns to his hometown in Miami and freelances while trying his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who to find who burned him. is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orle- Thrillers, USA Network, Comedy, Drama, Cjamango ans, from the end of World War I in 1918 into the 21st century, Spaghetti Westerns, Foreign, Italian, We- following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can Spies/Secret Agents 2008 Ltbx 690min. be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 stern 1967 min. Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085329 Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, Benjamin Button. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085500 Romance, Academy Award Winners, Burn Notice: Season Two (Blu- Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics, Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece 2008 Ltbx 165min. ray) Clint The Nevada’s Loner / There’s A Noose Waiting For You Paramount Pictures 05.05.2009 Gabrielle Anwar, Sharon Gless, Bruce 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085341 Campbell, Jeffrey Donovan Trinity! (Double Feature) Michael Westen is a trained spy who receives a „burn notice“ Spaghetti Westerns, Spanish, Western, The Curious Case Of Benjamin for an unstated reason & effectively is fired. Penniless, he Double Features, Foreign min. returns to his hometown in Miami and freelances while trying Button: The Criterion Collection to find who burned him. Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Comedy, Drama, Spies/Secret Agents, Thril- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085499 (Blu-ray) lers, USA Network 2008 min. Elias Koteas, Cate Blanchett, Julia Ormond, 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 The Complete Jeeves & Wooster Taraji P. Henson, Brad Pitt 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085339 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, adapted from the Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry 1920s story by F. Scott Fitzgerald about a man who is born in The Complete Comic Adventures of Britain’s Original Odd his eighties and ages backwards: a man, like any of us, who Carnivorous Couple. Join Jeeves & Wooster for an enchanting romp is unable to stop time. We follow his story, set in New Orle- through the drawing rooms and diversions of British tweedy ans, from the end of World War I in 1918 into the 21st century, DMX elite. Bertie Wooster is the classic young British man of following his journey that is as unusual as any man’s life can Science Fiction, Horror, Killer Animals 2008 means, blessed with a touch too generous a heart and a slight be. Directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and deficit in the noggin department. Jeeves is his hilariously arch Cate Blanchett with Taraji P. Henson, Tilda Swinton, Jason min. and resourceful valet, a „Gentleman’s Gentleman“ without North American Motion Pictures 26.05.2009 Flemyng, Elias Koteas and Julia Ormond, Benjamin Button. equal who sees Bertie through the never-ending swirl of Criterion Collection, Drama, Epics, Fantasy, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085300 hopeless old friends, indomitable aunts, unbidden guests, and romantic entanglements that dominate his life. Historical / Period Piece, Academy Award BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Comedy 1993 FF Winners, Romance 2008 Ltbx 165min. Castle: The Complete First S 1200min. Paramount Pictures 05.05.2009 Season A&E 26.05.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085454 Stana Katic, Susan Sullivan, Nathan Fillion, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085378 Andrew W. Marlowe Def By Temptation ABC, Detectives, Drama, Murder Mysteries, Connected Bill Nunn, Kadeem Hardison, Samuel L. Mystery 2009 210min. Bob, a single father in a dead-end job as a debt collector, Jackson Disney / Buena Vista 22.09.2009 trapped against his easy-going helpful nature. He’s under An evil succubus is preying on libidinous black men in New

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 17 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

York, and all that stands in her way is a minister-in-training, 82min. Me: The Royal Wedding / Prince an aspiring actor, and a cop that specializes in cases Facets Video 23.06.2009 involving the supernatural. & Me: The Royal Honeymoon - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085551 Blaxploitation, Horror 1990 95min. Lunch Box 2-Pack Troma Team Video 19.05.2009 Romance, 2 Packs, Drama 188min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085368 The Diary Of Anne Frank: 50th First Look Home Entertainment 28.07.2009 Anniversary Edition 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085574 Defiance Lou Jacobi, Shelley Winters, Millie Perkins, Jamie Bell, Alexa Davalos, Liev Schreiber, Ed Wynn, Richard Beymer ER: The Complete Eleventh Daniel Craig Following the Nazi invasion of Amsterdam, 13-year-old Anne Daniel Craig (James Bond: The Quantum of Solace) stars as and her family go into hiding in the confines of an attic. Anne’s Season Tuvia Bielski, an ordinary citizen turned hero, in this action- remarkable account of their lives, their growing fear of Maura Tierney, Alex Kingston, Linda packed epic of family, honor, vengeance and salvation. discovery, their deplorable living conditions and even the Defiance is a riveting adventure that showcases the blooming of her first love are intimately portrayed in this Cardellini, Sherry Stringfield, Laura Innes, extraordinary true story of the Bielski brothers, simple extraordinary portrait of humanity. Nominated for eight 1959 Mekhi Phifer, Noah Wyle, Shane West, farmers - outnumbered and outgunned - who turned a group of Oscars and winning three, The Diary Of Anne Frank remains Goran Visnjic, Parminder Nagra war refugees into powerful freedom fighters. Tuvia, along with one of cinema’s most astounding and enduring treasures. his unyielding brother, Zus (Liev Schreiber, X-Men Origins: World War II, Academy Award Winners, Drama, NBC 2004 min. Wolverine), motivate hundreds of civilians to join their ranks Biography, Biopics, Classics, Drama, Warner Bros. 14.07.2009 against the Nazi regime. Their „Inspirational story“ (David 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085350 Densby, The New Yorker) is a true testament to the human Holocaust, Jewish Heritage 1959 Ltbx spirit. 179min. Thrillers, War, World War II, Action, Drama 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 Essential Art House: Volume III 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 136min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085327 Forbidden Games The Hidden Fortress Last Holiday Richard Paramount Pictures 02.06.2009 III Variety Lights Polish, Shakespeare, War, World War II, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085391 The Diary Of Anne Frank: 50th Action, Adventure, Art House, Boxed Sets, Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray) British, Comedy, Drama, Feudal Japan, Defiance (Blu-ray) Lou Jacobi, Shelley Winters, Millie Perkins, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Italian, Jamie Bell, Alexa Davalos, Liev Schreiber, Ed Wynn, Richard Beymer Japanese 684min. Daniel Craig Following the Nazi invasion of Amsterdam, 13-year-old Anne Criterion 16.06.2009 Daniel Craig (James Bond: The Quantum of Solace) stars as and her family go into hiding in the confines of an attic. Anne’s Tuvia Bielski, an ordinary citizen turned hero, in this action- remarkable account of their lives, their growing fear of 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085389 packed epic of family, honor, vengeance and salvation. discovery, their deplorable living conditions and even the Defiance is a riveting adventure that showcases the blooming of her first love are intimately portrayed in this The Fairies Of Liaozhai (TV extraordinary true story of the Bielski brothers, simple extraordinary portrait of humanity. Nominated for eight 1959 farmers - outnumbered and outgunned - who turned a group of Oscars and winning three, The Diary Of Anne Frank remains Series) war refugees into powerful freedom fighters. Tuvia, along with one of cinema’s most astounding and enduring treasures. Adapted from the classic Liao Tsai Collection of Chinese his unyielding brother, Zus (Liev Schreiber, X-Men Origins: Classics, Drama, Holocaust, Jewish Ghost Stories by the master storyteller Pu Sungling, this Wolverine), motivate hundreds of civilians to join their ranks Heritage, Academy Award Winners, intriguing drama series about the greatness of devotion is against the Nazi regime. Their „Inspirational story“ (David made up of four stories depicting the different fates of four Densby, The New Yorker) is a true testament to the human Biography, Biopics, World War II 1959 Ltbx women. Two of them, who are no longer alive, seek to reunit spirit. 179min. with their lovers in the mortal world, while the other two are Drama, Action, Thrillers, War, World War II 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 determined to destroy evil out of their affection for their 2008 Ltbx 136min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085337 lovers, even if it means sacrificing their own lives. Paramount Pictures 02.06.2009 Chinese, Foreign, International TV, Martial 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085471 Arts 2007 min. The Dirty Outlaws Tai Seng 28.04.2009 Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085311 : The Italian 1967 min. Complete Fifth Season - The Red Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Fallen Angel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085493 Hot Edition British, Drama, Foreign min. , , , Acorn Media 28.04.2009 , , Nicolette Dough Boys 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085523 Sheridan Arlen Escarpeta, Sticky Fingaz, Wood ABC, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance Harris Fatal Attraction (Blu-ray) 2008 1032min. Thrillers, Drama 2009 93min. , Anne Archer, Michael Douglas Disney / Buena Vista 01.09.2009 Paramount Pictures 16.06.2009 Stylish and sexy, Fatal Attraction took audiences to terrifying 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085376 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085448 new heights with its thrilling story of a casual encounter gone terribly awry. This box-office smash was nominated for six Academy Awards®, including Best Picture and Best Director The Devil’s Tomb Elsewhere (Adrian Lyne - Indecent Proposal, Flashdance). Michael Ron Perlman, Frankie G, Taryn Manning, Tania Raymonde, Anna Kendrick Douglas plays Dan Gallagher, a New York attorney who has Valerie Cruz, Cuba Gooding Jr., Ray In a small town, girls are mysteriously disappearing and no a tryst with seductive Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) while his one seems to care. After revealing to her best friend Sarah wife (Anne Archer) is away. Dan later shrugs off the affair as Winstone, Henry Rollins (Twilight’s Anna Kendrick) that she has been meeting men a mistake and considers it over. But Alex won’t be ignored. Academy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Best Supporting online, Jillian (Lost’s Tania Raymonde) goes missing. Now, Not now, not tomorrow, not ever... even if it means destroying Actor, Jerry Maguire, 1996) battles for mankind’s survival in the only clues to her whereabouts are her diary and a cryptic Dan’s family to keep him. this action-packed, apocalyptic horror thriller, The Devil’s message sent from her cell phone. Drama, Love Gone Bad, Revenge, Stalkers, Tomb, co-starring Ron Perlman (Hellboy), Tayrn Manning (Hustle & Flow), Ray Winstone (Indiana Jones and the Mystery, Thrillers 2009 106min. Thrillers 1987 119min. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), and punk rock legend Henry E1 Entertainment 02.06.2009 Paramount Pictures 09.06.2009 Rollins (Heat). When the scientist (Perlman) leading a top- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085526 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085481 secret Middle Eastern archeological site goes missing, an elite military is sent on a search and rescue mission. Descending under the cradle of civilization, Captain Mack Elsewhere (Blu-ray) Fern Hill (Gooding Jr.) and his team soon find themselves face-to-face with an ancient evil lying beneath the desert. Evil that is not Tania Raymonde, Anna Kendrick Mystery, Adventure, Drama, Family 2005 of this world. Evil that should that never be unearthed. In a small town, girls are mysteriously disappearing and no 90min. one seems to care. After revealing to her best friend Sarah Science Fiction, Special Forces, Thrillers, (Twilight’s Anna Kendrick) that she has been meeting men Virgil Films And Entertainment 16.06.2009 Action, End Of The World, Horror 2009 online, Jillian (Lost’s Tania Raymonde) goes missing. Now, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085541 90min. the only clues to her whereabouts are her diary and a cryptic Sony Pictures Home Entertainment message sent from her cell phone. Mystery, Thrillers 2009 min. Field Of Dreams (Blu-ray) 26.05.2009 E1 Entertainment 02.06.2009 Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones, Amy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085285 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085536 Madigan, Burt Lancaster, Ray Liotta, Timothy Busfield Diary Of A Suicide Enchanting Princess: Prince & Also starring Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones and Amy Madigan, Art House, Drama, Foreign, French 1973 Field of Dreams is an extraordinary and unforgettable

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) experience that has moved critics and audiences like no other garden, Kyle Chandler, Scott Porter, Zach Nina Dobrev, Colm Feore, Zachary Bennett, film of its generation. Field of Dreams. Gilford, Jesse Plemons, Gaius Charles Jonathan Scarfe Drama, Fantasy, Baseball, Sports, 2 Packs, Based On Feature Film, Drama, Roy Scheider (Jaws, The French Connection), Darryl Tearjerkers 1989 DTS 106min. Football, High School, NBC, Sports 2006 Hannah (A Walk To Remember, Kill Bill) and Jonathan Scarfe Universal Studios 26.05.2009 (Twilight, TV’s Raising the Bar) star in this award-winning Ltbx 16x9 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085466 drama set at the dawn of World War II. A Nazi soldier Universal Studios 19.05.2009 (Scarfe) is torn between duty and his passion for Rachel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085290 (Nina Dobrev, Away From Her, How She Move), the beautiful Fletch (Blu-ray) daughter of a rabbi. Forced apart by the violence surrounding them, the lovers embark on a perilous journey to find each Chevy Chase, Tim Matheson, Richard Gentleman Killer matter how terrible the price. Libertini, Joe Don Baker, Andrew Bergman, Romance, War, World War II, Canadian, Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, Alan Greisman, Peter Douglas, Michael Drama, Foreign 2007 96min. Italian 1967 min. Ritchie Image Ent. 28.04.2009 Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Chevy Chase is at his hilarious best, Irwin „Fletch“ Fletcher, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085535 a newspaper reporter who changes his identity more often 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085494 than his underwear. While working on a drug expose, he stumbles onto a scam that gets him up to his byline in murder, Herbie Rides Again / Herbie Goes police corruption and forbidden romance. For this ace Ghosts Of Goldfield newsman, It’ll be the story of the year, if he can only stay Kellan Lutz, Roddy Piper To Monte Carlo (Double Feature) alive to meet his deadline. Fletch is a must own 2007 min. Comedy, Disney, Double Features min. thriller classic. Just dont call him Irwin! Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009 Comedy, Mystery 1985 DTS 98min. North American Motion Pictures 09.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085330 Universal Studios 02.06.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085488 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085473 Goliath And The Barbarians / Go- Heroes: Season 1 / Heroes: Forbidden Games: Essential Art liath And The Vampires (Double Season 2 (2 Pack) House Feature) Hayden Panettiere, Ali Larter, Milo Ventimiglia, Greg Grunberg, Adrian Pasdar, Brigitte Fossey, Georges Poujouly Vampires, Adventure, Double Features, Jack Coleman, James Kyson Lee, Masi After her parents are massacred in front of her eyes during a Foreign, Horror, Italian min. Oka, Santiago Cabrera, Zachary Quinto, German air strike, five-year-old Paulette (Brigitte Fossey) Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 seeks shelter with a peasant farm family and develops a close Sendhil Ramamurthy connection with the son, Michel (Georges Poujouly). The two 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085503 become deeply affected by the death surrounding them and 2 Packs, Drama, Fantasy, NBC, retreat into a grave world of lost innocence. Sensitively Superheroes min. directed by Rene Clement, this Academy Award winner for Grey’s Anatomy: Season Five Universal Studios 19.05.2009 Best Foreign Language Film remains an unforgettable treasure , , Ellen Pompeo, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085297 of fifties French cinema. Patrick Dempsey, Justin Chambers, James Academy Award Winners, Art House, Pickens Classics, Drama, Foreign, French, War, The Hidden Fortress: Essential Art ABC, Drama, On The Job 2008 1008min. World War II 1952 87min. Disney / Buena Vista 15.09.2009 House Janus Films 16.06.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085377 Toshiro Mifune, Kamatari Fujiwara, Misa 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085395 Uehara, Minoru Chiaki, Susumu Fujita Widely remembered as the film that inspired George Lucas’s The Forgotten Pistolero / The Grey’s Anatomy: Season Five Star Wars, The Hidden Fortress is one of Akira Kurosawa’s (Blu-ray) most popular works, a thrillingly choreographed and cleverly Unholy Four (Double Feature) written tale of chivalry and greed in medieval Japan, featuring Katherine Heigl, Sandra Oh, Ellen Pompeo, Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Double Fea- Toshiro Mifune as a weary general in charge of protecting a Patrick Dempsey, Justin Chambers, James princess (Misa Uehara). tures, Foreign, Italian min. Pickens Samurai, Action, Adventure, Art House, Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Drama, On The Job, ABC 2008 1008min. Classics, Feudal Japan, Foreign, Japanese 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085505 Disney / Buena Vista 15.09.2009 1958 139min. 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085463 Janus Films 16.06.2009 Fort Yuma Gold 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085396 Spaghetti Westerns, Foreign, Italian, War, Hallelujah!: The Complete Western 1966 min. Collection Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves / Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Honey, I Blew Up The Kid (Double 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085498 British, Comedy, Foreign, International TV min. Feature) French Kiss Acorn Media 28.04.2009 Disney, Double Features min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085525 Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009 Meg Ryan, Kevin Kline, Timothy Hutton, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085331 Jean Reno, Susan Anbeh, Francois Cluzet Meg Ryan (Sleepless in Seattle) and Kevin Kline (Dave) star Harder They Fall in this bouncy romantic comedy about life, love and larceny. When the boundaries of their combat zone extend from the Hotel For Dogs (Blu-ray) When her fiance is smitten by a beautiful Frenchwoman, Kate ring to the streets of Miami, Max and Jesus fight to dominate. (Ryan) flies to Paris determined to win him back. However, One is a promising amateur following in the footsteps of his , Kevin Dillon, Emma Roberts, nothing prepares her for Luc (Kline), a cunning, sexy legendary father, and the other a poverty-stricken kid from the Don Cheadle, Jake T. Austin Frenchman with a gift for gab and a fondness for thievery. A wrong side of the tracks. What holds more weight, the Comedy, Family 2009 Ltbx 100min. self-proclaimed expert on affairs of the heart, Luc promises to pressure of success or the fear of failure? One of them is help Kate win back her man. But one star-crossed destined to rise to the top...The one that survives. Paramount Pictures 28.04.2009 misadventure after another sweeps them across France, Sports, Wrestling/Fighting, Action, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085302 ultimately changing them in ways they never dreamed possible. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan (The Big Chill, Kickboxing 2005 103min. Grand Canyon) French Kiss is „a delightful cinematic bon Lionsgate 09.06.2009 Hotel For Dogs (Fullscreen) bon...the stuff of classic moviemaking.“ - The Hollywood 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085314 Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Dillon, Emma Roberts, Reporter Don Cheadle, Jake T. Austin Romance, Comedy 1995 111min. Comedy, Family 2009 FF DD 5.1 100min. 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 Hate Thy Neighbor / Django The Paramount Pictures 28.04.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085346 Last Killer (Double Feature) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085307 Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Double Fea- tures, Foreign, Italian min. Friday Night Lights: The First Hotel For Dogs (Widescreen) Season / Friday Night Lights: The Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085501 Lisa Kudrow, Kevin Dillon, Emma Roberts, Second Season (2 Pack) Don Cheadle, Jake T. Austin Taylor Kitsch, Blue Deckert, Connie Britton, Hearts Of War Comedy, Family 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 100min. Minka Kelly, Adrianne Palicki, Aimee Tee- Paramount Pictures 28.04.2009 Daryl Hannah, Roy Scheider, Kim Coates,

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45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085306 Facets Video 23.06.2009 nal bestseller, The Last Templar is a pulse-pounding adventure where nothing is what it seems. And only the truth 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085550 will set you free. House: Season One / House Drama, Mystery, NBC 2009 min. Season Two (2 Pack) Kickboxer (Blu-ray) Genius Products 05.05.2009 Hugh Laurie Rochelle Ashana, Dennis Chan, Dennis 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085315 2 Packs, Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, Alexio, Haskell Anderson Accompanied by his brother Kurt (Van Damme), American Last Year At Marienbad: The Mystery min. kickboxing champion Eric Sloane (Dennis Alexio), arrives in Universal Studios 19.05.2009 Thailand to defeat the Eastern warriors at their own sport. Criterion Collection 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085312 His opponent: ruthless fighter and Thai champion, Tong Po. Tong not only defeats Eric, he paralyzes him for life. Crazed Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi with anger, Kurt vows revenge. After a crash course in the Not just a defining work of the French New Wave but one of House: Season Three / House ancient techniques of kickboxing from Thai master, Xian the great, lasting mysteries of modern art, Alain Resnais’ Chow, Kurt challenges Tong. Their battle to the finish, born of epochal visual poem has been puzzling appreciative viewers Season Four (2 Pack) lust, power and revenge, will leave only one man standing. for decades. A surreal fever dream, or perhaps a nightmare, Last Year At Marienbad (L’annee derniere a Marienbad), Hugh Laurie Kickboxing, Martial Arts, Action, Sports written by the radical master of the New Novel, Alain Robbe- 2 Packs, Drama, Fox, Medical Mysteries, 1989 97min. Grillet, gorgeously fuses the past with the present in telling Mystery min. Lionsgate 16.06.2009 its ambiguous tale of a man and a woman (Giorgio Albertazzi and Delphine Seyrig) who may or may not have met a year Universal Studios 19.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085476 ago, perhaps at the very same cathedral-like, mirror- 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085313 bedecked chateau they now find themselves wandering. Kill Them All And Come Back Unforgettable in both its confounding details (gilded ceilings, diabolical parlor games, a loaded gun) and haunting scope, I Got Five On It Too! Alone Resnais’ investigation into the nature of memory is disturbing, Chris Angelo, Todd Bridges, Jose Rosete Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, romantic, and maybe even a ghost story. Romance, Art House, Classics, Criterion Stoners, Comedy 2008 min. Italian 1968 min. Collection, Drama, Foreign, French 1961 Maya Entertainment 14.04.2009 Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085369 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085507 Criterion 23.06.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085357 Imaginary Bitches: The Complete Kingdom: Series Two First Season Stephen Fry, Dominic Mafham Last Year At Marienbad: The Life’s a bitch. Then you invent one. A Single girl (Emmy In this perfect mix of light-hearted comedy and personal Winner Eden Riegel from All My Children) deals with the drama, Stephen Fry (Black Adder, Jeeves & Wooster) stars Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) lonely reality that all her friends are in serious relationships as Peter Kingdom, a kindly solicitor who devotes his career to by creating imaginary friends to hang out with - unfortunately, representing the oddball people in the Norfolk town of Market Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi they turn out to be real bitches. Shipborough, England. From nudists to adults suing toddlers, Not just a defining work of the French New Wave but one of Comedy min. Kingdom is at the whim and mercy of anyone who blows into the great, lasting mysteries of modern art, Alain Resnais’ his office with a personal injury complaint. Meanwhile, his life epochal visual poem has been puzzling appreciative viewers Passion River 26.05.2009 is still overshadowed by the mysterious disappearance of his for decades. A surreal fever dream, or perhaps a nightmare, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085401 brother (Dominic Mafham - The Clinic), who may or may not Last Year At Marienbad (L’annee derniere a Marienbad), be dead. Probing and patient, Kingdom seeks answers to written by the radical master of the New Novel, Alain Robbe- everyone’s problems and digs deeply to find the tiniest shred Grillet, gorgeously fuses the past with the present in telling Indecent Proposal (Blu-ray) of sanity in his eccentric clientele. its ambiguous tale of a man and a woman (Giorgio Albertazzi and Delphine Seyrig) who may or may not have met a year Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Robert British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Internatio- ago, perhaps at the very same cathedral-like, mirror- Redford, Seymour Cassel, Oliver Platt nal TV, Lawyers / Legal Issues 2008 bedecked chateau they now find themselves wandering. Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson are Diana and David 275min. Unforgettable in both its confounding details (gilded ceilings, Murphy, a financially strapped couple who are betting on a diabolical parlor games, a loaded gun) and haunting scope, quick trip to Las Vegas to deal them a lucky hand. But the BFS 12.05.2009 Resnais’ investigation into the nature of memory is disturbing, odds are suddenly even more attractive when billionaire John 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085527 romantic, and maybe even a ghost story. Gage (Robert Redford) ups the ante - complete financial Romance, Classics, Criterion Collection, freedom. The price? One night of passion with Diana. The Payoff? A cool $1 million. But what seems to be a quick and Last Holiday: Essential Art House Drama, Foreign, French, Art House 1961 simple solution to their money problems creates more friction Alec Guinness 94min. that the couple bargained for as the high stakes of trust, love Told by his doctor that he has no more than a few months to Criterion 23.06.2009 and attraction come into play as part of Gage’s compelling live, drab British workingman George Bird (Alec Guinness) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085461 proposal. From acclaimed director Adrian Lyne (Fatal decides to spend his savings on lodging at a seaside resort. Attraction, Flashdance) comes a film that examines a riveting Once there, however, he finds his identity caught between morality game-one in which each player has a strategy, as upstairs and downstairs, the guests and the „help.“ A droll Life On Mars: The Complete well as a set of rules to play by. social commentary as well as an unpredictable dark comedy Drama, Affairs/Love Triangles, Romance about life, death, and luck, Last Holiday is one of Guinness’s Series 1993 116min. finest moments. Michael Imperioli, Gretchen Mol, Harvey Paramount Pictures 09.06.2009 Art House, British, Classics, Comedy, Dra- Keitel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085482 ma, Foreign 1950 100min. Time Travel, ABC, Cops, Detectives, Drama Janus Films 16.06.2009 2009 731min. Inside Man (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085397 Disney / Buena Vista 29.09.2009 Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster, Clive 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085372 Owen, Christopher Plummer, Willem Dafoe, The Last Horror Film Chiwetel Ejiofor, Terence Blanchard Caroline Munro, Joe Spinell Life-Size / Get A Clue (Double Academy Award winner Denzel Washington, Academy Award A New York City taxi driver obsessively stalks an beautiful Feature) nominee Clive Owen and Academy Award winner Jodie Foster actress attending the Cannes Film Festival while at the same star in this intense and explosive crime thriller. The perfect time, a masked killer beings killing off all her protégé and Comedy, Disney, Double Features min. bank robbery quickly spirals into an unstable and deadly associates. Is the obsessed fan the killer, or is there someone Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009 game of cat-and-mouse between a criminal mastermind else behind the whole thing? (Owen), a determined detective (Washington), and a power Slasher, Stalkers, Horror 1982 87min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085345 broker with a hidden agenda (Foster). As the minutes tick by Troma Team Video 19.05.2009 and the situation becomes increasingly tense, one wrong move A Long Ride From Hell could mean disaster for any one of them. From acclaimed 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085367 director Spike Lee comes the edge-of-your-seat, action- Steve Reeves packed thriller The Wall Street Journal calls „a heist film The Last Templar Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, that’s right on the money.“ Italian 1968 min. Cops, Drama, Hostage Crisis, Thieves, Omar Sharif, Mira Sorvino, Victor Garber, Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Thrillers 2006 129min. Scott Foley When a medieval decoding device points the way to the long- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085510 Universal Studios 26.05.2009 lost treasure of the Knights Templar, an archaeologist (Oscar- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085467 winner Mira Sorvino) and FBI agent (Scott Foley) join forces to find it, never realizing the Vatican will stop at nothing to Look For A Star prevent its discovery. For at the end of a trail littered with Pop superstar Andy Lau (The Warlords, Running Out of Time) Karl May hidden clues, ancient codes and the bodies of silenced and the gorgeous Shu QI (The Transporter) are a perfect Art House, Biography, Biopics, Drama, conspirators, lies a secret so shocking it will change the face match - or are they? - In this romantic comedy directed by Foreign, German 1974 187min. of history forever. Based on Raymond Khoury’s #1 internatio- Andrew Lau (, The Duel). Sam (Lau), a billionaire

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 21 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1) tycoon, falls in love with a casino nightclub singer, Adventure, Comedy, Dark Comedy 2006 My Dinner With Andre: The Milan (Shu), but can their Cinderella romance last amid the 84min. reality of their social and class differences? Sumptuously Criterion Collection Celebrity Video Distribution 02.06.2009 shot by Andrew Lau himself and with delightful star-studded Wallace Shawn, Andre Gregory cameos, Look For A Star is one bright, shiny tale about 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085414 seizing the chance for happiness by following your heart’s In Louis Malle’s captivating and philosophical My Dinner desires. With Andre, actor and playwright Wallace Shawn sits down Monk: Season Five / Monk: with friend and theater director Andre Gregory at an Manhat- Chinese, Comedy, Foreign 2009 160min. tan restaurant, and the two proceed into an alternately Tai Seng 28.04.2009 Season Six (2 Pack) whimsical and despairing confessional on love, death, money, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085310 and all the superstition in between. Playing variations on their Tony Shalhoub own New York-honed personas, Shawn and Gregory, who USA Network, 2 Packs, Comedy, also wrote the screenplay, dive in with introspective, The Lost Princess Detectives, Drama, Mental Illness, Murder intellectual gusto, and Malle captures it all with a delicate, Eleanor, Queen of Fairhaven, sends her good friend and Mysteries, Mystery min. artful detachment. A fascinating freeze-frame of cosmopolitan minion Don Juan, Prince of Spain, (Jose Granados), his culture, My Dinner With Andre remains a unique work in daughter, the Princess Esmerelda (Dakota Star Granados) Universal Studios 19.05.2009 cinema history. and his silly sidekick, Miguel (Douglas Kondziolka) on an 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085294 Art House, Criterion Collection, Drama 1981 adventure to the kingdom of Scarborough to save King Henry M 110min. and Queen Anne from the clutches of the warmongering „bad guy“ Krunkenmal. Krankemal challenges the trio to seek out Monk: Season One / Monk: Criterion 23.06.2009 the legendary Holy Grail, a quest that leads them on a Season Two (2 Pack) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085360 perilous journey through Renaissance Europe, filled with song, dance, laughter and high adventure. Don Juan and Tony Shalhoub Miguel have brought together over 200 Renaissance actors, USA Network, 2 Packs, Comedy, Nenette + Boni musicians and artisans in creating this swashbuckling comic Art House, Drama, Foreign, French 1996 epic your family will never forget! If you’ve ever been to a Detectives, Drama, Mental Illness, Murder Renaissance Faire and enjoyed it, then you will love this Mysteries, Mystery min. 99min. movie. Universal Studios 19.05.2009 Strand Releasing 26.05.2009 Musical, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Medieval 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085292 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085371 Times 2005 75min. S’More Entertainment 19.05.2009 Monk: Season Seven New In Town (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085325 Tony Shalhoub, Ted Levine, Taylor Howard, Renee Zellweger, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Andy Breckman J.K. Simmons, Harry Connick Jr., Frances The Man With The Screaming USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Drama, Conroy Brain / Alien Apocalypse (Double Award-winning actress Renee Zellweger stars as Lucy Hill, Mental Illness, Murder Mysteries, Mystery a high-powered executive in love with her upscale Miami Feature) 2008 Ltbx 16x9 S min. lifestyle. Seeking to snag a big promotion, Lucy agrees to Universal Studios 30.06.2009 move to a remote Minnesota town to oversee the restructuring Bruce Campbell of a blue collar manufacturing plant. After enduring icy roads, Science Fiction, TV Movies, Adventure, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085291 freezing weather and a chilly reception from the locals, she Aliens, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double Fea- soon warms up to the small town and its people - especially Monk: Season Three / Monk: the town’s handsome union representative (Harry Connick, tures, Horror, Killer Technology min. Jr.). What begins as a job assignment becomes the best thing Starz / Anchor Bay 12.05.2009 Season Four (2 Pack) ever to happen to her in this heartwarming comedy that proves 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085316 Tony Shalhoub that the warmest people are often in the coldest places. Comedy, Romance 2009 96min. USA Network, 2 Packs, Comedy, Lionsgate 02.06.2009 Marker Detectives, Drama, Mental Illness, Murder 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085477 Susan Hogan, Sonja Bennett, Iris Graham, Mysteries, Mystery min. Jonathan Cherry, Link Baker, Philip Granger Universal Studios 19.05.2009 TV Movies, Canadian, Fantasy, Foreign, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085293 New In Town (Fullscreen) Horror, International TV 2005 93min. Renee Zellweger, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, S’More Entertainment 19.05.2009 Andrzej Munk Trilogy J.K. Simmons, Harry Connick Jr., Frances 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085324 Eroica Bad Luck Conroy Award-winning actress Renee Zellweger stars as Lucy Hill, Polish, Art House, Boxed Sets, Comedy, a high-powered executive in love with her upscale Miami Matalo Director / Writer Box Sets, Drama, Foreign lifestyle. Seeking to snag a big promotion, Lucy agrees to 278min. move to a remote Minnesota town to oversee the restructuring Spaghetti Westerns, Spanish, Thrillers, of a blue collar manufacturing plant. After enduring icy roads, Western, Foreign 1970 min. Polart 23.06.2009 freezing weather and a chilly reception from the locals, she Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085558 soon warms up to the small town and its people - especially the town’s handsome union representative (Harry Connick, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085496 Jr.). What begins as a job assignment becomes the best thing Murder, She Wrote: The ever to happen to her in this heartwarming comedy that proves The Mighty Boosh: The Complete Complete Tenth Season that the warmest people are often in the coldest places. Romance, Comedy 2009 FF 96min. Season 1 Lionsgate 02.06.2009 Drama, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Senior Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085442 Howard and Vince, two workers in a run-down zoo, are often Interest 1993 FF S min. called upon to put their jobs before their pride. That often Universal Studios 07.07.2009 means dressing up as animals and sitting in cages because New In Town (Widescreen) their boss, American entrepreneur Bob Fossil, can’t afford 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085511 any real animals. Vince accepts the situation happily, quite in Renee Zellweger, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, contrast to his grandiose, tweed-wearing colleague. But they My Bloody Valentine J.K. Simmons, Harry Connick Jr., Frances often have to leave their jobs to go on quests - to the Artic, or Conroy even other dimensions. A sci-fi comedy series with Jaime King, Jensen Ackles, Kerr Smith Award-winning actress Renee Zellweger stars as Lucy Hill, hallucinogenic qualities, related to Monty Python’s anarchy Ten years ago in the town of Harmony, an inexperienced coal a high-powered executive in love with her upscale Miami and Hitchhiker’s astonishing creativity. miner, caused an accident in the tunnels that trapped and lifestyle. Seeking to snag a big promotion, Lucy agrees to BBC, British, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, killed five men and sent the only survivor, Harry Warden, into move to a remote Minnesota town to oversee the restructuring Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Musical, a permanent coma. But Harry Warden wanted revenge. of a blue collar manufacturing plant. After enduring icy roads, Exactly one year later, on Valentine’s Day, he woke up...and freezing weather and a chilly reception from the locals, she Science Fiction 2004 240min. brutally murdered twenty-two people with a pickaxe before soon warms up to the small town and its people - especially BBC Home Video 21.07.2009 being killed. Now, after years of peace, something from the town’s handsome union representative (Harry Connick, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085502 Harmony’s dark past has returned. Wearing a miner’s mask Jr.). What begins as a job assignment becomes the best thing and armed with a pickaxe, an unstoppable killer is on the ever to happen to her in this heartwarming comedy that proves loose. And as his footsteps come ever closer, the that the warmest people are often in the coldest places. The Minority townspeople realize in terror that it just might be Harry Warden who’s come back... Romance, Comedy 2009 Ltbx 96min. Jake Jackson (Billoah Greene) is the most outgoing and Lionsgate 02.06.2009 honest person you could ever meet. He just wants to work and Mystery, Slasher, Thrillers, Horror 2009 live an honest life like everybody else. Jake’s troubles begin 101min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085443 when he mysteriously gets bombarded with racial biases. In Lionsgate 19.05.2009 his pursuit of justice and respect, Jake quickly finds himself Nicotina traveling towards a path of insanity until he manages to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085568 capture a wanted serial killer...then his luck changes. Rosa Maria Bianchi, Rafael Inclan, Diego

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Luna, Jesus Ochoa 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085475 living in suburban Connecticut who decide to risk everything From the producers of Amores Perros comes the humor-laced to pursue their dreams. They’re willing to break away from the action thriller Nicotina. Lolo (Diego Luna) is a computer ordinary - but can they do it without breaking apart? hacker who teams up with two amateur criminals in a deal Payment In Blood / Red Blood, Acclaimed by critics, Revolutionary Road is hailed as „...a with a Russian mobster. Diamonds will be exchanged for Yellow Gold (Double Feature) masterpiece.“ (Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle) computer access to certain Swiss bank accounts. Although Romance, Affairs/Love Triangles, Art dangerous, the job is fairly simple for tech-savvy Lolo. What Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Action, House, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, nobody plans on is Lolo’s distractive obsession with a Adventure, Double Features, Foreign, Marriage Woes 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 118min. a most inconvenient time. Italian min. Action, Comedy, Foreign, Hackers, Mexican DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.06.2009 Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 2003 90min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085390 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085509 Lionsgate 09.06.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085444 Revolutionary Road (Blu-ray) Pistoleros Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kathy Nightmare Castle Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, Bates, Kathryn Hahn, Dylan Baker, Michael Italian 1967 min. Barbara Steele, Rik Battaglia, Helga Line, Shannon, David Harbour Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Paul Miller Academy Award nominee Leonardo DiCaprio and Academy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085491 Award winner Kate Winslet reunite for two powerful, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Horror, Italian 1965 groundbreaking performances in Revolutionary Road. Based 104min. on the bestseller by Richard Yates, this mesmerizing and Pride Of Africa moving story follows the lives of a passionate young couple Severin 19.05.2009 living in suburban Connecticut who decide to risk everything 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085323 TV Movies, British, Drama, Foreign, to pursue their dreams. They’re willing to break away from the Historical / Period Piece, International TV ordinary - but can they do it without breaking apart? : Season One (Ameri- 1997 103min. Acclaimed by critics, Revolutionary Road is hailed as „...a BFS 12.05.2009 masterpiece.“ (Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle) Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Marriage can Series) / The Office: Season 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085577 Two (American Series) (2 Pack) Woes, Affairs/Love Triangles, Art House, Romance 2008 Ltbx 118min. B.J. Novak, , Jenna Fi- Private Practice: The Complete DreamWorks Home Ent. 02.06.2009 scher, , , Mindy Second Season 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085470 Kaling, , , Steve Kate Walsh, Amy Brenneman, Audra Carell, , , Oscar McDonald, Taye Diggs, Tim Daly, KaDee Nunez, , Creed Bratton, Richard III: Essential Art House Strickland, Chris Lowell, Paul Adelstein Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, Claire ABC, Drama 2008 902min. Work Sucks, 2 Packs, Comedy, Drama, Bloom, John Gielgud Disney / Buena Vista 15.09.2009 , NBC, On The Job min. Following his triumphant screen versions of Henry V and 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085392 Hamlet, director, producer, and star Laurence Olivier Universal Studios 19.05.2009 assembled a stunning cast (including Ralph Richardson, John 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085298 Gielgud, and Claire Bloom) for a grand realization of Richard Psych: The Complete First III, produced by Alexander Korda. A Technicolor and widescreen spectacle full of intimate, diabolical drama, this is The Office: Season Three (Ameri- Season / Psych: The Complete one of the quintessential Shakespearean film adaptations. can Series) / The Office: Season Second Season (2 Pack) Shakespeare, Art House, British, Classics, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Four (American Series) (2 Pack) Dule Hill, James Roday USA Network, 2 Packs, Comedy, War 1955 158min. B.J. Novak, Leslie David Baker, Jenna Fi- Detectives, Mystery min. Janus Films 16.06.2009 scher, Melora Hardin, Kate Flannery, Mindy Universal Studios 19.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085398 Kaling, Angela Kinsey, Phyllis Smith, Steve 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085288 Carell, John Krasinski, Rainn Wilson, Oscar Righteous Kill / Traitor (2 Pack) Nunez, Brian Baumgartner, Creed Bratton, Al Pacino, , Don Cheadle Paul Lieberstein Psych: The Complete Third Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, Work Sucks, 2 Packs, Comedy, NBC, On Season Terrorism, Thrillers, 2 Packs, Cops, Drama, The Job min. Dule Hill, James Roday FBI min. Universal Studios 19.05.2009 USA Network, Comedy, Detectives, Starz / Anchor Bay 07.04.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085299 Mystery 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085317 Universal Studios 30.06.2009 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085287 La Otra Mitad Del Sol Ringo The Lone Rider / The Maria Renee Prudencio, Demian Bichir Drama, Foreign, International TV, Mexican, A Reason To Live A Reason To Cobra (Double Feature) Mystery, Romance, Soap Opera 2005 Die Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Double Fea- tures, Drama, Foreign, Italian min. 780min. Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Image Ent. 21.04.2009 Italian 1972 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085508 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085322 Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085497 Paul Blart: Mall Cop Samantha Who?: Season Two Shirley Knight, , Kevin James, Alain Resnais: A Decade In Film Jean Smart, Christina Applegate, Jennifer Bobby Cannavale, Kevin James, Nick Life Is A Bed Of Roses I Want To Go Home Love Unto Death Esposito, Melissa McCarthy, Barry Watson, Bakay, Steve Carr Musical, Romance, Art House, Boxed Sets, Kevin Dunn, Tim Russ Action, Comedy, Family 2009 Ltbx 16x9 Comedy, Director / Writer Box Sets, Drama, ABC, Comedy, Romance 2008 460min. 91min. Foreign 415min. Disney / Buena Vista 25.08.2009 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Kino Video 28.04.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085375 19.05.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085319 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085434 Saving Grace: Season Two Revolutionary Road Holly Hunter, Christina Ricci, Laura San Paul Blart: Mall Cop (Blu-ray) Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kathy Giacomo, Leon Rippy, Bailey Chase, Kenny Shirley Knight, Jayma Mays, Kevin James, Bates, Kathryn Hahn, Dylan Baker, Michael Johnson Grace Hanadarko (Hunter) is a top-notch, forceful Bobby Cannavale, Kevin James, Nick Shannon, David Harbour investigator whose wild personal life translates into a no- Bakay, Steve Carr Academy Award nominee Leonardo DiCaprio and Academy holds-barred approach to her detective work. But when an Comedy, Family, Action 2009 Ltbx 91min. Award winner Kate Winslet reunite for two powerful, unconventional angel is sent to save her from her wild ways, groundbreaking performances in Revolutionary Road. Based Grace is forced to tackle her biggest investigation yet - her Sony Pictures Home Entertainment on the bestseller by Richard Yates, this mesmerizing and own emotional crisis! 19.05.2009 moving story follows the lives of a passionate young couple Cops, Drama, Fantasy, Religion/Spirituality

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2008 780min. Case hates life. He has been deceived, cheated on, and taken advantage of. He seeks to ruin the one who has brutally 20th Century Fox 16.06.2009 Shark Attack: Blue Demon / ruined him. Without divulging his real plan, he persuades his 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085343 Hammerhead - Lunch Box 2-Pack group of friends to help him steal some cash from a quick and simple heist. The simple heist turns into coldhearted betrayal Thrillers, 2 Packs, Monsters 183min. and murder. Relationships are tested and bonds are broken. Scrubs: The Complete Eighth First Look Home Entertainment 28.07.2009 Soon after the group arrives at their destination, the real Season scheme is forced upon them. Case’s secret is revealed...he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085573 doesn’t want money...he wants revenge. The downward spiral John C. McGinley, Sarah Chalke, Judy is set in motion. As the darkness descends, no one can Reyes, Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Neil Smiley Face (Steelbook) escape this steamy, twisted tale of betrayal, murder and Flynn sexual deviance. Anna Faris, John Krasinski, , Thrillers, Horror 2004 86min. ABC, Comedy, On The Job 2009 414min. Danny Trejo, Adam Brody, Danny Celebrity Video Distribution 02.06.2009 Disney / Buena Vista 25.08.2009 Masterson, John Cho, Michael Hitchcock 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085301 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085373 High. How are you?. Slacker actress Jane F, is having a bad day that is getting more outrageous by the minute. Jane’s Seabiscuit (Blu-ray) misadventures begin when she treats herself to a batch of Todos Los Dias Son Tuyos cupcakes left unattended by her psycho roommate (Danny Eliseo, a photographer in Mexico City, becomes obsessed Jeff Bridges, Tobey Maguire, William H. Masterson) that prove not as innocent as they appear. She with his neighbor, Maria. When Maria is murdered by a Macy, Elizabeth Banks, Chris Cooper, Gary then bums a ride from her roommate’s friend (John Spanish nationalist, Eliseo’s obsession turns him into the Krasinski)and attempts to cross town so she can repay an prime suspect. Now, he must find a way to prove his Stephens unforgiving drug dealer, attend an audition, and somehow innocence while avoiding being captured by the police or A great American story from Academy Award - nominated replace the precious cupcakes. Enjoy the wild journey as murdered by the same killer who has killed several Basque filmmaker Gary Ross, Seabiscuit stars Tobey Maguire, Jeff Jane’s efforts to get through her day prove an arduous task of separatists. Bridges and Chris Cooper. Based on the inspiring true story epic proportions. Thrillers, Foreign, Mexican 2007 133min. of three men - a jockey, a trainer and a businessman - and the Stoners, Comedy 2007 min. Univision 19.05.2009 undersized racehorse who took the entire nation on the ride of First Look Home Entertainment 07.07.2009 a lifetime. This breathtaking film achievement is „a must-see 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085411 movie-going experience“ ( Sun-Times) and „a flat-out 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085570 great movie!“ (Larry King Live, CNN) Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Horses, Spring Breakdown Torchwood: The Complete Se- Sports 2003 DTS 141min. Parker Posey, Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch cond Series (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 26.05.2009 Comedy 2009 84min. Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Eve Myles, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085468 Warner Bros. 02.06.2009 Barrowman, Russell T. Davies, Russell T. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085583 Davies The Seventh Seal: 2 Disc Edition Outside the government, beyond the police, fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when - The Criterion Collection Spring Breakdown (Blu-ray) everything changes and Torchwood is ready! Torchwood. The Max Von Sydow, Bibi Andersson, Gunnar new series sees the team encounter alien terrorists, a Parker Posey, Amy Poehler, Rachel Dratch stranded creature threatened by humans, a tragic soldier from Bjornstrand Comedy 2009 84min. the First World Was, as well as a memory thief who exposes Few films have had as large a cultural impact as Ingmar Warner Bros. 02.06.2009 long forgotten secrets in members of the team and a wedding Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (Det sjunde inseglet). with an unexpected guest. Disillusioned and exhausted after a decade of battling in the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085585 Crusades, a knight (Max von Sydow) encounters Death on a British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, desolate beach and challenges him to a fateful game of chess. Science Fiction, BBC, Time Travel 2008 Much studied, imitated, even parodied, but never outdone, Strike 634min. Bergman’s stunning allegory of man’s search for meaning was Clayne Crawford, Tara Reid, Ray Wise, one of the benchmark foreign imports of America’s 1950s art BBC Home Video 07.07.2009 house heyday, pushing cinema’s boundaries and ushering in a Ross Patterson 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085456 new era of moviegoing. Sports, Comedy 2007 90min. Swedish, Art House, Classics, Criterion Starz / Anchor Bay 09.06.2009 Treasure Island / In Search Of Collection, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign 1957 M 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085362 97min. The Castaways (Double Feature) Criterion 16.06.2009 Table For Three Adventure, Disney, Double Features min. Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085361 Jesse Bradford, Sophia Bush, Brandon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085344 Routh The Seventh Seal: The Criterion Romance, Comedy 2009 93min. Collection (Blu-ray) Starz / Anchor Bay 23.06.2009 Ugly Betty: The Complete Third Max Von Sydow, Bibi Andersson, Gunnar 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085364 Season Bjornstrand , Alan Dale, Ashley Few films have had as large a cultural impact as Ingmar Taste Of Killing Jensen, Vanessa Williams, Rebecca Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (Det sjunde inseglet). Romijn, Ana Ortiz, Becki Newton, Tony Disillusioned and exhausted after a decade of battling in the Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Foreign, Crusades, a knight (Max von Sydow) encounters Death on a Italian 1966 min. Plana, Eric Mabius, Michael Urie desolate beach and challenges him to a fateful game of chess. Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 ABC, Comedy, Drama, Fashion, Gay / Much studied, imitated, even parodied, but never outdone, Lesbian Interest, Soap Opera 2008 min. Bergman’s stunning allegory of man’s search for meaning was 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085495 one of the benchmark foreign imports of America’s 1950s art Disney / Buena Vista 22.09.2009 house heyday, pushing cinema’s boundaries and ushering in a Tell Me You Love Me 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085386 new era of moviegoing. Drama, Foreign, International TV, Korean, Swedish, Classics, Criterion Collection, Underworld Trilogy Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Art House 1957 Romance 900min. Vampires, Werewolves, Action, Boxed 97min. Mountain Apple Company 28.04.2009 Sets, Fantasy, Horror 320min. Criterion 16.06.2009 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085438 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085462 Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Ex- 12.05.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085283 Shade (Steelbook) treme DVD (Lenticular) Drama min. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Patrick, Underworld Trilogy (Blu-ray) First Look Home Entertainment 21.07.2009 Linda Hamilton Vampires, Werewolves, Boxed Sets, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085571 Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Action, Fantasy, Horror, Action min. Apocalyptic Future, Killer Technology 1991 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment min. The Shaggy D.A. / The Shaggy 12.05.2009 Lionsgate 19.05.2009 Dog (1959) (Double Feature) 143,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085304 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085296 Disney, Double Features min. Disney / Buena Vista 28.04.2009 Tied Up Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085342 Rhona Mitra, Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen

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The prequel story traces the origins of the centuries-old Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2: spy thriller in one of his funniest films, a nonstop frenzy of blood feud between the aristocratic vampires known as Death skewed , hilarious parody and sidesplitting wackiness. Dealers and their onetime slaves, the Lycans. In the Dark She-Cat Gambler With dialogue rewritten and redubbed for a Japanese James Ages, a young Lycan named Lucian (Michael Sheen) emerges Bond-style movie, What’s Up, Tiger Lily? turns the sex-and- as a powerful leader who rallies the werewolves to rise up Meiko Kaji, Sonny Chiba danger world of filmdom’s spy game upside down! against Viktor (Bill Nighy), the cruel vampire king who has The Ginza Butterfly Nami (Meiko Kaji, returning to her role Spies/Secret Agents, Spoofs, Adventure, enslaved them. Lucian is joined by his secret lover, Sonja from the original) is back in a new story that finds her on the (Rhona Mitra), in his battle against the Death Dealer army hunt for Hoshiden, the man who killed her gambler father Comedy 1966 Ltbx 16x9 M 80min. and his struggle for Lycan freedom. when she was only a child. Arriving in Tokyo, Nami takes a Image Ent. 16.06.2009 job as a hostess in a swank Ginza club, all the while combing Vampires, Werewolves, Action, Fantasy, the back-alleys and gambling dens for news of Hoshiden’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085569 Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 92min. whereabouts. Local street entrepreneur Ryuji (the Street Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Fighter himself, Sonny Chiba) joins her in the search, and Woodstock: 40th Anniversary - 12.05.2009 eventually in a bloody raid on the yakuza headquarters where Hoshiden - now living incognito, under an assumed name - is Ultimate Collector’s Edition 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085282 hiding out. Academy Award Winners, Classics, Pink Film, Action, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Concerts, Documentary, Music, National Japanese, Killer Beauties 1972 86min. Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans Film Registry, Special Editions 1970 min. Synapse Films 19.05.2009 (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 09.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085366 Rhona Mitra, Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085347 The prequel story traces the origins of the centuries-old blood feud between the aristocratic vampires known as Death War Gods Collection Woodstock: 40th Anniversary - Dealers and their onetime slaves, the Lycans. In the Dark Epic battles, beefcake and beautiful babes await in this Ages, a young Lycan named Lucian (Michael Sheen) emerges definitive sword and sandal film collection! See stars Gordon Ultimate Collector’s Edition (Blu- as a powerful leader who rallies the werewolves to rise up Scott, Richard Harrison and Howard Duff fight for justice in against Viktor (Bill Nighy), the cruel vampire king who has 1960s-style Ancient Rome; and delight in the fantastical sci-fi ray) enslaved them. Lucian is joined by his secret lover, Sonja special effects of these amazing films, helmed by the likes of Classics, Concerts, Documentary, Music, (Rhona Mitra), in his battle against the Death Dealer army James Bond director Terence Young and Francis Ford and his struggle for Lycan freedom. Coppola (back when he was one of Roger Corman’s humble National Film Registry, Academy Award Fantasy, Horror, Action, Vampires, assistants!). Son Of Cleopatra Hero Of Rome Invincibel Winners 1970 min. Werewolves 2009 Ltbx 92min. Gladiator War Gods Of Babylon War Goddess Magic Voyage Warner Bros. 09.06.2009 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Of Sinbad Day The Earth Froze 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085469 Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Boxed 12.05.2009 Sets, Fantasy 656min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085303 Image Ent. 28.04.2009 Woodstock: 40th Anniversary Edi- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085560 tion Vampire’s Bite: Vampire Clan / Academy Award Winners, Classics, Ring Of Darkness - Lunch Box 2- Were The World Mine Concerts, Documentary, Music, National Pack If you had a love-potion, who would you make fall madly in Film Registry 1970 min. love with you? Timothy, prone to escaping his dismal high Warner Bros. 09.06.2009 Thrillers, 2 Packs, Horror, Vampires school reality through dazzling musical daydreams, gets to 173min. answer that question in a very real way. After his eccentric 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085348 First Look Home Entertainment 28.07.2009 teacher casts him as Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, he stumbles upon a recipe hidden within the script to create the X-Men Trilogy (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085575 play’s magical, purple love-pansy. Armed with the pansy, Timothy’s spirit soars as he puckishly imposes anew reality Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Variety Lights: Essential Art by turning much of his narrow-minded town gay, beginning Janssen, , Halle Berry, with the rugby-jock of his dreams. Ensnaring family, friends Rebecca Romijn, Ellen Page, Brian Cox, House and enemies in this comic chaos, Timothy forces them to walk Bruce Davison, Kelsey Grammer, Hugh Giulietta Masina, Peppino De Filippo, John a mile in his musical shoes. The course of true love never did run smooth, but by the end of this moving musical comedy of Jackman, Vinnie Jones, James Marsden, Kitzmiller, Dante Maggio errors, the bumpy ride comes to a heartfelt conclusion. With In Federico Fellini’s whimsical and vibrant debut, codirected vibrant imagery, a first-rate ensemble cast and innovative Alan Cumming, Ben Foster, Shawn with Alberto Lattuada, a burlesque troupe manager (Peppino music rivaling the best of pop/ rock and contemporary Broad- Ashmore, Ray Park De Filippo) falls for an ingenue entertainer and leaves his way. Born into a world filled with prejudice are children who wife (Fellini’s real-life wife, Guilietta Masina, from La strada Musical, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, possess extraordinary and dangerous powers - the result of and Nights of Cabiria). Variety Lights is a dizzying, unique genetic mutations. Under the tutelage of Professor X, carnivalesque look at infidelity and showbiz from two of Gay / Lesbian Interest 2008 95min. the outcasts learn to harness their powers and must now Italian cinema’s greatest comic social critics. Wolfe Video 09.06.2009 protect those who fear them from the evil Magneto. Following Art House, Classics, Drama, Foreign, Italian 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085382 a shocking attack on the President, the X-Men must stand united with their deadliest enemies to combat a menace that 1950 97min. threatens every mutant on the planet - and possibly all of Janus Films 16.06.2009 Were The World Mine (Alternate mankind. Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085399 lead an all-star cast in this dazzling, action-packed spectacle Art) that is „arguably the greatest superhero movie ever!“ If you had a love-potion, who would you make fall madly in (Entertainment Weekly) After a controversial „cure“ is Wait Your Turn love with you? Timothy, prone to escaping his dismal high discovered, mutants can choose to retain their superhuman school reality through dazzling musical daydreams, gets to abilities or give up their unique gifts and become „normal.“ Romance, Drama, Family 90min. answer that question in a very real way. After his eccentric When peaceful mutant leader Charles Xavier (Patrick Virgil Films And Entertainment 16.06.2009 teacher casts him as Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, he Stewart) clashes with his militant counterpart, Magneto (Ian 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085539 stumbles upon a recipe hidden within the script to create the McKellen), the battle lines are drawn for the war to end all play’s magical, purple love-pansy. Armed with the pansy, wars! Timothy’s spirit soars as he puckishly imposes anew reality Boxed Sets, Action, Based On Comic Book, Wandering Ginza Butterfly by turning much of his narrow-minded town gay, beginning with the rugby-jock of his dreams. Ensnaring family, friends Science Fiction, Superheroes 341min. Tsunehiko Watase, Meiko Kaji and enemies in this comic chaos, Timothy forces them to walk 20th Century Fox 21.04.2009 Gang leader Nami (cult film legend Meiko Kaji) kills a member a mile in his musical shoes. The course of true love never did 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085453 of a yakuza group and goes away to prison. Upon her release run smooth, but by the end of this moving musical comedy of three years later, she’s a shamed woman confined to living in errors, the bumpy ride comes to a heartfelt conclusion. With the shadowy world of sex clubs and street gangs. She returns vibrant imagery, a first-rate ensemble cast and innovative to the city to live with her uncle, a billiard-hall owner, and music rivaling the best of pop/ rock and contemporary Broad- after befriending pimp and ne’er-do-well Ryuji (Tsunehiko way. Watase), she gets a job working at a hostess club in the chic Ginza neighborhood, where the expensive shops and neon Musical, Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Music lights conceal a dark world of crime and sexual slavery. But Gay / Lesbian Interest 2008 95min. when a rival gang attempts to muscle in on the club, Nami Wolfe Video 09.06.2009 Anniversary Edition: Roger becomes enmeshed in a violent struggle that forces her to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085383 wield a skilled pool cue to defend her uncle’s business, and Norrington eventually a short sword to wreak bloody vengeance upon her Classical Music, Concerts, Documentary, enemies. What’s Up, Tiger Lily? Pink Film, Action, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Music, Music Videos min. Woody Allen Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 Japanese, Killer Beauties 1971 86min. An evil mastermind with an addiction to egg salad! Sadistic, Synapse Films 19.05.2009 torture-hungry double crossers! Gorgeous girls hungry for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085359 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085326 lovin’! A weird marriage between a cobra and a chicken! Only one man is daring, clever and sexy enough to take on this kind Chris Barber: Jubilee Concert of mission: superspy Phil Moscowitz! Woody Allen spoofs the

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Concerts, Music min. Classical Music, Music, Opera 2006 min. Mussorgsky: Pictures At An Exhi- Storyville DVD 28.04.2009 Opus Arte 28.04.2009 bition - Sir Simon Rattle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085435 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085459 Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- stral min. The Best Of Snoop Dogg’s Father Handel: Orlando (Blu-ray) Naxos 28.04.2009 Hood: Volume 1 Marijana Mijanovic, Konstantin Wolff, Chri- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085441 Snoop Dogg has carved out a permanent place in pop culture stina Clark, Martina Jankova, Katharina and musical history as hip hop’s most compelling superstar. Peetz Opera Exclusive: Teatro Alla Sca- But there is more to Snoop that meets the eye... Watch as he Opera seria in three acts. Libretto by an anonymous poet, takes on his not-so-predictable role as a father and family after a text by Carlo Sigismondo Capece and the epic poem la man to his wife Shante and three lively kids, Cori, Corde and „Orlando Furioso“ (1932) by Ludovico Ariosto Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Cordell. In this hilarious and heartwarming reality series, go Music, Opera, Performing Arts 155min. inside the everyday life of Calvin Broadus to reveal what Arts min. Naxos 28.04.2009 really makes Snoop Dogg tick. Relive the craziest moments TDK 28.04.2009 from both seasons of Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085457 exclusive unaired special features. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085436 Music, Rap, Reality 2007 176min. Lionsgate 16.06.2009 Handel: Tamerlano Sergei Prokofiev: War And Peace Music, Opera, Performing Arts min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085446 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Opus Arte 28.04.2009 Arts min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085358 The Black Dahlia Murder: Majesty Naxos 28.04.2009 Speed/Thrash Metal, Death Metal, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085432 Documentary, Heavy Metal, Music min. Handel: Tamerlano (Blu-ray) Red 12.05.2009 Music, Opera, Performing Arts min. Puccini: La Rondine Opus Arte 28.04.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085530 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085460 Arts min. Celibidache: You Don’t Do Naxos 28.04.2009 Anything - You Let It Evolve Imagination Movers: Jump & 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085425 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral min. Shout Naxos 28.04.2009 Disney Channel, Music 88min. Pete Seeger: Live In Australia 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085429 Disney / Buena Vista 05.05.2009 Concerts, Documentary, Folk, Music 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085394 105min. John Cipollina / Nick Gravenites Acorn Media 28.04.2009 Band: Rockpalast - West Coast Insane Posse: A Family 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085445 Legends Vol. 1 Underground Concerts, Documentary, Music, Rap min. Torroba: Luisa Fernanda (Blu-ray) John Cipollina, Nick Gravenites Band Red 12.05.2009 Mariola Cantarero, Raquel Pierotti, Nancy Concerts, Music min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085531 Herrera, Sabina Puertolas, Placido Domin- SPV 21.04.2009 go, Jose Bros, David Rubiera, Javier 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085545 Leos Janacek: The Cunning Little Ferrer, Jose Antonio Ferrer, Federico Gallar Placido Domingo heads an internationally renowned cast in Commander Cody: Rockpalast - Vixen Emilio Sagi’s stylish new production for Madrid’s Teatro Real Blues Rock Legends Vol. 1 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing of Moreno Torroba’s enduring zarzuela, whose story itself is Arts min. set in the Spanish capital. Filmed using high definition Concerts, Music 1980 min. cameras and recorded in true surround sound. Naxos 28.04.2009 SPV 21.04.2009 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Orchestral 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085437 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085544 132min. Opus Arte 28.04.2009 Donizetti: Maria Stuarda Jorma Kaukonen & Vital Parts: 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085458 Classical Music, Opera, Performing Arts Rockpalast: West Coast Legends min. Vol. 2 Giuseppe Verdi: Aida Naxos 28.04.2009 Concerts, Music 1980 min. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085426 SPV 21.04.2009 Arts min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085546 Naxos 28.04.2009 Hagen Quartett: Plays Mozart & 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085428 Jiri Kylian And The Nederlands Beethoven Giuseppe Verdi: Messa Da Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- Dans Theater stral min. Ballet, Classical Music, Dancing, Music, Requien Naxos 28.04.2009 Performing Arts min. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085440 Naxos 28.04.2009 Arts min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085430 Naxos 28.04.2009 Handel: Giulio Cesare (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085439 Angelika Kirchschlager, Sarah Connolly, Christa Ludwig: Lieder Recital - Patricia Bardon, Danielle de Niese, William Volume 2 Siegfried Wagner: Der Kobold Christie, Christopher Maltman, Alexander Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing (The Goblin) Ashworth, Rachid Ben Abdeslam, Arts min. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Christophe Dumaux Naxos 28.04.2009 Arts min. David McVicar’s production of Giulio Cesare manages to Naxos 28.04.2009 combine serious insight with entertainment, bringing Handel’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085431 masterpieces to life in a powerful, convincing and highly 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085427 intelligent way. In every line of the complex narrative the Olivier Messiaen: Saint Francois subtle nuances are apparent, reflecting perfectly the transpa- Muddy Waters: Live At Chicago- rent and exquisite nature of Handel’s musical expression. D’ Assise Filmed in High Definition and recorded in true surround fest sound, the outstanding singing of the all-star cast, led Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing superbly by Sarah Connolly, and the vivid playing of the Arts min. Blues, Concerts, Music min. Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment under the energizing Opus Arte 28.04.2009 Shout Factory Music 21.04.2009 baton of William Christie reveal the color and dramatic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085555 character of Handel’s music in a most delightful manner. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085433

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Edition frontier territory was admitted to the Union ? James Castle mined the local landscape of his family’s homesteads and his Documentary, Educational, Health min. own deeply private world to produce an astonishing body of Genius Products 05.05.2009 drawings, collages, and constructions which eventually Special Interest gained worldwide recognition. Jeffrey Wolf’s acclaimed film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085564 reveals Castle’s life and creative process, as told by family 2009 NCAA Men’s members, art historians, curators, artists, collectors, and Bali (Blu-ray) members of the deaf community. This inspirational story of a Championship true Outsider Artist is a remarkable example of the triumph of Atmosphere DVDs 60min. Sports, Basketball, NCAA min. the spirit - and the imagination. Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 Documentary 2008 53min. Team Marketing 12.05.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085335 First Run Features 23.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085387 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085405 Before They Were Stars: FIP Absolute Beginners Fitness: Cities Of The Underworld: The Cardio Dance Interval Workout Alumni Though nearly every major city across the US has its own Complete Season Three With Pam Cosmi hometown independent wrestling promotion, Florida’s Full Documentary, History Channel min. The Absolute Beginners Cardio Dance Interval Workout is Impact Pro (FIP) has become the „finishing school“ of sorts the perfect way for the beginning exerciser to get into the for today’s fastest-rising stars. FIP has been the „last stop“ A&E 26.05.2009 grooves of a dynamic dance and strength exercise program. before hitting the big time for world champions Samoa Joe and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085514 The intervals consist of a three minute cardio dance routine CM Punk, world tag team champions including Homicide and followed by a two minute light strength training segment Brian Kendrick, multi-time champions in Antonio „MVP“ Banks, utilizing a lightweight exercise’ll be burning and soon-to-be champions like Colt Cabana and James Citizen Stan calories and fat faster than ever before! Instructor Pam Cosmi Gibson. Now, for the first time ever, fans can experience 5 Narrated by Richard Dreyfuss...In the 1950s Stanley provides vivid and precise cuing throughout the workout so hard-hitting, action-packed, no-holds-barred Full Impact Pro Sheinbaum co-directed a project to set up the police force of that you’ll know just what move you’ll be doing at all times. events in one box set! This is your chance to see this South Vietnam, even writing the constitution for South Viet- Two exercise modifiers are provided to ensure that you’ll be generation’s best before they were stars!!! Over 12 hours of nam. But when he learns the CIA is involved, and his people working at just the right intensity level for you and a dynamic action in one box set! were torturing Vietcong prisoners, he feels disgust. music track keeps the segments fresh and involving every Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ Sheinbaum embarks on a lifetime of activism, organizing time you do the DVD. A comprehensive warm-up is followed Fighting 2008 800min. Daniel Ellsberg’s defense during the Pentagon Papers trial, by the nine cardio dance interval segments; the program the and landing on Nixon’s enemies list. In tales of intrigue, he finishes off with a thorough Core workout section for full body Big Vision 21.04.2009 saves a colleague from the Greek junta, spars with LA Police conditioning that leaves you energized and ready for anything! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085320 Chief Daryl Gates, and brings Arafat to the UN to denounce Fitness, Health 65min. terrorism and recognize Israel. For a man you never heard about, Sheinbaum’s life story holds lessons of the history we Bayview Entertainment 26.05.2009 Bergman Island: The Criterion share. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085408 Collection Documentary 62min. Ingmar Bergman Passion River 26.05.2009 America At War Just four years before his death, legendary filmmaker Ingmar 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085402 War, Documentary, History Channel min. Bergman sat down with Swedish documentarian Marie Nyrerod in his home on Faro Island to discuss his films, his A&E 26.05.2009 fears, his regrets, and his ongoing artistic passion. This Confessions Of An Innocent Man 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085521 resulted in the most breathtakingly candid series of Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Kidnap- interviews that the famously reclusive director ever took part in, later edited into the feature-length film Bergman Island. In- ping 2007 90min. American Originals depth, revealing, and packed with choice anecdotes about BFS 05.05.2009 Documentary, History Channel min. Bergman’s films, as well as his personal life, Nyrerod’s film is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085581 an unforgettable final glimpse of a man who transformed A&E 26.05.2009 cinema. 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085517 Swedish, Art House, Biography, Criterion Days That Shook The World: The Collection, Documentary, Film About Film, Complete Second Season Amira’s Bellydance & Yoga For Foreign 2004 83min. BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign 2004 Pregnancy Prenatal Exercise Criterion 16.06.2009 590min. Yoga, Instructional Dance, Bellydance, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085356 BBC Home Video 04.08.2009 Dancing, Fitness, Health 208min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085515 Bayview Entertainment 26.05.2009 The Bible Explorer Series 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085410 Boxed Sets, Documentary, Religion/ Diary Of A Vampire: The Legacy Spirituality 180min. Of Bram Stoker Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.05.2009 Amira’s Bellydance 101 Belly Vampires, Biography, Documentary, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085553 Dancing Basics For Beginners Dracula min. Instructional Dance, Bellydance, Dancing Repnet 07.04.2009 80min. The Bible Unearthed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085422 The Bible is both a religious and historical work, but how Bayview Entertainment 26.05.2009 much is myth and how much is history? This masterful 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085409 investigation into the origins of the Bible visits archaeological Direct Your Own Damn Movie! digs in Egypt, Jordan and Israel - including Megiddo, the Lloyd Kaufman director of The Toxic Avenger and President of Angels, Demons & Freemasons: cradle of biblical archaeology. Rare archival footage, ancient Troma Entertainment, Inc. reveals 40 years worth of maverick maps, biblical illustrations and computer simulations are put cinematic know-how. Lloyd offers you the magic key to The True Conspiracy into context by world-famous archaeologists and biblical operating outside the film studio system as well as providing scholars, including experts from the Louvre, the museums of you with the roadmap to scriptwriting, pre-production, Conspiracies, Documentary min. Cairo and Jerusalem, and the British Museum. casting, managing your set, post-production and distribution. Repnet 07.04.2009 Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 2006 With interviews from over a dozen of the greatest maverick 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085400 208min. film makers including Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Bill Lustig, Eli Roth, Dario Argento, Stan Lee, Monte Hellman, Mick First Run Features 23.06.2009 Garris, James Gunn and many more. Arts And Myths: Volume 2 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085406 Boxed Sets, Film About Film 300min. Documentary, Foreign, French, Troma Team Video 19.05.2009 Photography/Art 2006 156min. Breakin’ In: The Making Of A Hip 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085420 Facets Video 23.06.2009 Hop Dancer 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085552 Canadian, Dancing, Documentary, Foreign Elmo’s World: The Best Of Elmo’s 2005 55min. World - Volume 2 At The Death House Door BFS 05.05.2009 Boxed Sets, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Documentary 2008 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085579 Street min. Facets Video 23.06.2009 Genius Products 05.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085549 James Castle: Portrait Of An Ar- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085561 tist A Baby Story: First-Time Parents Born deaf in 1899 in rural Idaho ? only nine years after that Essential Space Collection

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 31 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

Rocket to the outer limits of intergalactic exploration in the Family, Religion/Spirituality min. Eddie Murphy Discovery Channel’s most exciting and absorbing space programs. Travel to the explosive fireball Io, join researchers Virgil Films And Entertainment 19.05.2009 Comedy, HBO 1983 70min. as they prepare for the 2018 mission to Mars and beyond, get 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085548 Starz / Anchor Bay 02.06.2009 a hands-on look at the first personal space vehicle that could 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085543 jumpstart tourism into space and so much more in this special, otherworldly collection. Keys To The Code: Unlocking The Documentary, Science, Space 2008 Secrets Of Symbols National Geographic: Inside The 266min. Conspiracies, Documentary min. Vatican Discovery Channel 21.04.2009 Repnet 07.04.2009 Narrated by Martin Sheen. National Geographic, with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085321 unprecedented access, provides a rare glimpse inside the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085421 secret archives and private chapels of the Vatican. Privileged accounts from Vatican officials, historians, and devoted The Expanded Holocaust Testa- Kobe: Doin’ Work individuals who work closely with Pope John Paul II provide insight into the remarkable history of the holy city and the ments Kobe Bryant unique traditions that have survived for nearly 2000 years. War, World War II, Boxed Sets, Kobe Bryant transcends his sport like only a few before him Documentary, National Geographic, Religi- have done. This basketball prodigy entered the league at age Documentary, Holocaust 395min. 18 and quickly began to rack up accolades: Slam Dunk Cham- on/Spirituality 2002 min. Artsmagic DVD 19.05.2009 pion, NBA All-Star, NBA Champion, Olympic Champion and National Geographic 07.04.2009 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085413 League MVP among others. His on-the-court exploits have 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085380 been well documented, yet few have been able to witness what it’s like for Kobe on game day. Directed by film and For A Few Previews More cultural icon Spike Lee, get inside the locker room and inside National Geographic: Inside The the mind of this enigmatic superstar for a never-before- Short Film Collections, Spaghetti Westerns, documented look at how Kobe prepares for and plays in one of White House Western min. the biggest games of the season. With unprecedented access, Morgan Freeman Wild East Productions 14.04.2009 Spike covered the day with over 30 cameras and had Kobe You are about to step inside the imposing gates of the White 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085490 mic’d up throughout the entire game providing the most- House for a revealing visit to the most famous yet mysterious complete and intense look at the Laker superstar both on-the- building in America. National Geographic cameras gain court and off. unprecedented access to the White House, uncovering its Harlan Ellison Dreams With Basketball, Biography, Documentary, ESPN, hidden inner workings and unearthing some surprising Sharp Teeth NBA 2009 75min. secrets. Discover the human side of this legendary house in ESPN (TM) 19.05.2009 candid interviews with Presidents, First Ladies, and peek Documentary min. inside the families’ rarely seen private living quarters. Follow 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085565 along as a small army of employees whirl behind the scenes in Docurama 26.05.2009 a frenzy of activity surrounding a major state dinner. From the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085522 mundane to the magnificient, National Geographic explores Korea: The Forgotten War: the untold stories of Inside the White House. The History Of Warfare: Rorke’s Counterattack & Stalemate - Documentary, National Geographic, 1951-1953 Presidents 2003 min. Drift 1879 - Against All Odds National Geographic 07.04.2009 Documentary, War min. Documentary, War min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085379 Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085365 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085354 Nature’s Most Amazing Events Witness the planet’s most breathtaking natural events, and The History Of Warfare: Wars Of Korea: The Forgotten War: From follow the dramatic wildlife stories behind them. Combining Pusan To The Yalu - 1950-1951 the epic cinematography of Planet Earth, with all the emotion, The Roses - Blood, Treachery And intimacy and storytelling of a wildlife diary, this series charts Cold Steel War, Documentary, Korean, Military min. the effects of global climatic phenomena which transform Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 entire landscapes, drawing in thousands of animals and Documentary, War min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085363 determining their fate. Each episode is set in a different part Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 of the world - from the great flood of the Okavango delta to the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085355 plankton blooms of the Pacific Ocean, and from the Indian The Matter Of Angels & Demons monsoon to the race for survival triggered by the annual Arctic melt - and shows how immense natural forces, often Inside The Koran Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 90min. starting thousands of miles away, drive a chain reaction that Artsmagic DVD 19.05.2009 culminates in a spectacular wildlife event. For some animals, The Koran is one of the most ideologically influential texts in it’s a window of opportunity, but for others, it’s the most the world, with over a billion Muslims following its precepts. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085412 dangerous time of their lives. Follow their emotional, involving Yet within this singular religious community there are stories to a dramatic climax where their fate will be revealed. profound differences in attitudes about peace, violence, punishment, forgiveness, and the status of women. This eye- Military Combat BBC, Documentary 300min. opening film goes deep into the heart of the Muslim world to War, Documentary, History Channel min. BBC Home Video 16.06.2009 explore the history and current state of Islam. It also delves 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085286 into the personal lives of its subjects, who range from A&E 26.05.2009 ayatollahs and grand imams to simple farmers and women 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085512 living in veiled seclusion; their relationship with this holy Nature’s Most Amazing Events Book reveals a complex, beautiful and often contradictory guide for humanity. Murder, Spies, And Voting Lies (Blu-ray) Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 2008 Join journalist/blogger Brad Friedman ( as he Witness the planet’s most breathtaking natural events, and pokes at the seamy side of our democracy in this beautifully follow the dramatic wildlife stories behind them. Combining 94min. filmed documentary. Whistleblower Clint Curtis unravels a the epic cinematography of Planet Earth, with all the emotion, First Run Features 23.06.2009 tale that almost feels like a Raymond Chandler script. Curtis, intimacy and storytelling of a wildlife diary, this series charts 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085407 a computer programmer by trade, claims he was asked to make the effects of global climatic phenomena which transform vote rigging software for electronic voting machines by former entire landscapes, drawing in thousands of animals and US Congressman and loyal Bushite, Tom Feeney (R-Fl). The determining their fate. Each episode is set in a different part Jon & Kate Plus Eight: Season 4 - tension rises when the vote-rigging scandal dips into a of the world - from the great flood of the Okavango delta to the murder mystery. While Clint Curtis testified to a plankton blooms of the Pacific Ocean, and from the Indian Volume 1 congressional committee in December 2004, and passed a lie monsoon to the race for survival triggered by the annual Documentary, Family, Family Relationships, detector test, mainstream media has paid scant attention. This Arctic melt - and shows how immense natural forces, often is a case of independent filmmakers filling the gap. Memorable starting thousands of miles away, drive a chain reaction that Reality 2008 700min. personalities emerge in the documentary: attorney Bob Fit- culminates in a spectacular wildlife event. For some animals, Genius Products 12.05.2009 rakis who sued for a recount in Ohio, social critic Gore Vidal, it’s a window of opportunity, but for others, it’s the most 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085393 former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and researcher dangerous time of their lives. Follow their emotional, involving Richard Hayes Phillips. Security expert Harri Hursti stories to a dramatic climax where their fate will be revealed. explains the shocking internal shortcomings of problem voting Documentary, BBC 300min. Junior’s Giants: Anger’s machines. Not to be missed. BBC Home Video 16.06.2009 Documentary, Politics 68min. Everywhere 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085455 Passion River 02.06.2009 Family, Religion/Spirituality min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085403 Virgil Films And Entertainment 19.05.2009 NFL Arizona Cardinals: 2008 NFC 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085547 Eddie Murphy: Delirious - 25th Champions Anniversary Edition Sports, Football, NFL 2009 169min. Junior’s Giants: Envy Thou Not Warner Bros. (TM) 02.06.2009

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085349 Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 60min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085572 Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.05.2009 NHL Stanley Cup Champions 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085557 UFO Hunters: The Complete 2008-2009 Season Two Sports, Hockey, NHL 2009 min. Sleep TV UFOs, Documentary, History Channel min. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson is a pioneering sound researcher who Warner Bros. (TM) 07.07.2009 has developed a breakthrough technique to help you get the A&E 26.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085520 sleep you need. Embedded into the gentle musical soundtrack 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085516 to these soothing images of nature are audio processes that actually slow down your brainwaves and lead you easily into Of Time And The City deep „Delta“ sleep. The clinically proven audio processes Under The Hood: A Voyage Into British, Documentary, Foreign 2008 94min. used on Sleep TV have already helped hundreds of thousands The World Of Torture Strand Releasing 12.05.2009 of people finally get the sleep they need...easily and naturally. Meditation/Relaxation 63min. Terrorism, Torture, Canadian, Documentary, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085370 Ryko Distribution 19.05.2009 Foreign 2008 107min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085419 BFS 05.05.2009 Olympic Rainforest (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085582 Atmosphere DVDs min. Souvenir Of Canada Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 Canadian, Documentary, Foreign 69min. Whale Mission 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085334 BFS 05.05.2009 Canadian, Documentary, Foreign 104min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085578 BFS 05.05.2009 Our City Dreams 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085580 Documentary 2008 85min. Standing With Stones First Run Features 23.06.2009 There are about 1,000 stone circles in the British Isles. If you The Wiggles: Go Bananas! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085404 include other megalithic monuments such as stone rows, long Family, Music, Preschool 86min. barrows, cairns, cists, standing stones and others, the number runs to tens of thousands. Yet most people can only Warner Bros. 14.07.2009 Perfect Games And No-Hitters: name one. This DVD is an exploration beyond Stonehenge, a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085542 New York Yankees discovery of the wealth that is Megalithic Britain. More than two years in the making, this broadcast-standard film, written Sports, Baseball, Major League Baseball and presented by explorer and naturalist Rupert Soskin, Wild Africa (Blu-ray) min. takes you from the tip of Cornwall to the Scottish Isles on an Atmosphere DVDs min. unforgettable journey through the landscape of our ancient A&E (TM) 26.05.2009 past. Allegro Entertainment 14.04.2009 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085524 Documentary 136min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085336 Disinformation 19.05.2009 Play Professional Guitar 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085417 WWE Tagged Classics 2004: Boxed Sets, Guitar 232min. Judgment Day / Bad Blood Artsmagic DVD 19.05.2009 Stealing Lincoln’s Body Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085416 Documentary, History Channel min. Fighting, WWE min. A&E 26.05.2009 WWE Home Video 05.05.2009 The Prehistoric Collection: From 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085519 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085563 Dinosaurs To The Sawn Of Man Dinosaurs, Documentary, History Channel, Tales Of A Terror Cult: A / A2 (2 WWE Tagged Classics 2004: No Science min. Pack) Way Out / Backlash A&E 26.05.2009 Terrorism, 2 Packs, Documentary, Foreign, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling/ 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085513 Japanese, Religion/Spirituality min. Fighting, WWE min. Facets Video 23.06.2009 WWE Home Video 05.05.2009 Reclaiming The Blade 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085559 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085562 Documentary, Fantasy, Film About Film 2009 78min. Time Warp Triumph Marketing 05.05.2009 Explore the world in astonishing, even radical new ways! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085528 Join the Time Warp team, Jeff Lieberman and Matt Kearney, as they reveal events that happen much too quickly or too slowly to be perceived in depth by our senses. With extremely Relax TV sensitive slow-motion cameras, Jeff and Matt examine Majestic and soothing natural imagery transports you to the chainsaw juggling, freeze bullets in their tracks, find out what timeless peace of New England streams, tranquil vistas from happens to the body when it’s blasted with a Taser gun, and unspoiled Alaskan wilderness, and crystal clear mountain so much more in this startling and exciting series! lakes reflecting vast blue skies. After a few minutes of Discovery Channel, Documentary 2008 listening to Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s music and nature 440min. soundtrack, your brainwaves naturally „lock“ onto embedded „Alpha“ pulses and lead you to an irresistibly serene state of Discovery Channel 09.06.2009 mind, where you are peaceful, relaxed and in harmony with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085424 nature. Meditation/Relaxation 65min. Time Warp (Blu-ray) Ryko Distribution 19.05.2009 Explore the world in astonishing, even radical new ways! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085418 Join the Time Warp team, Jeff Lieberman and Matt Kearney, as they reveal events that happen much too quickly or too slowly to be perceived in depth by our senses. With extremely Search For Mt. Sinai sensitive slow-motion cameras, Jeff and Matt examine Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 60min. chainsaw juggling, freeze bullets in their tracks, find out what happens to the body when it’s blasted with a Taser gun, and Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.05.2009 so much more in this startling and exciting series! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085554 Discovery Channel, Documentary 2008 462min. Search For Noah’s Ark Discovery Channel 09.06.2009 Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 60min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085474 Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.05.2009 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40085556 UFC 95 Sports, UFC, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts Search For The Ark Of The 340min. Covenant First Look Home Entertainment 21.07.2009

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009

LASER HOTLINE Seite 34 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Vol. 13 1996 (1996) 50055142 Animation 29.05.2009 Kurozuka Vol. 4 (2008) Animation 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055209 Animation 03.06.2009 Tales Of The Abyss Vol. 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055285 4 Genji Monogatari Animation 26.05.2009 Akikan! 2 Sennenki Genji Vol. 2 Mobile Suit Gundam Oo 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 20.05.2009 (2009) Second Season Vol. 4 50055155 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055204 Animation 26.05.2009 Animation 27.05.2009 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055151 Tales Of The Abyss Vol. 93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055182 Arzak Rhapsody (2002 / 4 (Blu-ray) DD) Hakken Taiken Daisuki! Mobile Suit Gundam Oo Animation 26.05.2009 Animation 20.05.2009 Shimajiro-Dance & Second Season Vol. 4 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055144 50055143 Ohanashi Tokushu (Blu-ray) Animation 26.05.2009 Blue Dragon -Tenkaino Animation 20.05.2009 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: Wagaya No Oinari-Sama 42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055147 Shichiryu- 11 (2007) 50055139 Tenko Mori Pack Vol. 11 Animation 20.05.2009 Hakken Taiken Daisuki! (2008) 75,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055205 Onegai My Melody Animation 29.05.2009 Shimajiro-Uta & Kirara: Melody 10 Chrome Shelled Regios 118,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ohanashi Tokushu (2008) Animation 20.05.2009 50055185 Vol. 3 (2009) Animation 20.05.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055212 Animation 29.05.2009 42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055148 Wagaya No Oinari-Sama 118,90 EUR BestellNr.: Porphy No Nagai Tabi 12 Hakushaku To Yousei Vol. 11 (2008) 50055178 (DD) Animation 29.05.2009 Vol. 6 (2008 / DD) Chrome Shelled Regios Animation 26.05.2009 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055186 Animation 29.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055152 Vol. 3 (2009) 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055210 Yes! Precure 5 Gogo! 15 Animation 29.05.2009 The Prince Of Tennis Junjou Romantica 2 Vol. (2008) 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055179 Ova Another Story-Kako Animation 20.05.2009 5 (2008) To Mirai No Mess 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055215 Clannad After Story 7 Animation 29.05.2009 Animation 26.05.2009 Animation 03.06.2009 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055156 Yozakura Quartet Vol. 6 121,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055183 50055206 (2008) Junjou Romantica 2 Vol. Shugo Chara! 16 (2007 / Animation 20.05.2009 85,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055216 Clannad After Story 7 5 (2008) PCM) Animation 20.05.2009 Animation 03.06.2009 Animation 29.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055213 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055207 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055184 Crayon Shin-Chan: Kate-Kyo Hitman Skip Beat! 5 (2008) Film Animation 03.06.2009 Selection 3rd Series 19 Reborn! Mirai Hen X ‘x- (2005 / DD) 100,90 EUR BestellNr.: Burn.2’ (2008 / DD) 50055214 16 Blocks (2006 / DD 5.1) Animation 26.05.2009 Animation 29.05.2009 Film 03.06.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055145 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055211 Sora Kake Girl Volume 2 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055222 Crayon Shin-Chan: Animation 26.05.2009 Keroro Gunsou 5th 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 21 (2008) Selection 8th Series 19 Season Vol. 6 (DD) 50055153 Film 03.06.2009 (2006 / DD) Animation 26.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055223 Animation 26.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055149 Sora Kake Girl Volume 2 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055146 (Blu-ray) After School Special Kurokami The Animati- Animation 26.05.2009 Film 03.06.2009 Fairy Princess Minky on Vol. 1 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055224 Momo Blue-Ray Disc 50055140 Animation 26.05.2009 Another Story Of The Box 3 (Blu-ray) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055150 Animation 26.05.2009 Soukou Kihei Bottoms: Fox & The Child (2007) 587,90 EUR BestellNr.: Kurokami The Animati- Pailsen Files (2009) Film 03.06.2009 50055136 on Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Animation 26.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055218 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 26.05.2009 Bad Boys II (2003 / DD Ga-Rei-Zero Vol. 6 (PCM) 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055154 Animation 29.05.2009 50055137 5.1) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055180 Soukou Kihei Bottoms: Film 03.06.2009 Kurokami The Animati- Pailsen Files (2009) (Blu- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055225 Ga-Rei-Zero Vol. 6 (PCM) on Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) ray) Bad Boys: Coll.Ed. (1995 Animation 29.05.2009 Animation 26.05.2009 Animation 26.05.2009 106,90 EUR BestellNr.: 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: / DD) 50055181 50055138 50055141 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055226 Gegege No Kitaro 80’s Kurozuka Blu-Ray Box Soukou Kihei Bottoms: Vol. 13 1985 (1985) (Blu-ray) Pailsen Files (2009) (Blu- Le Ballon Rouge/Blanc: Animation 29.05.2009 Animation 03.06.2009 Le Cheval Sauvage 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055208 ray) 434,90 EUR BestellNr.: Animation 26.05.2009 (1953-1956) Gegege No Kitaro 90’s 50055284 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: Film 22.05.2009

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055195 Film 03.06.2009 El Mariachi: Collector’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055244 Omega Doom (1996) Bicentennial Man (1999 / Ed. (1992 / DD) Film 03.06.2009 DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 In The Shadow Of The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055254 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055235 Moon (2007 / DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055227 Film 05.06.2009 Once Upon A Time In The End Of The Affair 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055193 Mexico: Coll.Ed. (2003 / The Big Hit (1998 / DD (1999 / DD 5.1) DD 5.1) 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 Into The Blue (2005 / DD Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055267 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055255 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055303 Film 03.06.2009 Equilibrium (2002 / DD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055245 Piranha II: Flying Killers Bliss (1997 / DD) 5.1 + DTS 5.1) (Blu-ray) (1981) Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 JCVD (2008 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055228 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055288 Film 22.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055295 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055194 Blue Streak: Collector’s Family Plot (1976) Premonition (2007) Ed. (1999 / DD 5.1) Film 05.06.2009 Jm (1995) Film 29.05.2009 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055293 Film 03.06.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055256 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055229 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055246 Fortress 2 (1999 / DD 5.1) Prey (2007 / DD 5.1) Boa Vs. Python (2004 / Film 03.06.2009 Kramer Vs. Kramer (1979 Film 03.06.2009 DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055237 / DD) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055296 Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055291 The Fox & The Child 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055290 The Proposition (2005) (2007) Film 03.06.2009 Brothers In Arms (2005 / Film 03.06.2009 Labyrinth: Collector’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055306 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055268 Edition (1986 / DD 5.1 + DD 5.1) Rear Window (1954) Film 03.06.2009 DTS 5.1) Film 05.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055230 Frankenfish (2004 / DD Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055297 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055247 The Cave (2005 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 The Replacement Killers Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055294 Last Action Hero (1993 / 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055304 DD 5.1) (1998 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 Gattaca (1997 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055271 Che! Collector’s Edition Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055248 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055238 (2008) (Blu-ray) Rescue Dawn (2006 / DD Film 12.06.2009 The Last Time (2006) 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: Ghost Rider Deluxe Film 03.06.2009 5.1) 50055287 Collector’s Edition (2007) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055269 Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055257 Cloverfield (2008 / DD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055239 Lilacs (2007) 5.1) Film 29.05.2009 Rescue Dawn (2006) Film 22.05.2009 Ghosts Of Mars (2001 / 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055249 (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055191 DD 5.1) (Blu-ray) Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 Lime Salted Love (2006) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055221 Conversations With My 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055289 Film 03.06.2009 Gardener (2006 / DD 5.1) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055250 Revolutionary Road Go: Collector’s Ed. (1999 (2008 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 Love And Other 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055292 / DD 5.1) Film 05.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 Disasters (2006 / DD 5.1) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055196 Desperado: Collector’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055240 Film 03.06.2009 Ed. (1995 / DD 5.1) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055251 Revolutionary Road Hardcore (1979) (2008) (Blu-ray) Film 03.06.2009 The Man Who Knew Too 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055232 Film 03.06.2009 Film 05.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055241 Much (1955) 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055189 Donnie Brasco: Exten- Film 05.06.2009 ded Ed. (1997 / DD 5.1) How She Move : 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055305 Road House 2: Last Call Supecial Collector’s Edi- (2006 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 The Mating Habits Of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055233 tion (2007) Film 03.06.2009 Film 22.05.2009 The Earthbound Human 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055298 Druids (2001 / DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055192 (1999) Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 Rope (1948) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055234 Hudson Hawk (1991 / DD) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055270 Film 05.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055299 D-Wars (2007) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055242 Melissa P. (2005 / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 Runaway (1985) 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055220 Impulse (2007) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055252 Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055258 D-Wars: Deluxe 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055243 Multiplicity (1996 / DD Collector’s Edition (2007) 5.1) Saboteur (1942) Film 05.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 In The Cut (2003 / DD Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055300 67,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055231 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055253

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

DD 5.1) Legends: Live At Mon- Best: Live Video Neo Sabretooth (2002 / DD Film 03.06.2009 treux 1997 (Blu-ray) Romance 2003 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055273 Music 27.05.2009 Music 27.05.2009 Film 03.06.2009 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055219 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055130 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055301 The Trouble With Harry (1955) Dangerine Dream: Oran- Neo Romance 15th The Shadow Of Doubt (1942) Film 05.06.2009 ge Odyssey Best: Live Video Neo Film 05.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055307 Music 20.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055302 Romance Festa 7 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055286 Vertical Limit (2000 / DD Music 27.05.2009 48,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055131 Sheena (1984 / DD) 5.1) Dj Kaori’s Inmix DVD2 Film 03.06.2009 Film 03.06.2009 Music 27.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055260 Lee Scratch Perry: Lee 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055274 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055203 Scratch Perry In Concert She’s The Man (2006) Vertigo (1958) Dudamel: Live From The Ultimate Alien (2003 Film 03.06.2009 Film 05.06.2009 / DD) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055259 Salzburg 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055309 Music 27.05.2009 Music 20.05.2009 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055128 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055165 Spider Man 3 Deluxe Virtual Sexuality (1999 / Collector’s Edition (2007 DD) Iron Maiden: Flight 666 Peter And The Wolf/ / DD 5.1) Film 03.06.2009 Special Edition L’enfant Et Les Film 03.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055275 Music 13.05.2009 Sortileges 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055261 103,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 20.05.2009 Warriors Of Heaven And 50055132 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055176 Star Trek Original Moti- Earth (2003 / DD 5.1) on Picture Collection Film 03.06.2009 Juste Debout Japon 2009 Astor Piazzolla: Live At Film 22.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055276 New Skool (2009 / DD) The 1984 Montreal Int’l 236,90 EUR BestellNr.: Music 03.06.2009 50055163 What Planet Are You Jazz Festival (1984 / DD) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055174 Music 20.05.2009 Star Trek Original Moti- From? (2000 / DD 5.1) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055157 Film 03.06.2009 Juste Debout Japon 2009 on Picture Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055277 Old Skool (2009 / DD) Jean-Philippe Rameau (Blu-ray) Music 03.06.2009 ‘Les Paladins’ 2004 Film 22.05.2009 Wild Things (1998 / DD 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055175 392,90 EUR BestellNr.: 5.1) (2004 / PCM) Music 20.05.2009 50055190 Film 03.06.2009 Carole King: Live At 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055279 Stealth (2005 / DD 5.1 + Montreux 1973 50055134 Music 27.05.2009 DTS 5.1) Wild Things 2 (2004 / DD 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055159 Gioachino Rossini: La Film 03.06.2009 5.1) Gazzetta 2005 (2005 / 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055262 Film 03.06.2009 Diana Krall: Live In Rio 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055278 (Blu-ray) PCM) Striking Distance (1993 / Music 20.05.2009 Music 27.05.2009 124,90 EUR BestellNr.: DD) Wild Things: Diamonds 82,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055217 Film 03.06.2009 In The Rough (2005 / DD 50055133 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055263 5.1) Diana Krall: Live In Rio Tangerine Dream: One Tears Of The Sun (2003 / Film 03.06.2009 +Bonus (2009 / DD 5.1) Night In Space 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055280 Music 27.05.2009 Music 20.05.2009 DD 5.1) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055160 Film 03.06.2009 Yellow: Collector’s Editi- 52,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055311 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055264 on (2005) John Lennon & Yoko Turns, Leaps And Territorio Comanche Film 03.06.2009 Ono: John & Yoko The Bounds (2005 / DD) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055281 (1997) Dick Cavett Show (2005 / Music 20.05.2009 Film 20.05.2009 Young At Heart (2007) DD) 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055177 Music 20.05.2009 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055265 Film 20.05.2009 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055164 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055282 Three Way (2004) Film 03.06.2009 Live Video Neo Special 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055272 Romance Stage: Music Harukanaru Tokino Interest Topaz (1969) Nakade Oboro Film 05.06.2009 Music 13.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055308 Black Label Society: 94,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055129 Buyuden Selection 2 European Invasion Special Interest 29.04.2009 Transformers:Special Bob Marley & Reggae 51,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055126 Collector’s Edition (Blu- Doom Troopin’ Live (2006 / DD 5.1) Stars Greatest Reggae Cycle-Ride On The Pist ray) Hits (2006 / DD) Film 22.05.2009 Music 20.05.2009 In Japan- Music 20.05.2009 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055162 60,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055158 Special Interest 27.05.2009 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055173 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055161 Eric Clapton/Legends: Trois: The Escort (2004 / Neo Romance 15th The

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) April 2009 Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)

Dragon Gate 2008 TV Program 29.05.2009 Paddington Turns Season 2 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055200 Detective (DD) Special Interest 20.05.2009 Lake Placid 2 (2007) TV Program 20.05.2009 72,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055127 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055317 TV Program 03.06.2009 Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Home (2009 / DD 5.1) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055313 Paddington Bear: Ladenverkauf: Special Interest 05.06.2009 The Lost Room (2006) Paddington’s Patch (DD) Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 78,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055187 TV Program 20.05.2009 TV Program 20.05.2009 Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055318 Meerkat Manor Season 2 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 50055283 Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr DVD Box (2007 / DD 5.1) Paddington Bear: Special Interest 12.06.2009 Numb3rs: Season 1 Please Look After This Telefonische 202,90 EUR BestellNr.: Complete DVD-Box Bear, Thank You (DD) Bestellannahme: 50055188 (2006) TV Program 20.05.2009 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr TV Program 12.06.2009 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055319 Sengoku No Ran 2009 Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr 154,90 EUR BestellNr.: (2009) Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 50055201 Samurai Sentai Special Interest 05.06.2009 Shinkenger Vs Super Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055310 Numb3rs: Season 1 DVD- Sentai Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Box (2006) TV Program 03.06.2009 und Feiertags (Baden- TV Program 12.06.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055135 Württemberg) bleibt unser 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: Verkauf geschlossen. TV Program 50055202 Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1 (Blu- Adventure Inc. (2006 / Numb3rs: Season 1 Vol. ray) DD) 1 TV Program 22.05.2009 TV Program 22.05.2009 TV Program 29.05.2009 455,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055166 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055198 50055197 CSI: Season 7 Complete Paddington Bear DVD Ultraseven Vol. 3 Newsletter 06/09 (Nr. 248) ISSN 1610-2606 Box 1 Box (DD) TV Program 27.05.2009 TV Program 20.05.2009 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055168 Credits TV Program 26.06.2009 221,90 EUR BestellNr.: 202,90 EUR BestellNr.: Redaktion: 50055314 Ultraseven Vol. 4 50055199 Wolfram Hannemann TV Program 03.06.2009 Design & Layout: Paddington Bear: Dr. House Season 1 DVD- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055169 Wolfram Hannemann Box 2 Paddington And The Assisstenz: Mystery Box (DD) Ultraseven Vol. 5 TV Program 05.06.2009 TV Program 10.06.2009 Beate Hannemann TV Program 20.05.2009 150,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055170 50055312 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055315 Paddington Bear: Ultraseven Vol. 6 © (2009) by The Hills: The Complete TV Program 17.06.2009 Paddington Takes The LASER HOTLINE Third Season (DD) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055171 ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Stage (DD) TV Program 22.05.2009 nur in Verbindung mit einem 93,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055167 TV Program 20.05.2009 Ultraseven Vol. 7 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055316 TV Program 24.06.2009 „Persönlichen Import- Krakatoa: The Last Days 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50055172 service“-Vertrag und be- (2006 / DD) Paddington Bear: inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38