
C H A P T E R L V The Wheel of Eternity


In the vortex of the wheel, those things that to us seem different or opposite, or imaginary, now take appropriate positions and represents simulation

he phenomenon of the Wheel of Eternity is a philosophical predicate that relates to the Tunderstanding of the unity of our Earthly life with the heavenly.

In the vortex of the wheel, those things that to us seem different or opposite, or imaginary, now take appropriate positions and represents simulation, interdependence and sequentiality. Let us come to know these activities, which altogether revolve around the hub of the wheel and represent eternal life.

Imagine a wheel consisting of two discs with a common axis. The one disc is Immobile while the other disc is Mobile, rotating in parallel with the Immobile.

The Immobile disc contains the Laws, the Archetypes, and the Codes of the Heavenly World. The other disc, the Mobile, contains the manifestations of the Laws, the Codes and the Archetypes, as these are poured into the Earthly World, the world of perceptible things and phenomena.

Within the rotational movement of the Mobile disc and the Immobile stance of the disc, we confirm that the pours its meaning into the other, into the indissoluble Bond, with the result that the two worlds become one.

This is the phenomenon of Eternity, as well as of the causes that constitute the physical world. The deep understanding of a world that is united with the Eternal constitutes complete knowledge. The moment “The Wheel of Eternity” becomes part of our self- it allows us and it pushes us to understand our Unity with the totality of the world, the of our Ego and our sovereign position in the blessedness of the Other Life.



1. Τhe DIVINE is identical with the HUMAN 2. IMMOBILITY is identical with MOBILITY 3. IDEAS are identical with EVENTS 4. SUBSTANCE is identical with BEING 5. The FOURTH DIMENSION is identical with the THREE DIMENSIONS 6. The SIXTH SENSE is identical with the FIVE SENSES 7. Τhe SUPEREGO is identical with the EGO 8. Τhe CAUSE is identical with the EFFECT 9. The ETERNAL is identical with the EPHEMERAL 10. Τhe WHOLE is identical with the PART 11. is identical with MATTER 12. DRIVE is identical with VORTEX 13. EVOLUTION is identical with INVOLUTION 14. Τhe DIVINE is identical with the GOOD 15. COSMIC ORDER is identical with CHAOS 16. ACTION is identical with REACTION 17. HARMONY is identical with the UNITY OF OPPOSITES 18. The MACROCOSM is identical with the MICROCOSM 19. The GOLDEN MEAN is identical with the METRICAL 20. The CODES are identical with the FORMS 21. NUMBERS are identical with EQUATIONS 22. The SHAPES are identical with the STRUCTURES 23. Τhe INFINITE is identical with the MINIMAL 24. Τhe FULL is identical with the EMPTY 25. is identical with the ETERNAL 26. SCALE is identical with PROPORTION 27. ENTELECHY is identical with ENTITY 28. The BOND is identical with GRAVITY 29. PARTICIPATION is identical with INTERDEPENDENCE 30. The HIGHEST is identical with the ESCHATON 31. GEOMETRY is identical with BEAUTY 32. REBIRTH is identical with PERPETUATION 33. The ABSOLUTE is identical with the RELATIVE 34. Τhe CENTER is identical with the PERIPHERY 35. LIGHT is identical with DARKNESS 36. THESIS is identical with ANTITHESIS 37. The SOLUTION is identical with the PROBLEM


We often gaze at the sky and try to identify the region where the paradise of Light experienced by may be. And other we lower our gaze to Earth and immerse ourselves in our thoughts, deep in Earth’s bowels, there where macabre caves, lights, darkness, and devils compose the setting of . All thee things, however, are myths and naïve doctrines. The natural world we enjoy in this life, which is the world of perceptible things and phenomena, is nothing but a reflection of light, an echo, a faint image of the wondrous world of the Archetypes.

Lift your eyes up on high, suck in , the sky and the seas, the stars, and the galaxies of the world of the universe, and enclose their breath deep in your bosom.


The Concept of the Golden Sec�on

The sources of information about the Mathematical of the Ancient Greeks are two: Archaeological research and the writings of ancient Greek literature.

Theaters, churches and general religious edifices of the ancient world, we now provide an endless source of mathematical knowledge.

The knowledge of the “Golden Section” is a Greek achievement, The natural world we enjoy in this life, which is the world of perceptible things many centuries ago. and phenomena, is nothing but a reflection of light, an echo, a faint image of the wondrous world of the Archetypes. The “Golden Section» was a tool in the mathematics of Pythagoras and his students. In the 6th Our “Ego” identifies with the Other Life only through century BC,

our thoughts. The infinitude of the Other World is Theano Thouria, student and found within our individual Archetype, our eternal wife of Pythagoras, had written Ego, integrally and inescapably bound together. a work entitled “The Theorem of Golden Section”, during the same time that Pythagoras was The natural world we enjoy in this life, which is the taught by the priestess of the world of perceptible things and phenomena, is nothing Oracle of Delphi, Themistoclea, but a reflection of light, an echo, a faint image of the Principles of Geometry and wondrous world of the Archetypes. «Canon of the Golden Section. »

Lift your eyes up on high, suck in Nature, the sky and the seas, the stars, and the galaxies of the world of the universe, and enclose their breath deep in your bosom. And later, close your eyes, say that all, but all, are enclosed in your Ego, and come let us “die” together, to travel to the of the Other World, the World of Archetypes and Laws, the world of our Absolute Origin.