Chinese – invented – many things – including – compass, gunpowder, seismograph Introduction One of – important inventions – One of – useful – many others

Invented – during – Han Dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE) – by , a court official Body Paragraph 1 Used – combination – tree bark and old fish netting – to make a type of paper However – his exact formula – lost

Traditionally – three different substances – used to make paper – silk, wood (especially bamboo) and plants such as hemp Body Paragraph 2 Although now – paper – made – modern – Cai Lun’s technique – still practiced – in towns near Guiyang in China Modern – more complex

The process – papermaking – spread from East to West – 12th century Paper The first European paper mill – established – Valencia, Spain – in 1150 Body Paragraph 3 After this – paper mills – sprang up – all over Europe – such as – France, England and Germany By – end of 16th century – paper – being made – throughout Europe

Paper – made from many materials – most important – trees Half of the fiber - for making paper – from wood – the other half comes from Body Paragraph 4 plant fibers, recycled cloth and vegetable matter The problem – using trees for papermaking – enormous amount of trees - cut down Paper companies – try - plant as many as they cut down – but – take many years to grow

Some environmental solutions – created – such as – recycling used paper – so that – fewer trees – cut down Conclusion - modern times – most paper – manufactured in huge quantities – large However – still a demand – hand-made paper for special purposes – papermaking – a craft practiced in most countries – around the world

PR3B07(a) Paper.mmap - 4/23/2021 - Mindjet