Proceedings of the Semi-Annual Meeting
Proceedings of the Semi-annual Meeting APRIL iS, I95I AT THE CLUB OV ODD VOLUMES, BOSTON HE semi-annual meeting of the Anieric^in Antiquarian TSociety was held at the Club of Odd Volumes, jj Mount \'ernon Street, Boston, Massachusetts, April 18, 1951, at io.45 o'clock. Samuei Eliot Morison, President of the Society, presided at the meeting. The following members were present; John MeKinstry Mcrriam, George Parker Winship, Clarence Saunders Brigham, Samuel Eliot Morison, Daniel Waldo Lincoln, Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe, Russeil Sturgis i^aine, James Melville Hunnewcll, Stephen Willard Phillips, Stewart Mitchell, Edward Larocque Tinker, Claude Moore I'\icss, Foster Stearns, CiifTord Kenyon Shipton, Theron Johnson Damon, Keyes DeWitt Melcalf, Albert White Rice, Hamilton \'aughan Bail, William Greene Roelker, Henry Rouse V'iets, Walter Muir Whitehiil, Samuel Eoster Damon, William Alexander Jackson, Roger Woicott, Ernest Caulfield, George Russeli Stobbs, Arthur Adams, Richard LeBaron Bowen, Bertram Kimball Little, Caricton Rubira Richmond, Philip Howard Cook, Theodore Bolton, L Bernard Coiien, Harris Dunscombe Colt, Jr., Elmer Tindall Hutchinson. The Secretary read the calí for the meeting, and it was voted to dispense with the reading of the records of the Annual Meeting of October, 1950. 2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY [April, The Director read the report of the Council. It was voted to accept the report and refer it to the Committee on Publications. The election of new members being in order, the President announced the following recommendations by the Council for membership in the Society: Lyman Henry Butterfield, Princeton, N. J. Arthur Harrison Cole, Cambridge, Mass. George Talbot Goodspeed, Boston, Mass.
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