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Matilija-Dam-Dilemma-1949-To-1965.Pdf ) ...'''-"'>{'' VENTURA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ~ , Tuesday, January 25, 19~9, at 3:50 o'clock P.M. PRE!!ENT. SUPERVISORS. R. E. BARREn'. CHAIRMAN. PRESIDING: EDWARD S. PIERCE. ROB£RT W. LEFEVER, L. A. PRICE ANO RICHARD BARD. L. E. RALLOWELL. CLERK; JAMES W. POOL. DEPUTY '" .. '" ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" Fe-100). In the Matter of Matilija 'Dam , (General). Good cause appearing therefor, and upon motion of Supervisor Price, seconded by Supervisor Lefever, and duly carried, it is ordered and directed that the Engineer of the Ventura County Flood Control District be, and he is hereby, authorized and in­ structed to open the discharge valve at Matilija Dam and to reduce the elevation of the water level in Matilija Reservoir to 1025 feet, the water above that elevation to be . by-passed to flow down stream for the benefit of water users below said dam. It is further ordered that the discharge valve shall be left open, discharging waters which accumulate above said ele­ vation of 1025 feet, and that said valve shall be closed only for the storage of flood waters. ... '" .. ... '" '" '" '" '" '" RECEIVED COPIES, STATE Of CAlJfORNIA (' ... County 01 Venluro . 1. 1- E. HALLOWEll. County Cl.,~ end ••·oUldo CI.r~ 01 the Boord of .Engineer Supe rvtac... oj tM ventwe Co unrr Flood Control DlJtr!ct. Stele of CoUfoml•• do hereby cet'tify the above 41\0 Icreqctnc to be d true and Correct copy 01 en ex­ .01strict Attcbrnf3..L--~~_ cer-pl frcm tho minulea of 941d Bo~rd. ol Supetvrscra for the meettnq 01 the d4 10 .I It", t abo v. tndiceted. Zone #l Mgr. ]1<:..4 ( (J .... I/~ (1'./ - IN WITNESS WHEREOF . I hove he teuntc set mv hond end cou••d th. 5••1 01 'old Beard to be offtxod thto.21l.thdoy 01 Ja nua ry . 19-L,,9. File COUNCILf,4I[/ ECWJN L.EE GARCNER U. MAYC HAL V , HAMMON8. JR. KARL L . HELLING I OAH W . ILIFF' CITY of SAJ~ BUENAVENTURA L . H . LARSON ERNl!!:ST .J . PATE VENTURA COl"")JTY--CALIFORNIA CHARLES W. ~E'TIT P . O . BOX 99 LAWR~NCE E . O LSON CITY MAN"Oe:~ VENTURA, CALIFORNIA H . F . 0"" CITY Al"TORN~Y GRACE WOODR:UFF :i1 a j' .24 , 1949 --:' ONTROLL~R' CLERK FILE c Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISOR~ Ve~tura County Flood Control District ? o. Box 420 MAY 2 5 1949 Ventura, C~lifornia L HALLO~ __ ~_~J?~ G e ~ By -- t.Lemen i Deputy ~-r£i< Mr. R. H. Jamison h~s cJ~ferred ~ i th the members of the City Council relative to the manner of release of water from the Matilija Dam. during the remainder of' this year . The City desires to continue its cooperation with you, wi~iout relinquishing any of its rights to miter in the Ventura River ,;,:at er shed to which it is entitled. I am instr~cted, theref~re, to advise you that the schedule of release of water from the rh t i l i j a Dam, as pr-oposed by rlir. ,Jamison for the remainder of the year, is consented to, approximately as fol­ loli's: 1. Until -Iu Ly 1 the release of \lat er wi.Ll, be about equal to the inflow. 2. EarLy in July you '.'fil l release about I.J acre fee~ per day for sLc j ays . J. From then until Se pt.eziber the release of r;at er ,nil be about e ~ual to the inflow. 4. Early in Septe~ber you ITill release about 30 acre feet per day for from 4t to 6 days. 5. It is estimated that you will then have r emalnlUg in the reservoir above the 1,000 foot level about 160 acre feet, ~hich you wi l l hold in reserve and use during the reillainder of the year to the best of your a bi l i t y in giving so~e relief to the ar eas requiring it. / ". • Page Two Board of Supervisors Ventura County Flood Control District ivIay 24, 1949 You will appreciate the City's positi~n that, as stated in ny letter to you of A9ri1 4, 1949, except as specifically consented to, the City will expect its rights to the water from the Ventura River to be respected. In t~~ing this action we are motivated by a sincere desire to assist the people who are confronted with a serious w~ter shortage t:lis summer , Very truly y~urs, Lawrence E. Olson, City Manager LEO/mh ':i-' '-;'1Sg · ...... ,~ "T -ly 22, 1949 MEMORANDUM RELEASE OF ~ATER FROM ~~TILIJA RESERVOIR July, 1949 I"~;·:0R;.rIDur,:~: . Robert L. Ryan The agreement for release of water f'r-o«; Matilija Reservoir this SU~l1er called for a release of about 240 acre feet in July. ~1ater was released for six dayst beginning July 5tt and ending July 11th. The rate of release varied from 18 crs to 30 crs and averaged 23+ crs. The amount released~s as fo1lows:­ Inflow to reservoir 23 ac. ft. Release from storage ~ " " Total 277 It It The accounting of the water released, based on spot :neasure- ments, is as follows: Ro. Ojai I"~utual '.'later Co. diversion 50 ac. ft. l8~ ae . l·~atilija diversion 45 n tt 16"1, ~eyer tt l6~'; Percolation above Rd. 44 " I Passing ~eyer Road lJ8 " " ~ 277 n tt 100% A portion of the 44 acre f'eet ;: tha t went into ground storage above Meyer Road, will be available to the upper users during the next two months and a portion of it will drain out underground to the lower users. The 138 acre feet passing ~eyer Road, on the surface, during the six day perdod all sank within the first two miles below I'leyer rtoad. None of it reached Baldwin Road on the surface. The amount of water stored in the reservoir at the end of the period was 314 acre·feet. An effort will be made to hold this amount until September 1st and nUease only that which flows into the reservoir. RHJ/g1 I -~-1# COUNTY OF VENTURA STATE OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR COURTHOUSE. iOOM 4 VENTURA. CALIFORNIA March 7, 1950 Honorable Board of Supervisors Ventura County Flood Control District Ventura, California Gentlemen: Herewith is submitted a report as of March 7, 1950 on the opera­ tion of Matilija Reservoir. In the absence of instructions to theoontrary this office does not intend to store any ,water in I~tilija Dam which is not surplus and belonging to the Flood Control District.- The reason for this is that upon the release of water from the reservoir, it is assumed'to become free water and upper water right users usually take the major portion of the released water although theoretically the water belongs to all of the users down stream. This office intends to release water that is not considered surplus and will do this as long as the river sands are receiving this· water by percolation and none of it will pass Bster Park. At present there is no flow of water past Burnham Road or Santa "'na Boulevard.. It is our intention to let out 5 or 6 second feet of the ,flow and arrive at a release which will satisfy the purpose of perco­ lation and yet not waste. This matter is offered as an explanation fr~m this office and for discussion as the Board sees fit. ROBERT L. RYAN Engineer Ventura County RLR/s Flood Control District encl. I , . , : .~";""" -,_. c.. -~' _ Metilija Res er-vo i'r &: Ventura River> March 7, 1950 ~arch 7, 19$0 Y.atilija Reservoir Lake elevation 1057.6 - 1394 ac. ft. about 20% full Inflow to lake - 21 ac~ ft. per day. Outlet gate ha~'remained cloged. March 2, 1950 Plow fro~ North Pork - 4.4 c.f.s. nancho ~atil1ja diverting 3.3 c.f.s. (This is the only diversion) Rancho Matilija returning 1.73 c.r.s. of the 3.3 C.f.2. to the canyon leading to Live )aks area ~herG it Siru(5. Flow at Meyer Road '- 1.0 cof.s. Na llow E.t rurnbs:':1 Rd. nor at 38,ntD. Ana '91vd. San Antonio Grce:c at High-,'lo.y 1/399 - 1 .. 00 c s f .. s , Plow in Ventura River at mo~th of San Antonio ~reek - 5.47 c.f.s. This 5.47 c.f.s. is rising water at this point and inciudes S~- face flow from San nntonio Greek. Flow at Ventura City intake - 4.5 c.f.s. City divertinG ~ro~ Ventura River - 4.2 City divertins frc~ Coyote Creek - 2.0 c.f.s. Tottil city divcrsio~ - 6.2 c.f.~. - about 4.million C.p.d. In vi cw 81' t1~t t hac no aurfn.ce flow 13 nov r-eacrring Santa Aria Boulevard, s wat~r should be released end ~n effort nade to put a's much ~der Ground 8.3 poss Lb Le without wus t e pa.~t Ventura City's inte~e. ~enther 'condltlons may chan30, however, and release be d e Laye d , 1'7lliJ'k1U/(]~ There is no 3urface flow fro:n the pool on the apron below the dam. Al l of the wa t e r thrrt origlnate3 ;~d e r the apron is 83capinc down the canyon ,under sr-ound and the Inci.ications are tr.s.t thi:; is a meager amount. The surface of the ~at er in the Docl new ~tands at eleva­ tion 975.
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