Calapooia, Eagle Valley and Willamette District 2020 Leader’s Guide

Honoring the Past Celebrating the Future

100 Years of World 1920 – 2020

Cascade Pacific Council of America

Dear Leaders:

This year, Calapooia, Eagle Valley and Willamette Districts are combining their camporee which will be held on May 1st – 3rd, 2020 at Camp Taloali (15934 N Santiam Hwy SE. Stayton, OR 97383), approximately 3.5 miles east of Stayton OR on highway 22. This year’s theme is 100 years of . Our Camporee slogan is “Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Future”. The camporee is open to all Troops, Teams and Posts. It is encouraged that second-year Webelos Dens also participate, competing as an independent patrol or as part of an established crew or patrol. Please make sure to divide your unit into patrols or crews for the competition events during the Camporee. Each patrol/crew should be around 5 to 8 participating youth. The competition portion of the Camporee is based upon the skills obtained in the from Scout rank to First Class (Trail to First Class, TTFC). We hope that your scouts are challenged while having fun. If you have any questions, please contact the Camporee Chair.

Below is a list of tentative events scheduled for the 2020 Camporee. Please note that station availability may change due to lack of station coordinators and/or volunteers.

The required events that all patrols must participate in are:

• Fire Building • First Aid • Knots • Service/Conservation project • Lashings (Pioneering) • Skit/song • Orienteering

In addition to the required events, two elective events from the following are required:

• Archery • Scout Knowledge • Tomahawks/knife throwing • Kim’s Game • Minefield

We hope your unit will have a fun and exciting Camporee experience. The cost for this year’s Camporee is $40 at the gate. Units registering early will receive a 50% discount ($20/attendee, youth or adult) until March 31, 2019. After 03/31, units will only receive a 25% discount ($30/attendee, youth or adult) until April 24th. Units will be required to pay the full price of $40/person to register from April 25th to May 1rd. Please register as early as possible so that we can plan accordingly. Online registration is required and will be available as soon as possible. Your District Executive will make an announcement to your unit once the online registration is made available.

A note about parking: Due to the expected number of attendees, it is strongly encouraged to carpool as much as possible. Priority parking will be provided to trucks/trailers but is as a first-come/first-served basis. Units providing station/event support will be provided reserved parking for their trailers.

If you have any questions, please contact the Camporee Chair, Mike Jackson via email at [email protected]. Thank you!

Michael D. Jackson 2020 Camporee Chair REGISTRATION

All registration will be conducted online. An announcement will be made by the district once this has become available. It is important that your unit register as soon as possible so that adequate campsite space can be afforded your unit and competition events are adequately staffed and prepared. We want to ensure that everyone has a fun and enjoyable experience.

The cost for this year’s Camporee is $40 at the gate. Units will receive a 50% discount ($20/attendee, youth or adult) until March 31, 2019. After 03/31, units will only receive a 25% discount ($30/attendee, youth or adult) until April 24th. Units will be required to pay the full price of $40/person to register from April 25th to May 1rd. No exceptions can be made. Refunds will be provided to units that have a lower attendance number than what they had registered for.

Webelos scouts are encouraged to attend Camporee. However, the Guide to Safe states that Webelos Dens can participate in Camporee via day visit only. As such, Webelos dens may register on their own without the need to contact a Troop. PLEASE NOTE: Webelos will not be able to participate in all events and activities, such as tomahawk or knife throwing. They will be allowed to participate in all activities which are considered age appropriate per the Guide to Safe Scouting.


Please note! Free admission to Camporee will be provided to all station and event coordinators. IF your unit is providing an event or station coordinator, that individual need not register with the unit during online registration. However, their name and contact number must be listed on the Adult Leader roster found at the end of the Leader’s Guide. All station/event coordinators MUST be preapproved by the Camporee Committee prior to the March Roundtable (March 13, 2020). After March 13, the Camporee Planning Committee will remove those events or stations from Camporee that do not have an assigned coordinator.


Each participating unit must be prepared with all their paperwork. Please be ready with the following:

• Proof of current Youth Protection Training (YPT) for all adults o Unit leader must verify that all attending adults are current with their YPT by signing the acknowledgement at the bottom of the Adult Roster found at the end of the Leader’s Guide. • Medical forms for all youth and adults • Proof of payment or check made out to Cascade Pacific Council in the amount of $40/attendee • Troop Roster Form o A troop/crew roster is provided at the end of this document. o If using a different form than what is provided in the Leader’s Guide, the form must include Unit number, unit leader’s name and phone number, SPL and ASPL names and the list of patrols. • Adult Roster Form (1 per Troop/Crew) with cell numbers o If using a different form than what is provided in the Leader’s Guide, the form must include Unit number, Scoutmaster name and phone number and the name of all adults and phone numbers. A separate letter must be presented indicating that the unit leader has verified that all attending adults are current with their youth protection training. o If your unit is providing an event or station coordinator, that individual still needs to be listed on the adult roster, but please indicate their role as a station/event coordinator so that your unit isn’t charged $40 for the extra attendee. Upon entering Camp Taloali, (OA) representatives will show you where to park your vehicle and direct you to Camporee Headquarters for check-in. Upon receipt of the required paperwork, units will be given their camping assignments and a totem for each patrol to be added to their patrol flag to decorate as they move through the Camporee events. As part of the check-in process, all vehicles will be issued a parking pass that must be displayed on the dash of your vehicle. This parking pass needs to have your unit number as well as a phone number if Camporee staff needs to contact the driver.

Trailers will be allowed to enter the camping field to drop off equipment and then be directed toward the designated trailer parking area.

Visitors (other than registered participants) are welcome at the Camporee. Visitors must sign in at the Camporee Headquarters. Visitors to a unit’s camping area must have permission from the unit leader. Visitors are welcome to attend field events and the Saturday evening campfire. All visitors must depart from camp before Taps.


❖ Camp Taloali resides on the banks of the Santiam River. Because of safety concerns, no scout or adult is allowed beyond designated safety points. Any scout or adult found beyond the designated safety points will be asked to leave Camporee and Camp Taloali immediately. NO EXCEPTIONS! ❖ All adults and youth are to follow the , the Scout Oath and the Outdoor Code during the Camporee. ❖ The Buddy System must be utilized at all times. ❖ Inappropriate conduct will NOT be tolerated and will result in asking the participant(s) to be removed from Camporee and Camp Taloali. ❖ Cutting or damaging live trees or plants within Camp Taloali is prohibited. Please do not dig holes in the camp. ❖ Uniforms are to be worn properly for morning and evening flag ceremonies, the Saturday night campfire, Scout’s Own on Sunday and at other appropriate times as announced. ❖ Scouts may dress in their activity uniforms for the Saturday activities. ❖ Campsites will be assigned by the staff. Because of limited space, campsites will be in close proximity to each other. Please be courteous to your neighbors. ❖ Vehicles will not be allowed into the main camp once activities have started on Friday evening (see attached schedule) and concluded Sunday morning. ❖ No open fires are allowed on the premises. BBQ’s and Dutch ovens can be used but must be off the ground. ❖ Follow all BSA rules regarding knife safety. ❖ All outbuildings not part of Camporee is off-limits. ❖ There is no electricity in the camping area. ❖ Porta-Potties will be provided for youth (both male and female). Flush toilets are provided for the adults. Youth are not allowed in the adult restrooms for any reason. ❖ Water and gray-water disposal receptacles will be provided. Plan to bring appropriate containers for the transport of water to your campsite. ❖ All trash must be packed out. There are no trash receptacles provided and please DO NOT use the dumpsters located in the camp. ❖ All skits, songs, etc that are used for the evening campfire must conform to BSA standards. ❖ Please plan to depart by 11:00 am on Sunday.

CAMPOREE CREW/PATROL EVENTS (required events) Fire Building – Use your skills to build a fire and complete the required task(s). All supplies will be provided with the exception of knives. Patrols/crews are graded on completion of task, group participation and . 100 pts total.

Knots – Knot knowing your knots is knot the way to go! Show your skill in knot tying by demonstrating how to tie the required knots. Only those knots required in Scout to First Class ranks will be requested for demonstration. Patrols/crews are graded based on the correctness of the knot, group participation and Scout Spirit. 100 pts total.

Lashings – Use your knowledge of lashings required in TTFC and the supplies provided to complete the expected task. Only those lashing required in Scout to First Class rank will be required to complete the task. Patrols/crews are graded based on completion of the task, group participation and Scout Spirit. 100 pts total.

First Aid -- When seconds count, having a cool head and knowing your first aid skills can mean the difference between life and death. Use your first aid training from TTFC to tackle challenging scenarios. Patrols/crews are graded based on proper treatment methods, teamwork and scout spirit. 100 pts total.

Tent Set-up – Using the tent provided, erect a tent as quickly as possible while following the directions of the station coordinator(s). Patrols/crews are graded based on time required to set up the tent, completeness of the task, group participation and Scout Spirit. 100 pts total.

Orienteering – Where are you going and where have you been? Use your skills at using a compass and reading a map to complete the required skills. Patrols/crews are graded based on completion of the required task(s). 100 pts total

Service/Conservation Project – Patrols/crews are required to participate in a 1hr service project for Camp Taloali. Activities could include brush removal, trail repair, etc. Please bring gloves and tools as there will be a limited number of pruners and other equipment. Patrols/crews will be assigned service hour times during check-in on Friday night. Please note: If you bring equipment for the service project, make sure it is labeled with a unit number and name.

Skits/songs – Is your crew or patrol a bunch of thespians-in-waiting? Our Order of the Arrow team needs great skits and songs to add to the Saturday evening campfire. An automatic 100 pts are awarded for all patrols or crews that participate. Please remember, only scout appropriate skits and songs should be presented to the OA campfire coordinators.

CAMPOREE CREW/PATROL ELECTIVE EVENTS (complete 2 elective events with the required above)

Archery – Bring your patrol/crew to the Archery Range to compete. Up to 50 pts are awarded for skill, group participation and Scout Spirit.

Tomahawk/Knife Throwing – Take your patrol/crew to the tomahawk/knife range and test your skill. Got what it takes to cut a playing card? Up to 50 pts are awarded for skill, group participation and Scout Spirit.

Scout Knowledge – Love history and scouting? Want to put your knowledge to the test? Show your scout knowledge by having your patrol/crew complete a brief test. Up to 50 pts are awarded for scout knowledge, group participation and Scout Spirit.

Kim’s Game – Does your patrol have an eye for detail? Demonstrate your photographic memory at this station by identifying as many objects as you can. Up to 50 pts are awarded for group participation and Scout Spirit.

Minefield – Guide your patrol through the “minefield”. Concentration, memory and good instruction are key to getting your patrol safely to the other side. Full participation is required. 50 pts are awarded for group participation and Scout Spirit.


This is something new this year. Designed more for older scouts/patrols, these activities can be performed by scouts that wish not to participate in the regular activities or events. All are designed to test your communication and leadership skills as a leader and a unit. While many of the events may be timed, there is no scoring or awards.

Spider Web – Move all members of your patrol through the web without touching a strand. If a strand is disturbed, the entire patrol must start from the beginning.

Atomic Pile – Moving a log fastened to four lines is easy when you can see what you are doing, but can you move the log to designated positions while being blindfolded or having your back to the arena? This is a great test to demonstrate a leader’s communication skills as well as the patrols ability to follow commands. A minimum of five scouts are needed for the event.

Zig-zag – Can your patrol travers the “swamp” using the beams provided? The entire patrol has to cross the “swamp” using the beams provided, but there are fewer beams than gaps that must be overcome. This tests the physical abilities of the patrol members as well as communication skills.

Seesaw – Balancing a group of people on a beam can be easy, but can it be done when specific instructions are provided such as lining people up from smallest to tallest? This is a good warm-up activity for the patrol. A minimum of 5 scouts are required.


Theme-based Campsite Gateway – Show your Camporee Spirit by creating a campsite gateway that utilizes the theme of the 2020 Camporee. Want to represent a country that’s hosted a World Jamboree? Let’s see what you’ve got! 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded to the top three units in camp.

Scoutmaster Cook-off – Nothing taste better than a meal prepared outdoors. Have your Scoutmaster (or any adult participants) whip up their tastiest vittles and win the coveted Golden Spatula. Participants are asked to prepare their best main dish for our lucky judges to taste. Ingredients and dish are up to the participant. The only requirement is that ALL cooking needs to be done at Camporee!


❖ Scoring for each required event will be based on 100-point scale. Elective events are scored from 50- to a 100-point scale, depending on the event. At the end of the competition, the scores from each event will be tallied for each patrol to determine overall score. ➢ There will be a tie-breaker for each event and the overall competition if need-be; first done will not guarantee top honors. Tie-breakers will be the responsibility of the station coordinators. ❖ First, second and third place ribbons for overall score will be awarded for all participating patrols/crews. The lowest 50% of total points will be awarded 3rd place ribbons. Patrols or crews scoring between 51% and 74% of the total points are awarded second place and the top 25% of patrols with the highest point totals will receive 1st place ribbons. ❖ The top 3 patrol or crews with the highest point total will receive a Presidential ribbon. ❖ As part of Scout Spirit, patrol flags should be present with each patrol or crew and each patrol/crew will be asked to provide their patrol/crew yell at each of the event stations.


Unit campsites will be judged during the day on Saturday while patrols and crews are participating in morning and afternoon events. In terms of preparation and planning for the camporee, judges MAY be evaluating campsites based upon the following criteria:

• Neatness and organization. • Food and cooking area clean and properly stored. • Campsite clear of hazards. • Unit equipment properly displayed or stored. • National and Unit flag present and properly displayed. • Duty Rosters are clearly displayed. • Gateway.

Please note that Judges will not open tents to inspect inside them unless the tent is open and a free line-of-sight into the tent is available. Remember, messy tents visible to the judges can knock points off for neatness and organization.

Gateways will not be judged until the afternoon activities session to allow adequate time for set-up before judging but will be included in the final score for each campsite. Campsites that have a gateway but does not incorporate the Camporee theme will not be graded differently. Theme-based gateways will be judged separately.

The Unit that has the highest score among all the camporee participants will be recognized during the evening Campfire.

ADULT LEADER TRAINING Scouts BSA! Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) training will be offered on the same weekend (May 1st and 2nd) as Camporee at Camp Taloali. If you are a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster and have not attended IOLS, this will be a great opportunity to complete this training. This training is also recommended for Advisors, but not required to be “Basic Trained”. Training will start Friday night at 6pm and run through Saturday afternoon at 4pm. Staying overnight in a tent you have pitched and cooking your lunch Saturday are two requirements of the training. All other meals and snacks must be provided by the trainee. Those attending IOLS training are not required to register for Camporee unless a Camporee patch is desired.

Calapooia, Eagle Valley/Willamette 2020 Camporee Schedule

Friday, May 1, 2020

10:00 am – 02:00 pm CAMPOREE Staff set-up time 04:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registration opens. Turn in registration packets, pay final fees at CAMPOREE HQ and set up camp, inform staff of number of parties participating in cook-off competition. 09:00 ALL VEHICLES ARE REQUIRED TO BE PARKED IN THE DESIGNATED PARKING AREAS AND CAMPOREE IS CLOSED TO FURTHER VEHICLE TRAFFIC 09:30 pm OA Cracker Barrel – CAMPOREE Headquarters (HQ) 09:45 pm Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster Meeting at CAMPOREE HQ. 11:00 pm Taps – Camp is quiet.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

07:00 am Reveille; Breakfast 07:15 am Event and activity coordinators set up stations 07:30 am – 08:00 am Day-use registration opens 08:30 am Assembly; Opening Flag 8:45 am SPL and SM/ASM meeting at HQ for final instructions and distribute score cards 09:00 am Morning activities begin. 11:45 am Activities end for the morning – Break for lunch 01:00 pm Afternoon activities begin; Gateway judging begins 04:00 pm Afternoon activities END. 04:30 pm Score cards are due to CAMPOREE HQ. LATE SCORE CARDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 07:00 pm Checkout for units leaving Saturday evening. Pick up Camporee patches after campsite inspection and Evaluation forms are turned in. Remember to take all garbage with you! 07:30 pm Assembly and Awards 08:15 pm Campfire main program. 09:30 pm OA Call-out 10:00 pm Campfire Vespers 10:15 pm OA Campfire 11:00 pm Taps – Camp is quiet.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

07:00 am Reveille; Breakfast; Break camp 08:30 am Opening Flag 09:00 am Scouts Own – Interfaith Services 09:30 am Litter sweep in all program areas. 09:45 am Begin checkout for all remaining units. Pick up Camporee patches after campsite inspection and Evaluation forms are turned in. Please remember to take all garbage with you. 11:00 am All units need to be out of camp! See you again in 2020!

2020 Camporee Troop Roster

Troop:______District:______Scoutmaster: ______Phone Number:______


Senior Patrol Leader: ______

Asst. Senior Patrol Leader:______

Patrol Name: Patrol Name: 1. PL 1. PL 2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Patrol Name: Patrol Name: 1. PL 1. PL 2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

2020 Camporee Adult Roster

Troop:______District:______Scoutmaster: ______Phone Number:______

Adult Phone Number 1.















I, the undersigned have verified that the above listed adults have completed Youth Protection Training for 2019.

Troop/Team/Post Unit No.: ______

Unit Leader Name (please print): ______

Unit Leader Signature: ______

Date: ______